Bank Girl

By Jane Parks

Published on Mar 3, 2013



Bank Girl

Jane Parks

F/f Humil.

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. None of the characters or events herein are based on real people, either living or dead. It was produced for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult, or if reading stories of a sexual nature upsets you, do not read any further! By reading further, you certify that you have accessed/requested access to this material willfully, and that you are an adult 21 years of age or older. You also certify that to your knowledge, this material does not offend the standards in your area, nor is it in violation of any of local, state, or federal law.

Here's another one I owe to Cowgirl.

Lisa was really worried. She was so worried that she couldn't sleep at night. Since the end of school, she had somehow maxed out the charge card her mother had given her, and the charge card company was starting to send her mother past due notices. Up until now, Lisa had been waylaying them at the mailbox before her mother got home from work. But she knew that sooner or later her mom would find out. Then Lisa would be grounded for life. How could she have been so stupid as to let her spending get so far out of hand in such a short time?

Lisa just had to find a way to get enough money together quickly to pay off the charge card debt so she could convince her mother not to throw the book at her. She was well aware that her mom didn't have a very high opinion of her daughter's general intelligence, anyway. And this latest stunt of hers would just confirm her impression of Lisa as a stupid little twit.

Back in the spring, Lisa's friend Gracie had told her about this really cool after school job she had gotten over at the Berkshire Bank. From five o'clock till seven o'clock each day, Gracie worked as a kind of gofer at the bank. She helped load the ATM machine, she collected the drop bags, and she bundled the bills in the bill counter for the next day's business. It was a great job; not very demanding at all. And Gracie got twelve dollars an hour. By the time school was out for the summer, Gracie had done such a good job that the bank manager, Ms. Heard, had hired her on as a full-time teller trainee.

When Lisa's money worries finally got the best of her, she called and asked Gracie about whether the bank needed an extra gofer for a while. Gracie giggled over the phone and told her that Ms. Heard had just spoken to her that day, in fact, about seeing if she could get one of her little school friends to work at the bank part-time for her since Gracie wasn't able to perform her gofer duties anymore because she was training to be a full-time teller.

Lisa was ecstatic with the prospect of getting out of her money crunch by working at the bank, and she asked Gracie if she wouldn't mind recommending her to Ms. Heard.

Gracie was silent on the other end of the phone for a few seconds. Lisa found herself getting panicky when Gracie didn't immediately assure her friend that she would recommend her. What if Gracie didn't want to recommend her to Ms. Heard after all? Then what would she do?

"Please, Gracie. I really need this job. Can't you say something positive to Ms. Heard about hiring me?" Gracie thought for a minute longer. Then she said, "I can't really recommend you, Lisa, 'cause I don't know what kind of a worker you would be."

Lisa almost started crying.

"Please, Gracie. I'm your best friend, and I really need this job."

Gracie remained silent for another minute while Lisa's panic grew and grew.

"Well, Lisa," Gracie finally said. "I can't recommend you to Ms. Heard 'cause if you screwed up she would blame me. But I can see if she'd be willing to interview you, herself. If she likes you and hires you on her own, then, if you screw up, it won't be my fault."

Lisa could feel her panic subsiding a little. Maybe she could get the job after all.

"That would be really great, Gracie. Could you talk to her real soon? I'm desperate."

Gracie gave another little giggle.

"Sure, Lisa. I can ask her tomorrow morning. I'll call you if she says that she would be willing to interview you. OK?"

Lisa was practically dancing with relief.

"That would be great. Thanks, Gracie."

As she hung up the phone, Lisa heard Gracie giggle again softly.

All next morning, Lisa sat impatiently by the phone hoping and praying that it would ring and Gracie would tell her to come down to the bank right away for her interview. By eleven o'clock, Lisa had just about given up hope. What was she going to do if Gracie let her down? Her mom would kill her when she found out about the amount of money she owed.

Then, the phone rang and it was Gracie.

"Lisa? I convinced Ms. Heard to interview you. You need to be here at the bank at four-thirty this afternoon to talk to her. If she likes you, she'll hire you on the spot and you can start doing my old job today. So don't screw up. OK?"

Lisa was jumping up and down she was so happy. "Today! Did you say I could start work today?" Gracie laughed aloud at Lisa's excited antics. "Yes, Lisa. Today. But only if Ms. Heard really, really likes you."

Gracie's cautionary words rekindled Lisa's anxiety. What if Ms. Heard didn't like her? And there was a little something weird in Gracie's voice that hinted that Ms. Heard might not like her.

"What should I do to impress her, Gracie? What should I wear? How should I act?"

Gracie was silent for a minute. Then she said "look, Lisa. You didn't hear this from me. But the fact of the matter is that Ms. Heard has a 'thing' for younger girls."

Lisa sucked in her breath. A little shiver went through her body. What did Gracie mean? "A 'thing' for younger girls. What kind of a 'thing?' Gracie giggled.

"Oh come on, Lisa. You know. A 'thing.'"

Lisa furrowed her brow. Could Gracie be saying what Lisa thought she was saying? Lisa's little shiver became a little thrill of curiosity.

"You know. She likes to look at them, especially if they have tuff little bodies like you and I do, kiddo.

She likes to get close to them. You know. Real close. And sometimes she likes touching them. You know. Touching them. How do you think I got my job here? And how do you think I keep it?"

Lisa plopped down on the couch with the phone glued to her ear. So that was how it was. Gracie was telling her in no uncertain terms that if she wanted this job, she would have to make a good impression on Ms. Heard.

And the way to do that was to appear to be the kind of girl that the bank manager could indulge her 'thing' with. Lisa's little thrill became a little itch.

As she sat there not saying a word, Lisa's mind began to turn over the idea of what it would be like to allow an older woman to indulge her 'thing' with her. She had never really thought in those terms before, but she had to admit to herself that the idea had a kind of tingly appeal to it. She wasn't flattering herself when she evaluated her physical charms and found that she really was a tuff looking young girl. She had a cute face, long brown hair that reached below her shoulders, small but well formed breasts, a flat tummy, a tight little bubble butt, and long well-muscled legs. Ms. Heard could certainly do worse.

And Lisa really, really needed this job. "Gracie, please tell Ms. Heard that I'll be there by four thirty this afternoon for my interview."

Gracie giggled and said, "That's great Lisa. And I'll give you a little advice. When you dress for the interview, you'd better take advantage of the fact that it's summer weather."

Lisa smiled and placed her hand lightly between her legs. She didn't know much, but she did know how to dress to her sexy body's best advantage. The thought of making this older bank manager drool over her set Lisa to itching all over again. What would it be like to seduce an older woman? Well, she had better get used to the idea if she wanted that job.

"Oh, I will Gracie. I will."

When Lisa arrived for her interview, the bank had already closed. But Gracie was at the front door waiting to let her in. Lisa's friend smiled broadly when she saw her. There was no denying the fact that Lisa had taken her friend's advice to heart about how she should dress for her interview.

The young girl was decked out in a tight peach colored blouse with the tails tied just above her belly button and a teal pleated miniskirt that hemmed well above her knees. She had combed out her hair until it fell like a soft cascade around her face and onto her shoulders. Gracie also noticed that her friend had decided not to wear a bra to the interview. Under other circumstances, this rather immodest mode of dress would be considered very unprofessional for a job interview. But then, this was no ordinary job interview. Was it?

"How do I look, Gracie?" Lisa whispered as she stepped through the open door.

"Just fine, Lisa. If you don't get the job dressed up in that outfit, nobody will."

"Now let me take you back to Ms. Heard's office."

Both girls walked quickly and silently through the bank lobby and down a side hall until they arrived at a closed door that said "Manager" on it. Gracie knocked softly.

Her knock brought a brusque, "come in" from the other side of the door. Gracie turned the knob and ushered her friend inside Ms. Heard's office.

"Ms. Heard. This is Lisa Mills. She's here for her interview for my old job."

As Lisa stood in the bank manager's office, she looked closely at the facial expression of the woman sitting behind her big desk, trying to discern whether she had made a good first impression. From the tight smile on the older woman's face, she could not tell for certain. But she hoped. Surely she looked sexy enough to make Ms. Heard want to indulge her thing for younger girls with her.

Suddenly Ms. Heard stood up and briskly came around to the front of her desk. She was rather tall for a woman of her age, and also a little on the chubby side. Lisa noted her ample bosom and hips set off by her rather severely tailored business suit. She also noted the older woman's long legs that showed through the slit in her skirt. All in all, Lisa decided that Ms. Heard was a rather imposing figure of a woman. A nagging little doubt gnawed at the back of her mind. Was this such a good idea after all? Would Ms. Heard find her interesting enough to offer the job to her or would she just ask her to leave?

"Hi Lisa. Gracie has told me so much about you."

The older woman had extended her hand in what appeared to be a welcoming gesture. Lisa instinctively took Ms. Heard's hand and held it in hers. Without withdrawing her hand, Ms. Heard turned to Gracie, and said, "thank you, Gracie. I'll conduct Lisa's interview alone. Why don't you say good-bye now to your little friend and run along home. You've put in a long day. Haven't you, dear?"

There was a little superior giggle in Ms. Heard's voice as she summarily dismissed Gracie. Lisa wondered what she had meant by saying that Gracie had put in a long day. But her mind almost immediately left Gracie behind. She wanted to get on with her interview. She wanted to make her best little Lolita impression on Ms. Heard. She wanted the job.

At Ms. Heard's dismissive words, Gracie got a strange kind of disappointed look on her face.

"But I thought you were going to let me...."

Ms. Heard let go of Lisa's hand, swung swiftly around, and slapped Gracie full on the face before the girl could raise her hand to defend herself."


Gracie fell back a step. Tears trickled down her stinging cheek.

"Don't argue with me, little Gracie," Ms. Heard said with a hard edge to her voice.

"I know what I said, but that was before I saw her. Now I've decided to conduct the interview alone. Go home as I instructed you and wait for my phone call like a good little girl."

Lisa took in the tense little scene between Ms. Heard and Gracie with mixed emotions. She was certainly shocked to see her friend physically abused that way by Ms. Heard. But she was also secretly turned on a little by the fact that the older woman had dominated Gracie so completely. Lisa felt an insistent itch in her nether lips at the thought that Ms. Heard might be the same way with her soon.

Without another word, Gracie turned on her heel and left the room. Despite her stinging cheek and Ms. Heard's harsh words, Gracie retained enough presence of mind to close the door quietly behind her as she left.

When Lisa turned back around from watching Gracie depart, she found that Ms. Heard was staring boldly at her. The older woman acknowledged the girl with a little satisfied smirk.

"Gracie is a good looking little girl. Isn't she, Lisa?"

Lisa was tongue-tied. She didn't know what to say.

Ms. Heard walked back around to her desk and sat down. "Well, Lisa. Isn't she?"

Lisa bit her lower lip.

"Yes, ma'am. Gracie is good looking."

Ms. Heard shot back another question.

"Do you find Gracie attractive, Lisa?" Lisa bit her lip harder.

"Attractive?" she managed to blurt out.

"Yes, attractive," Ms. Heard said impatiently.

"Or are you too stupid to understand the meaning of the word? You know, attractive. As in, 'are you attracted to Gracie?'"

Lisa blushed.

"Yes ma'am. I understand what 'attractive' means."

Ms. Heard leaned forward, the bottoms of her full breasts pushing against the fabric of her blouse to rest lightly on her desk blotter.

"Good girl. Well then. Do you find little Gracie attractive? It's a simple question. Can't you answer it?"

Lisa was speechless. She had never thought of her best friend as 'attractive' in the way Ms. Heard clearly meant it. But maybe, on second thought...."

"Well, Lisa?"

Ms. Heard was not going to let Lisa off the hook.

"Yes, ma'am. I guess I find her 'attractive.'

Ms. Heard nodded her head slowly.

"So do I."

Lisa's blush grew deeper.

"Now, Lisa," the older woman asked pointedly. "Do you find me attractive?"

Lisa stood in the middle of the bank manager's office suddenly feeling like she wanted to run away. Perhaps she could find another way to get the money necessarily to pay off her credit charges. This was getting really weird.

"Well," Ms. Heard said with an insistent edge to her voice.

Lisa blinked. She knew that there was realistically no other way to earn the money she needed as quickly as she could by working for the bank. She had better get her mind right and do what needed to be done to land this job.

She looked at the older woman and smiled sweetly. "Yes ma'am. I think you're attractive, too."

As she said the words, Lisa's little sniz twitched. She really did find the older woman attractive. Attractive and powerful. She wasn't lying.

"Well then, if you find me so attractive, Lisa, why don't you come over here and stand next to me."

Lisa slowly and deliberately crossed the office and stood close beside where the manager was sitting. Ms. Heard reached out and placed her hand behind Lisa's knee and began slowly sliding it back and forth. Lisa sucked in her breath, but didn't move a muscle.

"That's a good girl," Ms Heard cooed.

Ms. Heard continued to explore Lisa's knee hollow with her fondling fingers.

"I like good little girls like you who do as they're told."

The older woman slid her warm, moist palm back and forth along the back of Lisa's now trembling knee. She took her other hand and placed it on the girl's shoulder.

"You know, Lisa. Gracie told me all about you. She told me that you really need this job to keep your Mommy out of trouble with the credit card people. You do need the job. Don't you, little girl?"

Lisa closed her eyes and nodded her head 'yes' as the older woman began moving her hand up the girl's thigh.

Ms Heard chuckled, leaned over, and whispered softly into Lisa's ear.

"You know, Lisa. I have a nasty little hobby. I like collecting little girl hand puppets. Do you want to be one of my little girl hand puppets?"

As she spoke, the older woman moved her hand higher and higher on Lisa's silky thigh.

She was so close.

Lisa shivered hard all over her body.

"Don't you want to frisk around for me just like a cute little hand puppet, Lisa?"

Lisa felt Ms. Heard's thumb press seductively against her panty gusset: against her moist lips. She sighed.

Surely the bank manager could feel by the girl's sticky wetness that Lisa wanted more than anything right then to be her sexy, submissive little girl hand puppet.

Ms. Heard chuckled as she felt the girl's hot wetness.

"Why Lisa. Your little girl panties are soppy wet.

Don't you want to take them off for me like a good little girl and put on a fresh pair?"

Ms. Heard's thumb was pressing harder; exploring, teasing.

Lisa couldn't speak so she just nodded her head.

"Well then. Why don't you just take them off for me like a good little puppet, and I'll give you a fresh pair of mine to put on in their place."

Like an automaton, Lisa reached under her miniskirt and tugged her wet panties off her hips and down her legs until she could step out of them. Ms. Heard slid her fingers teasingly along the girl's puffy sex lips, and then removed her hand.

Ms. Heard smiled.

"Good little puppet. Now, do you know what I want you to do with your sticky little pannies. Or are you just too stupid to figure it out for yourself?"

Lisa shuddered. This woman was making her so very wet. She really couldn't figure out what Ms. Heard wanted her to do with her panties, and she began to cry softly. Her inability to understand was confirming Ms. Heard's opinion of her. Just like her mother's.

Ms. Heard reached out her hand, the one that had been petting her.

"That's OK, Lisa. I don't mind at all if you're too stupid to figure things out for yourself. 'Cause that means that I'll have to figure them out for you." Lisa nodded, ashamed that Ms. Heard was obviously so right about her.

"Give them to me, Lisa stupid. I want to keep them as a memento of our first nasty time together."

Lisa immediately handed over her soppy panties to Ms. Heard who took them and held them under her nose. She inhaled Lisa's scent and smiled serenely. "You smell good enough to eat, Lisa stupid."

Lisa flashed on the older woman's words, and she almost fell to the floor. Ms. Heard was so strong, while she was so weak and stupid.

"But that's for later, dear. Isn't it? Now you be good and just stand still while I put my own fresh panties on you. We can't have you running around the bank with no panties on. Can we, Lisa stupid?"

Lisa slowly shook her head 'no."

Ms. Heard opened a desk drawer, dropped Lisa's sticky panties inside, and drew out a fresh pair of her own panties.

"I keep several pairs handy to put on my girls when they get wet for me. I want all my employees to be fresh for their customers. And I want you to be fresh, too. Since I've decided to hire you for Gracie's old job."

Lisa barely heard the words being spoken by Ms. Heard.

She was concentrating so hard on the erotic feel of the older woman's hands on her legs as she snuggled her panties up Lisa's calves and thighs. Ms. Heard was putting her own panties on Lisa. That was kind of like putting her brand on the young girl. Wasn't it?

Lisa was more aroused than she had ever been before in her young life; standing there so close to Ms. Heard, wearing her panties. When the older woman allowed her tantalizing thumb to touch Lisa's vulva once again, the young girl nearly exploded. She suddenly was taken over by an almost irresistible desire to pee. She squeezed with all her might. She really, really didn't want to pee herself right in front of her new employer, in her office, in her panties. The utter humiliation of such a catastrophe would be absolutely unbearable for her.

Ms. Heard chuckled.

"Is my little Lisa stupid about to pee herself?"

Ms. Heard had felt Lisa's sudden jerk and had immediately guessed the cause of it.

"Well, is she," the older woman demanded. She pinched the girl's nether lips hard through the material of her panties. Lisa squealed. Ms. Heard laughed and tugged her panties halfway down the girl's thighs.

"Not in my fresh panties you don't, Lisa Stupid."

Lisa was so mortified to be making such an embarrassing admission to Ms. Heard. She was so worthless that she couldn't even keep herself from peeing. She averted her eyes and just nodded her head exactly like a toddler who wasn't yet potty trained. Ms. Heard giggled softly and reached her other hand over and brought a metal wastebasket out from behind her desk. Once more pressing her thumb against Lisa's moist lower lips, she used her other hand to place the wastebasket between the girl's splayed legs.

"OK, Lisa stupid. You can go ahead and pee if you must."

As much as Lisa needed to pee, she didn't want to do it in front of Ms. Heard. And she certainly didn't want to do it with the older woman's thumb right against her pee hole. But Ms. Heard wasn't giving her any choice in the matter.

"I said PEE, Lisa stupid."

Ms. Heard yelled the words right into Lisa's face. And the young girl did as she was commanded. As she peed the hot stream out of her body, she could feel Ms. Heard's thumb enter her tight canal and press against her mucus covered pussy walls. She could also feel the rest of the older woman's fingers stroking along her lips and getting covered with her hot urine.

She could hear her spray hitting the sides of the metal wastebasket, and the sound made her feel so very degraded. She also knew that Ms. Heard's taunting fingers were directing some of her spray onto her panties. She really was "Lisa stupid." Wasn't she?

But she just couldn't stop the flow. She peed and peed, until she finally peed herself out.

Ms. Heard whispered into her ear as she continued to pet her young submissive victim, "she's in soooo far over her head. Isn't she?"

Lisa nodded.

"She's so stupid that she just can't cope any more without being led around by me like a lost little lamb. Can she?"

Lisa shook her head in agreement. She knew that Ms. Heard was right about her. Just like her mother.

She suddenly felt an overwhelming need to cum as the bank manager continued to stroke her pee soppy pussy. But she fought with all her might to keep herself from doing so. Surely there was some tiny shred of self-control left in her.

Ms. Heard continued to play with her new hand puppet while Lisa whimpered and struggled with all her might not to give in. She wouldn't give her tormentress the final satisfaction of making her cum. She just wouldn't.

Ms. Heard kept whispering in her ear.

"Peeing yourself in front of me, Lisa stupid. How humiliating that must be for you. But, then again, you obviously like being humiliated. Don't you? Why, I do believe that you're actually hot from doing it."

Ms. Heard was now wringing Lisa's panty gusset out with her thumb and forefinger. The young girl could feel the trickle of cold urine drip down her leg, and she nearly fainted from the degradation the cruel bank manager was causing her. And still she fought not to cum. Poor little Lisa was becoming almost hysterical as she struggled against her own body's need for release. God, she needed to cum, and cum, and cum. "Is something wrong, Lisa stupid?" Ms. Heard licked the words into the young girl's ear as she returned to her nasty petting.

Lisa shook her head defiantly. She could pull herself together if she really wanted to. She could even walk right out the door and leave this horrid woman and her cruel domineering ways. Yes she could.

Oh God. Could she?

Ms. Heard continued her little pussy stroking game, and her little ear licking game.

"Come on, Lisa stupid. All you have to do is just give me a little cumcum. You know you really want to cumcum for Ms. Heard like all my other little bank girls. Don't you, baby?"

Lisa's eyes filled with tears. She suddenly knew that she couldn't fight it any longer. Ms. Heard was just too strong for her to resist. The bank manager was right. She was Lisa stupid, and she would always be Lisa stupid."

"Come on, little girl. Don't you think that it's time to admit to yourself that I'm much stronger than you are? I'm more than strong enough to push your nasty little buttons any time I want to, my stupid little hand puppet. And I'll always be. And when you finally cumcum for me, I'll know that I'm right. And you'll know it too. Won't you Lisa stupid?"

Lisa couldn't hold out any more.

"Yes," she screamed out as waves of wrenching orgasm made her insides spasm with searing release.

"Yes," she screamed again as Ms. Heard jammed three long fingers deep into her, feeling the strong muscles of her tight canal squeeze them almost painfully; almost.

"Yes," she cried out as she slowly sank to the floor, no longer able to stand. Ms. Heard slipped out of her desk chair and sank with her, unwilling to let go of her hot, sticky prize.

"Yes," she sighed contentedly as the last ripples of lust flowed through her body.

Lisa languidly stretched like a lazy cat in the afterglow of her orgasm. She was only vaguely aware that Ms. Heard had removed her hand from between her legs and was licking her fingers like a grommet after a sumptuous meal. She did so enjoy the first tasting of a submissive young girl.

When Lisa was conscious enough to understand, Ms. Heard easily lifter the weak girl to her feet.

"That's my good little Lisa stupid. Now, you go home, and I'll get your paperwork all set so you can begin work tomorrow. You've had a pretty tiring first day on the job. Just like Gracie did last spring when I hired her."

Lisa suddenly realized that she had completed her interview successfully, and that Ms. Heard had agreed to hire her.

"See how it all works out for the best. Gracie worked out so well as a gofer that she's now a teller trainee. And soon, she may end up as one of my obedient little tellers. 'Cause after about a year, I'll get tired of one of my current little teller hand puppets and have to replace her. Then Gracie can become a full-fledged teller. That's why I'm always looking for new girls just like you, Lisa stupid, to bring up through the little girl hand puppet ranks, you know."

Lisa's eyes became wide with understanding. She was going to be here at the bank with Ms. Heard and all the other obedient little tellers until the older woman finally tired of her in a year or so.

Lisa was worried again. Not about the next year or two. Ms. Heard would take care of all that for her. But what was going to happen to her afterwards?

Ms. Heard broke into Lisa's worried train of thought.

"Be sure to hand wash and dry my panties when you get home, Lisa stupid. Bring them in all fresh and ready tomorrow afternoon when you come to work."

Ms. Heard gave Lisa's butt a possessive little pat. "I always seem to need a fresh supply."

This work is copyright (c) 2002 by Jane Parks. You may download and retain a copy for your personal use as long as the author's byline and e-mail address and this paragraph remain on the copy. Please do not post this story to any web site without permission from the author. All other rights reserved. No alteration of the contents is permitted.

Jane Parks can be reached at:

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