Bad Girl

By Mas P

Published on Jul 10, 2009


The story continues...

YES! This next installment took forever. I made it a bit longer to make up for it...but Part 15 IS done! I'm sorry for the wait. I'm humbled by all the fans who are emailing to check up on me and the story. Such a good feeling knowing that people look out for Bad Girl! Happy reading and I hope that you like it.

If you'd like to fan my ego, or take it down a notch then hit me up at:

Thanks a mil to my proofers for helping me keep the story together. :)

Bad Girl - 14

By Mas

"Do you even know who these girls are you're playing?!" Donna was tapping her foott anxiously on the floor of my bedroom as I surfed the internet.

As soon as I woke up I called her and told her about the game. She came by at 3 that afternoon to "talk some sense into me". I was too excited to listen to her. It seemed as if everyone else wasn't though. Everyone else was worried. Extremely worried.

"Not you too!" I rolled my eyes but she just placed her fists at her waist and scolded me. "Why is everyone so worried?"

"You act as if this is gonna be some game of pass the ball around. You don't even know who Claudia has you guys playing?"

"It's a rival team Don. A team they played last season." I was relieved when dad called out for me when he came home. He was probably the only person excited about the game though he already told me he'd be in bed so wouldn't be able to watch it. I tugged Donna behind me and smiled when I saw my dad in sweatpants and an old t-shirt bouncing a ball around.

"Gotta practice some shooting before the big game." This was the closest he was going to get to me playing an actual game outside of our pick up games and boy was he excited. "You playing on your basketball team eh?" I shook my head at his grin.

"Just for tonight dad. Don't get any ideas." He laughed.

"She's gonna get herself hurt Mr. Soto." Dad shrugged Donna's worries away.

"She's tough. She plays with me." I didn't remind him of all the free shots I got off of him, probably wouldn't have helped my case. I just beamed at Donna instead. She sat on the porch as I practiced shot after shot. After another shot sailed smoothly through the net I turned to her with eyebrows raised.

"It's not a matter of your shooting. I know you can shoot."

"I'll be fine Donna! Geesh!" She shook her head then sighed dramatically.

"And why on Valentine's Day?! Geesh!" I rolled my eyes and ran up catching the ball my dad threw for a lay up.

"You don't have to come Donna, didn't you have plans with Donald anyway?"

"Yeah, but that's for this afternoon, before this game." She watched me shoot the ball around some more. "So is Kia coming to this game too?"

"She's my ride." Donna looked surprised. "What?"

"Nothing. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I'll be there even though I think this is a very stupid idea." I ran over and hugged her. "Yeah, yeah..." I walked her to her car and promised to call when we left for the game.

"Good afternoon Mr. Soto." Kia greeted my dad later that day.

"Afternoon, how's it going?" I sat on the porch as they chatted. Dad still seemed a bit uncomfortable with the idea of me having a girlfriend but he was trying. When mom stuck her head outside the door I rolled my eyes at her irritated expression.

"Oh! So he's the only one home then? I'm sorry I'm the invisible parent." Kia smiled and opened the door wider. She looked surprised for a moment when my mom opened her arms for a hug but she quickly enveloped my mom in her arms.

"Come in before he talks you to death." We all laughed since we knew how unlikely that was. "So, this game today..." She looked at us both as she grabbed a few glasses and a pitcher of juice from the fridge.

"I already told you about it mom," she nodded her head then turned back to Kia.

"So, Chloe tells me it's a pick up game? With other students?"

"Yes ma'am. Our senior girl's team is playing a rival team. Chloe's filling in for a girl who got sick." My mom nodded her head as she placed two cold glasses of lemonade in front of us. She was a busy woman who worked a full-time job but still managed to find free time to make lemonade.

"Okay, just making sure." She pulled out vegetables from the fridge and began to wash them. "So I guess you won't be home for dinner then?"

"No mom, it starts at 8 and I told you that Claudia may have a celebration party."

"A celebration party before you even won? You sure you girls aren't a bit overly confident?" I assured her that we'd win. "Why don't you join the team at school anyway?"

"I don't wanna." It was getting annoying now. Everyone who found out that I could play was asking me to join now.

She turned to Kia. "I'm sure you've seen how good she is, don't you think she's good enough to join that team?" Kia readily nodded her head.

"I do."

"Well there goes my cell phone." I said as I stood up to answer the imaginary ringing. "Could be Claudia calling to finalize it all. We should check Kia." I grabbed her hand and dragged her from the kitchen.

"You must have the hearing of a dog, I didn't hear a damn thing." I ignored her dry comment and closed the door.

"Why are you encouraging her? I don't want to play ball at school." I poked her in the stomach and just looked at her as she scowled at me.

"Well, it just makes sense. One, you can play. Two, it's your last year..."

"Three, I'm not joining our team." I said defiantly.

"Then don't." She took off her shoes and stretched her long body across my bed. After her hands were tucked behind her head she turned towards me. "You gonna stand there and pout all day or what?" I crawled over her legs until I was sprawled on top of her.

"We should have been able to spend today together too." I mumbled.

"We are now aren't we?"

"You know what I mean. I think she's gonna let us spend the rest of the week together." I felt one of her hands on my ass then at the small of my back.

"I have to study at some point though, so do you." I pouted when she reminded me of the exams looming over our heads.

"You're such a nerd." I said and poked her in the side. With a grunt she grabbed my hand and tugged it behind me. I laughed as I tried to pull it free but it wouldn't budge. "For someone who doesn't work out you sure are strong."

"I am huh?" She asked and shifted me around until her thigh was snugly between my legs. "You like my body?" I ran my free hand up her arm and squeezed her. The muscle beneath the surface of soft, warm skin flexed.

"Uh huh, why?" She looked at me and finally let go of my hand to push the hair out of my eyes.

"Because I want to be stronger, I'm thinkin' about working out with Uncle P a bit."

I sat up and pulled up her t-shirt. She tucked her hand behind her head again and watched me as I traced along the edges of the muscle there. She wasn't ripped but she had a good looking body. I liked it just how it was but if she didn't...

"You're sexy. Your body is sexy. I mean, god Kia, all the girls in that school want you."

"I'm not asking them Chloe. I'm asking you. Would you mind me getting bigger? Stronger?" I shook my head and smiled down at her. Why she was suddenly so insecure about her body confused me, but I was determined to find out.

"You'd look even sexier with more muscle." She smiled up at me. "Where's this coming from?" She shrugged. "You don't know or you won't tell me."

"I've just been thinking about stuff like that. Changing...and if you'd still want me." She ran her hands up and down my thighs. I thought back to her asking me about her hair, if I'd still like it if she cut it all off. It just struck me again how someone so hot could have even one iota of insecurity in them.

"I'd love you if you grew a hundred moles on you face." She raised an eyebrow. "I would! You're my sexy teddy bear." She groaned and pulled me close.

"Stop calling me that before you slip up in public." When she pressed her mouth against mine I closed my eyes. Like always they were so soft. I licked her lower lip and pulled it into my mouth. She groaned and ran her hands beneath my t-shirt. I took it off and let it fall somewhere behind me. "I don't wanna be with anyone else but you Chloe." I stopped and looked down at her, really looked at her. There wasn't a smile on her face.

My heart sped up as I tired to think of how I felt about us. I loved her, that I was sure about. I tried to imagine me with someone else. I couldn't. Though the seriousness in her eyes scared me a little I couldn't push away from her.

"Do you see...past highschool with us?" She studied me, as if trying to pick the right words; always so careful.

"Yeah, I do."

"How far do you see?" She looked at my neck then my chest and moved to take off my bra. "No Kia, tell me."

"You don't want to know that so why are you even asking?." She murmured and reached for my bra again. I grabbed her hands and folded them on her stomach. She smirked and nodded her head.

"Okay...I see myself marrying you, having kids with you. Buying a house and taking care of you, loving you every night for the rest of my life." I'm sure my eyes were opened wide. Her words were so certain and real. I'm sure this wasn't something she just came up with. I felt a sudden need to run, it disappeared a moment later.

That feeling worried me more than anything Kia said.

"And here I was just thinking about how I was going to get through college without you." Her eyes softened.

"This is why I didn't want to tell you."

"It's okay."

"Not it's not. I scared you." I bit my lip and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, burying my face in her chest. I didn't know how to respond to her and knew that she was right, she did scare me but not in the way she thought.

She had "us" all figured out in her head and I was still trying to figure "me" out.

"Stop thinking about it." I smiled and squeezed her.

"That's creepy. Stop reading my mind." She laughed and pulled me up and kissed me again.

"You asked me Chloe, so I told you." I nodded my head slowly. "Now you know. You don't have to say anything or do anything about it."

"It's okay Kia..."

"No it's not." She pressed her leg against my thighs when I tried to sit up. "Look at you? You're trying to run away now." When her hand pushed down my shorts I felt my body getting warmer, then hotter.

"We can't do this here," I whispered.

"I know." How that turned into her pulling my shorts down to my knees and grabbing my ass? I don't know.

"I'm not trying to run away from you." I said. Even to my own ears I didn't sound very convincing.

"MhhhHmmm." She moved her hands over my ass then dipped between my thighs. "So wet..." she said into my ear. I spread my legs even more, burying my nose into her neck. She had on the cologne I bought her.

"Mmmm, you smell so-"

"Chloe, there are some girls downstairs asking-what the fuck?! Jesus!" Chris covered her eyes and jumped out of my bedroom.

"Shit! Chris?! I am sooo getting a lock for that door!" Kia laughed as I tried to pull up my shorts.

"They're here now! Deal with them." I heard a door slam close down the hall and fixed my bra. Kia just smiled at me as I glared at her, still lying on my bed as if she didn't have a care in the world. When I stepped over to pull her from my bed my bedroom door was flung open again.

"Yo Chloe?! We're gonna ride up to the game together since...well hello there." Claudia said as she crossed her arms and grinned at my chest. Kia jumped from the bed and pushed her out of the bedroom, bumping into Missy and Lovette as she did.

"Don't you knock?" I heard Kia asking as I pulled on my t-shirt again. I opened my cellphone and groaned when I saw what time it was. Claudia was right on time.

"I wanted to warm up some more...damn..." I heard a knock and told them to come in. Kia stepped in first followed by a still grinning Claudia. Her eyes were still locked on my chest. I walked up to her and punched her arm. Missy shook her head.

"Hey girl, we're all gonna go together so no one gets lost." Missy announced as she sat on my bed. Lovette stood looking around my bedroom picking up things for a closer inspection.

"So we've heard..." Kia grumbled then glared at Claudia for good measure.

"So have you seen Yasmine today?" Lovette asked as she examined a picture of my family. We all tried to not stare at a very pouty Lovette. We all knew that Yasmine had a big test to study for and couldn't make it out. No one was sure if they were even together. Even Claudia was clueless.

"Nope, she goes into hibernation when she has to study. Chris is already pissed off at her." Lovette nodded her head, trying to make it seem as if she wasn't bothered by it.

"Where's this other girl who's gonna play tonight?" Missy asked us.

"She'll be there." Kia answered. When I was done with my laces I stood up clapping my hands excitedly.

"Okay ladies! Let's play some ball." Lovette smiled down at me and patted my head.

"You're too cute." She said then led the way downstairs.

Claudia looked at her watch. "We need to go." I shouted my goodbyes to my mom and dad.

Just then Donna came screeching around the corner. She parked the car and ran up to us with Donald walking behind at a more reasonable pace.

"I told you they'd still be here." He said.

"Hey," Claudia said as we walked to the cars. "You missed Chloe's strip tease." Before she could get out the last word I jumped on her back and had my arms wrapped around her neck. "Okay, okay! Sorry!" Her laughs didn't stop though even when I hopped down and pushed her.

"Shut up Claudia." I warned. She lifted her hands and tried to look innocent. A bit impossible with a stupid grin on your face. I was turning away to hop into Kia's car when I caught Missy looking at me strangely. My brows furrowed asking her what was wrong. She just bit her lip and looked away.

"Missy said you were all leaving together, we can go with you guys too." Donna announced.

"More the merrier." Claudia shouted as she gassed up her jeep. I waved at Monica who was still in the jeep then settled in the car. "See you at the park." Claudia turned up her stereo and loud rap music started pulsing from the speakers. I laughed as Monica turned it right back down.

"You never told me who the other person was that you found to play." Kia looked at me as we turned into the park. The basketball court was already filled with people, most of them young boys. Someone had their speakers turned up and blaring out Hip-Hop music.

"I know that." She said as she pulled into a parking spot. Claudia parked her jeep next to ours and we stepped out noticing immediately some of the other players on out team. They walked over and started to talk excitedly.

"They here yet?" Missy asked.

"Just a few of 'em, some of 'em we don't remember playing last year though." A blonde said as she bounced a ball between her legs. We looked over and saw the girls she was talking about. To me they were all strangers but Claudia and Missy nodded.

"Seniors, they're okay." She said. "They added some new players this year though, one of them is quick and can shoot."

"Heard about her," Lovette said. "Benny...Bennie...Binny..."

"That's Bonny to you." We turned around and my eyes zeroed in on a very familiar face. I tried to place her but the memory was just out of my reach.

"So you're the team that's here for the ass whipping huh?" She asked and we listened to her lackeys laugh. She scanned us all then her eyes fell on me and stayed. Her smile turned into a sneer. "I know you..." She said as she stepped forward. She passed the ball to someone and I watched the muscles on her arm flex. They were big for someone one her height. She had to be 5' - 6" at the most and her arms looked like she could bench press Kia easily.

The party came rushing into my memory and I cringed. This was bad.

I don't know how Kia managed to get in a punch that night. "Haha! You're the chic from that party!" At that another girl stepped forward. Now that I studied all of their faces most of them looked familiar. I watched the smirk slide off of Bonny's face when her eyes fell on Kia. "And you're the bitch that hit me." She stepped forward but a strong arm stopped her. They were just getting bigger and bigger.

The tall curly haired girl who was trying to get with Yasmine that night was the owner of that arm. She pushed Bonny back and studied us. Other girls stood around, some in jerseys, some not. A lot of them were smiling at us but they weren't friendly smiles.

"Well what do we have here?" She asked as she stepped closer to me. "Boy am I glad I'm a senior now, it's gonna be fun schooling you." She said with a wink.

"Why don't you save it for the court Shaq," Lovette said, obviously still pissed from that night.

"Or else what? You still hidin' behind that pussy?" I watched Lovette ball her hands into fists as she glared at the tall girl. Claudia stepped between them and held up her hands. It was probably a good thing Yas couldn't make it out.

"We're just here to play man. Save it for the court." The girl looked at Claudia.

"We're undefeated so far this year. You're not gonna win this game but it's gonna be fun kickin' your collective asses." She said as she held her hand open for a ball and palmed it without shifting her gaze from Claudia.

"That's a big word there Shaq, hope you didn't hurt yourself," Lovette said.

The tall girl pointed at Lovette with a slick smile. "Your ass especially."

"Let's warm up Wendy." One of the other players said from behind them. I remember thinking that Wendy was such a pretty name for such a brute. After about five seconds of what was probably supposed to be an intimidating stare off she smiled and backed up. We watched them step onto the court and bully the kids playing off and then set up a very organized warm up routine.

Almost at once we all turned and glared at Claudia. She looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

"I didn't know it was THEM! Shit! We played them last year and they were NOT on the team!"

"Claudia..." Missy said in a very low voice. It was scary sounding because Missy's voice was pretty high...perky.

"Oh come on! We can take them." Silence. "I didn't know!" Lovette sighed and rubbed her face.

"I know I should have sneaked in their gym to check them out." Missy punched Claudia in the arm as the rest of the team looked uncertainly at the other school's team on the court. I was starting to doubt the wisdom of offering up my services.

"I asked around," one of our other players began. We moved in close. "The tall one likes to push people around but she shuts down when you put on pressure, and the point guard's good under pressure but isn't too good with outside shots." She looked around hopefully but her knowledge didn't help. We all knew that this game wasn't only going to be about winning. A lot of those girls got black eyes and bruised egos by a handful of the players on our team. They were out for blood.

"We can't back out now so we might as well just play." I turned to Claudia and poked her in the chest. "You're gonna owe ALL of us." Claudia nodded her head and looked relieved when the focus turned away from killing her to strategizing.

We were about to begin play and still our last player wasn't there. Claudia asked Kia if she was going to show when a car pulled up blaring Biggie Smalls music.

"I'm going, going, back, back, to Cali, Cali..." Even the opposing team stopped warming up and talking when they heard the music. The music kept blaring as a window slowly lowered. The head that popped out instantly made me smile.

"You still need that extra player?" Sera asked. Kia rolled her eyes and walked over to the car.

"What the fuck Sera? Did you get lost? I thought you played at this park on weekends?" This was the only proof we had that Kia was unsure of Sera showing. When the tall girl stepped out of the car a lot of people looked surprised. I doubt they were expecting a leggy, red head to drive up playing Biggie Smalls.

"Chill Akia, I'm here right?" She looked over Kia's shoulder and winked at me. "Hey Chloe." I hugged her and pulled her over to the rest of the team for introductions. I didn't miss the way her eyes lit up at meeting Missy.

"It's gonna be tough breaking the news that Missy's straight." I mumbled to Kia. She snorted.

"Straight but not narrow." Missy seemed amused by the younger girl and raised an eyebrow when Sera wouldn't let go of her hand.

When she met everyone Claudia asked her what position she played.

"Everything. I was born playing." Claudia laughed and assigned her one. "I can shoot from half court on demand man, and make it. Trust me, I can play anything."

"We'll see." The guys behind the quickly thrown up desk buzzed something and hollered that the game was about to begin. I walked over to Kia who stood next to Donna and Donald.

"Good luck Chloe!" Donna said as she hugged me.

"Donna, I'm not going off to war ya know?" She smiled and stepped back. Kia opened her arms and I fell into them.

"Please scrape up my remains from the court if I don't make it out alive Kia." She chuckled.

"You are aware that most of those girls want to get their hands on us really badly right?" I nodded my head into her chest. "And not in a good way right?" I nodded my head again. "Okay. Well good luck." I pulled back and reached up to peck her on the cheek but she moved her face and I ended up kissing her lips instead. My eyes widened in surprise when her lips parted and she pushed her tongue into my mouth. It didn't take me long to respond as I slid my tongue against hers. Her hands slid down my back to grab my ass. I came crashing back to reality at that move. Only then did I hear the jeering from the other girls on our team.

"Get a room," Missy said.

I was panting as I watched Kia's face, a corner of her mouth was lifted up as she stared over my shoulder. I turned around and spotted Bonny glaring at us.

"Oww!" She yelped when I poked her hard in the stomach.

"Gee, why didn't you just pee on my leg Kia." She looked guilty for a moment then moved her hand to the button of her jeans. Pop. Then I heard her unzipping them too and finally caught up to what she was about to do. "You smart ass!" She laughed as I quickly zipped her jeans back up.

"I don't like the way she looks at you."

"You don't like the way anyone looks at me Kia. I'd like a cold bottle of water during our time outs please." With that I hurried onto the court where everyone else was already standing around or shaking limbs to stay loose. I decided to do the same thing.

"Kia never told me you could play Chloe," Sera said.

"And Kia didn't tell me YOU were the player she called." She laughed then looked over to the side. When she seemed to be caught in a daydream I followed her gaze and shook my head.

"Ummm, you may be knockin' on the wrong door there Sera. If you know what I mean?" She did.

"She's single right?" I told her yeah. "That's all I need to know." Her confident look didn't seem to be going anywhere soon so I just nodded my head and turned to Claudia.

"I want you on the blond chic with the ponytail Chloe. Lovette, I want you..." After Claudia told us who we'd be guarding and issued a few more orders we separated for the tip off. Since Lovette was our tallest and had the knees of a rabbit she took the honor. They took it and quickly scored 2 points.

When we took possession of the ball I don't know why I was surprised when Bonny came running up to me smirking.

"I told them that if any of them try to guard you I'd break their arms." She said as she spread her feet and squatted, keeping an eye on the ball and the other on me.

"I'm so flattered," I deadpanned. I stepped back but she was right there like a second skin. I ran around to the 3 point line and managed to finally shake her when one of the other girls on our team slipped between us setting up a screen. Claudia saw that I had an open shot and passed the ball.

Nothing but net.

I pumped my fist and looked over at Kia. She smiled at me but kept her cool as she leaned against a pole. Donna cheered and jumped up and down like she was losing her mind.

"Got a cheer squad over there huh?" Missy asked. I shook my head and ran up court.

After the shot was when it started. I thought I was feeling things at first, a slip of the hand here and there but when I felt a warm hand rest longer than necessary on my ass I turned around and shoved the smirking blond away. "Back off."

"What did I do?" I looked around, expecting to be fouled but only got Claudia glaring at me. I turned away from her and got my head back in the game. Sera, who had yet to make any big plays passed the ball to me, I passed it out to Claudia and watched as she moved fluidly up the key to make a lay up. She made it look effortless.

"She's cocky for a reason I guess." I mumbled and turned around and came face to face with Bonny again. I slammed into her and would have fallen if her arms didn't wrap around me.

"You better be careful there." I glanced over at Kia and saw that her hands were out of her pockets now. She looked like a hound that spotted its next meal. Her eyes were trained on us. I shook my head and sighed in relief when she slipped a hand back in her pocket.

Bonny's team was up by 4 when Claudia threw the ball out to Sera. They were double teaming her now, making it impossible for Claudia to make a shot. But they were underestimating our newest addition. We all did.

Sera smiled as she dribbled the ball up court when we had possession of it. I ran along side her but Bonny was all over me a moment later. I managed to shake for a second and she passed the ball to me. That was all she needed. It was like watching lightning strike. A second later she was at the rim and I was tossing the ball in the air. She grabbed it and slammed it home.

There was silence. A moment later the crowd around the court were shouting and cheering.

"She fucking dunked the ball!" I heard a guy shout out. Sera ran past a stunned Wendy buffing her nails on her shirt. Claudia stood openmouthed as Sera ran up next to her smiling.

"How the hell did you do that?" She asked the grinning girl. She shrugged.

"I've been dunking for a year now." They couldn't talk though since the other team was trying to hustle the ball up court again, catch us off guard. I picked up my man and managed to keep the ball out of her hands then looked over when I saw Wendy trying to muscle her way through our defense.

With a lot of the hits and pushes not being called we got away with a lot in that game. But Wendy took it to another level. She bulldozed her way through us and managed to throw Lovette to the ground.

"That has to be a foul!" Missy called out as she bent down to help Lovette up.

"I'm okay..." Lovette mumbled as she rubbed her shoulder. Claudia walked over and got in Wendy's face.

"Stop the cheap hits Wendy."

The huge girl just smirked. "If you can't handle it then get ya ass off the court." With that she backed up then ran up court. We looked at Lovette but she only nodded her head. They weren't going to fight it...this time.

Claudia called a break and I gladly walked over to the sideline to sit on the bench. Kia was ready with a towel and a cold bottle of water. I wiped at my face then leaned forward when she took the towel from me.

"You're tired." She said. Her eyes looked worried, then they darkened. "That bitch get enough free feels yet?"

"It's just a game, she's not bothering me."

"Clearly." I frowned and yanked the towel away. She slipped her hands into her pockets and looked down at me. "I'm sorry but she's fucking getting to me."

"And I'm the one she's practically molesting, so imagine how I feel." I glared over at the other side of the court. She was high-fiving with some girl and looking back over at us. Claudia called us in to huddle.

After discussing possible plays she got our morale up a bit. When the buzzer went off I decided to sit it out for a while and got to watch Claudia in action. She was good. Very good. Great actually, and I saw no reason why she couldn't get a full scholarship to play in university. They were all very good.

Sera seemed to connect with her a bit on court and I watched them set up a few shots together. "Damn, she really is good." I heard Kia mumbling.

When I came back in the game we were up by 5. It was drawing to the end of the third. Missy managed to get a black eye from someone's elbow and I managed to get an elbow to the stomach.

"This is a bit more physical than I imagined," I mumbled to Missy. She touched the bruised area around her eye and scowled.

"I'm so getting that bitch back." I glared at the red head that did it and felt sorry for her. Well, not really, I hoped that Missy got her good.

"Get one in for me too. One of them got a free hit a second ago."

"And how's that molesting going for you?" I frowned then waved her off as we set up our defense. They missed their shot and Lovette got the rebound. She passed it down court to a waiting Sera and we all stopped and watched as she flew in the air.

Bam! Another dunk and the crowd went wild again. I shook my head in wonder and she jumped down grinning and passed a fuming Wendy. When we all turned to run back up court I bumped in to Bonny...again. I ran around her and managed to lose her for a second until I felt her hands on my ass, then she had the balls to move them around to my stomach. I elbowed her and heard a grunt before she was all over me again.

It was like we were all waiting on an excuse. Any excuse. One of the opposing girls got up for a shot but Claudia blocked it. She didn't like that and pushed Claudia away.

Claudia pushed back, with no referee to stop things it got messy quickly. Bonny was still all over me even though play stopped and I turned around. When I grabbed her arm tightly then shoved her back roughly I saw anger flare up in her eyes.

She smirked and stepped closer when Kia slipped between us.

"You had enough freebees for the night." The shorter girl sneered at Kia and stepped in her face. Soon there were small arguments and shoving fights all over the court. The buzzer sounded a few times for us all to settle down.

"I would kick your ass easily. Don't fuck with me." Kia was saying to a laughing Bonny.

"It's a game man. A...friendly game." She nudged a grinning girl then winked at me as the guy behind the table asked if we wanted to continue. Even as our team glared at their team both sides told him yeah.

I don't know who we were kidding.

We were nearing the end of the last quarter. At some point they took the lead by three points. Time was ticking away and they were all over us to prevent us from scoring. Bonny wouldn't let me budge and Claudia was locked down since halftime.

Sera was the only one they couldn't seem to keep a handle on and she took advantage of it. Claudia got free long enough to take a pass from Missy only to pass it to one of our other players. She dribbled a bit then looked up for Sera, they were all over her, literally holding onto her arms.

She looked over at me and saw that I shook Bonny loose so she passed the ball to me. I passed it back to Claudia who they stupidly left alone then I ran up court then left the floor for the rim when out of nowhere Wendy charges at her. She managed to release the ball before she's knocked down, but even I heard the air leave her lungs.

The hit made the throw shaky though and the other team managed to intercept the pass.

They were halfway up court by the time Sera caught up with them and she knocked the ball from the player's hand just as the timer yelled "5 seconds". One bounce, two, and Sera stopped and focused on the rim. I saw the player running up behind her determined to knock her into tomorrow.

"Throw the ball!" We all screamed at her. She threw it and we all watched with breaths held as it made its way over our heads and landed smoothly in the net. It didn't even brush against the rim. Just the smooth sound of rubber moving against cotton. We cheered but it was short lived when the feisty player barreled into Sera. They landed in a heap on the concrete and I heard Sera yell in pain.

I ran to her, glancing over my shoulder to see Claudia pushing Wendy away with Bonny joining in. Soon all of the team are on the court some heading over to Claudia others running toward Sera who was still in a heap of limbs. I helped yank the girl off of her and look down to see her reaching for a badly scraped knee. There was blood on her lips too. Lovette shoved the girl back angrily.

"What the fuck man! You outta ya mind?" She shoved the girl again who shoved her back. Someone held Lovette back as the girl walked over to the other side of the court.

"How does it feel? Is it only the scrape?" I ask as I wipe at her lip. Missy was leaning over looking worried too. Just the thought of such a silly game ruining someone's basketball career made me queasy.

"Just a scrape, it's okay. But that girl's not gonna be." She said as she tried to hobble to her feet.

"Down tiger. How 'bout you sit down for a while hmm?" Missy asked and we all crowded around the unexpected star of the game. She stood up and waved us away. When we all stepped back she grabbed at Missy.

"Well I'll need SOMEONE to nurse me back to health." Missy looked around confused.

"You just said that you're fine..."

"Not that fine, I think I pulled a muscle. Might need a massage." She said. At that most of them turned away and headed for the bleachers since it seemed like Sera was quite fine, then we heard raised voices. Scared voices.

People were running away as someone yelled "Gun!" I looked up to see Bonny standing next to some girl with her hand stuffed on the inside of her jacket and Kia, of course, was the focus of the girl's attention. Claudia was right next to her, grabbing her arm.

"Fuck this shit Kia, these bitches are crazy." Claudia said as she tugged Kia away.

"At least we know we can expect to whip your asses on Friday too." Wendy said as she smirked a few feet away.

"That was a tie and you know it. If anything WE won since we took so many cheap hits from you." Claudia shouted as she backed up closer to us.

"Won my ass." She sneered and turned away, nudging Bonny as she did.

"You can't do your shit on Friday!" Claudia shouted.

Bonny turned around and smirked as she winked at Kia. "You wanna bet? And I had a good time feelin' that firm ass the whole game, gonna have fun Friday too." I guess no one gave Bonny the memo that I wasn't actually on the team. That didn't stop my girlfriend though since Kia stepped forward again, shrugging away when Claudia reached for her.

She got right in Bonny's face and was murmuring something close to her ear. We all stepped closer anticipating another fight. There almost was as Bonny's face turned beet red. She jerked forward as if to jump Kia but Wendy grabbed her jersey and yanked her back.

"I'll fucking kill you!" She screamed as Wendy shoved her of the court toward their cars.

Kia laughed and walked over to us. After reaching down to grab my bag she took my hand.

"Do I wanna know what you said to her?" I asked.

"Probably not," Donna said from behind us. We stood next to the car as I poked her in the stomach.

"Well...?" She just smirked at me then pulled me closer. "I'm sweaty Kia." I tried to push her away but she just held on tighter.

"Let's just say that we have a mutual acquaintance that I found out about during the game."

"Who is it?" I asked. She shook her head.

"It was a long time ago Chloe," She said quietly.

"Tell me." She studied me for a few moments.

"Her mother." With that she slipped into her car and gassed it up.

Donna and I stared at her with our mouths hanging open. Donald shook his head and hopped in the car. Claudia walked over and waved her hands in front of us.

"Did you get hit in the head a few times too Donna? I mean I know that game was rough but..."

We finally snapped out of it. "We're gonna have to talk about this Kia." I said.

"I'll say," Donna mumbled. Then she turned to Claudia and poked her in the stomach. "You nearly got everyone killed in that game." She poked her again before Claudia shielded herself with Monica.

"I'm sorry! Shit! I didn't know they were on the damn team!" Monica cooed until Claudia settled back down and pouted at us. "I was gonna invite everyone to my place but I think I just changed my mind if I'm gonna get THIS all night."

"Only if you have some alcohol at your place." Lovette said as she rubbed her ass. "Need to dull this pain somehow."

"I just so happen to have access to my dad's bar," she said with a wicked smirk. "Let me see if any of the other girls are gonna come." She jogged over to her team members. I scanned the court for Missy then asked Lovette where she went.

"She's fighting off that little pitbull Kia stuck on her. Where you find her from anyway? She's good." We all looked over and laughed as Missy sidestepped Sera who only stepped closer. She glanced over at us and when she saw us her eyes seemed to beg for help.

"Awwww, aint that cute!" Lovette said loudly.

"I didn't know that Missy was robbing the cradle now." Someone shouted. She scowled and tried to walk toward us again but Sera grabbed her hand.

"Robbing the cradle? I didn't even know she rode the fence." I said. Kia was watching them with a smile lighting up her face. "Can you get Sera away from her please?" She stepped out of her car.

"Sera! Get your ass over here and leave her alone!" Sera's head snapped up and she dropped Missy's hand as if she was burned.

"I'm just talkin' to her that's all." She walked over with Missy who looked like a truck ran over her.

"I haven't been macked that hard since Micheal in junior year." We laughed as Kia scowled at Sera.

"Looks like it was working too." I teased.

"Hmmm..." She said and glanced at Sera before looking away shaking her head. "So what's up?"

"Claudia's house and Claudia's alcohol is what's up! Let's get the hell up outta here already!" Lovette shouted, getting us all moving to our cars.

"The rest of 'em want to head to some bar or something." Claudia announced wrinkling her nose. "Strictly dickly though."

"I'll pass." Lovette said quickly.

"I second that." I said.

"To Claudia's then?" Missy asked. Sera looked hopefully at Kia until she snorted and nodded her head. I smiled when she hugged Kia and laughed right out when everyone just looked on as if watching the unearthing of a tomb. Kia hugging someone beside me and smiling was a rare sight.

"I don't know where it is though." Sera announced.

"Oh, I have an idea," Kia said much too innocently. "Why don't Missy ride with you, she knows where it is." Missy glared at Kia then me.

"Awesome idea," Sera said and ran over to open the passenger side of her car then waited patiently for Missy to glare some more then slowly grab her backpack.

She was walking by me when she lowered her head. "I'm so getting you two back for this."

"But I..." She raised her hand to silence me and went to the car. Kia chuckled and tugged me to the car.

"They'll be fine, let's go."

"You better hope so."

Claudia's house was in the west end of the city. The hippie artsy part of the city. We found out later that her mom was some artist who was semi-popular.

"We'll mix drinks tonight. I have one you'll all love. I named it the tornado." She said as we lounged around her basement.

Donna flopped on the bed pulling Donald with her. "We're going bowling tomorrow, anyone wants to tag along?"

"I'll be recuperating from my injuries honey." Missy said as she rubbed her side.

"I can help you with that," Sera said with a smile. Missy rolled her eyes and announced that she was going to the bathroom. After a few seconds Sera announced that she had to go too. Claudia shook her head as she chuckled at Kia.

"Shit Kia, she's worse than me. Never thought I'd hear myself say that."

"Me neither," Lovette said. "In fact it sounds weird."

"Try this," Claudia handed out cups filled with a murky brown liquid.

"This looked like bile Claudia." Donna said as she studied it.

"More like swamp water..." Kia added.

"I'm thinking sewer waste," Donald added.

"Just drink it already!" I looked over at Monica and asked her if she ever had it.

"Yeah, it's good." With that I took a hesitant sip. It was pretty good. You barely tasted the alcohol. Lovette had her cup empty a second later and followed Donna to where Claudia stood for refills.

I took my drink and walked over to Monica who was on a couch. "Hey."

"Hey Chloe. Tough game today." I rubbed my arm that was still aching from a hard hit by one of the trucks on the other team.

"I know, not the way I imagined spending Valentine's Day."

"I thought you guys got to spend Sunday together." She nodded her head in Kia's direction. I told her about the arrangement with my mom and she smiled. "Wow, that's so nice. Pre-Valentine's Day huh? So many parents wouldn't do that."

"I know. I'm lucky I guess." She looked over at Claudia then blushed. "So you two got to be together today right?" She blushed even more. Now I was curious. I inched closer, absently seeing Donna drop off two more cups filled to the rim next to me. "Well you have to tell me NOW!"

She sighed and took a huge mouthful of the renamed swamp juice for courage I guessed.

"Well, it was...different." She said.

"In a good way or a bad way?"

"Definitely a good way." I laughed and told her to tell me about it if she wanted.

"I guess she wouldn't mind." We both knew that Claudia would mind. "She took me to this restaurant I've been wanting to check out for ages, just never got around to it."

"Candle lit dinner?"

"Hell no, a new burger place on the lake." She went into detail about their dinner and all the nice things Claudia did then things really started to get interesting. "Well...I vaguely remember telling her about this group that sang a song I love, a slow song. And that night she serenaded me..." She said it quietly. We both looked over to see Claudia, Kia and Lovette about to take shots. After Claudia took hers she made a loud belch. Lovette started to laugh until she fell to the floor. "Sick bitch," Kia mumbled as she chuckled.

"Uh huh..." I said then turned back to her. "Are you serious?" Monica nodded her head. "You know what? I always wondered about something." I faced her fully and leaned in. "Is Claudia a moaner or a screamer?"

"What do you think?" She threw back at me.

"A moaner," I said. She laughed and shook her head. "Hell no!" I tried to imagine the butch basketball player screaming in ecstasy. It wasn't happening.

"Hell yes." She laughed. When she nodded at Kia I smirked.

"A moaner all right. More like a groaner." When I mimicked the sounds she made and added in some extra words for sound effects she was rolling on the couch laughing.

"She talks that way when you have sex?" I was laughing too, on a roll now.

"Awww fuck baby...right there baby...that's it. Let me love that pussy..." Her eyes opened wide and she was rolling on the couch again.

"Ya know what? I can believe that, Claudia's more like "that's it baby...right there...yeahhhh, oh yeahhhhhh...ugh...ughhh...ahhh..."" I spewed some of the drink in my mouth into my hands as I tried to hold in my laughter. I just couldn't imagine Claudia being so...girly in bed.

Someone placed two more cups next to us and we started to drink those too as we told each other information about our girlfriends that we were probably better off not knowing. The good thing about it I guess was that a lot of it became a fuzzy mess after a while since we were on the verge of getting really pissed.

"It just took me a while to get her over her little problem. I think I did." She said as she studied me. I rolled my head that rested against the back of the couch to look at her.

"Wait! Let me guess, she snored in bed right?" She laughed and shook her head. It was strange how even in my drunk state my mind cleared enough to see her eyes sober for a moment.

"No." She looked directly in my eyes. "You." My laughter died away and I knew that I needed to ask her what she was talking about but someone turned up the music and I lost my focus. Monica changed the topic a moment later anyway.

"OH! Oh! And when she wants something she can't get she gets all pouty! Like a little teddy bear." Monica said.

"Kia too!" I shouted out and finally got Kia's attention from across the room. She got up from lying on the floor and reached out for my hand.

"Kia what?" She asked.

"Nothing," I said, but that only made us giggle some more.

"Well I miss you baby." When she started to pout I pointed to it and turned to Monica.

"See?!" She nodded as she smiled at us. Kia looked from her to me and shook her head.

"Come on." She mumbled as she tugged me upstairs.

"We goin' home?" I asked. I hooked my fingers through the loops of her jeans and followed her upstairs.

"No, I had too much to drink to drive."

"Then we need to call my mom." She stopped and turned back to pull out her cellphone. It was too late before I realized she was actually calling. "Wait Kia! She'll know that you're drunk!" I tried to reach for the phone but she just jerked out of the way.

"Hello Ms. Soto, just calling to let you know that Chloe's okay...Yes ma'am, I know...but you see we both had too much to drink at a friend's house...yes ma'am, I know that the deal was to take her straight home...yes ma'am..." For someone who was tipsy she sure sounded incredibly sober that night. "First thing in the morning...oh she did? I'll let her know that she called for her. Good night."

"Karen called to set up a day with you this week." Kia announced as she pulled me upstairs. Kia led me through the house as if she knew her way around. I found out later why she did; they played videogames together practically every week.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She shrugged.

"Cause it's not important. Now what IS important is gettin' at that pussy." She pulled me closer and pressed a sloppy kiss to my lips. I giggled and pulled her away.

"That was so bad. You're drunk." I announced as she walked me over to a bed and sat on it.

"You too." She said as she began to nibble on my neck. "Mmmm..." her hands were on my shorts a second later, tugging them down. I grabbed her ass and pushed her into me. It felt good feeling the rough material of her jeans press into me.

I did it again, she groaned into my neck then lifted her lips to mine and pressed a hot kiss there again. Our tongues were sliding together with no control. I pulled her tongue into my mouth and began to suck on it. She groaned into my mouth.

Her lips were on my chest then, pulling the skin there into her mouth to press little bites there. "Kia..." I murmured. She grabbed my thighs and pulled them around her waist.

Her lips dipped lower and tugged my shirt up. My bra followed closely until she had her mouth pressed to my breast. When I felt the heat of her mouth over a nipple my back arched. Her hand was between my legs a second later, running her fingers roughly over me. I felt her tongue sliding down the center of my stomach then she was moving up my body again. My back arched again and I moaned when she entered me.

"That's it baby," she said, the words pressed against my skin. "God I wish I had a strap right now, I'd fucking fuck your brains out."

"Mmm Kia...don't stop." Her finger was moving steadily over me now, then one digit entered me. She lifted her head again and looked up at me. Her body shifted until one arm held her up. I tugged her body closer when I felt another finger slip inside of me. "Just like that."

"Like this?" She asked and curled her fingers inside of me. I shouted out my yes and she did it again. A long moan filled the room. She pressed a kiss to my cheek, then my chin. Her fingers were pumping inside of me now.

"Y-Yeah..." soon my breaths were pants and I pulled her closer, dipping my tongue to one of the hot spots behind her ear. She groaned deeply. When I breathed in I caught a whiff of her cologne. It was faded now but still there. With the scent, the salty taste and the feel of her fingers rubbing against me she tossed me over the edge and wouldn't stop. I had to roll her over to get her hands to still. "Mmmm, you fuck me so good." The pulse beneath my lips was racing now. She loved it when I talked like that. I yanked up her shirt and threw it away.

All I wanted was her now. She knew it and quickly unzipped her jeans, tugging the tight material past her hips; as soon as I had access I dipped my fingers inside her wetness. When my fingers started to move through the sticky heat I felt her body changing. She rolled me over again and yanked her jeans off the rest of the way. She pushed her hips against me. I grabbed her ass when she settled on top of me.

She looked so hot with her hair falling around her face and her chest rising and falling quickly. I could feel her excitement. "Fuck me baby."

"Kia..." I said then slipped my fingers inside of her. A low groan left her throat. It was long and deep. I grabbed her lower back and sat up to taste her. My mouth pressed to soft lips. Soon my fingers were pumping into her like crazy. "You're so beautiful Kia." I murmured and pulled back to watch her face contort with each press of my fingers through the tight walls of her pussy.

I searched for her G-spot and twisted my fingers when I entered her again. Her mouth opened in a soundless scream then she bit her lip and moaned. Her arm tightened around me as she arched her back, pulling me with her. She couldn't stay up so we both fell back onto the bed, me tumbling on top of her as her body shook. She came in a gush of wetness over my fingers.

I slipped my fingers from her tight clasp and gently rubbed the wet folds, still twitching. She groaned and grabbed at my hand. She pulled it up and brought it to my lips. "I love seeing you lick me off your fingers." I smiled and made sure to lick each finger. When I was done I kissed her chin.

"I can't believe we did that in Claudia's room," I said. She opened her mouth to respond when someone else did.

"I wish you did. I'd record that shit man." We both sat up in bed to see Claudia, Missy, Lovette and Sera gawking at us from an opened door on the other side of the room.

"What the FUCK Claudia!" Kia shouted as she rolled me over trying to find a sheet as I tried to find anything to cover up her ass.

"I think I came just watching them." Missy said.

"Shit Kia, you're one lucky bitch." Claudia muttered.

"Get the fuck out of here!" She said as she stood up and stalked over to the door. The fact that she was half naked didn't matter to her right then but it did to me.

"Kia! Put some clothes one! And stop looking at her Missy!" I said as I tried to find my t- shirt. Missy laughed and yanked Sera back before she could get yanked into the room by an angry Kia. Kia still managed to grab onto her t-shirt though.

"I will fucking cut your eyeballs out if you don't stop looking at her Sera." I watched as she yanked at Sera's shirt and pulled her to within an inch of her face.

"It was Missy's idea!" She hollered. Claudia and Lovette quickly agreed. She let go of Sera and lunged for Missy but she jumped back and managed to grab Sera. They ran through the bathroom the room was connected to and into some other darkened room. Kia started to follow them when she realized she was naked and turned around slamming the door.

"I'll fucking kill every one of them. Slow, painful deaths." She said as she yanked on her underwear.

"Why didn't you lock the door?" My underwear ALWAYS disappeared when I needed them.

"I did!" She said and pointed to the locked door we came through.

"Well why didn't you lock ALL of the doors?!"

"Because Claudia's room only has ONE door!" After she said that she yanked her shirt over head but stopped midway through putting it on. She slowly pulled it down and looked around then felt around for the lamp switch.

We strained our eyes for a few seconds until they adjusted. "Oh shit!" She jumped from the bed. "This is her brother's room. Shit!" I rubbed my eyes and put on my clothes in silence as she told me how sorry she was. "I don't know how I mixed up their rooms Chloe."

"I think I can think up a reason." She rubbed her face and glared at the door. "I can't believe they watched us!" She frowned now then her eyes darkened.

"We have to get them back. And that Sera, she's getting the workout of a lifetime this weekend. So I'll take care of HER."

When we met up with the rest of them in the living room Monica jumped form the couch. "I didn't know about it! When I went to the kitchen they all just disappeared!"

"Oh it's fine Monica," I turned to the rest of them. "I hope you all got a good look, 'cause that'll be the first and last time."

"And it was worth it too. Damn Chloe." Lovette said with a wink.

"Watch it Lovette." Kia warned. She raised her hands in surrender.

"I told them I wanted to spook you guys that's all. Then Claudia-" Missy said.

"Whoa whoa whoaaaa now! I believe your exact words were "Let's see if they're doing it" we just followed you to the promise land Moses."

"What?! You're the one who told us about the other door!" Lovette shouted and threw an empty can at Claudia.

"Because Sera asked if there was one!" Sera raised her hands and stepped back a few steps when Kia's glare fell on her.

"I'm sorry Kia." Sera said the words tumbling out then she stood very still. I swear it looked like she was trying to blend into her surroundings. I would have laughed if I wasn't so angry too.

"Oh you will be." Kia sneered. She turned to the rest of them, making sure everyone caught her glare then her expression changed to indifference. "Don't worry about it guys, anymore alcohol?"

They sat silently watching us for a few minutes before Claudia cautiously reached for a bottle of rum. She quickly handed it over and jerked her hand away.

"You look kinda scared their Claudia." Lovette said.

"You saw what she did to Micheal? Pictures of him are still floating around the internet man." Lovette's smile melted off and they looked at Kia then at me. I looked around again and realized that Donna and Donald were missing. Monica told me that they crashed right after she went to the kitchen.

"So they weren't a part of this too then?" I asked Missy who guiltily studied at her feet.

"Nope." She said.

"Oh. Okay. Well what happened to the music?" Missy ran over to the stereo system and turned it on. Soon with enough alcohol everyone was relaxed and joking around again.

I glanced at Kia every now and then. The smirk on her face was growing by the minute. When they were nice and drunk I motioned for her to leave.

When she came back with the little bottle in her hands that she found on a "bathroom break" I smirked.

"More drinks guys?" She offered to the happy bunch. I made sure to keep an eye on Monica's cup, she wasn't going to be a part of this pay back. Kia came back in the room and handed out drinks.

"I still can't believe you got lost and ended up in Stephen's room man. I catch that little pervert getting off every other night and he never washes those sheets." She laughed at my expression.

"Shit I'm tired man!" Lovette said and staggered her way to the basement. "I'm crashing under the houssh!" We laughed as she disappeared. We guessed she meant that literally when we heard a crash then a loud "Ouch!"

"You okay Lovette?" Monica shouted down the dimly lit stairs.

"I'm good! Night!" We didn't find out until the next day that she fell asleep right where she fell at the foot of the stairs.

Missy found a blanket and pillows and decided to sleep in the living room on the floor with Sera who was like a shadow to her that night. We crashed on the couch and Claudia slept in her bedroom with Monica.

"How long do you think?" I asked Kia as she pulled me closer on the couch.

"Just as the sun rises I think." We smiled and fell asleep.

We woke up to doors opening and closing in a rush. Then painful moans from various parts of the house. We both sat up in bed and watched it all unfolding around us trying not to smile to brightly.

Lovette came running upstairs and sprinted for a bathroom holding her stomach. Donna came out of the guest bedroom confused. "What's going on? All I'm hearing are doors slamming?" Just then Sera stepped out of a bathroom a few doors from us. After a few steps she stopped and turned back around holding her stomach.

Donna looked wide-eyed from the door to us and didn't miss our big smiles.

"What's going on?!" She shouted.

"Payback Donna, payback." Kia pulled out a bottle with the label "Ex-Lax" on it. Claudia stepped out of her bedroom and ran for the same bathroom Sera just disappeared into.

"Who the fuck is in here?!" Sera hollered for her to find another bathroom. "This is my fucking house! YOU find another bathroom!" Her answer was a low moan. She held her stomach and finally noticed us. "Shit man, get her out of here!" Monica came out of the room and looked around confused.

"You feeling a little...sick there Claudia?" Kia asked in a sarcastic voice. Claudia stopped dancing around the hallway to look at Kia. Her eyes turned to slits.

"You're dead Pratt! Fucking dead!" She turned to follow through with her threat but her stomach had different plans and made a low growl. She ran past her into another room.

I fell to the couch laughing until I cried.

"I'm gonna kill you Kia!" Was shouted form all over the house. We snuggled back on the couch and decided to get some more sleep.

"What time you wanna head home?" Kia asked close to my ear.

"Half an hour or so, this is too much fun to miss."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 15

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