Bad Girl

By Mas P

Published on Apr 16, 2009


The story continues... The next one will be up asap. Thanks to my fans for the encouragement and patience!

Big thanks to my proofreader, the lovely Brenda. :) You're a gem. My little southern belle.

If you'd like to fan my ego, or take it down a notch then hit me up at:

Bad Girl - 9

By Mas

I refused to buy a student council t-shirt that day. Most students had one on, but I wasn't feeling very perky or supportive. It seemed like what I wanted was pushed aside for Kia's need to mess around with Micheal again.

There was a buzz of excitement in the air. When you tell a bunch of students that they only had a half day of classes, then they could dance the rest of it away, that's to be expected. It was a little contagious, I had to admit it. Donna practically bowled me over as Donald followed behind with his over sized book bag.

"Donald, we don't have class for the last half of school. WHAT is in your bag?" He shrugged at me as he tugged it from his shoulders. I tried to lift it up and was sure that I nearly got a hernia. "Oh shit!" I let go of it and rubbed my arm then turned to Donna. "How does he lift that?!"

"Oh, he's strong." She grabbed his arm which was covered in a baggy, long sleeved shirt like it always was, so I wasn't going to get any proof of that strength today. When she leaned over and kissed his cheek, I had to smile. They were too cute.

"I'll take your word for it." I decided to only grab my note books for the two classes we had that day. I looked around but didn't spot Kia yet and this didn't improve my mood.

"Oh! I saw some performances in a sneak preview yesterday!" Donna shrieked at me. I rolled my eyes but she ignored me. "And I hear we're getting a really good DJ for the dance."

"You're acting like we're gonna watch a select screening of some movie Donna." Donald shook his head and bent to lift up his bag. I tugged it from him and opened it up pulling out about 5 text books. "Put these in your LOCKER Donald! We don't have any of these classes today!"

"Okay! Okay..." He sulked away while Donna frowned at me.

"He likes his books; leave him alone." She said and watched him stuff his books away.

"He'll have a hunched back by the time he's 20!" I snapped. She stepped back and raised her fists to her hips.

"Well! Someone's having a bad day..." I glared at her as we walked over to Donald's locker, then towards the stairwell. "What's up with you?"

"I don't see why I have to be here today when it's a perfect excuse to stay home." The fact that I COULD have stayed home was pushed to the back of my brain and ignored.

"Well, why didn't you stay home then?" Donald asked, making me glare at him. He stepped aside letting some twelfth graders pass by. They were a few of the more popular students and were like Moses when they were walking the halls. It was surprising that they could all fit in the hallway with their overblown egos. I caught a few eyes looking at me and then a few smirking. My chin rose an inch as they walked by. One of the girls at the end of the train of idiots looked back, what was a look of scorn a second ago turned into something a little more friendly.

Hypocrite. I turned away before she closed the door. "Kia might try to do something stupid today and I don't want her to get in trouble." That's right Chloe, blame it all on Kia.

Donna laughed and told me not to worry. "Easier said than done," I thought. "Her and Micheal cooled down right?" I looked at her warily, but she just patted my arm. "Nothing's gonna happen. Come on Chloe, relax, today's gonna be fun!"

"Damn right it's gonna be fun!" Claudia came barreling up the stairs and stopped in front of me. My eyes nearly popped out of my head when she smacked her lips against mine. "Woohoo! I kissed her and Kia can't do a damn thing!" My head was still spinning from it as I watched her do a little victory dance. Missy and Lovette came up behind her and looked around anxiously.

"She's not here. I looked around before I ran up here. You think I'm crazy?" They both shouted a loud "Yes" at her making her wince.

"You're tryin' to get your ass kicked and soon I'm gonna stop saving it." Claudia just smirked and sat down next to me. I slapped her arm but she just grinned.

"What's good beautiful?" She asked and then asked the same thing to Donna but turned back to me. "You saving me a dance today right?"

"Nothing Claudia and you CANNOT do that again." She nodded her head then asked me why I wasn't wearing a t-shirt. I scowled and crossed my arms. "And no, after that I'm not saving you anything."

"She's feeling kinda grumpy today I'm afraid," Donald said in a stage whisper.

"I am NOT grumpy!" They all nodded their heads quickly agreeing with me and stared at me until we all burst out laughing. Okay, so I was a little grumpy.

"I know how you can get...relaxed." Claudia said with a suggestive look. I felt her hand on my knee a moment later. I grabbed it and placed it back on her lap.

"Do you think with anything other than your clit Claudia?" Lovette reached over and pushed her as she managed to look embarrassed. She shrugged and played it off. I knew that Claudia was putting on a show though, the smooth talking stud. I wasn't buying it.

"So where is the dragon?" She asked looking around. I shoved her but she just grinned. "Come on, you know she breathes fire. Don't know how you two get it on without her turnin' you to ashes."

"Or ice..." Missy piped in.

"Ohhhh they get it on just fine." Donna said suggestively. My mouth hung open as she high-fived Missy. I couldn't believe that they were openly discussing us having sex. I was doing a good fish routine before Lovette patted my knee in sympathy.

"You guys need to have sex already though, that may be why-" I could have strangled Donna. She met my eyes mid-sentence and her mouth snapped shut.

"Wait! They're not having sex?!" Claudia shouted.

"Wow, how long?" Missy asked leaning in closer. I slapped Claudia in the stomach when she opened her mouth again.

"It's for a very noble cause and Kia is very dedicated to Chloe," Donald said defending me. I just covered my face.

"So when are you guys gonna do it?" Lovette asked.

"They ARE doing it, they just stopped." I glared at Donna then tried to stand up and get out of there before I killed my best friend. "I'm sorry! It was a mistake." She grabbed my arm tugging me back down.

"I think that we're gonna know when they start up again. She'll be nicer." Claudia patted my back and laughed when I shrugged away.

"We are not talking about my personal life in this freakin' stairwell!" Claudia just shook her head as her face took on a sad expression.

"You know what? We all need to be more open about sex. Take away the taboo..."

"I agree," Donna said nodding her head seriously.

Claudia flung her arm around my shoulders and leaned in close. "Come on Chloe, let's say the word together. We can even spell it first. S-E-X. Now repeat after me-"

"I wonder what Kia's gonna think about this Chloe." We all froze and looked back at Heather who stood with her arms crossed. "Making out in the stairwell with the star of the basketball team...nice." Claudia moved her arm as if burned.

"Get a life Heather; you know we were only playing around." Claudia said as she stood up.

"Hmmm... right." She smiled but it looked more like a sneer. "I think you're right about that." Donna stood up and got in her face.

"Back off Heather."

"Donna, don't let her get to you. She's obviously bored." I pulled Donna away then looked at Heather and her perfectly styled hair and perfectly styled clothes. Her shirt was cut just low enough to verge on slutty. "Go find someone else to annoy Heather."

"Oh I will, but what I'll be doing with her won't be annoying." She said then leaned forward. "I don't even know what she sees in you." She caught me on the wrong day. She chose the wrong day to try to piss me off. I could tell that she wasn't expecting the slap.

No one was. It was loud. And a second later she was reaching out for me but Donna grabbed her and pushed her away. Claudia was holding me back while Donna tried to keep her away. "LEAVE Heather!" She said and they crowded around me as I tried to push my way through.

"Chill Chloe..." Lovette said. My mind took to her calming voice. My hands rose as a sign of peace and they slowly let go of me.

"Fucking bitch!" She said before she stormed out of the stairwell.

"Damn right!" I shouted over the wall of bodies separating us. Donna looked back at me and I rubbed my face then moved my hands to see everyone's eyes on me. That just made me even angrier. "WHAT?!" Claudia jumped back and rubbed the back of her neck.

"Damn," she said then shook her head. "You need to get laid... like yesterday." They were all quiet, probably waiting on me to explode or something. But when I started to connect what I just did with their stunned faces the laughter started to bubble up. Soon Missy was choking on her laughter. Only when Donna snorted did we all burst out laughing.

It took the bell ringing to get us to calm down. "You better tell your girl to lay it down tonight before Heather loses an eye or somethin'." Missy said and I rolled my eyes as they walked off. I knew that I had to grow some thick skin around those three.

Donna promised to find me at brake so that we could all get some good seats for the show. "And please, no fighting while I'm gone. When did this little feisty streak develop anyway?" I shoved her away and wondered into my class. My mind was already on the end of the day when I could be alone with Kia again. I sighed and looked at the seat next to me. Kia, where are you?

She had a flat tire. It seemed too simple an answer to be a lie. I still found some reason to be annoyed with her though.

"Can't you change a flat Kia?" She scowled at me and puffed out her chest a bit. It was pretty silly of me to ask that when I never touched a tire unless I was washing it. She didn't pick up on this though. She looked as if I really insulted her.

"Of course I can change a flat. Uncle P took out my tools to change HIS flat a few days ago and forgot where the fuck he got 'em in the first place." She and I pushed through the mass of humans in the hallway during our short break.

"I was looking for you this morning." She frowned at me when we stopped at my locker.

"Well now you know where I was." My eyes turned to slits at the attitude she was throwing right back at me. It made no difference that I was being just as immature. I probably started it...what ever IT was.

"Great!" My smile was not warm.

"Great." She replied and I slammed my locker door prepared to make my grand exit but she grabbed my arm. I felt her step close behind me and her lips against my ear. The skin there tingled. "What the fuck is the matter with you?" I yanked my arm away but she just flung her arm over my shoulder and steered me toward the bathroom. We waited until the few girls inside left, not missing the looks they gave us. Yes, we're gay! I wanted to scream it at them. I wanted to scream period. "What is it?" I glared at her and made to leave the room but she blocked my exit and walked me back until I stood against the wall. She crossed her arms and waited.

The patience of Job. That's the best way to describe it. "Nothing's wrong Kia."

"What is it?" She asked again and stepped closer. Suddenly I couldn't breath. I tried to push her away. She just shoved my hands aside as if batting away a fly. "What's wrong Chloe?" Her voice grew softer. She really looked worried.

"That little..." In my head I was cursing Heather to hell and back but I couldn't get one word out when I needed it. "Freak! That little freak got me so mad today and you weren't even there!" She looked confused but didn't move away. "Heather. She came in the stairwell what we were talking and started to say stuff..." Suddenly I felt embarrassed about hitting her. I thought about how girls like Heather liked to strike back. She was like a bee. You mess with one and it'll hunt you down until you jump in a river or something. This was never going to end. "And I did...stuff..."

"What kind of stuff?" She asked. I shook my head but she just moved closer.

"...slapped her..." I mumbled under my breath. She leaned forward and told me to say it again. "I slapped her!" Her eye grew wide then turned to slits and she began to smile.

"You hit her..."


"Were you fighting over me?" Now she was grinning. I pushed her away and she stepped back and crossed her arms. I wasn't about to stroke her ego.

"Get over yourself Kia."

"Well how can I, when I have chics fighting over me?" Some things were better left unsaid. This was one of them.

"Goodbye Kia." She grabbed my hand before I reached the door. "Let go of me."

"Okay, so you slapped her, that doesn't explain why you're pissed off at ME."

"I'm not pissed off, I just wanted you there. I hate fighting!" My eyes watered as the anger I felt came rushing back. She stepped forward and wrapped her arm around my neck, pulling me closer. I wanted to crawl inside of her. Everything felt better when she was holding me.

"I know. I'm trying to be better just so you don't get upset at me." I shook my head as I buried my nose in her neck. She had on cologne today and it smelled so sexy. God, I wanted to taste her skin, suck on her neck where the scent seemed to be rising from. I pushed away before I made a fool of myself but she just leaned in and pressed her lips to mine.

"Anyone can come in Kia." She smiled and pushed me against the wall.

"I'll stop as soon as you tell me what's up. Did you and Donna fight?" I shook my head as she pressed soft kisses to my lips. My hands found her ass and ran over the material of her jeans. "Did you have a row with Chris?" I shook my head and felt her fingers tracing the edge of my jeans. I wanted her to slide her fingers to the front. I wanted her to unbuckle them, then pull them down...I wanted her...

My eyes cleared as I repeated it in my head. I wanted her. I wanted her. I was horny and I wanted her and couldn't have her so I got mad instead. Claudia's teasing came back to me and I groaned as if in pain. "What is it?" She asked as she leaned back to look at me.

"I just want this day to end, that's all." She nodded her head and stepped back accepting that.

"Come on. One more class then I'll find you guys to watch the show." I watched her ass as she pulled me behind her. It took me a while to realize that I was checking out my girlfriend in public. A giggle bubbled up my chest. She looked back with an eyebrow raised.

"Nothing." She leaned close until her lips brushed my ear. I felt a shiver run down my spine. It was ridiculous how horny I was. I made a vow to abstain from abstaining. Never again.

"I'll see you later baby." I watched her walk away. Only when someone bumped into me did I snap back to reality.

"Claudia was right." I caught the top of her head before she turned a corner and disappeared. "I need to get laid like yesterday."

We merged into the crowd of students pouring into the auditorium. The stage was decorated with the school colors and a cool looking backdrop was created. The twelfth graders already had control of the first few rows so we managed to find seats behind them. A few of our old friends waved at us, some of them motioning for Donna to join them. She just shook her head.

I couldn't help the sadness I felt at the snub. Donna shoved me in the arm. "If they're not cool with you then they're not cool with me hon." I smiled and gave her a one armed hug. Donald pointed out some better seats.

"Way to go honey!" He beamed as we settled down. When I looked up I was surprised to see Claudia and them trying to make their way to some seats in front of us.

"Save those Chloe!" Lovette shouted. We flung our bags into the seats, getting glares from some guys who had their eyes on them. When they finally got in we moved our bags. "This better be good, I paid 5 dollars for this show."

"And you wonder why you're still single Lovette?" Missy teased. We laughed and Claudia brought up Jen's party again.

"I hear lots of honeys will be there." I rolled my eyes at the way she licked her lips. "I'm gonna leave their full Saturday night."

"Ewwwww!" We all said together. She just laughed and turned around. Someone called out Donna's name and we looked over to see Jen and Gavin in the isle looking sad.

"Hey!" I greeted.

"We wanna sit with you guys!" Gavin shouted back. We looked around but there weren't anymore seats. I looked up with a pout. He smiled and waved. "It's cool; we'll be in the back!" We nodded and waved.

"We shoulda saved seats for them too." Donald said as they walked away. I had my bag on Kia's seat since she had to talk with one of her teachers after class and told us she'd be late. Donna jumped up and told us that she was going to grab some cotton candy from outside.

"Oh! I didn't know they were selling any. I'll have one too." By the time she was ready to leave she had 3 more orders.

"This show better not start before I get back." She threatened. "Save my seat Donald."

Claudia turned around and leaned over the chair. "You still savin' me a dance right?" I rolled my eyes and pushed her shoulders until she was back on her side of the row.

"Claudia, do you ever behave?" I asked.

"Never." And I thought Kia was a bad girl. I shook my head at her wide smile.

"I'm gonna make it a mission to find you a nice girl to tame your wild ways Claudia." She snorted and nudged Missy who shook her head.

"I think you'd have better luck finding a black man in the KKK."

"What a weird comparison. Sooo random." Lovette said. We all chuckled then looked forward as the M.C. tapped the microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the show of the year!" The crowd cheered then settled down as he went into his intro. I looked at my watch and started to get worried. If Kia wasn't with me it meant that there was a better chance of her getting into trouble.

"Kia told you which class she'd be in Donald?" He nodded his head then stared forward. It took everything in me not to slap him in the arm. "Well?!"

"Oh don't worry about it. She'll be here in a sec." I looked back at the exit but they turned off the lights.

"...and our first item of the day is a group that I'm sure you all will remember from last year." The crowd started to cheer. "And ladies, I'm sure you'll remember when all those t-shirts were torn off...all those 8 packs..." girls began to scream so loud that my ears rang. Claudia looked back at me and rolled her eyes. I laughed and patted her arm. "I need no further introduction for the self titled... M.Q. Crew!" There was silence except for the cheers and then the intro to a familiar song filled the room.

They must have had a mix tape, cause it ran in loops a few times then the spot light was on some guy's back. It had to be Micheal. Donna came squeezing through just as the stage lights lit up the rest of them.

"This is Micheal's crew." Missy said then turned back around as her head started to move to the popular song. Chris Brown's song 'Wall to Wall' blasted through the auditorium and all of the bodies on stage started to move in sync.

You had to give it to the guy. Micheal could dance. There wasn't a better break dancer in school and he knew it. I watched the twelfth graders scream for him as he turned around at the center and started to grind his hips. Soon they had the auditorium practically rattling with shouts.

As the song died down they did their signature move. All of the guys ripped their t-shirts off and threw their hats into the crowd. I laughed as hundreds of hands reached up to grab them. I rolled my eyes at the hard bodies flexing as they continued to dance.

"Damn! He knows how to dance." Donna mumbled as she nodded her head. "I love this song."

When they were done they posed with arms crossed soaking up the attention. Each one of then had a grin on their face when they finally left the stage. "Let's give it up for the M.Q. Crew!" I felt a headache start to pulse behind my eyes when the shouts and cheers nearly shook the room. Ironically enough, I took some comfort in their act going smoothly. It meant that Kia was REALLY with a teacher and not planning some elaborate scheme.

Another glance at my watch made me look towards the back of the auditorium. Some girl came on and began to sing but I was too busy rubbing my forehead to really listen to her. "She sounds good; I didn't even know that Becca could sing!"

The crowd cheered again and I checked the entrance. I was getting worried and stood up deciding to do something about it. "Where are you going?" Donna asked and sat back as I squeezed pass her.

"To find Kia."

"NO!" Donald shouted and grabbed my arm. The M.C. began to speak a second later.

"Ladies and Gentleman, we have a treat for you today..." I tried to shake his hand away but it only tightened.


"I've had the pleasure of seeing a sneak preview of this performance and let me tell's fucking hot!" The crowd laughed as Mrs. Dawson stepped forward with a menacing look on her face. "Sorry Mrs. D!" The crowd laughed.

Donald tugged at my arm and people started to shout for me to sit the hell down. "Donald!"

"She'll be here soon Chloe, just sit down please!" He looked scared shitless.


"I need to find her-" Donald threw up his leg to block my exit.

"To remind us why it's so good to be bad..."

"She's fine Chloe..." Now I was getting suspicious.

"Look Donald-"

"Kia Pratt!" I looked up just as the lights went out. It was pitch black. Donna had to guide me back to my seat that I fell into as I watched the stage.

Notes on an electric guitar filled the silence and the spot light flashed but no one was there. The same note rang out through the speaker and the lights flashed in rhythm. This time a tall form was there wearing a fedora with their head bent. Then darkness.

Only then did I realize what song it was. Usher's smooth voice filled the space.

"What ya'll know about a..." The light lit up the stage again and the form moved. "Supermodel..." Her stomach rolled. "Fresh outta Elle magazine..." Her chest jutted out. "Buy her own bottles..." the lights from above flashed around her.

"Ohhhhh myyyyy Gooooood." Donna said as we all looked at the stage open-mouthed.

It was Kia...dancing in a flimsy looking tank top that did nothing to hide her bra underneath. Her legs were in skin tight black pants and diamond studded suspenders were strapped over her shoulders. She had black, high top tennis shoes on her feet that were laced up her shin. In layman terms, Kia looked ridiculously hot.

The crowd started to scream when the chorus started up and she started to move like she was Usher...or Ciara...or... "Good God I'm getting horny just looking at her hips. How...when..." The questions stopped as I watched her move.

"Ooh work me baby Shakin' it the way I like I'm ready to be bad..."

She finally lifted up her head then tipped back her hat and the crowd began to scream as she pulled away the straps of the suspenders and did a version of something that looked like a moonwalk. It was as if her feet weren't even touching the floor. I had no idea that taking off suspenders could look that hot.

"Where the fuck did she learn to dance like this?!" Claudia shouted at me over the screams. I shrugged and felt a fire flare up between my legs as her gaze zeroed in on us. I swear her eyes were on me as she moved suggestively to the chorus.

"What sexy lady's comin' home with me tonight? I'm ready to be bad..."

She grabbed between her legs and the guys roared as she seemed to be making love to her hand for a moment only to turn around and drop to the floor then slowly rise up as her hips popped to the base of the song.

"I need a bad girl...get me bad girl..."

The last part of the song started up and she ripped off her tank top and started to move over the floor like a snake until she reached the edge of the stage. People were at the edge of the stage now reaching out to her. It looked like some of the girls were ready to jump up there with her. She just smirked at them as she grinded her hips into some imaginary girl.

"I'mma get one of dem Get me one of dem Get me one of dem Get me one of dem Get me one of dem Oh oh oh oh Get at me bad girl"

She slowly rose. You saw her stomach flexing with each roll of her ass and the material of her pants straining against her thighs as she rose up and then yanked off her hat. Her hair tumbled down her back then she threw the hat into the crowd. This time female and male hands reached out. From the screams somewhere at the back of the auditorium it was obvious that some lucky girl snatched it away.

She stood breathing hard with a smirk on her lips. Her body was glistening with sweat and I was sure that I caught a wink. I knew that she probably didn't see me in the shadows but I smiled back anyway. I was still shaking my head when I came back from my trip to Kia Land. Everyone around me was asking questions that I had no answers to.

"Where did she learn to dance like that?" "Is she the lead dancer in some music video?" "Does she have a brother?" Well at least MOST of the questions I had no answer to.

"Umm, I don't know. Wait! What?" I grabbed my head and shook it. My brain was trying to relate this girl I kissed in the bathroom a few hours ago with the one on the stage dancing like she popped out of some video on MTV.

"Hey guys, ease up! It's obvious that she's all hot and bothered now! Leave her alone." Missy said with a wink. They grinned at me and quieted for a few seconds.

"Where the fuck did she learn to dance like that?!" Claudia asked again and managed to get the questions rolling. Again. I shook my head and stared at the stage as some guy started to sing a horrible version of a Justin Timberlake song.

I replayed parts of the performance in my head. I felt myself getting more excited. I was already wet. I wiggled in my chair and tried to take off some of the pressure but it was no use. I was horny to the tenth degree. Donna nudged me. She had a silly smirk on her face. I shook my head and told her to shut up.

"But I didn't say anything." I rolled my eyes at her innocent expression. "Your girlfriend just gave a lot of guys a lot of hard-ons."

"Guys? Hell, girls too!" Missy said as she shifted around in her seat. "You're gonna have to beat them away with a stick. She turned a few girls gay with that dance."

"I think she's gonna win. Only a few more I think." Lovette said then nodded to the side where Micheal was scowling at us. Well, at me really, but it was in our general direction. "He's pretty mad."

"'Cause he knows his stupid ass just got whooped!" They laughed and laughed even more when Claudia gave him the finger. He made as if to get up but some girl held him back. I grabbed her hand.

"Stop it Claudia, he already has a thing for Kia." She snorted.

"You mean a thing for YOU right?" I chose to ignore her. Lovette asked what was going on and Claudia, of course, told her about all the little dramas that unfolded when he and I were in the same room. Then she told her about what Kia did to him.

"Why didn't I hear about any of this?" She asked and pouted at me.

"'Cause you spend too much time day dreaming lover girl." She turned around and faced the stage again as Claudia kept on teasing her. We all turned around when the crowd started to cheer though.

Kia came strutting down the isle waving at the cheers. She laughed when Jen ran up to her with a pen and paper begging for an autograph.

By the time she came to our row the cheers quieted down a bit but you still heard the excited whispers since she had on a similar tank top. It was just as skimpy too. I scanned the crowd and my eyes narrowed at a few cameras flashing away at her. She needed to put on some more clothes. Pronto!

She squeezed through the isle, slapping hands with a few guys and smiling at a few blushing faces and shy praises. I moved the bag from the seat and couldn't help the smile from forming when she looked down at me and smirked before settling into the seat. Her arm stretched over the back of my chair. Everyone was telling her how good she looked, how awesome she was, but I was just focused on not jumping her bones or feeling hurt for hiding this form me.

What the hell! Why didn't I know she could dance like this anyway?! Her fingers traced small circles on the side of my arm as she laughed with Missy. I forgot about being mad when all of my attention focused on the contact.

"So..." I heard in my ear. My face turned towards her. She had on one of her cocky smirks as if she knew she got to me. I shook my head and looked towards the front. She knew.

"That was some show you put on." She smiled at me and her eyes fell on my lips. I felt her stare moving over my face.

"Did you like it Chloe?" Her voice turned low, intimate. Everything disappeared the way it always did when she was close to me like this. I looked back her. "I did it just for you." My hand moved to her thigh. I felt the muscles there flex, and then relax.

"So beating Micheal had nothing to do with it?" I asked innocently. Her brows furrowed and her head tilted as if in thought. She smirked again.

"Well I did it MOSTLY for you." I laughed and felt her eyes on me. Inside I was hugging her and kissing her face all over praising her sexiness. It oozed from her, but I decided to let her sweat it out for a while. Someone called out to her but she just kept on watching me.

When I glanced back at her, the expression on her face wasn't so cocky. I smiled and stood up grabbing my bag. I bent down until my lips were against her ear. "Let's go."

Only when I reached the end of the isle did I hear her trying to step over people to catch up to me. I was at the exit when I heard the M.C. announcing the winner.

"And the winner is...Kia Pratt!" The crowd erupted just as Kia threw her arm over my shoulders. I tried to stop her but she kept on pushing past through the doors.

"Kia! You just won!"

"I don't give a fuck." She mumbled as she walked past closed doors, trying each one. Most of the students and teachers were in the auditorium and would be there for a while as I heard the music start up for the dance.

"FUCK!" Her shout echoed down the hall and I put my hand over her mouth to keep her quiet. She scowled at me and mumbled something against my hand.

"You need to keep it down before someone finds us." She nodded her head but remained quiet as she looked down the hall then down the other side. "It's okay; let's just go to the dance-"

"No, I've waited too long Chloe." She mumbled then her eyes lit up and she grabbed my hand. When I realized where she was going I put my feet down until she was dragging me toward the door.

"No Kia. I am NOT going in the janitor's closet!" She smirked and wrapped her arm around my waist lifting me easily off of the ground. I looked around us frantically. "Kia! Kia I will KILL you! Put me down." I beat her chest but she just smirked as she opened the door.

"Fucking A..." she said when it opened up. She stepped into the room then closed the door pushing me back against it. I pushed her back by her shoulders but she shrugged my hands off.

"I'm not staying in here Kia."

"Don't be like that Chloe." Her hand moved over my back then slipped beneath my shirt. I gasped as my back arched despite my arguing. I heard her hand slapping against the wall in search of the light. When the light finally filled the room we both blinked and looked at each other for a moment. Her eyes were black. A second later I pulled her by her neck until our mouths touched.

Her tongue met mine and rubbed against me. I was squirming against her, trying to get into the skin tight pants. Hands were pulling me into her; with each thrust I heard a deep groan. I grabbed her pants and searched the front for the clasp, when I found it I made quick work of it and peeled it down her hips. She was whimpering into my mouth when my hands grabbed her ass and shoved her pussy against my thigh.

"I'm so hot for fuckin' damn hot Chloe..." Her mumbled words were crystal clear in my ear. My hand moved around her until I squeezed between us.

"I know..." She groaned as I slid the tips of my fingers through the low hairs then grazed her clit.

"Don't play with me..." she said into my mouth. I pressed down on her clit and she trembled. My fingers dipped into her folds and she grew still then I felt her hips begin to move slowly over me. My hand was soaked in a matter of seconds.

"You're so wet..." She moaned in agreement. I rubbed up and down her seam, pulling the moisture forward to bring her clit to attention. Not that it needed much. It felt like a stone between her thighs. I focused on that point and felt her body respond. Her lips were on my neck, sucking hard on the skin, making me so damn excited.

Then I felt a shiver run down her body. My fingers were burning. The heat coming from her body was beginning to make her sweat. Now her hips were jerking into my hand and I grabbed her back as she leaned into me. I felt her lips on my neck and knew when she came. I closed my eyes as I felt her letting go against my fingers.

The moan moved through her throat. She raised her hand from the door and I thought she was going to slap it. My lips formed the words be quiet but I didn't have too. She just balled her fist and lightly hit the door once, twice, and then she grew still.

She was biting her lip when she pushed her head away to look down at me. I kept my hand between her legs, shifting it a little every now and then. The hair at her temple was damp. I ran my hand up her back under her hair until my fingers touched the back of her neck. It was like a furnace.

My hand moved down her front. She groaned and closed her eyes as I ran my palm over her shirt. I felt the sticky heat between her and my hand, the quiet pulse as her body tried to slow down only to have me move an inch and get her going again.

She grabbed my wrist and snorted as she shook her head. "Can you go again?" I rubbed her clit but she breathed in and shook her head.

"Nuh uh... No more. It was too intense." I slid my hand away, making sure that it ran along her body. Kia's eyes turned to slits when I pulled my hand away. She was on to me. I brought the hand to my nose and breathed in. I loved her scent. I slid a finger in my mouth and saw her bite her lower lip.

"You taste very good Kia." She looked at my lips then at my eyes. Her gaze settled back on my lips. When she leaned forward I made sure to run the tip of my finger over my lips. She kissed me softly, nipping until she licked them clean.

"And you call me a bad girl..." I laughed and let her lips rest against mine. We heard the distant sound of music from the dance. I looked around and finally saw the room. It wasn't as small as I thought but still was small enough to make me very aware of the four walls stacked with cleaning supplies...pressing in on us. Kia rubbed her nose against my neck and I rubbed her back.

A big teddy bear...a big bad teddy bear...

"So did you like my performance?" I pushed her shoulders back and looked into her eyes, trying to see if she was joking or not. Of course I liked it! Her expression was supposed to be self-confident but I sensed the doubt. She was pressed up against me and still trying to hide it. I rubbed her back as I nodded my head.

"Of course I like it. I LOVED it! You made me so hot..." She grinned. That was the Kia I knew. "I didn't know you could dance like that though. Why didn't you tell me?" A shrug and shifty eyes were my answer. You'd think that with a talent like that she'd be proudly broadcasting it to the world. But not my Kia. "Now every girl in this school wants you." She snorted and rubbed my cheek.

"Not likely."

"Did you hear them cheering? They liked you more than Micheal. You won the show Kia." She shrugged and kissed me again.

"I did it for you though. To show you what a bad girl I could be." I giggled as she grazed a ticklish spot on my side. "Plus, that was the pay back I had for him. Donald told me how hard he was training to win."

Donald. Of course he was in on it. It was obvious where his loyalty lay. I decided to just leave the two of them alone. The guy would give up a kidney for Kia.

"I think you got him good. He lives for attention." She reached down and pulled up her pants. "I'm sorry I did this no-sex thing Kia..." She shook her head and put her finger over my lips.

"No, I'm glad we did it." I looked at her skeptically but she just smirked and shrugged. "I came so hard just now; I'd be an ass to complain now." She shook back her hair and reached for the door. "So you gonna give me the first dance?" The little smile on her face was too cute. It was going to be hard to burst her bubble.

Well, not THAT hard. "Nope. I promised that to Claudia." I walked off, leaving Kia in a cloud of confusion.

"What the fuck?" She shouted at me down the hall.

How an auditorium could get hot and stuffy in a matter of 15 minutes was a mystery to me. The lights were off and the music was blaring. Kia grabbed my hand as we made our way through the sea of white t-shirts.

Different grades of our high school had their own corner filled with talking and dancing students. I spotted Jen in the crowd and waved. He missed me, but when Kia waved he caught it and waved back. "Let's chill with them!" She shouted over the noise. I grabbed her waist as she led the way through the crowd.

People were still excited about her performance and they shouted hello or grabbed her arm to tell her so. She'd just nod her head or shake her head when someone tried to pull her into a dance.

Some of the girls who were trying had to be in grade 8. "I think I'm getting old or something..." I mumbled.

"What?!" She asked as she stood behind me.

"Nothing!" I said and pushed my way through until we met Jen dancing with some girl. She looked over at me and waved. I looked back at Kia but she was looking around as her head moved to the beat. I looked back and the girl was in front of me. I jumped back a bit bumping into Kia who wrapped an arm around me.

"Hey! You're Chloe right?" I smiled and told her yes. "Jason said some good things about you. He's my best friend. I'm Samantha."

"Where is he?" I asked and she pointed to a dark corner where he was talking up some guy whose face was in shadows. When some lights flashed I was surprised to see that it was Nick Gunther. He was a pretty good basketball player. "Is that Nick?" She looked over and smiled.

"Yup, I guess its dark enough for him to be seen with Jason." I looked at her wide-eyed. "Yes, they're a couple." I shook my head and looked up at Kia but she was still looking around. "I wanted to meet you for a while. I have a cool friend who wants to talk to you too." Why? I asked in my head but just smiled and nodded. I was trying to figure out exactly what Jason was saying about me.

"Really? Who?" She pointed to the wall where a cute brunette was leaning as she talked to Jen.

"That's Monica. She's really cool. Shy but cool." I nodded my head and looked around. The crowd cleared for a moment and I spotted Claudia and her crew. Claudia was being her bold self and dirty dancing with some girl. She could dance and she knew it.

Lovette spotted us and waved. I told Samantha that it was nice meeting her and dragged Kia behind me until we reached Lovette. She nodded at Kia and looked down at her shirt. With an eyebrow raised she nudged Missy. Soon they were both staring at my girlfriend's boobs.

"You need to change clothes Kia." I told her as I hugged her to keep the eyes away. They laughed and patted my back.

"Kidding, we promised to do that when you two showed up." Missy gave Kia daps. "Fuckin' hot performance! Micheal's definitely out for your ass now though!" Kia smirked and told her that that was the idea.

A popular song came on and everyone started moving. Kia grabbed my waist only to have me yanked away by an excited Claudia. I had to grab Kia's arm to keep her from grabbing an oblivious Claudia. She must have a thing for near death experiences.

"This is my dance right?" I smiled and told her yeah. Kia didn't look happy but she stepped back.

Though I never made much of a fuss about it, I could dance. My Hispanic blood made it near impossible for me to escape the dancing gene. My dad told me once that our grandmother was some salsa queen in her day so I knew how to hold my own.

At one point during the song I think that Claudia couldn't even keep up. Her brown eyes looked hot as she watched our hips grinding. When I turned around and bent to roll my hips into her I heard her shout "Hot damn!"

I was laughing out loud at her expression. I patted her shoulder in sympathy. "Oh no! We gotta dance again!" I looked over at Kia who was leaning against the wall with Lovette next to her. I couldn't read her expression but she didn't look mad so I grabbed Claudia's hips and began to move against her.

"Kia is one lucky..." I felt her lips against my ear. "Lucky..." Then she kissed my cheek. "Woman." I smiled up at Claudia and rubbed her side.

"I have a girl for you to dance with." She snorted.

"After dancing with you? I never had no woman wine up on me like that girl." I just shook my head and dragged her over to wear I remembered Monica was. She looked just cute enough for Claudia to have an interest. I looked over at Kia; her eyes were still on us even as she nodded to something Lovette said.

I turned to the brunette who was looking at us like she was ready to run away any second now. It had to be Claudia. I saw the way girls at school got around her baby face. "Monica right?" She nodded mutely. I turned to Claudia who was all smiles. "This is Claudia, you know her right?" Another nod. "Good, cause Claudia wants to dance with you." I patted Claudia's back and nearly laughed out loud when she just nodded her head quickly.

I turned away when she reached for Monica's hand. Now, Kia...

She didn't smile or frown as I approached her. I stood in front of her and didn't notice when Lovette walked away. I stepped between her legs and leaned into her. When I started to move against her I felt hands pressing into my ass. "Claudia was about to get the fuck slapped outta her." I pulled back and saw that she was scowling now.

"Oh come on. She flirts with everyone like that." She looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Everyone knows she has a little crush on me. It's pretty innocent."

"Until it's not." I pinched her side. "Ouch!"

"Oh reeeeally? And that little ho Heather is no different?" She scowled and told me that it was different. "Uh huh." She tried to cross her arms but I grabbed them and pressed into her. "Why don't you just shut up Kia and let me dance on you?" Her lips softened until she was smiling down at me.

"Why don't I indeed." I turned around and pressed my ass into her crotch. Her hands found my hips as I began to grind into her. It made me so hot dancing with her like that, in the dark, with her hands moving over my back and my ass. When her hands grabbed my arms and gently pulled me around I didn't resist. I straddled her thigh and began to move over her. She pulled me close. "I know you didn't come today." My heart began to race all over again. "Imma make you come right now." She turned me around and pressed me into the wall. When she pushed up into me I was prepared for it. Soon she had a slow grind that was making my head spin.

In public, against a wall in a dark room filled with horny teenagers, wrong on so many levels and I knew it. I told myself that I wouldn't come, couldn't come like that. But come I did. I groaned into her chest as she moved her hips against me, her thigh pressed into me causing the seam of my jeans to rub against my crotch.

I came biting down on my tongue, eyes close and gripping her shirt.

When it was over I was afraid for her to move. I never did anything like it before. I could have sworn that all eyes were on us. She continued to move against me, when she turned around to back it up on me I had to laugh. She stopped and laughed too. I managed to scan the crowd when she was turning around. No one was paying attention to us. That was until I doubled back and caught Heather trying to burn a hole into my skull.

"Bitch," she mouthed at me. I just smiled and placed my hands possessively on Kia's ass. She saw the move and stormed off.

"I need some air," I told her. She nodded her head and took my hand.

"It's going to run for an hour after school's done, you wanna head home?" I shook my head as we headed to my locker to grab my school bag. "You hungry?" I shook my head again. "Then what?" We stood in front of school. A few other students were hanging around.

"Can we just go to the lake?" She studied me then grabbed my school bag.

"The lake it is." We walked past a few of the girls from my old crew. Micheal wasn't around, no doubt in the dance getting his wounds licked by some bimbo. I didn't let go of Kia's hand though. In fact, if anything, my grip tightened. When we were a few feet away one of the guys spoke up.

"Hey Chloe." I turned around and spotted him. Brandon. He was an okay guy outside of his company with Micheal. His smile seemed sincere so I waved.

"Hey Brandon." When I glanced up at Kia she had a weird smile on her face. "What?"

"Nothing." When we backed out of the parking lot I saw the eyes on us. I realized that all of the eyes didn't glare at me, or scorn me. Not all of them. That made me smile.

Have you ever wondered what's going on inside Kia's head? Oh my GOD! ME TOO!!! lol. We're gonna get in Kia's head next time, on Bad Girl...

Next: Chapter 10

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