Bad Girl

By Mas P

Published on Apr 5, 2009


The story continues... The next one may not be up for a bit. Lots of work. Thanks to my fans for the encouragement and patience! And thanks to Syavana for that awesome line!

If you'd like to fan my ego, or take it down a notch then hit me up at:

Bad Girl - 7

By Mas

It was late afternoon on Sunday when I finally got around to washing my mom's car. Dad popped outside now and then to putter around the yard. When he wasn't at work fixing other people's computers he was tinkering around the house doing his "handy man" routine.

I watched as he dragged a piece of lumber from the back of the house to the front. What he was going to do with it was beyond me and now I was curious. I stopped washing and watched as he pulled it onto a patch of grass and checked it for nails. It was like watching one of those videos on National Geographic. I could even hear the quiet British voice in the back ground.

He looked at both ends of the wood and tapped both ends with the hammer. I never saw anyone do that on the few renovating shows I got sucked into watching with mum. When he was done with his tapping he rubbed the wood again, another search for nails I guessed. Finding none he grabbed it from the center and stood up then turned around to walk in my direction, toward the garage.

My eyes widened when I realized where the other end of the lumber was swinging.

"Dad watch out!" He stopped and turned towards me quickly making the wood swing in the other direction. So instead of one end smashing into the window the other crashed into the light above the garage door. We both winced and looked up at the broken light then down at the glass.

He needed to stick to his day job.

"What are you doing dad?" I grabbed a broom from the garage as he gingerly lowered the wood.

"I wanted to make one of those deep frames for your mum. She was reading one of those home magazines and started to whine about it." He looked around suddenly to check that she wasn't in hearing range. "You know how she can get."

I laughed and had to agree. Mum liked to get in her decorating moods and we could all get swept away in it. Dad grabbed a piece of cardboard, since the pan was forever missing in our house, and we cleaned up the mess. He stood up and studied the broken light. I could almost hear his thoughts and decided to stop it before he got more ideas.

"I'll call the guy mom used for the bathroom dad. Don't worry about it." He looked at me and laughed. I rolled my eyes as he shoved the wood to the edge of the driveway.

"When we gonna play some basketball? You always so busy now." His thick, lowered eye brows made him look angry. I knew that it was a pout though.

"Oh so you can beat me again and again?"

"Well if you don't play you can't get better then you can't beat me." He ruffled my hair as I stood up. "And why you wearing these little shorts out here?" I flicked water at him as he frowned at my shorts.

"It's hot and I like these." He frowned as he leaned against the car.

"You're not home so much now." I shrugged and leaned against the car too. It was true so I wasn't going to deny it. It wasn't like when I was younger; we'd play basket ball all the time or I'd practically shadow him when he wandered around the house getting into trouble.

"I'm home today."

"You wasn't yesterday." I nodded my head and felt my heartbeat speed up. It was right there. My confession. I looked at my dad and felt my eyes begin to water. It was what you didn't know that scared you half to death. I didn't know if he'd still love me when he found out about the real me.

"Do you love me dad?" I didn't know that that question would pop out but it did. He looked at me and really looked at my face. His arms were around me in a second.

"You know I do," he hugged me then stepped back. "Where's this comin' from?"

"No matter what you love me right?" He framed my face with his hands and looked directly into my eyes.

"No matter what baby." I nodded my head and wiped my quickly drying eyes.

"Okay." I said and smiled. He looked confused but I just hugged him then stepped back. "I need to finish up before mom decides to go out or something." He scratched his head.

"Okay." My cell phone vibrated in my back pocket. I pulled it out then flipped it open watching my dad walk away. I heard him mutter something about women as he shook his head.


"Hey! What you up to?" It was Don doing our Sunday catch up before the school week.

"I'm good, how are you stranger?" She laughed and told me that she was good. "How's Donald?" Silence.

"Can I talk to you Chloe?" When Donna sighed I got worried. Donna never sighed.

"Ummm, we're talking now right...?" She meant in person.

"After school tomorrow hon." She said she'd be here. I thought about Kia and the promise I made to go to her house that afternoon. I wished that I told Don to talk at school instead. I dialed Kia's number and turned on the hose as it began to ring.

"Hello," came a deep voice.

"Hi Mr. Pratt. It's Chloe."

"Well hello there. How are you?" I sprayed the suds off of the window as we chatted for a bit. "I'm guessing that you really didn't call to talk to me. I'll get Kia for you."

"It was good talking to you."

"Same here, one sec." I heard knocking then the low murmur of voices.

"Hello?" She sounded distracted so I guessed I caught her doing homework.

"Hey," I said as I turned off the hose. I found a shady spot on the porch to settle down on. "I miss you." She smiled into the phone. I could practically hear it.

"You do huh?"

"Yes I do."

"I miss you too baby." Something flared then settled down south. Her saying that one word made me horny. "Yesterday went by too quickly."

We decided to eat out at a popular seafood restaurant downtown. Kia even went all out and ordered us both lobster. It was delicious and I made sure to thank her for it that night. I think we spent almost 2 hours just making out. It was so worth it. I felt that I had it in me to hold off for 2 weeks though. I mean, I can control my body. Just because she made my thoughts jumble up when she looked at me didn't mean that I couldn't keep my hands off of her. I could control myself.

That night we sat looking at each other after we ate. Kia had asked if I wanted dessert. I told her no. I studied the black dress shirt she wore that was unbuttoned low enough to reveal the rise of her breasts that to my surprise where in an actual bra. My mouth began to water.

"What are you looking at?" She asked slowly. I looked up and had to blush at her knowing smile. "You ready to throw in that towel yet?"

I breathed in deeply and shook my head. I can control myself...I can control myself...I eyes drifted down to her chest again. She laughed and asked for the check.

She was saying something in my ear. I asked her to repeat it.

"I asked what are you up to today?"

"I'm washing my mom's car." I held the phone between my shoulder and ear and wrung out a rag then spread out the other one to dry.

"Dirty work huh?"

"I love washing cars. I'd never tell that to my family though." She laughed.

"They'd take advantage right?" I agreed and asked her what she was doing though I already guessed it. "Homework for chemistry." I asked her if it was hard. "It's okay. It could be easier if I was using the book everyone else was using."

"What do you mean?"

"I've already read the text book front to back. Ms. Evans has me studying from a different text." I was speechless. I didn't know and I wondered what other little things I was going to discover about her.

"So my girlfriend is a genius." She laughed and I heard the chair squeak as she stretch back on it. I saw her crossing her legs at her ankles and staring out her window. I wish I was there with her instead of talking to her through a phone. "So you must have had that physics homework done ages ago then? All those labs..."

"Yeah. But we can study together if you need some help." I smiled at the slick way she said the word 'help'.

"I have a feeling that your definition of study and Webster's are very different Kia." She laughed. "Is it the same for physics?"

"Is what the same?" She sighed and I imagined her lying down in bed then pulling up her shirt to rub her stomach. I don't even know when I picked up on her little habits.

"Are you ahead of the rest of us in physics."

"Yeah. I'll be taking college level next year with my other classes." I pulled the phone back and stared at it. Suddenly I felt as if I was talking to a stranger.

"Why didn't you tell me any of this?!"

"I don't know. You never asked." I could have pinched her if we were face-to-face. Probably right on the ass too since I'm sure that's where my hands would have been.

"Don't be a smart ass. I'm proud of you. I mean...I would have told you so if you told me." She didn't reply immediately.

"I want to...I'm going to be a doctor. I'm good at science. I get it." I smiled as she told me about wanting to find cures for diseases like what her father had and her mom died of. I was sitting in the car as she talked, not daring to interrupt her. It was only recently that she began to open up to me like this. Only when she was silent did I reply.

"You're going to be a great doctor someday Kia. I know it."

"I'm pretty sure that I'm failing english though...and literature...and home economics." I laughed at the dry way she mentioned the last class.

"Well I had a feeling that home economics wasn't your thing?"

"Really? How did you know?" The dream I had suddenly flashed back to me and I looked around before rubbing over the jeans material between my legs.

"Let's just say that I had a feeling." I grabbed the cloth that was drying and began to wipe down the car.

"So you gonna help me out or what?"

"With what?"

"English, lit. and home economics? I heard about how Mrs. Lowe has weekly orgasms over your papers."

"Well I don't know 'bout that-"

"You're a good writer Chloe. Just admit it and let's move on." I smiled and admitted it. I told her I would help her out and we set up a few study dates that week. Though how much actual studying we'd get done was another question.

"Oh! Almost forgot, I can't come by tomorrow." After I told her about Donna she said not to worry about it.

"You icin' that wrist yet?"

"Shut up Kia." She chuckled and promised to find me tomorrow.

My mum shouted that she had to run by my aunt's house. I hurriedly vacuumed the inside of the car and smirked as I turned on some obnoxiously loud salsa music then turned the car off. Mum came outside and whistled as she walked around the car. She peeked inside then looked back at me.

"You know, I love when I get you to clean my car. You do a better job than those boys at the car wash." She flung in her purse. "I should start paying you for this." I immediately grinned and held out my hand. She slapped my hand and laughed as my grin fell away. "Good job!" She shouted as she started it up. When the music shouted right back at her she glared at me. I was laughing as she backed out of the driveway then drove away.

I thought of the homework I had to do too and suddenly wished that I set up a study date for that evening. It was gonna be a long night filled with lots of chemical formulas.

"I think I'll hold off and do my English homework first..."

I decided to make it harder for her too. I wore some leggings since it was a bit chilly that day and one of my shorter skirts with a pair of my boots. When I stepped into school I saw some of my old crew hanging around. They looked at me and a few of them waved but most of them turned away and whispered among themselves.

I rolled my eyes and continued on to my locker. They weren't cool then and they really weren't cool now. I grabbed my books and walked in the general direction of Kia's locker. She was talking to a guy I saw around a lot. Jim or James...Jen! He was slim and tall, but not quite as tall as Kia. What always struck me about Jen was he seemed. I just had no real proof though. Sometimes I'd catch him staring at me and I'd think that he wasn't gay, he was just into me and to make him less appealing in my head, maybe I was just creating this idea of him being gay.

Now as I looked at him though, I had the exact same feeling. Either he was gay or I was slowly going insane.

I approached and Kia spotted me. She smiled and waved me closer. Her arm came around my shoulders and for a moment I tensed. She felt it and began to remove her arm but I grabbed her hand and kept her in place.

"Morning," I said. She smiled down at me.

"Morning. This is Jen. He was telling me about next weekend. He's having a party at his house." Jen smiled at me. He was a cute guy. My eyes fell to the hoop earring in his ear. It was like the gaydar in my head finally started to work and it was ringing like crazy.

"Nice to meet you Jen."

"Good to finally meet you." He leaned in close. "You had me doubting myself for a while...but we had a feeling..." I looked around trying to figure out who this "we" was. He had to have read my mind. "There are more around. We don't walk around wearing rainbows or anything."

"Sorry." Kia laughed and pushed him. They seemed to be good friends already. As if they knew each before today.

"I'm just teasing. You should come though." He winked at me and nodded at Kia again. When he left I turned towards her. She removed her arm but pulled my bag from my shoulder.

"Don't want to put any unnecessary strain on that wrist now do we." I slapped her stomach but she only laughed at me. "So I guess Donna is missing too then?" When I told her yeah she snorted. She hadn't seen Donald for days outside of class. At first it was funny now it was just annoying. There was a void where her rambling use to be.

"I mean we GET it, so why are they so secretive?" I looked up saw the back of Donna's head as she headed to class. Once again she managed to sneak by me.

"You don't have to be gay to be in the closet ya know?" We walked into one of the less busy hallways and she leaned against the lockers. I stood in front of her and wanted to press myself into her so bad. She was looking at me from head to toe.

"You look good." I told her thanks. "Very good." I laughed and took her hand. I dropped it a moment later when a gaggle of my old crew walked by. Micheal was in the mix and I saw the way his eyes looked over me. "Too good..." Kia growled as she stood up stepping closer to me.

It would have been more effective if she peed on my leg. I pushed her back into the locker and she looked at me then chuckled. "Sorry," mumbled. "You can expect that to happen every time you come to school in a skirt that short though." I looked down innocently at my skirt then back at her.

"What do you mean? This is short?" I turned around running my hands down my ass then my thighs. When I was facing her again I saw how dark her eyes got. They rose from my thighs and she smiled at me.

"You need to behave."

"Or else what?" I stepped closer to her and she lowered her lips. I forgot about where I was or who I was when I felt her breath on my lips. My eyes lowered and focused on her mouth.

"Or else I'll drag you into one of those same bathrooms you were bitchin' about and I'll fuck you." I looked up and saw how serious she was. I felt myself getting wetter. It was like she turned on a switch inside of me. I stepped back and looked around. Some eyes were on us but I didn't care so much anymore. The bell rang and I felt Kia's arm around my shoulders a moment later. She leaned closer to tell me something when someone called out to her.

"Hey Akia!" It was Heather. She was somewhat popular and rumored to be bisexual. Her little crew of lackeys was two steps behind her. When I thought back to that day in physics when she had her hands all over Kia that rumor seemed to be more of a fact.

She walked up and smiled one of her fake smiles at me then beamed at Kia. "Hey, how's it going?"

"I'm cool," Kia ran her hand through her hair. I glanced back at Heather a moment later and saw her expression change. I was very good and reading people since Kia came to our school. I watched everyone's response to her. Heather's response made me move my hand to Kia's waist. "Mine," the move said. She didn't miss it. Her eyes slid to me then slid away just as quickly.

"So I was wondering if we could study for physics someday this week. You said that you could help me study before."

Kia shifted her stance and glanced at me. "Well-"

"She'll be busy Heather." Kia turned towards me with a raised eyebrow. I felt my face getting redder by the second as all eyes turned to me.

"Oh, I didn't know that you spoke for Akia Chloe?" She flicked her shiny, blond hair behind her shoulders. Some would consider her hot. I didn't, and I never did like the porn star look. If you tugged her shirt any lower we'd see her navel. I never liked her.

"I don't speak for her, she can speak for herself." I said as I crossed my arms and glared at her then looked at Kia. She looked amused by all of this and that just made me mad. I moved her arm from my shoulder and grabbed my bag. Her smile slipped away.

"Sorry Heather, not this week." She said as she watched me take my bag from her.

"Maybe next week then?" I looked at her and walked away. This wasn't some game to me and I wasn't stupid. Heather had her mind on one thing, getting Kia alone and naked. So I wasn't about to watch while Kia had her fun with me.

"I'm going to class." I said over my shoulder.

"Sorry," I heard her say as she rushed to catch up with me. "Hey." She grabbed my arm and tugged until I faced her again. I saw the confused look on her face and the hurt but it was too late, the little green monster was having a party inside my head already.

"So that must have been tons of fun huh Kia?" She let go of my arm and raised her hands in the air.

"I didn't do anything!"

"And THAT'S the problem." I turned away but she grabbed my arm again.

"You don't get to be all cryptic and shit now. What the fuck did I do?" I crossed my arm as I thought back over the conversation. My anger deflated a bit when I realized that she really didn't do anything wrong. Well except her little cocky attitude, but she really didn't DO anything wrong. I looked at my feet as she looked at me. Someone walked by yelling my name I waved but looked down again. Now I felt like an ass. A jealous one but an ass none-the-less.

"She's a hoe."

"Okay," She stepped closer and I felt the heat from her body. "But I don't want her. I only want you."

"When did you promise her that?" She shrugged and looked away. I new that she was trying to remember by the way her brows were all wrinkled. I saw an embarrassed look spread over her face before she looked at me again.

"It was when you weren't talking to me." People were heading to class so we started to walk too. "I wouldn't play you like that." I stopped and looked into her eyes. They were truthful but I still needed to make my point.

"You better not Kia. With her or her little crew. Or else you could just extend our vacation to forever." Her mouth was hanging open in surprise when I turned away and entered my classroom.

When I sat down the guilt sneaked up on me. I slouched in the chair and tried to figure out who the monster was in the hallway a few minutes ago. Was I going to be that way every time a girl came onto her?

"Chloe," Donna said as she sat down. "Oh my God you wouldn't believe..." I tuned her out as I wondered if I hurt her. My cell phone was in my hand a second later.

I'm sorry Kia :(<

It was a few minutes before she replied. >its cool baby, meet me 4 lunch 2 talk<

I sighed in relief and finally tuned in to Donna's frantic whispering. "Donna?"


"I don't care about any of your little friends anymore. They dropped me remember? They talk about me behind my back. I. Don't. Care." She sat back and studied me for a few minutes. Finally she took out her books and settled into her seat.

"You're the only one who saw me with Donald and didn't say mean things about him." I looked at her and saw the sad look on her face. That look turned to her Ms. Attitude look a second later. "I don't care about them either. I'm going out with Donald on Wednesday." She said with attitude then looked over at me expectantly. I rolled my eyes and shoved her shoulder.

"It's about time. Jeesh!"

"Ms. Soto and Ms. Christie!" We looked up when the teacher called us out. When she went back to teaching we smiled at each other. I saw how genuine her smile was today. Hopefully Donald realized how lucky he was. I had no problem reminding him if he ever forgot.

It was a few minutes into lunch by the time Kia found me. Donald was walking with her. I saw Donna enter the caf‚ a few minutes later. She looked at the tables my ex-friends where I use to sit and at my table where Kia and Donald just settled down. Donna looked at them too then walked over and was sitting down next to Donald a moment later.

I saw the looked of surprise and scorn on some of the faces across the room. But when I looked over and saw how much Donna didn't care I relaxed.

"Hey," she said. Kia smirked and I smiled. Donald just looked like God just came down to earth and sat next to him.

"Hey," I said. Donna took Donald's apple.

"Double D's," Kia said and began to laugh. "Don and Don. Don Don." I tried to hold in my laughter but the scowl on Donna's face made it come out. It was a little funny how similar their names were. We just had to get a nick name for them now.

"Ha ha Kia. I heard about how you're not getting any." Kia's smile dropped and she turned to glare at me. I glared at Donna then turned toward Kia grabbing her arm as she crossed then.

"You told her?" I balled up a napkin and threw it at Donna. Not that she cared since she was too busy laughing.

"She's my best friend." Still she glared at me but when I placed my hand on her thigh and began to rub it she relaxed. A reluctant nod made me know that I was in the clear...for now.

"I saw Micheal performing for the talent show today." Donna said as she grabbed half of Donald's sandwich. His face dropped but when she draped her arm around the back of his chair he was all smiles again.

"They won the last two years." I saw Kia perk up a bit.

"They did huh?" That wicked smirk was on her lips again and I imagined her tying to think up some scheme to sabotage their performance.

"When is it?" She asked Donald.

"About two weeks. They practice in the audio room at lunch time then after school on Wednesday, Thurs-Ow!" Donald pouted at me as he reached for his shin. Donna frowned at me as she rubbed Donald's back. He deserved it. He was practically feeding Kia any information she needed to get into trouble again.

"Kia, please leave them alone. He backed off."

"For now..." She mumbled then watched as Donna took half of Donald's pasta salad. "Can't you get your own food? Do you need money or something?" Donna gave her the finger.

"Have you tasted his food? His mom knows how to cook." We talked until the bell rang again. "We still on right?" Donna asked as we grabbed our bags.

"Yeah," I took Kia's hand and rolled my eyes as she took my bag from me. "I can carry my own bag you know." I was speaking to a brick wall though. She just continued to walk and I watched Donald scramble for Donna's bag too.

"Don't wait for me today. Go home so you guys can talk." Kia said as she finally handed over my school bag.

"Are you sure?" She nodded her head. I wanted to kiss her when I saw that inner teddy bear peeking through. Instead I squeezed her hand and promised to call her that night.

I turned back to wave again but stopped when I saw Heather talking to her and standing very close while she did it. I stepped to the side and hid behind some students.

Heather touched her arm and ran her hand up and down. Her body was too close to Kia's in my book. Her smile was too slick. I felt my insecurities sneaking up on me and shook my head trying to shake them lose. I looked up again and saw Kia smirk at her as she shook her head. She leaned in close and said something to her then stepped back and walked away. Heather stood watching her ass then seemed to snap out of a trance and walked in the opposite direction.

Heather was going to be a problem and I had the perfect solution; my fist.

I was lying in bed while Donna surfed the net on my laptop. She turned off my Sheryl Crow CD as soon as she entered my bedroom and replaced it with Jay Z.

"Stop playing country music Chloe," she said to me like she always did no matter what I had in the player.

"Sheryl Crow is not country for the hundredth time!" We always had this argument. Any music that wasn't hip-hop or R&B was country to her. We lay in bed abandoning our homework that afternoon and just talked about relationships particularly our very new ones.

She told me about how much she was into Donald. She told me about how he made her feel. It was pretty serious when Donna used the L word the way she did. "I want to make love to him Chloe." My eyes widened as I sat up in bed. My mouth opened and closed as I tried to find the right words. "Is he..."

"He's a virgin." She rolled over and looked at me dreamily. "Which is a miracle considering the size of his-"

"DONNA!" I hit her in the face with a pillow as she laughed.

"What?! It's true. He's hung like a horse. Shit, I bet I come about 10 times our first-" I covered her mouth as she laughed at me. I only moved my hand when she promised to behave. "Okay, I was exaggerating but he is bigger than average..." She was still laughing when I left the bed room to get some sodas and escape all of the penis talk.

By the time I came back she was pulling out one of my older books of poetry. It was really a journal that I filled up to the brim with my poems and little essays. She liked to amuse herself by reading them.

It didn't hurt that she thought they were all great. My ego got a good stroking whenever Donna came over. She grabbed my newest journal and I felt my heart beat speed up. No one read that one yet. Those poems were recent and even I hadn't looked over them again like I normally would.

I busied myself by opening my math text book and felt her eyes on me. 20 minutes later she closed the book and faced me. My eyes were still focused on the same sentence of that same page.

"Did you let her read this yet?" I shook my head. "Did she read any of them yet?" Another no. "You should let her Chloe." With that she placed the journal back where I kept them and grabbed her own notebook.

"You don't think that they'll scare her?" She looked at me then sat up in bed and took my hands.

"Chloe, the moment she's done with the second poem in that book she's gonna jump your bones and won't stop until you're walkin' funny." It took me a few seconds to connect what she said to the serious expression on her face, but when I did I was on my back laughing my head off.

"That good huh?" I asked.

"That good." We were quiet for about an hour only talking when we needed help with this question or that. I loved when Donna came over. We talked and had fun but we actually got work done. By the time it was time for her to go I was tired from all the laughing and talking and thinking...I had no idea how Donald was going to handle her.

"So how you handling this no sex thing?" She asked as we walked to the front door. Her dad was waiting for her at the curb. I looked at her and she rubbed my back in sympathy. "Even though I think she has it worse, good luck with that."

"Thanks, I need it." I turned around and froze. My mom was walking through the hallway towards me. My heart stopped when I realized what she may have heard. "Hey mum."

"Hi honey, dinner's ready soon okay?" She smiled and slipped into the living room. I finally exhaled. If she heard something she'd be freaking out right? It's's fine...I looked in on her sitting on the couch going through a draw. Either she heard something and she was very good at hiding it or she didn't hear a thing.

I relaxed as I walked into my bedroom slowly closing the door behind me. I sat in bed holding my face. Hiding this was getting much harder than I thought it was going to be.

Thursday afternoon came by quickly. I had this week in the bag, I knew it. The school yard was empty except for the basket ball team that were running around doing drills. I decided to watch the girl's team practice the last few afternoons while I waited for Kia. After my second afternoon watching, a few of them started to notice.

I knew most of them from different classes but we never really talked. One of the shorter girls and better players started to say hello and talk about random school going ons. Claudia. I guess you'd consider her the star of the team, she lead the team to a playoff spot last year, her first year as a senior. She certainly had the confidence a point guard needed.

When the coach blew the whistle to end practice I knew that Kia would be done with detention soon. I started to gather my things and saw when Claudia broke from the pack.

"Hey," she said and smiled. It was one of those cute smiles that you found yourself returning even if you didn't want to.

"Hey, good practice."

"Oh it's harder and longer on the weekends." She lifted a foot and placed it next to me, practically boxing me in on the bleacher. "So we have a bet going and I hope that I'm gonna win it." I looked past her at the girls still hanging around trying not to look like they were watching us. I felt a little strange but didn't feel threatened by her.

She smiled again and her sleepy looking, light brown eyes watched me. They slid down my chest and lingered on my thighs. I wore a lot more skirts this week. Now I wish that I hadn't. I was pretty sure that I was being checked out, so what we all guessed about her was definitely true. Claudia was into girls. I looked over my shoulder again but knew that it would have looked silly running away. I can be cool...I can handle this...

"A bet about what?"

"About who you're watching when you watch us practice." My mouth fell open and I looked back at the girls who were still hanging around bouncing the ball around. A few of them looked away when I looked up. Some of them looked embarrassed. I was so confused.

"Ummm...I'm not...I don't..."

"I said it's me, Missy says I'm wrong and that it's no one, Kim says it's her, Lovette says it's her..."


"The brunette." I nodded my head and looked over, the tall brunette smiled and nodded her head. She was cute but this was too much. How did me watching a basketball game turn into an entire team trying to pick me up? I blushed and began to shake my head and stand up. Claudia touched my thigh and kept her hand there. "Don't run, we don't bite."

"Umm, that is really...nice. But ummm...I have a girlfriend Claudia."

"Akia right?" I nodded my head and she shifted over, blocking the view of the other girls. She licked her lips and her eyes dropped to my chest. Wrong day to wear a spaghetti strap too I guess. I pulled my jacket closer but she just smirked. "What Akia don't know won't hurt her."

"Look,this is sweet but I don't cheat."

"Who said anything about cheating?" Her hand moved up my thigh and I tried to make my mind catch up to what was happening. This didn't happen to me. Girls didn't come on to me. Well until now. When I finally found the sense to stop her hand she just kept on talking. "I don't cut corners honey...whatever she's doing I-" She couldn't finish her statement though. Suddenly she was on her butt staring up at 6 feet on angry lesbian.

In a second she was off the floor and in Kia's face...well her chest really. Her friends were around us in a heart beat pushing Claudia away and trying to hold back Kia who moved in again.

"Kia!" She stopped and held up her hands then turned towards me.

"I'll be in the car if you're coming." Then she was gone a second later. Claudia was rubbing her arm as she glared at Kia's back. A tall girl slapped Claudia in the head and that seemed to release the tension. The rest of the team started laughing.

"I told you not to mess with her." I learned later that she was Missy. Missy the wise one. "You tryin' to be Casanova and sweet talk that amazon's girl? She could probably bench press you." Missy then turned to me and smiled. "I'm sorry hon. This one thinks with her clit. We told her to leave you alone."

"It's okay." Claudia looked at me embarrassed then crossed her arms. "NOW will you back off?" They laughed again and she scowled at all of us then looked at me and I saw a small smile sneaking out.

"Yeah, but you need to teach your girl some manners."

"Excuse me miss, could you please stop sweet talking my girl friend? It's time for us to leave..." One of the other girls teased. Claudia just pushed her away then held out her hand. I shook it and glanced over my shoulder at Kia who was still there leaning against her car.

"Okay, but I'm not that bad. We were all excited when we heard you were officially family. Just overly excited. That's all."

"Okay." I giggled and got a few more names that I immediately forgot.

"Don't stop watching us 'cause of the idiot Chloe. You're cool." Missy said and I promised not to stop as I ran to Kia's car. When I was a few paces away she got into the car and I stopped. No opening doors? She was really pissed off then...but I wasn't having any of it. I stood up with my fists on my hips until she shoved up her shades, looked at me then slowly opened her door and stepped out. She opened the passenger door gesturing for me to get in.

I smiled and settled in and my head nearly hit the ceiling when she slammed the door shut. She came into the car and closed her door quietly. Shades back in place she started up the car and put her hands on the shift. I yanked the keys from the ignition.

"What the fuck Chloe?"

"I'm not going anywhere with you mad at me."

"I'm not mad." She said quietly and stretched out her hand palm up.


"I'm NOT mad, now hand over the fucking keys." I just stared at her. When I refused to give it up she opened her door and slammed it shut. I looked over to the basketball court and quickly waved back the players I saw inching closer to the car, Claudia leading the pack. Most of them crossed their arms and watched. Like I needed more big sisters...

I walked over to where Kia was leaning against the car and stood in front of her. I ran my hand up her arm. She shrugged me away but I just stepped closer. "I'd never do that to you Kia." She looked at me then to the side.

"Why did she have her hands on your thigh?" I ran my hands up and down her arm then wrapped my arm around her waist. She had to lower her arms but she didn't hold me. They just hung at her sides. I told her that she surprised me. "She seemed real comfortable." Her face turned towards where the players were still watching us like hawks. I turned her face back and rubbed her cheek.

"Stop being jealous."

"This is the pot callin' the kettle black isn't it?" I nodded my head, not even bothering to fight over it. That's exactly what it was. "I don't like to see anyone's hands on you."

"I know. I don't like that either." Her hands were on my ass then moved up to the small of my back.

"...rubbing your thighs like she-" I kissed her and felt her hands grab my ass. I pulled her tongue into my mouth as she moved her mouth over mine. I felt the tension ooze right out of her. I was really getting hot for her, and wet. It was too long...way too long...only the hoots and cheers kept us from having sex right in that school yard against her car.

I pulled away and looked over at them and they cheered again. I hid my face in Kia's chest as she pushed up from the car. After I waved them away a second time they finally left one by one. Kia touched my cheek and chuckled as she tugged me toward the other side of the car. She held open the door for me and this time she gently closed the door. When she settled back into her seat I leaned over and kissed her cheek. She raised an eyebrow as she started up the car.

"You look hot when you're all angry."

"Oh really?"

"Yes really," I kissed her cheek again, then drifted lower until my lips found hers again. I felt the car jerk as she pressed brakes then leaned over, both of us trying to get closer. Her hands were in my jacket rubbing my back then were squeezing my breast. I moaned into her mouth.

"We need to forget about this no sex thing." I nodded my head in a daze. When her hand was under my shirt I finally came back to reality. I grabbed her hand and pulled it from my shirt. "Chloeeee..."

"We promised-"

"I never promised anything," Kia said as she tried to slide her hand up my thigh. I stopped it and placed it back on the steering wheel. She pouted and pulled her shades back down. I watched her turn into a little girl. She was pissed off but I knew what was really going on behind those shades. I felt sorry for her, I knew how horny she had to be, but I felt some strange need to prove that we could be together without sex taking over. though I didn't mind it taking fact I loved when it took over...why were we not having sex again?

"We kinda did promise Kia."

"No, maybe YOU did. I never promised anything. A promise requires the use of two critical words." She had my full attention now. When Akia decided to use longer sentences and correct english she always got my attention. And I knew that she was irritated.

"Uh huh? What two words?"

"I promise." I laughed as she pulled up to my house. She turned towards me and pulled of her shades. "You're funny."

"And I'm serious. I wanna have sex Chloe. Please?" I took pity on her and leaned in to kiss her again. When she pulled back I saw the hope in her eyes.

"Not yet." Her mouth opened then closed then her lips turned to a think line. She stepped out of the car and opened my door. I reached for her hand but she slid it in her pocket. "Don't be a baby."

"You're being selfish." I laughed but she just crossed her arms. "I don't want to do this anymore."

"I thought that you said you had no problem with it. Oh, I believe your exact words were 'I have full control of my body Ms. Soto.'"

"I lied." I stepped closer but she still kept her arms crossed.

"I want us to get closer Kia..." When she finally looked down at me I saw her shoulders slump and she rubbed her face.

"I miss you," I saw how much it took her to say that. I looked around then at my house. My mum and dad were home. I sighed and promised to call her the next day. She nodded her head and hugged me before stepping back. I watched her hop in the car. When I opened the door and waved she finally drove away. I felt as if a piece of me drove away with her.

I had to shake myself back to the present as I stepped into the house. On my way back to the kitchen I happened to look into the living room and nearly screamed when I saw my mom sitting in the dark room. Her eyes turned to me and I entered the living room. Now I was worried. She usually sat alone like that when she had a bad headache.

"Mom, are you o..." When I stood next to the couch I saw where her eyes were focused. She had a clear view of the front yard, it just happened to be the exact spot Kia stops her car. It was like HD television from inside. I looked at my mother and tried to slow my heart down.

It was gone though. A run away train. Then she said five words that scared me shitless.

"We need to talk Chloe."

Next week on Bad this SHOULD be a television show!

Next: Chapter 8

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