Bad Girl

By Mas P

Published on Jun 2, 2009


The story continues...I can't begin to apologize for the ridiculously long wait. Been pretty busy though! But that's no excuse... :( hope you all can forgive me. I'm really trying to get back to the weekly posts though. The next part is done! Hope you all like this one.

If you'd like to fan my ego, or take it down a notch then hit me up at:

Thanks a mil Brenda for proofing it!

Bad Girl - 12

By Mas

I hate my family.

Yes, I know that we all say that at some point in our lives, especially when we're teenagers. And we may be overly dramatic most of the time when we DO say those four words, but not this time.

Nope. This time you can be assured that I am not having a teenage fit or something. No teenage angst. Well, not entirely. They're all out to make me as unhappy as possible.

I was cuddled up in a ball on my bed crying and trying my best to make my mother feel as horrible as possible. She hated to see us cry. So I made sure that my eyes were nice and wet 24/7.

"...and you will NOT go anywhere. Come directly home after school young lady-"

"You're not being fair mum!"

"Not being fair? I'm being more than fair considering how you decided to come home and with whom you decided to come home with after-"

"Kia would never hurt me!"

"I never said that she did-"

"Yes you did! None of you know her even though you pretend that you do!" I know that I was crossing the line by shouting at her, but I couldn't control myself.

"Watch your tone Chloe..." She warned and I saw her eyes turn to slits.

"Why don't you want us to be together? No one does..." She sighed and rubbed her eyes.

"Chloe, you were supposed to be at Donna's house. You come home with Kia AND you come home with a black eye. You're lucky I don't lock you up in that damn room of yours for the rest of the year! Now you're grounded for two weeks and that's the end of it!"

My eyes pour tears as we glare at each other. She steps forward but I step back and cross my arms over my chest. "I hate you." I said softly and see her look away then nod her head.

"Yes, everyone hates their mom at your age." There she goes again, treating me like a child. I wipe my eyes and stomp off to my room and make sure to slam the door loudly for good measure.

It's been two days now, two afternoons of just coming straight home from school. I have to call my mother as soon as I am through the door and if I'm late in calling her, she raises a fit. Then, I can't sneak back out since dad always "happens" to be at home some afternoons.

He just glares at me whenever he has a chance with his eyebrows hovering heavily over his eyes. "I'm disappointed in you Chloe." Those were the most words he said to me since that night.

I called Donna and she tried to console me. At least she didn't take my cell phone away too.

"I bet you let her cool off for a bit and you'll be fine with Mrs. Soto. Your mom's so cool Chloe." I snorted in response. "Come on Chloe, you know she doesn't really think Kia hurt you..."

"Then why is she making a point to keep us apart now huh?" I pout and throw a pen across the room, satisfied for a moment when it smacks against the wall. "She told me that I can't even help Kia out with her volunteering on the weekends. She didn't have to go that far."

"Give her time Chloe."

"No Don, why doesn't everyone give US time? NO ONE wants us to be together! Whenever we get closer some stupid drama starts up!"

"I know honey." I cry some more then tell her that I want to go to bed. "Call me whenever okay? I'll see you in school..."

I was staring at the ceiling after I hung up. I wanted to call Kia but didn't. Something was so off with her but I couldn't place it. I felt it though. It started as soon as I told her about my mom grounding me forever. I picked up the phone and dialed her number but didn't press the button that would connect us.

I threw the phone on the bed and curled up around my pillow instead.

When I woke up for school mom was already in the kitchen and making breakfast surprisingly. She usually didn't make breakfast on work days. She looked up when I entered. "Good morning," I mumbled. "I made oatmeal; I know how you hate the fake stuff." My stomach growled at the scent of it. I loved mom's version. She added brown sugar and vanilla. But a bowl of oatmeal wasn't going to make it all better.

I grabbed a bowl and a box of cereal and poured it in and then splashed some milk in. "I'll have cereal. Thanks anyway." I felt her eyes on me as I went back up to my room to eat. When I came back down Chris was at the table digging into a huge bowl of oatmeal. MY oatmeal.

"She didn't make that for you !"

"Well YOU didn't eat it brat." I rolled my eyes and checked the pot; she had left exactly 3 tablespoons of oatmeal there. I glared at the back of her head.

"You're such a freak Chris."

"Oh I'm the freak when YOU'RE the one who's gonna have the whole family talking this weekend. You need to keep you new lifestyle on the DL unless you wanna be like Karin. All they do is talk about her." I glared at her and asked her to make some sense for once in her life. "You have quite the smart mouth since you got with that bitch of a girlfriend."

"KIA is NOT a bitch and you know it. And what are you even talking about? What's happening this weekend?"

"The family party mom's been planning with Aunt Jenny all month...?" She looked at me as if waiting for some recognition. She wasn't about to see any since I completely forgot about it. "That Aunt Carla and Karin are flying in for...?" Karin? My conversation with dad flashed through my mind.

"Aunt Carla? Karin? Don't they live on the other side of the country?"

"Aunt Carla, but Karin moved two states away apparently. She's even bringing her wife." My eyes widened as I sat down leaning forward, ignoring the smug look on Chris' face at having information that I obviously wanted. "She got married a year ago, some banker chic. And we all have to go to this party, even dad."

"Dad hates these things more than me." Chris rolled her eyes as she stood up.

"Dad hates anyone who doesn't know a lick about computers. You know how his brothers are." They all wouldn't know their way around a computer if you paid them. They'd end up using it as a foot rest or something. Good thing my cousins are growing up in the 21st century.

"I'm not going." I said as I stood up. "I'll tell dad, I'll get him not to go and he won't let me go either." Chris laughed.

"Oh, you think you being the youngest gonna get out outta this one?" She laughed and patted my back. "Mom already threatened him. You're going."

"We'll see." I said and grabbed my bag. My extended family was weird. The more time I spent away from them the closer I got to maturing.

It was physics class before I saw Kia that day. She came in and placed a small box on my table. "Open it after class," she said as she settled down in her seat. Donna looked at me and squealed in excitement. Kia leaned over and looked at her as if she grew a third eye. "What's up with her?" I shook my head and slipped the box into my bag.

"She gets excited over gifts, even when they're not for her." I looked at Kia and smiled. Her hair was straightened, like the day she came over for dinner. I shifted over my chair and placed my hand on her thigh. She looked sideways at me and smirked. "Can you come over today? For a little while?" I watched her as she looked at me. I thought that she was going to say no from the uncertainty I saw in her eyes. When she nodded her head slowly I squeezed her thigh then looked ahead as class started.

"Something's wrong Donna," I said as we sat around at lunch. Donald settled down with his lunch as Kia walked off to grab something to drink. Donna looked over at Kia then back at me.

"What is it?"

"I don't know. She won't talk to me." Donna rubbed her chin then looked at Donald. When she looked back at me she had a mischievous look in her eye.

"I'll find out babe. No worries."

"No worries about what?" We heard and looked up to see Claudia and Missy standing nearby. "We miss you at our practices now." Claudia said as she pulled a chair over and straddled it, grabbing a chip out of Donald's bag. Lovette came wandering over with a tray of food too.

"Hey Lovette," I said as I smiled at her. She looked at me and blushed. I hadn't heard a thing from Jasmine but from the way she gave me the first degree on Monday, I knew that something was still brewing between her and the college student. "How's Jas?" She shrugged and mumbled "okay".

"She sure put this loud mouth in her place huh?" Missy said as she shoved Claudia. "She teases her about getting girls and Lovette goes off and gets herself a college woman!" We all laugh as Claudia manages to look offended.

"I was pushing her," Claudia argued.

Kia came walking back toward us, stopping a few times to wave at this person or that. I had to roll my eyes at the dreamy eyed girls who stopped her in the hallways now. It was a little ridiculous but unavoidable I guess. After that performance...

Jen and Gavin were a few paces behind. They smiled when they saw us.

"So is this the official gay hangout spot now or something?" Jen asked as he pulled over a chair. Donna crossed her arms and cleared her throat loudly. "Oh my bad, forgot we had some straight alliances in the mix."

"Well try not to forget again."

"Either you heal up fast or you know how to put on some makeup girl." Gavin gently touched my eye. "It's like you never even got hit that night."

"Kia's uncle took care of me after that night." I saw her shift uncomfortably next to me and turned towards her. "What's wrong Kia?" The quiet words only reached her ears.

"Nothing." Before I could ask her again Claudia started to tell us about a game they were playing soon. Some pick up game over the break with a rival team.

"You guys coming right? We always need support with this team. They're good."

"Wednesday night?" Donna asked and rubbed her chin in thought, "I should be able to get my dad's jeep that night..."

"Well I'M still grounded. So that's a no for me." I said. Kia looked at me and bit her bottom lip.

"Come on man. We need some cheerleaders. Donna would do the cheers if you come too."

"You have a cheer squad going with the team Claudia," I pointed out then spotted a familiar face walking by. "And don't you have a girl to cheer for you?" I watched as she scowled and crossed her arm. If her face wasn't already so cute I guess it would have been just made her look like an irritated little care bear.

"No I don't..." she said, trailing off. Missy rolled her eyes and shoved her in the arm.

"This idiot decided to flirt with one of those twelfth grade hoes on Monday and get her ass caught."

"I was just saying hi!" Claudia looked at me pleadingly. "Can't I saw hi to other girls Chloe? How the fuck can she get mad at me for saying hi?" I shook my head in disbelief. I knew what Claudia's version of "hi" was. It probably involved touching and the use of her dimples.

"If you want Monica," I stopped and looked into her eyes, "and I'm guessing we're talking about Monica from the dance and the party?" She nodded her head reluctantly. "If you want Monica then the answer is no Claudia, you cannot say hi to twelfth graders." She frowned and puffed out her chest.

"I can talk to whoever I want to. No girl's gonna change THIS thug," Claudia said as she pointed to herself. Missy smirked and looked off to the side.

"Oh look," she said dryly, "there's Monica." Claudia whipped around and searched her out until she spotted her. I watched as Monica sat down at an empty bench with Samantha and some other guy. She was laughing when she looked up and spotted us. She waved shyly then her smile dropped a bit when she spotted Claudia staring her way too. I rolled my eyes and nudged her. She looked over at me and I caught the hurt in her eyes before she put on her cocky mask. These butches and their masks...

"Go talk to her Claudia." I say softly. She bites her lip. I watch her look around to see if anyone else was watching her, only Missy was, but her look was supportive. She jumps up from the chair and starts to rush over but slows down eventually and picks up her swagger.

Monica looked nervous as Claudia approached and looked away until she was next to the bench. When she sat down Samantha and the guy left and I smiled when I saw Claudia leaning in close to talk to her. Her cocky look just about disappeared. "Looks like you jus' got tamed Claudia." I said with a smirk.

I look over at Kia, who had yet to say anything to anyone, including me since she told me that she was fine. She's watching Claudia too; or at least she seems to be. In her shades it's hard to tell. I reach over and pull them off. She glances at me and looks away, sipping more of her drink.

She pulls the excess moisture from her lower lip and I watch the pink flesh dip out then into her mouth. The soft skin glistens under the sunlight. "You look so good." She looks at me and smirks shaking her head.

"You can say that when you have gay guys telling you that you look good with a black eye?" She's exaggerating. For someone who was so attractive she never dwells on it.

"Will you come by today? Will you drop me home?" Suddenly I feel very horny. I look around to make sure no one was watching us since I couldn't hide it if I tried.

Her brow draws up. "Your mom..." She reaches back for her shades but I keep them right out of reach.

"She'll be at work."

"That won't be a good idea." I pout and shove the shades away from us across the table. When she reaches for it I grab her stomach. She jerks and grunts a bit, biting back a smile. It seemed that I stumbled onto a ticklish spot. I did it again and she smiled grabbing at my hands.

"I had no idea you were ticklish." I try to break away but she's too strong. So I lean in and kiss her. Her lips are warm with the tart taste of the soda lingering but her tongue is chilly. I know that I shouldn't have been doing that while we were all talking but I wanted to get her to giggle.

Her hand relaxed its hold just like I knew it would and I snatched mine away using both hands to grab at her stomach the way that made her smile. Then I heard it. Kia giggled.

"That's so cute!" She reached over for her shades again but I pushed her back until I sat looking at her profile. "You giggled..."

"No I didn't." She grabbed her can then realized that it was empty and crushed it in her hand. She tossed it aside. "Chloe, can you give me my shades please?"

"Not until you admit that I made you giggle cutie." By now I was talking quietly to her since I knew she'd get embarrassed and snap someone's head off if they overheard. "Admit it," I whisper.

"You just might need a hearing aid baby," she said, finally turning to smile at me. At times like this I just wanted to hug her. Claudia came over with Monica then and reintroduced us all. When they sat down I turned by attention back to Kia. She managed to sneak her shades away during that time and looked quite smug slouching in them.

"Cheater," I said. She shook her head and looked at me, her smile slipping a bit.

"You know I want to spend time with you right?" I told her yeah and she nodded her head. "I don't want to make it worse for you at home if your mom catches me in your house."

"You're not banned from my house Kia..." Another eye brow rose up and remained until I sighed. "Okay, so maybe you a way...but not officially."

"I'm gonna be gone by the time your mom arrives." I smiled and nodded my head quickly. She chuckled and draped a long arm over my shoulder. "I miss you already too." I sat back as Claudia started to talk with Kia about some movie, disagreeing about something of course. I was starting to see that they disagreed on mostly everything.

When the bell rang for the end of lunch we all groaned.

"We need to have a party or something." Gavin said with a pout.

"We jus' did. And that didn't end too hot either." Claudia said, looking pointedly at Kia.

"No, I mean a party just for us. Jus' family." Donna shoves him. "And friends! Geesh!" He rubs his arm as he frowns at Donna.

I noticed that Monica was pretty quiet but she looked interested in what we were all saying. "Hey, you going to this game Claudia's been moaning about?" She laughs and tells me yeah.

"But I'm not gonna be some cheerleader though." She smiles and her eyes widen as Claudia reaches for her hand as she talks to Gavin. I had to smile too; she was a cutie for sure and already seemed to be in love with our little pesky friend. "Ummm, are you going Chloe?" I told her yes even though I wasn't sure and saw the relief wash over her face. "Oh good. I so wanted there to be someone I know there too."

"We're all going. It's next week, she made us all promise to come too." We chatted for a bit until we all had to go our own way. I watched as Kia spoke quietly with Claudia for a minute then nod her head and turn towards me.

"What was that about?"

"Nothing." I smiled at her flustered look. "What?"

"Are you two friends now?" She scowled at me and shook her head.

"Nope." She was hilarious when she tried to act all tough.

"Okay," I said. "I'll see you after school. 3 p.m. sharp."

"I'll be there."

When I got home I called my mum then ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower. Kia just flung herself on my bed until I came out of the bathroom and told her to brush her teeth.

"Okay mom," she said but went anyway. When she came back I was lying in bed. She smirked at me as she pulled off her t-shirt. "Ya know, considering we both have two tests coming up on Friday we should really be studying now."

"Just shut up and kiss me." When she stretched her body over me I moaned and hugged her, wrapping my arms and legs around her. "I missed you." I loved feeling her weight pressing onto me. To her, I was being crushed, but it sure didn't feel like it to me. When she pressed into me it was like someone turned on a full body heater.

"We just spent all day together." She said pressing her lips to my neck until her touch turned into kisses. I rubbed her bare back, then squeezed my fingers between the back of her sports bra.

"Not the whole day, just lunch." She lifted her face from my neck to look down on me. "So technically you can't say the whole day..."

"When does your mum leave for home?" She said tugging at my t-shirt. I lifted my arms as she pulled it off leaving me in my panties. The tips of her fingers ran along the seam for a moment then moved away.

"5:15 or so..." I unbuckled her jeans and spread my legs even father apart. I had to clamp down on my lip when I felt her jeans pressing into me.

"It's already 3:30 Chloe." I shoved her jeans down until they were past her hips then slid my hands underneath her boxer briefs, tugging it away. She rose up on her hands and pushed her center into me. My hands automatically grabbed her biceps. A moan rose up from the back of my throat when she pushed into me again.

"Then we better hurry up." She smiled and rose up on her knees to pull my panties off, then tug off her clothes until only her bra remains. "The bra too."

"Shhh..." She said as she started to move over me again, rubbing our centers together until my eyes drift closed in concentration. I felt the hard nub of her clit grazing my skin. I heard her breath picking up and felt her lips pressing soft, feather-like kisses to my mouth with each thrust into me. She pushed my knees up more and I nearly came right then when I felt the full pressure of her clit against me, sliding against me easily.

"Faster," I said and grabbed her shoulders as she grinded into me. When I came I trembled against her body. I felt her come too. She came quietly. Only a deep sigh and gush of wetness gave any proof of it even happening.

She continued to move slowly over me until we both were trembling against each other.

I grabbed her arm when I felt her moving away and my eyes flew open when she gently pried my fingers away and moved until she was sitting on the edge of the bed. "What are you doing?"

"Putting on my clothes." I rose up in bed ready to protest when she placed a finger over my mouth. "I don't want anyone to come home and catch us naked Chloe."

"But nobody's gonna be home 'til 6 Kia. Just stay naked. I prefer for you to be naked. Stop," I said as I tried to grab hold of her hand.

She just shook her head and zipped up her jeans. "Okay, at least your underwear then."

"Get back in bed," I rolled back and let her shove my panties back on and pull a t-shirt over my head. "So that's what I can expect when I want you to do something you don't want to do huh?" I didn't give her any help at all with putting on my clothes.

"We only have about 30 minutes together and you want to get dressed." She shoved my shoulder until I turned away from her body then snuggled up behind me. I wiggled back until I was comfortable.

"You're sleepy. When you're sleepy you get all grumpy and shit. Go to sleep Chloe."

"And then I'll wake up and you'll be gone." I tried to turn around but she squeezed her arms around me until I grew still then rubbed my stomach. "And I am not grumpy."

"Your mom thinks that I hit you Chloe." I tried to turn again but she squeezed me tighter until I relaxed. "She won't like it if she sees me in her house." My eyes were growing heavy but I wanted to talk to her about this.

"It's not that bad Kia..."

"Well it's bad enough. I'm not gonna hang around and make it worse. I won't leave 'til you fall asleep though."

"I won't then." She chuckled and assured me that I would. We argued for about a minute when suddenly I'm up for dinner and my mom's calling me downstairs. I rolled over and saw the pillow where Kia rested her head. It was cold.

We had a week long break coming up and I didn't see how I could go through it without being with Kia everyday. I knew that I had to make my mom change her mind about this somehow.

When I went downstairs I saw my mom coming back through our garage. "Hey mum." She smiled and opened up a cupboard where she tossed the broom.

"Hey, you sick? You were sleeping pretty deeply when I got home." I was glad that she had her attention focused on the stove because my face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Oh, just a bit tired. I didn't hear you come in." I almost always heard her coming in the front door since she tended to slam it behind her. For someone who hated doors slammed in the house, she certainly liked to slam it when she got home.

"Parked in the garage."

"Oh," I peeked in the pot and my mouth watered at the soup I saw cooking. "Potato soup?"

"Uh huh." She looked at me and I thought that she was about to say something when she asked me to grab the salt instead.

"Where's dad?"

"He'll be home soon." I nodded my head then looked up as Chris came into the kitchen throwing her bag on the floor.

"School sucks."

"Well hello honey, oh I had a great day, thanks." Chris rolled her eyes then walked over to kiss mum on the cheek then announced that she was going to take a shower. Mum watched her walk away shaking her head. She turned back to the stove then looked at me. It was as if she read my mind. "We have to go to this family day on Saturday." I groaned instantly. "All of us!"

"Mum, please don't make me go!" I crossed my arms suddenly losing my appetite. My family was so annoying. The cousins all talked about stupid things and the guys talked crap. I felt as if I was the only mature one of the bunch. Only the younger cousins entertained me at these things. I smiled as I thought about Angelica, Angie. She was Uncle Frank's kid.

"Karin is flying in from New York." I sat up as my brows crinkled in confusion. I'm sure I was supposed to know that name..."She's coming in with her partner too." My cousin, my gay cousin who I forgot about, but who apparently thought I was a doll baby years ago.

"She is?" Mum nodded her head and I sat down at the table in thought. It would be cool to meet her. I had no idea she lived in New York. Then again how would I when I didn't really know who she was, only dad's talking about her brought her back to my memory. Then it was a fuzzy one. "Why?"

"Why what?" My dad came bounding into the kitchen. He rubbed my head and kissed my mom. After grabbing a soda he went upstairs.

"Why is she coming home now?"

"You can ask her yourself."

"Dad said that I was her favorite of the cousins." Mom nodded her head and smiled.

"Still don't know why that girl thought you were a little toy baby. We had to pry you from her when we left your Auntie's house." I smiled as a faraway look fell on her face. I didn't have any close relationships with my cousins at all. We knew each other but that was about it. When you stayed out of their gossip ring you tended to be an outcast.

"That's so weird." I tried to imagine it, someone doing that. I couldn't. "I wonder how she looks now."

"Always was a pretty girl. Carla showed me a recent picture of her. Still is."

"How about her girlfriend?" Mom's eye brows pulled together in thought.

"She's pretty too. Actually, I think the better word is handsome." I laughed at that. "What? She is."

"Handsome..." I said and she nodded her head. "So how does Kia look to you then?" Mom glanced at me then reached for the plates and bowls for dinner. I pushed her away and pulled out everything as she settled down in the chair.

"Kia is a very beautiful young woman." She suddenly looked tense as she looked at me. "They gossiped a lot about Karin when she came out honey. They all did. They all do." I looked at mom and sighed. She took my hand holding it firmly. "I can't stop them..."

"I don't care mom, I don't like them anyway-" She frowned and I pouted. "Except for Angie. They're so fake mom. You can't make me like them." She chuckled and shook her head.

"Lucky you, I have no choice but to like my sisters and brother."

"Oh you have a choice mom. There's always a choice." She chuckled and shook her head. "I really don't want to go mom. I told you about the volunteer work I do with Kia now-"

"You're going Chloe."

"But mom!"

"You broke the rules bucko, you pay the price." When she stood up I stuck out my tongue. "Better get that back in your mouth if you still want it." I jumped up a bit in surprise then rolled my eyes.

"It's Valentine's Day on Monday," I said as my eyes began to water. I looked way, suddenly I didn't want to cry in front of my mom but I couldn't hold in my frustration. "I really am sorry for what I did mom but how can you ground me during our break AND on Valentine's Day? You know that she didn't hurt me right?"

"I know that Chloe," she said but didn't sound very convinced.

"She'd never hurt me. Of all the people I know she's the only one I trust with my life." Mum stopped working and looked down at me with an eyebrow raised. I replayed what I said and realized how heavy it sounded.

"Kinda serious for such a young relationship Chloe." I shrugged.

"It's the truth mum." She studied me for a bit then dished out my food. "Can you think about it some more? Give me Sunday at least to spend with her?"

She placed my food in front of me and looked into my eyes. I really tried to put some tears there for the effect. I guess it worked. She ruffled my hair and told me that she'd think about it. I jumped up and hugged her.

"But only Sunday! We'll discuss next week and you're going to that party on Saturday."

I pouted but sat down happily. "I'll just play with Angie all day then." I was already excited about telling Kia the good news.

I couldn't reach her all night so I had to wait for school. When I saw her enter the building I quickly walked over nearly stopping when I saw her walking with Claudia. I smiled but hid it away by the time she spotted me. "Hey," I said. She draped her arm over my shoulder and smiled down at me.


"Hey Claudia,"

"Wassup honey?" Kia glared over at her and she laughed throwing up her hands. "Oh I'm sorry, I forgot." Then she turned back to me. "Good morning Chloe. How are you?" I looked at them both as Claudia laughed and Kia tried to hide her smile away. It was beyond weird seeing them so relaxed together. They were so different.

"Guess what?" I stood next to her locker smiling from ear too ear as she grabbed a book and shoved her jacket into her locker. She glanced at me then looked back again when I stood smiling at her.

"So you actually expect me to guess some random thought that you're thinking at the moment?" I nodded my head excitedly. "Just tell me Chloe."

"Oh I know!" Claudia said. "You're gonna drop out of school to become a stripper." Kia punched her in the arm as she laughed her head off.

"Shut up Claudia." Claudia raised her hands and Kia turned back to me.

"No crazy," I turned back to Kia. "Guess."

"Just tell me."

"No! Guess!" She rolled her eyes and leaned against a locker.

"You got an A on that test you were freaking out about?"

"Nooooo. My mom's gonna let me spend all Sunday with you!" I was stretching the truth a bit but I really think that she was going to do it. I watched as Claudia punched Kia's arm softly.

"Guess she don't hate you after all." She said. Kia glared at her and told her to shut up.

"Who did you think hated you? My mom?" Claudia nodded her head.

"Apparently she thought that-"

"Shut the fuck up Claudia," Kia said quietly as she glared at her. Claudia made a show of zipping up her lips and throwing away a key. But as soon as she spotted Monica in the hallway those lips opened up again as she called out to her. Monica smiled and walked over.

"Hey baby," she said as she took Monica's hand.

"Hi," came her shy reply and then she waved at Kia and I. Kia chuckled as Claudia stood gazing at Monica like some lovesick puppy. I had to smile too. The bell rang, saving Claudia from further embarrassment. Not that she'd notice. She turned and nodded at us both.

"I'll catch you two at lunch." Before we could respond she had her eyes back on Monica.

"Isn't that cute Kia? She's in love."

"She's pussy whipped." I slapped her stomach but she just looked down at me with an eyebrow raised. "What? They had sex the other day and-" I clamped my hand over her mouth. Her eyes still looked wicked.

"I do NOT want to hear about Claudia's sex life Kia."

"Okay." She smiled at me. "I was jus' gonna say that Monica put some lovin' on her so good that she was seeing double then-" I grabbed for her mouth again but she just laughed as she kept shoving her face out of my reach, "THEN! Then that innocent little face knows how to use a strap so-" I punched her in the stomach and she laughed as she promised to stop.

"I'm so serious Kia! I would tell Monica and you know it!" Kia sobered at that and promised to behave. There was still a little smile on her lips but she stopped. "Aren't you happy at my news?"

"I am."

"It doesn't seem so..." She looked over at me as we neared my classroom.

"I am. I just..." She sighed and shoved her hand in her pocket. "I'm happy. I want to spend the day with you." She stepped closer to me, our lips a few inches apart. "All day." When her voice dipped that low I know what was on her mind.

"Will you drop me home this afternoon? And stay for a while?"

"You said your mum may be coming home earlier today..." I frowned at that. It was the truth. She did tell me that she was heading home earlier.

"But we'll only have Friday until I can see you on Sunday. And she'll definitely be home early on Friday to cook for Saturday." She grabbed my hand and squeezed it before letting it go and backing up.

"We'll figure something out." Her tone made me worry. Something wasn't right about the way her eyes shifted away. She usually rubbed my hand when she held it but she just let it go. When I opened my mouth to ask her she turned away and headed off to class. I could have been imagining it. Probably was.

Kia didn't end up coming over after all. She dropped me off then said she had to head home to do some homework. No matter how much a pleaded or how close I pulled her.

I even ran my hand up her thigh. I heard her gasp and hold back a moan, but when I looked up into her eyes she just shook her head and bit her lip. I stood for about 5 minutes staring at the empty spot where her car was after she drove away then got on the phone with Donna.

"What do you mean you think she's gonna break up with you?" Yes. So maybe I was being a little overly dramatic.

"Something's wrong Donna. She's all weird."

"Nothing new there..."

"Donna!" She apologized though it sounded like one of those apologies to shut the other person up.

"I know I've been a little distant lately." I smiled and shook my head then remembered that she couldn't see me.

"You're in a new relationship..."

"So? That's no excuse. When you got with Kia we still talked and hung out."

"I understand, so don't apologize. I mean we see each other 5 days a week Don." Donna was quiet and I knew that she was smiling.

"So the tall, dark and brooding one, what do you think is going on?"

"That's what I want YOU to tell ME. I mean, I know that mom's been a little strict about this curfew and grounding me and all but not THAT strict. She didn't say that she can't come over for dinner or anything. I asked her to eat here tonight and she backed away like I was coming at her with a knife."

"You think it's your mom?" I rubbed my eyes.

"Why? I already told her-"

"No. Not the way you think. Maybe it is your MOM Chloe." I sat back in my chair as I stared at the wall. Could my mom be intimidating Kia somehow? Scaring her? My mom? She hardly intimidates me...

"She can't be scared of my mom Don."

"Probably not the way you think. She lost her mom when she was young. Maybe she started to really like your mom then after all the crap that happened and your mom thought she hit you it messed her up. Brought back her feelings about being motherless..." I looked at the phone as what Donna said started to actually make sense.

"When did you become so...?"

"Smart? Psychologically inclined? Mature?" I laughed and told her yeah. "People can rub off on you..."

"I'm sure." I heard Donna sigh. "Long day?" She laughed.

"You should know; we had the same classes today."

"Her and Claudia are like best friends now," I said absently.

"I noticed that! That's so random." My mom was downstairs fiddling away and shouting at my dad to do something or the other. "Well maybe not."

"Uh huh....Wait. What? It IS random. It's actually kinda weird."

"Not really, they have something in common."

"Being gay? Duh."

"Well yeah, that too. But I meant YOU smartass." I heard her cell phone ring in the background.

"So you don't think she's planning to break up with me?"

"No silly. She'd be crazy to break up with you. You should call Claudia since they're so chummy now. Ask her about it."

"Maybe..." My mom hollered about something downstairs and I heard my name in the midst of it. "I've gotta go Don. We'll talk later hon."

"Yeah, I can come by tomorrow to chill if you're still stuck home after this party."

"Ooh that'll be awesome Don." We made tentative plans and she hung up. I ran downstairs only to have my mom tell me to throw out the garbage I forgot to throw out earlier. After grumbling my way back upstairs I tried Kia again. No answer. I knew that she was home.

I called Claudia a moment later.

"Hello?" Came the drowsy voice.

"I woke you up?"

"No," she lied. "Who is this?"

"It's Chloe."

"Chloe .Baby, Kia let you keep my number in that phone girl?"

"Shut up. I'm calling about something serious." After laughing a bit she settled down.

"What's up mama."

"You tell me. What's wrong with Kia? Is she going to break up with me?" There was a moment of silence. Maybe my choice to put it all out there was the wrong one. I hoped to stun her into some confession. Instead I heard her laughing on the other end of the line. It didn't seem as if she had any intention of stopping anytime soon too. "Claudia..."

"Wait..." More laughter.

"Claudia stop laughing! This is serious."

"Yes it is. You jus' gone lost ya mind." I jumped from my chair and fell back on my bed.

"But she's been so weird lately Claudia."

"Why don't you talk to her mama?"

"Stop calling me mama. Because when I try to she disappears. What's going on Claudia?" She didn't speak for a few moments. When she did she sounded hesitant.

"All I can tell you is that that girl is far from getting ready to break up with you Chloe. I mean, I think that when someone threatens to kill me if I mess with their girl that she cares for her a lot...but that's just me. I could be wrong of course."

"You're not gonna tell me are you?"

"Talk to her mama." I sighed dramatically but she just chuckled into the phone.

"One of the only times you call me and it's to talk about your girl. Women!"

"Thanks Claudia."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll talk to you later mama." I stared at the phone then put it back to my ear. I have no idea when this mama business started up and asked her as much. "When I got me a mama it started up."

"How is Monica doing?"

"She's fine as hell." I heard whispering then Claudia telling someone it's "just Chloe." My eyes opened wide when I realized that Monica had to be at Claudia's house. And in her bed.

"I'm sorry Claudia. I didn't know you...umm..." She laughed and told me not to worry about it. "Your parents must be really cool for you to have Monica over..."

"They went away. Left me and my lil brother. Just had to throw out a bunch of his thug ass friends. Smokin' weed up in my house..." I smiled at her grumbling then told her to tell Monica hello.

I tried Kia again at home on her dad's line. I hated risking waking him up but this was insane and I was starting to get frustrated. If she wasn't breaking up with me and what Donna suggested was the case then we needed to talk.


"Mr. Pratt?"

"Yes it is. Who's this?"

"It's Chloe, sorry for calling so late..."

"Oh it's fine, how are you?" We chatted for a while then I managed to ask him if Kia was home. "Yes she is. Did you try her line? Or cell phone?"

"Yes, it must be off the hook, would you be able to check on her for me? See if she's alright?" I heard him knocking on a door. When Kia shouted out in the background my heart broke a little. So she was home. She was just ignoring me.

"It's Chloe on the phone. Is the phone working okay in here?" There was the sound of the phone being handled then silence. For a moment I thought that she hung up on me.

"Hey." All lunch time she's quiet and moody then all I got is a "hey."

"What's going on Akia?" She said that nothing was going on. "Well, I know that you aren't about to break up with me so-"

"What?! Who the fuck told you that?"

"I told me that." A deep sigh filled the phone then silence. "Talk to me Kia..."

"I love you Chloe." I smiled and told her that I knew that. "I don't want to hurt you."

"You don't hurt me Kia."

"But I can, look what happened to your eye; your mom thought I did it." Something clicked in my head after she said that. Well, it was more like the way she said it.

"Kia, mom knows that you'd never hurt me."

"You don't know that." She said quietly.

"Why don't you come and tell her yourself?" There was silence. "Come to dinner or something. Talk to her."

"Okay." I asked her what she was up to and we got into a light conversation about homework and tests.

"I think I failed it Kia."

"No you didn't. You did fine."

"So says the genius." She snorted.

"Far from it." Everything felt better now that I knew what was going on. It wasn't fixed but it was good to now that it was fixable. "They're gonna miss you tomorrow."

"I know..." I couldn't convince her to let me help Kia on Saturday. Sunday seemed possible though. "Maybe on Sunday I can come."

"I hope so..." The conversation naturally winded down then I heard her yawn.

"You tired? Kinda early for you isn't it."

"Didn't sleep well last night."

"I'm sorry. Wish I could help."

"You are." She knew how to make me smile, that's for sure. "You could help me even more if you were here."

"What'll I do? Rub your back?"

"No, not my back..." I smiled into the phone as my mind traveled the road Kia's mind was undoubtedly wandering down. Bad Chloe.

"Go to bed Kia." She laughed and did as she was told.

There was salsa music blaring from the speakers when we arrived at the party. Eleven a.m. and the alcohol was already pouring. Dad grabbed a cooler of drinks and walked over to the uncles and older male cousins who gathered around the bar area.

"Already escaping work..." my mom grumbled. We spotted some cousins our age and Chris and I walked over to talk to them, seems like we chose the wrong group.

"...and she's coming with her girlfriend. Can't believe they're letting her come." Desiree, one of the ring leaders was babbling. They had to be talking about Karin. Chris glanced at me and I saw a glimmer of pity then annoyance spark in her eye.

"Who gives a shit Desiree? At least she has someone." They glared at Chris. They never did like her much. I loved her the most at that moment though. "She hasn't been home in years. So what if she's a lesbian?"

I watched as they all tried to back peddle. Where was little Angie when I needed her? I sighed as I remembered mum saying that auntie was going to be around later because of work. Chris mumbled something about finding food and left me with them. I nearly cried in relief when my cell phone rang and I saw Kia's name on the display.

"Oh my GOD! You have no idea how happy I am to hear from you."

"Wha?" I told her where I was. "Where's the house? What address?"

"787 Orchard Drive. You gonna come save me?"

"Isn't your cousin coming too?" I told her yes and we talked a bit about how excited I was to see her after hearing so much about her. My dad called out for me to help with something over the music so I had to hang up. "Call me back in exactly an hour." She chuckled and promised to.

We were all in the house when a dark van pulled up outside, a dark and very expensive looking van. It had to be Karin. Everyone was trying to squeeze outside but Chris and I just went in the back yard, happy to find some peace and quite.

"This is shit. Why are we even here? They all don't like us anyway." She grumbled as she sat down in a chair. "I could be at the movies now. Not like I don't have classes to study for you know." I just let her rant and rave and looked up as the family slowly made their way through the house to the back. The crowd finally parted and I saw a smiling Karin with a shorter and very blonde woman behind her.

She WAS pretty. I saw a few pictures of her when she was younger, just verging onto those awkward years as a teenager but she was beautiful. Very dark, shiny hair. A happy oval face with laugh lines she didn't seem to be trying to hide. Shapely lips, she had the telltale features of our family. The same nose, eyes. Average height. Something about her glowed though, set her apart from the other cousins. She seemed...happy.

Those same cousins who were talking about her a few hours ago were now gushing at how pretty she was, how happy they were to see her, how glad they were to meet her girlfriend. I winced at that. They weren't girlfriends; they were partners, married. I wanted to slap Desiree just for being an ass. Chris and I looked at each other and stood up to avoid being labeled as antisocial.

Karin smiled at everyone; Aunt Carla was beaming proudly at everyone as she herded Karin about. "Mamaaaa," we heard her mumble quietly and had to smile. Aunt Carla was just like our mum when we were meeting some of her work mates or friends. It was the best time to ask for something you've been coveting forever. She never told us no in front of friends.

Karin looked over at us then and smiled. She took the blonde lady's hand and made her way through the crowd of irritated faces. No one likes to be ignored in our family.

"Look at little Chloe, all grown up now. And look at you Chris!" We hugged and waited expectantly when Karin pulled the woman forward. "Sarah, this is Chloe and Chris."

"Aahh, the little doll baby." I tried to hold back my smile at being talked about by the most talked about cousin in the pack. "Nice to meet you." I smiled up at the pretty eyes that her bangs fell over. She was hot in that I-don't-really-care kind of way. Yes, she was dressed nicely but I had a feeling that appearances weren't something she focused on. Mum walked over and we started to talk. Eventually the rest of the aunts moved closer as they all wanted a piece of Karin and her "girlfriend". Only mom and Aunt Jenny used the word wife at all.

When they found out that Sarah was an investment banker I saw the dollar signs pop into some of their eyes. I rolled my eyes and went inside to get some more food. After checking my phone for the umpteenth time I sighed and sat out on the front porch.

"I want to go home."

"But the party's just starting." I looked up and smiled when I saw Karin walking over. When she settled down next to me I smiled over at her even more. She looked at me in wonder for a while. "You really have grown up Chloe. I remember when you were so tiny. I'd beg mama to let me go to Aunt Lori's just to play with you."

"I remember you, but only small flashes..." It made me sad that I couldn't really remember such a cool person. She had to be the only other normal cousin in our family. She hugged my shoulders for a moment and smiled. When she moved her arm I felt the loss. I didn't get a lot of hugs in my family.

"I'm glad you're here." I said.

"Me too. Mama got tired of flying up to New York so I decided to make the sacrifice and take a few weeks off..." We laughed then settled back into an easy silence. "How have you been Chloe?"

I started to tell her about school, my writing, my dreams. I have no idea even now how it was that it was so easy to talk to her and how comfortable I felt around her. She was practically a stranger to me but I felt as if I knew her forever.

"You did like to babble to me in that baby talk. Shoulda guessed you would have been a writer." I laughed. "Aunt Lori called my mom..." She looked at me unsure. I knew what she was talking about instantly.

I looked away and started to play with a small stone at my foot. "Oh," I said.

"I guess in a way now I knew why I was so protective of you." I looked up at her smiling face. I saw understanding there.

"Why couldn't you live here? You're so cool. The rest of them are so weird." She laughed and looked back through the window. No one realized she was missing yet.

"And I left Sarah with the lot of 'em." I asked her if she wanted to go back. "Nah, she's fine. She's from Manhattan. They raise 'em tough there."

"She's very pretty." I watched her eyes soften and a smile that I know now she only had for Sarah fall on her lips.

"She is. I'll tell her that you think so too. She never tires of compliments."

"Oh she's gonna have a lot by the time she leaves. All of them are tryin' to find a rich man to marry." Karin's eye brow rose in confusion. "A butch lesbian will do just fine." When she burst out laughing I grinned, loving that I could make her laugh.

"Listen, before I leave today I'm gonna give you my contact info. So that way when you guys want to come up to the city you can stay with us." I nearly reached over and hugged her at hearing that. She ruffled my hair. "You're not a baby anymore but your still my little baby doll."

"I'm sooo gonna visit you guys."

"Good. Now when are you gonna tell me about this girlfriend of yours?" I rolled my eyes then looked around to make sure no one was near.

"Moms can sure talk..."

"You know how they are." I smiled and when she nudged me I checked around again. "And I'm guessing by the covert looks that you're not out to everyone yet?" She asked gently. When I shook my head shyly she just smiled. "It's okay, no rush. You're out to the ones that matter. That's what's important. I just want you to know that you have me too. That's why I flew down now. When mom told me I knew that I had to connect with you again. Make sure my favorite cousin was okay." My eyes began to tear at that. Not even with Chris did I feel so at ease. Kia was the only other person I ever felt so safe with. She draped an arm over my shoulder as I wiped at a tear.

"Thank you."

"No problem. Now, this girlfriend of yours..." I laughed again.

"Well, she's hot as hell..." I began and for half and hour told her all about Kia and the new friends I made at school now that I was out and the true friends I kept along the way. Some of the other cousins wandered around to the front to check out Sarah's car that she drove down. So that was when we stopped talking and she entertained us all with stories of her work in the city. Someone yelled out dessert and we all migrated to the back of the house again. That was when Karin met up with Sarah again and I smiled as the blonde woman reached out for her hand even as she talked to my dad.

I looked around and saw that some of the aunts noticed it too. Those women didn't miss much. It made me wonder if that was how I acted with Kia. Did I reach out for her subconsciously? Touch her like Sarah was touching Karin?

I hoped so. Someone else arrived at the house and the crowd shifted `a bit to see who it was. It had to be Justin, since he was the cousin who was infamous for being late. He just managed to always arrive when we had about one plate of food left and about an hour or two left of partying to do. It was still a bit early for him though.

I glanced at my phone again then looked up when Chris called me over for something to eat. "This cake is good. Who baked it? Can't be Aunt Milly with her being allergic to sugar," I nearly choked on my cake when Chris started in on Aunt Milly. I had to beg her to stop so that I could finish off the last of it. We finally got one of the older cousins to bake after convincing Aunt Millie that she should make her "wonderful" lemonade instead. Mom made sure to gradually pour about half of it down the drain.

I had the last of my cake in my mouth when I glanced up at the back door. It got lodged in my throat when I saw who was standing there. I grabbed Chris and pulled at her shirt. She looked annoyed until she saw my face and my hands gesturing at my throat.

"Oh fuck!" She turned me around and told me to lean forward and slapped the hell out of my back. The cake came spewing out of my throat as my eyes poured tears. I wiped my eyes as she rubbed my back. Even as I coughed I made my way through the growing crowd of nosey aunts and cousins who were gathering around the newcomer.

"What is she doing here Chloe?" Chris whispered. I tried to answer but only ended up coughing some more. Karin spotted me wiping my eyes. She walked over and placed a hand on my shoulder but my eyes were only on Kia and widened when I realized who she was talking to.

My mom.

"...never hurt her Mrs. Soto. I love her with all my heart and would break my fingers before I lay a hand on her. I'd break anyone's fingers before they lay a hand on her. And if they do I'd break them afterwards. You have to believe that I love Chloe too much to ever hurt her. And I'm asking permission to take her out for Valentines Day, or at least Sunday, to spend the day together." When she stopped she stepped back shoving her hands in her pockets. My mom was staring at her with her mouth hanging open and my dad was a few feet away looking confused. Chris looked embarrassed and I felt every eye turn to me.

I could have died.

My mom looked from Kia to me then back at Kia just to look at me again. Then she looked around at the now quiet party. Even the music stopped. Then someone shouted out what I'm sure they all were thinking.

"Chloe is a LESBIAN?!" I covered my eyes and tried to disappear.

"Umm...ahhh..." My mum was trying to find something to say and Kia was looking like she finally realized what she did when she looked around and saw that everyone was looking at me and asking each other if I was gay. As if I was invisible. I watched Kia walk toward me and heard Chris defending me in the distance as my mom told anyone who asked her questions to ask me since I was a standing right there. They all disappeared as I saw Kia walking over with a sheepish expression on her face.

It didn't help. I was mad.

"Kia..." I closed my eyes to block the looks of surprise and disdain.

"You said to talk to her."

"Kia..." I shook my head as I tried to clear away the red. This was not how I wanted my family to find out. I thought it would be more...gradual.

"I only did what you said." She argued looking around at the people looking at us curiously.

"Shhhit! Kia-"

"I thought-"

"Alone Kia!" The cat was officially out of the box. I quieted down and rubbed my eyes. "I meant to talk to her ALONE. Not in front of my entire extended family!"

She looked around again and looked at her shoes then back up at me.

I turned around and walked through the crowd for the front door, needing desperately to escape the eyes and questions. I heard her behind me and heard even more foot steps behind hers then Chris telling someone to fuck off. When I reached the front gates of the yard I stepped out and waited on her to point me to her car. I leaned against the door and watched her walk slowly over. She looked afraid. She looked unsure and reached to pull her shades down.

"If you pull those shades down I will scream Kia." She yanked her hand away and shoved it back into her pocket.

"So I guess you weren't out to the rest of your family yet..." I shook my head. "I better leave then, I already caused-" When I started to laugh she looked up startled.

"Leave?" She nodded her head confused.

"After what you just did you're gonna LEAVE? You have to be crazy. You're going back in there with me after I try NOT to go insane on you." She looked back at the heads that were peaking out of the house at us.

"Ahhh, maybe I better go Chloe."

"Ahhh, maybe you better go back inside that house with me Kia. 'Cause you're not leaving this party until it's over." She rubbed her eyes.

"Damn fucking Claudia..." she grumbled. I paused and rolled my eyes.

"I don't even wanna know," I said as I grabbed her hand and pulled her behind me. "Let's get this over with."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 13

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