Bank Heist

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Jul 17, 2021



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Bank Heist


Early one Friday morning, Lou Mahoney walked nonchalantly into the bank, and stood on a long line, waiting to see the next available teller. As good looking as he was, he went unnoticed. It was a windy, cold, rainy day, and he was wearing a raincoat, a rain hat, and gloves. Nobody, male or female, was ogling him on this day. When he was finally first in line, he told the next two customers, who were standing behind him, to go ahead of him. He wanted to be served by a certain teller. She was beautiful, and she wasn't wearing a wedding ring.

Finally, she was free and he went to her window. She looked at him, and appreciated his good looks, but she lamented the fact that about half his face was hidden by his rain hat, and by the collar of his raincoat. He handed her a neatly typed note and a tote bag. The woman read the note, and turned as pale as a newly laundered white bedsheet. She read it twice to make sure that she had understood it correctly the first time.

Dear Miss Roberts:

My associates are in your home and are holding your parents hostage. Calmly place all the money trays in your till in the tote bag, and return it to me. As soon as I am safely away from the bank, I will call my friends, and your parents will be released unharmed. Should you do anything to arouse suspicion, you will never see them alive again.

Miss Roberts did as she was instructed. She not only filled the tote bag with everything in her tray, she also loaded it with the cash from two auxiliary trays, which she had not yet begun to use. The good looking bank robber sauntered out with nobody paying attention to him. The teller waited about fifteen minutes and called her parents. They were perfectly all right, and had no idea what she was talking about. There had not been any home invasion.

As soon as she was sure that they were safe, she alerted the bank manager. He called the police and secured the security tapes.

Miss Roberts gave the police the note, and they took it as evidence. They asked the teller to describe the robber as best she could. She described what he was wearing, and since he had on gloves, she doubted they would find any fingerprints on the note except her own. She suspected that he was about six feet tall, and not overweight. His hat was pulled down and his collar was pulled up, so she couldn't really describe anything about him except that he was white and had brown eyes. She didn't know what color his hair was. The security tapes confirmed that she had given the police an accurate description, and the tapes revealed little additional information.

The bank robber jumped into a non-conspicuous economy car, which was idling about two streets away. A young, unattractive woman was behind the wheel. She drove to an old house that the criminal had inherited from his grandfather. It was on a relatively deserted road. He had intended to sell it, but now he thought that it made a great place to bring his women, so they wouldn't know that he was wealthy. Since his success at the bank, he figured that it would make a great hideaway also. She parked the car in the driveway, and brought the tote bag into the house.

They counted the money from the three trays. Then they wrapped the bills with rubber bands in packs of currency of the same denomination. They placed the bills back in the tote bag, along with several rolls of wrapped pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. They then put the bag in a window seat situated below a bay window in the living room. They began to gloat. This was their first heist, and they had pocketed $22,000.

"I'm too happy and excited to eat lunch," she said. "Let's spend the afternoon fucking, and then let's go out for a fancy dinner."

"Great. You'll get no argument from me. Let's go."

Lou grabbed Maggie's hand and literally dragged her into the bedroom. They undressed rapidly, and fell on their queen-size bed. Lou had a performance problem. He couldn't get hard and aroused unless Maggie gave him oral sex. While she did that, he would conjure up his masturbation fantasies, and finally he would get hard enough to enter her. Unfortunately, in order to get her to go down on him, she insisted that he do the same to her. Therefore, whenever they fell on the bed, they automatically turned into a sixty nine position.

He would bring her to orgasm at least three times with his tongue, but he himself had trouble maintaining his erection. He found that if he fantasized that she was Hector Ramirez, he was able to perform. Hector was a high school chum, who was happy to service Lou, for equal treatment, as often as possible.

After Maggie came a few times, they would separate, and he would fuck her in the missionary position. In order to achieve success, he had to bring Hector to mind, and Hector had to do all sorts of extremely sexy acts to keep Lou hard. The moment he came, he lost his erection, and fell out of Maggie's vagina. It never occurred to him that he might be gay.

After Lou climaxed on this miserable day, he and Maggie stayed in bed, kissing and fondling each other. Their kisses were not very passionate, and the fondling failed to arouse Lou again. In the late afternoon, they got out of bed and showered together. Lou took a couple of hundred dollars from the tote bag, and they drove off to a five star restaurant in town. It was very close to the bank that Lou had robbed..

It was raining even harder than during the robbery, and it was all Lou could do to concentrate on the road. The driving conditions were daunting. He relaxed a lot at dinner after a couple of glasses of wine. Maggie was anxious to return to Lou's house and have sex, but Lou was in no hurry. He further lingered, and delayed their departure, by having a couple of after dinner drinks.

The trip home was worse than the trip to the restaurant. Not only was the rain making visibility impossible, the roads were flooded, and Lou was in danger of hydroplaning. They finally got home, and they both sighed with relief.

Maggie was bound and determined to get laid, so as soon as they were in bed together, she went down on Lou. She sucked his cock for a long time, but he only partially erected. Suddenly their doorbell rang and there was an incessant knocking at their front door.

"Who the fuck can that be?" Lou asked.

"Whoever it is, don't answer the door. It could be an axe murderer."

Lou laughed. "It's more likely to be some poor slob who got stranded in this storm. He probably needs shelter."

He grabbed his robe and headed for the front door. He was delighted that whoever was there, had rescued him from some unwanted sex. Maggie grabbed a robe and followed him.

Lou opened the door. A young man, even more beautiful than Lou, was standing there soaking wet. The erection, which had alluded Lou, suddenly erupted in fury. Lou's heart stopped beating. He literally pulled the man into the house and out of the storm.

"What are you doing out on a night like this?" Lou wanted to know.

Without hesitation or shame, the man said, "I made a contact with some guy on the internet this evening. He invited me over, and gave me directions. Unfortunately, I realized soon enough that I was hopelessly lost. Straight guys sometimes pull pranks like this on gay guys. They think it's funny. Anyway, my cell phone wasn't charged, and if I could use your phone, I'll call for help."

Lou handed the visitor the phone, as Maggie stood by glaring at both of them.

"There's no dial tone," the soaking man said. "It must be the storm. Do you have a cell phone?"

"Never mind," Lou said. "I have a better idea. I have a furnished guest room. Why don't you stay here, dry up, and sleep over tonight? We're about the same size. I'll give you something dry to sleep in, and I'll put your wet clothes in the dryer."

"It's OK. Don't bother with anything for me to sleep in. I sleep nude."

Maggie gasped. "He can't stay here," she yelled at Lou. "I won't permit it." He ignored her, so she left the room in a huff.

"What's your name?" Lou asked.

"Just call me Ben. My parents give me an unpronounceable Slavic name, so everyone calls me Ben, which is close enough to my real name."

"Okay, Ben. Follow me to your bedroom. You can strip there and then we'll throw your wet clothes into the dryer."

Ben emptied his pockets, and set his keys and his wallet on the end table near the bed. Lou saw that among the stuff Ben took out of his pocket were a pack of condoms and a tube of lube. By now his hard-on was coming through his robe, and he didn't care if Ben noticed.

Ben saw Lou staring at the lube and condoms. "I hoped to use these tonight with the guy who set me up," he explained.

Ben stripped naked. They went to the laundry room, and put his clothes in the dryer.

Both men then went back to the guest room. The bed was made up and ready for use. They wished each other a good night, and Lou went to his bedroom. Maggie was fast asleep, and he was grateful. He lay down beside her, but he couldn't sleep. All he could think about was the handsome dude in the guest bedroom. Ben had indicated to Lou that he was gay, and now Lou was engulfed in lust. He couldn't stand it any longer, so he crept out of bed and slinked to the guest bedroom. He was surprised to find the lights on, and Ben sitting up in bed. The condoms and lube were sitting on the end table.

"I've been waiting for you," Ben said. "What took you so long?"

"How did you know?" Lou wondered.

"Hey man, I'm gay. My gaydar was working overtime, and when your lady friend left us alone, I could see the lust in your eyes."

"I'm not gay," Lou said adamantly. "I have a girlfriend."

"Stop denying the obvious, and jump into bed with me."

Lou carefully closed the bedroom door, and when he jumped into bed, he assumed the sixty-nine position.

"Hold on tiger," Ben said. "How about a little foreplay first?"

"Yeah, sure," Lou mumbled as he righted himself and lay down next to Ben.

Ben shocked the hell out of Lou. As soon as they were lying facing each other, Ben started to kiss Lou. His mouth was open and they got pretty sloppy. At the same time, Ben was fondling Lou's over stiff erection. Lou got the message, and he did the same to Ben.

After some time, Ben began to slither down Lou's body. He kissed Lou in his ears, his navel, inside his thighs, and all the way down to his toes.

Lou expected Ben to zero in on his cock and balls, but Ben said, "Now give me a trip around the world, and then we'll play sixty-nine. Don't you dare think about cumming. We'll fuck after we're done playing." They began a lusty game of sixty-nine, but they pulled apart when they felt each other cumming.

"Let's take a break and simmer down before we fuck," Lou suggested. They did, and finally they had a chance to give one another the once over. They were both uncut, but it was difficult to be sure in their impassioned state. Ben was about seven and a half inches, and Lou was about seven, but he was wider around. It would be a while before they saw each other flaccid.

Finally, Ben took the lube and put a glob of goo up his ass. He handed Lou a condom and the lube. "I presume you know what to do with this," Ben said.

"How do you want it?" Lou asked.

"Give it to me missionary style. That way I can kiss you and see your face when you cum. That always really turns me on."

"No problem. I'll give you what you want, but when it's my turn, do it doggie style. That's my favorite way," Lou said, thinking back to his boyhood adventures with Hector.

"It's a deal," Ben said.

Each was aware that when they reached nirvana, it was the best orgasm either of them had ever experienced in their lives. When they were both satisfied they just lay wrapped up together fondling and kissing. They hadn't intended to do it, nor had either intended for it to happen, but they were both stricken with the love bug.

Finally, Lou said, "I'd better get to my room before Maggie starts shrieking at me again. Please, Ben, don't run off in the morning. I'll make breakfast and we'll talk a little."

"I don't think your girlfriend will like that."

"First of all, she's not my girlfriend. She's a convenient fuck machine. And, secondly, I don't give a damn what she thinks."


When Lou woke up, Maggie was wrapped around him, fondling his cock. He remained flaccid. He pulled away and said, "I'm worn out. I can't give you any sex this morning."

"What's happening to you?" she asked. "You never want to fuck anymore."

"Get dressed," he said impatiently. "I'll make breakfast. Meet me in the kitchen."

"I suppose you're going to invite that derelict to join us," she spat out.

"He's not a derelict. He's a nice guy whose car broke down during a storm, and yes, I'm going to ask him to have breakfast with us."

By the time Lou finished making breakfast, Ben was still in his bedroom with the door tight shut.

"I'll go get him," Maggie said. "I don't want to eat cold eggs. Who knows when he'll decide to make an appearance?"

Lou was just putting the coffee pot on the kitchen table when he heard her scream. She came running into the kitchen. "He's gone and all his stuff is gone. I told you so. You fucking idiot. I'll bet he stole us blind."

She ran to the window seat, and looked inside. The tote bag with all the money was missing.

"You're a goddamn loser," she screamed. "I'm out of here."

She packed rapidly, while Lou sat at the kitchen table in a stupor. On her way out, Maggie yelled, "I'm taking your car. Don't worry, I'll call you and tell you where I parked it, so you can pick it up. You'll never see me again."

"Good, but you better get going. The second you're out of the house, I'm calling the police and reporting the car stolen. I'll let them find it for me, you bitch."

Lou sat in the kitchen in some sort of comatose state. He didn't give a damn that Maggie was gone. In fact, he was relieved, but he couldn't believe that Ben had robbed him and run out. He really thought that something special had happened between them the night before. He buried his head in his hands, and began to sob. He felt that his life was falling apart.

Suddenly, he heard the front door opening, and he thought it was Maggie coming back. That didn't improve his state of mind. Lou looked up. He was about to ask her why she came back if she was that pissed at him. If he was comatose a moment ago, he was paralyzed now. Ben was standing in front of him grinning from ear to ear. The tote bag was in his hand.

Lou jumped up, and engulfed Ben in his arms. "I don't understand," poor befuddled Lou croaked out. "Please explain what's going on."

"I will, but first, where's that breakfast you promised me?"

"How do you like your eggs?"

"Scrambled, if you don't mind."

Lou was beginning to recover his senses. "I don't mind at all," he said.

He scrambled eggs for both of them. His original breakfast was cold, and he dumped it. He served the eggs with coffee and toast.

While they were eating they kept smiling at each other. "Talk," Lou finally begged.

"Yesterday, I was in the bank when you pulled your little caper. I was standing a few people behind you. I thought it was strange that you let two people go ahead of you. After you did that, I was standing directly behind you. I watched as you slipped the teller a note and the tote bag. There was no doubt in my mind what had just transpired.

"I followed you out of the bank, and to your car. I wrote down the license plate number. My kid brother is a detective. I called him and told him that I needed to get information on a hit and run driver who had dented my car. Not only did my brilliant brother get me your name and address, he ran a background check, should I wish to prosecute. You're a highly paid lawyer for God's sake. Why are you robbing banks? Now it's your turn to talk."

"I met Maggie in a sleazy pick up bar. I was not at all attracted to her, but I knew she would be an easy lay. I didn't want her to know anything about me, so I told her I was unemployed and needed money desperately. She suggested we rob a bank. I thought she was kidding, but she was serious. We began to plot the heist; I thought we were plotting in jest. Somewhere along the way, I figured it would be exciting to perpetrate a crime, and get away with it, so we got serious in our plans. In all fairness, it was just an exercise for me. I always intended on refunding the money.

"The robbery had to be on a very rainy day so that I could hide myself behind a raincoat collar and a floppy rain hat. It had to be on a Friday so I could call in sick, and we would have the whole weekend to figure out our next move. We also had to have the name of the teller so we could personalize the threatening note. But then you bastard, you showed up, and I wanted nothing more than to be with you forever. How did you work your magic on me?"

"With the information my brother gave me, I drove out here with the intention of stealing your tote bag and returning the money. I pretended to break down close by, but my car is perfectly fine. Before I knocked on your door, I disconnected your telephone wires. This morning, I restored them, by the way. When I heard Maggie ordering you not to give me shelter, and after we made love, I knew I had to get her out of the picture. After getting rid of her, all I wanted was to be with you forever. I took the money knowing how much it would piss her off, and it worked."

"Why didn't you call the police instead of stalking me?" Lou asked.

"Because when you jumped in the car, you took off your hat and lowered your coat collar. I took one look at your beautiful face, and I fell in love with you. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true."

"How did you know where we hid the bag?" Lou wanted to know.

"I had a window seat just like yours in the house I grew up in. My brother and I always hid stuff there that we didn't want our folks to see. It was the first place I looked."

Lou jumped up from the table, and embraced Ben. He kissed him and murmured, "I love you too, Ben."

Ben responded by kissing Lou harder.

"How are we going to return the money?" Lou asked.

"I've got it all figured out. Did you spend any of it?"

"Yes. I took $200 for dinner last night, but I'll replace it. Tell me what you're going to do."

"Sure, after breakfast, and after we've fucked each other to kingdom come. Let's make that kingdom cum." He spelled out c.u.m for Lou.

"You know that I'm a lawyer, Ben, but what's your line?"

"I'm glad I'm holding you tight so you won't fall. I'm an assistant DA. I have prosecuted so many hardened criminals, I knew from the get-go that you were a rank amateur."

"Shit, you're good. I hope I never come up against you in a court of law."

"Stop crapping me. I know that you're a corporate attorney, and don't litigate criminal cases. Now do you think we've eaten and talked enough? Can we please make love?"

On Monday morning, a young boy arrived at Ben's brother's precinct, and asked for Zoltan. He said he couldn't pronounce the detective's last name, but the desk clerk knew immediately who he meant. He took the boy to Zoltan, and the youngster handed him a note and the tote bag he was carrying. The detective read the note:

I'm the schmuck who robbed the First National Bank last Friday, and scared that poor teller near to death. but now I can't live with myself, so I'm returning all the money. I hope God will forgive me.

"Can you tell me what he looked like?" Zoltan asked the boy.

"No, his face was partially hidden by a baseball cap visor, but I can tell you that he looked an awful lot like you."

Zoltan laughed internally. Ben had introduced Lou to his family the day before. Then they took Zoltan aside. They told him the whole story, so that when the boy arrived, he could only be amused.

"Did the man tip you to bring me this bag?" Zoltan asked.

The boy nodded. " Yeah, five bucks," he ventured to release the information.

Zoltan reached into his pocket. "I'm so grateful to you that I'm going to give you $10.00."

The boy ran out of the police station with a huge grin on his face. $15.00 was the most money he had ever had in his pocket in his entire life. He was happy, Ben, Zoltan, and Lou were happy, but somewhere, Maggie was sulking in anger and frustration. Nobody cared.

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