
By sacred cowboy

Published on May 15, 2018



Thank you all for picking up one of my stories. It's a real treat to know that folks out there are enjoying them, as much as I am enjoying getting them down on (electronic) paper. Hope you like another one of my adventures.

Please, make a donation to NIFTY, to keep the stories flowing, along with other things as well. The folks that bring you this site, appreciate your generosity.

I'm a transplanted southern guy, now living in California. By day, I work in the medical field, tending to those in need. By night, I am an author of some rather smutty fun. If you are up for something different, check out RUNNING THE BULLS on Amazon, it's an electronic erotic novel with lots of fantastic creatures, with a modern twist.

Some have asked about how true these stories are. I need to express that most of them came from my journals. And some have come from my memories. I do change the names of folks in these stories, to protect them. Also, I do play with the locations from time to time, just to keep people from discovering that I am in fact, divulging some dark secrets. But, it's all in good fun.



I had tended bar for 10 years. Fact was, I sweet-talked my way into a bar-back position when I was 19. At that time, I was paid under the table, and there really wasn't a record of me being at the Gay club. But, I kept my nose clean, worked hard, and blew the boss a few times. I was 6'3", built like a swimmer, and like all in-shape kids, I had an ass that was high and tight... in more ways than one. But, the adventure I want to express, has nothing to do with that bar. It was in a fine dining establishment that I wanted to tell. On the evening that I was leaving that part of myself behind. I had a new job, working respectable hours. I was ten years in a positive relationship, and it would be nice, getting home to Aiden, having dinner with him. Sleeping beside him. And, of course, having sex when one of us wasn't so wrung out from a days (or nights) work. I was going into an optical lab, where I would manufacture lenses for spectacles. It wasn't glamorous, but it paid well, and had benefits. I was, at last, saying goodbye to Peter Pan, and hello to Mr.Normal Life.

We closed up The Southern Cross, and I had just finished stocking the last of the wine into the racks. The servers had gathered around me, and I got hugs, and well wishes from them. The manager of the business, Mike, a real broad chested man, announced to all of us, that an after-hour party was going to be held at his place. This was not that uncommon for us, gathering after shift, to wind down. I mean, at 2 in the morning, a group of us would gather at one of the all night cafes, and eat pancakes until we sobered up. The invite, to his place, was something new.

"You're coming, Jess." He said, and he had an envelope in his hand.

"I have to get home." I said, and shook my head. I really didn't want to intrude on Mike, or his regular group of friends. The folks that I worked with were nice enough, but only a couple of them I had formed any real attachments to. Hell, most of them didn't even know I was Gay. After loosing my last bartender post because I was `out,' I had decided to keep my personal life, under wraps. Still, he was adamant about my attending. "Seriously, dude. I still have stuff to do before Monday morning."

"Well, this is how it's going to go down. You come over, and you get your final check. Or, you can puss out, and I will mail it to you... eventually." He gave me that wicked smile of his. The kind that had gotten him gossiped about with a lot of the female clientele, and even a few of the servers.

"You win, you bitch." I said, with a smile. He just clapped me on the back, and went behind my freshly cleaned bar. He told Shaw, the guy in charge of security, that he needed to draw the shades to the windows. When that was done, Mike set up shots, for all of us. It was after hours, and we didn't need anyone reporting any monkey business.

I snuck off into Mikes office, to call home. I suspected that Aiden would still be up, and I wanted him to know that my plans had changed. If he needed me for something, usually, he could find me at the all night Cafe after work. But tonight, I wanted to give him Mike's address, just in case. He was sleepy when he answered the phone, and I hated disturbing him. I explained that it was my last night with this crew, and that if I wanted my final check now, I had to get it at the after hours party at Mikes. He was amused. But told me to be careful. I told him that I loved him. He said that if I had too much to drink, to just hang out there until sobriety set in. I thanked him and hung up.

Mike lived in a section of town that, 90 years ago, was a fig orchard. Fact was, the district was now referred to as Old Fig." The houses were built more than fifty years back and the lots were huge. Mike had a pool, and as the summer was still blazing hot, he had made the offer that anyone who wanted to go in, was welcome to. I had always wanted to swim at Mikes, but frankly, I had never been invited, even though I had worked at the restaurant for more than 2 years, and under his management for just as long. Rumor had it that the girls who joined him, often didn't need suits. There was some kind of unspoken' law between him, and the girls he bedded. But to the best of my knowledge, it was all in good fun.

By the time I pulled up into Mike's driveway, I noticed that there were a lot of cars along the curb. So, the party was going to be in full swing. I walked into his front door, and was pretty amazed at what I saw. Mike wasn't rich, but he sure was well-to-do. His house was decorated a hell of a lot better than I ever expected. There had to be some female influence in all of this. The last straight guy I visited, hung sheets up as curtains, and had folding chairs around a dinette that had to have come from someone's grandmother's attic.

The sound of laughter drew me into the living room, and when I rounded the corner, I saw the group of them. Mike was sitting with Shaw on a huge leather couch. Amy, Rachel, and Kristy were sitting at the bar. They were servers, and all of them were sweet. Nelson, the only male waiter on that night, was sitting in an overstuffed chair, looking more pissed than anything. Greg and Julio, from the kitchen, were putting together some finger food or something, always fussing about the kitchen.

"Hey guys." I said, and waded into the gathering.

By a little after 3 in the morning, Greg, and the girls had left. They had presented me with a restaurant t-shirt, that the entire crew had signed, along with a lot of my regulars who I poured for. It really was a sweet moment for me. I'd had a couple of beers, and was still feeling a little loose, when I went into the kitchen to dispose of my empties. Nelson was there.

"Hey, Jess, you mind if I ask you something?" He said, and I just looked at him a little funny. Nelson was not my kind of people. He was tall, gangly, and had the soul of a weasel. He'd pestered the female servers from time to time, and everyone of them had shot him down.

"What's on your mind?" I asked, slipping the bottle into the garbage, and retrieving one from the fridge.

"Who's Aiden?" He asked, point blank. This was not a man that I shared much of myself with.

"He's the guy I live with." I answered.

"So... he's just your room mate then?" He asked. I nodded. "Well, how often do you tell your room mate that you love him?" He asked with a cocky smile.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. I did feel a moment of panic. After all, this was the late 90's, and people still got the crap beat out of them for being queer.

"I heard you talking to your boyfriend." He said. "And it's gonna cost you." I just leveled my strongest look at him.

"And what did you have in mind?" I asked. His expression just got a little more wicked.

"Man, it's true, when you get pissed off, your accent comes out." He laughed. That only made me madder. I took a swig of my fresh beer, and crossed my arms over my chest. He cast a quick glance towards the living room. We were the only ones in the house, as the rest of the guys had gone out to the pool. I noticed that Shaw was stripping down to his boxer briefs, and was making to jump in. I had to leave before I had seen anything, and it was then that I had decided to refresh my drink. I guess Nelson had followed me.

When he was convinced we were alone, he popped the buttons of his jeans, and slid the zipper down. He pulled his pants to his knees.

"I want you to suck my dick." He shoved his tightly whiteys over his non-existent ass, and presented me with the thinnest cock I had ever seen in creation.

"Let me get this straight, you want me to blow you, or you're going to... what? Tell the others that I'm a fag?" I asked.

"That's exactly what I'm gonna do." He said, and pointed at his prick. I took a big drink of my beer, moved towards him, and then just smiled.

"No." I said, and went past him.

I could have just left. After all, my final check was now in my wallet, along with nearly two hundred dollars in tip money. It was very likely that I would never see any of these guys, again. But then, Nelson would win by driving me off. I decided that enough was enough. I left the kitchen, despite his demands that I wait. That I come back there. Instead, I marched my ass up to the glass patio door, and went out. Mike was now in his swim suit, sitting at the little patio bar. Shaw was in the pool, and Julio was in the spa.

"Jess, jump in, the water's fine!" Shaw said to me from the deep end.

"Hey guys, I need to tell y'all somethin.'" My Cajun was out in spades tonight. "I was just informed by Mr. Nelson that if I did not suck his dick in the kitchen, he was going to tell y'all that I am, in fact, Gay." For some reason, my heart was in my throat. Mike laughed out loud for a moment, as did Shaw. Julio had a shot in his hand, and downed it, but his expression was unreadable. About that time, Nelson came running out of the house. Mike took one look at him, and he knew that something really bad had gone done.

"Dude!" Mike said in a tone that was like liquid fire. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Nothing. Jess hit on me in the kitchen." He said, suddenly. Shaw swam over to the edge of the pool and looked at him, his long dark hair hung in his eyes.

"Jess hit on you?" He asked.

"Yeah, he hit on me. Fuckin' pervert!" Nelson responded.

"Then why is YOUR fly down?" Shaw asked. Nelson looked down, discovered his error, and then zipped himself up. I then watched something amazing. Shaw put his hands on the edge of the pool, and damn near vaulted out of the water. He must have brought 20 gallons with him. Shaw was our security guy. He was massive. He had a 40 inch waist, but it was lean. His arms were like slabs of stone, and he carried himself like a bull.

"What the fuck are you trying to pull, dude?" Shaw asked him, as he strode towards Nelson, with purpose. The kid just made a sound, and retreated. He didn't quite get the glass door open, and banged his own face into the metal frame as he left. Shaw followed him, telling him in a stern voice to get back here. I took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. Mike came up to me.

"Shit, I have seen and done some shady things in my time, but I've never tried to blackmail a blow job out of someone." He said, and went to the bar. He poured me a shot of tequila, and brought it back over to me. "You okay?" He asked, handing me the glass.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I answered, and took the drink. "I've had to put up with bullshit like that all my life. I'm sorry for not telling you." I said.

"No harm no foul." He answered, and clapped me on the shoulder. "If it means anything to you, I'm going to fire Nelson's ass as soon as he comes in for his next shift."

"Naw. I think you should keep him on, to, you know, make him miserable." I answered. Mike just nodded. I heard a splash from behind me, and saw that Julio was getting out of the spa. He was wearing his boxers, and they clung to him in a very reviewing way.

"Mijo." He said to me, and threw his arm around my shoulder. "Nelson, he's a pussy. Don't let him get to you. Verdad?" I nodded. "You know, I sucked a dick once." He made a face. "I like the chica's better." He leaned over, and kissed my cheek. "I'm a go sleep in my car." He said, and made to leave. I just shook my head.

"Julio, don't you try to drive." Mike said.

"No way, man. I can't find my keys." He said, and walked out. When I looked back at Mike, he had Julio's keys in his hand.

Shaw came back out.

"I think I made him shit his pants." He said, and I started cracking up. He came over to me. "Where's your wallet?" He asked. I just gave him an odd look, and withdrew it from my jeans. "Your check and tips are in here? What about your keys?" I took them out of my front pocket. He took everything from me, and put it on the patio table.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"This!" Shaw said, grabbing me, and threw me over his shoulder. I mean, I am a big guy, so having someone toss me around was a bit unnerving. But the next thing I know, Shaw was jumping back into the water, taking me with him.

Shaw was more than just the security guy. He was kind of the Guy Friday to the restaurant. He had other duties as well. The first night that I worked with him, he was helping me set up my bar. Every time I'd bump into him, I would apologize. I must have done so about six times in that first hour, and he'd had enough of it. He put down a box of Mexican beer, and faced me. I flinched, reflexively, and I guess that was the straw that broke the camels back with him. He spun me around, and pressed me up against the back racks. He then pushed his ass against mine, and did this back and forth little grind for about 10 seconds.

"Look, it's a narrow bar. We're gonna touch butts. Quit apologizing!" I turned redder than a Florida sunset, and thought I was gonna die of embarrassment. And he did that to me, three more times that night. Every time I said `oops, sorry,' he pushed his backside against mine and grind into me. It was maddening.

Now, he had ahold of me, and had tossed me into the water with him. I took a lung full, and clawed for the surface, gagging and coughing.

"Oh, dude!: He said, grabbing ahold of me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to drown ya." He looked into my eyes with such an expression of concern.

"I'm good." I said, coughing. He got me out of the water, quicker than we had gone in.

Ten minutes later, my clothes were in Mike's dryer. I was sitting in a couple of towels. I was perched on the couch, with Shaw. He was still in his black boxer briefs. When I glanced down at his crotch, I could not believe what he was packing in them. I glanced away, before discovered.

"So, the guy that you've brought into the restaurant, that's your guy, right?" Shaw asked.

"Yeah, that's Aiden." I answered.

"The dude's pretty yoked." Mike added. "He an armature body builder?"

"No, he just likes to keep fit. He's teaching Kung Fu at the moment as well." I answered. Shaw just nodded his approval.

"So, how long have you known you were Gay?" He asked, reached behind us for the tequila bottle.

"God, ever since I can remember." I answered, as I took the shot he offered. Mike just nodded.

"You don't mind if I ask you a couple of questions, do you?"

"No, man. Not at all." I answered.

"Okay. First... are you like, a pitcher or a catcher?" Shaw almost spit his drink out.

"Catcher. Mostly." I answered, honestly.

"Really? But, you're like, such a dude." He said. I just chuckled to myself.

"Mike, I've seen some flaming Nelly tops. And I've seen my fair share of butch bottoms." I glanced over at Shaw, and saw him mouthing those terms to himself.

Mike took another shot, as if he was trying to summon up the courage to ask his next question.

"So, you LIKE getting fucked then?" He asked, finally.

"Yeah, I do. Especially if the guy is my type." I answered.

"How can you take a dick, man? I mean, I've had my doctors finger up my butt, and it almost killed me!" Shaw cracked up. Mike poured another drink for me, and I took it, but didn't slam it. I just kind of touched it to my lips,

"I don't want to go into the mechanics of butt-fucking, but there is a way to take just about any good sized cock." I answered.

"Yeah, like how big?" Shaw asked.

"I got screwed by one of the bouncers at the dance club next to the restaurant I used to worked at. He was packing nine." (I'd actually been done by two of them, but I wanted to keep those secrets.) I answered, a little surprised that I was being as honest with them as I was.

"Which one? Beast or Rick?" Mike asked. I just looked at him for a moment, and a slow smile spread across my face.

"Dude, you didn't let Scorpio do you? If you did, I will beat your ass." Mike said with a slow smile.

"Fuck no, I wouldn't let Scorpio touch me! Are you crazy? He's the only guy I know that has his own parking stall at the free clinic!" I laughed about it, but really, I couldn't throw any serious stones in his direction. I had done my own dalliances.

"What about women?" Shaw asked. I just looked at him. "You ever been with a lady?"

"Oh, sure." I answered. "Was almost married once. But, thankfully, I came to my senses."

"So, are you like Bi?" Mike asked. I shook my head.

"Strictly dickly now, bro." I said and laughed at my own joke. Shaw got up, and walked out the sliding door. I heard a loud splash, and new he'd gone back into the water.

"You want to get back in the pool?" Mike asked. I just picked up my drink and walked back outside as well. It was an amazing morning. Even though the sun was just a few hours from coming up, the air was still slightly humid. I wanted to feel the water on my skin, again. But, no suit. No underwear. I turned to mike.

"Hey, you got some shorts I can borrow?" He just gave me a smirk.

"Dude, just drop the towel and jump in. No one is gonna say shit to you." I hesitated, so he grabbed the terry cloth, gave it a yank, and shoved me into the water, naked as the day I was born.

I love skinny dipping. There is no other feeling like it. And, I really like it when I am with people. I clawed my way back up to the surface, and looked over at Mike. He was laughing, and popped open another beer. When he walked over to dispose of the cap, I noted that there was a small mound of black cloth at the edge...

It was Shaw's boxer-briefs. It was about that time, that I felt his hand go around my waist. He suddenly lifted me up, and then tossed me over his head, and behind him. While I was under the water, I opened my eyes, and saw for the first time, the anaconda that his uncut cock was. I let out a stream of bubbles, and went to the surface. He was swimming right for me.

"Stay away from me you freak!" I shouted, but laughed, and tried swimming away from him. He caught me easily enough. I don't know if it was because he was drunk, or that he had always secretly liked me (in a bro kind of way) but he was laughing, while he grabbed my waist again, and chucked me, once more.

Mike was sitting with his feet in the water, and clearly he was having a good time. A little more horseplay, and then we climbed out of the water. I wrapped myself in the towel, bunching folds in front of me, because I was starting to chub up a little. Shaw didn't bother. The man had a body that was amazing. It was the kind of form that, well, needed to be displayed for all to enjoy. If he climbed into spandex, he'd have given a superhero a run for his money. He was just too much fun to look at. We wandered back inside. I plopped down on the couch, Shaw sat next to me, with his arm on the back of the sofa, just behind my head, his feet crossed at the ankle up on the padded hassock. I looked over at the small bit of hair on his chest, and the little trail of it from his navel, that lead to his pubes. That enormous cock of his was lying across his right thigh. It was like a sleeping cat that was draped across his lap.

"Don't stare too much, dude, It'll bite you." He said. I just laughed, and smacked him on the thigh. Mike put some music on, and then he produced his bong. I have never been a fan of herb, so when it was passed to me, I continued it on to Shaw, who toked on it, heavily. I just enjoyed watching the two of them get baked.

Once again, the convo took on a sexual turn. This time, Mike asked a rather pointed question.

"So, how long does it take for you to score?" He asked.

"Well, I'm with someone now, but when I was single, I could hook up pretty quick."

"How quick?" Shaw asked, giving me a stoned smile.

"My fastest was about 30 seconds." I said. They both looked at me like I was lying. "No, seriously. I was in San Francisco, ran into a guy on the dance floor. He said something to me, that I couldn't hear. When I leaned over to find out what he said, he kissed me. The next thing I knew, we were in his car, and I was sucking his dick."

"Get the fuck outta here." Shaw said, laughing.

"Hand to God, dude." I answered. I saw Mike give a tug on his shorts.

"Fuck, I haven't had a blow job in awhile." He said. I just gave him the worlds smallest violin. "Fuck you, dude! When was the last time you got your dick sucked?" He asked.

"About two hours before my shift this evening." Shaw socked me in the arm. I guess he didn't realize how hard he hit me, because it almost knocked me over.

"Oh, SHIT! Jess, I'm sorry!" He said, grabbing me, and pulling me up. He pulled on me a little too hard, because I almost wound up in his lap. I did have to brace myself on his thigh, getting painfully close to his monster.

"You're very open about your body." I said to him.

"Yeah, I don't give a shit if people look. I like being nude." Shaw said, once he figured out my limb wasn't going to fall off.

"Tell me about it. Every time I head over to his place, he's always buck-ass naked when he comes to the door." Mike added, drawing off the bong again,

"Hey, you never know when that cute census taker might show up." Shaw laughed.

"Let me get my clip board." I said, and chuckled at my own joke.

"Aaah, you couldn't take his dick, he'd split you in half." Mike said. I kind of sat there for a moment, then cast a quick glance at Shaw. He ran his hands through his hair, and then smiled at me.

"I've had babes stop me before." He said. "Then, I got to beat it on the bedpost, just to get it to go down."

"You're what? Nine inches?" I asked. He just kind of shrugged at me.

"I've never grabbed a ruler." He said.

"You liar. Every guy has put his dick up against a tape measure." I sat forward, and looked at him with a disbelieving eye.

"Not quite 10." He answered after a long pause. I just giggled. Maybe I had gotten a little of the second hand chronic. I was feeling a little buzzy myself. And hadn't really been pounding down the booze.

"Still, way too much for your little ass, Jess." Mike said again, taking the bong, and hitting it again.

"Oh Mike. You have no idea what I can take." I said, laughing. "I bet I could totally climb that pole, and in doing so, I'd make him cum a lot sooner than you think."

"Bullshit." He said. "No way."

"What, is this a challenge or something?" I asked.

"No. I just don't think you've got it in you." He said, reaching behind him for the tequila bottle. It was out. "Shaw, can you grab another bottle of Don Pedro?" He asked. Shaw climbed over me, and his prick actually brushed against my chest. I almost fainted. As soon as Shaw went into the garage for the spare bottle of hooch, Mike leaned over and whispered.

"I've seen him in action, dude. There is no way you can take him. I am so confident that I'll bet you a hundred bucks, cash." I just rolled my eyes at him. "Puss. I thought so." He said.

"A hundred? Man, I have $175 in tips in my wallet right now. Match it, and we'll talk."

"Alright, ass hole. Let's go for $500. You put your tips, and your final check up against that."

"You know, before we get any further into this, I want to bring Shaw into the convo. I don't want him to think he's getting used." I said, and as if cued, Shaw came back with another bottle of golden tequila. His yok looked a little thicker. I had to catch my breath. He saw us.

"Alright, what are you two fuck wads up to?" He asked, with a good natured grin. He stopped by the fridge, and got some ice, and the salt shaker.

"I just bet Jess five C's that he couldn't take your dick. That he'd be begging off like some little bitch." He answered.

"Yeah, Jess, you'd hurt yourself." Shaw said, climbing back over me, this time, his ass touched my skin, and I had to restrain myself from smacking it.

"So, what, you want in on the bet, too?" I asked. He just chuckled, and shook his head.

"Tell ya what, if you can't do it, then you suck my dick til I cum." He said, and then I think he realized what he said. He stopped, thought about it for a second, then looked me in the eye. "Fuck it, go for it." He said. I slowly turned to Mike, and cleared my throat.

"A-hum. You realize that I am doing this, just to prove a point with you, fucker. Right?" I asked.

"Oh, of course." He said with a good deal of sarcasm.

"Um, got any lube?" I asked. Mike nodded, and got up. As soon as he was out of the room, I turned to Shaw. "Are you cool with this, bro?" I asked. He leaned forward and whispered something to me.

"Rick and Beast told me all about what you did for them a couple of years back." He grinned, and then leaned back on the sofa.

"I hope they spoke fondly." I whispered. He just ran his hands over his belly and grinned. "Well, might as well see what I'm gonna be working with." I reached over, and circled the base of his dick with my hand. He groaned softly, and before I could stop myself, I leaned down, and popped that hooded monster in my mouth. Five good bobs on that thing, and he was already so large that I could barely fit him in my mouth. 10 inches, easily. And thick. I suddenly got a little concerned about how much trouble my mouth and my pride had gotten me into. I ran my hand along his nuts, and felt the actual weight of them. No wonder this guy was big and broad, he was loaded with testosterone.

Mike reappeared with a bottle in his hand. I was facing the living room, with my ear on Shaw's belly, nursing that prick until it was absolutely angry.

"Jesus. There's a sight you don't see every day." He teased. I then realized he had my wallet in his hand, and five C-Notes as well. He put the whole thing into one of the ceramic bowls that was beside the kitchen counter.

"Winner take all, fuckers." He said. Shaw just spread his impressive thighs, and I continued to slurp his manhood. The television I was facing, flickered on, and after a moment, I realized that a porn was playing. Straight stuff, for sure. Some big busted blond looked like she was so into blowing her guy, but it was clear that she wasn't going to take it down her throat more than a couple of inches. His groaning seemed a little fake as well. Just because I am a glutton for dick, I slowly started to devour the cock in my own mouth. Inching it into my throat, bit by bit, Shaw responded like any guy would. He let out a slow sigh.

"FUCK!" He said, and his hand caressed my head. His fingers went to my neck, and he just ran them over my shoulder and my back. "Jesus CHRIST, Jess!" He said again. I ran my fingertips lightly over his balls, His dick just throbbed in my throat. I slowly began pulling off of him. If I continued for another three or four minutes, I knew I would be rewarded with a heavy load of jizz in my mouth. Something that I loved, quite a bit. "No one has EVER sucked me like that before!" He said again. I pulled completely off, and his erection smacked his own belly, well above his navel.

"If I wasn't going to make Mike eat his words, I'd just blow you first. But I'm a greedy bastard. I want that first load up my ass." I said, again, shocked at how frank I was in what I wanted.

Mike was tenting in his swim trunks. I was glad to see that. He handed me the blue bottle of lubrication, and I knew that it was show time. I started by getting my own hands all nice and slick, and then working Shaw up as well. He didn't say a word, and let me do all the work. I was more than fine with that. I got a couple of my own fingers up my ass, spreading the slick stuff in me as far as I could reach. I then pulled Shaw's foreskin all the way down, and slicked up the head of his prick. It was like a small apple. A cue ball. I was going to have a lot of explaining to do to Aiden then next time he wanted to fuck me. But then, Aiden always respected a sexual challenge. When I slathered enough of the slick goo all over him, I looked into his eyes.

"In order for me to make this happen, I need to be on top. All I want you to do is to relax... watch the screen if you like. I am gonna go down on this like, three times. By the third, I should be all the way down." Shaw just touched my cheek, and nodded. I pulled the towel off of me, and my 7 thick inches was standing at attention. Shaw just smiled. I threw a leg over him, and his hands gently found my hips. I felt that shaft of his, pressing against my thighs, and I took a deep breath. His cock head rubbed against my opening a bit, and it felt positively obscene. It thrilled me to no end. I could feel the heat of it, and was just in awe. I had done my fair share of horny, big dicked, straight guys. But Shaw was Everest. He was the Matterhorn. I bit my lip, and pushed the head of his cock into my opening.

Holy GOD in heaven, I thought I might die. If I wasn't so fucking turned on, I'd have handed my wallet to Mike, and conceded. But what was at stake was my reputation. I told Shaw that I could take him, and I was going to. Even if cost me my kidneys! I felt the MOTHER of all pinches when I was about two inches down the shaft. I pulled up, leaving the head inside me. I reached down, and stroked that foreskin, keeping him in place. I went back down. This time, I got about half way to the base, before I had to back off again.

"You okay?" Shaw asked. I squeezed his prick with my anal muscles, and he let out a groan.

"Mike's gonna hate life in about three minutes." I said, pulsing that cock head with my sphincter. When I had caught my breath, I sat back down... and went straight to the base. I sat there for a moment, and then squeezed him again.

"Jesus, Jess. That's nice." Shaw said, running his hands over my belly and chest. I started up that prick, and got about halfway off, before I sat back down. I did that a couple more times.

"He fucking did it." I heard Mike say, with so much disbelief in his voice. "But are you on the verge of screaming?" He asked. Shaw spoke up, running his thumb over the corona of my own dick.

"No man, he's totally into it." He said, and then grabbed my hips and pumped into me.

"Okay, you win the bet, you can stop now." He said. I looked down at Shaw, who shook his head, slowly.

"Um, Mike. I think we might ACTUALLY finish this up." I said with a laugh, and bounced on Shaw's lap a couple of times.

"Well, this is just fucked up." Mike said. I knew what he meant, so I leaned over and whispered into Shaw's ear.

"This is incredible... I have to fight like a bitch to keep from popping." He smiled at me. " Can you do me, doggy style, so I can blow him?" I asked, gently.

"Go for it, man. I think he'll appreciate it." Shaw replied. Slowly, I pulled off that mountain of prick, and turned to Mike.

"Come'eer." I instructed, he had a slightly bewildered look on his face. It was almost as comical as the tent in his shorts. But, he staggered over to me. I knelt down on the carpet. When Mike was in front of me, I took hold of his shorts, and worked them over that throbbing dick of his. He wasn't built anything like the Adonis who was balls deep in me a moment ago. But, Mike was all man. He was much more fuzzy than Shaw was. His dick was a respectable 7 inches, trimmed up nicely, and also thicker than average.

"What - what are... you?" He started to say.

"Mike, hush. You said you haven't got a blow job in a long time, and since I don't work for you anymore, I thought I would just go ahead and help you out." He stepped out of his shorts, and I guided him by his hips, until he was now back to sitting on the couch. I pushed his knees apart, and took my spot between them.

"Yeah... but, I'm not... you know..." he stammered.

"It's okay, dude. I'm gay enough for all three of us." I said, and took hold of his prick with my hand.

"Mike, shut the fuck up, dude. Just let him do his magic." Shaw said, and I felt his hand on the small of my back. He was kneeling behind me. I almost clapped my hands with excitement. I knew that Shaw wanted to finish what we started as well.

I took hold of Mike's cock, and then began to lick him from balls, to tip. He shuddered over that. I felt Shaw's dick, sliding over my opening, and then run the length of the cleft of my ass. I felt his hands on my hips, as he pressed himself against me. I wanted him to reinsert his cock into me, but if he needed to cool down just a bit, I was fine with that. I just inhaled Mikes dong, and took him straight down my throat.

"Shit, Jess!" He swore, putting his hands on either side of my face. He slowly ground into me. "If I'd have known you were this good, you would have been spending Sunday afternoons over here all the times!" He seemed really keen on giving me a little throat fuck, so I let him push his dick further into me. After a few more deep strokes, I pulled off of him and wiped my mouth.

"What can I say? I destroyed my gag reflex." He chuckled, and I went back to devouring him.

Shaw had had enough of the teasing thing, because I heard the cap of the lube bottle open. I then felt some more of that slick goo hit my ass. The head of his prick teased my opening.

"Man, I can't believe that such a little hole can take such a big dick." He whispered, and I almost choked on the cock going into the other end of me. He teased, pressed, and after a moment, I felt the head of his prick push past my back door. I'll be damned if I didn't push back against him, sliding that monster into me another inch or two, on my terms. I started using my tongue on the underside of Mike's shaft, and his dick responded with a pulse.

"Yeah, that's nice." He cooed, "Just like that." His voice was smokey, low. It was that sexy bedroom tone that I never thought I would hear myself. I decided that I would use a trick that Aiden taught me. I went all the way down to the base of his dick, and when he couldn't get any deeper, I stuck my tongue out the bottom of my mouth, and licked his nuts. His legs went wide, and his hands on my ears, traveled to the back of my head. He started to pump into me. Shaw must have been a little turned on by this, because, I felt the front of his thighs, against the back of mine. He just pushed himself to the hilt in me, and all of his prick was now just as deep in my body. It was an amazing feeling at that moment. Such a wanton experience. So slutty. So primal. I was the receptacle of lust, for two men that I had worked shoulder to shoulder with. And for some strange reason, this experience seemed somehow right. Appropriate. It seemed natural and expected. There was nothing between us, but hard desire, and the need for a good ole' fashion nutting.

With my free hand, I gathered a little of my loose slobber, and coated my middle finger with it. I then touched Mike's ass hole, using small circles. He made a sound that was one part protest, and three parts excitement. He settled down when he realized I wasn't going to give him a digital rectal exam. Instead, he just leaned back and started panting. Behind me, Shaw gave me a couple more pumps, just to kind of work himself back into me. Now, it was on his terms. He could grind into me, or thrash me, whatever he wanted. I was at his mercy, and could not stop him, even if I wanted to. He ran his hands over my back and sides, and began to slowly work me. It was amazing. Mike was a lot closer to finishing than I realized. He got a little more verbal than I had expected, telling me how good my mouth felt. He was about to pull out of me, when I took hold of his calves, and kept him in place.

"Jess, I'm gonna shoot. I'm gonna shoot in your mouth." He seemed frantic, and when he realized that I wanted just that, he started pumping upwards. "Yeah, gonna blow in your mouth, take it, man!" He said, and then I felt the salty splash of him hitting the back of my throat, and the edge of my tongue. I continued to feast off his seed, until his shuddering stopped. I finally pulled off his spent prick, and licked up any trace off his nuts. When I looked up at him, he had a disbelieving look on his face. A hand on Shaw's thigh got him to pull up into me, tightly for a second.

"Mike, don't trip. It's just a little fun and games." I said to him.

"You totally took my wad, man." He said, in disbelief.

"I'm greedy. I won't waste a drop." I said with a smile. He grabbed, the Don Pedro bottle, and drank straight from the neck.

"Boys, it's been fun. But I am heading for bed. Shaw, you know where the guest room is. Just, don't bust up any furniture." He said. I pulled off of Shaws crank, and stood up. I took the tequila from him, and swigged out of it as well. Mike just looked at me with a sweet smile. He took my face in his hands.

"I can't believe I'm gonna do this." He said, and leaned over and gave me the sweetest of kisses. It was like a peck from an old friend. "Good luck in your new ventures. And... fuck man, don't be a stranger!" He looked down at my rock hard dick, and gave it a simple tug. "I'm not saying I could feel comfortable swinging on this, but... ya never know." He high-fived Shaw, who stood up too. Took the tequila bottle from me, and went into another part of the house.

"Don't forget your winnings on the bar, Jess. Fuck, man, you earned them." He said with a chuckle over his shoulder. I turned to Shaw.

"Um, what do you want to do now? I mean, I won the bet, and made my point. If you don't want to finish, I totally understand." I said. I wanted to give him an out. But what I really wanted, was those 10 inches back inside me, and his prick would not emerge from my body until it had spit his payload into my guts. He just took up the bottle of lube, and then took me by the hand, and led me down the hall. We came into a rather impressive `guest' bedroom, with a large king-sized bed. He pulled the bedspread off, and chucked it on the floor. He pushed me onto the bed, and then came down on me like a ton of bricks. My legs were wide, and I felt him cover me with his body.

"I wanna fuck you so hard, that when you cum, you won't know what planet you're on. I want to see your eyes roll up into your head, and feel you shake and shudder under me." He leered at me, with such a roguish smile, I was actually wondering if I hadn't been fucked by the devil himself.

"Pretty sexy talk for a straight boy." I said to him.

"Jess, you need to know something. When I was 17, my folks sent me to stay with my family in Greece. I hung out with my male cousins and their friends. When we couldn't score with the girls, we wound up doing each other. You are not the first dude I've screwed." I put my arms around his neck.

"Really? I've heard about that in some other cultures."

"Yeah, we just called it `kicking back.'" He moved a little tighter onto me, and I could feel his hard prick against mine. "I didn't like getting poked much, but a couple of the others liked taking my dick. They'd fight over it, at times." He said. "I was talking about this with Beast and Rick one night, when we were all hammered, and they both told me about you. How you just took one for the team, as it were, without getting all clingy and shit. You understood what it meant." I just nodded my head.

"I totally do. I can kiss and suck you all night. Get your dick up my ass as far as you can throw that fuck. But I ain't gonna fall in love with you or nothing. I love Aiden." I reached down, and gently squeezed that huge cock of his. "But, I am pretty fucking fond of this guy, though." I teased.

"Well, he's all yours for the next hour or so." He said, and then he kissed me, If my cock got any harder, I was sure the damn thing was going to explode. "Let's see who'll cum first. You wanna make a bet on it?" He asked. I just shook my head. He moved forward again, and his dick slipped into my ass. I gave him a little shudder, as it traveled up my chute. I just clung to his incredible shoulders, and held on to him until he reached the base. I then squeezed him with my nether muscles, and he rewarded me with a little shudder of his own.

Shaw's lips found my throat, and began kissing me there, while he ground his hips into me. I let out a groan, and felt his hands as he cupped my ass, and squeezed. He pulled back, and looked down at me. He was so amazing to look at. So strong, and powerful. I felt like Zeus had come down into my mortal bed, and was ravishing my body. I just threw back my head, and let him continue. My cock bobbed between us, and I suspected that if it came in contact with anything warm, I would be firing my load all over the both of us. He swooped down, and covered my mouth with his. I welcomed the kiss again, but soon I pushed him off my face.

"No-no. I want to watch you, fucking me." I said. "I want to see your face when you cum." He nodded, and leaned into me, with hard thrusts. I could not believe how well my body was taking this kind of punishment.

"You ready for my load, babe?" He asked, breathlessly. I nodded at him. "I'm gonna shoot it up inside you." He whispered. His voice also took on that wonderful quality that I loved so much. I just ran my hands over his chest, my thumbs coming in contact with his nipples. He doubled his thrust, and when he did that, he got into that magical angle, and clipped my prostrate. I shuddered, and bore down on him as hard as I could. When I let go, my body continued to spasm around his dick, and he then began to pound me. His hair hung into his face, he closed his eyes and made the kind of sound that every Gay man loved to hear. The cry of the wild orgasm. I was able to just get my hand around my cock when he pulled out, and then slammed all 10 inches into me, and fired, hard. His toes were deep in the mattress, and I knew if he could get even deeper into me, he would. I stroked my own cock, once, maybe three times, and I was blasting all over us as well. He continued to arch his back, emptying at least a weeks worth of seed into me. I felt his cock pulsing, and he had to have dumped at least a pint into me. When he finally collapsed on top of me, I just held onto him, and panted like a dog.

"Oh, SHIT!" He said, more into my ear. "Beast was right. You are an amazing fuck." I just chuckled.

"He said that about me?" I asked. A little embarrassed, and even more proud. I felt him nod his head. "Dude, I've been so hot for you for months. I told Aiden that if I ever got a shot at you, I'd take it." I said.

"Your man is cool with you fucking around?" He asked, raising up to look at me again. This time, I nodded.

"Yeah, he is. As long as I don't fall in love or something dumb like that." He got a strange look on his face, like he was about to start messing with my head. "You are hotter than a hole in the sun, but no. I've had a lustful crush on you, and now..." I squeezed his cock with my ass. "I got that itch scratched." He smiled, and continued to grind into me a little. It still felt pretty fucking amazing. "I wanna go jump in the pool before I get dressed." I said. He came down on me, rubbing his chin on my neck, acting like he was ravishing me again. My dick twitched in response, but he unplugged me, and rolled onto his side.

"Come on. I'll join ya." He said, and we both padded out to grab a quick swim.

I wanted him to take me in the water, but with that cock of his, it would act like a piston, and fill my guts up with more than just his seed. Still, the grab ass that we played was a little more `big boy' games. He floated on his back, with me on my back, on top of him. His dick felt good in the cleft of my ass. His hands roamed my chest, and he even jacked my dick a bit. I got him to sit over on the edge of the pool, with his legs spread. I then proceeded to give him the kind of blow job that I wanted to give him. He sat on the edge, cooed at my attention, and ran his fingers though my hair. His orgasm was a little loud, but very rewarding, as I was able to really enjoy the cock I had become so fond of.

Soon enough, the sun was starting to come up on Sunday morning. I pulled him out of the pool, and we walked back to the garage, so I could fetch my clothing. Aiden might be up, and I would have to tell him about the newest adventure I had been on.

"Any chance for a repeat performance?" He asked, as he opened the front door to me.

"As long as we obey the rules. I don't see why not. But, I have to tell ya somethin'. I REALLY want to share you with my husband." I said. He thought about it for a second.

"How come?" He asked.

"Aiden is `pitcher.' But, he really loves sucking dick. I'd love to watch him swing on your joint. Just to see how that would go." He thought about it a moment, then nodded.

"As long as I can get a good fuck out of you, once in awhile, I'm down with that." He added. He gave me a hug, which was kind of sweet, before he closed the door.

Aiden had been so envious of my little dalliance with Shaw. I told him all about what had happened, and my husband ate it up. He sucked my dick so well, that I really thought I was loosing my grip on reality.

About two months later, I decided to get a little adventurous. Normally, my mate and I do not engage in any group activities with each other. But, I really wanted to see my husband in action.

Aiden usually called from the hospital before his shift ended. He was a physical therapist, and even when he was working later shifts, it could be grueling. When he called this one night, I knew he'd had the shift from hell.

"I'm sorry sweetie. I hate it when your day sucks. But, I can tell you this, I got you something special for dinner."

"Oh?" He asked. "Did you sauté me some scallops?" He asked in his soft voice.

"No, but I think you will like it. Come on home as soon as you can." I said. The hospital was literally 15 minutes away, so I got to work on his special meal.

When Aiden walked through the front door, he saw Shaw standing with his arms above his head. He had ahold of the crown molding, which gave his torso this wonderful V-shape. He was also standing there, completely nude. I had been teasing his cock until also pointing at the ceiling. Aiden looked at me, and the biggest smile spread across his face.

"For me?" He asked. Shaw just nodded with a slight chuckle. I was also naked. Aiden dropped his pack, and went right to his knees. The poor guy didn't even take off his scrubs. He positioned himself in front of my former restaurant friend.

"Jesus, Jess, you weren't lying." He said, taking hold of Shaw's prick in his hands. Slowly, he started working the foreskin back and forth on Shaw's member. I stood up behind the huge man, and pressed myself up against him.

"Don't get any funny ideas, Jess." He said with smirky smile. I just ran my hands over his chest, rubbing my thumbs over his nipples. He sighed, and I continued to lower myself, until I was right next to his amazing ass. I ran my tongue over his cheeks, and he responded with a little grunt. Soon enough, I had those fleshy mounds parted, and had my tongue buried into his back side.

"Holy FUCK!" He said, and he put a hand on Aiden's head, and then one on mine.

I'm not sure what kind of technique my mate used on our huge friend, but within a few minutes, I could feel Shaw starting to buck into my husband's mouth. He withdrew his hand from my head, and gripped Aiden. A growl became a roar, and I knew that Aiden was chocking down a monster load. I continued to caress his thighs, his ass, his sides, until his shuddering subsided. Shaw plopped himself down on the couch, with a satisfied sigh. Aiden usually never missed a drop, but I guess there was just too much of a good thing, coming out of Shaw's cock. I leaned in, and began kissing my husband, sharing the taste of his `dinner.'

"Now, for desert." He said, and got out of his scrubs.

Aiden was a smaller version of Shaw. He had narrow hips, and a well defined chest. His arms were large and strong as well. He positioned me over him, so we were able to 69 each other. Aiden's cock was a good 7 inches, but on his smaller frame, he looked quite hung. I had been sucking on him for years, and knew what it was that really got his motor running. I did not hesitate. I guess we'd been going at it for a couple of minutes, when I was aware that Shaw was now behind me. I felt a familiar squirt on my ass, and knew that my mountain of a friend was about to sink into me... while I was getting sucked by my husband! Aiden had ahold of my thighs from below, and Shaw took hold of my waist. I felt his wet cock sawing against my cleft. He'd back off a bit, teasing my hole with the tip of his dick. I was getting close, before Shaw even started. I tapped my mate, to signal him to back off a bit. He then took to slobbering all over my nuts. Shaw parted my flesh, and started to work his way in. I had taken his cock a little earlier, just to get myself prepped up, so my body was not shocked by the invasion. But it was still an incredible thrill to feel that horse cock starting to travel up inside me. Slowly, Shaw moved forward, aware that my husbands face was right there. Aiden was getting a front row seat to my ass getting bred.

"Fuck, Jess." He whispered. "Watching that thing go into you is just so damn... nasty!" He then moved forward again, and the sound that Shaw was making, told me that Aiden had worked his way over to tonguing the big guys ass. My mate's cock was now out of my reach, so I just closed my eyes, and enjoyed the pounding. A little movement from under me, and I knew that Shaw was getting his balls stroked as well.

"Ay, let me suck your dick, babe." I breathed, and was soon rewarded with a set of lips on my prick, and a nice sized piece, bobbing in front of me.

Shaw began to vary his strokes, and I guess he had picked up on what would make me pop. The guy knew how to fuck, for sure. He'd go in deep, and then grind a bit. Then, he'd pull half way out and stroke those inches into me, slowly. The feel of a foreskin, bare, against you, while an impressive piece drills you, is an insane feeling. Not better than what my husband could do to my body, just different.

Aiden worked his magic on me, and between his lips, and Shaw's piece, I started to see stars exploding in my vision. My anal muscles started clamping down on the intruder, and I lost my cotton-pickin mind! I went over the edge, and just howled out a string of obscenities as I fired my jizz into Aiden's waiting gullet. Shaw started picking up his pace, and that triggered my husband. Aiden fired his own joy into my mouth, and I gulped it down, greedily. As soon as he had finished up, Shaw was ready with his turn. He took hold of my waist, and lifted me up, until I was on my knees. He continued to rise, until his legs were wide apart, and I was off the ground. I balanced myself on my hand, but my feet or knees were no longer touching the carpet. He continued to pound himself into me, his strokes got more and more fierce. And when I thought he was going to cause some serious damage, he threw back his head, and flooded me. This was his second load in 20 minutes, but it was still bigger than anyone else's first cum of the day. He held me there, making sure every drop of his spunk was now inside of me. Finally, when he let me go, he looked over at the two of us with the biggest smile on his face.

"Man, this takes me back." He said. I had already told Aiden about Shaw's trips to Greece, so he got the reference. Shaw then walked over to Aiden, put his face in his hands, and kissed him. "Thank you, man. For the mother of all blow-jobs, and for letting me fuck your guy."

"You're welcome." Ay said.

"I'm still not sure how you were able to deep throat my dick like that. But, man, am I glad you can."

He stayed for dinner, and got blown once more by my husband, while I put together a quick meal. It was such a fun and easy evening. One that got repeated for awhile.

Shaw made visits to Aiden and I, about once or twice a month over the next year. The visits were always super chill, and there was never any hard feelings. He stopped by the house when my husband was off, and I was working at the optical lab. I wasn't able to participate, but walked around that entire afternoon with the biggest hard on. And, during a boy's weekend that Aiden was having in San Francisco, Shaw stayed the weekend with me. I don't think we touched clothing for 48 hours. I think Shaw took me in every room of that house, and once in the back yard! He even tried to blow me, but couldn't get into it. I was fine focusing on his cock.

I have never been a big fan of happy endings. But this story does have one. Mike left the restaurant, and moved to Lake Tahoe. He has 2 ex-wives, But is incredibly happy. Nelson tried to bad mouth me the moment he got to work, but was met with a lot of hostility from the staff, and especially Shaw. Nelson didn't even finish out the shift before he walked off the job. He spent some time in jail for DUI, and, he found Jesus. Good for him...

Shaw met a beautiful young woman named Jodi, and the two were absolute soul mates. He did come over for one last fling with us, but we knew that our naked time with this incredible man was coming to an end. He was grateful that we were so understanding. Aiden and I closed our relationship, shortly there after. (Aiden would occasionally blow someone, but it kind of petered out as well.)

Today, Shaw owns an incredible Greek restaurant in one of the revitalized areas of our California city. He and Jodi act like newlyweds, all the time, despite having an absolutely striking 17 year old son. (Totally off limits. We are like his God Fathers.). Shaw cut his hair, and he slimmed down, but is still an amazing man to look at. One of the reasons we approve of Jodi so much, is that she kind of understands the past we all have, and isn't bothered by it. Although, Shaw indicated that she would kill all of us if there was ever a repeat.

And to think, this all started because of a failed blackmail attempt. How life can improve, when something so quickly, backfires.

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