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By war mac seoige

Published on Nov 4, 2009


This story is a work of fiction.It contains sex between men if you don't like it please leave now. Hey this is my first time writing anything so any feedback would be greatly appreciated im a stuck on where to take the story so any ideas would be great thanks.  Thanks Hope you enjoy my story !!!!!!!!

"Danny please dont hate me because im gay and please don't tell anybody.Please Danny Please!!". " What ? I was shocked but then all of a sudden my body took over.I wiped the tears out of his eyes and pushed back his mop of hair.Then i wrapped my arms around him and looked into his eyes and said "Ethan I could never hate you beacause i love you,I have always loved you.Im sorry i left you.Then we both reached in and ....

Ciara came into the kitchen slaming the door where is Ethan.Where the fuck is my boyfriend !!!.Ash told her to calm down and have a drink of water and that she would go look for Ethan.She decided to check in the bathroom because Ciara was to pissed to think of looking in there.When she got there paul was sitting in the bath crying saying things under his breath " I should of know he wasnt back for me,Im to ugly nobody loves me".Ash igorned what he was saying and asked " have you seen Ethan ?".With that he said smartly " why dont ask your buddy Danny where he is ??". "What do you mean by that Ash" said bitchly back. "Why don't you look out the window and see for yourself ?" A girl who i later found out was named Niamh said.With that Ash looked out the window and seen me sitting on Ethans lap. " They have been doing that since the where kids god not everyone is gay !" .Then Niamh said so i guess theyve been doing that since they where kids to laughing and falling off the window still.Ashs mouth dropped.She grapped Niamh not a word or everyone will know your secret missy. "Ok OK Jezz lay off,im cool with it. " Cool with what , whats going on Paul asks as he hops out of the bathtub. "Nothing Paul god why do you have to be a nosey bitch all the time". "FUCK YOU ASH !!!" with that he storms out of the bathroom. "OMG look ash !!! Niamh brust into a fit of laughter. "Oh um maybe we should go downstairs now Niamh". Niamh hops up and scurrys down the stairs. " Ew Ash Ciara pucked all off the kitchen"Niamh said and skipped away. "OH right fuck this partys over,everyone out".With that she walked to the back doors and screams if anyones out there the partys over Ciara pucked all over my kitchen".

"I better go check on Ciara" with that he ran off into the darkness and left me on the swings.I decided i better go and say goodbye to Ash before i leave.When i got up to the house Ash said "its ok Paul and Ciara got a taxi so u dont have to worry".What about Ethan ?? i asked. " OH he didnt come back into the house,maybe he has to go home and change his underwear". "OMG ! you saw,who else seen,OH SHIT,FUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!" I said nerly shiting my pants. " Its ok Danny your lucky it was just me and Niamh". "Niamh who they fuck is Niamh ?". " I'm Niamh this little pixie looking girl said jumping out from behide the sofa.She has blonde spikey hair, green eyes , 5'4 and was wearing a long white tshirt with Marlyn Monroe on it a waistcoat,skinny jeans and a pair of Hi Tops. " Don't worry i wont tell anyone Danny hehe,lets just say one guy is grose to me.Thinking about two guys doing what you did well you get what i mean" she said as she winked at me and then ran up hopped on Ash i grabbed her boobs and ran off like a cheeky school boy. "Well i better head home Ash ,love you thanks for keeping my secret" i said as i kissed Ash on the cheek. " No prob,you just keep me and Niamhs and Danny if you ever kiss me without washing your mouth after that i will kill you" she chuckled as she pushed me out her front door. "love you Ash" Love you two Danny".With that i stuck in my headphone,turned my music back to full and ran for home.

Ethan woke the next morning his head was thumping.He looked at this phone its was 2 pm and he had 17 missed calls for Ciara and 9 voicemails.Ugh i deal with that later.He got up and walked to the bathroom. Just as he got 2 the door his little brother Jake pushed passed him and locked the door. "Fuck Jake i got piss hurry up dude" "No way dude ,we had chilli for lunch" "Awh Fuck dude thats grose".

He ran back into his bedroom and noticed and stain on his boxer briefs.Fuck,What the hell.He pulled them off and through on a new clean pair of boxer briefs and then grabbed his hoody and pulled it over his head.With he smelt a famliar aftershave and then it all came back to him. It wasn't a dream Dannys back and he knows im gay and he is gay and we ... Oh shit what am i going to do.OH fuck Karl can't find out.I better call Ciara.Did she see ?Did anyone see ?.

With that he picked up his phone and called Ciara. " hey babe" " Dont heey babe me ,where did you go last night? Yelled Ciara. " I got a taxi i was to drunk i couldnt even stand,im so sorry babe let me make it up to you today?, Ill pick you up and we will go for a pinic" " A pinic haha sometimes you sound so gay at times Ethan" she said smartly. " You will bring me to the city and pay for the movies and buy me dinner and you will pick me up in 30 mins" with take she hung up the phone.Argh what a bitch at least she didnt know about last night.He heard the bathroom door open and he ran.He got there before his older brother Karl and emptyed all the drink he drank last night and hopped into the shower and washed his big mop of hair.He noticed he was wearing a band around his arm.It was Dannys it smelt of Danny he didnt want it to get wet so he jumped out of the shower and dryed off his hair and put back on his red and black boxer briefs and the hoody from last night and took in Dannys sweet smell.When he opened the door he was punched into the ribs by his older brother Karl.Karl is 6'2 with tight shaved ginger hair and built like a brick shithouse. "thats for holding up the bathroom".Ethan ran into his room without saying anything and trying to fight tears back.He pulled on a pair of board shorts and stuck on his flip flops and headed to get Ciara.

Danny woke up feeling great but was also worried.Why did Ethan leave without saying goodbye to anyone ? What will happen with him and Ciara or was it all drunk talk and will he even remember what happened.Then he heard a knock on the door and he ran down to get in.It Was Ash she had a bag of food with her. " god can you not find things to fit you the boxer briefs are very reviling Danny" He didnt notice he still had his morning wood. "OH OPPS sorry ash" i said as i went pink and ran up the stairs to put on pants and a my DC hoody which smelt so good.It still has Ethans smell on it.which made him even harder. "Hey Danny you want to go into the city and see a movie my treat since i missed your birthday". " yeah sounds good,you want to head now and get popcorn and drinks and save this food for later ?" "yeah cool" Ash said.

Ash drove a mini cooper her daddy bought her for her birthday as she explained while i hoped into it.We listing to music and song along to the songs for the whole journey.We finaly get a parking spot and heading into the door of Galway cinema. " Omg look who it is Danny.At that moment Ethan seeing me he was sweating like crazy.I could see that he was trying to figure out if i remembered what happened last night.'Omg,what are you and the mutt doing here' Ciara said through her teeth at Ash.'Um,what the hell would be doing at the movies of all places Caira' Ash said sercastly and walked through the doors of the cienma and laughed.Ciara went to catch up with Ash to bitch at her some more,which left me and ethan alone.Ethan was nervous he couldn't look at me in the eyes,he ran his hands through his blonde mop of hair.I finally went up and gave him a hug and said "don't worry last night is between you and me and ummmmmmmmm well Ash too.With that he pushed me off him. "what the fuck did you tell her for ?" " I burst into tears and said " i didn't she seen us from the bathroom window".He said sorry as he helped me onto my feet and gave me a hug. "What are we going to do ?,I can't break up with ciara or Karl will tell everyone and hurt me". "Its ok we will sort it tonight lets just try get through the movie without doing anything " i said as i pinched his butt and ran into the cienma to catch up with Ash.

Ash was at the food counter ordering everything like she usually does lol.(what im not trying to be mean its true lol).She was trying to ignore Ciara bitching that Ash both four tickets for all of us so we could go to the same movie.Great two hours in the dark with Ethan how could i keep my hands off him !!!.Oh great it was a horror movie,i have to keep a brave face on so i don't seem like a pussy infront of ethan.We went into the screen and Ash planned it all she made Ciara go in first then Ethan and then me,so me and Ethan could sit beside each other.She really was a smart bitch thats why she was my bestfriend after all.As the lights went down i felt Ethans leg brush against mine,I put my hand on the hand rest and then i felt a warm thud on my arm,it was ethans hand.He opened my palm and took hold of my hand.He then whisphered " I remember you get abit jumpy at these movies".I blushed and said thanks and gave his hand a sqeeze.We sat hand in hand for the movie with a few sqeezes from each other when a scary part came on the screen.Just as the lights on and Ash turned on her phone she had loads of texts of some girl from her school who i didnt know saying there was a problem with the venue for the debs and that her and Ciara,who where the head of the Debs commity need to get A.S.A.P.FUCK !!! Ash said when she read it."We got to go Ciara Ethan can you give Danny a lift back,we could be awhile trying to sort this" Ash said as she grapped Ciara before she could say anything.

Ethan and I heading to his little jeep that he got becuase it held his surfboard on the roof rack nicely. "Cute Jeep " i said as got into the passenger door. "looks better now that your in it " he said with a huge grin on his face.I know what your think how cheesey but i couldn't care lol.I had Ethan for the rest of the day. " So what you want to do dude ? " he asked me nervously. " Ha Ethan are you asking me on a date i said joking". " I guess i am he said very sericously. "Oh um well Ash bought loads of food so do you want to come over and I will cook us dinner ". " That sounds great he said with the boyish smile that to use to have on when he was very happy when he was younger.We sat in silence for the drive home just sneaking looks at each other and blushing.

When we got to my house Ethan paused and said " the last time i was here was the last time i seen you and lost you " he looked like he was about to burst into tears.Awh Ethan i said as i hugged him and pulled him into my door so i could kiss him.We made out for about two hours and then we both decided we where hungry so i decided to make us dinner.I made lausage which was both are favorite dinner when we where younger.We both admitted that we havent it since i left becuase it was OUR dinner. " Danny I love you but i don't know what to do,I can't stay with Ciara I hate that bitch but if i leave her Karl will kill me" he said as he broke down and turned from me.He didn't like me to see him cry becuase he knew it made me cry to.I ran over to him and gave him a huge bear hug. " you don't have to worry about that babe,I am here and i'm not ever going to leave you".We went up to my room and cried and cuddled up on my bed.We both had so bottled up that we just both needed a good cry.We fell asleep in each other arms.When i woke up Ethan wasn't there,I started calling out his name " ETHAN !! ETHAN WHERE ARE YOU " .Just then he ran into my room and flopped onto my bed.Sorry babe i had to pee i didnt want to wake you he said as he hug me up against him. " do you mind if we stay like this for the day he said ,I don't feel like seeing anyone but you today. " Ha Ethan if it was up to me we would stay like this for ever well with one little change. "Oh whats that he said with a confused look on his face ".With that i hopped up and grapped Ethans hoody and pulled it off quickly followed by his t shirt.I had to stop for a few mins just to take in seeing Ethan topless in years.His body had not changed that much though it was more defined he had to makings of a six pack.I was in a trace that i didn't notice Ethan say " NO FAIR " he pulled of my DC hoody and t shirt in one go.He pulled me against his chest,he was so warm and just perfect.I never wanted to leave his embrace.UM ethan yes Danny " do you mind if we take our pants off you might have some room in those baggy shorts but these skinny jeans might look hot but yeah not much room if you know what i mean". With that he dropped to his knees undid my belt and slid down my jeans.Nice undies Danny he said looking at my hot pink boxer briefs.HA thanks lets see what you got on.I undid the string of his boardshorts and slowly slide down his shorts.WOW nice blue boxer briefs.Hehe yeah i remember blue was your favourite colour Danny so i though you might like these he said as he pushed me back onto my bed.He was just giving me peck kisses with i felt his tounge push against lips.I let his hot warm tounge enter my mouth as he wrestled with my tounge all i could think i was in heaven.This was my first proper kiss ever and it was with the boy i loved.We made out for what seemed hours and then we fell asleep in each others arms.I was awoke by a scream " You Fucking SLUT " i seen Ciara and Ash standing over my bed.I turned to Ethan who was holding his face in pain.That bitch must of hit him. " I knew you would do this,I knew he loved you he screamed your name in his nightmares and now I know why" she screamed at me. " Ethan I love you so much that i am willing not to tell anyone,plus how would it look that i was dating a fucking fag" she said as she stormed out of the house. " WTF are you doing in my house Ash ?" " I am soooooooo sorry she seen Ethans jeep outside and since he turned his phone of she thought he was up to something so she got through your window,I tryed to stop her but it was to late".Ethan sat on my bed frozen " what am i going to do ? Karl is going to kill me or worse you !!!!!!!

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