Bad Girl

By Mas P

Published on Mar 16, 2009


The story homework does not.

If you'd like to fan my ego, or take it down a notch then hit me up at:

Bad Girl - II

By Mas

I became a pro at avoiding Akia Pratt. Very good.

Well, the first week at least. It was hard, but I managed. Not that she had time to worry about me avoiding her, the entire senior school seemed to be excited about her. The twelfth graders were practically walking around with hard ons.

And me? I was avoiding her and I was mad as hell.

That day was the last time I spoke to her for quite a while.

As soon as the bell rang I grabbed my bag and nearly ran from the room. I barely remembered Donna asking me what's the rush. I didn't look back.

The hallways filled up with students rushing to the cafeteria, bathrooms or stairways to make out. I was rushing too, but unlike them I didn't know where I was going, I just knew that I didn't want to say a word to her. I felt betrayed. I felt as if she tricked me damn angry.

"Chloe!" I heard her voice a few feet behind me. I picked up speed as I gripped the strap of my bag.

A hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back then spun me around. She walked up to me, not even breathing hard after chasing me through the halls.

"Let go of me," I said in a low voice. She raised an eye brow.

"Not even a hello?" I would have slapped her if she wasn't gripping my arm. The other hand was holding up my school bag, so I grabbed her wrist and squeezed instead.

"I said let me go!" She looked around quickly then released me. We were starting to get an audience but I was too upset to care. "You're a liar and I freaking hate you." Her eyes turned to slits and her mouth opened as she stepped closer. "Save it for someone who cares." With that I turned and walked away.

Nothing in my mind was rational. I was angry at her but knew that I never asked her if she was a college student. I never told her to stop, I let her fuck me at that party. I let her touch me and now I was so mad I could slap her.

I saw her in class after that. I felt her eyes on me. I made sure that I sat down against the wall so that Donna would sit next to me. She'd just sit behind me though and watch me. It made the hair on the back of my neck rise in anticipation. It made me so hot. It made me even angrier.

She watched me like a hawk but she never said another word to me.

"What's up with you?" Donna asked as we were leaving class a week later. Akia was packing up her bag and I saw her movement slow then speed up again. A guy I barely knew walked over and started to talk to Akia, she only answered him with nods and grunts but I sensed that she knew him. What was his name? Ronald? Donald?

"Nothing Don, I'm just not into this school thing right now."

"Well I know that the end of year dance will get you excited!" She wiggled in excitement as I stood watching her. When she realized that I didn't share her enthusiasm she stopped. "Oh come on! About 10 guys in twelfth grade are already asking about you."

I blushed and glanced up at Akia who walked by at that moment with the Ronald guy trailing behind her. She slowed down as she passed me and smirked. The look on her face was one of indifference. It made made me feel hurt. It made me feel confused.

"Ummm..." Donna began when she saw the exchange. Akia left the classroom and soon we did the same. "Do you know her Chloe?"

"No." I answered too quickly. She looked at me then nodded her head but I knew she wasn't satisfied.

"Good, 'cause I hear she came here 'cause she got pregnant at another school and had an abortion." I guess my look of confusion was encouragement enough for her to continue. Donna loved gossip as much as she loved men. "Yeah! She had a kid then gave it up. Why else would she be here in the middle of the school year?"

"Oh I don't now Donna, maybe 'cause she needed to switch schools period." I grabbed my books from my locker that I needed to take home. "Maybe she moved. Seriously, there are a ton of reasons why she could be here."

"Someone else says that she got caught having sex with a teacher."

"Donna-" It was useless, she was in her element,

"I mean, it would make sense right? Look at her! I bet THAT one's true at least." I watched her and wanted to scream at her to shut up, who cares? I slammed my locker closed instead. That didn't interrupt Donna of course.

"Donna..." Still she droned on. "Donna!" Now Akia was a stripper in her free time. "DONNA!" That got her attention.

"What?!" She looked genuinely startled.

"I don't care!" I did. I hated hearing those things about her.

"What do you mean you don't care?" Before I could answer a group of our crew walked over. And I use the word "our" very loosely.

"Chloe baby..." Micheal placed his arm around my shoulder. I moved it instantly. He was good looking and he knew it. I think the only thing he loved more than his face was his dick.

"Hey Micheal." Some of the girls looked at me enviously. Have him, I thought as he put on his smile that I'm sure charmed lots of panties down to lots of ankles.

"So, when you gonna let me take you out?" He rubbed my arm and I felt my skin crawl.

"When you get me that water from the moon Micheal. I thought we already discussed this." The sweet way that I said it meant that it took him a minute to catch on. Those nearby were already laughing by then. He scowled at me and shook his head.

"You think I'll be here all year chasing ya ass huh?" He asked snidely. I rolled my eyes and turned to Donna.

"I'm heading home. If you're going out tomorrow then call me." I walked through the campus to the exit that would dump me onto the main street, then felt a strange feeling.

I looked behind me and scanned the busy campus, filled with cars and bikes and people. My eyes rested on a black car; more so, the person leaning against it. Did she wear any other color besides black? I successfully found another reason to be annoyed with her and so turned away and left the campus.

"...go to the principles office Ms. Soto."

"But Ms. Sands-" It was too late. I didn't do my homework again for her boring-as-hell Home Economics class.

"You need to do your homework or you will fail this course," she began taking a breath to no doubt tell me about what I'll be risking my failing her course. I had no idea why I thought this would have been an easy A. I sighed as I began to pack my bag.

"Then lucky her." The voice came from the back of the room. My eyes widened. I turned around and my gaze connected with Akia's. One side of her lips lifted up.

"What did you say madam?" Ms. Sands and her considerable girth advanced on a bored looking Akia.

"I said that she'd be the lucky one considering how backwards this class is in the first place and the entire concept of home economics."

"You will be quiet madam!"

"This class force women to conform to gender stereotypes that people like YOU encourage. Feminism." She dead panned. "Ever heard of it? The more people to drop this lame ass class the more women we have breaking down every law society put up to keep us under it's little, small minded finger." The room was deathly quiet as Ms. Sands breathed heavily. Then all at once she exploded. I winced.

"Get out! Get out! Go to the principal's office!" She turned to me and ordered me to do the same.

"With pleasure madam." Akia said as stood up and slowly grabbed her bag, then swaggered out of the classroom.

We walked in silence to the office and were told to wait in the empty lobby for the principal who was out on lunch. It was cut off from the rest of the office so we were pretty much on our own.

Akia held the door for me as I entered. I walked past her and breathed in her familiar scent. Images of us in the bathroom filled my head. I shook them away.

She slouched down into a chair two seats over.

"You can stop pretending now." I turned my head away and studied the wall.

"I'm not talking to you."

"You're funny you know?" I looked at her and quickly looked away. She stood up and walked over. I began to rise but she quickened her step and stood directly in front of me before my butt could leave the chair. "As if I can't see it. You're so fucking horny I can smell it." She said in her phone-sex voice.

"Leave me alone Akia."

"No," she said and got on her knees in front of me. Her hands rested on my knees, one sliding up my thigh. "You don't want me to leave you alone." She pulled up my skirt and my legs trembled as I felt her hands on my thighs quickly making progress towards where they met.

My hands grabbed her wrist but she pried them away and connected with me. I closed my eyes, "Oh god..." I moaned as her fingers slid beneath my panties and began to rub against the folds of my pussy. "Don't...don't stop..."

"You know I won't." Came her low voice. I groaned as her hands began to pull up my t- shirt, I grabbed the bottom of it and yanked it up and she immediately buried her face in my chest. She yanked me forward in the chair and my skirt slid back a little more. My eyes widened as I watched her face move away from my breasts and lower. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as her mouth covered me. It was like a million little shocks to my pussy.

Her tongue began to move. Something started to build in my lower stomach then spread.

I moaned out loud then heard the door to the outer office rattling as if someone were juggling packages while opening it. Akia dipped her tongue into me as the knob turned. "Akia..." I said in a shaky voice.

I grabbed her head as my orgasm rose, trying to pull her away and push her into me at the same time then the door flew open ...

"Chloe..." My body exploded. "Chloe...?" Came the voice again, this time the voice became clearer and my eyes opened. A fuzzy figure was looming over me. I jumped up in fear and I sat up causing Chris to jump back.

"Chris!" She grabbed at her heart and glared at me. SHE was scared?! "What the hell are you doing?"

"I heard you moaning in here and thought you were in pain. Apparently you're not." She looked at me strangely for a moment.

"I'm fine." I looked at her as she looked at me. "You can go now...I'm fine..." She rolled her eyes and turned for the door.

"I'm heading to class soon if you need a ride dork." The door slammed shut and my mom immediately hollered at us to stop slamming the doors.

"Oh GOD! This is bad..." They started again. I hadn't had a dream about her in a long, long time. Now, a week after she pops back in my life I'm dreaming about her going down on me, in the principal's office. "This is bad..." my fingers slipped beneath my boxers and I felt the tell tale moisture there. I gasped at the sensitivity and felt that tingly feeling I always did after an orgasm. "I can't believe I didn't that..."

I moaned again then turned over and tried to hide it all away under my pillow.

I wore jeans today. Jeans and a nicely secured belt. Donna met me at my locker at the beginning of school. I passed Micheal necking with some chic and he looked up sneering smugly at me. He flung his arm around her shoulder.

"Hey Chloe," he greeted.

"Hello Micheal," I said with no emotion and kept on walking. I had no idea why he insisted on terrorizing me with his interest. The school was filled with girls who were prettier and would give him whatever he asked for.

Donna shook her head as I approached. "Why don't you give the guy a chance Chloe."

"Because he's an ass Donna." I smirked as Donna's eyes widened. "You really act as if I'm some innocent you know."

"Well it's just that you never curse."

"Never say never..." I mumbled and sighed as a few other girls gathered around. I had thoughts of Akia and questions about myself swimming around my head and saw no resolution in sight. All of this going on and they wanted to talk about the year end dance.

"I'm going to the bathroom guys." I told Donna I'd see her in class and made my escape. I decided to use the bathroom near the office, no one ever used that one and I longed for silence. Everyone tried to avoid our principal. Mrs. Dawson tended to be very intimidating. I just found her to be an old woman who cared a little too much about all of us.

I entered the bathroom and turned on the water. I let it run as I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't look different. I hadn't changed a bit on the outside. Inside I was a maze of thoughts and uncertainty. I felt my eyes water as I envisioned my parents finding out about what I did, about what I was wondering now. What I knew.

"Dammit Akia." I wiped my eyes and jumped out of my skin as the door closed.

"You're not even talking to me and I'm still on your hit list?" Akia. In her uniform of all black. I study her, taking in her face and body as if starved. My head said to pick up my bag and leave but my body just stood still and got hotter and wetter.

"You can stop avoiding me now Chloe, I'm not gonna jump you." The quiet way that she said it made me feel guilty. I bit my lip and shook my head, pulling up all of my anger about how she treated me.

"You didn't say that that night did you?" She looked up and I watched as her eyes darkened. She reached out and turned the lock to the door with a key that I just noticed. How in the hell did she get a key to the bathroom?

The answer to that became moot as she walked into me until my back hit the wall, but she didn't touch me. I couldn't even feel the heat of her body but I felt the anger radiating from her.

"I don't rape women." I shivered as the coldness of her eyes reached out and enveloped me. "You WANTED me to do it. I don't rape women." My heart beat picked up but this time in fear. She must have sensed it because a moment later she stepped back and faced the mirror. "I like how you accuse ME of rape and that goon can put his hands on your ass when ever he wants."

It was said softly, but it was laced with enough scorn to make me defensive. Though I had no idea who she was talking about I was pissed off just the same. I walked over and grabbed her arm yanking her around.

"You can't talk to me like that! You are such a piece of work Akia. I don't let ANYONE touch me!"

"Oh really? So why's that asshole Micheal walking around talking about fucking you last weekend?!" I stepped back. I don't know whether to feel anger at Micheal for spreading rumors or at her for believing them. I chose her.

"Well at least he knows what NO means." Her shoulder tensed. She turned around and sat on the counter, looking at me incredulously. I bit my tongue and lowered my eyes. It was a low blow. I wanted to stop the words from coming out but it was too easy, I felt wronged and I didn't know why. She stood up and walked the few steps to stand in front of me again.

"Do you believe that I raped you Chloe?" I looked up into her eyes and for the first time I saw them without the curtains. Not a glimpse but I saw them fully. They looked bruised. "Do you really believe that?" I lowered my eyes. She touched my cheek and I squeezed them shut. "I'd break 'em before I let them hurt you."

If she meant her fingers or Micheal, I'm still not sure, but I felt myself melting all over again. Her face lowered and her lips hovered over mine. "He's an asshole with the dick the size of a peanut." She said before she kissed me.

Her tongue slid into my mouth and searched until she found me. She pulled me too her, began to suck on my tongue as her hands moved up and down my ass, pulling me into her.

I didn't know where she was pushing me but soon I was in a stall, against the tank, then sitting on the tank as she shoved my legs open.

I ran my hands through her hair, it was so soft, curly, wild. She never had it in a ponytail. Always loose and raining down her back. She kissed my neck and pulled at my jeans. Why did I wear jeans, I thought in frustration. All thought of my anger and hurt over her faded away as I focused on how good Akia made me feel.

She pulled me forward and unsnapped my belt then tugged my jeans down, she got one leg off and lost patience with the other one. So did I, we abandoned it. She pushed me back into the stall and I pulled her with me. The coldness of the tank met my over heated skin and I gasped. She straddled the seat and lowered her head. I lifted myself up to meet her lip.

Her lips kissed my stomach. The muscles there contracted uncontrollably. "Kia..." I said, not even aware of the shortening her name.

"I'm gonna make you beg me first." She said as her hands began to touch the insides of my thighs, inching ridiculously close to my pussy then sliding away. "Let you hear what I heard that night..."

Her lips sucked on the skin of my stomach. Biting down occasionally only to move to a new location, then doing the same. "Akia..." I moaned gain as her fingers grazed the short hairs that covered my mound. I heard her harsh breathing and pulled her to me. "God I need you, please, Kia...please..." then her mouth was on me.

I closed my eyes and arched my back as her tongue moved over me. She moaned into me. I felt it in my very core.

She nipped at the folds of my sex and slid her tongue around, exploring every nook and cranny. Her tongue moved over my clit. I moaned again as every sweep of her tongue woke up a sleeping giant inside of me. She moved over it again and I grabbed her hair. Her hands gripped my ass and pulled me to her lifting me up. Not an inch of space was between her lips and me.

Then her mouth began to feast in an easy rhythm. Her tongue joined in and dipped into me. I chanted her name on every breath. My hips began to move with her, grind into her face.

Then I felt her fingers slide over me, following her tongue's every move. They rubbed my clit then moved away to play at my entrance. Frustration made me moan. "Kia..." I said again and I felt her smile against me.

Her fingers slid into me and curled upward. My breath caught as I felt something that I've never felt before. It was overwhelming. "Kia..."

"Shhh, let it come..." I closed my eye as her lips clamped down on my clit then I thanked god that she didn't stop. Her tongue moved with purpose over me, firmly pushing against my clit as she moved her digits inside of me with total control, her pace increasing every few seconds until I was riding her fingers like there was no tomorrow.

"Ahhhh!" I shouted and felt wetness squirt out of me. Her mouth was on me again. Gentler this time as she hummed against me greedily. Licking me and kissing me. Her fingers stilled and her tongue slowed. Until I only felt her breath against me. She rubbed my thighs as I tried to find my voice. Then my brain. Maybe it should have been in a different order because the first words to leave my mouth were pure gibberish.

"What?" She asked with a confident smirk on her lips.

"Wha?" I asked back and watched in a daze as she stood and grabbed the jeans that hung halfway off my feet.

"Nothing." She said and started the jeans. My mind cleared and watched her tug up my jeans. She pulled me forward and still I watched her. I saw it again. The tenderness. I felt my heart slow as she bit down on her lip in concentration, trying to buckle my jeans. When she got it she looked satisfied and tugged down my t-shirt. It was cute.

"You hurt me that night Akia." I said softly. Her hands stilled.

She looked up at me then looked away. She sighed then looked back at me and her gaze stayed. I took it as an invitation.

"You hurt me, I...I just thought you'd call. I mean, not call. I wasn't expecting you to call. I just...I mean didn't even wear a condom!" Her face looked confused then darkened again in anger.

"I never use old toys on someone new." She sounded more insulted than anything else.

"How am I supposed to know that? We didn't know each other before that night!" She looked irritated then snorted and nodded her head quickly. I guess that was as much of a "you're right" that I was gonna get. "It's not about that. I mean-it is...I just..." I pushed at her and she stepped back and let me out of the stall. I walked to the sink and rinsed my face with cold water. I doubt any amount of water could take away the I-just-had-sex- look on my face though. I yanked a towel down then looked back at her. She was leaning against the door with her hands in her pockets.

"Josh wouldn't give me your number." Our eyes connected. "He said to leave you alone."

Josh? The blonde guy, but what did he have to do with it? I asked her as much and she snorted. "He knows your sister and he knows me." I turned around and scowled at her.

"I can take care of myself Akia!" She raised an eyebrow and looked at me until I calmed down.

"I prefer when you call me Kia." The admission almost threw me off of my rant. Almost.

"You could have found another way to get it. I felt like a slut after that night and you don't call then you show up at school as if nothing happened?"

"YOU ignored ME!" She argued.

"So?! You deserved it for how you treated me!" I shouted back. She shook her head.

"You are so full of shit Chloe. You could have found out my number too. Your ass could have picked up a phone and found out too."

"" I folded my arms in defiance.

"You know what? You deserve him. You and that Micheal asshole can go on and ride into the sunset and have you're little asshole children together!" She moved until she was pressed against me then crushed her lips to mine. I tasted myself on her tongue. "He'll never make you come like I do though." She said and turned away. "Wait a few minutes so no one thinks you're leaving with me. Wouldn't want to sully you're reputation." With that she slammed out of the bathroom.

I wiped my eyes, careful to let the tears fall as soon as the door closed behind Akia. I know I should have corrected her but then again I should have done a lot of things.

With bag gripped firmly in hand in left the bathroom.

"What the hell?" Donna. Of course. I winced and didn't move, hoping that if I stood still long enough I'd blend into my surroundings. "What's going on? I just saw Akia come out a minute ago..." Guess it didn't work.

I turned around and faced her, she looked suspicious. "Nothing, I went to use the bathroom."

"It was locked, I tried it a second before Akia came out...then you come out a second later..." She studied me and stepped closer. "Why are you so flushed?" Her eyes widened. "Noooo!" She grabbed me and pulled me back into the bathroom.

"Donna!" I shrieked as she shut the door.

"Don't Donna me! What in the fuck is going on?!" I rubbed my face praying for the earth to open up beneath me. This wasn't how I wanted her to find out.

"Nothing okay, we needed to talk..." she wasn't convinced. "It's not what it seems."

"What does it seem like?" She asked even more suspicious. I closed my eyes and sighed.

"We have...history." No response. I opened one eye. Donna's mouth was opened wide.

"YOU'RE A CARPET MUNCHER?!" My eyes widened in panic and I pulled her into a stall, as if one flimsy door could keep her big mouth from broadcasting our conversation.

"Shut up!" She shook her head then began to laugh. I stood back wondering if she fell down on her way inside and I happened to have missed it. "What?!"

"You..." she laughed again, holding her stomach then finally sat down on the toilet. After a few minutes it died down to hiccups, then she pushed me aside and sucked some water into her mouth. She breathed in deep then looked at me again. A look of wonder was on her face. "It makes so much sense now!"

I wasn't even pretending to understand what she meant.

"I mean, you have sex with one of the hottest guys in eleventh last year and you say it was okay. Chloe, girls have been whispering about the size of his cock for years!" I winced at the mention of his cock and she pointed at me suddenly. "See! That too! When I'd talk about sex you'd get all weird and cringy. As if it's grouse."

"It is! Tyrone was grouse! It was nasty..."

"Not when she's doing it I guess." I blushed and pushed her aside playfully to lean against the counter. "I bet if I talked about someone eating you-"

"Donna!" I was full-out flushed now. She giggled and promised to behave. "I'm...I'm so confused." That sobered her.

"Do you have to have everything all figured out?" She asked. I looked at her then lunged myself into her arms. She laughed as she hugged me. Finally telling me to let her go cause she needed to breathe.

"I'm sorry." I said as I wiped my eyes.

"Hey, hey..." she murmured as she grabbed a tissue and wiped my face. "It's okay, I'm still your friend Chloe. So you like pussy, no biggie." I slapped her arm again and she laughed. She hugged me again.

"I love you Don," I said.

"I love you to girl," she said then pushed me away to look into my eyes. "Now. How in the FUCK did you land a girl like Akia? Every guy in this school wants her and you're in the bathroom fucking your brains out with her!"

"I wasn't fucking my brains out..." my blush said another thing though and she smirked and sat back down.

"So are you a couple?" I shook my head. "Umm, fuck buddies?" Once again, a no. She was confused. "What are you then?" I shook my head again. The million dollar question it seemed.

"I have no idea."

It seemed as if now I was being ignored. I'd walk over to Kia's desk after class but she'd just pack up as Donald rambled on about some experiment or another, look at me and then walk away not saying a thing. I started to really feel it. Donna noticed.

"Why don't you say something?" She asked as we sat in physics. I glanced at her then turned around. My gaze connected with Kia's but then her gaze quickly slid away. I faced the front smiling a little, then turned back. She didn't look at me.

I looked forward and slumped in my chair. "That's why..." I mumbled. Mr. Thomas told us to get up to conduct an experiment and we did. Everyone grabbed a bunsen burner and their other instruments. I watched Kia walk over to hers with Donald. A girl named Heather asked Kia if she wanted to be in a group and I watched as she said yes. Donald looked annoyed but ambled off to find another partner.

They were talking, Heather looking like a confused ditz and Kia looking cool and suave as always. Then I saw Heather touch Kia's arm. My heart beat slowed. I felt something burning inside of me and lowered my eyes then turned back to our station. I couldn't help it, I looked back she was smirking at Heather. It was a very familiar smirk. She ran her fingers through her hair, it was such a natural move but so damn sexy. It had its effect and I wasn't the only one affected.

Heather slid closer and rested her hand on Kia's arm. The hand didn't move. I turned back around. Donna was mumbling about something or the other. I squeezed my eyes shut. She could do what ever she wanted. She obviously wasn't interested in knowing me, she can do whatever she wants...I told myself this over and over.

"What's wrong with you?" Donna asked. I looked down and noticed that I was holding an empty tube over the burner. Then I heard the first snicker.

Snickers in class only meant one thing. A prank. I rolled my eyes already feeling sorry for the person. More snickers then out right laughter.

"What's going on here?" I heard Mr. Thomas asked. I turned around and I'm sure that my face turned white. Micheal...I saw myself killing him. I visualized my hands wrapping tightly around his throat and never letting go.

He held my bag open and had an unwrapped tampon covered in some dripping red goo. He looked innocently at me then said, "Oh I'm sorry Mr. Thomas, I jus' thought I'd tell Chloe that she should clean this up..." The class burst out laughing and my face turned red.

I walked over to him and grabbed my bag then looked at him and turned away. I thought better of it a second later. I stood before his grinning face then slapped him. The sound echoed across the room. It fell silent as he jumped up, flinging the chair to the ground behind him.

"Sit DOWN Micheal!" Mr. Thomas ordered. He glared at me and I glared right back. But I made a mistake. My eyes began to water. He saw that. The smirk that fell on his lips made my want to kill him. I grabbed my bag and left the class. As soon as I left the class the laughter and talking resumed in earnest as he tried to calm them back down. I heard Donna shouting at Micheal then heard her foot steps behind me. I ran into the bathroom and into a stall.

"I hate him! I hate him! I hate him!" I said through my tears. Donna burst into the bathroom and immediately hugged my shoulders. "I hate him so much!"

"You and me both hon. That boy has it bad for you Chloe."

"I don't care! He's an ASSHOLE! I hate him!" I cried as Donna tried to calm me down. Eventually I did. The bell rang for lunch and still I sat in the stall with Donna.

"We gotta eat hon."

"I'm never leaving this bathroom." I pouted and crossed my arms defiantly.

"You can't let him win Chloe, you gotta-" a gaggle of girl came in laughing and talking.

"I can't believe that!"

"That was hilarious!"

"He deserved it..."

"Man, will Micheal be hurting tomorrow..." Donna scrambled from the stall and they looked at her surprised.

"What happened? What's going on?" She asked. I stood up and wiped my face. They looked at me when I emerged from hiding and I saw the pity in their eyes. It pissed me off even more.

"Honey don't worry, someone made sure he never pull that shit again."

"Oh yeah!" Another girl shouted and they all laughed. "He'll think twice for sure! Go check the boys changing room, it should still be there. Him too." I wiped my face and grabbed my bags.

By the time we reached the room, there was a huge crowd snapping pictures with their phones. They were all laughing, some leaving some just arriving like us.

Donna squeezed us through. We finally reached the center of it all and my mouth fell open.

Micheal was hung up on a locker by his shirt. The only other piece of clothing on him was his briefs and socks. The first thing I noticed was how...small he was. But the other thing that stood out was his face. He had two obvious black eyes and bright red lip stick on his lips. Then the third thing, this is what had them all in stitches. Across the locker words were smeared in red paint. "I'm a pussy and I LOVE big dick". The crudeness of it made me cringe but I began to smile, then I began to laugh too. Teachers where making their way through, demanding the person responsible step forward. No one knew though. Or if they knew they weren't telling.

He began to become more aware soon and we were all ordered to leave the bathroom. Donna smiled as she led us towards the locker. She opened up her phone and I laughed at the picture that she was able to get. Crystal clear.

"Oh my God, that is hilarious." I said as I leaned against a wall. Students were making their way to their next class so we began to do the same.

"He deserved it, the jackass." I giggled and quieted then thought of the only person I could possibly see doing something like that for me. She must have read my thoughts. "You have some knight in shining armor there Chloe."

I snorted in disbelief.

"Come on, it had to be Akia."

"Kia's not even speaking with me now." I said with a pout.

"So it's Kia now is it?" We headed toward class. "You KNOW it's her."

"Donna," I began then swallowed my words as I came face to face with my apparent knight in shining armor. Well knight in black was more like it. Donna looked from her to me then back again. I heard her say something and felt instead of saw her walk away. The halls were quickly emptying. She looked at me with pursed lips, she bit her bottom lip then released it.

"Are you okay?" I nodded my head slowly and dropped my eyes to her boots. "He deserved it." She said. It wasn't an admission, I wanted one though but didn't know how to ask for it.

"You think so huh?" She looked worried for a moment.

"Don't you?" The careful way she asked this forced me to really look into her eyes.

"I do." She nodded her head and slipped her hands into her pockets.

"Good, cause I'd do it again." I smiled then. She smiled too. The hallway was empty now except for us. Her hand rose and the tips of her fingers ran over my still red face, under my still swollen eyes. "I don't like to see you cry Chloe."

I sighed at how soft her fingers felt. I believed her.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"You don't have to apologize to me," she said and began to move backwards. "You want a ride home?" I nodded my head. She smirked again and turned around. I watched her ass in her tight black jeans as she walked away. What an ass, I thought. The ass in question stopped. I looked up. Her knowing look meant that I was busted. "One more thing," she said. I tilted my head in question. "You look hot when you're jealous." I felt myself blushing as she walked away.

It's not finished yet... ;)

Next: Chapter 3

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