Back to Black

By war mac seoige

Published on Nov 4, 2009


This story is a work of fiction.It contains sex between men if you don't like it please leave now. Hey this is my first time writing anything so any feedback would be greatly appreciated im a stuck on where to take the story so any ideas would be great thanks. Thanks Hope you enjoy my story !!!!!!!!

As i stepped off the bus eireann coach outside the tiny tidy town i swore I would never return to a cold spine thingling chill ran down my back as if i was touched by a ghost.Maybe it was my nerves or maybe it was the cold sea breeze,i was on the west coast after all.The town i speak of is in galway just outside the gaeltact.Oh great that reminds me , i havent spoke irish i two years i hope somebody talks to me in it,scratch that i hope nobody talks to me at all.As i walked up through the town i felt everyone eyes apon me , i felt my chest tighten it was if somebody was sitting apon it.

Just then BAMMM !!! i hit the floor.I push my fringe out of my eyes to see what knocked me to the ground,it was Ashley they called her Ash for short.She is 5'6 black hair with a purple fringe and her body well........ um you could say she was pleasently plump.Ash was my bestfriend when i lived in this hell hole town,the only girl who knew i was gay,ha you could call her my fag hag.

Where was i oh yeah Ash grabbed my arm and helped me up "i am so sorry i wasnt looking where i was going mister,OMG Danny ?!? , it cant be can it ?,Is it really you ?" she screamed so nearly the whole town could hear. "Yes "i said as i grapped her and pulled her into the nearest laneway."I forgot how loud you where Ash" I managed to sqeezed out before she grapped me into a big bear hug."wow Danny you look umm diffrent,look at your hair its so long and could u not find a pair a jeans in your size,there abit tight aint they ?? " she chuckled as she realsed me from her grip."I also forgot how strong you where Ash" I said as i tried to catch my breath."Danny im still shocked,after what happened i didnt know if i would see you again .....".

SHUT THE FUCK UP ASH,I DONT WANT TO TALK ABOUT THAT !!!!!!!!! " I yelled at her and ran away.She chased me but being a "Big" girl she gave up halfway to my house."Danny im sorry,i am hear when your ready !! " she shouted through her gasps for air. " Come around anytime,I mean it anytime Danny !!!! " was the last thing i heard from her as i pulled the evenvople from my bag and fished out the key for the door to the house.I opened the door and slamed it behide me.It was to much for me to take i broke down crying and sat with my back to the door.

Maybe i should explain abit more about my past.When i was five my dad left me and my mam and then two years ago my mother got sick and passed away.Being confused about my sexuality ,my mother dying and not been able to express my love to the boy i have loved and still to this day love was to much.I took my mams pain meds and knocked back a litre bottle of vodka hoping it would take the pain away.I was found by my neighbour and rushed to the hospital.As i was 16 the state got involed and not having any family i was sent to a home in Dublin.I turned eighteen two days ago and now im free from the state.When my mam died everything was left 2 me and her inturance money will pay for my bills and food for the next few years.Well until i can find a way out of her without selling my house.My mam wouldnt of wanted it that way.

I pulled myself up and headed to the bathroom.I rinsed my face with cool water and looked at myself in the mirror.I guess Ash was right i do look ALOT diffrent for one my hair is jet black and cut into a long emoish style,not saying i am emo i just like the look i love all music.Ive lost all my puppy fat and was taller.I am now 5'11 and i was 5'9 two years ago and i am 10 stone slighty toned,i wouldnt be mister gym body but i was happy with what i had.I wear contacts now because i fucking hate my glasses.Like i said i like the emo style so i wear skinny jeans,bright colored tops and even brighter colored Hi Tops.Saying that i also wear baggy jeans while i skate.

As the cool cold water ran down my face i though of all the people who will suddenly be back in my life again.Some good and some bad.One of them i really wanted to see or did i ? would seeing Ethan again bring back all the pain i had before or would it be the best thing to happen to me in the last two years.Ive seen Ash oh shit yea Ash um I better go say sorry to her.She was my bestfriend and hope can take that place again.Then you have Ciara and Paul the twins,you know the way they say good things come in two well they havent met these two.Paul an attention seaking flaming gay who everyone one felt sorry for because he was and only gay in the area.Boy where they wrong and then theres Ciara the cunt,the whore ,the slut yeah u get what i am saying.In third year she got a crush on Ethan and was always around which meant Paul was around pining after me EW.

I got had a shower and then got changed into some bright blue boxer briefs,baggy jeans and my big DC hoody and my Hi Tops and headed for Ashs house.I stuck in my headphone belonging to my Ipod and walked towards the house.Ash lived outside the town abit.She was well off then most people in the town and lived in a huge house beside the woods.Just as i reached the door i heard thumping music over my Ipod which was hard as it was at full blast.I took out my earphones not realsing it being in my day dream the garden was full of cars.FUCK i thought to myself theres a party and then looking at my watch it was 1 am FUCK i said out loud.Just as i was about to turn around the door was flung open and BAMMMM !!! for the second time i was floored today but my somebody diffrent and that somebody was right on top of me.I pushed my fringe out of my face and said " what the hell ?" then all of a sudden i saw who it was.It was Ethan I didnt realise at first as he looked different but in a good way."holy shit sorry dude " he said as he hopped off me.I wasnt ready for this,i needed more time!!. "Danny ?" man sorry dude i must be really drunk you look like my old best friend,well abit better looking haha ".

I stood there frozen to the stop not knowing what to do or say but i didnt have to Ciara the bitch comes out the door after hearing the crash screaming " What the fuck did you do to my boyfriend you dick !!!! " .Still frozen all i could of think was run Danny just fucking run!!!.I turned around and then she grapped me.She was very drunk you could smell it off her. "Didn't you hear my dickhead".Then she seen my face and the game was up she knew exactly who i was."Danny what the fuck are you doing here,arnt you suppose to be in the madhouse or something ??" she said while she cackled like a witch.Just then Ethan turned around and said "lets go back inside babe,its cold out here"."Fine she said and stormed into the house.

Ethan then came up to me and punched me in the shoulder and said "good to see ya buddy,come inside i wana talk to you after i calm down Ciara,god shes a bitch sometimes.Are you ok ??" He said as he waved his hand in front of my face.I was to busy looking at him now that he was in the light.He hand curly brown hair with highlights that wear fading out down to his ears he hadnt grown much he was about 5'8 .He still had his braces on which i though was cute.He was wearing ripped jeans and a black hoody and flip flops haha he looked like something from "home and away". Just without the mad toned body and a tan. "Danny" he said again.I jumped and laughed ha "hey sorry its just been awhile". "Come inside dude,its freezen outside".I didnt want to go into the house and face all them glaring questioning eyes on me but Ethan asked me to so i sucked it up and said "OK dude,but i need a drink".

As i entered the kitchen it seemed that it there was only Ashs closets friends where invited.Then Ash saw me and ran and picked me up "Danny,im so sorry about earlyer!! " she yelled. " its ok,lets forget it happened". " So you going to offer me a drink ? I said cheekly while i pushed her off me. " Sure sure so um Jack Daniels and coke,or have you changed from the days we use to rob it on my dad" she giggled. " yea that would be great i need a hard drink".All of a sudden Paul bursts into the room as per usual looking to make an entrance. " Whats up bitches ????" he squeeks in his put on camp voice which i really hated. "Well Hello,Who do we have here then ??" he said as he eyed me up. " Paul dont be stupid,you know thats Danny" i heard hissing from the corner of the room.When i looked in was Ciara knocking back another bottle of wine. " Danny ? Danny ? Danny ?,Oh yeah i thought you died hmmmmmm........ well it would of been a waste if you did.Your so Hot" he said in a voice which i think he was trying to be seductive.After that i felt like i was going to vomit and turned to Ash " I'll be right back got use the letris " one of the only Irish words i could think off.With that i head upstairs to the bathroom.Not knowing Paul was following me !!.Just as i was about to close the bathroom door his foot stopped he and he pushed his way in and locked the door. " I rememeber you Danny,I know your gay,I think your so hot" and with that he went in to kiss me but he got more than bargined for . I kneed him he the balls and he screamed and dropped to the floor.I walked over him and unlocked the door.With that everyone ran up the stairs to see what happened.Ciara started to scream abuse at me "you should of died,why did you come back,nobody wants you here!!!".Ash screamed " this is my house and i want him here".With that i pushed passed everyone went downstairs,grapped the bottle of Jack Daniels and went out into the back garden.

I walked to the end of the huge garden and sat on the swing set that backed onto the forest.I took a swig from the bottle.Then i noticed somebody walking towards me in the dark.I couldnt tell who it was " fuck off i dont want to fight with anyone " i yelled at them. " Danny its Ethan,can we talk ?" Ethan oh fuck !! what do i do. " Um sure,guess so" i said while i looked at the ground trying not to make eye contact.He sat on the the other swing. " So you going to share that ?" he said pointing at the bottle.I handed the bottle without saying anything or looking at him. " So Danny dude,I am happy to see you.As you can see after you left things kinda got mad".

We talked for which seemed like hours about the past and the good times.We finished the bottle of Jack Daniels and Ethan started to talk about how tall i was and that he could still take me in a fight.I said " sure you could" and with that he had me pinned on the ground but i fliped him off him and i got on top of him.Then I noticed it.A faded red ring around his neck.I went to touch it and he started to cry. " Ethan what happend" i whispered in his ear as i helped him back onto the swing.Then i sat on his lap like we use to when we where kids. " Danny i havent told anyone this,nobody at all.But when you left i heard terrible rumours that you where dead.I was so upset i couldnt go on anymore so i tryed to hang myself and my brother found me.When i told him he kicked the shit out of me and told me to say that i was in a fight and for me to go out with Ciara if not he would tell everyone i was a fag and would kick my ass every day of my life if i didn't" Ethan said through the sobs.

Next: Chapter 2

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