Bad Girl

By Mas P

Published on May 9, 2009


The story sorry for the wait guys. Thanks to my fans for the encouragement and patience! You guys are awesome for sticking with this. :)

If you'd like to fan my ego, or take it down a notch then hit me up at:

Thanks a mil Brenda for proofing it!

Bad Girl - 11

By Mas

Kia - Part 2/2

"Heather." I had to stay cool. She had already caught me staring at her breasts and that translated into 'Kia wants to fuck me' in her head. "Wassup?"

"Nothing much, I'm glad you came." She had yet to acknowledge Chloe and I had no idea how to fend off the storm I felt brewing. Chloe was squeezing my hand so I knew that she was angry.

"Well Chloe wanted to come." Her gaze slid to Chloe then back to me.

"Oh." She stood there like a blow up doll looking at me. I wanted to slap her just to get a reaction besides her white-toothed smile. I turned to Chloe. "You want to say hey to Claudia and her crew?" She nodded and glared at Heather as we walked away.

It only took us a few steps for her to blow up. "She's such a BITCH! As if I wasn't standing there the whole time!"

"Ignore her Chloe."

"Oh, easy for you to say when she wants to fuck you." She shrugged her hand out of mine and when I reached for it again she crossed her arms. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders anyway. We approached Claudia who was standing next to some girl. She looked familiar but I couldn't place her. When Lovette saw Chloe's expression she turned to me.

"Heather." Her lips formed the word oh and she shook her head. "Wassup?"

"Nothing man, there are so many butches at this party though." She said. Claudia pushed her away.

"She's lying, she's to damn shy to talk to any of these girls man." Chloe smiled and seemed to lighten up with the rest of them. I relaxed and stepped behind her to rub her arms. She leaned back into me.

"You have to say hi to at least one girl tonight Lovette," Chloe was saying to the tall basketball player. She was cute enough, so I saw no reason for her not to hook up with someone. Chloe pointed out to me how paralyzing shyness could be when she explained how she was with me. I didn't even know the effect I had on her. I felt the attraction that night but that was it. So Lovette was shy too huh?

"Isn't Yasmine coming tonight?" I asked her. She pulled me closer to tell me yeah. "You should hook them up." She looked back at me and laughed as she shook her head. "She's crazy. She'd drive Lovette insane." We studied the somewhat quiet girl as she laughed along with some other stupid ass joke Claudia was telling. When our gazes locked again, we knew that it could work.

"I'm thirsty. You want a beer?" I nodded my head then told her I'd get it. She patted my side and shook her head. A second later the crowd swallowed her.

"Shit!" I muttered as I tried to find her. This was one time when I wished she were taller.

"What's wrong?" Claudia asked.

"Chloe went to get something to drink." She looked in the crowd too then shrugged.

"She'll be fine man." I looked at Claudia then decided to go find her. If Claudia thought she'd be fine then I could go get her. There were too many smooth talking studs in the crowd. I went straight to the bar but she wasn't in sight. I spotted Gavin dancing in the crowd and asked him if he saw Chloe. After another hug fest he told me no. I looked over at Claudia's crew but she wasn't there. Now I was getting pissed off.

I looked up the stairs. It was filled with people talking or squeezing to get by. She couldn't have gone up there that fast. I'd have seen her pass anyway...but still...I began to make my way upstairs and happened to glance to the side through Jen's kitchen and spotted a mop of brown hair. Chloe was pushing against a taller, smiling girl.

The shouts and cussing directed at me as I made my way to where she was were completely tuned out as I tried to tell myself to relax, calm down...not to kill the bitch. Chloe saw me and pushed the girl away as she stretched out her hand holding a beer in it. I ignored it and grabbed the girl's shirt.

She was tall, a few inches taller than me and stronger I'm sure, but she was making her move on the wrong girl. I pulled her forward and her eyes widened when I had her an inch from my face.

"Kia! Relax, relax..." She grabbed at my arm as the girl stuttered in front of me.

"I didn't know she had a girl man! I...I..."

"Jesus, let her go Kia!" I studied her eyes and realized that she really had no idea. She was harmless. I let go of her shirt and she jumped back.

"Now you know," I said and took Chloe's hand and grabbed the bottle of beer she had with the other.

"Wait!" I stopped as she reached for her drink and forced my heart to slow down. Chloe looked up at me worriedly. "She was harmless Kia, she goes to a nearby high school and was just flirting around." I sighed and rubbed my face. "I'm going to have other female friends you know..." I nodded my head. She was scolding me and didn't even need to raise her voice. I could admit it, call a spade a spade...I had a jealous streak a mile wide that hadn't shown itself until I started seeing Chloe. Something had to be done before I lost it.

"I'm sorry," I said when we found a more quiet corner of the house.

"I know." She smiled and hugged me. "It's hot when you get all angry but not when you scare people." I nodded my head and let her hug me. The few people in what looked like a T.V. room where giving me knowing smiles. I scowled at them until they looked away.

"Lot's of studs at this party..." I said.

"Oh, so you're afraid you'll lose me to someone else then?" My mouth opened and closed. Well, yes I was. But I wasn't about to tell her that. I just jammed my hand in my pocket instead.

"Just don't want to break any arms tonight." She laughed and pulled me along behind her. We spotted Yasmine stepping through the door and Chloe ran over to grab her before she disappeared. Yasmine waved at me as Chloe hugged her and talked excitedly.

"You have to meet her Yas! She's fine and tall! I know you love tall people. And she's sweet too!" We walked up to Lovette who was leaning against a wall laughing with Missy. Yasmine seemed to be very interested by the way she was eyeing Lovette, so I had a feeling Chloe's work was done for the night. She tapped Lovette on the arm and introduced them. When she stepped back I had to laugh at the satisfied look on her face. Lovette seemed to perk up before our eyes.

"You done playing cupid?" She smiled and nodded her head. "Let's dance then." She had her arms wrapped tight around me as we moved to the music. A popular song came on and the crowd went wild, everyone was trying to find a spot in the room to dance now, pushing us even closer together. I pulled her in, lowering my lips to her ear. I sucked her lobe into my mouth and began to suck on the flesh and felt her hips grinding into me.

Her breath was coming out in pants now. The hem of her dress was riding up and I looked around but no one was looking at her, or me, so I slid my hand up the back of her dress. When my fingers traced the G string that disappeared between her cheeks I felt how wet she was. "Someone wants some Kia..." I said in her ear. When I pulled away she was biting her bottom lip. She shook her head as she slid her hands into my back pockets.

"You're bad."

"Don't I know it..." My lips moved to hers and began to kiss her slowly. I was beginning to realize that with Chloe, you had better results when you moved slowly. I drank the last of my beer and noticed that her cup had disappeared a while ago. I walked us over until her back hit the wall. My thigh fit snugly between her legs. She smiled up at me, pushing my hair out of my face. When her fingers slid beneath my hair at the back of my neck a shiver ran down my spine.

"You're hot." Her fingers pulled away and I saw the moisture on her finger tips. "Thirsty?" I nodded my head and gently pushed her back when she made to go get us drinks.

"Be right back," I told her and looked up to make sure she understood me. While I waited at the bar, I looked out at the crowd, occasionally glancing over to the corner of the room. Jen was going to be quite the business man if he kept these little gatherings up. I turned back and would have jumped in surprise if I didn't catch myself. Heather was standing no more than an inch away from me. With a beer in her hand. She pushed it over as the bartender pushed the mixed drink I ordered for Chloe. "You wanna dance?" She purred in my ear.

"No." I grabbed the beer and cup and made to turn when she stepped in front of me and started to move. If I wasn't already so damn horny from Chloe I know that my body wouldn't have responded when she grabbed my crotch. "Fuck Heather." I shoved her aside with an elbow. "I said no." She smiled at me and nodded her head.

I started to make my way back to Chloe when a commotion at the back door in the kitchen got my attention. I saw Claudia running outside then Missy, so I placed the beer and cup high up on a shelf before I followed out.

They were crowding around a few girls while Yasmine pulled at Lovette's arm. It took me a minute to connect this angry looking girl to the peaceful, easy going Lovette I knew. She looked fucking pissed.

"What is it?" I asked Claudia, she looked up at me and I saw relief in her eyes.

"Some bitch tried to get with Yasmine right in front of Lovette." Claudia said loud enough for the taller girl to hear. She was a big girl. Lots of curly hair, probably attractive to some women.

"She got some balls, for sure," Missy mumbled as Lovette tried to slow down her breathing. "Drunk though..."

"Don't mean shit." I mumbled then turned to Lovette. "What you wanna do Lovette."

"Beat the bitch." She said and I smirked as Yasmine slapped her in the stomach. The other girl smirked too.

"That's right, hide behind ya little hoe." She sneered. Yasmine stepped forward this time but Missy held her back.

"You fucking flat faced-" Lovette broke free but Claudia still held her back.

"Bunch of little pussies!" She shouted. Claudia looked at me and I looked at Lovette then Lovette looked at Missy. All of us ran at them together as her crew let go of big mouth. Most of them were trying to get away but the few who were fighting back got some good licks for their trouble.

I felt a fist hit my mouth but just shook it off and grabbed the loud mouth. Lovette saw this and jumped over the tangle of limbs to get a punch in her eye.

"Lovette! Akia!" I heard Yasmine shouting somewhere in the back of my head but was enjoying seeing the loud mouth bleed too much to stop.

Some girl called out to Claudia so she jumped off just as loud mouth's friends started to drag her away. Even as we wiped our mouths and noses we smiled at the bloody nose and the bruise starting up around her right eye. Jen ran outside with some bigger guys and pushed us further apart.

"Damn bitches!" She shouted as they dragged her away. She was fighting to get free.

"What the fuck Kia?!" He shouted at me then glared at the rest of them.

"I didn't start it!" I shouted back.

"She did Jen." Claudia said pointing to the girl who was still trying to break free. We looked over as the guys escorted them out of the back yard. Claudia wiped at her nose as the same vaguely familiar girl checked her face. "I'm fine..." she mumbled then turned to Lovette. "How's it feel to kick some ass Lovette?" Lovette just laughed as Yasmine held a cold bottle to her eye.

"Loved it." Our knuckles touched and Missy shook her head as she tenderly sucked on a swollen lip.

"Can't believe one of 'em punched me. I need to get some makeup pronto." We laughed as she walked back into the house.

"Thanks man." Lovette said to me. I smiled then glanced at Jen who was shooting daggers at me.

"You're lucky I don't throw you all out of the house. NO MORE FIGHTING!" The fact that Jen was glaring at me when he said it only pissed me off more. As if I started it or something. "And you better get inside before that girl drags Chloe away."

"Wait, what girl?" But Jen was walking back inside already. I followed behind him, stopping to grab the beer and cup I tucked away.

When I got back to the spot I left Chloe in, I nearly lost it. Some girl was grinding up on her. On MY girl. I saw Chloe trying to push her off but the girl just smiled and moved closer.

"Easy Kia...easy..." I told myself this as I slowly placed the drinks on a nearby table. I tapped the girl on the shoulder and looked into Chloe's relieved eyes.

"That's my girl you're dancing on."

"Didn't see a tag on her buddy." My eyes turned to slits when she turned back to Chloe. I tapped her shoulder again.

"I don't tag my women but that's my girl." Chloe told her to back off too but she laughed and told me to fuck off. I grabbed her shoulder and spun her around.

"What the fuck?!" She stepped in my face.

"She don't want to dance with you and she's my girl, bitch." I could smell the beer and feel the spatter of her spit hit my skin.

"A girl dressed like that want to dance with everyone..." My fist flew out and connected with her left eye. Her head snapped back and she dropped to the floor and I straddled her to get in another one. Someone was grabbing my arm and was pulling me away as I tried to get in another blow.

"Fucking psycho bitch!" She shouted as she grabbed her eye. A small crowd was around us now and I saw Lovette holding me back through my haze. I had no idea how they got inside so quickly, but I didn't need anyone stopping me. The girl needed an ass kicking.

"Damn straight! This psycho bitch would fuck you up!"

"Take the slut!" She shouted.

Claudia grabbed my arm as I lunged at her again. When someone dragged the girl away I finally calmed down. I grabbed my beer and guzzled down half of it as they asked me what happened. Chloe came to my side and grabbed my hand as she explained. I didn't look at her, knowing that I was going to see disappointment on her face. Should have stayed home after all, too many horny ass studs...

"Shit girl. You need to get that temper under control." Lovette said with a laugh as I looked pointedly at her busted lip.

"That bitch deserved it." Claudia said. "She made a move on my girl too at another party. Nearly got her ass kicked. She's a hoe." My feet were tapping now. I had adrenaline running through my body and no way of letting it out. Chloe grabbed the bottle before it reached my lips again and pushed it aside. I sighed and flexed my wrist, wincing at the pain. She pulled it up and pouted.

"Hurts?" She traced around each swollen knuckle.

"Nope." I said. She just looked at me then asked Claudia for the bathroom. We walked up stairs and ran into Jen. Chloe asked for a quiet place to chill for a while and he told us that we could use his bedroom. He placed a key in her hand.

We made our way upstairs and found the room. Chloe opened the door and I stumbled to the bed. I heard the key hit a table as she grabbed me.

"How much did you drink?" She asked. The words seemed to be asked so slowly.

"A f...few." I cleared my throat. "A few." She looked worried and felt my forehead. "I'm fine Chloe." I said and batted her hand away but was batting air. Her hands tripled.

"What the..." Now she was talking to me like she was outside a glass door. "Wha?" I asked.

"...sick...back..." But I don't have a sick back...

"Nooo, my hand!" I said as I lay back on the bed. "So tired Chloe..." I heard her mumbling something then kissing me on my forehead.

A door opened and closed then there was silence.

When the door opened and closed again my eyes opened up as a blurry silhouette approached me. "Chloeeee..." I slurred.

Images were mixing around in my head and nothing made sense anymore. Why I was drunk? "I don' know." Why I was in a dark room...why was I talking in my head and answering the questions out loud. "I'm craazy..."

"No you're're sexy..." I felt hands moving up my thighs then they were on my belt buckle. Lips pressed against mine and I opened up to let in the wet tongue that tasted like strawberries...funny since Chloe was drinking Sex on the Beach most of the night...she must have switched.

"Mmmmm..." I moaned into the kiss when I felt her hands slide over my briefs.

"Oh yeah..." She took my hand and I tried to focus on her face but it was all blurred. Someone was banging on the walls but I wanted Chloe...I moved my hand over her dress then under it, but something was...

"When you switch ya pannies baby?" She giggled and pressed into me. A wave of tiredness swept over me but I wanted to stay awake to make love to her. My pussy began to pulse as I imagined pushing my fingers up into her, then moving just the way she liked. I pulled them off then got too weak to do much else and felt hands pulling my shirt up over my head.

I opened my eyes. When they cleared I started to push her off. "Wha the fuck..." My push was more of a pat. "No no noooo..." I moaned as Heather's face turned into Chloe's then back again like someone was flipping a switch in my head.

"I know you want to fuck me Kia..." She was pulling my jeans down. Someone was yelling through the wall now. Then I heard more voices. Why was Claudia in the wall though...

"...out the wall Claudia..." Heather had her hands down my briefs. Then they were underneath the thin fabric and nimble fingers were parting my folds. "Mmmm baby..." They began to move over me and my hips moved, when her finger grazed my clit my eyes opened again. "You'rrrre not Chloe..." I mumbled as I tried to push her off of me and fight a mounting orgasm as her fingers began to speed up.

Then the knock turned to bangs and a moment later a shaft of light entered the bedroom. I saw Chloe storm into the room in slow motion and asked her how she got out there too but she ignored me, everyone did. I rolled over and felt as if I was throwing up my entire stomach then I heard a lot of shouting and things breaking, but it still was all quiet enough for me to fall asleep.

"...we should have taken her to the hospital or called the police. How do you know if that bitch was telling the truth?" It was Chloe's voice. Hard. Angry.

"Do you know how much trouble I'd get in if cops start asking me questions? They'd ask my parents too! My dad only let's me do this cause I presented a business plan to him and promised no drugs!"

"That bitch raped her..." Chloe said in a low voice. No one responded.

"Let's wait 'til she wakes up Chloe, you don't know what Kia wants to do about it..." That was Claudia speaking in a hesitant voice. Some other voice agreed.

They were talking back and forth as I began to surface. "Ummm..."

"She's waking up!" It was Lovette who noticed, and then I felt Chloe touching my face.

" are you okay?" I opened my eyes and saw Chloe looking down at me with tears in her eyes. Yasmine was right behind her. It was like an umbrella of faces.

"Can you all give me room to breathe?" I asked. When Chloe pulled away I grabbed her arm. "Not you." I sat up, fighting the nausea I felt and looked around at the tense faces. "What happened and what the fuck are you all looking at?"

" you remember anything before you passed out?" Claudia asked. I looked around the room. Whose room was this anyway? We still had to be in Jen's house so this must be his how I got there was beyond me. I tried but could only remember dancing with Chloe then passing out. I sat up some more and felt Chloe's hand on my back.

"No, I don't. But is someone gonna tell me or do I just keep on guessing?"

"Still remembers to be a bitch though..." I heard Claudia mutter under her breath. Lovette slapped her on her stomach.

"You got drugged Kia." My eyes turned to slits.

"What?" I asked quietly. Everyone looked at each other until Claudia rolled her eyes and stepped forward.

"Look, before you try to find the bitch and kill her, Chloe already rearranged her face so no need for anymore damage."

"Who the fuck are you talking about?!" I turned to Chloe and only then did I notice the bruise over her eye. "Who the fuck hit you?!" I jumped from the bed and someone tried to steady me but I shrugged them away. "Somebody better start!" They started to explain at the same time and I pressed my fingers to my eyes to stop the headache that was growing. "Stop." No one heard or they were too consumed. "Stop!" Still they shouted over each other.

"Shut the FUCK UP!" Silence. I had to sit down again. I looked at Claudia. "What happened?" She explained, filling in the holes I missed. When she got to the part about Heather and me in the room and Chloe walking in on that I turned to her and grabbed her hand. "I didn't know it was her."

"I know." She lifted my arm until it hung over her shoulders and kissed my cheek. "You don't have to apologize. She drugged you, no one could have known what they were doing with that stuff." I couldn't believe I fell for it. No amount of explaining was going to make me feel better. I let a woman slip shit in my drink.

I didn't think I'd feel better until I punched that girl into next Wednesday. "I'm gonna find that bitch and-" Chloe grabbed my arm when I made to get up. "Chloe..."

"Kia, I don't think she can handle anything else tonight." I didn't know if Missy meant Chloe or Heather.

"I threatened to tell the cops if she didn't stop bothering you guys," Claudia said and patted my arm. "I don't see her doin' any shit like this again."

"What time is it?" I asked. Jen told me it was 3am. "I just want to get home." I searched my pockets. "Where are my keys."

"You can't drive Chloe. I'll take you." Yasmine said. She turned to Lovette and they talked quietly. When she leaned in to kiss her we all tried to hide our smiles at the lovesick expression on Lovette's face.

"Let's go."

Chloe waved from the doorway as she led me to the bedroom. I was still feeling the effects of the drugs so was happy I had her with me. Then I realized that I had her with me...

"Wait a minute...I need to get you home Chloe. Shit!" She hushed me as she pushed me toward the bed.

"Don't worry about it."

"What do you mean don't worry about it?" She took off my boots and pushed me down into the bed and pulled off my jeans.

When she reached for the briefs she paused. "We need to burn these ofcourse." I laughed and promised to have a bonfire. I was falling asleep on her but couldn't fight it.

"You're mama is gonna be soooo mad." I said. She chuckled and pulled my shirt off then the bra.

"This was supposed to be a surprise. I can stay the night." She whispered this into my ear but I heard it. My eyes opened up and I saw her face before she turned out the light.

"And I fuck it up and get drugged? Nooo, we gotta make love..."

"Make love huh?" I rolled over and started to kiss her. She rubbed my back.

"Mmmm..." My eyes slid close when her hands slid over my ass. "We gotta fuck..." I said but I was sleeping like the dead a minute later.

Someone was knocking on the door. Loudly. Could only be Uncle P. "Go 'way Uncle P." The body I was wrapped around started to wiggle. The knocking continued. "Make 'im stop Chloe." I whimpered. It was like each knock was jarring my brain.

"Kia, no one's knocking." She pushed my hair back and I felt her eyes on me. "Are you feeling better?" I tried to bury my head in her chest but the headache wouldn't hide away too.

"My head is fucking killing me, my mouth tastes like shit and probably smells like shit too and I just want to go back to sleep."

"I know. I'll get you some water."

"No. You're not going anywhere." I pushed the sheet over us ignoring her laughter. I was quite serious though.

"Kia, you'll feel better after you brush your teeth and shower...get something to eat."

I moaned at the mention of food. Uncle P was probably already finished with breakfast anyway and I was probably going to be late for the studio. I sat up in bed and looked at the clock.

"The studio!" It was already 10:30. "Shit!"


"Shit, I forgot about it. I'm gonna kill that bitch-" I swung my legs off the bed and moaned as the world began to spin.

"Kiaaaaa!" I grabbed my head to hold my brain still and looked at her. "I called Spin already, he took care of the class. It's okay." I slowly lay back down in bed and sighed when she stretched over me.

"You need to pull that sheet over our heads." She smiled and kissed my forehead. I swear that the pain became bearable after she did that. Then she brushed her lips against mine.

"Why don't you go shower and I'll go downstairs for food." She smiled and rubbed my side. "For me at least. Toast for you." She rolled off of me and I watched her pull a shirt from one of my drawers. When she smiled at me I did too, until I focused on the bruising around her eye. Then my smile dropped.

"I'm okay Kia. It's not that bad." I grunted as I slowly got up from bed. "I'm fine." She said again.

"Yes you are." I said as my fingertips traced around the eye.

"I'm serious. Don't go trying to be my knight in shining armor or anything. I'm FINE." I grabbed some clothes then turned to her and looked at the bruise, then smiled at her.

"Whatever you say Chloe." She rolled her eyes and left the bedroom. I was going to slap the bitch into tomorrow and Chloe couldn't stop me if she tried.

Unlce P was in full nurse mode when he spotted Chloe that morning. It took us forever to get out of the house that day between him trying to get her to drink some soup or put an ice pack on her face. He didn't look twice at my swollen lip though. When we finally escaped we decided to go to our favorite place, the lake.

I loved how we were together there. No pressure, no one around bothering us. Just us and the water. I was telling her about the fight she didn't know about with the bull dyke over Yasmine.

"I don't know if it's you who's a bad influence on them or if they're the bad influence on you." The way she was smiling at me told me that she wasn't too mad.

"I didn't do anything. Not my fault the girl was being an ass Chloe."

"Of course not. How's your hand?" She asked as her finger traced over the bruised skin.

"It's fine." I was more worried about her eye and how her mom was going to take it. Then her dad; he was another story that I had no desire to even think about. She finally told me about her plan with Donna. We still couldn't come up with a believable explanation for her black eye though. That was going to be a tough one.

"Your heartbeat is so strong." Her fingers began to tap my wrist in rhythm to the beat. "I like to listen to it."

"I can think of more exciting things to do..."

"I'm sure you can." She threaded her fingers then placed her chin on top of them. "Do you think of the future Kia?" The sun was making crazy colors with her hair. One second it was brown, then red, blonde...

"All the time." She licked her lips and looked nervous. I watched as she pinched my shirt, making little hills then letting it go and doing it again in a different spot. She began to suck on her lower lip, turning the flesh a dark pink. When she looked up at me again, all of the fidgeting stopped.

"Am I in your future?" My hands froze on her back. They moved from under her shirt and touched her face. Her eyes closed when the tip of my fingers moved over one eye brow then the other, then down her nose. She had a cute nose.

I was so in love with her.

"Yes." She looked up at me and one of the biggest smiles I ever saw on her face was her response. "I'm in love with you Chloe." The smile dropped a bit and her mouth opened then closed and opened again. My heart started to speed up. It felt like it was trying to beat its way out. "I'm such an idiot," I thought as she looked at me strangely. "Maybe what she wrote in the journal was a lie. She could have just been trying to make me feel good." I was about to tell her to forget I said it when she crawled up my body until her lips were a breath away from mine.

"I've been in love with you for a while now Kia." Her voice was quiet and the kiss she pressed to my lips was soft. She pushed back and looked down at me. "You're in my future too." When she wrapped her arms around me I finally let the breath that I didn't even realize I was holding go. She loved me too.

She lifted her head again and pressed her lips to my cheek, then my neck. I felt her shift on top of me until she straddled one of my thighs. I watched her look around then move her hands down to the clasp of my shorts. I rubbed her shoulders as she got it undone then moved an arm up to put her weight on it.

Her fingers slid in without any teasing. Straight to where I needed them. I closed my eyes as the sounds of the beach filled my head. Then the sucking sounds of her lips on my skin, pulling the pulse point between her teeth. Finger tips were running through the low hairs between my thighs then they moved lower and ran through my folds, pulling away wetness along the way. Her touch was starting up a small fire inside of me.

I groaned and opened my eyes to look up into the canopy that the branches made above us. "She touched you like this..." I heard her say. My eyes lowered to her face and I saw the hurt there. I didn't know what to do or say. I pulled her up in my arms, tugging her hand from my shorts.

"I'm sorry baby." She just pushed my arms away and slid her hand back down. "You don't have to..." She nodded her head and smiled.

"I do." Then I felt her fingers sliding through me, up and down...making my breath catch each time she grazed my clit. The pressure increased and all too quickly I was coming against her fingers.

"Mmmm..." I held her close as she pressed her ear to my chest, the way she always did when we came to the lake. "No one makes me come like you." She chuckled.

"Such a way with words Kia." I smiled and folded my hands behind my head as she snuggled up against me.

We never questioned if I should drop Chloe home. The fact that Donna picked her up and that Donna was the person whose house she was supposed to be sleeping at got lost in the drama of the night before. So when I dropped her off at home I wasn't expecting the teary voiced on the other end of the line later telling me that her mom grounded her for two weeks. She had to come straight home from school and on top of that couldn't watch any television. What made me really worry was a question her mom asked her that made my heart break.

"Did Kia do this to you?" Then she pointed to Chloe's face. Chloe assured me that night that she convinced her, but it didn't matter, the doubt was there. Chloe's mom suspected that I hit her daughter. How could you get that doubt out of a parent's head? Was that even possible?

I started to wonder if I was actually good enough for her after I hung up. To bring her daughter home with a black eye meant that something had to be wrong with me. I suddenly had an urge to smoke and searched around for my pack, then remembered that Chloe hated the scent of smoke on me so I threw it out.

I rolled out of bed and went into the den. My dad was watching television. He saw my face and patted the seat next to him. We both silently stared at the television for a few minutes.

"Chloe's mom thinks that I hit her." He looked at me then reached for the remote and turned the t.v. off. He motioned for me to move over a little so he could face me. When he got comfortable he sat quietly and waited. It just poured out of me; everything that happened that night. "I'd never hit her dad!" He wiped my face and I was surprised when his fingers came back wet.

I wiped my eyes and crossed my arms. "YOU know you didn't hit her, CHLOE knows, that's what's important for you two." I nodded my head but he wasn't finished. "Now, what's important for Chloe's mom is to know that she can protect her daughter." When I opened my mouth to defend myself he raised his hand. "I didn't say from you Akia. It's the same instinct that I have for you."

"Those instincts are wrong then." He laughed and promised me that it was something I'd understand when I had kids. "She doesn't trust me."

"Okay." I scowled at him but it didn't work since it was him I got that scowl from anyway.

"Okay..." I repeated.

"Okay, so she may not trust you right now. Well, you have to earn that trust back."

"Two weeks and we can only see each other during school. How am I supposed to do that when I can't see her?" He laughed and patted my knee as he stood up.

"A day seems like a year when you're 18 Kia. You'll make it. Come on, let's get some sandwiches or something." When I stood up he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. It was just what I needed. I didn't hug back, but he knew I didn't all the time so that never stopped him.

"I told her that I'm in love with her."

He held the fridge door open and turned to me. "How'd that go?"

"Pretty good." He chuckled.

"You'll make it Akia."

"I hope so." For the first time in a long time, I let dad make us food. And for once, it didn't turn out tasting like cardboard like it usually did. Maybe it was a sign or something.

The next day I was waiting after class for Chloe. She came in late and had to sit at the front of class since some ass sat next to me. As everyone left I waited on her to get her homework from our teacher. She was looking at it when I grabbed her hand.

Surprise changed to a lazy smile as I tugged her along down the hallway.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey," I said back then pulled us into one of the more deserted hallways. I stepped into her body until her back hit the lockers. Only a thread of selfcontrol kept me from pressing my mouth to hers. "I missed you."

"Me too." She shoved the paper in my chest. "He gave me a B. After all that studying." I looked over the paper and saw where she made mistakes and told her so. They happened to be the questions she didn't stay back to look over with me.

"You'll do better next time." She loosely held onto my t-shirt. My face moved closer to hers despite knowing that I needed to behave. "What happened with your mom Chloe?" She sighed and slid her hands around me beneath my jacket. Immediately I felt her warmth moving through me. Her perfume filled my nose.

"Crap happened that's what. I explained to her about that idiot Heather then it turned into me being more angry than usual." I looked at her as I put one and one together in my head. Her mom meant that I was making her more angry than usual.

I pulled away and slid my hands into my pockets. Chloe was still talking, unaware of where my thoughts were going or of me pulling away.

"...Then I completely forgot about what next week was. Our study break. Then that Sunday is Valentine's Day. She knows that I'd want to spend it with you. Then she's making me go to some stupid family party. She's-"

"Maybe it'll be good to relax for a while." Chloe was either ignoring me or really involed with talking.

" unfair! I told daddy how gentle you are with me, that you'd never hurt me and he just got all macho and crap talking about how no one's gonna mess with his little girl as if I'm some kinda kid-"


"So I told him that I'd like him to tell me that I can't go out when I go to college and he got all angry and was trying to make it three weeks instead of two..."


"No Kia." She looked at me with a frown on her face. "No, I think your solution is crap." We stood there looking at each other with so many words between us but nothing to say. Then In the corner of my eye I saw someone walking toward us then stop. I looked up and all of my energy focused on Heather's face. She tried to back track but I caught up to her in three strides.

My hand was around her neck a second later as I slammed her against the locker. The few people around stopped to watch as she tried to wiggle away.

"You fucking bitch. If I ever see you touch her again, if I ever see you lookin' at me funny again-"

"Kia! Let her go Kia."

My eyes began to clear and I saw the fear in her face and then noticed the bruises. Damn. Chloe got her good.

"I'm sorry..." She whimpered.

"You could have killed me," I said in a low voice. She bit her bottom lip and looked from me to Chloe then back, as if trying to figure out who'd strike first. I let her go and stepped back. "Stay the fuck away from me." She nodded her head and scrambled to grab her books then practically ran down the hallway. I watched her until she disappeared then looked around at the gawking crowd. "What the fuck are you lookin' at?!" They all scattered away.

She took my hand and pulled me further down the hallway until we slipped inside the stairwell. She was rubbing my back as I tried to calm down.

"I'm fine," she shook her head and stepped closer getting on her toes to press her lips to mine. Just as I opened my mouth to let my tongue into her, a door opened and she jumped up looking behind her.

"I'm going to talk to her again tonight."

"Your mom doesn't like me anymore Chloe, let's just face the music."

"I won't." Her eyes turned accusatory until I nodded my head and grabbed her hand. "And I think she does like you Kia. She's jus' weird now."

"It would be good to spend the break with something good for Valentine's day." She smiled and hugged me just as the bell rang for the start of our next class. "No more parties for a while though."

"At least none at Jen's house. I told Donna about it and she still can't believe all the crap that happened that night." I brushed her bangs from her eyes as she shoved her bag further up her shoulder. "Maybe we can leave school right when it ends and you can spend an hour or so at my house before my mom comes home?"

I opened the door for her then stepped out behind her. "That's a tight fit, what if she comes home early or something?"

"So I'm supposed to go a week without being with you then?" Her attitude made me smile. I shook my head and stopped at the door to her next class.

"We'll think of something." The frown relaxed into a reluctant smile. With a squeeze to my hand she turned into the classroom. She didn't see the smile slip from my lips or the worry that settled over my brow. I shoved my hands into my pockets and headed to my next class.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 12

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