Bad Girl

By Mas P

Published on Jun 16, 2009


And the story continues...hope you all like it. Thanks to all the readers and fans who bugged me and encouraged me to get another one up asap! It helped push things along for sure.

Once again, hope you all like it. Thanks to my proofers! Stig, you're amazing!

If you'd like to fan my ego, or take it down a notch then hit me up at:

Bad Girl - 13

By Mas

By the time we went back into the house everyone knew about my little "secret". Kia stood next to me uncomfortably in the kitchen where some of my younger cousins were gathered. I could practically feel the tension rolling off of her.

Mom and Chris came back inside and Chris glared at Kia. "Thanks for ruining the party," she said as soon as our mom was out of hearing range.

"Thanks for living up to your reputation as a bitch." Kia said just as coldly. I nudged her arm and told Chris to go away. "She started it."

Karin came inside too, with Sarah following close behind and when she spotted me she gave me a pitiful expression on her face. She looked around at some of the cousins hanging around expectantly and nodded through the hallway that was pretty empty. Sarah saw it and stayed back, starting up a conversation with my mom.

She looked from Kia to me and smiled. "Guess that wasn't the way you hoped to tell them huh?" I snorted and felt Kia's anxiety mounting. I looked at her and took her hand. She still had a sheepish look on her face.

"Well at least they all know now. So I can get all the sermons about going to hell and burning up for ever out of the way." She laughed and nodded her head.

"Once you know that they're coming."

"Oh I know." I tugged Kia forward and introduced her.

"So this is the Kia you've been rambling on to me about huh? Nice to meet you." I blushed and nodded my head. I thought that I controlled myself a great deal when she asked me about her. "Well I just wanted to make sure that you were okay. We have some more socializing to do. Sarah's getting tired but doesn't want to say anything so..." We walked back into the kitchen and my eyes lit up when I saw who decided to join us.

"Angie!" The tiny 6 year old lit up when she saw me and reached out of my aunt's arms. I quickly walked over to her and pulled her tiny body into my arms nuzzling her soft dark hair. She giggled and began to ramble on abut her doll babies that we were going to play with very soon.

"...traffic then that damn coffee maker broke in the caf‚ today." Guess I know why my aunt was late. I stood by listening as my mom spoke with her for a while. I knew that I was going to slip into the conversation soon and the mystery girl next to me, so I smiled at a silent Kia and we slipped outside with Angie's bag.

I sat down on the porch out front and watched her scramble for her bag. "Look Crowey." She didn't quite have the "l" sound figured out yet. I made the required amounts of interested sounds before I pulled Kia closer. "Angie, I want you to meet a friend of mine honey." She looked up at me and Kia and smiled shyly. "This is Kia. Say hi." I laughed as she quietly said hi.

"Hello there." Kia said holding out her hand. I watched open mouthed as Angie reached out and shook it, her little hand dwarfed by Kia's. Angie tended to be super shy around strangers.

"Your hand is big." Kia chuckled and agreed with her. She reached out her arms suddenly and I laughed as Kia awkwardly grabbed at her before she fell out of my arms.

"I guess she likes you." I said as Angie began to ramble on about her tea party with Kia.

"I guess so," she muttered even as she smiled.

"Isn't she adorable?" I asked loudly cutting off her story to see her grin at me. "You are you know." She laughed as I tickled her then her eyes lit up as she looked over Kia's shoulder. It was her mom.

I looked over to see my aunt looking at Kia curiously, then at me. I felt dread fill my chest. Mom must have told her. I don't know what I was expecting but when she stretched out her hand to Kia I couldn't have been happier...or more relieved. It was okay.

"Kia I presume?" She was so much like my mom.

"Yes ma'am," Kia responded as she awkwardly reached for my aunt's hand while Angie reached for one of her dolls.

"Nice to meet you." She looked from Kia to me and laughed. "You sure shook things up good. Bring the princess in when she gets sleepy. It'll be soon." I said I would and watched her walk away shaking her head.

We managed to avoid most of my cousins. Or was it them trying to avoid us? In any event, there was a lot of avoiding that night but you can't hide for long at our family parties. Desiree meandered through the crowd with Rosa, a shorter, younger, female version of my Uncle Travis, who was at the moment getting drunk, or at least tipsy, with my dad.

She was a pretty girl but had that hunched posture of someone lacking self confidence. I'm convinced that Desiree was sucking it all from her.

Kia was listening intently to Angie describe why it was so important for Malibu Barbie to drink tea with us when the two came around the house and stood at the porch.

"You didn't introduce us to your friend Chloe." My body grew tense as I watched Desiree study Kia. Her gaze was starting to linger. I had no intention of introducing them though. I didn't think that she was someone Kia needed to meet. I know, very rude. That didn't stop her from extending her hand and smiling at Kia though.

"I'm Chloe's cousin, Desiree"

"Kia." I watched as Kia tugged her hand away. My eyes turned to slits.

"That's Rosa," I said nodding at Desiree's sidekick. "Her dad's Uncle Travis." Kia nodded her head as she tried to divide her attention between Angie and the two women who were studying us. I tried to get some small talk going. "So, you two got some of that dessert yet?"

"So you're a lesbian too then?" Desiree fired her question at Kia. Kia glanced at me. "I guess at the next party it'll be someone else coming out of the closet." Desiree turned to Rosa and said this in a stage whisper.

"I wasn't IN a closet Rosa."

"Maybe we-" Desiree cut Rosa's attempt at peace off and focused her dark eyes on me.

"That explains why you always played ball with Justin all the other guys." My mouth hung open as I tried to figure out if she was joking.

"Ohh, so since I knew how to dribble a basketball I HAD to be gay..." She shrugged her shoulders and zeroed in on Kia again.

"Are you the guy then?" I squeezed my hand into a fist and saw myself slapping some sense into her. Kia just seemed to be amused by her though. How she could NOT want to hit her was beyond me.

"Do I look like a guy?"

" I'm just surprised that Chloe managed to find someone like you." That was enough low blows for the evening.

"Shut up Desiree," I mumbled this as I looked at my hands. Kia shifted Angie on her lap and moved closer to me. The hairs on her arm brushed against mine.

"I'm just saying-"

"I know what you're saying, so just shut up." I could sense her anger building.

"You and Chris think you're so special. Chris can curse all day and YOU bring her to the party and-" Her words died away as Kia stood up with Angie in her arms. She gave Angie to me and stepped down until Desiree backed up a step, never shifting her glare away.

"Oh, should I be scared now?" She asked with a slight tremor in her voice. Kia had yet to make a move as she stood looking down at her. "You don't scare me."

"You can say whatever you want to me," Kia pointed to her chest. "about me, I don't give a fuck." She stepped closer to the fuming brunette. "But don't talk to her like that." Desiree glared at Kia a few moments longer. I could almost hear the brain cells working in her head as she weighed the pros and cons of taking on Kia.

"Let's go Rosa. I think my mama's calling me." She turned abruptly and stalked off, disappearing around the corner of the house, but not before we heard her muttering something about a bull dyke. I rubbed my forehead. Kia sat back down and glanced at her hands then at some of my younger cousins playing in the street.

"Thanks." I mumbled.

"She's a horny ass hypocrite." I slap her arm and cover Angie's ears. "Oops." She opened her arms and I smiled as Angie hurriedly scrambled in. "What's with her?" She asked nodding her head in the direction Desiree took.

"Who knows. She's just the way she is. And the thing is Uncle Travis is such a sweet guy..." I notice a familiar form walking down the street with a bag in her hand. Chris' features materialized, looking irritated as always. She jerked her load in the air when she spotted me.

"Don't know why she didn't just bring the damn thing inside when we got here." Her eyes landed on Kia and they turned to slits. "Oh. YOU'RE still here."

"Hello to you too." Kia's dry reply wasn't any better.

"I guess your attempt at crashing the party didn't follow through huh?" She asked sweetly.

"Why don't you crawl back into whatever hole you came out of?" I nudged her arm.

"Don't know what she sees in you." Chris turned to me then. "You could have at least picked someone NICE."

"Says the queen bitch..."

"Kia!" She looked at me and shrugged. "Chris, don't you have somewhere to go?"

"Back into that party unfortunately. I really hope we're leaving soon." With that she gave a parting glare to Kia then stepped into the house.

"What's with you two?" Kia shrugged.

"She's annoying and a bitch and obviously jealous."

"What are you talking about Kia?" She said some nonsense to Angie, only turning to me when she was occupied again.

"The big sister doesn't have her little sister's attention and complete devotion anymore because of the girlfriend. And the girlfriend has no intention of giving ANY of her new attention back." I pieced together what she said and shook my head. I wasn't completely convinced, though it made sense.

"Can you just try to be nice to her? Mature?"

"Ohhh, so I'm the one who starts it then?" I sighed. "Okay, okay. But I should be able to defend myself."

"Just try Kia." She glanced at me and gave me a quick nod.

"And for folks like Desiree?"

"Oh you can say whatever you want to her. In fact I consider it a favor when you do." She smirked and promised to never let me down.

It was much later in the evening when some left with the excuse that they had church the next day. A few of the younger cousins were out front with us by the time the party was winding down. And Angie was grumpy from being tired so I just let her lounge against my chest as I rubbed her back. I knew how much of a handful she could be with her mum so I just kept her with us. When Karin stepped outside with Sarah she had her purse on her shoulder. Sarah held out her hand and shook mine then Kia's. "I'll see you guys around then. Can't keep up with those guys." Karin smiled and took Sarah's hand.

"Wayyy past your bedtime hon." She turned to us and stepped forward hugging me then taking Kia's hand in a tight squeeze. She patted Angie's head then looked back at Kia. "You take care of her now. Wouldn't want to hunt you down and hurt you." Kia smirked and nodded her head.

"Are you staying in a hotel?" I asked Karin.

"Yeah but not for long, seems like they're trying to work out something with one of the aunts..." I looked at Sarah and saw that she looked kind of uncomfortable. "Mom's already agreed to stay with Aunt Jenny..."

"I'd stay in the hotel if I were you." They wouldn't be able to get a bit of privacy around my family. Sarah quickly agreed with me.

"See? Someone else who thinks we need to stay put." Sarah said with a wink at me.

"We'll see," Karin waved again as they walked off to the jeep. Karin turned back to me and shouted out "I'm calling you this week!" We watched it start up then waved when Sarah tooted her horn at us all.

Some of the younger cousins were hanging around, no doubt curious about the new lesbian in the family. Even when some of the aunts tried to call them away to do this or that they all wondered back to Kia's amusement. I joked around with a few of them then noticed that Angie was getting fussy and trying to sleep, so I went in search of her mama. Kia stood and I followed then grabbed her arm when I spotted some dust on the seat of her jeans.

"Wait a second." By the time my hand swiped down a second time on her jeans I heard the giggles and excited squeals from my cousins. I rolled my eyes and waved them off.

I found her in the kitchen nursing a cup of tea. She smiled tiredly when she spotted her sleeping child. "Finally wore herself out huh?" I smirked as I shifted her into my aunt's arms. "Thanks hon. When are you coming over Chloe? You know how much she likes to play dress up with you." I laughed and promised to stop by soon. She looked at Kia then at my mom. Her eyebrows rose. "Well, I need to start making my rounds of goodbyes."

"So, you two had fun?" She asked. Kia nodded her head and shoved her hands down her jeans pockets. She looked a bit more relaxed now. I leaned against the counter next to her. "Good. Told you it wouldn't be so bad."

"It helped that Aunt Milly didn't make the dessert..." I smiled when she scolded me, looking around to make sure the grouchy woman wasn't nearby. "Where's Chris?"

"Probably by the car with some of the girls."

"And dad?"

"Getting drunk off his ass no doubt." We all laughed at that. From the sound of it, the party was still going outside, even if it was quieter. A few drunken men tend to keep it going.

She smiled at Kia and patted the chairs on either side of her. We sat down. She studied Kia until she started to shift around in her chair. "I can tell you now that when I was growing up, none of my sister's boyfriends or mine asked my mama for permission to take any of us out." She shook her head. "And you're smart, it's near impossible to tell you no with the way you went about asking."

I crossed my arms over my chest. My mom reached over and touched Kia's hand. "You're a good girl. I know you'd never hurt Chloe. At least not intentionally." Kia relaxed for the first time since she sat down. "It'll be good to have the house to myself tomorrow so I want you home by 12pm. No later! And she can pick you up whenever you're ready to go-" I reached over and hugged her neck until she was laughing and begging for breathing room. "Call before you come home, don't want you to see something you're not supposed to see." I cringed and covered my ears.

"Ewwww! Mum!" She laughed and patted my cheek.

"And you can let me know when you're coming over for dinner. Monday or Tuesday will be fine. And when you stop by for Chloe, I would like a hello if I'm home or her father's home." Kia readily nodded her head as a broad smile stretched across her face. "You're a good girl. I know that." She said patting Kia's hand then stood up announcing that we were all leaving soon.

When my mom left the room Kia sat smiling at me.

"Everything okay?" I asked her. She nodded her head slowly.

"Everything's okay."

I woke up snuggled up under my blanket. Like I usually did no matter how warm it was outside. My room tended to have a drafty feel to it at times, with it being on the northern side of the house. I thought that it was noise from downstairs since I thought I heard someone talking, but now I heard nothing.

After peeking through my blanket I grabbed my cell phone. It was 7am. I had to get up soon if I was going to be ready on time for Kia. Now if only I could get the message to my body...

I rolled over and stopped when I saw what was lying next to me. It was a flower. A single red rose. I smiled and lifted it as I fell back in bed sniffing it loudly.

"You look very pleased with yourself." My heart nearly jumped through my chest as I sat up in bed. Kia stood in the shadows of my room smiling at me. When she stepped forward my eyes tracked down to the pink bag in her hand.

"How did you get in here?" I was still confused and half asleep. When she sat down facing me the cob webs started to clear.

"I used the front door. How this works is you knock on the outside of it-" I smacked her in the arm and watched her place the bag on the floor.

"Smartass. You got me a gift! What is it?"

"Of course I did." She leaned forward and I watched her lick her lips before pressing them to mine. They were warm and moist and yummy. I moaned against her. "Happy Pre-Valentine's Day."

"Happy Pre-Valentine's Day." I tried to pull her down but she resisted and shook her head. "I thought you came to bring me your present?" My suggestive look seemed to have no effect. She laughed and told me that we had to leave soon. "But my present..." I watched a soft blush spread as she tried to nudge it away with her feet. "What is it?"

"I was hoping you could open it up when we get back from the studio." I leaned over and grabbed at it causing my blanket to fall away. I didn't sleep in the nude at home but my little camisole didn't hide much either. Kia's eyes were glued to my breasts.

"What did you buy me?" It took her a few moments to focus on my face again and when she did she still managed to look a bit confused.

"What? Ummm I...I don't know..." She said as I stretched my hands behind my head and lay staring up at her. "We're gonna be late if you don't stop teasing me Chloe."

"I'm just giving you your Valentine's Day present." An eyebrow rose. "You're jus' not takin' it." Her wicked smirk made me worry. She looked back at my door making sure it was closed.

"Don't think that's what your mom allowed me in here to do this morning though," she tugged down my blanket until it was at my knees then ran her palm up my thigh. I made sure to shave very close the night before so knew that I felt soft. I had to remember to grab my moisturizer when we left, and some brain cells, because Kia's touch was making them burn away.

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her." I reached up, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

"Is this all you got for me baby?" She asked as she watched my face. Her fingers slid beneath my shorts and pulled my panties aside. My knees fell further apart when I felt the tip of her fingers brush over me.

"No," she smiled and pulled my pants down a bit until she had full access. I tried to pull them down further but she grabbed at my hand and held them loosely.

"What else do you have for me?" She leaned forward and her eyes dropped until they locked on my pussy. "All this for me?" My eyes drifted closed as I felt new wetness dripping down my body. I know that we had to be quiet and that we should have been leaving but I couldn't tell her to stop.

"Mmmm..." I opened my eyes to see her biting her lower lip as her fingers moved over me slowly, then through me. Parting and pushing and pulling away. She grazed my clit then shied away. When the tip of her finger teased my opening my hips began to move slowly but her hand disappeared a moment later and I felt her lips press to mine. "Why did you stop?" I asked in a breathy voice.

"Because we're gonna be late." My eyes flew open as she grabbed the gift from the floor and stood up. I finally caught on to how serious she was when she started to pull clothes from my drawer.

"You're such a tease!" She laughed and threw random pieces at me. "I'm gonna shower."

"No, time. You're fine Chloe."

"After what you just did?" She looked at me blankly. "I have to shower Kia." She grumbled and flopped herself onto my bed. "I do have a gift for you, but you're gonna have to wait."

Donna had helped me find a nice scent for her. It had to be good for the price I paid for it. It was very masculine and I picked up a ring that I fell in love with. She hardly wore jewelry but I found one that she sometimes wore on her pinky and got the size. This one was silver with my name on the inside and a heart. A little egocentric but I wanted something she'd remember me by.

By the time I was done it only left us with a few minutes to get to the studio.

"I haven't packed a bag yet."

"You won't need it Chloe." She said as she stood tapping her feet at the door. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a small case anyway with my toothbrush and stuff and jammed it in my back pack. Then I ran back for her gifts and caught up to her at the front door. After locking it we were off to start our Valentine's Day.

I don't understand how they could get better in a week, but they did. Ebony was still trying to teach me a move from the week before and I was still NOT getting it.

Mario sat leaning on the wall next to me as we watched Kia dance with Sera. She was teaching one of the guys who were doing a couple's routine with Sera. It was amazing seeing the choppy moves flow together. Some of the other students were on the side trying to do whatever Kia did. It was too cute.

"...yeah. So if you slide after the 4 step and move your hands out like this..." Kia did some foot movement then slid out her foot with the toe of her tennis shoes touching the floor as her hands extended in a move that looked pretty strange in slow motion. When she sped it up, though, it looked "So do that and let's put it all together. Got it Jimmy?" She asked and I watched a guy Sera's height nod his head. "Same routine up to the last one." She nodded her head to the kid controlling the music and sat next to me.

I leaned into her as she watched the couple closely. "They look good." She glanced at me and smiled as her eyes took in the dancers.

"They do. Think they'll be the center of the show this summer." I nodded my head and clapped loudly when they got to the end of the part Kia just taught Jimmy. She beamed at me and I watched as Ebony nudged her arm.

"I'm gonna use that one in the club this weekend. I already got a shit load of digits since I started with you Kia." Kia laughed and shook her head.

"Oh I'm sure."

We stood outside at Kia's car as the stragglers hung around for nothing better to do. Mario turned on the radio and was doing a mini show for us all as Sera assured Kia that she wasn't talking crap; she was trying to convince Kia that she could shoot a ball from half court on demand. Kia wasn't buying it.

"Mario, turn that shit down." He turned it up instead and dashed out of the car as Kia grabbed for him. She took three strides and had him over her shoulder.

"Ahhhh! I'm sorry!" He shouted as he laughed his head off.

"I think I'll keep you up there for a while. Teach you to obey your elders." I turned to Ebony and Sera who were the leaders of the pack of dancers who were still hanging around.

"So big plans for the day of love ladies?" I asked. Sera shook her head but Ebony laughed wickedly.

"I just might. No doubt Kia got somethin' planned that's gonna be real nice." Sera smiled as I heard some snickers. "You should get her to put on a private show or somethin'."

"Ohhh! She can be your private dancer like Tina Turner." Jimmy shouted out just as Kia came walking over with Mario still thrown over her shoulder.

"What in the hell are you talkin' about Jimmy?" They laughed and played ignorant. "Oh, that's what I thought. Anyway guys, we gotta head home now. So get your asses off my car. Someone wants to take smartass here?" Ebony agreed to it and I had to smile at the way they transferred the shouting little guy from shoulder to shoulder as if they did it everyday. Kia jammed a few dollars in his pocket and patted his butt. "Tell your mom I said hey Mario."

"Bye old Lady." Kia smirked and waved as we watched them all leave the parking lot.

"Where too now?" She looked at her watch and smiled at me.

"You hungry?" When I nodded my head a slow smile spread on her lips. "Then we're going home. I'm gonna cook breakfast and dinner for you today."

"You are?!" She nodded her head and promised that I'd love it. "I believe you when you say that."

"Good." I settled back in the car. "'Cause it's true."

Am I glad I didn't bring jeans to wear; Kia stuffed me like a turkey. My stomach probably would have just popped the zipper. I was about to fall asleep and had no intention of waking up again. I literally had to lean on her as we started to walk upstairs.

She was laughing at me as I sat down on the couch in the living room instead. "Ohh Kia...I love you so much."

"I think what you meant was "oh food, I love you so much." I slapped her thigh but it was more like a pat to my exhausted body.

Homemade waffles, homemade whipped cream, syrup, strawberries...I was still daydreaming about how it all tasted. "I'll never be hungry again." I mumbled into her shoulder.

"Oh you will." She turned on the television. "Nap time right?" I didn't even answer.

When I woke again, my vision focused on some cheesy movie on the Lifetime channel. "What are you doing?"

"Watching T.V." she said matter-of-factly.

"Why this station?"

"I like it." I sat back to see if she was kidding but she was quite serious. "I like that the plots are exactly the same and that the acting has only one range."

"Which is?"

"Bad. It means that I'm never gonna be disappointed when I watch it." I shook my head as I grabbed the remote turning the television off.

"We probably should have gone for a walk or something..."

"We?" She asked as I pulled her from the couch. "I think only you were eating for two."

"Everyone's a critic." I asked her where her dad was.

"He made himself scarce when I told him you were coming over to spend the day."

"Kia! Why'd you do that? I wanted to see him and Peter."

" 'Cause I wanted to see YOU." We stepped into her bedroom and she closed the door. "Alone." I grabbed her hand and tugged her closer. "He loves getting out of the house."

Her hand moved up my body over the tank top to my neck and began to rub between my shoulder blades. "Can I have my gift, now that we're all alone?" She smiled and nodded. When she sat in her desk chair and picked up the bag from her desk, I saw the same shy look flutter across her face. "I'm pretty sure it'll fit, and you don't have to wear it of course. It's just; just open it." She thrust it at me and placed her hands back on her thighs. I sat on her bed and pulled out the paper. When I got it all out, my fingers brushed against something soft. Very soft. Silky. I grabbed it and pulled it out.

My eyes widened as my smile grew. I glanced at Kia who was picking at her shorts as she glanced up at me then away. I grabbed what had to be a set by the straps of the camisole and lifted it up. It was sheer. Flimsy. Had to be Victoria's Secret. I glanced at the tag - I was right. Red...with black lace highlights. It was sexy.

"I saw it and thought instead of getting you roses or something cheesy, I could just give you the gift that keeps on giving." I looked up at her and laughed at that.

"Did you practice that or something? The gift that keeps on giving..." She looked insulted for a moment then smiled.

"I did actually." I stood up and grabbed at the panties that I found out on closer inspection were boy shorts and walked over to her. I sat on her lap and brushed her hair away.

"Do you want me to wear this for you now?" She nodded her head. "I didn't exactly do a bikini wax so-"

"I don't care," she said quickly. I smiled and leaned in pressing my lips to hers. She responded immediately.

"We both have to shower and...stuff." She nodded her head as she latched onto my neck. I pulled back and reached into my bag for her gifts, looking at surprise at the box at the bottom of it. I handed over her gifts then grabbed the box. She saw it and smiled.

"So did you like it?" I smiled but couldn't quite hide my surprise...or the gasp when I opened the little box. "You're JUST opening it?"

"I ummm." I was speechless. The ring that sat snugly in the center of the box was an exact replica of the one I gave her except that it was bigger. "Kia..."

"It's okay, it's been a bit crazy."

"No, I mean yeah but..." She opened up the box and I saw a strange look pass over her face as she took out the ring.

"It's a pinky ring," she mumbled. "It looks-"

"Just like the one I got you." We both stared at my ring and the patterns around it and then I looked inside. Instead of her name it had a date. It was the date of the house party where we met at. I smiled at the memory.

"I remember that day like it was yesterday," I say quietly. I watched her as she gingerly took the ring from my fingers and slid it on my middle finger.

"You may think twice about raising that finger in the future now." I laughed and took her finger and slid on her ring. It fit perfectly. She tore off the wrapper on the cologne and sniffed at the bottle. Here smile said enough. She liked it. "I like it. A lot." She studied the label then whistled and looked at me curiously. "That's pretty steep for little old me."

"No, it's barely adequate." She smiled and looked into my eyes, to my lips then her stare moved to my cheek my hair. It was like her eyes were everywhere.

"I don't need a thing from you except you." My eyes watered and I buried my face in her neck.

"You're so sweet Kia."

"For you, always. You're my girl." I sat back and felt her hands moving over my body. "Am I your girl too?"

"Oh yeah. That's why I got you the cologne. I can't pee on you so I'll spray you instead." She laughed and lifted me up. I squealed and wrapped my body around her as we headed to the bathroom.

"You need me to help you wash your back?" She stood leaning against the door jam smirking down at me. I gently placed the lacy set on the toilet seat and turned back to her.

"I want it to be a surprise."

"Not possible. I've been day dreaming about you in that for a week now." I pushed at her stomach until she was past the doorway and promised to be quick. "Guess that translate to forever..." Kia's version of a shower was just that, a shower. So I ignored her complaining and decided to take my time.

The only sound in the bathroom was my heavy breathing. I was so self-conscious and unsure and scared. The set was sheer and made me feel so...naked. I didn't have a firm body like Kia, nor did I really want one, but I was far from over weight, so the stretch marks that were trying to make themselves known were a bit annoying, but the set she bought could make any woman feel sexy. It was so soft...

It's not as if it was her first time seeing me naked, but I felt like it was. "It's just's just Kia..." I mumbled as I brushed my hair a bit and rubbed more of my favorite cream over my skin again. I sprayed a body spray Donna conned me into buying some time ago. I'm glad I did, it made me smell like vanilla and cinnamon. Edible.

I checked my legs again, they were smooth. Baby smooth. My heart began to race as my hand grabbed the door handle. A deep breath and I stepped out of the bathroom.

Kia was lying in bed moving her feet to some slow song on the stereo. I took in everything. Her long firm legs, one bent at the knee, the few bruises I found when I studied them up close, the tight boy shorts she had on, the black t-shirt that hugged her B cup breasts perfectly.

There wasn't a line in sight, so she was sans bra. She had yet to notice me as she gazed at the ceiling with a smirk on her lips. I placed my dirty clothes near the door and stepped fully into the room. She glanced over and slowly sat up in bed. Her eyes moved over my body, making every inch of skin start to heat up. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and slowly stood up.

"Do you like it?" I asked. She licked her lips as she approached me. Hands reached out and moved down my arms as she looked at me.

"It looks so much better than I imagined. You're so hot," she mumbled as she ran her hands over my ass. Her lips brushed against my cheek and moved to my ear, pulling at the lobe, only to let it go and move on to kiss my neck.

My knees started to shake a little when I felt her hands move over my back, making the soft material rub against me.

"You look so sexy," she whispered, and bent her knees to lift me up. I wrapped my legs around her as she turned back to bed.

"So I guess you like it then?" I asked when she lowered herself to bed, pressing into me.

"Mmmmhmmm." She sucked and nibbled at my neck for a while until I felt her warm breath against my mouth again. I parted my lips for her and grabbed at her shirt when I felt her wet, hot tongue diving in. I sucked on it like candy until she was grinding her hips with an erotic rhythm. She ran her fingers down my thigh so I let it fall open, then felt her shift over me. The moment her hips pressed into me I felt the heat through her underwear. Her hand slid up my side to wrap a warm hand around my breast. The soft material rubbed against my nipple as she pressed into me.

It felt so erotic, I think I was going to buy more clothes like this. I pulled her closer and began to suck on her tongue like I was starving. She was grunting and roughly tugged down her underwear. I rolled us over and heard her groan. Our lips separated with a smacking sound as I got on my knees to pull her underwear away. She pulled off her t- shirt and I licked my way down her stomach. When her hand stopped me I looked up ready to push her hands away.

"No, there's a better way to do this," she said with a wicked smile. She pulled me up and rolled us over until she was on top again. She slowly pulled down my panties, her eyes glued to my pussy. Just when I thought she was going to touch me when she looked up at me and smiled.

Her hands were at the hem of the camisole now, as she moved the blouse up her fingertips brushed over my skin. A shiver flew through my body. "Kia..." I whispered.

"Shhh," she said as she placed the blouse to the side and stretched over me. "You ever heard of a sixty nine?" I shake my head. I hadn't. "You're gonna love it baby." She murmured against my lips. I felt her wet kisses trailing down my neck, then my stomach. "How this works is you sex me..." She parted my folds then I saw her moving her body over me. My hands reached for her thighs immediately. "As I sex you."

Her tongue swiped through me and I felt her tugging my thigh as she rolled us onto our sides. I was already gasping for breath as she moaned into me. When my eyes opened they zeroed in on her. She was wet. The puffy lips glistening and I really wanted to taste her again. I ran my hand over her as I moved my hips to her mouth . I parted her lips and pressed my tongue into her firmly.

She groaned deeply. I softened it and grabbed her ass to hold her still as I got a rhythm going with my mouth that began to match hers. Soon we were both moaning and groaning into each other.

My eyes were closed as I pulled more of her wetness into my mouth. She tasted so damn good. Like some fruit. I couldn't get enough, and just as I got my rhythm going, she latched on to my clit and began to suck on it firmly. I held even tighter onto her and had to do the same or else I'd leave her behind. I came less than a minute later and felt her hips moving against my mouth for release. So I pushed my tongue through her folds and found that spot that seemed to drive her insane. She was grinding against my lips a moment later, cursing out her orgasm. I held onto her, licking her until she couldn't move anymore. Then only our heavy breathing filled the bedroom.

I felt her trying to untangle us but I couldn't help. She rolled me over onto my back and slid her way up my body until she rested her head rested on my stomach. She pressed a kiss to my stomach, then my breast. When her lips moved over my nipple and pulled it into her mouth I tried to push her away. My pussy flared to life even as I told it to settle down. "Kia, I can't go again."

"Yes you can, you did it before," she said as I felt her hand between my legs moving them apart. I tried to close them but she slipped her fingers down and into me.

"Mmmm..." She turned to the other breast.

"I love to make you cum," she whispered as her fingers began to move inside me. I heard each time she entered me. I felt each time she pushed into me, rubbed against my walls. I started to get hot again, excited. "Do you know how good you taste? How good you smell?"

She kept up a slow rhythm and my eyes drifted open as she moved further up my body. I breathed in deep and caught a whiff of the cologne I had bought her. It was mixed with my scent, and sweat.

It was so hot, watching her breasts bounce over me, and smelling such a masculine scent on her. I started to cum again, loudly.

She kept her eyes on mine the whole time, watching my face, my lips. As if she was trying to burn it into her memory. I never saw her look at me like that before. I placed my hand on hers and she finally stopped and panted down at me. I was struggling to keep my eyes open as the pressure grew between my thighs.

"I love you so much." My eyes fluttered open and I took in her sweaty skin and full, shiny lips. "I don't know how I can love you this much already Chloe." I felt her heartbeat pounding against my thumb when I ran it over her neck, then my hands were running through her hair as she slid down my body. She dipped her head back between my thighs again and my eyes squeezed shut when her tongue started to flutter against my clit.

"Ohh god, oh god, oh god..." Then she plunged her tongue inside of me and grabbed my hips as I began to buck again. I felt something building up inside of me that made my heart hammer inside of my chest. I only felt this one other time. It was right before...

"Ahhhhh...Kia...Kia..." I whimpered as I felt the warm liquid gush out of me.

I heard her moan deeply as her tongue slowly moved through my folds. Pulling me into her mouth and gently sucking before shifting her lips to some other spot and doing the same thing.

I was in another world, barely holding on to reality as she continued to press soothing kisses and touches to me. When she finally stopped, I was near unconsciousness but managed to grab her arm and tug. She crawled up my body.

"I love you baby," she said as she kissed me over and over again.

"I love you too."

I touched her lips and pulled her down until she had her head tucked at my neck. She didn't have to say a word. I felt them. No one seemed to understand how we could be so into each other, so serious. We couldn't either. So why worry over it? Why try to figure it all out? I rubbed her back as I stared at the ceiling.

I know that she was about to fall asleep or at least something close to sleep, I felt her muscles loosing all their tension. I pushed her hair to the side and watched her mouth open a little as her breathing turned deep. The first drop of spittle on my chest made me giggle. She was going to deny that she dribbled on me as soon as I pointed it out of course.

So big and bad...and soft. If only everyone else saw this side of her. Her dancers did but everyone else thought she was some indestructible, cold person. How could someone cold, be so warm and gentle with me though? "My big bad teddy bear." She sighed and shifted around until she got comfortable again.

Someone was staring at me. I felt it and considering I was surrounded by Kia's scent and traces of the cologne I bought, I had a good feeling that it was her. When I opened my eyes I stared outside a very dark window. There was just enough light to make out some of the furniture in her room. I rolled over, or at least tried to, but Kia's body was blocking my progress. She wrapped her arm around me as soon I was pressed against her stomach. I felt her hand move down and settle between my legs.

"What time is it?"

"Who cares." Her fingers began to move again.

"Are you always horny?" She chuckled and I felt her nodding her head against my neck. "I don't think I'll be able to keep up with you then."

"You will. Just need to eat your wheaties." I felt her smiling against my neck but the smile vanished when she moved onto her back releasing me. I shifted around and looked at the clock. It was going on 7.

The little light in the room fell on her full lips. Her eyes looked black. When she took my hand and guided it down her stomach I knew what she needed. "You need me inside?" I asked against her ear. She sighed a breathy yes that made me want to kiss her. So I did.

She was ready for me. My fingers slid inside of her easily. One...two...she shuddered against me...then three. I stilled as she closed her eyes then I began to move inside of her.

I felt her thigh wrap around mine as her hips began a slow grind. It was so erotic. So hot. I started to get hot again, wet...I was straddling her thigh a moment later even as my body screamed to rest. I know I was going to feel it later but I didn't care. She looked too good and felt too good to say no to.

Her cum felt like liquid fire. Each time I dipped my fingers inside of her I wanted the feeling to last, the warm slickness of her. I pulled at a nipple then sucked it deep into my mouth and had to hold on when her body bucked. "Ahhh fuck Chloe..." she moaned and her eyes opened for a moment, trying to focus on me. She was too far gone though. When I pressed my thumb to her clit her mouth opened and a string of curses streamed out.

I think she even made up some words by the time she was done. She was breathing hard as I moved over her thigh. Her hands grabbed my ass and I moaned into her ear as she lifted her knee. It was pleasure and pain but I didn't want it to stop. I jerked against her then wrapped my arms around her shoulders as my body tried to find itself again.

"We...can't...we" I mumbled against her chest. She moaned and rolled me over wrapping her body around me.

"You're just so fucking sexy baby..." She said against my neck.

"At least get us food first."

"Uh huh..." She said as she pulled the sheets over us. "In a minute." Her hand slid down my stomach and I tried to grab it before it wandered too far south again. She chuckled and slid her fingers inside of me. It was gonna a long night.

Something was smelling good. And it wasn't Kia this time. Food. "Food," I said out loud and rolled over expecting to find her but only found a cold pillow.

I sat up in bed and breathed in deep; the air smelled like sex. "Need to open that window." I said as I looked at the window, it was too far away though. I fell back in bed instead and pulled the sheet up then felt around until I found a blanket at the end of the bed.

I was so tired but felt so alive at the same time.

I snuggled down into the covers knowing that I needed to shower, wash up. It was chilly though and I had no desire to leave her bed if I didn't have to. Not a moment too soon, Kia came through the door in a t-shirt and sweats carrying a tray with a bowl that was filled with food that smelled very Italian.

"Spaghetti," I said excitedly as I sat up. She nodded her head and sat next to me as I tried to keep the blanket around my shoulders. She shook her head and grabbed a sweat shirt for me. I quickly put it on and grabbed the fork she held out for me. The first bite was heavenly, my eyes rolled to the back of my head and closed as the different flavors rolled around in my mouth.

When I opened them again she was smiling at me a few inches away. "You really love food don't you?" I shrugged as I started to feel self-conscious about it. "You do. More than the average person."

Instead of answering, I snatched up a slice of gooey garlic bread, watching the cheese pull away and brought it to my lips then stopped when I saw her still smiling at me. I moved it to her mouth instead. She looked surprised but ate it anyway. "Thank you." I heard around the food.

"I should be thanking YOU. This is so good Kia. You could be a chef."

"I could be YOUR chef," her eyes calmly studied me as my heart beat sped up a bit then settled. The was she said it sounded so...serious. I shrugged it off to think about later. When I looked up at her again she was smirking at me.

I pulled her closer by her shirt to put a forkful in her mouth. She chewed and tilted her head as if in thought. "What are you thinking about?"


"Uh huh..." She smirked and lifted her head a bit.

"Is it better than Uncle P's lasagna?" I laughed and told her yes. They seemed to be tie to me but she was so pleased with my answer that I couldn't tell her that.

"Wayyyy better. No contest." She leaned forward and pressed her lips to mine. When she sat back licking her lips I pouted. "I'm dirty."

"I know. That's how I like it." She grabbed the tray and shoved it away. "All garlicky and saucy..." I giggled as she nibbled on my neck. "All we need now is some spinach to stick in your teeth." I shoved her away as she rolled over chuckling.

"I'm going to brush my teeth now." She rubbed her stomach.

"And wash away that scent? Aww baby!" She was still laughing when I left the room. I came back and crawled into bed. She opened her arms and pulled the blanket up.

"You still cold?"

"How'd you know I was cold?" She just pulled the blanket further up and spooned against me.

"I turned the heater on, should warm up a bit, soon." Music played softly in the background as the seconds ticked by. "So did you like your Valentine's Day?"

"Yes. I loved it Kia. Did you?"

"Hell yeah." I was getting drowsy again. All I seemed to do with Kia was sleep. "Would you wear the outfit I bought you to school if I ever ask you to?"

A slow smile moved over my lips and remained there.



"Yeah, maybe...if you're good." There was a moment of silence then a very dramatic sigh.

"You're never gonna wear it then." I wanted to laugh but decided to let her draw her own conclusions.

It was 10:30 that night when the phone rang. Kia rolled over as I tried to hide my head under her pillow.

"Hello?" I heard the muffled talking on the other end. "What the fuck are you talking about Claudia?"

The pillow was flung away from my head and I sat up pulling the sheet with me. Kia reached over and motioned for me to get back in bed but I was curious now.

"What do you mean 'if I can play ball?' What the fuck are you calling me about at 11 at night on Sunday for?" I touched her arm. "It's Valentine's Day, what the hell do you think I was doing? Well it is for us..."

"What's going on?" She held her hand over the phone and turned to me.

"She's talking about some game that she wants to play tomorrow but they need more people." She turned back to the conversation. "Yes I'm still here. I'm okay but I don't think so...cause I don't want to...oh, so I get my ass kicked in some street game? No referee? Are you crazy?"

"I can play." Kia glanced at me and shook her head.

"I said no, how the hell can I find you two players by tomorrow? You're the one who set it up." I tugged her arm again but she shrugged me away. Now I was getting pissed off.

"I can play Kia."

"No Chloe." I sat back and stared at her like she was crazy.

"No?" She seemed to be trying to listen to both of us at the same time but managed to catch the attitude in my voice. I took advantage of her confusion and grabbed the phone away.


"Hey baby? Try to convince Kia to help me out hon. These bitches are on the internet telling people they're about to whip our asses on Friday and shit man. So I wanna set up a pre-ass whipping game tomorrow."

"I can play."

"What you mean you can play?" I rolled my eyes. Kia tried to reach for the phone but I turned away and held out my arms.

"I've been playing ball with my dad since I could walk Claudia." There was silence then excited cheering as she gave me the address of the park.

"If you can find someone else that'll be great mama." I smiled and gave the phone back to Kia. She just stared at me so I put it back on the table and snuggle back into the bed.

"Are you crazy? Do you know what street ball is? You're not playing." I decided to ignore her little controlling streak for now.

"Actually I do. I watch it on ESPN sometimes. Should be fun."

"Should be fun..." She repeated as she shook her head. "I can't beat the shit outta anyone who shoved their elbow in your stomach out there Chloe..."

"I'll be fine Kia. It'll be fun." She smirked and shook her head as she pulled the sheet over us and pulled me closer.

"I hope you know what you're getting into Chloe."

"It'll be fine Kia."

It was anything but fine. In fact, it was ridiculous how far away from fine it was. It probably would have been a good idea to ask for the dirt on who we would be playing.

Yeah, that probably would have been a good idea.

To be continued

Next: Chapter 14

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