Bad Girl

By Mas P

Published on Jul 19, 2009


So now it's time to say goodbye to Bad Girl. I had no idea this story would have been even remotely as popular as it is. I didn't think that anyone would like it. Well besides me. :D I really want all of my readers and fans who've been dropping a line and pushing me or threatening me to keep posting to know how much I appreciate you all. :)

Is this the end of Kia and Chloe? Hell no, but it's time to wind down...for now. ;) You may see a brand new story up here soon...

So once again, thanks, take it easy, and I hope you like the conclusion of Bad Girl.

If you'd like to fan my ego, or take it down a notch then hit me up at:

Thanks a mil to my proofers for helping me keep the story together. :)

Bad Girl - Part 16

By Mas

It was late. I was sitting in the passenger seat of Claudia's jeep with Donald in the back seat offering ideas about where to look. Kia got in her car and sped off, inconveniently not telling us where she was going. What really had us worried was the fact that she had a few beers before she pulled her disappearing act.

"I can't believe she did that? Just jumped in a car drunk." I mumbled.

"Well, she does look pretty sober when she's drunk..." Claudia looked over at me and saw my expression. "And that, of course, is no excuse."

"Where else would she go?" Donald asked. I rubbed my eyes as I tried to think. Nothing was coming to mind except my worry.

"I don't know," Claudia patted my hand then flipped opened her phone. "She won't answer your call."

"Well she's not answering yours either so it won't hurt to try." This was all wrong, I thought. I was finally going to tell her that night that I felt the same way she did and that I was NOT going to be happy about her going out of state to study. I was going to tell her that I realized I felt the same way she did for me. I wasn't scared anymore.

Then she runs off into the night.

We drove around the neighborhood then stopped at a gas station. "We need to get to her so she doesn't get herself killed. Someone saw her grab a drink on her way out. A bottle of rum." Donald said.

"Shit." Claudia mumbled and tapped on the steering wheel. "I didn't even think she'd drink tonight since she was supposed to drive you home. She had a cup of water-"

"Water!" I shouted and looked at Claudia excitedly.

"Yes Chloe, water. A clear substance that-"

"No! She went out to the water. The lake. We drive there to..." They looked at me expectantly but it felt wrong telling them about our secret place. It felt sacred. "I'll show you. She has to be at the lake."

"How would she know where to go, it's so dark..." Claudia said. I tried not to think about a drunken Kia making her way through a tree-lined, dirt road in the dark.

"She goes there all the time. She'll be there. She's fine." She had to be.

Kia was not fine.

I never saw her that drunk before and she didn't know it then, but I was never going to see her that drunk again. Not if I could help it.

It took us a little over an hour but we made it to the lake and the dark path that led to our little beach. "Of course when you need a flashlight there's not a one," Claudia grumbled as she dug through her glove compartment flinging random objects around. When a pack of dental dams fell out she glanced at me and smirked as she quickly shoved it back in and closed the little door.

"The moon's pretty bright tonight, maybe we don't need one." Donald stumbled out of the jeep. "Kia!" He shouted. We waited a few moments but there was no answer.

I found the path that led us onto the rocky part of the beach that turned into sand after a few steps. The sound of waves hitting the shore grew louder. Then we heard it.

Smash! I grabbed Donald's arm scared shitless. Smash! That was another one.

"I thought you said she only had a bottle of rum or something?" Claudia said as she led the way carefully over to the shadowy figure sitting on the beach. They threw up their arm and a bottle glinted in the light on its way behind the person to smash into the rocks.

"Kia?" Claudia asked.

" fucking come out here too? You wanna take this too?" She asked. Her voice was unsure, hesitant, but that was the only hint at how drunk she was.

"Kia, you got the wrong impression man." Kia stood up and lunged for Claudia missing her by a few meters. She fell on her face and rolled over. We ran over to her when she started to moan.

"She's gonna fucking dump me Claudia." I stepped closer unsure. Claudia tugged me forward.

"No she's not Kia, Chloe's right here man. She's here for you."

"But I wasn't there for her. YOU were. She's dumping me for you." She lunged for Claudia again slamming into her this time and they rolled around the sand grunting. Claudia grabbed her hands shouting at her to stop fighting. "YOU FUCKING STOLE MY GIRLFRIEND!"

"I didn't steal Chloe from you! We were only talking man! She was kissing me on the cheek and I turned my face man! Stop being an ass!"

"Eat me bitch," she sneered and rolled away holding her stomach. "Fucking cunt! Take her!"

"Kia...?" I was scared now. Did she really want us to break up?

"Go away! Leave me alone." I looked at Claudia and she nodded her head then stepped back, tugging Donald with her.

"We'll be in the jeep. We'll find the car." Kia sat up looking in my direction. Her face was in shadows but I felt her eyes studying me as if under a spotlight.

"Kia, what you saw wasn't what happened."

"I said to go away Chloe." She said in a deep voice.

"No, you're acting immature. You just run off and not talk-"

"Not talk? Why didn't you just tell me?" I got on my knees and moved closer to her. Her position didn't change. Her hands remained buried in the sand behind her with legs spread. She grabbed for a nearby bottle but I knocked it away.

"Tell you what?" I knew what I had to tell her but what she thought I wanted to tell her had and what I wanted to say had to be two different things. My news wouldn't have made her like this.

"You know what."

"No I don't Ki-"

"That you want to break up with me Chloe! Fuck!" She got on her knees but I pushed her back. "You don't have to; I'll dump your ass first."

"I don't want to dump you! What are you talking about?" I was crying now. I shoved her hard in the stomach. "You're the one who's going to Africa for the whole summer!" I punched her shoulder, ignoring the grunt. "You're the one who's going across the country to avoid being together!"

"What?" She sounded confused.

"College Kia? The semester JUST ended yesterday and you're already telling me you're going to the west coast for university? That's not another way of breaking up with me?" She rubbed her head then forgot that hand was also holding her body. She fell back in the sand with a grunt.

I sat back as she rolled over and sat up holding her head. "I only said that to see what you'd say. You were pulling away from me..."

"I didn't know what I was feeling. You were already thinking about having kids and I was just trying to think about how to spend this summer with you." I wiped at my eyes and sniffed. "That's not gonna happen now." My voice was thick with tears then the damn burst. "You're breaking up with me?" I saw her moving closer and reaching out for me.

Her fingers were wiping at my face then cupping my cheeks. Her body lost its balance again and she fell on top of me. "Nononononoooo baby. I'm not. You were so distant and shit sometimes, then I'd see you trying to say something then stop. I thought you were trying to end us." She kissed my chin then my nose and peppered my mouth with light kisses. "Then you called Claudia when your mom got sick and she was there and not me and that fucked me up..."

"I called you first! I told you Kia-"

"I know, I know." She kissed me again. "Seeing her kissing you in that room just-"

"I know, but I wasn't kissing her Kia. I mean, I was but not like you think. You know she's my friend. I'd never do that to you." I grabbed her shirt pulling her closer. "I love you so much Kia. I'm not breaking up with you."

"Me neither baby," Her hips were moving between my thighs now. I pulled her upper lip into my mouth and began to nibble on it. When I swiped my tongue across the soft flesh I felt where Claudia bruised her. Her kisses were getting sloppy but my body didn't care. "Mmmm I wanna fuck you so bad Chloe." I felt her breath on my face in pants as her fingers fumbled with her jeans.

"No Kia, you're drunk." Our fingers tangled. She was trying to tug her zipper down while I tried to buckle her jeans. The way she was squirming over me was making me excited but it wasn't the time or place for wild, drunken sex. Not when we had to get her home.

Her home. We had no idea what was happening at her house. "Kia, there are about sixty people in your house right now."

"I don't give a fuck." She pulled at my t-shirt. Her hands weren't following her brain though because a move that would have taken a second was taking much longer than that. She got the shirt halfway up my chest then stopped to run her hands down my thighs.

When she grabbed my ass I moaned into her mouth. She pressed her thigh down between my legs and I answered back, pushing up into her. The hands that ran over my stomach were gritty with sand. I have to stop this... "noooo Kia. STOP!" That jerked her back to reality. "You're going home, you're drunk and tired." She pulled away from me and I could see the scowl on her face.

"No. What I am is horny." Each word was said clearly then she staggered to her feet.

Definitely not sober.

I scrambled to my feet and grabbed her hand, leading her in the opposite direction.

"The car's this way Kia." She shrugged her arm away.

"I knew that." I grabbed at her hand again but she slipped it in her jeans pocket. I smiled and grabbed at the other one. She held it away. When I jumped for it she jumped back and we both went tumbling into the sand again.

"You're gonna feel this in the morning Kia." I said, moving my body until I hugged her close. I was starting to get wet sand in some very uncomfortable places.

"I know." She mumbled into my neck.

"I don't want you to go to Africa Kia." Her head dropped back into the sand.

"We'll still have time together baby." I kissed my way to her lips and got lost in her like I always did. Even the drunk version of her. Claudia called out for us, popping our little bubble.

"I have to get you home." She grunted and started to stand up again.

It took a few minutes but they managed to find Kia's car. Donald drove it back to the house while I sat in the back seat of Claudia's jeep holding a sleeping Kia.

The house was still lit up by the time we got home but most of the cars were gone. My eyes bugged when I saw Kia's dad standing in the doorway. "Shit! I thought he wasn't going to be back until wayyyyy later!" I looked frantically at Claudia. Claudia looked from me to the doorway and cursed.

"You thought wrong. I hope they got that shit cleaned up before he got back."

They did, all thanks to Missy. Seems she was very effective at getting drunk and not-so- drunk teenagers out of a house. The only people left were her, Sera, Lovette who was crashing in one of the guestrooms and Donna.

Kia's eyes opened and she looked around confused. "We're home and you're dad's here." Her body grew still then she nodded her head. Donald hopped out of Kia's car and waved at her dad.

"Why are you driving Kia's car Donald?" We came walking behind them. What looked like me and Kia in a semi-embrace was really Kia leaning just about all of her weight on me so she didn't fall on her face.

"Hey dad, I told Donald to drive it home from the grocery store since he likes it so much." We all turned to Donald. His eyes widened and he nodded his head earnestly.

"Oh yeah! Thanks Kia. Sweet ride." After Donald handed over her keys we looked at each other in an awkward silence.

"You all coming inside?" A communal yes and then we were in. Answering questions about the very safe and drama-free birthday party held in my honor. He smiled and hugged Kia, congratulating her on keeping his house in one piece. We watched him go to the kitchen then listened to the door to his bedroom click close.

We all exhaled together. "That was close." Claudia said and shook her head. "Man I need to get my ass home." Kia shook her head.

"It's too late. Sleep here. Go home in the morning." She flung her arm over my shoulder again. "You guys know where everything is." Donna touched my arm as I walked by.

"Chloe..." She looked guilty.

"Later Donna." She nodded her head and stepped back.

Kia groaned when she finally got in bed. I took off her jeans and her shirt. When I tugged the sheet over us she kicked it off and pulled me closer. "Love you baby." she mumbled.

"Love you too." Everyone fell away. Calling my mom and dad didn't seem so important. Checking my phone that I left in the kitchen to see if anyone called didn't seem very important either. Kia and I though? I couldn't think of anything else I'd rather be thinking about as I began to drift...and then Kia rolled over and emptied her stomach on the bedroom floor.

"Chloe..." she said weakly. I scrambled to the side of the bed and pulled her hair back.

"I'm here," I said as I wiped at her face. I stood at the sink, filling a bucket with water and thinking about how crappy she was going to feel tomorrow. "Let's just get through the night Chloe," I mumbled to myself.

My mom was pretty pissed when I didn't call that night or come home like I agreed to. I explained about Kia being sick that morning, which was true. I just left out the part about her being hung over.

I woke up early like I always did for school but of course school was over for the summer. That night came speeding up to me like it always did when it was particularly insane. Kia's face was buried in my pillow and her hand was spread flat on my back. I rolled around and managed to make her moan in sleep as she tried to move closer.

She had to be riding a serious hangover for me to wake up before her.

I didn't want her to go to Africa, or anywhere else that summer. I didn't want a lot of things when I began to think about it. I didn't want her to cut her hair either. I loved her hair. My fingers began to play with a few of the long strands. I allowed some of the dark curls to fall back onto the bed. So soft, so shiny. I loved her hair.

I didn't really want her to have more muscle. I liked her body the way it was. If it was something SHE wanted to do and felt she HAD to do then I wouldn't stop her. I mean, she'd do it if I liked it or not, but she asked me and I had a good feeling that my opinion carried some weight so I was going to throw it around. I loved her body.

She started to wake up. Her face was digging even deeper into the pillow trying to hide from the sunlight or rub her headache away. Her hand flexed on my back and moved to my side to tug me closer.

"Is your headache really bad?" I asked quietly. She lifted her head to look at me but her hair was in the way. I pulled it back and looked into red eyes. "It's bad." She nodded her head in agreement. "I'll get you some painkillers." She tightened her arm.

"Not yet. I can get it." I touched her lips. They were dry. She licked them and closed her eyes. "I barely remember what happened last night."

"You remember the beach?" Her eyes opened and studied me. She nodded her head slowly. "You drove out there drunk Kia."

"I'm sorry."

"Oh, you would have been if something happened to you." She smirked and leaned in to kiss me.

"Oh, I would've huh?"

"Uh huh." I let her kiss me. "Kia?"

"Yes?" She nibbled on my lip then licked it.

"Your breath stinks." She stopped and her eyes opened then turned to slits. I probably could have been nicer about telling her...

"Ohhhh reeeeally?" She asked the question pushing as much air out of her lungs as possible right into my face. I laughed until she stopped and rolled over. "Well I guess I better brush my teeth since I plan on kissing you all morning."

"You have people down stairs you need to entertain too Kia." She looked at me confused. The look didn't change for the next few seconds so I had to jog her memory. "Claudia, who drove you home..." Her eyes darkened then looked irritated. "Donald, who drove your car home..." She sighed. "Missy who-"

"I remember now. Why the fuck didn't they go home?" She stood up and pouted as she rubbed her forehead. She looked so cute in her sports bra and tight boxers rubbing her head all confused. When she started to scratch her ass too I had to hold in a laugh.

"Because you told them not to remember?" She didn't. "Go brush your teeth Kia."


When I came back into the bedroom Kia was slouching on the edge of her bed. She sat up when she saw me. "I just saw Missy. They're in the TV room watching cartoons." I sat next to her and leaned my head on her shoulder. I liked her shoulders too. A lot.

"I like your shoulders." She looked over at me with a half-smile. "They're comfy. Not bony or too hard ya know?" I poked her there.

"Uh huh..."

"Ummm, why were you asking me all those questions about getting stronger and cutting off your hair and stuff?" Her eyes turned shy and she looked away. She shrugged.

"I don't know..." She was lying. Kia never had a problem looking me in the eyes. "Why are you asking?"

"Because I don't really want you to get bigger and I WOULD mind if you cut off your hair. I love your hair." Her head tilted to the side as she listened to me. "If YOU want to cut it off I won't mind but if you're asking me, only me, then I'd mind. So don't do it. And your body is perfect to me." I stood up and straddled her hips. She smiled up at me. "You don't have to change it for me. I love your body." Her eyes were on my lips, my nose, they were everywhere and finally stopped roaming my face to lock gazes with me.

"Your eyes are amazing." Okay, so I was a little surprised with that. Not really the response I was expecting. "Sexy. Are you half cat?" I laughed. "I thought that was what you wanted for a while, what you would like."

"Why?" Another shrug. "You were wrong." Our lips came together softly. Almost at the same time our heads tilted to deepen the kiss. I wrapped my arm around her neck as her tongue slipped into my mouth and started to wrap around mine. She tasted minty. I smelled the soap she washed her face with. "What-" She pressed her lips to mine again. I giggled and leaned back.

"They're all being entertained Chloe. We can do something..." She tugged at the shirt I threw on that morning. I laughed and grabbed her hands.

"I know that, but wait Kia. I have a question."

"What is it?" She asked. Her hands were on my ass, pushing me closer even as she tried to slip her fingers around my panties. I grabbed her hand. "Don't be like that Chloe."

"I have a very important question Kia," She looked at me impatiently. I smiled and rubbed her back. "What are you gonna do until you leave with your dad and Peter?"

"Spend every moment I can with you."

"Good answer." She smirked and smacked our lips together.

"Can we fuck now?"

"Yes Kia, we can fuck now." She chuckled and slipped her fingers past my panties right into me. "Mmmm, deeper..." She stood up and lowered me to the bed.

"Deeper huh?" Her tongue led a trail up my neck as her fingers plunged inside of me again.

"Uh huh..." She dipped her tongue into my ear and I'm sure I squealed when I felt it moving in and out. It started to match the movement of her fingers inside of me. When her fingers slipped away I moaned until I felt her tugging away my underwear.

"Hold that thought," She murmured. I laughed then wanted to scream when I heard someone, other than me, shouting out her name. "What?"

"Kia?!" Missy shouted.

"What?! I'm busy!" She flattened her tongue against the base of my neck and moved up leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. I wrapped a leg around her thigh, pulling her closer.

"Mmmm, baby..." Kia growled then froze.

"Kia! Come on!" Missy was much closer now. Right outside the door actually. When she moved her fingers over the swollen flesh pulsing against her skin I gasped and tried to hold in a moan. I couldn't. Loud banging made me grab for her hand. Kia growled then glared at the door. "Do you two ever stop? Come on man!"

"Kia! Feed us man! We're starving!" Lovette. I looked from the door to her. She looked like a puppy that just had her favorite toy taken away.

"Let's feed them and send them home Kia." She chuckled as she rolled off of me.

"Alright! We're coming! Now go away!"

When we came downstairs everyone was sitting around the kitchen talking. They stopped talking when they noticed us. Kia mumbled good morning.

"Morning all!" I said and sat down at the kitchen table.

"You look pretty...relaxed." Missy teased. Kia went to the fridge and turned around to look directly at Claudia. She looked as bad as Kia with her black eye and bruised nose.

"You want French toast or omelets?" She only looked at Claudia when she asked this. We all relaxed.

"French toast is cool." She said cautiously trying to hide a relieved smile.

"I'd like mine with strawberries and whipped cream please," Missy said.

"Ohh! Me too Kia!" Sera added. I was surprised when I saw her. I was even more surprised when I saw Missy wearing the t-shirt Sera had on the night before. I don't even think she realized she had it on. Guess Sera wasn't THAT young after all. Almost as if she were reading my thoughts Missy looked at me. The blush that ran up her neck said it all.

Kia was cooking as everyone started to talk about that night. I looked over at Donna who I hadn't said more than 2 words to since I entered the kitchen. She was looking at me guiltily. I stood up and grabbed her hand. We walked out back and sat down on the steps that lead down into the backyard.

"So..." She looked at me then looked away.

"So..." I replied. She sighed and wrapped her arms around her knees.

"I'm sorry Chloe. I just thought..." She shook her head. "I don't know you any more Chloe. We don't talk like we use to." The way she said it made me feel sad. I wrapped my arms around my stomach closing my eyes when she pulled out of me.

"I haven't changed Donna. I noticed that we don't talk as much but I haven't changed Don." She looked out into the yard and started to bite her bottom lip. "Did you really think I was cheating on Kia with Claudia Don?"

She shook her head and for a moment I thought that she was going to say no. "Yeah, I did."

"That's what you think of me now? That I'm some slut?" Her head jerked up.

"No! You know I don't think that!" She turned to face me and grabbed my hand. "You barely had sex with Tyrone that one time! I had to convince you that it wasn't going to be gross!"

"And it was too." She smiled then shook her head.

"If anyone's a slut it's ME!" I slapped her arm.

"You're not a slut Don." She smiled and looked out into the yard.

"You have so many friends now Chloe. Sometimes I feel as if I'm on the outside of your life." I moved closer and wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

"You're my best friend Don, that's never going to change no matter how many friends I have."

"I think I was kinda jealous of her...a little." She had me there. I asked her who she was talking about. "Claudia. You two seemed so much...closer."

"She's my friend now Don." She shrugged. I rolled my eyes when she started to pout. "The same way you still talk and go out with Amy and Clara." Her mouth opened and closed. "Great fish thing going on there." I laughed when her finger dug into my side.

"I never let them say anything about you guys!"

"I know," I said quietly. She rolled her eyes again.

"I get it." She smiled back at me.

"I know that we have different friends but that doesn't make us different people. I'm still the same, you're still the same..." Her smile brightened. "Let's promise right now to always be there for each other Don. And to TRUST each other and if we think the other is about to make a stupid mistake or is making one then say something."

"That's a very long promise..."

"Donna..." She laughed and promised. "I love you Don." She hugged me.

"I love you too Chloe." The scent of french toast was drifting outside for a while now making my mouth water. "I had no idea she could cook. Claudia told us."

"Apparently she's been over here quite a few times." I said dryly. "Let's get some before she eats it all."

"She's a good friend Chloe." I stopped as we watched her leaning against the counter arguing with Kia and Lovette about something. "Now I see that she'd never do that to Kia. To anyone."

I tugged her along behind me. "Good. Now let's eat."

Kia was out back talking to Claudia on the deck.

After everyone else left with full stomachs Claudia hung around. They were talking about some movie that I never watched. Kia had a thing for old movies from the Clark Gable era that's still strong as ever.

"So what are you up to this weekend Claudia?" She shrugged shyly and tapped on the wooden railing that we were leaning on. I looked from Kia who was looking at the ground to Claudia who was tapping the railing. All that we needed was for someone to play some cheesy song about friendship to round off the moment. They needed to have their moment and I was kind of in the way.

"Well that mess won't clean up itself so..." Kia glanced at me and nodded her head.

I loaded up the dishwasher and wiped down the countertop glancing up at the glass doors now and then. Claudia was nodding her head as Kia talked to her with head bent. She must have said something funny since Claudia suddenly burst out laughing nudging her shoulder.

She sobered up again and they looked to be in a serious conversation again. I shook my head, not really understanding their friendship but I had a feeling that they both needed it somehow. Whatever they had to talk about it looked like it was going to take a while so I decided to leave them to it.

Saturday morning was quiet in my house. Dad made mom stay in bed an extra hour. I like to think that they were cuddling or talking about us. I mean, what else could your parents be doing in bed anyway?

I was in the TV room watching cartoons when she came in. I smiled as my mom flopped onto the couch. She patted her thighs and I scrambled over to lay my head there like I use to always do when I was younger.

"Sleep good?" She asked rubbing my arm.

"Yes ma'am." She chuckled and we both got absorbed in the antics of Sponge Bob. "That's funny." I chuckled as everyone ran away from Sponge Bob in his little community.

"I can't believe that this is what they have on television now. What happened to the good old cartoons? Bugs bunny? Tom and Jerry?" She ran her fingers through my hair. I started to get drowsy. "You going out with Kia today I hear."

"Yeah, I'm going to help her at the studio tomorrow too."

"I want to see some of this dancing you've been raving about for weeks now." I promised to give her tickets to the show Kia was trying to pull off. She forecasted it happening in the fall now since her dad was serious about their trip. "So you getting a job this summer?"

"I guess I should." She laughed.

"Hmm, I guess that college money was gonna magically materialize on your bank account then?" I rolled over and looked up at my mom. She looked so much better. Relaxed. She was leaving work at exactly 5pm every afternoon now, "letting" us take care of more of the cooking. She never teased me when I walked up and hugged her now, she understood. I did almost everyday now.

"I guess so." I giggled when she pinched my side. "I don't know what to do. I guess I should. I wanted to spend the summer with Kia but she's gonna be gone."

"Uh huh...on that trip to Africa you've been moping about?"

"I don't mope." I sat up in the couch. She turned down the volume. "She's gonna be gone for 2 months." I held up two fingers incase she missed what I said.

"I think you two can survive 2 months apart Chloe." I pouted and crossed my arms.

"You wouldn't understand." An eyebrow hiked up her forehead. "You're too old." She grabbed my waist and started to tickle me in all of my spots. She had to have had each one memorized. "Okay! Sorry! You're not old."

"I thought so. And I was your age before ya know?"

"I'll take your word for it." Her eyes turned to slits but she relaxed.

"Well look at it this way. You can kill all that extra time you would have been moping around the house AND you can save some money for college."

"Why are you and dad talking about this nowwww?" She just shook her head.

"Chloe, you do realize that you only have one more year in school right? That next September will be when most of your friends will be going off to college? Kia included..."

"I know," I grumbled. "I was just hoping to think about all of that stuff...later."

"I know what "later" means. The very last minute right?" She knew me so well. "I don't see what the hold up is. You already have pieces to add to your portfolio for the schools you're applying too; all those poems and essays from school..." I nodded my head. A change of topic was in order.

"I think I did really great in my English exam mom."

"That's my girl." I dropped my head back onto her lap.

" you think you can ask your friend at that magazine for a job this summer mom?" I heard the smile in her voice when gave me her answer.

"I think I can make something happen."

Claudia and Missy were going to a basketball camp that summer. Lovette was going to work at her mom's store to save up some money. Before everyone went their separate ways we decided to meet up.

This time it was at Missy's house. Her mom was a stay-at-home mom so had no problem making us little sandwiches and making sure we had chilled sodas all afternoon. Donna was on the floor looking through Missy's family album finding the most embarrassing pictures to show us. Donald was splitting his attention between watching some show on The Discovery Channel and listening to Donna point out different pictures.

"Africa huh?" Missy was saying. Kia nodded her head from where she sat on the floor between my legs. I rubbed her shoulders then reached down to hug her.

"You gonna be in the bush hunting lions and shit? If you find an elephant I want a tusk," Claudia said. Lovette threw a pillow at her. Since she told us about her interest in animals we had to be careful about what we said around her. A carefree comment about being so hungry that you could eat a horse turns into a long lecture about how beautiful horses were.

"So when do you leave?" Lovette asked. Donna saw that I got sad at the question. She touched my foot and smiled.

"This Thursday." It was Monday and she didn't even start packing yet. At least I got to help her pack too, so we could spend that time together.

"So this basketball camp, how long's it for?" Kia asked.

"Three weeks." Missy said as she stretched across the couch. "We're gonna try to train all summer though. My dad's tryin' to get me to help him out but I'm not working in some office all day."

"I'll be in an office all day. For a magazine." Missy looked impressed. "My mom got me the job."

"That's great Chloe, but I think Kia's trip trumped your job." Missy teased. She sighed and flung herself back onto the couch. "We're all gonna be cool next year right? After the summer right?" We looked at each other and smiled.

"Senior year? Our last year? Hell yeah!" Claudia said and high-fived Lovette.

"That just looked really cheesy Claudia," Kia said. Claudia gave her the finger.

"I'm hungry," Lovette said as she rubbed her stomach. "Those sandwiches won't cut it Missy."

"This isn't a restaurant Lovette." She stood up anyway and mumbled something about burgers.

"We're gonna miss you Kia," Donna said with a sad smile. Claudia and Donald agreed. She nodded her head and shifted around. They were embarrassing her.

"She promised to bring all of you souvenirs," I announced. She looked up at me surprised.

"Oh, I did?"

"Sweet," Lovette said then gave her full attention to Missy who announced that they were about to gas up the grill.

I bent down and kissed Kia's cheek. She smiled. "After we eat can we go to your place?" From the way her eyes darkened I knew the answer before she said it.

"Hell yeah."

It was Wednesday night and Kia should have been sleeping, not talking to me before a 6am flight. Her dad and uncle were packed since Tuesday and bragging about it whenever they had the chance.

On Monday we all got our results from school. I did pretty good, not all As but I got an A where I wanted it. English. Unlike Kia I had no problem seeing Bs on my school record. Kia got all As except for that pesky Home Economics class. "That bitch was teaching us how to stitch handkerchiefs." I still laugh when I think back to her reaction to the grade. She was pissed.

That feeling didn't last long when her dad walked her into their garage and revealed her gift. I didn't know much about bikes but the one she had looked good. He didn't let her ride it since she needed a special license for that, but she was in there a long time sitting on it and grinning her head off.

She looked great on it too. Hot. Too hot. That was going to be a problem for us the next year of school but that's another story.

"When I get back I'll take you on a ride." She said as we lounged around on her bed. She still had some clothes scattered on it that weren't going to make it to Africa with her. She told me the itinerary of countries they were visiting but they all began to blur together. I didn't want to think about what it was costing her uncle and dad.

Two months without being able to text her or ride my bike to her house. I was glad that I was pressed against her chest when I started to cry again. Each time I did I knew she felt like crap and it took her ages to get me to stop. She felt the tears through her t-shirt and pushed back.

"Shhhh, don't cry Chloe. I'm coming back."

"You don't know that. What if some rebels try to take you or something." She chuckled and patiently explained to me, again, that the countries her dad picked had stable governments. "He's been looking into this for a while. He wouldn't put us in danger like that. He knows you'd beat the crap outta him."

I laughed and hugged her closer. She gently untangled our arms and legs and smiled down at me. "I don't know why it took you going away to make me so...weird. I feel like a baby."

"My baby," she said.

"A cry baby."

"My cry baby." She said and kissed me. "My sexy cry baby." She wiped the last of my tears away. I looked up at her and wanted to hug the hell out of her. Can we do that? Hug someone so tight that they just melt right into us?

"How do you do that?" I stopped day dreaming and asked her what she was talking about. "You look at me as if I'm the only person in your world."

"Because you are." I pushed her hair to the other side of her face, creating a screen that created shadows along the plains of her face.

"I don't know what's gonna happen next year you know?" I waited as she organized her thoughts. "After all this shit this year with that asshole then Heather..." I chuckled as I thought about Micheal and all the hell he raised for the first half of the semester. Then suddenly he just stopped. His little mean comments didn't stop but he backed off. A lot. When Heather's face popped in my head my smile disappeared. The anger I felt that night started to burn again. Both of them had to be the spawns of satan. Or at least distant relatives.

"Kinda strange how he stopped."

"Not really." She said with a wicked look in her eyes. I had a feeling that I didn't even want to know what was going on in her head at that moment. I didn't ask.

"I interrupted you." She traced her finger over my eye brow. From the end of the right one to the left then over again, smoothing the soft hairs.

"Well, after my dad getting sick earlier and your mom and everything, after all that shit I just don't think," She stopped and looked directly at me. "I think we can make it through anything you know?" I smiled up at her.

"I do. I know we can."

"Now let me try to make you lose that voice tonight." I laughed and reminded her that her dad and uncle were home. "He'd understand." And that she had a 6am flight. "I don't care." She suddenly stopped and started to get out of bed.


"Sit tight, I'll be right back." She rushed out of the room and came back with a chair. I looked at the chair at her desk then the one she placed at the center of her bedroom but she just told me to sit on it. It didn't swivel around or anything but it was pretty comfy. I sat down. "Now, don't move. I'll be back in a sec."

"What are you doing?" She walked over to her stereo and slipped in a CD but didn't turn it on. Instead she took the remote with her and went to her closet. She quickly began to pull out clothes then turned to me.

"Close your eyes."

"What?" She walked over and got on one knee.

"Do you trust me?" I studied her face and found myself nodding my head. "Close you're eyes," she said quietly. I did. I heard her digging through her closet then the bedroom door opened and closed. What felt like hours, but were really minutes, drifted by then I heard the CD player starting up.

It clicked and the sound of an electric guitar filled the room. My eyes flew open as I looked at the stereo then around the empty bedroom.

"Sho nuff,


The familiar voice that brought back so many good memories filled the bedroom. Really good memories. Still no Kia though.

"What it do?

Ooooooooh Pimpin' Oh boy"

The door swung open then my mouth did the same thing and stayed that way for a while. Kia closed the door behind her and turned around. She was in the same clothes she had on the day of the talent show minus the hat. Her skin looked soft and shiny. My fingers itched to touch her to see if it was oil or water making it look like that. Every curve stood out now. Maybe getting stronger wasn't such a bad idea. I was struck dumb, then she started to move. "Ohh my God..."

"What ya'll know about a


Fresh outta Elle magazine

Buy her own bottles..."

She turned around and bumped and grinded her hips like she did that day. Usher sang about chicks in the club "cuttin' a rug" and Kia did just that. I felt wetness pooling between my legs with each move she made. I followed her hand as it moved over her rolling stomach to nestle between her thighs. She started to more her fingers up and down and all I could think then was "lucky fingers..." Then she started to take her clothes off.

"Oh shit..." I shifted in the chair when the shirt came off. It was a flimsy excuse for a tank top anyway. Her hand worked at her belt buckle as she started on the chorus, singing along with him...

"Ohh work me baby Shakin' it the way I like I'm ready to be bad I need a bad girl..."

She moved her chest to the base that pulsed through the room then seemed to vibrate between us. I wanted her so bad. I wanted to fuck her right then and there but I had a feeling I wasn't going to get the chance that night. From the look in her eyes I could tell that she had other plans.

"Get at me bad girl..." When she straddled my thighs and wrapped her feet around the legs of the chair my eyes closed for a moment as I finally felt the dildo that was squeezing against the seam of her pants for the last few minutes. My stomach was quivering now. I breathed in and picked up the subtle scent of the cologne I bought her. Wetness was pooling between my legs. Oh God...

"I'mma get me one of dem Get me one of dem Get me one of dem Get me one of dem..."

Pants turned into gasps for air as she started to pump her hips into me too quickly. I actually felt an orgasm coming on that spiked whenever she jammed her dildo into my stomach. Each time her thighs squeezed me. I grabbed her ass and pushed her closer.

"You want a bad girl Chloe?" She asked me in a low, husky voice. I was delirious by then.

"Yesss," She chuckled, looking down at me, then her smile disappeared as she grinded her hips into me turning it into a slow, ridiculously slow, lap dance. The song stopped then started up again. She had it on replay but soon even that faded into the background as she looked down at me and moved her hips over my lap. Soon I was moving my hips right back holding her gaze; brown eyes hooded now. Dark. I saw so much emotion there.

Her breath was coming faster now. She was losing just as much control though she tried to look as if she was as cool as ever. I unhooked the pushup bra she had on and for the first time since she sat down touched her skin. It was oil. I whimpered when her nipples brushed against the shirt I was wearing. The hard tips teasing my collarbone. My fingers tugged at them.

She bent down and pressed her mouth to mine. I didn't give her time to think before I had my tongue snaking its way past her lips. She tasted good. My hand moved all over her, I couldn't touch her enough. I grabbed her ass and squeezed. She moaned as she continued to press herself into me. I moaned when she pulled her mouth away to kiss her way down my throat. "You wanna come with me tonight Chloe?"

"Yessss..." She chuckled again.

"You ready to be bad?" I grunted out my response when she grabbed onto the chair and rubbed our breasts together. Suddenly she stood up and yanked off her shoes then her pants. My eyes zeroed in on the dildo staring me right in the face but she didn't give me much time to say hello when she pulled me up and we exchanged places.

Before I sat down her hands moved up my thighs and grabbed the shorts I had on. They were gone a moment later and her hands were guiding me over her lap. "You're gonna have to be quiet," she said then held the tip of the dildo over me quickly jerking her hips and filling me.

My scream echoed in the bedroom. She chuckled and held my back as I closed my eyes. I grabbed onto her shoulders and began to move over her.

This was so bad, I remember thinking. Her dad must think she's killing me.

She held my hips as I moved over her. My legs tightened on the legs of the chair as I tried to feel more of the dildo and get as close to her as I could. She started to groan deeply when I began to make it a point to grind my hips into hers.

"Fuck Chloe..." She growled and stood up moving us to the floor.

"The bed-" I tried to get out but she pumped into me again.

"No time," she said with her hands pressed to the floor, holding her body over me as she pumped wildly into me. "Ohhhh yeah..." I heard her panting against my lips. I grabbed her back but couldn't keep a firm hold so grabbed her ass instead. She groaned deep and long. I felt it in my chest and bit the flesh at her neck when she arched up, liking the way I was moving underneath her.

My legs hooked around her thighs as soon as I felt that low burning in my stomach spreading. I closed my eyes but she told me to keep them open. I didn't think it was possible. Her face was changing and getting blurry. Soon I wasn't seeing a thing and it didn't even matter since she moved her mouth to my ear and dipped her tongue in and out, matching the jerky movements of her hips.

I came hard, barely hearing her mumbling in my ear. From the way she was breathing next to my ear I knew that she came too. I laughed when she moaned in pain. "Rug burns," she mumbled.

"Now can we get in bed?" She started to move then we both realized we were still together. "Slow Kia..."

"Slow huh?" She started to pull the dildo out then press in again. I gasped and dug my nails into her arm. "I'll behave." I let go and she watched as she gently slipped out of me. "I love your little expressions. When you bite your lip like this..." She mocked me then smiled when I told her to stop. "It's sexy."

"Everything's sexy to you."

"Everything about you." She lifted me up and walked over to the bed.

She calls me the poet when just about everything she said to me when we were alone was romantic.

Her hand hesitated over the clasp of the dildo as she looked down at me with a question in her eyes. I shook my head. She glanced at the clock. It was close to the time we decided on to take me home. I pulled her close and wrapped my body around her.

"So was that my going away present?" She chuckled and nodded her head. "But I thought that the person leaving was supposed to get the gift."

"Oh you gave me a gift alright." Her hand moved over my hips and disappeared between us. "It's all over my thighs right now." I couldn't hide my smile so tried to hide my face in her neck instead.

"You're so..."

"Bad?" Her hand began to move over me, teasing my clit to distraction. I wanted her all over again. How could she leave me without this for 2 whole months?

"Uh huh..." I rolled us over until she was between my thighs again. "But I need a bad girl."

"You do huh? Tonight is your lucky night." I grabbed the dildo steadying it and she did the rest. Her hand moved between us and my eyes flew open. . "Now you're gonna have to be quiet-"

As soon as she said it I grabbed onto her and felt my lips part.

When I woke up Kia was still asleep. Every limb was stretched across the bed. The stomach beneath my hand was moving up and down steadily and the lamp light made her look softer. Innocent. Her face was turned towards me, most of her hair hidden now.

I was really going to miss her.

She had the sheet kicked to the bottom of the bed. I was chilly now and I'm sure that's why I woke up but I couldn't even get mad. We're too young to feel this, I thought. It felt like she was leaving me forever. I decided to stop thinking and just do.

My hands moved down her stomach, over the soft hairs that lead down to the small triangle of dark hair. She sighed in sleep and moved her feet, flinging her arm over her head. My fingers moved through her hairs until they found the warm wetness, still swollen from earlier. I felt when she woke up and knew that she was watching me but I didn't look at her.

I leaned on one arm while my hand began to move lazily through the folds of her pussy. I licked my lips as I imagined tasting her. When I started to move down her body she only rubbed my arm and opened her legs. A kiss to her stomach and then my hands were on her thighs, holding her.

She gasped when my tongue touched for the first time that night. I breathed in and closed my eyes.


The reddish-brown lips puckered open like a flower.

I ran my tongue lazily through her and over her. Lapping up her wetness where I could find it and kissing her whenever I thought she needed it. Her hips were moving now, slowly. I teased her opening with my tongue and then my finger but I didn't enter her.

Her hands were in my hair now, moving with the rhythm of her hips. I held her ass and felt the muscles there flexing. When I swiped my tongue over her clit she groaned and I imagined her biting her bottom lip to stay quiet. It didn't work.

"Suck it Chloe." I did, pulling it past my lips and sucking on her slowly. When it hardened I let her go and began to move my tongue all over her. Now her hands were pressing my face into her and I knew that her back was arching from the bed. Her hips were grinding into my face then I felt a gush of wetness against my lips. "Oh fffffuck." I hummed into her, loving how she tasted. Loving that I could make someone as beautiful and smart as her react like that.

When I moved up her body she looked at me with sleepy eyes smirking when she saw me still licking my lips. We kissed and she rolled over to her side, pulling me closer. I hugged her, letting her wrap her leg around me, knowing she was most comfortable like that.

These little facts and quirks were like breathing now.

Kia was parked in front of my house. I was leaning against her as she leaned against her car. She was shushing me again so I guess you know what I was doing. You guessed it, crying.

I think she tried to have sex until I forgot about how much I was going to miss her. Fuck the pain away. It didn't work. Well, it almost worked except for the part where we had to get out of her bed and drive me home. Her dad and Peter were already up and about in their bedrooms by the time we left the house that morning. I told them goodbye the day before. Even that was an overly-emotional moment.

"I'll call you whenever I have a chance." I cried some more. "I'm bringing you a truck load of gifts. Lots of skimpy tribal clothes to model for me." I giggled a little but still sniffed against her shirt. "I told Claudia to look out for you but if I hear even a whisper about her kissing you-" I poked her in the stomach. The thought of kissing Claudia was slowly starting to grouse me out.

"She's like my sister!"

"I'm going to miss you so much..." For the first time I heard her voice crack. She cleared her throat. "Peter was already bitching about me not sleeping last night, so I better go." I didn't let go.

"When you come back we can ride the bike right?" She laughed and promised a ride as soon as she came home. "Okay then." I pulled away and held her hand. "I think we can make it through two months. We made it this far right?"

She smirked and nodded her head. Pulling me closer to press our lips together. When I stepped back I saw the wetness in her eyes. "Right," she said.

"Call me when you get to the airport. I'll be up."

"Okay," I slowly saw her turning into the bad ass I met that very first day, well that very first night really. The teddy bear in her was still poking through though. Bad asses didn't caress their girlfriend's cheek. "I'll need that to drive." She looked down at our joined hands and I let her go. "I'll be back before you know it."

She leaned in to kiss me again then walked around to the driver's side and got in the car. I walked to the front door and stepped inside. I knew that she'd only leave when the door was closed so I waved again and closed the door.

Two months. No Akia Pratt for two months. I had to call Donna...or Missy...or anyone. There had to be enough trouble to get into that could last 2 months...


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