Back Home with Old Friends

Published on Apr 26, 2021


Back Home with Old Friends 7 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to or

After the evening spent on sexual exploration, we all slept well. We had a call from Aunt Elizabeth who had talked with the hospital and said Greg was doing well and they would proceed getting him awake. Neil took Junior to the hospital at 10:00. Tony stayed with me since there was a limit on visitors.

Tony was a bit hyperactive, so he made repairs to several things in the house. It was Moses' day to garden. As unusual Ringo tagged along. Tony got them to work on a bigger project, repairing the garden shed. It wasn't terrible, but it didn't come close to Tony's standards. Sometimes Ringo tended to just hang around. He was swept up in Tony's whirlwind of activity.

Tony was a leader of men, and if you were near him, you joined in. Ringo seemed to enjoy it. Sometime while they were working Tony exchanged the secret handshake with Moses and Ringo, and they knew they were all members of the fraternity.

It was a hot summer day and by noon they were covered in dirt and I suggested they take a shower before lunch. No one objected. Tony was a work hard, play hard man. I realized that Tony was Ringo's idea of a real man. Tony was an affable, hard-working leader of men. Ringo needed a leader; someone he could look up to. The visit to the shower was a success. Tony didn't take, he shared. When he was hard at work, he was a leader and teacher. Nude in the shower, he was one of the guys, who could give, take, and share.

When Neil and Junior returned from the hospital, they had good and bad news. Greg was going to live and would recover. It was unlikely he would return to 100%. Everything above his hips up was in good shape, but his legs and hips were severely damaged. If he were lucky, he would be able to walk. Crutches and a walker might help but being able to walk without assistance was unlikely.

Junior had said he would come home from college. Greg was opposed to that. He wanted Junior to finish he degree and rise to the top of his profession. He didn't want the accident to ruin two lives.

The police department put Greg on full retirement with all benefits. The truck had a brake failure and that was due to failure to do scheduled maintenance. The company made an agreement with the police department to reimburse all expenses and settle a large sum for Greg. It was seven figures.

There were changes at my house too. Ringo went off with Tony to work at the construction company and learn a trade. While Greg had professional help with rehab, he needed full time help with day-to-day problems. Moses became his helper. That was more than satisfactory for Moses. To help a man in need was high calling for him. It provided meaning for his life.

I was alone in my house and that was fine for me too. I had periodic guests drop by. Xavier was a regular visitor. He seemed to operate an emergency service for priests and seminarians desperately in need of sex. The straight jacket of sexual rules tended to drive men in two directions, self-loathing, sometimes leading to suicide, or to undesirable sexual practices, such as sadism. Xavier had become a firm proponent of heathy, mutually enjoyable sex between suitable partners.

Xavier came visiting with a seminarian named Roger. Roger had a cleft palate, that had been repaired, a deformed arm and a leg shorter than the other. He had difficult parents and bad experiences growing up. He was also unusually hairy and had problems at school with the nuns, some of whom thought his physical problems were divine judgement.

Xavier told me they were in a high stress environment and needed to relax away from church authorities. I said my house was safe from prying eyes and judgmental thoughts.

"Is there anything for prying eyes to see?" Roger asked.

"I've often said my father was uneasy taking his tie off to get to bed," I said. "I seem to wear the bare minimum when I'm alone in the house."

"What if company comes?" Roger asked.

"Well, if the Jehovah's Witnesses come, I don't open the door," I said. "With old friends I don't worry."

"For your information, I'm an old friend," Xavier explained.

"Roger, I told you a little fib. I don't wear next to nothing. I wear nothing," I said. "That's not a problem with friends."

"I've never done that. Is it exciting?" Roger said. "I don't know if I would like to be naked. It would be embarrassing. I'm not attractive."

"I don't pick friends by their appearance," I said. "I consider the whole package, and I can tell you appearance is not at the top pf the list."

Xavier whispered to Roger for a while and then spoke, "I told Roger about you have an impressive shower room. Could we see it?" Of course, I said yes, and we went to the bedroom.

"Why is it so big?" Roger asked.

"When my parents got older, they got rid of the tub, and made a large room with grab bars. Dad was afraid they might need a nurse or attendant to help," I explained. "Dad may have overdone it. It can hold four." I then tried an obvious ploy. "I haven't had my morning shower. Would you like to join me?"

Luckily, men desperate for sex grab at any straw. They joined me. I was surprised that Xavier was so open, but I think he felt he should take the lead if he wanted Roger to follow.

Roger stripped. "I was short-changed in the arm and leg department," he said.

"It looked to me that you made up for that with your cock. It's a beauty," I said.

"Guys told me it is gross," Roger said.

"I can assure you an oversized cock is never gross," I said. "Did they have smaller ones?" Xavier and my cocks were getting firm. "Your balls are big too. Low hangers are a turn on. I bet you shoot a huge load."

"It makes a mess," Roger replied. I had closed the glass door to the shower. It wasn't a steam room, but it had a steam like feature.

Roger sat on a marble bench between Xavier and me.

"I hope you don't mind if I take a closer look?" I said, but I did not wait for an answer. I knew what he wanted even if he wouldn't admit it. He was half hard.

"It's beautiful," I said just before my lips wrapped around his enshrouded knob. I pushed the skin back and licked the tender knob. Roger moaned in pleasure. I fondled his balls as I took more of his cock into my mouth.

"I told you my friend was a nice man," Xavier remarked.

"What happens if I shoot off?" Roger asked in a whisper.

"Don't worry. My friend likes to clean up sperm," Xavier said. "There will be no mess. We are in a shower anything that drips on the floor can be washed away."

About three or four minutes later, Roger shot off. It was a generous load, and I took it all.

I got up and sat next to Roger.

"What do I have to do now?" he asked.

I smiled. "You've done all you need to do," I said. "I enjoyed it."

"Do I have to suck you off?" he asked.

"No, not at all," I explained. "I like what I did. You gave me your most personal gift. You owe me nothing."

"Would it be okay to suck you?" he asked. I said that it would be fine. Xavier joined him and they shared my cock. I told them when I got close.

"Could I take it?" Roger asked Xavier. Xavier told him it was okay. Roger took my semen with considerable enthusiasm. They left shortly after, but I had the feeling it had been a good experience for Roger.

Roger came by on his own two days later. He knocked on my door and asked if I was busy. I said I wasn't, and I asked him in. He told me he had never had such a good sexual experience before. Some of the boys at school had made him suck them. He had to take their loads and he hated that. He asked if that was normal.

I told him that sex was supposed to be good for both the people involved. It wasn't supposed to be one sided. If it involved pain or humiliation, it was wrong. In many cases it was molestation, not sex. I also told him I enjoyed sex with him, and I hoped he enjoyed it too.

"Did I do it right?" he asked.

"You sure did, but there many ways to enjoy sex," I said. "Some people can be quite imaginative."

"I was thinking you might be one of those guys," Roger said. "You weren't embarrassed at having sex with me?"

"You might think I'm superficial, but I am sexually attracted to hairy, well hung men," I said. "I think many people are more concerned about their problems and ignore their strengths. I can assure you that when I was sucking your sperm from your cock, I wasn't too worried about your problems."

He laughed, admitting, "I briefly forgot my problem too." He was on his way to a meeting and had to go, but he asked if he could get a rain check. That was not a problem.

He returned a few days later. Roger was much more relaxed and at ease. Later in the shower I introduced him to the sixty-nine position. That was a total success since from that position I could get more of his cock in my mouth. I later sat on his cock and he almost proposed marriage. I told him to wait until after his orgasm to make the proposal. He calmed down and played with the sperm drooling from my ass. He was a happy man when he left.

That night Greg's nurse-therapist, Martin, brought him over for a trip to my shower. My dad had installed a little elevator for my mother and Greg took it to the second floor. Martin was a skilled nurse and exceptionally muscular. Greg had lost some weight due to the accident, but it took a strong man to move him. Greg had discovered Martin's special skills. Martin was hard but fair as a therapist and always hard as a playmate. Greg would have naturally been a grouchy patient, but Martin knew how to reward a difficult man.

Greg used crutches, but once and a while something would stop working and he would fall. It seemed that Martin had a second sense about an imminent fall. He was there to stop it. Once he was in the shower. I could help to support Greg as Martin washed him. Afterwards, Greg was safe on his back on a bench.

Martin was handsome and he knew it. Greg wasn't his type, but Martin was a generous man. He told me once that he had a medicinal cock and some of his patients loved it. It worked for Greg. Martin didn't like to be fucked, but I was more than willing to take Greg's tool. Whatever Martin did, it worked for Greg. After Martin fucked him, I would sit on Greg's cock and take his load.

I had an odd sense that I was taking the load intended for Martin. After he shot off sometimes Martin would screw me, and push Greg's load deeper into my ass. When Greg was more mobile, he would be dropped off at my house. Once he came when Roger was visiting. Roger offered to leave, but I asked if he would stay and help with Greg. He agreed.

Roger and Greg knew my taste in friends, they suspected there was a potential for sex. Being naked in a shower together greatly enhanced that potential. I sometimes was the spark plug who gets things going. There was no need for a spark plug here. Since Roger had his share of physical problems, he understood what Greg was going through. Greg knew my friends well enough to guess Roger was a playmate.

It was clear to me that Roger had a warm spot for a father figure. When Greg saw Roger nude Roger was prefect. Greg liked mature men. Roger was much younger, but his beard and hairy body made him look older. Roger's oversized cock had appeal too. Getting Greg undressed and getting to the shower required close physical contact, some of it was quite intimate.

One of the nice things about nude gay men, is that your cock can express feelings that your mouth can't. If it's interested, there is no need to say it. Greg was sitting on a bench under the shower and Roger's cock was within sucking distance and semi-erect. Greg bent over and licked Roger's cock. Roger took a step closer, and all was well. A few minutes later Roger was kneeling on the floor sucking Greg's cock.

After fifteen minutes of sexual play, I noticed something surprising. Roger and Greg seemed comfortable. It seemed that Roger had no problem sucking Greg. I knew that Greg's cock oozed plentiful cock juices as soon as he was erect. Roger seemed to have no problem with them.

Greg told Roger that he liked to fuck. Roger said he would give it a try. Greg told him that he had little control over his orgasms, and he might leave a load in Roger's ass. That didn't bother Roger at all. It was a tight fit, but Roger took it all, the cock, and the load.

A little later Greg opened his ass for Roger's oversized cock. Roger got it in and deposited the products of twelve massive ejaculations. Martin came to get Greg. After they left, I asked Roger how it had been.

"I don't know why I did it, but it was more than I expected, a lot more than I expected," Roger explained. "Greg was so happy as I sat on his cock and took it all. I could feel him shooting in me. I thought that would have shocked me, but it seemed natural. We had just met, and he was shooting off in my ass." It turned out the Roger liked Greg a lot. Greg was the father Roger never had. Roger had a father, but he never was able to overcome his son's physical problems. Roger had an older brother who was the captain of the football team. His sister was a gifted musician. His father wasn't a bad man, he was just distant.

Greg was a big, impressive man who was now crippled. His life, catching crooks, but was over. His physical problems were not easily defeated. Roger knew all the tricks of the trade to deal with physical problems. He knew what Greg was experiencing. Roger also knew the mental tricks to deal with the problems. There was another lucky co-incidence. Roger and Greg were sexually compatible.

Roger said Greg had a bad foot, and he provided the comfortable old shoe that felt right. When they were together Greg could deal with his problems better. Greg felt he should focus on helping the injured. Martin thought that was a good idea. Martin was a fine therapist, but he tended to be the19th century, strict school master. Roger could serve as a cheer leader who encouraged and supported the patient. He had firsthand experience with rehab.

At Christmas Junior came home to be with his father. Neil and Tony came for the holiday. Apparently, they all had a good time and admitted to each other they shared the same sexual interests. I suspected they all knew that but admitting it to each other was a big step and it made for a good Christmas.

I usually had a little party in the gap between Christmas and New Year's. I had invited Woody, Moses, Roger, Xavier, Jason, Daryl, and Carlton.

I wanted to invite Junior, Neil and Tony, but I was uneasy about Greg. I knew that he liked sex, and he knew his son's and bother's sexual interests. Knowing about them and seeing them in active sexual engagements are not the same thing. I didn't want to cause a problem.

I decided to grab the bull by the horns, so I called Greg and told him about the party. He said he would talk it over with Junior and Neil and call me back. Junior called me the next day and said the four of them would like to attend the party. They were all adults and could work things out amongst each other.

An hour later Greg called me. He told me they were four oversexed men and the chance to get it on with additional oversexed men was too much to pass up. "Let the sperm shoot where it will!" he added. He asked if Martin could come. Of course, I said yes.

The party was on Wednesday, I had fixed lunch and then eased into a sexual romp. Since the men weren't shy and they mostly knew each other, there was an easy transition. Martin took Greg to my bedroom. Greg was an enthusiastic man and Martin wanted to make sure Greg didn't hurt himself. It also gave them a good view of the shower.

Sometimes a party like mine started with conversation and chat as the men got to know each other. At this party, the conversation lasted for ten minutes before the men stripped and began their sexual explorations. At the Christmas season many guys were with family and at social events. What ever you might say about the holiday season, sex rarely plays a role.

Woody told me that I was known to have good taste in my friends and sexual playmates. An over-sexed jerk is different from an over-sexed nice guy. He said my friends were good to talk to and sexually generous. They were eager to share their bodies, and their sperm. Orgasms are great, but even better when you can taste them.

Neil and Tony were visitors, but they made friends easily. Roger and Xavier connected with Carlton. There was no problem trading Catholic and Protestant sperm. The young fireman, Jason got along well with Neil. I think there was a father figure thing going on there. Woody and Roger hit it off with Junior. Everyone was happy and joined in.

Xavier and Tony went for Greg. They said they would take care of Greg and let Martin have some fun. Martin connected with Junior. While Martin wouldn't screw his patient, Greg, he had no problem fucking Junior. Martin and Woody tag teamed Junior for almost a half hour.

Junior had been fucking Roger. Roger went upstairs and sat on Greg's cock. Roger didn't exactly sit on the cock, he hovered above it, putting no weight on Greg. That was good for both of them. Greg had a successful orgasm in Roger's ass. Carlton had joined them, and he sucked Greg's cock after the orgasm. Carlton said he liked the taste of Greg's cum.

Greg liked that comment and he shot off for a second time. Carlton gobbled it up and both men were happy.

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