Back Home with Old Friends

Published on Feb 21, 2021


Back Home with Old Friends 5 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to or

Carlton's sex life was close to being non-existent. Months separated individual encounters.

I suggested we take a shower. That was a good move. The last time he had been naked with a group of men had been in the gym showers with his teammates. That had also been the last time he had been with men when the lights were on. That has been a non-sexual interlude, but there was always a sexual aura there even if no one acted on it. Carlton was also in a private home where no one could burst in suddenly and interrupt any sexual activities.

Carlton was not a wild and crazy man, and he had no tendencies to be wild. Daryl and I were much more adventurous and that eased him in the direction of more involvement. Sex is its own reward, and he soon discovered that.

Daryl had to get back to work, so he left. Monday was Carlton's day off, and I think he was more comfortable with me than he had been with Daryl. We dried off and went to my bed. I resumed sucking him and after a few minutes, he shifted so that he could suck my cock. I rearranged my body so we could sixty-nine. He loved that.

Carlton was afraid that he might do too much or too little in response to my attention to his cock. Carlton was a man who followed the rules. He might have been uneasy sucking my cock, but he wanted to match my actions. I was not surprised to note that my cock affected him as much as his cock affected me. While all cocks do not react the same way, they often are inspirational.

Of course, I had a pretty clear idea of how his cock would respond to my lips. He was uncut, so I gently used my tongue to push it back. As I worked his knob, I was careful, some uncut men's knobs were sensitive since they were protected by the skin. I licked his cock head when he shot off.

As the ejaculations diminished, he moaned, "I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back any longer."

"Has anyone taken your load before?" I asked.

"No, Daryl said he would, but I was too scared to let him take it," Carleton said. "You took it all."

"Well, since you were nice enough to make it, I figured I should be nice enough to take it," I said.

"You're okay about it?" he asked.

"I sure am. Ejaculating is the high point of man sex. I like to suck cock and I get to share your excitement when you shoot in my mouth. It's sort of like have in a seat at the 50-yard-line at a football game. I get as close as I can be without playing," I said. "I got to taste the touchdown."

"It was sort of embarrassing. It's as if someone was watching me jerk off," he said.

"We are both men and we know how our bodies work and what we feel as it works. You don't get embarrassed when you are playing football, eating dinner, or listening to music you like. Sex is a part of human life. I do not recommend having sex in the middle of Main Street, but it's fine with your sexual partner," I said.

"It's like showing you cards at a poker game." Carlton said. "Everything his hanging out."

"Well, if you have four aces in your hand, you don't hide them, you show them," I said.

"You may have four aces, I've got a pair of sixes," he said.

"You sixes tasted like a Royal Flush," I said. "Are you ready to play a little more?" I had noticed his cock was well beyond half hard.

"Let me suck you for a while," Carlton asked. That was fine with me. He licked my cock head, and then sucked it with considerable enthusiasm.

"Do you want me to warn you when I'm close to shooting off?" I asked. He told me it might be better if I didn't. I moved so we could suck each other. When I shot off, he shot off a second time.

When we broke apart, he said, "I didn't expect stereo!"

"We've achieved High Fidelity sex," I replied. "If you to come be we can try for surround sound." He laughed, dressed, and went home.

A few days later, Greg called me. He said he had a friend, Jason, who would like me. Jason was a fireman. I knew who he was since he had been in the paper receiving an award for saving a family in a house fire. I mentioned that and Gregg said that was part of the reason Jason wanted to meet me. "He's not much of a looker, but he's a good guy," Greg added. I laughed to myself since no one I had met had a future as a male model. I told him I would be glad to meet him. We could have lunch.

He came by the house at 11:00 in the morning. He was slightly taller and thinner than I am. He wore a Fu Manchu beard, which is rarely a good fashion choice. He wore a nice shirt, but a fringe of hair showed above the collar. I told him I saw the article in the paper and was impressed.

"I didn't know how bad the situation was. The parents had made it out of the house, leaving the kids inside. It was a bad scene," he explained, "It has spooked me."

"I'm a retired college professor," I said. "The only drama I encounter is from Drama Queens."

Jason laughed. "Were you afflicted by co-eds hot for your bod and needed good grades?" he asked.

"That problem afflicted boys and girls," I said. "You wouldn't think a good grade in poetry class would be that important. Being an expert in English Poetry is not the path to riches and fame."

"Were you ever tempted?" he asked.

"Not by students," I said. "I can be tempted, but my interest is plain old sex, with adults, not unstable students."

"I've avoided temptation," Jason said. "I have been aided by my good looks and great body."

"I can see that" I said smiling. "I assume Greg told you I'm gay. Not all gay men look at a guy's face."

Jason looked puzzled and then he laughed. "Maybe that makes me a lucky guy? I've never done anything like that," he said.

"If I made a guess, is it something you've thought about, would I be right? I asked.

"I thought about it some. I was on the football team and I liked the scenery in the showers. A few of the guys checked me out, but nothing came of it. When I came close to being killed in the fire. I realized I might have died without knowing if it was good or bad," he said.

"Everyone is different, but for me it was good, and as I got older it got better," I said. "When I say better, I mean way better." We talked for a while and then had lunch. I had made what my mother called her "company's coming," hamburger along with potato salad and a few beers. That was a success and Jason relaxed.

After lunch I tried the gay man's mystical incantation, "How about if I sucked your cock for a while." That worked like magic. We got naked and nature took charge. What I could see though his thick pelt was a muscular man sporting a long white snake.

The snake was resting but when my tongue touched his cock head, it woke up. It wasn't quite big enough to win first prize in a county fair Biggest Cock contest, but it was good. Jason would had easily won the Mr. Congeniality Ribbon. I had had an old academic friend who describe his ideal cock as being impressive but not flashy. That was Jason's cock.

Jason had been thinking about sex with men, and had seen some porn, but was surprised by the pleasurable impact of a man sucking his cock. He had dated women and that had not been a success. Jason was more attractive to men than to women, seven inches more attractive. Being a nice guy is okay for men, but Jason wasn't the man of your dreams for a girl. I suspected that the phrase, "You can do better than that," describe most women's reaction to Jason.

I was thinking as I sucked, and I suddenly realized Jason's cock was longer, and thicker than I thought. His head was larger too and I was almost bisected by his slit. I pushed my tongue into it, I could taste his pre cum. I was odd to be sucking his cock while I tongue fucked his cum tunnel. His cock bent down, so it was easy to swallow.

Afterwards, Jason told me no one had sucked his cock before. It was all new to him. "I was thinking that you are really good at cock sucking. Is that true?" he asked.

"You like it?" I asked.

"Shit, I thought I had died and gone to heaven," he replied.

"It takes two to tango, and you did your bit," I said.

"I just laid there, and you did all the work," Jason said.

"You drooled, twitched and shivered," I said. "It was beautiful."

"I was afraid I was going to shoot and make a mess," he said.

"Are you ready to go at it again?" I asked. Jason nodded.

"I want you to do me a favor," I said. "I want you to shoot off this time. I want to take every drop of your load. I want to feel your cock spurting against my tongue. Your knob may get really sensitive, but that will be okay. I want it all."

"What if I don't shoot?" he asked.

"Don't worry abought that. I will take care of that problem," I explained. I sucked him and all was well. It took ten minutes and he lost it. It was possible he had a year's cum backed up in his balls. He was almost crying by the time his finished ejaculating. It was beautiful.

We talked a while longer and he went home. I asked him to return and he said he would. "I saw some things in the video. Do you do that too?" he asked.

"I don't know what was in the video, but off-hand I can tell you I be surprised if I didn't. Are you okay with that?" I nodded and Jason was smiling as he left.

I was surprised when Jason called me a few days later. He wanted to get together again. He also had a friend who would like to meet me. I said that was fine and he asked if eight in the evening would be okay. I said that was fine. Jason arrived with another member of the fire department, Clark. Jason was a professional member of the department; Clark was a volunteer. He had a day job in a builder's supply business. Clark was about Jason's age, but beefy and dressed in a plaid shirt and jeans.

He would become fat as he aged if he weren't careful. He had had been on the football team with Jason. I assumed Clark had been one of the guys who had checked him out in the showers.

"I told Clark what we did. He's really interested," Jason said.

"I've played with a few guys over the years," Clark said. "I've never done anything when the lights were on. I liked it, but I was hoping there was more to it. Jason said you know a lot."

"Did Jason tell you I was a college professor?" I asked.

"No, he just said you are a nice guy," Clark answered.

"One of the basic rules of teaching is that you can't teach anything from a guy who doesn't want to learn," I said. "I'm a good teacher. Do you know it all or do you want to learn more?"

"About English?" Clark asked.

"Do you want to know more about yourself and about sex?" I answered.

Clark smiled. "I was hoping that when I learn more about sex, I want to find out more about myself. Is that a stupid thing to say?"

"Once you explore sex you often discover much more about yourself than you guessed even existed," I said. "It's hard to go back."

"I don't want to go back," he replied.

We went to my bedroom and stripped. Carlton was a bear like muscular man. He was hairy but not as shaggy as Jason. His genitals were compact. His uncut knob was the same size as his bull balls. He had an inch or so of extra foreskin.

I sucked the skin into my mouth and worked my tongue into his cock's skin wrapper. I tasted a trace of soap and a lot of precum. Carlton hadn't seemed to be very emotional, but our earlier conversation must have inspired his cock.

We got on the bed and formed a triangle linked cock to mouth. I sucked Carlton, he sucked Jason, and Jason sucked me. Carlton's cock twitched and drooled more precum as he began sucking Jason. There is a reason why no one plays poker naked. Cocks can't keep secrets. Jason might have noticed the connection between my mouth, Carlton's cock and my cock was direct too.

Carlton's cock was average, a five or six incher, but it was thick oozed his balls juices continuously. Every movement of my mouth induced a fluid response by his cock. I felt as if I were the king of the cock suckers. We switched partners and I sucked Jason and Carlton sucked me. Carlton was reserved, but the reserve vanished as he sucked my cock into his mouth.

While Carlton had known Jason since High School, this was the first time Jason sucked him. Jason's cock was in my mouth, and I knew he was getting close. I decided to go for the gold. I didn't expect what happened next.

When Jason fed me his load, I hadn't known that I was close too. I lost it and fed Carlton. Carlton popped and fed Jason. It was a triple orgasm. Neither man had sampled a guy's seed before, but it's hard to complain when your mouth is filled while you are feeding your cum to another man. Sperm is not always a taste treat, but no one complained. It was a success for all of us.

Unexpectedly I kissed Carlton and he got to sample Jason's home brew. Jason joined in and we traded sperm. I guessed that party was over, but Carlton and Jason had waiting 30 years for this. I was older and had a slower recovery time, but somehow, I was soon on my back as they made explorations of my ass.

I didn't exactly volunteer for that, but I tend to be accommodating. There is a possibility I had volunteered. I probably should not have mentioned that I liked to get fucked. My ass is tight but can be flexible when inspired. Two young, inexperienced, men with hard cocks and an urge to explore man sex, seemed to inspire flexibility.

Jason carefully nudged his lubricated cock head into my hole. He encountered my sphincter and stopped. It told him to make little thrusts until it opened for him. Carlton was feeding me his cock and he oozed a large blob of precum into my mouth. I briefly lost my concentration and Jason popped through mu sphincter and he discovered a moist and dark part of heaven six inches in my ass. He moaned and I grabbed his cock with my sphincter. It was good for both of us.

"Did it hurt?" Carlton asked.

Jason was already slowly pulsing his cock deeper into me. "It's the opposite of hurting," I said. Jason was moaning as he continued stroking.

"What if he shoots off?" Carlton asked.

"That's why we are here," I said. "Cocks love dark tunnels."

"Damn, he's a lot tighter than a cunt," Jason moaned.

"Can I do it too?" Carlton asked.

"Let Jason fuck until he is close. If he pulls out before he pops, the second time he fucks me it will be hotter," I said. Jason did as I suggested. A few minutes later he pulled out and Carlton entered my ass. He was thick and he used my prostate as a punching bag for his bloated knob. After ten minutes he gave my prostate a sperm bath.

Jason went a little crazy, until he ejected the entire contents of his balls into me. I don't know if it was using his buddy's cum as lubricant or my irresistible charm that excited him most. I could feel his ejaculation squirting cum deep in me. we were all tired by them. They dressed and left. A few minutes later Jason was back at my door. "I was wondering if there was any chance that I could take your cum, straight from the faucet?" he asked.

"Sure, but it might take some time," I said.

"The longer the better," he replied. It was a good night.

I spent the next week working on my book project and I had enough done to send it to the publisher to see if it even came close to being what the wanted. I had written an introduction and appended an outline of the contents.

On Monday Moses was working on my garden and he had a helper, Ringo. Ringo was in his early twenties and had been brought up in a commune in the hills. I vaguely remembered there was a commune in the area, but communes hadn't been popular or stylish even then.

The commune had morphed into a regional drug distributer, and a good number of the members were in jail. They had made their own products and a number of their customers died of overdoses. The commune members weren't much into family, but they had some children to use as props when the police came by. Ringo would have been better off had wolves raised him. His parents had vanished several years earlier, and he became the leader of the commune's sex slave.

He escaped and Moses found him sleeping under a bush in one of the yards Moses maintained. Moses took him home, fed him and let him sleep on the couch. Ringo was a damaged man, but Moses liked him and Moses was a good judge of character.

Next: Chapter 6

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