Bad Girl

By Mas P

Published on Mar 15, 2009


And here we have the result of a very productive day where I was effective in avoiding doing any homework. I hope you enjoy the fruits of my procrastination.

If you'd like to fan my ego, or take it down a notch then hit me up at:

Bad Girl

By Mas

I thought that I was so cool. So damn cool.

Getting invited to a college party? Cool. Getting hit on by college guys and girls? Cool. Drinking alcohol officially for the first time (sneaking drinks from the cupboard doesn't count)? Cool. Nearly falling on my ass in front of one of the hottest girls, correction: women; that I've ever seen? Not cool.

And I didn't 'nearly' fall either. That's a little white lie, I tell quite a bit. I fell hard.

It was so hot that night. I watched Chris, which is short for Christina, as she got ready for another party. She's my big sister and never tires of pointing out that fact. Another party that I was NOT invited to since I was still in high school and would make her seem less cool. Eleventh grade to be exact, and hating it.

"Chriiiiiiiiis..." I moaned again as I rolled around on her bed, covering my head with her pillow. From the sound of it you'd think that I was in physical pain. I was. Well back then I thought that I was. I was beyond sheltered. Not only by my parents but by Chris too, though she chose to show her "sheltering" by scowling at me and calling me a geek when ever she could. I still idolized her and she knew it.

"I said NO Chloe! Now stop bugging me already and get out of my room!" She didn't want me to leave though. I convinced myself of this a long time ago.

Hence why she was humoring me as she got ready. The doorbell rang as she slipped into the bathroom again. My face lit up. It could have been only one person. I was proven correct when Chris stuck her head out of the bathroom and told me to get the door and let Jasmine in.

I ran from the room already planning my begging in my head.

Jasmine bounded into the house asking if Chris was ready and then asking me why not. I ignored her questions.

"Jasmine! Tell Chris to let me go to this party with you!" She laughed at me. She flung her arm around my neck as we walked quickly upstairs.

"You still trying to get in on our nights huh?" When I pouted she smiled in sympathy. "I'll tell her. I mean, what are you now? 17?"

"Do I look it?!" I sat up in the bed excitedly running to the mirror as she touched up her lip gloss. She studied me for a minute and her eyes lit up then glinted mischievously.

"You know what? You're not to far from Chris in the looks department. An early bloomer." I blushed as she looked pointedly at my chest. "I bet we can have you spruced up in no time." I squealed and hugged her. I was a little overwhelmed by the Escada wafting from her chest but I didn't mind.

Chris came out of the bathroom and scowled at us. Jasmine laughed as she pushed me away then walked over to Chris' closet.

"Jasmine, what are you doing?" Chris ran her hand through her brown hair as she grabbed her hair dryer.

"Chloe's coming with us."

"What?! Are you crazy?" Chris took the shirt from Jasmine and threw it on the bed. "My dad won't let me anyway. Not to mention mom."

"The only reason they don't let me go is because you don't want me to go." Arms crossed defiantly, I glared at her.

"For good reason! These aren't little high school boys Chloe." I stood up and walked over to her but she had a hand in the air. "Chloe this isn't about me not wanting you to have fun-"

"That's exactly what this is! Jesus! You're only two years older than me and they treat me like a little baby." Jasmine sat on the bed watching us at a loss.

Chris sat down too and sighed. She looked at me then at Jasmine then back at me and sighed again. "You better stick with me the whole night Chloe and I mean the WHOLE night and you better tell mom and dad, 'cause I ain't." She laughed as I practically strangled her in a fierce hug then ran from the bedroom. "NO alcohol either."

"Yeah right!" I shouted back.

Mom and dad weren't thrilled but they loved the idea of Chris watching out for me the entire night. Chris never came home drunk...or pregnant. For them that was good enough to grant my request.

I however, recalled quite a few nights when she'd call me to tell me open the back door for her. Jasmine and I would help her into her bedroom and mom and dad wouldn't be the wiser. I think this gave me some leverage that night too though I'd never bring it up. I was much too grateful.

The students at school were a bore. Actually, I just didn't like any of them. I've had my share of compliments and guys asking me out but I just wasn't interested in any of them. That's when I began to listen to Chris's stories. Then when I'd subway into the city to Chris's school sometimes to meet for lunch I'd see all those mature students who looked so worldly and...and hot.

I knew what I wanted. And it wasn't in my high school.

Jasmine found a little dress that Chris had at the back of her closet. She was a little heavier than me now but it fit me perfectly. It was a color I never wore before or ever would have picked out for myself, yellow, but it was clingy and thigh high with a scoop neck.

"Fucking hot." Jasmine mumbled as she fixed my makeup and found me some heels. I looked in the mirror before we left and saw the face of a stranger. A very attractive stranger. She was right. I looked hot.

I was surprised at how popular Chris was but wasn't at the same time. In high school she moved with the more popular crowd. To say that she was in a clique would be stretching it, but she definitely wasn't ignored. It seemed that in college she kept with that trend.

Like Chris, I had our dad's exotic looks. His Hispanic genes were very obvious and it seemed like most of the guys liked it. Lots of lingering looks from overly happy and touchy men greeted us.

It was strange though, I found myself being awkward and doubting if it was such a good idea after all. Chris kept an eye on me and even gave me a beer.

"You're gonna get one anyway..." she said with a nudge. I grinned. I WAS going to get one as soon as she turned her back. I took a sip and tried not to spit it out. I watched the other people around me drinking it too so swallowed it down and took another sip. After 5 sips it began to taste...drinkable.

"Who's the cutie Christina?" A tall dark haired guy asked. I swallowed and tried not to hide behind Chris. He was hot. Dolce & Gabbana hot. If I wasn't such a stickler for details I may have missed his eyes though. Something in them made alarms go off in my head.

"My little sister. Chloe." I smiled and he smiled back. I felt Chris's arm around my shoulders a second later though. "Sorry Luke, we gotta go to the little girl's room." She steered us away from him until we got swallowed up in the crowd.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"He's a prick and I hate him. I heard he raped a girl but they have no proof."

"What?!" I squeaked only to collide with a tall blonde guy. Was everyone tall at this party?

"Josh!" Chris squealed and I watched as Chris hugged him. He swung her around and they began to talk excitedly. Someone walked up behind him. I noticed the dark hair and dark clothes before I realized that someone was a girl. Well, a woman. She was gorgeous. I think the right words would be devastatingly beautiful.

She lowered her bottle and looked around almost bored then her eyes moved over me then doubled back. An eye brow rose slowly as she swallowed. I swear that with the shouting and music I heard it. I certainly saw it. I saw the way she licked her lips slowly after the drink and smirked a little. Just then the guy Chris was talking to, Josh I think was his name, turned and pulled the dark haired girl forward. Her hair fell a little into her face; the curls were slowly swept up out of her eyes that never left my face. Only when Chris said something to her. What was the name Chris said?

"It's nice to meet you Akia." Akia. It fit her somehow. She was tall. I could say as tall as the jerk Chris steered us away from. Dark eyes, light brown skin, nice lips. Really nice lips, pouty lips. Kissable lips...

I felt something inside of me break away and I had no idea what it was or if I even wanted to stop it. I knew that I should have though. Something about her made a thousand bells go off in my head. Unlike Luke, these bells seemed to be an alert instead of a warning. But when someone alerts you isn't it often to warn you of some danger?

She turned back to me. "And who's this?" She asked in a low even voice. She didn't shout over the music and I heard every word. Josh was shouting to be heard but her voice came directly to me. I loved her voice. Wait. What was I saying?

What was I THINKING? A girl...female...but it didn't seem to make a difference to my body. I was getting wet just looking at her. I lowered my eyes and hoped that no one noticed. I didn't look up again, not even when Chris introduced me to her.

She reached out her hand and I mirrored her. Good thing no flammable gases were in the immediate vicinity. Her eyes glanced at our joined hands. She felt it too. I didn't want to look up, I kept my eyes down and hoped that she'd let go even as I thought about where I'd like that hand to be, what I'd like it to touch.

I felt her fingers on my chin, then my eyes were on hers again. "A pleasure to meet you Chloe." She smiled that smirking smile again and Chris looked at Josh with a raised eyebrow and frowned at us, but I didn't notice any of this. Chris placed her arm around my shoulder and Akia stepped back. It was as if someone allowed more oxygen into the room that I wasn't so sure I wanted...or needed.

Our hands fell apart. Mine slipped around my beer. Hers hung on the side of her jeans, a finger hooked into a loop. Lucky loop.

"There's Jasmine!" Chris shouted out and Jasmine turned and waved at us. Akia watched me still. I glanced at her every few minutes as Josh spoke to her, shouting over the noise. My eyes averted her stare though. Instead I looked at her feet. Covered in heavy looking boots. Then dark jeans that were not tight but weren't baggy either. They hugged her thighs and hips perfectly. Her hips. I wonder if she had a nice...Oh God. This is going too far, I thought.

"Listen, there's this guy from my accounting class I want you to meet Chris..." they lost me as I watched Akia's lips as she took another sip of her beer. I couldn't stop looking. She hugged the nozzle and sucked. Pulling the bottle away and slowly licked her lips.

My eyes fell to her shirt, she wasn't very endowed there but they seemed to be a nice size anyway. Her t-shirt was tight and white, the only thing that wasn't black on her. Then her jeans. Back to those jeans and that ass and...wait a minute, I thought...I looked up at her face then back down to her crotch again. My heart beat picked up.

Oh my god...I...she...either Akia is the most beautiful man I've ever met or Akia is packing.

I wasn't in the dark about these things. I just never...I was speechless. My mouth must have been hanging open. And I don't know what was on my face but in that crowded room, filled with tipsy, drunk, high, horny college students I felt as if Akia could have read my every thought and was quite amused at them.

I looked back down at her crotch and saw her shift as if to approach me when Chris suddenly turned me around and we headed quickly toward some stairs. I looked back and stretched my neck to find Akia still watching me.

When I checked back the third time I lost her gaze in the crowd.

Chris pulled me into a room where even more people were partying and Jasmine tugged her over towards some guy. Chris turned to me, "Don't leave okay. Stay in this room!"

I nodded my head quickly. I had no intention of leaving that room. I sipped my drink and fended off a few drunken advances with warning that my "boyfriend" would be back any minute. I sipped and watched as Chris began to kiss her way into a corner with mister mystery guy and at some point Jasmine just disappeared. I got bored and then my bladder began to protest. Looking at the door to the bedroom then back at Chris then to the door again I made a decision.

I'll only be a second, I reasoned with myself.

I gripped my beer and began to make my way to the exit or entrance depending on what side you were on. I was making progress then was face-to-face with someone's chest. I looked up and my eyes widened. It was Luke.

"Hey, where you running off to honey?" He turned as if to lead me toward the doorway. I had to think fast. I looked over at Chris but she was getting a very thorough tonsil examination. No help there. Crap.

"Um just running to the bathroom, I'll be right back." I tried to smile sweetly in adoration. I felt like someone was pulling my lips with strings. It must have worked because he nodded his head slowly and removed his arm.

"I'll be over there." He pointed somewhere in the corner of the room and I nodded my head excitedly. He backed off and let me go.

I turned to the door and practically ran for it this time, squeezing my way through the masses then squeezing through some more until I got to the bathroom. It was empty to my relief, so I did my business then checked myself out in the mirror. I still looked presentable, if a little sweaty. My eyes had a glazed, brightness to them, but I blamed that on the alcohol.

The night wasn't what I expected it to be though. I found myself wanting to go home. Badly. I sighed and grabbed my beer and took a sip for courage then opened the door quickly, not bothering to look up, forgetting for a minute how crowded the house was.

I promptly ran into a brick wall. Or what felt like a brick wall. I bounced off of it and fell on my ass with a dull thud, my bottle sloshing beer on my dress. I looked up ready to shout at the idiot then felt the words pile up behind my throat. It was Akia.

Her eyes were smiling but her lips didn't get the memo. If I wasn't so enthralled by the darkness of her stare I would have thought that she was angry, or at the least indifferent.

Boy was I wrong.

"So can you talk or what?" She asked in that phone sex voice. That's what I dubbed it then. My lips moved but I had yet to utter a word. My mouth snapped shut and I nodded instead.

It was ridiculous the way I was still on the floor with an amazon looming over me, but I just couldn't seem to get my legs and arms to move. She must have been reading my mind because she shook her head a little then bent down with her hands reaching out for me. I reached out to her and was pulled up with enough force to make me tumble into her. Either she was unaware of her own bodily strength or she did it intentionally. I was too self-conscious and shy to think the latter.

So tumble I did. She didn't budge, naturally, and so I found my mouth at the top of her t-shirt clad chest. Her perfume drifted up to me and I closed my eyes. It was a low, exotic scent. Her arms tightened around my waist as my legs turned to rubber.

"Oh man..." I mumbled, realizing how drunk I must have looked. The spell seemed to disappear and my eyes opened...they were closed? I looked up and this time was met with a smile, though a sly one.

She walked forward forcing me back into the bathroom. My eyes never strayed from hers as my brain screamed for me to get out of there, to not let this strange woman get me in a little bathroom and close the door. I had a feeling that if I needed to fight my way out of there she'd win hands down.

"Hey! I need to pee man!" Some guy shouted just as she was about to shut the door with her foot. She shoved me gently inside then turned toward the door.

"This bathroom's out of order." She began to close the door but the guy put his foot in the way. I swallowed nervously as she looked from his foot to his face then opened the door and stepped forward menacingly. He stepped back then suddenly stopped and looked around as if for some support. Everyone was too drunk or high to care though.

"Look, I just used it..." Akia stared him down and I would have laughed when his hands rose in surrender if she wasn't scaring me a little too. "There are more bathrooms." Akia turned and stepped back inside the room then turned toward the retreating guy again and shouted out for him to stop.

"Look, I said it cool alright! I'll-"

"Shut up," she growled and shoved her hand into her pocket yanking something out. Whatever she found she jammed into his hand. "This bathroom is unavailable; make sure anyone who comes knows that." He looked down at his hand then his eyes widened in excitement and he nodded earnestly.

She turned back to me and all too soon the door closed on the back of the stranger's head. Then it was just Akia and me.

She stepped forward and I stepped back. She did it again and my thighs touched the counter so I stopped. "What do you want?" I asked. She smiled and stepped forward still, then I felt the heat of her body against my own.

"Well that's a silly question." She said. Her hand moved from her side and found the ends of a few strands of my hair. Unlike her, I had brown hair that I kept in a layered style. It fell midway down my neck so I felt the tips of her fingers against the skin there. She moved again and I gasped as the memory of what I thought I saw became a reality.

She was packin'. Her eyes followed the line of my neck as her fingers tugged gently on the hair she was playing in. I watched her eyes as they moved from my neck to my lips, my eyes...then back to my lips.

Just when I thought she'd kiss me she pulled back a little and her eyes followed the line of my dress, dropping slowly from the strap that draped over my shoulder to merge down into the scooped neck of the dress and lingered over the rise of my breasts.

My breath began to pick up now, as if I were running a mile. She smirked, then I swear the room brightened when a full out smile found her lips then disappeared a moment later. I wish that I knew what she was thinking in that moment. It softened what was obviously a very hard if attractive exterior.

My strap was pulled away. I gasped and moved to pull it back only to have her hand stop me. I pushed against her but she only smiled.

"Don't play hard to get now," she murmured. I felt anger and fear flare up inside of me and shoved at her. She didn't budge. She stepped closer and despite my fear I moaned into the silence.

"I know you want it," she whispered.

"You don't know me." I hissed at her. She laughed and shook her head. Then pulled the other strap down revealing my strapless bra. "Let go of me."

"Or else what?" She asked. Her eyes glinted in defiance then softened. It was such a contradiction. I wanted to slap her even as I wanted to pull her closer. "Why don't you just admit that you wanna get fucked."

That did it. It was the innocent way that she said it that pissed me off. I raised my knee quickly but not quick enough, she was ready for me and shoved my legs apart. I bit my tongue as the dildo was shoved even more into me. Her mouth was a breath away from the skin of my neck.

"You want me to give it to you don't you?" She asked. I felt lust flare up inside of me. I did, and I hated to admit it to myself. I felt shame because of it. No one was supposed to do this right? Who wants to get fucked in a small bathroom in some strange house? No one should want some strange, exotic woman to take her like that right?


Her lips touched my neck and the last of my control slipped from my hands. As if it was in my hands from the beginning. Her mouth attacked my neck, sucking and pulling at my skin.

I groaned loudly as she shifted closer, pulling me up on the sink. Her mouth moved over my neck, down to my breasts, she released one of my hands to pull down the bra.

Lips attached themselves to a straining nipple. "Oh God!" I chanted. I'd never had anyone touch me like that before, with such intensity. Every suck, ever lick was deliberate. She moved to the other nipple and I pulled at her jacket. She chuckled, releasing my nipple with a smacking sound.

She still held my other hand behind her as she moved to her full height again. My chest was heaving by that time. Dark eyes roamed over my face then focused on my lips.

She licked her lips and leaned into me. The first touch of her mouth was hot. Soft. Gentle. She rubbed her mouth over mine then suddenly she was consuming me.

"Mmmmm." I felt her tongue everywhere. It was soft, slick and so, so sensual. I had nothing to measure her kiss against. No one else ever kissed me like she did. So thoroughly. I closed my eyes when I felt her hand on the inside of my thigh.

Then he fingers were on me, touching me over the fabric of my underwear. Leaving a trail of wetness when they ran down the inside of my thighs only to find my center again.

"Mmmmm, I love women in G-strings." Women. That brought me to reality. I was about to have sex with a college student in a dirty bathroom in some strange house. She must have had a different girl every night. This was so wrong...


"No." I pushed at her with my free hand.

"I said wait!" She looked at me and must have seen something in my eyes. She leaned back but didn't move her hips from my own. I opened my mouth about to say God knows what when her hand began to move between my legs again.

"I said...I said...Oh God..." She kissed my chin, then placed kisses along my jaw. Everything became a jumble of thoughts as the roughness of a moment ago melted into soft kisses. The hand I used to push her away was pulling her impossibly closer. Her fingers loosened at my wrist. The other fingers made quick work of the g-string. Then they were back, delving into my heat. I'd never been so wet.

I heard the wet sound made when she slid her fingers through me. It made me even hotter. My heart beat was racing.

I grabbed at her jacket and began to pull it off. She chuckled again but released my other hand and shrugged out of it. I held her arms, loving the way the muscle beneath the soft skin flexed against my grip. I ran my hands over her shoulders then down her chest. I pressed into her stomach, it was hard and flexed beneath my touch. Then I was pulling off her t-shirt in a race to touch her skin.

I looked up at her and pulled her face closer crushing our lips together. The counter bit into the back of my thighs as she began to grind into me. It was such a slow rhythm, but it enough pressure to make me begin to move against her.

I moaned in frustration when I couldn't get her close enough, when the kiss wasn't enough. She shoved up my dress as her other hand unbuckled her belt then her jeans.

I shoved it down, then reached for her briefs, but her hands were already working to release the strap that bulged from between her thighs. Then she was touching me again. It was slow, it was torture.

"Don't..." I wanted to tell her not to tease me. I opened unfocused eyes to watch her push her hair back from her face then quickly grab hold of my face. Her eyes were black.

"Don't what? Don't do this?" She entered me in one smooth stroke. I couldn't breathe as she filled me. A squeak escaped my throat as I bit my lip to keep quiet. It was no use.

She slid out and then in again. "Ohhhhhh..." She grabbed my thighs, pulled at them and wrapped them around her hips as she moved in slow strokes. My hands moved to grip her back, the muscles there contracted with every movement she made. Every thrust of her hips was felt beneath my fingers.

"You don't want me to do this?" She whispered against my ear as her hand slid down and began to touch my clit. I looked up and stared at the white tiled wall, her lips were on my neck again, softly running her tongue over bruised skin, nipping then soothing as she went along. My thighs tightened around her and her pace picked up.

"Oh god, oh god..." I chanted as she pounded into me. Her lips found my own again and she pulled my tongue into her mouth. The sound of harsh breathing filled the bathroom. Hips slapping loudly was its echo. I felt each breath against my cheek as I tried to suck her tongue into my mouth. I was going insane, her mouth was fuel to the fire. With each pull of her lips the heat between my legs began to flare up, I began to grip her now.

She felt it because soon she was groaning into my mouth too. I pulled on her bottom lip as she tilted her head to answer back. She ran her tongue over my upper teeth then searched for my tongue again. I ran my hands down her back to grip her ass and I heard a guttural moan.

I grabbed her ass and began to move against her with purpose. I was so damn close.

My hands slid beneath her briefs and squeezed again. Her finger rubbed my clit with purpose and I saw the wave behind my closed eyes building up above me. I knew in my head I should run from it but I knew I needed it. Somehow I needed this.

I began to gasp, my mouth opening despite my need to kiss her. Her hand slapped the mirror behind us loudly as she suddenly leaned into me for support. Her hand braced my shoulder though I didn't need it I was wrapped around her like a snake and moving just like one.

"Ahhh!" I shouted into the room as she groaned loudly. It was like a rainbow burst into a thousand smaller rainbows in my head. The image of those skittles commercials came to me. I smiled as my head dropped back riding the wave of my orgasm. I think I saw the face of God, if it wasn't him it was someone giving me thumbs up with a very satisfied grin on their lips.

I bit down on my lips again as she began to slow her movements, drawing out the last from us both.

"Fffffffuck," she mumbled against my lips. I opened my eyes but hers were still closed. Gasping for air against lips doing the same thing turned the moment into a strangely intimate one. I'd never shared air with someone like that before. All at once her eyes were open and on me. They were dark, but slowly lightening to their normal color. Mahogany.

I still was holding her ass and blushed when I realized that. My hands slowly released her. She did the same to me and stepped back a bit. My eyes ran down her body and I felt my body beginning to heat up again. What's wrong with me? I just had mind blowing sex and I want her already...I felt so imbalanced. And she was the reason.

I turned around and lowered my head as I began to adjust my bra. She came up behind me and I closed my eyes. The dildo, still warm from being inside of me rubbed against my ass.

"I..." It was comforting listening to her stutter. The word hung around us, I looked up at the mirror into confused eyes that immediately darkened. It was as if she threw up a curtain. But it was too late. I saw her.

She pulled my legs apart and leaned into me. My eyes widened at what she was about to do.

"No, I can't. I-"

"Shhhh..." she said and entered me again from the back. My muscles tingled immediately from the intrusion. They hugged the dildo as hooded eye focused on her reflection. She watched me as I watched her. Her hand pressed into the glass besides my own as she moved inside of me.

Long fingers pressed into my stomach, pushing me into her.

It didn't take me long to cum. This time it was quiet; low moans, whispered curses. A gentle fuck. I smirked at the absurdity of it. She stilled in me, breathing harshly behind me. I loved the way she felt pressed up against me. I didn't want her to move. It was so far from making love but I'd never felt so...comfortable with someone before. I felt something burning behind my eyes. I'm sure that there was a lot of dust in that bathroom though. was dust

If I wasn't watching her I would have missed the kiss she placed on my neck. If my eyes were closed I would have thought that I'd imagined it.

I looked up into her face, took in the glistening skin, swollen lips that mirrored my own, the arm holding my stomach, how the light brown skin contrasted with my own. God she looked hot in that moment. I felt like a shrub standing in front of a rose.

She moved back, I closed my eyes as the dildo slid from me again. A shiver ran down my spine and this time she stepped away completely. I began to fix my bra again then felt her hand against my skin, then they were on my dress pulling it up. I turned around and she pulled it up completely. Soft hands grazed my thighs as she pulled up my g-string and tugged down my dress.

I blushed. She smirked and shook her head. I found myself wishing that I could read minds again.

"Your sister's looking for you like crazy right now." She said matter-of-factly. She studied at me as if waiting for my reply. Somehow I felt as if my response was important to her. As if it would tell her HER next move.

I smiled and watched as she began to pull up her jeans, she clasped them then began to do the same to her belt but I touched her hands. She looked at me, I felt her stare as I buckled them for her. I didn't dare look up. I looked around for her t-shirt and found it hanging on the shower rod. I pulled it outside-in then gave it too her. She tugged it on. I gave her the jacket, she shrugged it on.

She shook her head again as she looked at me for a moment. "I think I know you better than you think Chloe." She said quietly then turned and opened the door. The sound of the party rushed at us. She stepped back and motioned for me to leave the bathroom first.

The guy was still there; when she tapped him on the shoulder he turned and smirked at us both knowingly. I blushed as reality came knocking. And boy was she loud.

What in the hell did I just do?

When his eyes completed their prowl of my body they fell on Akia whose scowl must have said enough. He nodded his head then walked away. I wanted to leave that party then and there. But now the only difference was that I wanted to leave with Akia. She turned to me and reached over to put her arm around my shoulder, no doubt to lead me outside. I saw understanding flutter across her face.

"I can take you home." She said as she watched my face. I nodded my head. I was about to verbally take her up on the offer when the whirlwind that is my sister swept down on us. Well on me really, Akia stepped back.

"Where in the FUCK were you?!" She grasped my shoulders. "I've been looking for you for over an hour!" My eyes widened. I had no idea I spent that much time with Akia. I looked over my shoulder, just to make sure that she was still there but she was gone. A search of the immediate area was fruitless. Just like that...gone. I didn't know if I was sad or relieved.

"I...I was in the bathroom. I got really sick."

"I told you to stay in the room Chloe! You had me and Jasmine so worried." Just then Jasmine came squeezing through the crowd and looked relieved to see me. I felt bad for making them worry but felt even worse for not even saying good bye to Akia. Akia...saying goodbye to Akia. I smirked even as I thought of how ludicrous it sounded. You get fucked in a bathroom then think you're connected Chloe? It all raced back to me again...what I allowed to happen.

Then I realized that there was no condom in sight the entire time. Suddenly I got scared. Really scared. I let a strange woman fuck me with a dildo in a bathroom without protection. I was an idiot of the highest degree.

"I don't feel so good Chris..." I mumbled as I rubbed my forehead.

"Come on, I'm not feeling up to this now. Jasmine, we're leaving."

"Okay, I'll tell Kenny then." Jasmine hollered then turned to make her way back through the crowd.

"I need to tell Josh..." my eyes widened at having to see Akia again.

"Can we just leave, I think I'm gonna be sick if I stay any longer...the beer." I lied and she bought it. Her arms hugged me close as we pushed our way out of the house. We stood outside waiting on Jasmine who looked remarkably sober.

"Let's hit the road ladies!" She shouted and we walked down the street to find our car. "Some party huh?" Jasmine asked as she looked over at me. Then she stepped closer and leaned into my neck. She looked up at me and laughed out loud. I looked down and my eyes bugged. My chest was filled with hickeys. I had no idea how Jasmine saw it and Chris didn't. Suddenly I was very happy that she was so tipsy. And that it was dark.

I looked back at the house, still lit on every floor and in every window. My eyes moved to the porch area where a dark figure sat. I swear the person was watching us.


The tip of a cigarette burned red then lifted toward the sky a bit. I bit my lip then turned around. I have to put this night behind me, I thought.

Chris hugged me close, she got really affectionate when drunk. "Okay sis? Had fun?" I smiled and nodded my head.

A certain face filled my head, "Yeah, yeah I did."

"Oh I'm sure," Jasmine said then began to laugh again. She placed her finger over her lips and nodded her head.

Good, I thought. That's just how I wanted it.

I couldn't believe how fast the break rushed up on us. One day you're relaxing at home, working, going to the lake or the movies, then the next you're back in school.

It was the beginning of the spring semester and I was not happy to be back.


"Hey Chloe!" My friends all greeted me excitedly. I guess you could say that I was a part of the popular crowd. I like to think of it as popularity by default. I knew that it was only by association with Chris though. She new all of the hot guys when she was in high school, my friends wanted to know the hot guys too, so by default my friends all decided to know me.

I didn't take it for granted though. I made it a point to not be like them. I can admit that it was hard. Sometimes it felt like I had to choose everyday. I wanted to yell at them all most days and get it through their skulls that I was not cool, or hot, or know any of Chris's friends and had no interest in knowing any of least not anymore.

I was a closet nerd. I guess it was just my luck that I was a pretty attractive one.

"Another semester of Physics eh?" Donna said. She could be Gabrielle Union's twin. The girl was hot and knew it. Despite being vain Donna was a good friend though.

"Don't I know it, I'm just happy I have Chris to help me make sense of this crap." I mumbled as I sat down in the chair, crossing my thighs. My jeans skirt rode up my thighs and I caught one of the guys looking at them. I rolled my eyes and lowered my legs, pulling down my skirt. He looked up and didn't try to hide the slimy smile.

"Idiot." The teacher entered the class welcoming us all back to school. Everyone settled down. I took out my book to begin writing down lines of poetry like I always did when I was stuck in classes that I hated.

He droned on and on about what we were going to do that day then stopped and I looked up. The door opened up and his eyes lit up.

"And class," he said beaming at us all. "We have a new addition to our class and our school." The door swung open even wider and in stepped my past.

I gasped and stopped breathing. Akia.

He was telling us to be kind, considerate, make her feel at home. I was telling myself to breathe.

She looked over the class room, either not aware of the looks of instant lust in the eyes of most of the guys, and a few of the girls, or she just didn't care.

Akia. In my class. Akia in high school?

Confusion filled my head as I felt my body temperature rise. Her gaze stopped on me and I noted the surprise that filled the eyes then the smirk. She began to walk down the isle. Guys looked crest fallen when she walked past them, ignoring the empty seats next to them. Girls looked envious, I'm sure that I looked scared and awestruck. It had to be a joke. This girl had me screaming my lungs out in a dirty bathroom, she had me climbing the walls after getting tested, she had my nights filled with hot, erotic dreams for days following that night. Now she was walking towards me as if she didn't have a care in the world.

When she stopped next to me I realized that the seat next to me was empty. She sat down slowly, throwing her bag on the floor. Her black boots crossed at the ankle as she looked at me with obvious amusement.

"Hello Chloe." She said in that same low, alto voice.

This has to be a joke, I thought again, as I covered my eyes with my hand.

The End...? Not by a long shot!

Next: Chapter 2

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