Bad Girl

By Mas P

Published on Mar 24, 2009


The story continues...I wasn't gonna jus leave you hangin' like that!

If you'd like to fan my ego, or take it down a notch then hit me up at:

Bad Girl - 4

By Mas

It was like I was about to call the president or something. I held the phone in my hand and watched it tremble right along with me.

"What in the hell is wrong with me?! It's just's just Kia..." I mumbled that mantra over and over again as I dialed the number. I walked over and sat in the outside eating area and an empty table. Some of the girls I knew tried to come over but I held up a hand signaling for them that I had to take the call.

With crestfallen faces they ambled off.

"If she doesn't answer in 5...4.....3.......2..." I had my finger on the end button then jumped when she answered.

"Hello Chloe," came that alto, phone-sex voice. I looked around, feeling quite stupid for jumping. Something didn't make sense though. I never called her before.

"Kia, how did you..." I shook my head in wonder. If she had my number then why didn't she call me? Was she lying about not having it in the first place?

"I got it a few days ago."

"Well why didn't you call me when you got it?" There was a beat of silence.

"I'd say for the same reason you never got my number before now." I knew why I never got it. I was scared shitless and trying to avoid her. I pulled the phone back and stared at it in confusion.

"Well now I have yours too so you have no excuse. I'm calling now."

"Yes you are." Noise made her voice harder to hear and her voice got distracted. I listened carefully and realized that she had to be in a hospital. Hospital meant that something was wrong.


"One second," and with that she covered the receiver but her finger must have slipped because I still heard what was said. It wasn't good news at all. I heard her mumble a response. Her dad was sick. Very sick. She came back on the line. "Hello?" I looked off into the crowd of students eating, not really seeing any of them.

"Donald told me that your dad wasn't doing well." She sighed and I listened to the sound of doctors and nurses being paged over the speakers. I hated hospitals.

"Donald has a big fucking mouth," she replied. The voice on the phone was different though. It sounded tired.

"Kia...?" She sighed again. "Kia I want to see you today."

"You do?" I didn't miss the hope in her voice. She wasn't expecting it. "Hmmm." She didn't fool me with the cool response.

"Can I meet you at the hospital or...?" Someone was talking to Kia in the background again. A very deep voice that told her that she needed to go home to rest. Kia was quiet then suddenly I heard her again.

"I can get you."

"No. Where can I meet you?" I argued.

"Chloe-" she growled.

"No Kia. Just give me your address, I have my bike." She told me an address. I jotted it down and mapped the route out in my head. It was a neighbourhood that I knew. "I'll be there."

"I have to go..." She said, she sounded distracted again.

"I know. Kia?" I felt when she focused back on the conversation. I can't explain how.


"I'll be there." She was quiet for a beat again.

"Okay. I'll see you." With that I hung up the phone.

"No mum I can't, her dad is really sick." My mum expressed her annoyance with me not being home for dinner. I was on the phone pulling my bike from the garage. "I know mum, I'll be home before 12. Because she's my friend and you love me, that's why!" She laughed then told me that I'd better stick to my word. I promised that I would. "Yeah, I have my homework." I was very happy right then that I had a big sister who practically buffered the worst of the smothering with her moderately wild teenage years. All that I got these days was 21 questions though I did wonder if the smothering would increase when she found out the truth about me.

My feet couldn't pedal fast enough. I told Donald that I was going to see Kia, so he passed along her notes. His handwriting was neatly copied and in my school bag safe and sound. After he gave them to me he started to ramble on about some equation when I stopped him. It was like he switched to Japanese.

I recited the number in my head counting down the houses as I passed them. I looked up into the sky as the light turned into that strange brightness when grey clouds hovered. It was gonna rain alright. Seemed like I got out right on time.

I slowed my bike as the address neared. My bike cruised into a gravel driveway and passed an opened gate. The house was white with Spanish tiles. Very pretty and practically hidden away by what looked like a forest of trees.

"This is a nice house." I stopped my bike and hopped off pushing it the rest of the way. I found a nice spot out of the way to lean it then looked around. After psyching myself up I finally turned to the door but before my fist could start knocking it was flung open.

Kia stood smiling at me. I had a feeling that she meant to do it too.

"Hey." She said and stepped aside. I shook my head as I walked past her.

"That was kinda rude." She laughed and closed the door, I turned around and studied her.

It seemed like her dress code didn't stray even at home. It did however mean that she wore much less clothes. She had on black shorts with a white tank top and black socks.

I sniffed the air and smelled soap. My eyes dropped down to her legs again and I studied them, they deserved the attention. Sculpted muscle that shifted and bunched every time she moved. They were some nice legs.

"If you're done I can give you a tour." I looked up and caught her smile before she tuned away. I followed her ass...I mean I followed HER as we walked through the house. She stopped at an the entrance to some room and I ran into her back. She turned around and grabbed my arms before I fell back. "What were you looking at?"

"Nothing," I quickly answered. We left the room and I realized that that was one room I'd never reach if asked to find it.

I cursed myself under my breath and focused on what she was saying. It was hard but I managed it. The house was beautiful. High ceilings, floor to ceiling windows. It was like I stepped into some Spanish movie. I couldn't help thinking that it was a house that my dad would love and appreciate.

"Is your dad Hispanic by any chance?" She looked at me and shook her head. We walked to another room and she whipped it open. It had to be her room. There were no decorations at all, just white all around and one corner was filled with black and white group photos that I couldn't really see. I expected the walls to be painted black at least.

"I thought that this room would be important to show you." She said from the doorway. I turned around wide-eyed. Beautiful couldn't begin to describe it.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you're gonna be spending most of your time there." She pointed at the bed then turned around and left me looking at an empty doorway. I looked up the hallway but the only other door was closed and she was no where in sight. By the time I caught up with her she was walking into the living room. She took up a picture and handed it to me. It was a picture of a handsome black man. Tall and athletic standing next to a white woman who was very attractive.

"She died when I was really young." I studied the woman, Kia had most of her features.

"She's beautiful Akia." Kia smiled and stood next to me as she studied the photo. Her finger ran over the woman's face.

"She is." She took the photograph from me and put it back on the mantel filled with photos like it. I saw a few of a younger Kia but only a few. They seemed to stop at a certain age. "I still remember some things about her."

"That's good."

"That's my dad. He's in the hospital now. Pancreatic cancer. You thirsty?" With that she walked away once again effectively making me speechless.

I found her in the kitchen pulling out a jug. Her movements seemed to be robotic. I had to think back to make sure that I didn't imagine what she said. She seemed so separated from the unaffected.


"I have grape soda, pepsi, lemonade, water, beer, wine, a drink called vitamalt that my dad loves-"

"Kia." She turned away and opened up the freezer.

"I can make you some orange juice. We have one of the frozen tubes of the stuff."


"I can-" I touched her back. She stiffened but I moved closer still and wrapped my arms around her waist. She began to breathe in short gasps. I turned her around and hugged her close, wrapping my arms around her shoulders.

She tightened her arms around me too, almost painfully, but I wasn't going to tell her to let go.

I rubbed her back making shushing noises as her breathing calmed again. We stood that way for a few minutes.

I pulled away and looked up at her. The curtains were pulled away, her eyes were so open now. They looked so tired. I touched her face then framed it with my hands and reached up to kiss her.

She sighed and loosely gripped my wrists as I studied her. "I didn't come here for a drink Akia." She nodded her head. I kissed her again, she began to respond but I pulled back. Her eyes slowly opened. I saw too many emotions in them to make sense of it all so I stepped back and led her towards her bedroom instead.

She didn't resist.

The sounds of birds singing and leaves rustling filtered into the bedroom. I led the way pulling her into the room until we neared the bed then I turned around and she walked into me. I stopped when the back of my knees hit the bed. She lowered her head and pressed her lips to mine. My lips parted for her tongue and she pulled me into her.

"Mmmm," she hummed into my mouth. It was one of the first times I'd ever heard her do that. I liked it. I moved my hands down until they grabbed her ass and she did it again.

"I like that," I mumbled. She pulled back and tugged of my jacket. It fell to the floor and was followed by my shirt.

"You do huh?" I nodded my head as her hands ran up and down my stomach then around to my back. Her fingers made quick work of my bra. "I like you in red bras." Her hands ran up my side and grazed my breasts. I gasped and grabbed her shirt in my fist.

She moved her hand until she held my breasts. My eyes slid close as the slightly roughened skin began to message them.

"Don't stop," I said as she pushed me back into the bed. I crawled back as her lips chased mine, then I was on my back and closed my eyes as she stretched out over me. It felt so good.

She kissed my neck, then my throat. I felt her pull the skin into her mouth the way I liked. Then her lips moved to the spot right beneath my ear, my legs wrapped around her hips when she kissed it.

"A hot spot huh?" I laughed and told her that it was. She kissed it again, then moved to the other one. My hands slid down her back sneaking beneath her t-shirt. No bra...though I knew that when I first saw her. Her nipples were straining against the material and pushing into me. The friction of her shirt against my skin was beginning to drive me a bit crazy, I wanted her hands to seal the deal though. I pushed them up and covered my breasts with her hands again. I felt her smile against my skin. She pushed up and began to touch them, squeezing my nipples then running her palm over the pebbly flesh.

I slipped a hand down her back under her shorts and sighed at the firm muscle that I found. So soft...and round...and warm...I saw myself kissing her ass. It made me giggle. She looked up and raised an eyebrow. I shook my head and she kissed me softly. Then the kiss intensified until it felt as if she was trying to burn my mouth into her memory. It was what I was doing with her.

I wanted her to feel me. I didn't want it to be a wild fuck. Not this time. So I slowed.

I met resistance, her hands tried to speed up their touch but I placed mine over hers and touched her in the rhythm that I wanted. She looked at me as my breath began to speed up. I nodded my head.

"Slow..." I whispered. She watched me as her hands squeezed. Each time that she did I felt the pressure between my legs. I felt it growing, soaking through my underwear. Soon my hips were pushing up into her.

I began to pull down her shorts. My knees were tugged apart and I felt her settle between my thighs. I still had on my jeans but I felt her push up into me as if nothing separated us.

"Oh..." She did it again. I grabbed her ass and pushed up as she pushed down. We soon had a rhythm going that had her kissing me then gasping for air. I wanted more though.

I ignored the look of surprise when I pushed her away. My fingers clumsily tried to unfasten my jeans.

"Off...get them off Kia." She immediately began to tug them down then reached up for my panties. She smirked at me when she saw them.

"Red again..." I laughed and lifted my hips as she pulled them down, making sure that the tips of her fingers traced my skin all the way. She tried to settle back on top of me but I pointed to her shorts. She tugged them off then looked at me. "Can we fuck now?" Her body moved over mine.

"No." I said. She looked up at me confused. "I don't want to fuck Kia." She looked even more confused then angry. I saw the indifference beginning to settle over her features as she began to get up. I pulled her forward. "You don't want to either." Her lips turned to a thin line. I felt something building up that made what little space between us thick with tension.

Still I kept her close. Her shirt was sure to be stretched out by the time we were done. "Well that's a pity." She tried again to rise up again.

"Don't Kia." She pushed her thigh into me and I gasped. "NO! Don't do it!" Her face hardened then all at once something fell away. It was like watching someone take a mask off after Halloween and you had no idea who they were. I didn't know this Kia. She looked as if she was in physical pain. I pulled her closer and wrapped my arms around her. "You don't want to fuck Kia," I said and rolled her over until I straddled her hips. She sighed and rubbed my thighs.

If I wasn't watching her I would have missed the nod. She turned her face away a moment later.

I pulled her t-shirt up then set it aside. Outside the birds stopped singing as the sunlight grew weaker. I heard the first tap of the rain when I bent down to kiss her nose. She closed her eyes and ran her hands in small circles over my ass.

I stretched out over her and I kissed her eyes. She finally began to relax beneath me; that's when I parted her lips with my tongue and touched the tip of her. I pulled back when she began to move against me. I kept away and sent her in a search of my tongue. It didn't take her long, soon I had her in my mouth and quite at home.

My hips began to press down into her with each caress. My hand snaked beneath her and grasped her shoulders. I pulled away and pressed kisses to her neck, then down her throat.

Then my lips touched her nipples. I didn't hesitate but covered the carmel-tipped skin with my mouth. My eyes closed as I focused of memorizing her taste, what made her press into me in excitement. I moved to the other breast and felt her hand hold my neck and pull into me. Then I felt it. Her thigh wrapped around my hips.

My heart began to pound its way out of my chest. It was so erotic.

I pressed my stomach into her and she groaned deeply. The only sounds were my murmurs, her groans and the rain. It was falling like a monsoon now, separating us from the rest of the world. I kissed my way up her body again and sucked the skin that covered her pulse into my mouth, biting on it. She hissed then moaned, pushing her hips into me again. I pushed back.

I lifted my head admiring my handiwork then looked at her. Her eyes were heavy. She licked her lips as she looked at mine.

"You have some nice lips." She murmured and reached up to connect with them again. "Really nice." I smiled and began to move slowly over her. I reached down and ran my fingers through her until I touched her clit. She breathed harshly through her teeth and mumbled something against my lips.

"What did you say?"

"I said..." I pushed my fingers through her folds and teased the opening of her pussy. "I said..." My lips kissed their way up the line of her jaw until they reached her ear. "I said don't stop..." My tongue dipped in and her other thigh wrapped around me, her arm followed suit as the other one moved up to hold the back of my neck as my tongue dipped in and out of her ear.

I slowly began to move over her. The wetness I felt mirrored my own. I pressed into the back of my hand trying to take the edge off but needed to feel her. I rubbed her thigh until she moved one of them then straddled it. Immediately I sighed as the warmth of her skin pressed against me. I began to slide over her. I dipped into her, searching for that spot that would keep her on edge. I was trying to find the right amount of pressure that would keep her under my control.

"Please...please don't stop." I continued to tease her, nearing her but not demanding entrance. Her hips began to grind into my fingers, I moved the tip of them until one ran over the flesh beneath her clit and her moans turned guttural. I didn't want to tease her but it was so sexy watching her writhe beneath me.

Our hips were moving in rhythm now. I was sliding against the firmness of her thigh as she grinded her hips into me. My lips found hers again and I felt her tremble beneath me.

She came with a long groan. I watched her eyes squeeze shut and her face grimace as if in pain, then her mouth opened in a guttural shout. It was beautiful watching the rosy rue moved over her face then her eyes opened too.

She looked at me wide-eyed. My hands began to slow as I felt my own orgasm moving through me. I bit my lower lip and somehow managed to keep my gaze locked with hers as I came. She held my face with one hand while the other guided my hips over her thigh.

"Oh Jesus..." My breath was coming in short gasps. Then I was coming against her thigh.

I slowed and leaned in close to her. My eyes drifted close and I felt her arms wrap around me. I lowered myself until our foreheads touched. We breathed against each other's lips, exchanging soft kisses.

Somehow I found the strength to push up onto my arm and look down at her. Her hair was spread out around her, her face was flushed, her lips were swollen and moist. The image of a juicy, ripe strawberry came to mind. I touched her lips, tracing the dips and valleys. "You are so beautiful Akia." Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at me, at all of my features then back at my eyes. She seemed to be searching for something. She must have found it because the next thing I saw was a shy smile. It threw me for a moment. Akia and the word "shy" just seemed strange in the same sentence.

"Thanks." Her voice was quiet. I realized that I had her at a very vulnerable moment. Every other time after we had sex she had some kind of control of the situation. Now after making felt as if she had no idea what to do with herself. I had a few ideas.

"You are." I ran my hand down her side then over the muscles of her stomach. They flexed as my touch wondered south again. I continued my decent. "Do you trust me Akia?" I asked as I passed the swells of her breasts. Her hands rubbed my shoulders. I traced the line created by the definition of her stomach, nipping her when I felt like it.

"Do you trust me Akia?" My hands reached up and held her breasts as my body forced her knees even farther apart...still no answer but no resistance either. I moved my nose through her pubic hair, breathing deep and filling my senses with her scent. She pushed her hips forward, no doubt in search of some release. I moved my hand from her knee to the very edge of her pussy where her hairs began to tickle my skin. I watched the skin prickle in response. Then I studied the way my lighter skin contrasted with her milk chocolate complexion.

"Do you trust me Akia?" I asked as I looked at her. She was like a flower opening up for me. I moved my hands and ran them up and down her thighs until I grasped her ass and shoved my shoulders beneath her thighs. "Do you?" I asked again and looked up at her. Her eyes were closed and the open-mouth expression on her face was answer enough.

I pressed my lips to her. I felt her become tense then relax beneath me. My lips moved again and I began to kiss her the way I would kiss her mouth. Slow, easy strokes. I never thought that it would be so good. I never imagined loving the taste of a woman. I began to move my tongue with firmer strokes, running the flat of it through her thoroughly.

Her hips were grinding into me now. Small grunts were escaping her chest. I held her hips to try and maintain some control. It was no use, so I let go and instead held her stomach down and began to tease her opening. "Ungh!" I listened to the sounds that left her throat. Taking cues from her body, I knew when I needed to continue running my tongue over her clit. I knew when to let the swollen knob rest and move on.

I knew how long I should tease her, let her get comfortable with me being there. I knew when to enter her.

She pulled me inside of her greedily and her muscles held my fingers tight for a few moments. I closed my eyes then began to move inside of her, matching the rhythm of my mouth, curving my fingers the way she did. I found what could only be what I was looking for though I wasn't even aware that I was searching for it. I rubbed over the raised flesh and felt her thighs tighten around me then relax.

Her moans were louder now. Her hands were running through my hair in earnest and pushing me into her. I moaned into her. Her walls began to close on me so I increased the pressure of my tongue over her.

Then I moved with purpose inside of her and clamped my lips around her clit. Her body seemed to lock and I felt her back arch. Then her hips were bucking and it took all of my concentration not to let go of her. She came loudly, with no control and her legs wrapped around me tightly.

For a moment the sounds of the rain and her shouts were muted and all I heard was my own heartbeat drumming in my ears. All that I felt was her pulse pumping against my lips as I licked her.

She was locked on my fingers but my mouth never stopped. She continued to move against me and soon her thighs loosened their death-grip on my head. The sounds all filtered back into my brain and my touch became soothing.

I kissed her folds then the insides of her thighs. I looked up at her. Her eyes were closed but her hands were pulling me up.

When I was level with her face again I kissed her lips and allowed her to taste herself on me. Her lips stilled and she opened her eyes. They were nearly black and seemed to go on forever. I kissed each one and wrapped my arms around her neck. She rolled us over on our sides and wrapped her limbs around me until not even a slip of paper could slide between us.

With her lips pressed against my neck I felt when she pulled them in as if biting them. Then her shoulders began to shake.

We didn't speak. I let her cry. The details of her father's illness were still a mystery to me but I knew how hard it was to stay strong when all you wanted to do was cry. At least that I understood.

"I do Chloe." The words were mumbled against my neck but I heard then anyway. I just held her tighter.

The rain continued and I closed my eyes. She quieted and a few minutes later her breathing was deep and steady. I pulled at the sheets until they covered us then followed her into sleep.

I woke up disoriented. The room was not mine, it was still dark outside so I had no idea what time it was and I had a very thick blanket wrapped around me like a second skin. I tried to move then realized that that blanket was a person and that person was Akia and she didn't want me to move an inch. She mumbled something and pulled my closer.

All at once the last few hours rushed back at me. The smile that sneaked its way up from inside of me found my lips. She helped me live out a fantasy and didn't even know it. Trying not to wake her I pulled back and looked at her. It was darker but there was still light enough for me to see her face. There was no trace of her tears. She looked innocent. Open. There were bags beneath her eyes that I didn't see before today but other than that she was beautiful.

I leaned in and kissed her lips again, loving the fact that I was sneaking one from her. Her lips puckered in sleep then relaxed again. It took a long time but I eventually untangled our limbs. I found my jeans but only saw her t-shirt so I shrugged it on. I was hungry and had no idea what she was going to eat that night. Then when you consider the fact that I was going to miss my mum's dinner I had to eat something. She always cooked big. My stomach growled in agreement.

The house was intimidating in the evening. Long shadows and dark corners. Bedrooms that looked so welcoming in the day time were now scary looking.

"How does she sleep here alone?" I asked as I turned on every light I could find after I left the hallway. I opened the fridge and saw that it was stocked. Someone in the house cooked.

I pulled out eggs and bacon then found the bread and butter.

"You can never go wrong with breakfast."

"I say the same thing." The voice was deep and made me drop the container of margarine as my heart stopped. I grabbed a knife and turned around.

The man was tall and well muscled. If he wanted to kill me he could do it but I wouldn't go down without a fight. My heart was still lodged in my throat as he smiled at me. Even serial killers could smile though.

"What are you gonna do with that? Butter me to death?" I looked at the knife then realized that it WAS a butter knife. I looked around then grabbed the frying pan instead. He laughed and shook his head. "That was rude. Sorry bout that that. I'm Peter. Akia's uncle." I was still shaky and demanded some proof.

He pulled out an ID that identified him as Peter Pratt RN. A nurse?

I looked back at the tall imposing man. When I really looked at him though I realized that he looked scary at first glance because of his size. He had to be over 6 feet, but he had the eyes of a teddy bear. I lowered the pan.

"Does that run in the family? Scaring people to death?" He laughed and held out his hand.

"No. Just big ole scary me I guess. And you are..?" He had very soft, warm hands.

"I'm Chloe." He nodded his head and looked towards Kia's room. "A friend." I added.

"Really? I never see any friends of Kia's around here." He smiled at me then nodded his head as if answering a silent question. "Kia never did like to be average. I guess that applies to her choice of female companionship too. A pleasure to meet you Chloe." I blushed as we shook hands. "So where's the moody one?" I laughed at his apt description.

"She's still asleep." His eyes dropped to my neck and an eye brow rose in amusement. I blushed again. I was sure that Kia left evidence of her...attention.

"I'm sure. That's good. She'd been up without any sleep. Richy had to force her out of his room. Not an easy task." I nodded my head.

"Richy...he's her dad right?" He nodded his head then looked in the direction of Kia's room again. He seemed to make up him mind again about something.

"She doesn't need to know that I'm here. Let's make you two some food then I can skeedadle. I need to be back at the hospital soon anyway." He took off his jacket and only then did I notice the blue scrubs. We arranged the food and he pulled out a few more ingredients. "Omelet?" He asked me. My stomach growled in answer. A deep, full laugh filled the kitchen which he quickly quieted. "I guess that's a yes." He had the kind of laugh that made you feel as if you cracked the best joke in the world.

"I'm starving. Plus I don't know if she ate anything today."

"She didn't." We began to cook in silence. I popped some bread in the toaster and only then did he break the silence. "He's been in remission for a while now. It just got bad about a week ago."

"Is he...?" I didn't want to say the word.

"Dying? Not if we can help it." I stopped cooking and instead hugged myself. He glanced over at me and smiled. "I'm telling you because I know how she is. When she tells you it may be, no, it WILL be in a way to make light of it. She may not tell you the truth. I know that I didn't for a long time."

I took the plates that he gave me and decided to just use one. What Peter said made me feel so useless. I didn't know how to respond.

"We have a mini hospital set up in his room, lots of medicine, so he wants to come back home soon." Peter looked at me then. He wiped his hand on a towel and continued to look at me.

How is she coping? I felt my eyes water and quickly wiped at them. "Is this why she switched schools?" He looked surprised at the question but immediately answered.

"Yeah, she fell behind after missing a few weeks traveling with Richy to get a different diagnosis from different doctors. And she didn't want everyone to suddenly be nice to her since they found out her dad was sick. You may have guessed that she's a bit of a loner and can be a bit dramatic." I smiled at the understatement. "She's supposed to be in twelfth, graduating..." He looked sad for a moment.

"She's supposed to be a student." I said then looked up when I realized that I said it out loud. "I'm sorry, that wasn't right..."

"No, I agree. No one should see their father like this at 18. It can take away your youth." He took the pan over to the sink and began to rinse it out. "It already has."

I wanted to ask him more. I wanted to find out everything about her. It wouldn't be right though. I felt like I was already crossing the line by talking to Peter. I felt as if I betrayed her somehow.

"Why did you tell me all of this? This feels..." Wrong, I finished in my head. His kind eyes turned and studied me. They made me feel as if he was looking into my soul.

"Was that you who called in the hospital?" I told him yeah. "She hasn't smiled like that in a long time. She'd want you to know." He grabbed a ring of keys from the kitchen table. "Get that food to her before it gets cold. Tell her Uncle P. stopped by."

I listened to what sounded like a truck start up then roar to life. Then I heard nothing. I breathed in deep and grabbed the tray.

The room was dark. The body beneath the sheet was still. I found a pot at the end of the bed and placed the tray there then took off my jeans and crawled up the warm mound. She began to stir, turning over to stretch like a cat. Her eyes opened and settled on me.

"Hey sleepy head." She smiled and pulled me to her.

"Hey," she said and began to sniff the air. Her stomach growled. "Mmmmm, food." I sat up and reached for the light. Kia sat up in bed too making the sheet slip down her chest. I, of course, decided that moment to sip some of my juice. Not a very wise move on my part.

She pushed the sheet aside and started to hit my back but that only made her breasts giggle each time. I pushed her away and coughed myself over to a window. She stood up to follow me.

"No...stay there!" Finally I had it under control and turned back to her. She was still naked. She had no idea how good she looked. "You can't do that when someone's drinking."

"Do what?"

"Get naked." She looked down at herself then walked over to me and yanked me up onto her shoulder. "Kia!" A second later I was on my back. "The food-"

"Is fine." She began to kiss my neck and her fingers began to unfasten my jeans.

"You need to eat."

"I plan on doing that right now." She pulled down my jeans then ran her hands up my thighs and over my stomach then got rid of the t-shirt too.

"Your Uncle P told me to make sure you eat." Her hands stopped their decent to my breasts. She rolled over onto her back and stared up at the ceiling.

"Back to reality huh?" I rolled onto my side and began to rub her stomach. Her eyes drifted close. "Did he say anything about my dad?" I didn't know if I should tell her, I was scared that she would be angry. She felt my hesitance and opened her eyes. "What did he say?" She asked.

"He told me about it..." She closed her eyes again. My hands began to move again. "I'm here for you."

"No you're not." It hurt to hear her say it but I had an idea about where it was coming from.

"I am."

"I can't believe that." I listened to the deadness in her voice.

"Kia, I'm here whether you believe me or want me here or not."

"Well I don't want you here!" She shoved my hand away and I watched her walk over to a closet to pull out a shirt.


She tugged on shorts, these showing just as much leg. I had too calm my hormones down again. Still she avoided me, now she was looking through her shoes, flinging them all over the closet. I jumped off the bed and grabbed her arm. "What are you LOOKING for?!" She stared into her closet then sat down in front of it breathing hard as if she ran a marathon. I sat down next to her making sure not to touch her. "Why don't you want me here?" I didn't want my voice to crack and didn't particularly want her to see me cry, but it seemed what I want didn't matter.

She looked over at me then back into the jumble of clothes and shoes. "Because people around me get sick Chloe. They get sick and die."

"Your dad's not dead." She rubbed her eyes and shook her head. "He's not, and your uncle said that he's ready to come home soon." I inched closer to her. When she didn't move away I placed my hand on her thigh.

"He's sick Chloe." Somehow I felt as if she wasn't talking to me but I nodded my head anyway. "He could get worse Chloe."

"But we have to believe that he'll get better." She looked back at me and laughed.

"Why are you so nice to me?" She flung a tennis shoe into the closet. "Why do you even care?" I leaned back on my hands.

"If you have to ask that..." I decided that she needed a hug and if she didn't want one, then too bad. I moved up behind her and wrapped my arms around her stomach. She sighed, then I felt the warmth of her hand on my shin. My eyes drifted up to the pictures on the wall next to the closet. Kia was at the center of most of them surrounded by a different group of younger kids. The smile on her face was one I rarely saw. "Who are the little people in the photos." She looked up too.

"They're some kids that I help out." She turned around in my arms and pushed me to the floor. "I won't be in school for a few days..."

"We'll get your notes." She raised an eyebrow and smirked at me.

"So you and Donny boy are all chummy now huh?" I laughed and told her that we were.

"We managed to squeeze in an hour of steamy sex after lab," I teased.

"Well I'll have to kill him when I get back then."

"Then who'll take your physics notes?" She looked at me for a moment then burst out laughing. She lowered herself onto me. "You can relax, you're not that heavy you know?"

"You're not good for my ego."

"I can call you tomorrow morning before school." She nodded her head. My hands rubbed her back then slid down to her ass. She groaned into me. It was obvious that Kia loved to have her ass rubbed. I was more of a head rub kinda gal myself.

The rain stopped at some point. I suddenly remembered the food that was probably ice- cold on the bed.

"You didn't eat Kia."

"Well you distracted me." I pinched her ass. "Ouch!" She lifted her head to scowl at me.

"I'm serious. You have to eat Kia." She nodded her head and rolled over. I immediately began to shiver. She pulled me to my feet and gave me a sweat shirt.

After grabbing the tray we headed for the kitchen.

"So your dad, what does he do?"

"Engineer, but he hasn't done anything major in a while." She glanced back at me and continued towards the oven. "He'll like you." I smiled at that. Her choice of tense was very good.

She placed the plate in the oven and turned towards me. I saw something wicked in her eyes as she approached me. I had nowhere to go but back and soon the island at the center of the kitchen didn't give me anywhere to run.

"What are you doing?" She smirked at me and lifted me up, slowly lowering me to the countertop. I expected to feel coldness but my butt immediately felt warm. Kia pushed my thighs apart and stood between them. "Kia..."

"You're the one who said that I had to eat." She pushed up the sweatshirt and kicked a bar chair over to settle into.

"We can't do this in your dad's kitchen!"

"Not like he spends much time in here. I'm the one who does all the cooking."


"Shhhhh..." Then I felt her mouth on me. I fell back onto my forearms, my head followed. She was licking me and dipping her tongue deeply into me.

"Oh...Oh God..." Her lips clamped around my clit and I felt her hands pulling my hips close to her as she sucked slowly on me. I was moving with her, pushing my hips into her face trying to get her to make me come faster but she was focused on making me come harder.

The flat of her tongue swept over me then back down again.

"Kia..." She hummed into my flesh and I felt myself coiling beneath her. Everything focused on where her mouth and my body connected. Every nerve in my body...every cell. Then her tongue pulled my clit into her mouth again, she began to run the tip of her tongue over me. It only took one swipe. It was like someone cut a taught string inside of me. I came in her mouth groaning out her name as her tongue continued to move over me.

I fell gracelessly back onto the countertop with a loud thud. She pulled me forward making me sit up. I slowly shifted forward lowering myself until I sat straddling her. My legs hung limply as she rubbed my back. My heart stopped trying to get out of my chest.

"That wasn't the kind of eating I had in mind Kia." She chuckled. A clock somewhere was ticking away and it was the only noise in the kitchen. I ran my hand through her hair and sat back pulling it forward and watched as it fell down the front of her shoulder. Her eyes grew heavy. "Tell me something about you that no one else knows." Her finger traced my lips then rested on my thighs. They began to inch up but I stopped them before we got sidetracked again. I don't even think that she knew she was pouting and that it was very effective. I wasn't that easy though.

"Tell me." She looked at me then over my shoulder and I watched her eyes grow distant. She focused back on me and blinked.

"I was a woman's little secret when I was 13 years old." She looked behind me. "I was practically her whore. She taught me everything I needed to know about making her...happy at night."

I was speechless again. Thirteen? I couldn't see how someone could do that. Wasn't that rape? How did she get away with it? Why didn't anyone notice? So many questions were running through my mind I couldn't hold onto one of them.


"She'd buy me little things to make me happy. She had a bank account set up for me too when I was 14."

"Are you still...?" She shook her head. I touched her face. "Didn't your dad notice? How can you not be here and he not notice?"

"My dad's been in mourning for my mum since she died. Or he's been dunk." I wanted to take away that sad look in her eyes. It looked like it was rooted deep inside of her. I didn't even know if I could reach it.

"I'm sorry." She smiled at me.

"I believe you when you say it." I smiled too. "It's okay though. My uncle told me a long time ago about him and my mom. They had one of those intense love affairs. He said that they were really a part of each other. That it was scary sometimes." I smiled with her. It was the most words that I got out of her before. "I was a kid looking for attention and she gave it to me."

"What she did was wrong." She smirked again and nodded her head. It was probably obvious that she wasn't going to win that argument.

I looked at the clock on the oven. It was 11pm. I didn't want to leave though. Time seemed to stop when I was with Kia. I leaned against her again. "You have to go soon." I mumbled that I did. "Let's eat then I'll drive you home."

"But my bike..."

"We'll use my dad's truck." I let her lift me up then slid to the floor. She took out the food and we sat down at the counter that she just had me on. I blushed and didn't dare look at her. She'd no doubt be giving me her little cocky look. We didn't say another word that night besides goodbye. There was a distance between us again but this time it didn't feel so cold. I held her hand as we walked outside.

I watched from my living room window as she sat in the truck looking at my door. Finally she drove away. Somehow I had a feeling that it was going to get harder for us before it got easy. I wondered if we could even make it.

Micheal looked horrible with a black eye. That didn't stop the girls from fluttering around him showering him with attention. I'd guess that to them he looked dashing. Like some kind of bad boy. "Bad boy who got his ass kicked," I grumbled to myself. I took some satisfaction in the fact that he felt pain for that stunt he pulled in class. I'd think of it then think of Kia and feel all better.

"It's like they like him more." Donna said as she watched in fascination. "Idiots."

"I second that." We turned around and found Donald standing there with his thick framed glasses and his much too short pants. His plaid socks were boldly on display.

"Oh, hi David..." Donna said with a fake smile.

"It's Donald."

It was 2 days now and we worked together to make sure that Kia had the notes she'll need. It didn't hurt that Donald was in most of her classes. I nudged Donna in the side. "Hey Donald, what's up?" He looked from side to side then stepped closer.

"Well, ummm, some things are being said about" I looked at Donna but she shrugged. I hadn't heard any gossip spreading. I shook my head in confusion. He nodded his head. "In the locker room. Micheal's spreading some things..."

Donna stepped forward and Donald nearly jumped out of his skin. "What's the little maggot saying?!" I grabbed Donna's arm.

"You're scaring him Donna." She stepped back then searched the crowd of people until she saw Micheal laughing with some other guys.

I noticed the change in our friends. The usual crew gave fake smiles now. When we came in the morning they didn't gravitate to us like they usually did. I noticed.

I just didn't care enough to feel sad.

What made me wary was that I had no idea what Micheal was saying.

"What is he saying Donald?" He took to my gentle tone and stepped forward.

"Well, besides the fact that you and he had sexual relations and that you were a horrible lay, he's saying that you're Kia's little, and I quote, bitch."

I lowered my eyes and nearly laughed. The one guy who makes my skin crawls tells people that we had sex. Then I couldn't even deny what he said about Kia. I didn't even want to...I just shook my head and told them that we'd be late for class. Donna looked at me like I was crazy.

"What?! We need to get him back!"

"No Donna." I knew what a gossiping fight with someone would lead. People like him strike hard when they get dissed. And not only did I diss him, Kia publicly dissed him too. And they talk about a woman scorned...

Donald followed behind us. "So I guess I shouldn't report this to Kia then-" I was on him so fast that he dropped his bag.

"No! No Donald." I released his shirt and smoothed it over looking around at the few people who saw us. In a quieter voice I told him to keep his mouth shut. "You KNOW Kia already hates him Donald. Please don't tell her! You KNOW her..." He hesitated then held his hands up.

"She won't hear it from me." I knew where his loyalty was but I had to believe him. For Micheal's sake.

"Don't you have class now David?" Donna asked when he continued to walk with us to class. I rolled my eyes. How Donald didn't do the same astounded me.

"It's Donald, and I'm in your class." Donna looked genuinely surprised and Donald just shook his head.

"Let's get to class guys."

We sat down, Donna talking about the up coming talent show and trying to get me to attend. I was thinking about leaving early and somehow seeing Kia. She was at the hospital preparing for her dad's release. I missed her. We talked on the phone a few times but it wasn't the same.

Micheal entered the class with a few of the guys and he scanned the room for a place to sit. I closed my eyes as I realized that the seat behind me was empty. I glanced over at Donald who sat behind Donna. He shook his head as if to say, 'I have no idea what to do'. Neither did I, so I just watched him strut down the isle then lower his head as he passed my desk.

"Dyke!" He whispered it loud enough for those nearby to hear. I balled my fists trying not to slap him. I was already in the principal's office more times than I ever was since I started school. I had no intention of Micheal putting me in there again.

It was going to be a long day.

I sat through class trying to ignore the random giggling behind me. Donald seemed to have had a coughing fit straight through class. As soon as the bell rang I shoved my books into my bag.

"You're gonna regret doing that..." Donald mumbled. I looked over at him but he was looking at Micheal. Only then did I notice the paper on the back of my chair. I tore it off and felt my eyes water. Donna walked over and shoved Micheal who only laughed along with his lackeys.

The word "DYKE" was written in bold letters with arrows pointing up. At me. Throughout the entire class. I balled up the paper and left the class before he had a chance to see me cry again.

"He's gonna regret that he ever did that Chloe..." I heard Donald saying behind me as I rushed down the hall.

To be Continued...I promise.

Next: Chapter 5

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