Bad Girl

By Mas P

Published on Mar 26, 2009


The story continues...thanks to my fans for the encouragement!

If you'd like to fan my ego, or take it down a notch then hit me up at:

Bad Girl - 5

By Mas

"Chloe...? Sweetie...?" My mom was walking into my dimly lit bedroom. I told her that I was feeling sick today. I didn't want to face that rat-bastard Micheal. How his mother could name him after an angel is beyond me.

The only thing that matched up was the war theme.

"Yeah mom," I managed to sound really tired. It wasn't very hard. I cried so much that night, I hardly slept 4 hours. I turned my phone off and didn't go online, successfully isolating myself. I just wanted to be alone and cry uninterrupted.

I felt bad when I finally picked up the phone and saw 3 missed calls from Kia. After I practically order her to call me I ignore her calls. Donna called 6 times in comparison. I knew she'd be pissed.

"Honey..." I forgot my mom was even in the room. I looked up at her, she was a pretty woman. I knew of her dreams for us...the weddings, the grandkids. Would she still want that or even see the possibility of those dreams with me now? "You sure you're okay?"

It was on the tip of my tongue to tell her the truth. I even visualized the words in my head. They were typed out clearly and floated there. "I'm fine mom." They vanished.

"I'm gonna leave something on the stove for you okay honey?" I smiled and nodded my head. "Feel better soon okay?"

She closed the door and my phone buzzed again. It was Kia. I stared at it. I knew that she had to be at school now. After 5 rings I finally picked up.

"Hello?" Dial tone. I was about to press redial when it rang again. "Kia?"

"No! This is NOT Kia. What the hell Chloe? I've been calling you all night." I fall back into the bed.

"I know. I'm sorry."

"You better be. Seriously though, Micheal-"

"Don't say that idiot's name please." I growled.

"You can't let him win Chloe."

"And how am I doing that Donna?" By staying home apparently. I needed to face him, cuss him out, tell him a piece of my mind, report him to the principal. It was just that I wasn't known for hitting back. The tampon incident was an exception to the rule.

"There are things that can be done. I know people who know people. We can set up a very damaging website..." I laughed and told her to get on it then. "I will." She sounded too serious.

"Donna, I was kidding."

"And here lies our problem."

"I just want to be home alone today Donna. Can't I do that?" Donna sighed and gave me her permission. I rolled my eyes but smiled anyway. I knew how much she cared. She even started to hate Michael passionately like I did. A sympathetic hater, that's my Don.

"I'm here. Call whenever."

"You'll be at school Don."

"And your point is?" I snapped it shut. I opened my notebook and just let the thoughts pour out. By the time I was done I had a two page poem in front of me. It didn't scratch the surface of making me feel better though.

I finally decided to shower and find out what mom cooked for me. I showered and stepped back into my bedroom. My phone began to buzz. I checked the caller I.D. and felt my heartbeat speed up. She hasn't said a word to me yet and I'm excited.

I breathed in deeply and flipped it open.

"Hey Akia I-"

"Open your door Chloe."

"What? Where-" But she already hung up the phone. I quickly put on some boxers and a tank top then ran downstairs. I had to order my feet to slow down as I approached the door. For once my body listened. I flung the door open prepared to hug Kia but she was scowling at me with arms crossed.

She had on a black, fitted leather jacket, black shades, and a black t-shirt with black jeans...surprise surprise. She may have been predictable but so was what the look did to my body. If she noticed my face getting redder she didn't comment, just stared at me. But from the frown her mouth made it probably was more of a glare. I lowered my eyes to her boots.

"Why didn't you call me when that asshole messed with you?" She stepped forward and lifted up my chin. "Do you know how long it took me to get that shit out of Donald? Why in the fuck didn't you tell me Chloe?" Oh man, and I thought Don was angry.

"You were with your dad and-"

"Don't put my dad in this, he has nothing to do with you picking up a phone and calling me." I looked away. "That asshole embarrasses you and I walk pass him not even knowing it? That fucking asswipe mother-"

"THIS is why Akia. I knew how you'd react."

"Oh you KNEW? So you knew I'd leave school and ride to your house and NOT punch his fucking face in?" I bit my lip and shrugged. She shook her head then looked back at me. "You don't get it do you?" I looked up at her confused but she just snorted and walked away heading back to her car.

"Wait! Akia wait!" I ran down the steps and grabbed her hand. I pulled at her until she turned around again. My fingers wrapped around her hand, after a few seconds I felt her squeeze. "Don't go." She looked at me. "I'm sorry Kia, I know I should have called but I wasn't sure..." I threaded my fingers through hers and looked up at her. I wanted to see her eyes and slowly lifted up my hand to take off her shades. When she didn't flinch away I pulled it off.

Her eyes looked more hurt than angry. With them on she just look really, really pissed off.

"I don't like it when you're messed with." The confession made me smile. She shifted uncomfortably.


"Because you're..." The automatic response stopped as she looked over my shoulder then back at me. "You know why."

"No I don't Kia. That's a part of why I didn't call. I don't know why I SHOULD call you." Her expression hardened and she shoved away and turned for her car again. I didn't catch her this time until she had her door open and was about to get in it. "Jesus Kia, don't run away. Answer the question!"

"Answer what question?!" She shouted.

"Why don't you like it when someone messes with me? Why should I have called you?" I needed her to say it, she had to say it.

"Because you're my girl! OKAY?! I don't like when assholes fuck with MY GIRL!" I jumped when she first started to shout but by the time she was done I was standing in front of her even as she gripped the door breathing hard looking like she'd explode any second. I smiled up at her and rubbed her arm. She looked at me with a frown until I reached up and pressed my lips to hers.

Kia was unresponsive for a while as I rubbed my lips over hers. I ran the tip of my tongue over her bottom lip then moved against her mouth begging for entrance. She finally began to respond after a while and pulled my tongue into her mouth.

I loved the way she tasted. It reminded me of those caramel sundaes at McDonalds. I loved those caramel sundaes. "Don't be mad at me," I mumbled against her lips. She sucked on my bottom lip then began to slide her tongue against mine again. When she finally allowed me up for air I was leaning into her so much that if she were to move, I was positive I'd fall on my face.

It'd be worth the pain. I loved her lips.

"I'm not mad at you." She said against my lips. I pressed my nose into her neck and breathed in that sexy scent she always wore. I didn't want her to leave.

"He embarrassed the hell outta me and I got sad and angry and scared and just wanted to hide." I looked up expecting to see scorn or something like it. She just nodded her head and listened. "He taped the word dyke on my chair Kia." The only outward sign of her anger was her jaw clenching. Her head moved up and down again as her thumb rubbed small circles on my palm. "I don't want you to get in trouble because of me."

"Why don't you let me worry about me?"

"Too late bucko." She raised an eyebrow at me then looked up the street. A van pulled up and some delivery guy hopped out. "I don't want you to go Kia." The car door was closed a moment later. I grabbed her jacket and pulled her forward as I backed up the walk way.

"You're very affectionate today for someone in the closet."

"No one's home." I kissed her lips again and took her hand.

"So what you want to do at home with me all alone?" I locked the front door then led her into the living room.

"I wanna watch cartoons." I turned on the television and bugs bunny filled the screen. She laughed as she realized that I was serious. I hadn't had a cartoon day in ages. Her boots were kicked off and I pulled the coffee table closer the way I always did when I planned on staying in front of the television for a few hours.

Kia opened her arms as she stretched out in a corner of the couch. I stretched out on top of her and wiggled around until I was comfortable. I watched the television with one ear while the other listened to Kia's heartbeat.

"How's your dad Kia?"

"He's back home. He's better." I felt her fingers tease my neck then move up and begin to scratch my scalp. My eyes drifted close. "We talked more you know? After the chemo. He's fighting too and he wants to meet you."

I looked up at her surprised. "He does?" She nodded her head and lowered mine back to her chest.

"Yeah. Uncle P flapped his always." I chuckled at the obvious affection even when she was annoyed at the big teddy bear.

"I'm happy. I want to meet him too." I snaked my arms around her back and sighed as my eyes slid close. "Thank you for coming Kia."

"You're welcome babe."

"Ohhh, I like that," I said and listened to the laugh that bubbled up in her chest. A minute later it was just her heartbeat and bugs. Then there was just her heart. Then there was nothing.

By the time I woke up again the room was darker. A peek at my watch explained why. "2 o'clock?! I mean, I know I didn't sleep last night but still..." Kia stirred. I realized that I woke her up.

"I'm sorry for waking you up." She smiled down at me.

"I've been awake since I got here Chloe."

"And you let me sleep on you for 5 hours? You should have told me so-" A finger over my lips shut me up. She chuckled as I tried to bite her finger away.

"I didn't wake you up because you were tired and needed to sleep. I like you like this anyway."

"You like dead weight?" I mumbled against her finger. She smirked as she rubbed my ass.

"I guess I do huh?" I sucked her finger into my mouth and saw her eyes turn to slits. Her lips parted as she watched me run my tongue over the digit. "You need to behave Ms. Soto."

"Why is that Ms. Pratt?" I felt her hand slide under my boxers. I moaned and buried my nose in her neck. My hand slid down her stomach and began to unbuckle her belt. I felt her pulling up my top. Her lips were on my lips as soon as she got it off. I guess that if I looked up before attacking Kia's mouth I would have seen Jasmine and Chris enter the hallway from the back.

And if Kia didn't choose that moment to dip her hand into my pussy the blood wouldn't have rushed to my head effectively blocking the sound of their footsteps.

"What the fuck?" That definitely got my attention though. I jumped up from the couch nearly falling on my butt as Chris stepped into the room. Kia sat up and turned to the voice. Chris' glare was focused on Kia who just calmly buckled her jeans and scowled right back. "Who the fuck are you?!"

"Who the fuck are YOU?" Kia asked right back. I rolled my eyes and looked at Jasmine who did the same thing. They knew EXACTLY who each other was. Finally I had my tank top on.

"Chris!" She was ignoring me and Jasmine had her hand over her mouth to hold back her laughter.

"This is MY house and I know all about you Akia, if you think-" I flung a pillow at her and it smacked her in the face. She knocked it away and Jasmine finally burst. Kia looked at me then started to laugh too.

Chris was glaring at everyone. "You can't come in my house and seduce my little sister!"

"She didn't seduce me Chris!"

"And if you think I'll let you hurt her-"

"Shut up Chris, you're no innocent ya know." Jasmine looked apologetically at Kia then stretched out her hand. "We never got introduced. I'm Jasmine."


"Oh I know who YOU are." I blushed as Jasmine looked at me and winked. The night of the party came back in flashes. I took Kia's hand and pulled her from the room before Jasmine decided to embarrass me even more.

"I can't believe she did that!" I slammed the door shut. Kia stood watching me with her hands in her pockets. I looked back at her and saw her studying me. "Are you always trying to figure me out Kia?" She looked away.

"I should probably go..."

"I missed you." She smiled and nodded her head. "I guess that's just one way then..." She shook her head and stepped closer taking my hand.

"I never said that."

"But you didn't say that you DID either," I argued.

"I have to say everything out loud with you huh?"

I didn't even hesitate with my answer. "Yes." She laughed and pulled me close.

"I missed you too." She kissed me again and I heard shuffling behind the door. I'm sure that Jasmine was holding Chris back somehow from doing rushing outside. "I don't like her." I sighed but she didn't change her expression. In fact it got darker.

"She's my sister."

"Sorry bout that." I laughed and slapped her arm then pulled her to the car. It beeped and lit up. I opened the door for her.

"So you have a sense of humor now?" She looked insulted.

"You don't think I'm funny?"

"If you say so..." She smirked and started up the car.

"Uncle P says hey and don't stay away too long." I leaned in and hugged her. She seemed surprised for a moment but immediately returned it. "You're not really trying to stay in that closet are you?" A pleased look was on her face.

"Thanks for coming Kia, tell Peter hey." She said that she would and with that, closed the door and drove off.

"I can't believe I just saw my little sister getting it on with a girl." Chris blurted it out as soon as I entered the house.

"Take a chill pill Chris." I walked into the living room to turn off the television and straighten it up. Considering the guys she "got in on" with in school I couldn't even begin to take her seriously. I snorted at that.

"And what's so funny?" She asked.

"You are hon. Leave her alone and let's go study!" Jas winked at me, then mouthed the words, 'she is hot'. I'm sure I had a goofy grin on my face.

"You're just lucky that wasn't dad or mom who walked in on you! Oh my GOD I'm scarred for life." Jasmine dragged her up stairs until I heard a door slam shut. I sank back into the couch and reached for the phone. The numbers were pulled from my memory as if I dialed them all my life.


"Are you behaving?" She laughed.

"I just left you a minute ago." I smiled and we both were silent for a minute.

"I miss you." I played with a loose thread on the couch as the sounds of traffic filled the silence. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Not soon enough but it'll do." I'm sure that she knew I was grinning. I hung up the phone before I said something cheesy and ruined it.

I came into school practically floating even if Micheal's very existence was a major irritation. Donna wasn't in sight so I just made my way over to my locker.

The thing about school is that you can always sense when something was going on. No one had to tap you on the shoulder and say it to you, you sensed it. I sensed it. It felt bad.

I looked around and noticed people rushing towards one part of the hallway or walking quickly from it talking. I walked past my locker and went to see what was going on. Micheal, naturally, was at the center of it. He was high-fiving one of his lackeys as a girl practically hung off of him laughing and pointing. I pushed through the crowd and saw what had everyone's attention.

Across a locker were the words "BITCH DYKE" spray painted in black. When Micheal saw me he smirked and walked over. I looked around knowing that I had no where to run to so I just glared at him.

"And here's the dyke bitch's LITTLE bitch!" I felt all eyes on me.

"Shut your face Micheal."

"Or else what? You gonna get your big dyke bitch to beat me up? You know what? I'd straighten you out real good."

"With a dick the size of a peanut I'd like to see you try." People hooted and cheered as I turned away. My hands were shaking even after getting the last word. He was shouting something at my back but I wasn't hearing him. Then suddenly the path cleared and Kia came walking down the hallway. No, scratch that, what she did was swagger down the hallway. She smirked at me as she shook a bottle of spray paint in her hand.

My eyes widened but she ignored me and continued. I reached for her arm but she shrugged away. I looked over the heads of the excited students and spotted Mrs. Dawson moving through the crowd. I looked back at Kia and closed my eyes when I realized what she was about to do.

Mrs. Dawson arrived with a grim look and caught the last moments as Kia finished off Micheal's quote.

"DAMN RIGHT!" She added in red. Micheal's smirk dropped as his little joke had the opposite effect. People were laughing and cheering as Kia added a smiley face to it and signed her name. I covered my eyes as Mrs. Dawson watched Kia finish off then turn to her placing the can in her hand. "Get in my office Ms. Pratt." Kia looked at Micheal who had a broad smile on his face.

"I think you'd be interested in the can of black spray paint in Micheal's locker mam." He laughed.

"Not likely dyke." Mrs. Dawson told him to shut up and walked with her arms gripping both students as Micheal opened up his locker with a flourish. The color drained from his face then he turned red a moment later and lunged at Kia who was laughing out loud now. Someone let go of him and he plowed into her slamming her in the lockers but she managed to turn them both around and pushed him up against the lockers. "You fucking BITCH! She planted that there!" Kia's smile dropped away.

"Don't mess with me. Don't mess with HER. Back. Off." She said and I grabbed her arm as I saw security rushing through the crowd.

"Kia!" I said and she shoved him again and backed off holding her hands up. Mrs. Dawson looked like she aged another 5 years in a matter of minutes.

"To my office! Both of you!" They walked pass us and I saw her wink at someone behind me. I turned around and saw Donald smiling. When he saw the look on my face his smile dropped and he tried to make his escape. I grabbed his over-sized school bag before he could.

"You helped her?!" I whispered as I dragged him down one of the more empty hallways.

"He deserved it!"

"She could get expelled for this Donald!" He managed to look worried now. I sighed and slid to the floor. "I told her not to do anything..."

"She really can get expelled?" Donna ran up out of breath pointing behind her.

"What...what...what just happened?" I just looked up at her then at Donald and shook my head.

"This idiot helped Kia set Micheal up. This will never end now." Donna looked at Donald impressed and I scowled at her too until she put on a more solemn expression. It didn't last long. She squealed and high-fived him asking for details.

"She's in the principal's office as we speak probably getting EXPELLED!" Donna rolled her eyes.

"Dawson won't expel her. She's not so bad you know? Then she knows the asshole's mother, so he stays too."

"You don't know that Don." She sat down next to me and took my hand. I pulled it away and crossed my arms. Donald sat on the other side looking scared. Maybe now he'd rethink doing whatever Akia demanded at the drop of a dime.

"At least someone's fighting for you 'cause you aint." Donna said. My defenses were on full alert now.

"I don't need anyone to fight for me."

"We all need someone to fight for us Chloe! God you just sit back and let that ass do whatever in the hell he wants? His head is in his dick. His dick wants to get inside of you. You won't let him. KIA won't let him, so he won't stop until someone makes him!"

Donald nodded his head in agreement. I rubbed my face and snorted again. This was getting insane, Kia was already insane. This was way too much insanity.

"When you set aside all of the references to the word dick, Donna does have a point Chloe." I looked over at him and he continued. "Kia cares for you. We all do." I lowered my head and laughed at the entire situation. If the school didn't know I was a lesbian they all did now. There was no turning back anyway.

"What am I gonna do with you guys?" Donna shrugged and Donald shoved up his glasses and grinned at me.

"Let's go wait outside Dawson's office until they tell us to go to class," Donna suggested.

"You better hope she's not expelled Donald or else I'll kick your butt."

"I'm starting to get threatened by women a lot." We made our way to the office to await Kia's fate.

We were a few doors away and saw when Micheal stormed out of the office and headed in the opposite direction. Kia came out a few seconds later pulling her bag onto her back. She was headed in the same direction. She jogged a bit and grabbed Micheal's arm. He whipped around and she leaned in to him and said something that he didn't like. He pushed her and she smiled as he walked away. She was about to turn into one of the other hallways and wouldn't see us.

"Kia!" I called out. She stopped and walked towards us. Her eyes moved from me to Donald to Donna.

"Shouldn't you all be in class?"

"Yeah well..." Donna said then pointed towards Dawson's office. "So? What's the deal girl?"

"A week of detention starting today." I took her hand and she looked at me. "I didn't start it, he did." I nodded my head and had to smile at her. She sounded like she was 5.

"Guess that's our cue to leave." She grabbed Donald's shirt and he happily trotted away next to Donna. "I'm being seen with a geek way too often."

"It's good for your reputation..." We missed the last of their conversation as they turned a corner. Kia was still looking at the hallway with a funny smile on her lips.

"What is it?" She raised an eyebrow and nodded in the direction Donna and Donald just took.

"You tell me." I looked down the hall then back at Kia and burst out laughing.

"You've got to be kidding me! No way!" Kia just smirked at me. "Donna dates football players and soccer players." Kia shrugged. We walked toward class, we were in different classes this morning but would meet up again for english. A teacher walked pass and saw us holding hands. She looked down then back at us and smiled.

"Good morning ladies." We mumbled back our greeting and watched as she walked away. I turned to Kia and she just chuckled.

"Do you think she's...?" Kia nodded her head and I looked back. I had her a year ago. I didn't even pick up on it. We stood a few feet away from my door. "Will I see you at lunch?"

"Yeah. I don't eat the poison in that cafeteria though."

"What do you eat then?"

"Nothing until I get home." I shook my head.

"Wrong answer. You're gonna eat something today." She smirked and nodded her head. I wanted to kiss her but knew I'd be asking for trouble if we're caught making out in the hallway when classes started half an hour ago. I was already preparing to be shouted at for coming late.

I waved goodbye and entered the classroom.

I just needed to entertain my brain for a half and hour then I could be with Kia again. I was starting to wonder though if she wanted to be around me just as much.

I got her to eat a fry and half of my fried chicken. It was like force feeding a baby. Donald found us and sat down and began to lay his lunch out around him in a perfect arc; an apple, a sandwich, pudding, chips, some kind of pasta, a chocolate bar, juice and water. We stared at him until her looked up finally noticing us. I asked what I'm sure we both were thinking.

"You have enough food there Donald?" He blushed and shrugged.

"I have a fast metabolism." Kia shook her head. I focused on getting her to eat more food but her lips weren't budging.

"Yeah so Micheal's talking again."

"Surprise, surprise..." Donna said as she sat down. She grabbed Donald's apple and began to munch on it ignoring his crestfallen expression. "All that guy does is talk. I tell ya, how someone so fine can be such a bitch is beyond me."

"What's he saying?" Kia asked but I looked at Donald. He looked from me to Kia then back to me and shrugged.

"Oh just this and that..."

"Can we do something?" I asked Kia. She reluctantly stopped looking at Donald and focused on me.

"Do what?"

"Something. Like go out or something." She smirked.

"Go out where?"

"I don't know! Anywhere. A movie, dinner, golf..."

"You want to play golf?" Kia asked. I pulled away and saw myself strangling her.

"Shut up..." Donald muttered under his breath. Kia glanced at him then back and me. She must have noticed my annoyance. Her smile disappeared.

"Why don't we do something this weekend?" I smiled and nodded my head she nodded her head too. "I have something to do in the mornings on both days but I'm free afterwards.

"What do you have to do?" Kia looked at Donna, clearly annoyed.

"Something." Donna held up a hand.

"Sorry! I forgot about the dark and mysterious thing...Donald, I need help with chemistry. Can you help me please?" Donald nodded his head and they began to talk about some chemical or another.

I focused back on Kia. "Hey, so what you doing in the mornings?" I watched her shift in her seat and a light blush spread up her neck. I really wanted to know now.

"It's just a volunteer thing, nothing special." I smiled at her.

"That's good. I'm proud of you." She blushed again and shrugged her shoulders then ran her hand through her hair. I embarrassed her. I was about to tease her when I saw Micheal walking over. She didn't see him though and leaned closer to me about to tell me something when he slapped his hand on the table.

Kia looked up then jumped from her chair and was immediately nose to nose with him. "No lesbian kissing in the cafeteria dyke!" I stood up and pushed him away.

"Kia, sit. Please don't fight him." She glared at him then stepped back and smirked.

"You're one lucky LITTLE dick ya know?" He was back in her face again but this time his friends held him back. I grabbed my bag and tugged Kia away. Donna and Donald were going to follow when I shook my head.

We walked through school until we were in the science section of school. Most of the labs had a person or two in them but Mr. Thomas' lab was empty and dark. We entered it and she closed the door behind us. I sat on a desk as she leaned against the wall. She hooked a thumb through a loop on her jeans and looked back at me unapologetic.

Not that I expected anything less. It was hard not to smile at the defiant look on her face. It was almost as if she was expecting me to be angry. I hopped off the table and walked over to her. She had no idea how sexy she looked leaning against the wall as if she could care less about the world. I wish that I could do that. I probably would have been able to do that if I'd never met her. She was making me care about a lot of things lately.

"Why are you so bad?"

"Because someone needs to be." She pulled me closer and ran her hands over my ass. "Why are you so good?" I leaned my head against her chest. I had no answer for her. I was just me and I didn't think of myself as a good girl. At least not anymore.

"I like you a lot Kia." I said and stepped back to look up at her. Her face wasn't so hard then. I saw her thoughts in her eyes before she said it out loud.

"I like you a lot too Chloe." I kissed her, letting her take control. I let her set the rhythm and just cruised along. She turned me around until I was pressed against the wall. "I like you so much that I have a surprise for you." Before I could ask what it was she pressed her hips into mine and I felt what it was. She was strapped. How could I not notice?

I looked at the door as Kia began to unbutton her jeans. "Kia! Someone can walk in!"

"Then we better hurry huh?" She unbuckled my jeans and tugged them down. I pulled down my panties and as soon as I stood up again she spread my legs and I felt the tip of the dildo graze me.

She positioned her legs and pressed one hand into the wall behind me as she entered me. My eyes closed.

She lifted me up and my legs wrapped around her as she slid out then into me fully. She stayed like that for a few moments, breathing into my ear. Now I couldn't care who came in, I just wanted Kia to make me come.

She didn't waste any time .

Soon she had a smooth rhythm going that increased and my moans were trying to fight their way out of my throat.

"Shhhh..." Kia said in my ear as a groan escaped. The tip of her finger began to message my clit and I tightened my thighs around her as the first waves of my orgasm moved over me. I gripped her shirt as she pounded into me.

All too soon I was grunting and panting into her neck. Then my body stilled and trembled as I came. I felt her tremble too and groan deeply. We heard voices outside the door. Slowly she pulled out then dipped her finger into me bringing it up to her lips to suck it clean.

"Mmmmm, I love your pussy." I stood still gasping for air as she tucked the dildo back in her jeans, arranging it so that it wouldn't be so obvious. Now when I looked I noticed it but a quick glance wouldn't reveal it. She grabbed my jeans and panties from the floor and I put them on. "I'm gonna come for you after detention-"

"I'll wait for you." She frowned and took my hand.

"It's for an hour Chloe."

"I can find something to do on campus for an hour Kia." She still frowned at me but I saw the corners of her lips lifting up. She liked that I'd be waiting for her. She just wouldn't admit it. "You're such a big teddy bear." I kissed her lips before she could deny it. "I'll see you at 4."

I slipped from the classroom and turned the corner. Donna nearly ran right into me. I was starting to think that she had a fifth sense about where I was on campus.

"Hey! I was just heading over to..." Her voice trailed of as her eyes focused on my neck. I touched my neck then covered my eyes as I shook my head. No, no, no! Not again! I'm going to have to talk to Kia about this. "I can't believe you just had sex!" She whispered. "Me and Donald are all worried about you two and you're off getting it on!" She laughed as she shook her head.

"Donna, please shut up." We walked to the bathroom and passed a poster of the upcoming talent competition. She tore it down and scanned it.

"Micheal and his crew won it for the last 2 years."

"I'm not going if I can help it." Donna rolled her eyes at me as she read the poster outloud.

"We have to go. You have no school spirit."

"Damn right, and I don't want to watch that idiot on stage." She balled it up and threw it in the garbage as I examined the hickey. It was obvious. I looked over and saw that Donna had on a scarf. I began to eye it. She looked at my reflection then at her scarf and sighed dramatically before handing it over. "Thanks Don."

"Yeah well, you owe me."

"Hah! I owe YOU?! If I even start to ask for the IOUs you have for me I could have you as my slave forever." Donna rolled her eyes and pulled out her makeup.

"Anyway, there was something I wanted to tell you now that you're done having sex." My eyes turned to slits. "I can't come over tomorrow to watch our shows I have a study thing..."

"A study date?"

"I didn't say that..." My annoyance at her interrupting our standard night turned to curiosity. I'd never seen the dark brown skin turn the rosy shade that it just did.

"So this study thing is at a library then?"

"No." She was getting fidgety. "Look, I can't come over! Period!" I was smiling now.

"Where is this study date?"

"This study MEETING is at my house." She flicked her hair over her shoulder dramatically. She was getting very agitated over a simple study meeting.

"And who is going to be with you at your study...meeting?" She looked at me and sighed loudly.

"Donald." She said quietly and looked around to see if anyone heard. I was giggling then I was all out laughing. "What is it?! It's just a study date!"

"But you just said that it WASN'T a study date Donna." She glared at me then announced that she had class. She was gone a moment later.

If I didn't know better I'd have guessed that my questions struck too close to home. I'd have guessed that something was going in with Donna and Donald that she didn't WANT to be going on.

I smiled on my way to class determined to get to the bottom of it soon.

"Very interesting indeed..."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 6

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