Backlash Aftermath

By Bad Boy

Published on Apr 30, 2009


This story is of course fiction and does not imply anything the true sexuality of the wrestlers known as Tripe H, Batista, Shane McMahon, Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase Jr., or any other wrestler mentioned in this story or any subsequent stories. The WWE is owned by World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.

This story takes place immediately following Backlash 2009

Please bear with me, I am fairly new to the WWE, and therefore may not be aware of past storylines involving wrestlers, but I will do my best to be as faithful as possible. This was also written with the belief that there will be no major injury to Triple H from the punt to the head he took from Randy Orton at Backlash.

If you have enjoyed the story thus far, and would like to see more, write me with comments or suggestions at I love to get feedback! It's what keeps me going!

Part 2

It had only been a little more than an hour since Triple H had lost his WWE Championship title to Randy Orton and Legacy. While it had been a demoralizing defeat, one that might have caused a lesser man and wrestler to give up hope and to wallow in his own self-pity, this had not been the case with Triple H.

The act of losing his coveted belt had only ignited a thirst for revenge, a thirst that would only be quenched when Orton and his Legacy teammates, Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase had been utterly broken, body and spirit. A time when he would no longer have to look over his shoulder for Orton and his cohorts, when he would once again reign supreme in the WWE.

It was for that very reason that he and his two partners, Batista and Shane McMahon had planned a vicious attack on Orton and Legacy, an attack that had just been seamlessly executed, and the three men found themselves looking down at the motionless bodies of Orton and Legacy. The only thoughts racing through their minds were the instructions Triple H had just given them moments ago.

"The only way to break a wrestler is to break them of their alpha male tendencies, and the only way to break an alpha male is to break their spirit, and the only way to break their spirit is to break into their sweet virgin asses." The thought reverberated in the heads of Triple H, Batista and Shane McMahon as they consciously rubbed their quickly forming bulges, looking forward to what was about to occur.

Now, the world of WWE was a thoroughly masculine one, filled with superstars with huge egos, huge followings and huge paychecks, but this is not to say the life of a superstar is an easy one. Traveling across the country with extended periods of time spent away from their families took a toll on all men on the superstar roster, not only mentally, but physically as well. Like all men, these superstars needed to release their sexual tension now and again, perhaps even more so than the average man because of their position at the apex of masculinity. However, the management made it clear that there was to be no interaction between superstars and their diva counterparts, so, the superstars were forced to turn to the next best thing; their fellow testosterone fueled WWE superstars for sexual satisfaction.

In order to satisfy their need for sexual release, the practice of mutual masturbation had become fairly common within the WWE, but anything beyond that was strictly taboo and never occurred. To give another superstar a blowjob or to let another superstar fuck you was to give them power over you, dominance, all in a sports world in which possession of those traits dictated your very survival. That was the very reason why Triple H had concocted this plan, because once he and his teammates had fucked Orton and Legacy, they would be under his power for as long as he wanted. But it was always smart to have a little further insurance as well...

Leaving the room briefly, Triple H returned carrying a large black duffle bag, packed with things he had quickly gathered to aid in his conquering of Orton and Legacy. Reaching into the bag he pulled out a pair of steel handcuffs. Motioning for Batista to pick up the still unconscious Randy Orton, he quickly snapped one of the cuffs around Orton's wrist while directing Batista to carry him a little away from the others where a large pipe ran along the ceiling of the locker room. Lifting both of Orton's hands above his motionless body, Triple H maneuvered the handcuffs up and over the pipe, snapping the other cuff onto Orton's free wrist. Backing away a little, Triple H was pleased with his work as he admired Orton, his hands handcuffed around the pipe, his feet on the ground, but still lifeless, still slumped forward and unconscious from the steel chair he had taken to the back of the head.

Returning to his duffel bag, Triple H retrieved two lengths of rope, throwing one of them to Batista as they each turned their attention now to the still motionless bodies of Rhodes and DiBiase. Triple H and Batista maneuvered the two superstars so that they were laying face down, their bodies perpendicular to the bench on which they lay, their stomachs resting on the wood, knees on the ground while their asses were up in the air. Tying their wrists together, Triple H and Batista proceeded to then pull their wrists under the bench and towards the knees of the unconscious superstars, tying their hands to their knees with the remainder of the length of rope. There was no slack to the rope, and the whole tying up of Rhodes and DiBiase left the two young superstars tightly wrapped around the locker room bench, their heads slumping while their young firm asses were sticking high up in the air.

Reaching into his duffel bag one last time, Triple H retrieved a handheld camcorder, throwing it to Shane.

"Now remember Shane, if we want Orton and Legacy to be truly broken, we have to do more than just break them tonight, we got to make sure we have the proof that we broke them so that we can make sure they never act up again, got it?" Triple H said.

"I know, I know." Shane said as he nodded and flipped the power switch on the camcorder to the on position, making sure to get Rhodes and DiBiase in his viewfinder. "Now would you two just hurry up, I got a chubby just thinking about what we have planned for these two."

Triple H laughed as he turned to Batista. "Take your pick Batista." He said.

Squatting down behind the two young men, Batista ran his hands up and down the backs of Rhodes and DiBiase, before letting them come to rest on the their asses. After a few moments of squeezing and cupping the firm asses, Batista finally come to his decision.

"I think I'll take Rhodes." Batista snarled as he took up position behind the still comatose wrester while Triple H took up much the same position behind Ted DiBiase. As Shane McMahon got in position to begin recording the start of the debasement of the two young members of Legacy, Triple H and Batista could only look at each other, each knowing how much the other was about to enjoy the task at hand.

Reaching up to putting his fingers under the waistband of DiBiase's trunks, Triple H quickly lowered them to mid way down the thighs of the knocked out and trussed up superstar, exposing his ass, but still leaving the front of his trunks covering his cock. Letting out a long, low cat call whistle, Triple H patted the firm backside of DiBiase, admiring the young man's best asset. Eager to see the ultimate prize, Triple H grabbed hold of each cheek and pried them apart, revealing a perfectly hairless pink hole, looking back at him, staring him in the face, tempting him.

"Ah fuck" Triple H exhaled as he surveyed DiBiase's smooth perfect hole. "I don't know about the rest of him, but he's got a million dollar hole if I've seen one. Get a close up on this, will you Shane?"

But Shane was already busy with filming Batista and Cody Rhodes. Batista had done much the same as Triple H, pulling the young wrestlers trunks down to his thighs, reveling a hole just as tempting, just as tantalizing, just as tight as DiBiase, the only difference being that there was just a fine dusting of dark hairs surrounding Rhodes virgin hole. But while Triple H had taken time to study and appreciate the ass he was about to devour, Batista had let his animalistic tendencies take over. Pulling the two round meaty ass cheeks of Cody Rhodes apart, he had begun to feast on the delicacy that was the ass before him, burying his face right between those two tempting cheeks, letting his tongue feast on the hole of the young wrestler, the one place Batista was sure this wrestler had never let anyone near.

Triple H could only do one thing, and that was return to the situation at hand. Holding the two mounds of Ted's ass apart with his hands, Triple H begin run his tongue up and down the sweaty crack, enjoying the masculine taste that was Ted DiBiase, lapping at the perfect ass before him like a dog. When he would reach the million dollar hole, he would let his tongue circle round the hole, his tongue lightly flicking the contracted hole, tempting it to loosen, before he continued up the rest of the crack, repeating the process again whenever he had reached the top of Ted's ass.

While Triple H was busy relishing the chance to enjoy a virgin ass, Batista's approach could not have been any different. Within a matter of moments, he was working to pry Cody Rhodes' virgin hole apart with his tongue, working to gain entrance to that sacrosanct area of any man's body so that he could prepare it for the fucking he intended to deliver to it. It was only a matter of time before his tongue was darting in and out of Rhode's quickly loosening hole, exploring areas of this young superstar where no one had ever been before. Not merely content with tongue fucking the young man, Batista found himself nibbling at the virgin rosebud before him, spitting into the dilating hole, lightly biting on the flesh, whipping himself into a near sexual frenzy, so much so that he found himself bringing his hand up, off the right cheek of Cody Rhodes and letting it fall down hard in the same exact spot, slapping the firm muscle ass of the young superstar.

However, the aggressive rim job Batista was performing on Rhode's ass was having another effect than just making Batista even hornier. It was also bringing Cody Rhodes out of his unconscious stupor.

Batista was so busy munching away at the young superstar's hole, that he did not notice the groans and moans coming from Rhodes, tell-tale signs that the young man was regaining consciousness. It was not until he heard Rhodes mutter and feel the young man struggling with the ropes that tied him to the bench, that Batista was made aware that his sexual prey was now awake.

Springing from his position behind Cody, Batista leapt on top the back of the still struggling Rhodes, pinning him to the bench. Within moment his legs straddled Cody beneath him, his bulging briefs resting between the ass crack of Rhodes, while his mouth was right next to Cody's ear, whispering an ultimatum.

"Don't struggle bitch." Batista snarled. "Me and my friends here aim to make a proper example of you and the rest of Legacy, and I mean to enjoy myself with that tight ass I've been rimming whether you like it or not, so you might as well enjoy you're first fucking at the hands of Batista."

Even though he had just regained consciousness, the severity of the situation had already hit the young Cody Rhodes. Here he was, tied to the locker room bench, trunks down his thighs, and Batista lying on top of him, his bulge prominent and poking at his ass.

Rhodes began to struggle against his ropes and his captor. "Get the fuck off me, I don't know what you think you are doing but as soon as I get free, I am going to kick your fucking..." The words died in his throat as he felt a finger brush up against his hole. While he had been ranting, Batista had reached down and had begun to lightly brush Rhode's hole with his middle finger, petting it, teasing it. Cody had never been touched there before, and the sensations were beyond overwhelming, so much so that the words had died in his throat.

"Ah, does my boy like that; does my boy like his ass being played with?" Batista asked half-jokingly.

Rhodes did not respond, so overwhelmed with the sensation that he could only remain motionless. It was not until Batista slipped his middle finger up in to the hole that Rhode's eyes bulged in their sockets and his head slightly nodded as Batista began to rub and explore the yearning hole of Cody Rhodes.

Batista laughed out loud. "I always knew you would come to love this boy, just had no idea how quickly it would happen."

As Batista continued to toy with Cody Rhodes, Triple H had progressed from just rimming Ted's hole and was now working on fingering it. As he was working the first two knuckles of his middle finger in and out of Ted DiBiase's ass, he noticed the other half of Priceless start to regain consciousness. But unlike Cody Rhodes who at first had protested what was going on with him, DiBiase seemed to be getting off on it.

"Oh yeah Randy, yeah, fucking work my hole, you have no idea how long I've wanted this, always wanted to get fucked by you Orton, always wanted this." Ted muttered under his breath as he was beginning to come to.

"Well, Well, Well, looks like our million dollar boy is really a million dollar whore." Triple H said as he continued to finger DiBiase, adding another digit into the compromised hole.

It was now clear that Ted DiBiase was fully awake, but he was so wrapped up in his own sexual euphoria that he was unaware of his surroundings and the predicament he was currently in. It was only when he heard Triple H's voice one more time that DiBiase finally snapped out of his sexual trance.

"Mmmmm, Yeah, working this tight little hole, going to get it ready to be ploughed by my cock boy." Triple H uttered as he continued to work the loosening hole. Instantly the hole clenched around his fingers as Ted DiBiase came to the sudden realization that his fantasy of Randy Orton working his ass was merely that, a fantasy, and that it was none other than his rival, Triple H, fingering his butt.

"Calm down boy." Triple H said, patting DiBiase on the ass. "We heard what you were saying, we heard how you want Orton to fuck you, but the thing is boy, he's a little tied up right now, so you'll just have to settle for me."

"But I'm not supposed to be enjoying this..." DiBiase whimpered as Triple H continued to explore deeper in his virgin ass.

"Sure you're not boy, but the point is you are, so why don't you just relax and let me take care of you." Triple H whispered, feeling the clenching hole finally begin to relax again, as Ted DiBiase gave into the pleasure he was feeling.

During this whole episode, Shane McMahon had been dancing around the four men, making sure to capture the conquering of these two studs on his camcorder, not only to make sure they never fucked with him and his partners again, but also so that he could enjoy watching it later in private.

He was now focusing on both the faces of Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase as both of them continued to be fingered, as their once virgin holes were now being plundered by the thick digits of their captors and conquerors. Just be looking at the faces of these two young studs, he could tell they were in paradise. While thoughts of how wrong this was and how it might end their wrestling careers before they even really began raced through the minds of both Legacy members, their young virile, lithe and masculine bodies were winning the battle as they gave in completely to the pleasure they were experiencing through anal stimulation.

Focusing on the face of Cody Rhodes, Shane McMahon asked him a question. "Feels good now does it?"

Cody Rhodes could once again only nod in the affirmative. His eyes were rolled back into his head, his mouth agape, and saliva dribbling out of the corner of his mouth. Switching to Ted DiBiase, Shane made a suggestion.

"If a finger feels that good, imagine what something bigger might feel like, huh?"

Ted DiBiase nodded.

"Why don't you two ask for something bigger, something that I am sure both of your masters would love to give you?" Shane added.

Surprising even himself, Ted DiBiase was the first to speak up. "Please fuck me Triple H, you have no idea how long I have wanted this, how long I have wanted to be penetrated by a male stud like yourself, please, show me what it's like and fuck me, make me your bitch for life!"

Spurred on by the begging rant of his Legacy partner, Cody Rhodes was quick to chime in. "Fuck! Please fuck us, we deserve it, we have been nothing but young little punks, we need to be put in our place, to be broken, to be your bitches for as long as you want, just please fuck us and we will do what ever you want, just fuck our tight little holes! I am begging you Batista; I want to get speared by your fuck stick so bad!"

"Well, looks like we got a couple of bottom sluts on our hands boys, what do you say we let them have it, huh?" Triple H said to Batista and Shane with a huge grin on his face.

"Nothing would please me more" Batista growled as he lifted himself off Cody Rhodes and squatted right behind his now yawning ass hole.

"Make sure you get the first penetration on tape Shane, we don't want our little cock whores to forget who it was who broke them in now do we?" Triple H said.

As both Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase continued to debase themselves, begging to be fucked as hard as possible, as deep as possible, for as long as possible, Shane McMahon took up position, ready to capture the first fuck of these double anal virgins.

"Of Fuck we need this so bad, our cherries need to be popped, we need to be fucked by real man, by men who know what they are doing, by alpha men, by bulls, fuck we need this so bad." Cody Rhodes uttered.

Reaching into their trunks, both Triple H and Batista pulled out two impressive slabs of meat. Both of their cocks were just about 8" in length, with Triple H being just a little bit longer and Batista just a little bit thicker. Both pulled their trunks down just enough to free their already rock hard cocks, tucking the waistband underneath their low hanging balls.

Positioning themselves so as to be able to deliver a memorable fuck to each of these young superstars, they began to rub their cocks up and down the asses of their bottoms, driving them wild, whipping them into a sexual fervor. No sooner had they positioned their cock heads at the entrance of the holes of Rhodes and DiBiase that the two men began to writhe madly, struggling against their ropes, flailing around on the bench, anything to have the imminent penetration of their virgin holes begin just a few seconds sooner.

"Please daddy, please fuck me, please use me however you wish." DiBiase said as his ass wiggled, hungry for cock.

Flashing one last knowing glance at each other, Triple H and Batista each took one last long breath, gripped the writhing bodies of Rhodes and DiBiase with their strong hands, and with a strong push, for the first time, breeched the defenses of the virgin holes of Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase.

As the howls of pleasure and pain filled the locker room, Shane McMahon, still busy filming the rape of these two young men could only smile to himself and think what a night this was shaping up to be.


That is the end of part 2. Sorry to leave it as a cliffhanger again, but it's designed to get people to write me with thoughts, suggestions and comments concerning this part and possible future parts. So please, write me at and let me know what you think. If there is enough interest, you can bet that there will be follow up parts.

Regardless, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it. Look forward to hearing from you!

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