Bankrupt Downsized and Screwed

Published on Jun 13, 2012


This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to

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Some aspects of living at Freddy's were hard to get use to. They weren't bad; they were just hard. I defined success as doing well at my job. I associated a major part of my self-esteem with work. I was a successful advertizing man, and while intellectually I knew few of my regular clients were investing in advertizing anymore and many had gone belly-up, it was still a shock. My biggest two clients merged out of existence and another firm took over the account. No one wanted to use the advertizing firm of the failed bank. Still felt I had failed.

I was far too experienced to work with smaller start-up companies. In some ways, my resume was way too impressive. At 60, they looked at me as their grandfather. I had done high quality upscale advertizing and most clients now wanted a downscale look.

I suddenly had time to fill. This was new to me. Work had taken 60 hours a week. When I was working on a big project, it was a seven days a week job. Now it took five or six hours a week if that. I had no hobbies and was bad at entertaining myself.

While I had a modest sex life; sex tended to be rare. That was especially true after I was forty-five-years-old. Since my twenties, I realized I was 100% gay, but I was never attracted to any of the stereotypical gay behaviors or affectations. They simply didn't attract me. I was a basic, ordinary executive. My work was imaginative and clever and I always could make a good presentation and have my clients notice my work, not me.

Allan, Gus and Donovan were not stereotypically gay either, but they seemed to be much more experienced than I was and they were much more aggressive. I'm not sure I ever admitted I like sex as much as I did. They knew they loved it and weren't afraid to get it. I was shocked at their openness, and pleased they were interested in me.

I use to schedule sex. I would call and ask a friend to drop by, or a friend would call me and we could arrange a time. When I was working on a big project, the project always came first. I tended to think sex was a way to celebrate the end of a project. Now there were no projects, and there was no job. I was lost. Gus and Allan were ready to screw like rabbits at the drop of a hat. It took me a while to ask, "Why not?" I was still mentally postponing sex to get something done, even though there was nothing to do.

I also tended to think of sex as something akin to a lightning strike, rare and exciting. It was hard to accept the possibility of having sexual experiences on a regular basis. I was also a modest man and the dress code in the house became increasingly informal. Allan liked to be naked, and neither Gus nor Donovan overdressed.

They were both big men and both worked outdoors. They got hot and needed to cool off. I had lived in an air-conditioned cocoon. I rarely spent much time outside and had a fluorescent pallor. All this began to change.

We got another tenant, an older man named Luke. Luke was a recent widower who had lost his job and health insurance just before his wife got cancer. He did not have a penny left by the time she died three years later. He was on social security now, but that was only after he lost his life savings and his house.

Luke was one of those nice Republican types who hadn't realized it could happen to him. He worked for a large corporation that went bankrupt after raiding the retirement fund. There were court cases to save some of the retirement funds, but little likelihood he would get anything for four of five years.

Luke was a nice man, but I had no idea why he was with us. Freddy told me his wife was his cousin and Luke was a pure charity case. He was in shock.

Freddy was a smart man and he had some suspicions about Luke's sexual tastes. Luke was handsome, slim and a bit dapper. He was also shy and not much like the rest of the men in the house who were distinctly out going. He associated with Martin, another shy type. They played cards and talked quietly.

Luke had only one friend who visited him. Whitey was an auto mechanic, and he must have been the dirtiest man I had ever seen. It was obvious he was in the oil change business and he was grime covered. He had never groomed a hair in his badger sized beard. Whitey seemed to be an unlikely man to be Luke's friend. Luke was perfectly groomed and every hair was in place.

Whitey lived in a trailer off Jefferson Davis Highway and he looked like trailer trash. Whitey was quiet, and he would go to Luke's room and stay for an hour or so, then leave and go out to dinner. Whitey would be cleaner when he left. He must have come directly from work and showered in Luke's bath. Luke's room had a private bath unlike the rooms in the servants' quarters.

One morning Whitey came by early in the morning. He was with a dog. Luke was visiting a cousin for the weekend and wasn't home. I'm an early riser and saw Whitey was disturbed. He looked lost and confused. I asked him if he was okay.

"I'm fine," he said, "sort of."

"Would you like come coffee?" I asked. He nodded. We went to the kitchen and I made a pot. "Could you tell me what "sort of" means?"

"My trailer's gone," Whitey said. "My neighbor was behind on his electric bill and they cut him off. He's one stupid shit of a man and he got cold last night and set a fire in a charcoal grill in his living room."

"Damn! Is he alive?"

"He and his woman got out. My dog woke me up. They were hoarders and the place was filled with papers and plastic bags," Whitey said. "It went up like a torch. It burned the trailers on each side."

"Could you save anything?" I asked.

"Nothing, but my truck and MacAngus here," he said. "You can't linger when a trailer burns. They go really fast. They sort of explode."

"It seems to me you need some breakfast," I suggested. That was fine with him. He was clean. I had always seen him dirty and I assumed that was his normal state. Apparently, the dirt was fresh every day. I assumed that must have been normal for a grease monkey. "Did you have any insurance?"

"Shit no, I had nothing. The insurance companies don't do trailer parks like the Jefferson View. It's way down on the trailer park food chain." We talked for a while and he seemed to get his head straight. You usually heard about Jefferson Davis Avenue when there was a shooting or stabbing. I assumed they had muggings and many domestic incidents, but they were so common they didn't appear in the paper.

He was hungry enough to enjoy my not very good cooking. He was dozing off and I offered him my bed. He looked unsure but accepted my offer. It's a shock to lose everything you own and become homeless in an hour or two. I took him and the dog to my room.

"I'll just take a nap," he said. By the time I closed the bedroom door, he was fast asleep. I went back to the kitchen and found Freddy having coffee. I told him about Whitey. He said he's call Luke and tell him what happened. It was still early and he said he'd wait until 9:00. I asked him if he knew anything about Luke and Whitey's relationship.

"Not really, other than they are a rather odd couple. Luke and my cousin Ellie were very traditional. He was the wage earner; she stayed home cooking and cleaning. They played Bridge. They never had children. I had a feeling they wanted a traditional relationship, but weren't much into the sex aspect. I guessed Luke was gay when I first met him, but I never saw anything but a glance at a hot man. She had very close woman friends," Freddy explained. "That is all I know."

Whitey's situation brought out the charitable instincts of the other men in the house. Gus and Donovan went looking for clothes that might fit him. Freddy reached Luke. Luke was concerned and wanted to come home, but he was giving away the bride in a wedding that evening. His cousin's husband had recently died and he was going to walk her daughter down the aisle. He would get back as early as he could the next morning. I went to get Whitey, but he was snoring up a storm. I figured it would be better to get some sleep than to talk with Luke. Luke said he would near the phone all morning so Whitey could call him any time.

I turned on the television and we saw the fire. A neighbor pulled out his camcorder and got great pictures. There was a chance the entire park might go. The fire was spectacular and the firemen had a hard time getting it under control.

Freddy had a firm, no pets rule. He claimed his cat, Jaws, wasn't a pet. He was a mercenary hired to control vermin. Jaws was on constant mouse and rat patrol. This was important in an old house in an even older neighborhood. Jaws and MacAngus met and didn't react. They just looked at each other and went about their business. MacAngus was a Scotty, and they are ratters. Freddy thought it perhaps was professional courtesy.

MacAngus killed a large sewer rat in the back yard of the house, pleasing both Jaws and Freddy. When Whitey woke up, he called Luke. Luke told him to stay in his room. Luke got a cell call from the fire department asking if he wanted to go through the ashes of his trailer.

Donovan went with him, but they came back shortly. What didn't burn, melted. There was nothing. That afternoon everyone relaxed in the Jacuzzi. Whitey had never been in one before and he liked it. Freddy pointed out at least his he had saved his hot tub clothes, that is, his birthday suit.

It was an afternoon of watching a game on the television, soaking in the tub and drinking a few beers. A bunch of naked gay men in a tub had obvious possibilities. At first, it seemed Whitey was a looker, but he relaxed and he had no problems with the activity going on under the surface of the water.

Whitey had a weathered face and arms, but was otherwise pale ivory. He was moderately hairy, but his hair was white it didn't show. He had blue eyes, his lips and large tits were pink and he possessed lavender cock head. It took a little doing to get the cock head to peek out of the foreskin, but it eventually made an appearance and was worth the wait.

He had a classic bear cock, wider than it was long, but the warm water of the hot tub had a beneficial effect on it. His cock was indeed thick, but was six inches long soft. His balls were impressive, especially after the hot tub heated them and they were hanging low. Whitey was shy and talking wasn't his strong suit. His family was pure trailer trash. He had ruined family tradition by graduating from high school and keeping a job.

As sometimes happens, his family didn't seem to take that well. There weren't into overachievers. He was pretty much alone now. At four he got a call from his boss who wanted to come over. We all got presentable and out of the way.

His boss, Rod Miller, was concerned and came with a big box of work clothes and a check for $1,000.00. He had suffered a fire years before and was sympathetic. Inside the box, Rod had toothpaste, brushes, handkerchiefs and other items necessary to get through the day. Whitey explained the lack of insurance. Ron thought it was unlikely the neighbor might have some, but perhaps the Trailer Park might have some sort of insurance.

Rod's concern touched Whitey. I don't think he expected that. Rod said he had to get to a family picnic and told Whitey he could take the week off with pay to get things straight. Rod impressed me. He was genuinely concerned and helpful.

We returned to the hot tub. By now, Whitey had relaxed quite a bit, and Donovan, Allan and Gus were relaxed too. Melvin peaked at the group in the tub from around a corner. While the men were relaxed, their cocks were not. Whitey noticed that and smiled. It was a nice wide smile. His cock firmed up and his foreskin peeled back. Allan wasn't shy. He leaned over and used his tongue to peel the rest of the skin back.

Allan kissed the lavender cock head. Whitey was fully erect and appreciated the attention. "Damn, my balls are full!" he whispered.

"You are in the best place in America to solve that problem!" Gus said. Everyone laughed and then we went at it. We all did our bit to cheer him up and I had the good fortune to push him over the edge and get his load. Whitey indeed had full balls and I took almost the entire orgasm.

I like to watch an orgasm, but rarely take one. I was too excited to notice the warning signs. When Whitey started to moan, I thought I had time for a few more licks. He shot the first blast when I was licking the precum from his slit. He shot off with great force and he immediately coated my tongue in his thick and steamy man seed.

I loved it. I never thought I would ever be gobbling up the semen of an auto mechanic. While the other men were watching, it was intimate, just we men and his spewing cock. It was beautiful. When I pulled off Donovan kissed me. I had a suspicion he wanted to taste Whitey's seed. There was enough to go around. Freddy went to Whitey's cock to take any leftovers. I began to shoot off and Allan was there to catch my shooting sperm.

He was good at it, and I later found out his sperm catching abilities were a feature of some parties he attended. Allan had many skills. After he shot off, Whitey relaxed. Actually, we all relaxed.

Whitey had sexual needs, but his shyness had prevented him from sharing them. He was the low man on the totem pole as far as his family was concerned, and Whitey assumed he was undesirable. Luke was as shy as he was, but somehow they made a connection.

We found out Luke was a top and liked to fuck. This was fine with Whitey, but when he became erect again we found out he could top too. Allen opened his hole for him and welcomed him to his nearly prehensile ass. Whitey liked that a lot. You could easily see Whitey getting into it big time. Allen was enthusiastic too and Whitey knew he was appreciated.

Since he had already shot off once, Whitey had a good, long session. Gus volunteered to give Allan a break. Gus lacked Allen's prehensile ass, but he was tight and Whitey enjoyed it too. Freddy and Allan gave him some pointers on how to rock Gus' boat. About fifteen minutes later Gus popped and Whitey followed suit.

By the time he went to bed that night, Whitey had tried everyone out. Everyone had a chance and everyone enjoyed it.

Luke returned the next day at noon and caught up on Whitey's problems. Later that afternoon Freddy and I were relaxing in the hot tub when Whitey, Melvin and Luke joined us. They were all shy and I thought they must have pooled their courage.

Melvin was bald, short and thin, but in better shape than I had guessed. Like many bald men, the hair that was missing on his head was on his chest and back. He got in the water so quickly I didn't have a chance to see his equipment. Luke was a surprise naked. When you meet a dapper, carefully groomed man, you make assumptions about his body. Luke was muscular like swimmer, very hairy and exceptionally wellendowed.

We later found out he was under the assumption he was too hairy and his genital equipment was circus freak like. Apparently no one told him it is impossible for cock to be too big! Luke didn't expect our frank admiration of his body and of his cock. he adapted to the admiration quickly. He sat in the water briefly, but soon sat on the edge giving us a good view of his anatomical wonder.

We talked about the fire and Whitey's need for a place to stay. Freddy said there was no problem staying at the house for a while. One more man wasn't a problem. Whitey didn't want to cause a problem. I think his real problem was with Luke. They were friends and playmates, but he wasn't sure a full-term live in arrangement was in the cards. Melvin didn't say much but he followed the conversation.

When most of the men left the tub, I remained in it with Melvin. He scooted next to me. "I'm embarrassed," he whispered. "I got hard while we were talking. If I get out quickly, you won't tell anyone, will you?"

I smiled. "Don't worry," I said. "I don't think anyone would complain about an erection anyway. This is a pretty open minded group of men."

"My friend, Phil, and I were always dressed in public," Melvin said. "He didn't want anyone to know. I was just his tenant. When we traveled, he told people I was his nephew. I have always looked young. We were really much more than that."

"I assume you noticed the dress code here is informal?"

Melvin nodded. "Everyone here seems so big. Phil liked boy cocks. Mine was bigger than he liked, but he never played with under age boys. They were beautiful, but un-touchable. He liked me because I was so small and young looking. I know I don't look young anymore, but his eyesight wasn't that good as he got older."

"It must have been difficult being a professor and liking young men," I said.

"Phil had a problem with an old man when he was fourteen," Melvin said. "He said he would never put a boy though that ever." Melvin stood and left the tub. He was hard. I gave him the thumbs up sign. He smiled.

Luke seemed much more outgoing at the visit to the tub than he had been before. He was grateful that we had helped his buddy. He wasn't living here because he wanted to. A financial disaster and his wife's death made it necessary. He was fixed in his ways and not very adaptable.

I had the impression he was reassessing the situation. Over the next few days, we talked and he seemed to relax. MacAngus had made friends with everyone. That impressed Whitey. Dogs have standards and the trailer park people didn't meet MacAngus' expectations. We did.

Frank cooked dinner for everyone and that was a success, especially for Whitey and Luke. Sometimes God makes his face to shine upon you, and we discovered Luke loved to wash dishes. That had been his task at home when his wife was alive. After dinner he and Whitey went to work in the kitchen and when they were done you could have done surgery on the kitchen counter. It was spotless.

Luke was very conventional and shy. He was also sheltered. You don't find that often in a sixty- year-old man. I had the impression he had never been to a movie wasn't "G" rated. Frank thought he was just unadventurous. Once he found a job and a wife, he found a happy groove and he stayed with it. It was safe and comfortable.

His lack of imagination was good for both his job and wife. He was happy doing the same thing for thirty years, no surprises and no variance in his work or personal habits. He was a company man who hadn't noticed the company changed. He assumed the company was attached to him as he was to it. He hadn't realized that their attachment to the bottom line was great than to a man with 30 years of devoted service.

Luke was defensive about that. The company fired everyone of his level of experience and pay in the company. Every person in his department with 25 or more years of experience was gone. It had been done by accountants at the headquarters. Their objective was to show the firm was cutting costs, so it would look good on the annual report. They hadn't even looked at the names of the men and women they fired. They hadn't even contacted the local managers to see it there were any special cases.

Four months later, the accounting department was gone and the services outsourced. Later that year the firm declared bankruptcy, after the new owners sold of the most profitable parts of the company, pocketed the money and were featured in a Wall Street Journal article on hardheaded corporate executives. Luke was in shock. He could only see the ruins of the life he had; he saw no prospects for the future. He was firmly in his shell.

Luke could have stayed in his shell until he died were it not for his cock. It was huge, both thick and long. Allan said it was the biggest cock he had ever seen on a White man. It deserved a place in an anatomical museum. His balls belonged on a well-endowed goat. Luke's genitals were not beautiful or attractive; they possessed hypnotic power. Perhaps it would be more correct to say they had magnetic power.

Sex is a harsh and demanding mistress, especially for over sexed gay men. Once the tenants of the house had seen the huge organ, they devoted themselves to breaking through Luke's reserve.

Next: Chapter 3

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