Bad Girl

By Mas P

Published on Apr 27, 2009


The story sorry for the wait guys. Thanks to my fans for the encouragement and patience!

If you'd like to fan my ego, or take it down a notch then hit me up at:

Thanks a mil Brenda for proofing it!

Bad Girl - 10

By Mas

Kia - Part 1/2

I don't know what woke me up. I blinked into the darkness just making out a sliver of moonlight through my curtains. I loved the darkness. There was something comforting about it. The infiniteness of it. Only when I had Chloe in my arms did the light seem bearable. It may just be that Chloe WAS the light. I shook my head at my own romantic thoughts. I was having a lot more of them these days. If only Uncle P could hear me now. He was having the time of his life teasing me about being in love.

The first time he said it I tackled him to the ground. He cursed me all evening. It was the kitchen floor, so his huge ass did not have the comfort of carpet to cushion it. After a few days though, I stopped fighting it. I started to think about it then I started to realize that I WAS in love with her.

Or at least what I thought was love. I'd never been in love with anyone before. I rolled over and glanced at the clock. It was only 5:00 am. My eyes fell on a brown leather bounded book on my nightstand that already had the corners of a few pages folded over.

In a matter of seconds I switched on the lamp and had her book opened to a marked page. I was soon finished reading, and was sure that I would read it over again...and again...and again.

"...not so simple it seems. To separate myself from her. To stop myself from thinking about her. Touching her. If she knew how much I wanted her, I think she'd run away. I can't tell her. It's too soon isn't it? How can we be so into each another so soon? I was going to tell her that afternoon at the lake. She held me in her arms, I never felt so safe, so loved...I was going to tell her then. But I didn't. I couldn't. I think I'd die if I pushed her away from me. I don't think I'd make it if I can't have her in my life. If I can't feel her hands touching me or her mouth..."

My hand moved between my thighs even as I closed the book. I sighed and ran my hand over the cover. Chloe Soto had me wrapped around her little finger. The funny thing was that I don't think she had a clue.

My head filled with the vision of her spreading her thighs. I licked my lips in anticipation as I saw myself moving closer to her...then grabbing her ass and tugging her closer to my mouth.

"Ahhhh shit!" I moaned. If I stayed in bed a moment longer I knew I was going to have to pull out some assistance and I didn't want to do that. Somehow using my toys weren't as fun anymore. Not when Chloe wasn't around.

I turned to my desk and grabbed my cell phone. I checked it despite knowing that she couldn't have text me or called me without me hearing it.

No messages.

After throwing it back on the desk I sat down and flipped open my physics text book. Work it was. I wasn't so obsessed that I couldn't wait a few hours to call her. Just a few more hours... It didn't mean I was needy or anything.

It was 7:30 am in the morning when I finally resurfaced from my books. Even as I stood up to stretch I was working out the last question in my head. "Got it!" I shouted as I brushed my teeth.

"That's not healthy ya know?" I whipped around and glared at Uncle P. "Talking to yourself." He laughed and stepped into the bathroom then sat down on the toilet seat as if there was no place he'd rather be. Or as if I invited him in.

"I'm thinkin' French toast for breakfast." I ignored him but he just rattled on. "Maybe some strawberry preserves and whipped cream? Your dad's appetite is much better now so I know he'd love it."

At that I looked back at him. "That's good. He said he couldn't keep his dinner down last week...on Wednesday." He nodded his head in agreement. "He's better right?" He smiled and nodded his head again.

"The results can't lie Kia. You saw them..." I shrugged and stepped out of the bathroom. He just followed me into my bedroom. "So, Richy tells me you have some party to go to tonight."

"Do you two just sit around all day talking about me?"

"Well...yeah." He said this as if it was common knowledge. "When we gonna see Chloe again? You're always so much nicer when she's around." I threw my pillow at him but he just caught it and flung it back.

"Soon I hope. You may need to make more food. She may come by for breakfast."

"Really? That's nice." He turned to leave then stopped. "Wait, don't you have your classes this morning?" When I nodded my head and busied myself at the desk he laughed. "Oh, you finally told her about your soft spot for those kids huh?" I scowled at him and looked pointedly at the door. "Okay, okay, I'm leaving! I'll make more food."

I grabbed some sweats and a t-shirt then dug around in a drawer for my underwear. My hands touched the soft, silky underwear that I knew couldn't be mine. I shoved the other clothes away and smiled at Chloe's little collection in my drawer. "It's for when she visits and forgets to pack extra," I thought, trying to convince myself that I wasn't being a bit of a freak by keeping them. After slamming the drawer shut I grabbed my phone. I couldn't be too early now right? She said she may come around early to spend the full day. She had to be up...

<baby u up yet? good morning>

I waited a while then smiled when I got a response less than a minute later.

<hey! I'm coming soon. like 15 mins>

My heart sped up when I read the text. Happiness, excitement, fear...they all swam around inside me. Chloe was going to come with me to watch one of my dance studio sessions with the kids I taught on the weekends. These kids were different from me in a lot of ways. Most of them didn't have a dad who could buy them nice cars. They didn't have the stability of a family to lean on and call on. Not that my fucked up extended family gave a shit, but at least I had dad and Unlce P. If they weren't homeless, they were living in group homes, or were some of the lucky few who found a nice family to take them in. And they all had another thing in common: they were all from the LGBT community.

Dancing was always a part of my life. I was going to the club as soon as I could pass for 18 and I looked that age for a long time now. If all of those women I hooked up with back then only knew how close they had been to being thrown in had been my only outlet until I walked by a scruffy looking sign advertising dance classes and talked myself into stepping inside. The skinny, little white guy who was teaching some guy that looked vaguely familiar to me was doing moves that made my little dance routines look silly.

He spotted me and nodded to a lady who walked over and asked me if I was interested in taking classes. I tried to play it cool then I saw the same little white guy start a break dance routine. A second later I asked her how much it cost and when I could start. I started right then, until soon I was at the studio everyday after classes. He called himself Spin. I never heard him go by another name.

When my dad got sick my visits were less frequent until they stopped all together. Then Spin stopped by my house one day and talked me into helping out with a weekend program he wanted to start up with some neighborhood kids.

"You'd love it Kia, it'll take your mind off of your own life for a few hours too." I was in his studio every weekend ever since. My moves weren't as good as they used to be but I knew enough to wow a few kids and teenagers every class.

I had to have Spin teach me the routine for the talent show though. He even did it for free despite my arguing.

"Maybe after this you'll hook up with one of these folks who always move through my studio Kia. They'd pay a king's ransom for you girl!"

I'd just smirk and tell him a firm, "No". I had no desire to dance professionally. It was and would always be a hobby. It didn't hurt to have someone of his skill tell me that I could be successful at it though.

I told Chloe about it the day before, at the lake. She just lay across my chest and listened like she always did. She only spoke when I stopped talking. And then the first thing that she said was the question that I expected.

"Why didn't you tell me any of this before?" It wasn't even an accusation. It was just her being her curious, unassuming self. I pushed her up until she sat Indian style on the blanket.

"It's the only part of me that I found real happiness in these last few years Chloe. My dad being healthy makes me happy but I can't help thinking what if..." She took my hand and inched closer so that she could touch my thigh. I loved when she reached out to me like this, with little touches and kisses. She was very affectionate, and it took some getting used to at first. Soon enough, I was the one reaching for her. "I wasn't hiding it from you; I was protecting it from everyone." She still looked confused but she nodded her head and kissed me. When she sat back she had a small smile on her lips.

"Well, I'm so proud you. I know those kids love you to death for helping them like that Kia." I just shrugged and rubbed the back of my neck. She laughed at me like she always did when I got embarrassed, which was happening more and more where Chloe was concerned. Then when I was quiet long enough, she started to talk about a fight she had with Chris. I relaxed and let her voice fill my head. I was thinking about recording it so that I could play it when I was alone.

I decided to let my hair air dry. I padded downstairs and then walked into my dad's room. He was sitting up in bed reading the paper by lamp light. We were similar in that we got up before the sun did.

"Morning dad." He looked up and a bright smile made his handsome face lighten up.

"Good morning. You slept well?" I told him yes and walked over to kiss his cheek scrunching up my nose at the stubble.

"You need to shave." He laughed and rubbed his little beard.

"You don't like it huh?" I shook my head and sat on the bed. "Funny, your mother hated it when I grew it out too." He smiled and pushed his paper aside. I studied his face to find any sign of tiredness...of sickness. He caught my stare and shook his head. "I'm fine Akia." I looked away but he took my hand and squeezed it, forcing my gaze back. "I hear your Chloe is coming over for breakfast."

I rolled my eyes. It was as if they were two old ladies. "Yes dad, she's gonna spend the day." I tried to hold back my pleasure at saying it out loud but couldn't.

"She seems to care for you a lot." I shrugged and plucked imaginary lint from his sheets. "You care for her a lot too huh?" I shrugged then looked up at him. His gaze was clear and knowing. "You love her." I felt my heart speed up at his seeing right through me. It couldn't be a coincidence that the same morning I ask myself if I really did love Chloe my dad tells me that I DO love her.

"I think I do."

"There's usually not much to think about when it comes to love." My eyes fell on the picture next to his bed. It was one of my mom. From the way she was looking in the photo I had to agree. It looked as if what they had was beyond thought.

"I want to tell her." He nodded his head slowly and rubbed my hand. "I'm taking her with me to the studio. To meet Spin, the kids..."

"Spin still doing his thing? Making those stars rich?" I told him about the few names that moved through his studio to become big and famous in the music industry. But Spin was similar to me in that he loved to help people get to the top but he had no desire to join them.

"Still doing it." He told me to have fun. I promised that we would.

When the doorbell rang I raced to get there first but Uncle P stood there already, hugging Chloe and rambling on about breakfast. She waved over at me but then I stepped back as he flung an arm over her shoulder to steer her towards the kitchen. I knew that he was trying to piss me off from his little smirk though, so I just slid my hands in my pockets and followed.

"Do I have a breakfast for YOU little lady! French toast, eggs of every variety...bacon..." I watched her eyes light up from the kitchen table then they fell on me and softened again as she aimed her pretty smile at me. He finally let her go when he realized that he was talking to himself. "I'll get your dad outta bed since I'm obviously being ignored." Neither of us responded.

When he left she walked over to me and I spun the bar chair around until she stood between my thighs. "Good morning," she said and pressed her lips to mine. My hands linked behind her as I opened my mouth to let in her probing tongue. She tasted minty and fresh. She smelled sweet.

My hands moved up into her hair. Even her hair felt soft and silky as if she brushed it a few hundred times that morning. "It's definitely a good morning now," I murmured against her lips.

"I missed you." I smiled, always finding it cute when she said something like that even though we talked for hours the night before and were together that afternoon. I missed her too. I didn't tell her this now. I was always better at showing my feelings.

My hands ran down her back to her ass as I glanced at the kitchen doorway. "He's gonna pay for hogging you all morning." I said making her laugh. It didn't matter that it was only for a minute, I wanted her all to myself that day...though I knew it would be impossible once half of the girls I taught saw her.

I had enough pizza parties with them to find out their likes and dislikes. Sometimes being a mentor of sorts made me feel like the big sister listening to her little sister talk about having sex, it could get weird.

"Why am I even thinking about this?" I asked out loud.

"What?" Chloe pushed back and ran her hand down my still wet hair.

"Nothing, I just effectively turned myself off. They're about to come in anyway." She petted my head a while longer. "Who dropped you off?"

"Donna." She didn't explain when I looked at her confused. She just smiled mysteriously. "You're cute when you're confused." She was the only person who called me cute and I was still trying to figure out if I liked it. "I'm hungry." She said quietly. I looked behind her at the mini feast that seemed to have been prepared in her honor. He never took out the china for me.

"Then go eat," I said nodding behind her.

"Not for food Kia." My heart beat sped up at the way her voice changed. It dropped an octave, grew quieter but managed to sound more serious. I loved that voice. Just as I was about to grab her hand and drag her upstairs my dad stepped in the room with arms outstretched. "Perfect timing," I mumbled dejectedly.

They talked as Uncle P dished out food for everyone.

"This is soooo good Peter!" He beamed at me but I only rolled my eyes. He was having fun being known as the "chef" of the house. I needed to change that soon before Chloe got the wrong idea.

"I've had better..." I said effectively starting a mini argument about french toast and why his were "kinda off." By the time we winded down we were both holding back laughs.

I glanced at my watch then jumped up from the table. "We're gonna be late Chloe. I need to be at the studio in 20 minutes." She stood from the table and hugged my dad and uncle before being ushered away from the kitchen when she offered to clean up. We washed up and I anxiously waited for her to fix her hair just right. I barely gave her time to grab her water when I took her hand and led the way to the car.

"Bye! We're gone!" We heard them holler their goodbyes as the door swung close.

The building that Spin's studio was in wasn't impressive. It was an old warehouse that was remodeled to look like a modern warehouse. Old, was still a warehouse.

"So this is your secret place huh?" I smirked and stepped out of the car. When she stepped out my eyes focused on her tight, little ass and the way the sweats she wore fit her perfectly. I told her to dress comfortably since my little dance troupe might teach her some moves. It may have be a little TOO comfortable.

As soon as we steeped into the building holding hands, we had 20 pairs of smartass kids whistling and calling out at us. I laughed and nodded at Spin. He walked over. Chloe looked from me to him uncertainly. Only when I draped my arm around her shoulder did she relax.

"Spin, I'd like you to meet someone very special." He smiled and nodded his head. "This is Chloe..." I turned and smiled down at her as she held out her hand. "My girlfriend." She glanced up at me and I saw how happy it made her when I said it. It made me happy too.

"It's nice to meet you." Chloe said.

"It's good to meet you too Chloe. I should be thanking you if you're the reason this one's been so nice lately." They both had a good laugh as I waited not so patiently for them to calm down.

"I'm not that bad..." I mumbled. He nodded his head and we followed his gaze to 19 pairs of eyes that seemed to have magically inched closer. I rolled my eyes and waved them over.

Their ages ranged from 10 to 15 years. The youngest was a little spit fire boy who could give Ciara a run for her money. Mario. He was one of my best dancers and he knew it. He was one of the most talkative too.

"Hi! Are you Kia's girlfriend?" They all giggled. Chloe nodded her head and held out her hand to greet all of them.

"Good, she needed a girlfriend. She-"

"Mario," I said cutting him off. He looked at me as we all watched him give me a puppy face. I didn't think he could ever get in trouble with that look. "Shut up..." I finished as he continued to look at me and then at Chloe.

"Spin said that we're gonna teach you how to dance?" Sera asked. She was a tall girl for a 14 year old. She had been on the streets since she was 12 when her dad caught her with a girl in her bedroom and beat her out of his house. Like a lot of kids in her position, you wouldn't tell her age from the maturity in her eyes. They all had eyes that made them look wiser than their years.

"I guess you will. Ya'll are gonna be easy on me right?" A nervous Chloe answered. They looked at each other then at me and said in unison, "No!" They laughed and the guys grabbed Chloe's arms pulling her to the center of the room to stretch and warm up. I smiled and turned to Spin. He was watching them too.

"Where did you find her? She got a sister?" I laughed and told him that she did. "Well you need to introduce us!"

"I don't think even your moves can thaw that bitch." He burst out laughing.

"Awww, she can't be that bad." I shrugged.

"Maybe so, but I still say that she's a bitch." He looked at his watch and grabbed his keys.

"Well, this room is yours. I have my appointments in the next room so if you need me..." I smiled and told him we'd be fine. He knew that we would be.

It was 10:30 a.m. and we were winding down. I already had three of the girls tell me that Chloe was "fine" or "fuckin' fine" or "fuckin' hot", so I had to keep an extra eye on the few Romeos on the floor.

"...nooooo..." Sera said as she laughed at Chloe's bundling up her moves. "'s one two slide step jump...but you need to kick your other leg out too like this..." When she did the move perfectly Chloe looked at me and threw her hands up in the air.

"You guys are waaaaayyy too good! I give up. I am at your mercy." She began to bow at them making the younger ones crack up. "Man, dancing is HARD!" She said as we all sat on the floor of the studio cooling off. I know that we needed to stretch but they all wanted to talk to Chloe so I let them.

"We have to stretch when we're done though or it's just gonna hurt more."

"Yeah, yeah old lady!" Mario said so I jumped up and chased him to the edge of the room. When I grabbed him and flung him up on my shoulder he squealed like a pig.

"Oh really? Who's old now huh?!" He laughed then begged for me to put him down before he wet his pants.

When we came back to the group sprawled on the floor Chloe smiled up at me. "Sera was telling me about how you two met. Did you really make her write an essay about why she wanted to join the dance club?" I blushed at that. Sera was being a bit of a smartass when she came in; that toughened kid routine, me-against-the-world attitude. It pissed me off since I saw kids who moved through the program, genuinely wanted to come in and didn't think that Spin owed them the chance. Sera was one of the few who surprised me though, her essay writing skills surpassed even mine and I told her so. It didn't surprise me to find out that she wanted to be a writer.

"You two have something in common." Chloe smiled at me, no doubt picking up on me changing the subject.

"Oh really?" When she smiled at Sera, I saw the self-proclaimed thug blush then get teased by the other girls.

"She wants to be a writer. She has some great stories." Chloe was excited to hear this and of course I just made everyone tell her what they hoped to be when they grew up. So it turned into impress-Chloe-with-my-future-career day.

"Wow, you guys are gonna still remember us when you get rich right?"

"Hell yeah! How bout I just marry you then I could be ya sugar mama?" Ebony asked cheekily. She was a black girl who looked intimidating at first glance but had the heart of a teddy bear.

"How bout I kick your ass?" I asked. They all laughed then I told them to stretch a bit before they all left for the day.

"No pizza today Kia?" Mario asked on the way out. I hugged him close for a while then promised him pizza next week.

"You know it's usually every other weekend lil' man." He nodded his head and I saw his reluctance to leave. I slapped everyone's hands who liked to be greeted like that and hugged the kids who I knew loved to be hugged. Everyone left with some kind of human contact form me. I knew how long you can go without it. Chloe told everyone good bye and managed to resist Ebony and Sera's sweet talking. She may have been a few years older than them but they had enough experience with women to make her blush a few times.

"Go home before I kick your ass Sera." She laughed and grabbed Ebony by her jersey.

Only Mario was left now. "You had a good class Mario?"

"Yeah, I really wanted to get pizza today though! I only get it with you." I hugged him close and opened up the car to pull out a few dollars. I knew that the real reason he never got pizza was money. Spin told me about how hard his mother had to work to support him and his sisters and still managed to lose him to social services. I pulled out 3 fives and gave them too him.

"Why don't you grab some pizza tonight?" His smile was huge and his hug was tight. I had to pry his arms away then ignored his wet eyes. He smiled at Chloe and waved good bye to us. A minute later he disappeared around the street corner.

Chloe had one of her little smiles on her face. It was her I-know-your-secret smile. She rubbed my back before getting in. When I got in and started up the car I saw her shifting closer. Then her hand was on my thigh.

"They're great kids Kia." I nodded my head. They were all great. Better than me and I knew it.

"I think they helped me get through my dad getting sick. I think they all helped me." She rubbed my thigh and didn't say anything else. I felt what she wasn't saying. She was proud of me. I loved when she told me that. "You hungry?" I glanced at her and saw a contemplative look on her face. When she nodded her head vigorously I smiled. "Guess that breakfast got wore off today huh?"

"Oh yeah. I think I'm gonna be sore for the rest of the day too. They're all so good Kia." She laughed.

"Yeah. We're hoping that they can use their dancing as a way to survive. Or at least as an outlet...a way to let go."

"That how you used it yesterday?" She rubbed up and down my thigh, inching closer and closer to my crotch. I grabbed her hand and placed it beneath mine on the gear shift just to be safe.

"You could say that." The reaction to my performance still surprised me. What started out as a way to piss off Micheal turned into a strip tease of sorts. I spotted Chloe in the crowd and couldn't help making the routine a little more provocative than it originally was. The shirt-tearing part definitely wasn't a part of it...or the crotch grabbing. It was worth it though when I sat next to her and saw the blush that hugged her neck and made her pretty lips glow. She was trying to make it seem as if she wasn't affected but I saw it, though she did have me wondering for a while.

We pulled up to a Taco Bell but she said she wasn't feeling tacos. "What you feeling?"

"A freshly made sandwich." I tapped the steering wheel as I tried to think up a good restaurant. "I want YOU to make me a freshly made sandwich. At home."

"Oh." She laughed and started to fiddle around with the radio. "When do I have to get you home tonight after the party?"

"Whenever." I glanced at her and saw a sneaky smile on her lips. Something was going on and for once I wasn't the one in the middle of it.


"Whenever," she repeated. "I even think that Yasmine will be there. She says that Jen is a friend of her cousin or something. Small world huh?" I was still trying to figure out how she managed to get her mom to agree to a "whenever" curfew.

"Uh huh..." By the time we got home it was 11:30 a.m. and I heard her stomach growling. "Let's get some food in your stomach before it attacks me or somethin'."

"Ha," I opened her door and pulled her close. "You think you're so funny." I chuckled.

"Well I know that you'll put me in my place." She giggled. "Did you have fun?" She told me yeah and that she wanted to do it again. "Anytime. I think most of them would like it too. They liked you. That's the first time I ever saw Ebony not running her big mouth off." We stepped into the house and I called out for dad and Uncle P but met silence. Chloe found the note on the fridge.

"They went to a midday orchestra show. That is so cool. Have you ever been with them?"

"A few times." I dug around in the fridge until I found some pastrami. I slowly began to gather the fixings for two sandwiches.

"Let me help you."

"No thanks. I don't share space in my kitchen." I pulled out the thickly sliced bread I always told Uncle P. to buy.

"YOU'RE kitchen?" She laughed and pulled her chair over to sit opposite me as I started to make the sandwiches. "I don't think Peter would agree with that."

"Peter thinks that he's God's gift to every kitchen." She grabbed a piece of tomato and popped it in her mouth. Then she snagged a piece of pastrami before I could swat her hand away. "Hey." I growled but she just growled back.

"There has to be something that he's better at making than you Kia."

"Nope." I caught her hand the second go around and brought it to my lips. When I snagged the meat away she pouted. I grabbed a piece of meat and folded it neatly then fed it to her. "Happy?" She nodded her head happily.

"I want my cheese melted please." When I was just about done with her sandwich she told me to add pickles too. I grabbed the slice of bread that would top of the sandwich again only to have her ask for more mayo. I smiled and grabbed the jar of mayo and mustard. When I shoved them over with her plate she laughed.

"I was just teasing you."

"I figured that." We both ate quietly. She hummed happily and in a matter of minutes the sandwich was gone. "Drink?"

"Whatever." A deep sigh filled the kitchen. "That was yummy Kia."

"Thank you. You're very indecisive today..." She just smiled back at me as I slid the juice over. "Barbecue." Her head tilted to the side. "That's what he's better than me at making. Only 'cause I don't do it enough."

"Riiight." She stretched over and wiped the corner of my mouth. When she ran the finger over my lips I pulled it in and sucked it clean. It was mustard. "How long will they be gone?" Her eyes started to change color right in front of me. I loved to see it happen. They were so unusual up close; a brown that was a shade lighter than usual but with traces of yellow running around the irises. They shimmered when she was happy and disappeared when she was angry. Or horny, like she was right now.

"They're usually gone for a few hours." She stood up and grabbed our plates. I put away all of the food and barely had the juice in the fridge before I felt her hands on me slipping under my shirt.

"That's a long time." I turned around and let her back me up into the fridge. I felt her fingers running along the edge of my sports bra. A thigh wedged itself between my legs and pushed into me. I groaned and reached down to pull her closer to me and heard her breath catch when I began to move against her. She was kissing my neck then I felt her tongue in my ear.

My legs shook but I refused to stop. I felt her hand slide under my sweats. I wasn't going to move away from her, I was already so close..."Ummm," I heard her trying to clear her head. I didn't give her time.

I grabbed her ass and began to grind her hips into me. "Kia..."

"Chloe...I need to come..." She pulled at my shirt as I moved my mouth to her neck, picking up the scent of her sweat. When she arched her back against me I groaned. I felt her breasts pushing against mine. It felt so good. The salty taste of her skin made my head spin. I never had any girl affect me like this.

Everything about her; even the little cat-like purrs she made drove me insane.

Her hips stilled and I felt her tremble against me. "Oh Jesus..." She said hissing the words out against my skin. I nipped at her lips as she panted against me. When she realized that I was still moving against her she kissed me back and pressed her lips to my ear. "I love when you come against me like this." She dipped her tongue into my ear and a moment later I was moaning out her name.

She kissed my neck then my face as my body began to settle back down. I sagged and she laughed as she tried to hold me up. I wrapped my arm around her neck and pulled her closer until our heads touched. "No one makes me so..." weak, I finished in my head. She pressed her lips against mine again and then leaned back.

"Ditto." Her face was flushed. Her hair was all messy. She looked so hot. I wanted to fuck her brains out right then and there. She must have seen it in my eyes because she smiled and poked me in the chest. "A few things lover girl," I raised an eye brow. I couldn't be that easy to read. "First, no more dry humping in your kitchen."

"You started it." I winced when she pinched my side.

"Second, no more touching until we take a shower. I'm all sweaty..." I laughed when she raised her arm and sniffed. I sniffed too and hummed.

"Smell good to me."

"You're gross!" I pulled her closer to me and sniffed her neck.

"Nasty!" She laughed and pushed away from me wiggling out of my arms. "Disgusting!" I said after her.

"Hit the showers Kia!" She said as she led the way upstairs.

"What was the third one?" I asked. She stopped on her way into the bathroom. She stood holding the door as I leaned against it, sure to get an invite. I already saw myself washing her back...then her front...

"When I think of it I'll let you know." It took me a while to find my pride after she closed the door in my face. When I heard her laughing it made me feel a little better though. Didn't make much sense to me getting clean just to get dirty again, but whatever Chloe Soto wants...

What she found to do in the bathroom for half an hour? I didn't know. I was showered and lounging in bed in 10 minutes, and waiting impatiently I might add. After busying myself for 10 more minutes with finding some music I finally picked D'Angelo. Everything the man sang sounded like baby making music.

I was flipping through a magazine when she stepped into the room. I flung the magazine away and sat on the edge of the bed as my eyes followed her every move. She had on a t- shirt that looked to be her dads in size. My eyes tried to spot shorts but didn't.

Some of the hair at her temple was wet and turned the brown tresses black. She shoved the last of her clothes in a bag and stepped towards me. Immediately I picked up a familiar scent. It had to be a body wash or lotion. When she straddled my thighs I shifted back in the bed.

"Isn't this better?" She asked as her fingers started to play around in my hair. They moved to my shoulders and ran down my arms.

"If what's better?" Her hands squeezed my arm then moved up until her elbows hooked behind my neck.

"Being clean." I chuckled and shook my head.

"I've been soakin' up these shorts since you stepped in this room." She smiled down at me. "So I'm not clean at all." Her hands reached down and pulled her shirt off. Her breasts greeted me a moment later. I moved in on a nipple and heard a sigh from above me. I kissed my way to her other breast and ran my hand up and down a smooth thigh. That had to be why she took so long. Her skin was like silk. I couldn't wait too taste all of it.

She tugged at my tank top until it was off and tossed it away. Then she pushed me down onto the bed. Somehow she ended up between my thighs. I liked how she felt there and my legs naturally wrapped themselves around her thighs.

"Do you think of any other girl touching you like this Kia?" She said as her hands ran down my side and over my boxers. She tugged them down and grabbed my ass.

"Fuck no..." I mumbled. She smiled and sat back to get rid of them. When she settled back down my hands tried to pull down her panties but she batted them away.

"Not even Heather?" She asked as her fingers traced a line down my stomach on their way to my pussy, where they were desperately needed. Something made me pause though, the way she said it sounded strange. I grabbed her wrist and made sure that I had her attention.

"I only think of you fucking me Chloe. No one else." She nodded her head and her eyes locked on my lips.

"Just fucking Kia? That's it?" She asked this quietly. I let go of her wrist and knew then that I would give anything to see her smile.

"No, not just fucking..." She smiled and I felt her fingers sliding against me. Soft lips were touching my neck, running along my jaw line, then on my cheek. When they reached my mouth again they were just as soft. Pressing against me then moving away. "I want you inside me Chloe." She looked up at me then straddled my thigh and I felt her fingers pressed against me ready to slide inside. I reached down for her wrist and smiled at the confusion in her eyes.

When I rolled away and reached down to pull open the draw I felt her hands rubbing my side. I rolled back and saw that her eyes were wide in surprise. She touched the dildo attached to the strap and looked at me. "Are you sure Kia?" She asked even as I saw the excitement start to rise in her eyes.

I smiled and shoved her forward to help adjust it on her. When she was between my thighs again I expected her to just get going, instead she held my face in her hands and looked at me.

"I won't hurt you," she said and I closed my eyes. "No, don't hide from me." I opened them and saw her smile again. The pictures of people who HAD hurt me started to disappear when she said the words. Her face wasn't among them. When my eyes held hers, I felt her start sliding against me. At first it felt like just that, a dildo sliding against me; then, she pulled my lip into her mouth and licked me. I felt when her hand slipped away from my cheek. Everything about it felt right.

Finger tips were running through my folds, teasing me. "You're so wet Kia..." I felt the tip of the dildo a moment later. I felt her fingers guiding it into me. My body tensed automatically and she stilled. "Open your eyes Kia." I opened them. The muscles wrapped around the strap relaxed and she smiled at me.

The movements were a bit jerky at first...then she found her rhythm. I began to feel her and imagined it as an extension of her. "Shit Chloe..."

"Baby..." She moaned and I knew it was rubbing into her clit making her just as hot. My thighs wrapped tighter around her thighs as her pace began to pick up. The sucking sounds it made moving inside of me made me even more excited. I grabbed her neck and pulled her mouth closer. When I slid my tongue inside she began to suck on it to the rhythm of our hips until I had to breathe again.

"Ahhh fffffuck!" I said and groaned deeply as she changed the way she moved in me. I felt her hand on my thigh, pushing it higher and she rose up on her arm. "Are you sure you never" Her laugh turned into another moan. I was starting to go insane. She was too. She grabbed my hands and pushed them up to grab the edge of my bed. Then I heard the sound of our hips slapping loudly in the room.

"Mmmm," She moaned and my eyes opened to watch her bite her bottom lip. When she pulled it in to suck on it I knew that she was close to coming too. It was like someone poured gasoline over me then lit a match. It felt like I blew up beneath her.

When I came I didn't hear a thing. Pure silence. She told me later that I was howling like a wolf. That, I still didn't believe. I never howl. I only hoped that she was able to come too because after that I fell asleep almost instantly. The only things I remember about the moments after was her murmuring to me and rubbing my back.

My mouth was dry. Bone dry. I pried an eye open and saw a lot of hair. Brown hair. Brown hair that smelled like flowers. I moved closer and breathed in deep. Chloe must have woken up. I didn't want to let her go but that was the only way she was going to turn around, so I did.

Her eyes were alert when they met my stare. "Hey," she said.

"Hey," I cleared my throat. "How long was I asleep?" My throat still sounded hoarse. It hurt a bit too.

"A few hours actually. I must have worked you over like a pro." I had to laugh at that. It seemed so crass coming from my innocent Chloe. Well not all that innocent really. It sounded like something I would say.

"Did you come too?"

"Oh yeah..." She flung a leg over my thigh and moved closer. "Thank you for letting me share that with you Kia." I nodded my head and felt my eyes drifting close when I felt her hand rubbing my ass.

"I don't think I can make a habit of it..." She smiled at me and nodded her head.

"Pity. I liked fucking you like that." I'm sure my eye brows were touching my hair line.

"You're getting quite the potty mouth." She just giggled. "When you want to leave for this party tonight?" She shrugged then rolled over, pulling me with her until I was on top of her.

"Not for a while I hope." I heard the purr in her chest when my fingers grazed her clit. My mouth watered to taste her. "Kia...wait..." I rubbed her thighs until she moved them apart. She was saying something about a shower, freshening up I think.

"No time for that..." I said and parted her folds with my tongue. When she started to move beneath my mouth I shoved her thighs over my shoulders. I was in love with Chloe's pussy. I never told her this, not really, I just told her of my affection for it.

I chuckled against her as I remembered all the classes I'd sit in, daydreaming about going down on her. I loved how her body moved when I did. I loved knowing that I was the only person who made her move like this. It was just me who made her wet.

She was mumbling something above me but I lost it when her thighs wrapped around my head and a gush of come left her body into my mouth. She was pushing me away but I couldn't stop. Only when she gripped my hair did I let up. I kissed my way up her body until I met her lips again. She grabbed the edge of the sheet and wiped my face.

"You're gonna need to change your sheets soon." Her voice was sleepy. I rolled over so that she could do her cuddling routine against my side.

"I think so too." She pulled the sheet over us.

"We still have time right?" I looked over at the clock then told her yeah. "Good. Sleep time. Wake me up when Peter's done with dinner." I laughed at how easily she fit into our little family routine. I didn't end up waking her up for dinner though. She was pressed up against me and making me horny as hell. When I let her fall asleep again we didn't get up until 10, way past dinner time.

Turned out that he was calling out to us to come down then got worried, so he ended up poking his nosey ass in my bedroom. He promised to never do it again managing to look anywhere but at me. This was of course not to spare ME any privacy but him a heart attack.

I wonder if he would have keeled over if he caught us in the act?

Chloe came into the bedroom in a short red dress an hour later. She looked hot and I made sure that she knew it. Then she slipped into some strappy high-heeled pumps that made her legs look even hotter.

"Gonna have to keep a close eye on you tonight." She laughed it off but I was serious. I knew how some women could be when they saw something they wanted. I can't guarantee that I wouldn't have broken a few noses to get with Chloe that first night.

We left the house quietly since dad was already settled into bed. Uncle P stepped out his room to see us off like we were kids or something...

"We'll be fine," I said as I tried to close the door again.

"Well, no drinking and driving. And make sure that you-"

"Good bye Uncle P." I tugged until I closed the door. Chloe laughed and called it cute. I just thought that it was annoying.

When we pulled up to the house I tried to shake off the weird feeling that settled over me. I opened Chloe's door as I scanned around us. She grabbed my hand looking at me worriedly.

"You okay?" I rubbed the back of my neck.

"I don't know...felt weird..." She stopped walking and stood in the front of me.

"You want to go back home? We don't have to stay..." Her arms wrapped around my waist and I couldn't help but lean down and kiss her. She was so sweet to me. Most days I felt as if I didn't deserve her.

"I'm cool." I draped my arm over her shoulder and shoved my hand into my pocket. She knocked on the door and it was flung open a second later by some well dressed guy who shouted over the music an entry fee. Chloe looked back to the car where she left her purse just as Jen came barreling through the crowd. And it was a huge crowd. I had no idea how we were going to fit into the house.

"Hey!" He shouted and hugged me. He had to be drunk. He knew I didn't do hugs. He let go and pushed me away to get to Chloe who hugged him and looked at me with eyes opened wide. I chuckled when she mouthed, "Pissed!"

"These two don't pay shit man!" He said to his doorman and tugged us behind him. I looked around trying to spot a familiar face. Chloe grabbed my waist and I pulled her in front of me to keep from losing her in the crowd. With the few interested looks cast her way already, it was likely that I was going to break at least one nose that night.

"Big turn out Jen!" He nodded as we approached the bar. He shouted something to the bartender.

"Bigger than I thought! I'm charging most people for mixed drinks. Beers are free. You guys get mixed drinks free too if you want it!" I wasn't listening to him as I spotted Claudia and her crew. Despite her cocky ass attitude being very irritating it was good to see a familiar face.

Lovette spotted me and waved. I nodded my head and turned back to Chloe who was telling Jen something then suddenly stopped and looked past my shoulder. Before I could turn around she glared at Jen. "Why in the hell did you invite her too Jen?!" Jen looked up the same time I did. Heather was making her way through the crowd toward us. Jen was trying to explain himself away when she stopped in front of me.

My eyes couldn't help but drop to the halter top. The few strands of thread covering her breasts looked as if they were ready to pop off any second now. Shit. The girl just wouldn't let up.

"Hey Kia," came her voice. If I met her a year ago her voice and look would have earned her a very nice fuck. Now...?

I glanced at Chloe and saw her usually open face looking as hard as stone. I should have followed my instincts that night. The feeling I had. It would have saved us a shit load of drama later on.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 11

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