Bankruptcy 101

By M

Published on Nov 9, 2021


INTRODUCTION. It should be obvious that the following is nothing but fiction which has no literary value. The people and situations depicted exist only in the demented imagination of the author. This story is a history of the future. Although the events are yet to happen, they are related in the past tense by someone who will have lived them -- in other words, this is complete fantasy.

Don't forget the ancient saying -- there is no such thing as a free lunch. If you have the resources, please be generous.

Chapter 3 -- the college experience

Finally it was moving day. Jon spent a week doing nothing else but preparing William's clothes and other possessions. When the Jennings Conglomerate truck was packed, Jon was told to get in the back with William's other possessions, and handcuffed to a ring hanging from the wall. Just before the door was closed, William had a look to make sure the truck had been properly arranged so that his clothes did not tear, his furniture did not get scratched, his electronics did not get damaged, or that his slave was not too comfortable. William unzipped the jump suit and noticed that Jon was not wearing anything underneath. "Did anyone think that this slave is going to be standing here, bouncing around, for the entire trip, probably pissing like a racehorse before the truck gets to the college. My things will smell like a hog lot." One of the moving company supervisors apologized for the oversight and suggested a solution. "Mr. Jennings, I'll insert a catheter and let it drain into a sealed container. That will protect your belongings." William agreed to the solution. After the tube was inserted into Jon's cock, it was secured with tape. To prevent Jon from removing the tube, both of his hands were cuffed to the ring on the wall.

The door was slammed shut and locked, and Jon stood for the five hour ride to the college. About half way, the diver and his helper, pulled into a truck stop to relieve themselves and eat some lunch. Jon was not allowed to exit the truck which was now becoming hot and stuffy because it was parked in the sun. When they returned to the truck, the driver hit the side of the truck with his hand and hollered, "are you okay in there shithead?" Jon replied "Yes sir, I am." "Do you want something to eat or drink," the driver asked. "Thank you sir, I would," said Jon. "That's too fucking bad, because I don't have he key to the lock on the door, and I don't really give a fuck what you want anyway," said the driver. The driver and his helper laughed, got back in the cab and drove on to the college.

Instead of a dorm room or a fraternity house, William moved into a penthouse on the 25th floor of the Jennings engineering building. Jon was immediately put to work carrying William's luggage to the apartment. All across the campus, leased servants were seen carrying luggage, furniture, and electronic equipment into the their masters' new living quarters. Most slaves wore only tight fitting shorts, and a few were forced to work fully naked. Free students stood around talking among themselves and barking orders to their slaves. The sounds of whips whooshing and snapping followed by yelps were hear everywhere.

On the first weekend, various student organizations announced the first slave games of the year. During the days when slaves were leased as well as after the bankruptcy laws were fully amended, college kids really enjoyed entering their slaves in sporting events. Sporting events were held on weekends and evenings so there were plenty of opportunities for the students to push their slaves to the limits of their endurance. Slaves were seldom told what contests they had been entered until minutes before the start of the game. Although the slave was the one competing, it was the winner's master who would bask in the glory of victory, and the slaves who suffered the consequences of a loss.

Some of the rich kids leased boys who excelled in sports rather than academics, and who were expected to win trophies for their masters. Jock slaves, as they were known, were confined in jails built in the campus gyms. The jocks were kept busy from morning to night lifting weights, swimming, and running so that all their muscles were fully developed. When they weren't in class, the masters would visit the jail gyms and watch their boys being trained. On weekends, usually beginning Friday afternoon, the jock slaves were entered into several games. Before the games, boys were displayed so that students wanting to place bets could evaluate the prospects. The jocks were expected to flex and pose for any student who wanted to examine them, and the threat of a jolt with an electric prod insured good performance.

One of the most popular sports involved harnessing a slave, or a team of slaves, to an impossibly heavy concrete slab and force him/them to pull it as far as possible. Most slaves were lucky if they could budge the slab a few inches, but a student skillful with a whip or electric prod could usually persuade the slave(s) to pull the slab as much as a foot. The master who could drive a slave(s) to pull the slab the farthest would be big man on campus. Sometimes, the winning slaves would be allowed to fuck the losers.

A popular weekend sport, especially in states where rodeos were common, was to make a group of slaves run out of a gate, and be chased by masters, either riding horses or a motorcycles. The slaves would be the target for the master to rope, or sometimes shoot with a taser dart. When the slaves were caught -- as they always were -- they would be drug to a fire where branding irons were being heated so that the day's event would be memorialized with a brand on the slaves chest or butt cheek.

A good sport was hitching the boys to pony carts and race them around a track.

Another good sport to watch what became known as horseback riding. A devise would be constructed with a sturdy but narrow beam with a butt plug projecting upward. The boy would be positioned on top of the butt plug. His legs would be tied together so that he was unable to dismount. The boy's arms were tied to ropes suspended from above. The boy could either sit on the butt plug or hold himself up with the ropes. A good trick was to equip the butt plug with some electricity so that it would send a shock to the boy encouraging him to pull himself off the plug, but after a while his arms would fatigue and he would slide back onto the plug. After just a short time, another shock and he would pull himself up again. After just a while, enough fatigue would set in so that the boy would bounce up and down to the delight of the onlookers. Boys who would put on a good show were kept on a horse for several hours. These devises were common sights in bars and recreation room at college dorms.

Several fraternity houses had a large metal plate either in front of the house, or by the swimming pool where the students relaxed. One of the slaves would be ordered to stand on the plate which could be heated gradually. As the plate became warmer, the slave would lift first one foot then the other, and soon would be dancing up and down which the students always enjoyed watching.

Lots of campuses were located on large, picturesque estates in rural areas. Once or twice a year a fraternity would sponsor a "fox hunt". Masters from all over campus could enter their boys and from those entered, one would be chosen to be the fox. Early in the morning on the day of the hunt, boys would lined up for some sort of contest. For example, they might be told to jack off - not knowing that the boy who shot a load first, or last, would be the fox that day. Often it was known in advance who the fox would be and the "contests" simply a means to keep the boys anxious so they would grateful they were not the fox that particular day. Once the fox was chosen and released, he had three or four hours to run and hide after which hunting dogs would be set loose followed by students riding horses or motor bikes. When the dogs got the scent of the fox, they would get excited and begin to bark like crazy. Once on the boy's trail the dogs were relentless. Usually the dogs would corner a boy 5 or 6 minutes before the students arrived. During that time, the dogs would bite and tear chucks of flesh from the boy's arms, legs and ass. Once the hunters arrived, the dogs would be called off but would be allowed to chase the boy back to the fraternity house. If the boy didn't run fast enough, the dogs would be allowed to provide incentive. Back at the fraternity house, the boy was chained just out of reach of the dogs that would be allowed to torment the boy for several hours. Needless to say nothing was more frightening than for a boy to be informed that he would be the fox on the day of the hunt -- or even that he might be the fox for an upcoming hunt. On the other hand, the students found fox hunts to be great fun -- there was always lots of food and drink and the boys who were not chosen were used happy to spend the day sucking cock or just entertaining their masters anyway they could.

After a weekend of party going at which William showed his boy to all his friends, William decided to go to dinner with an old buddy and left Jon locked in the penthouse with a list of chores to do. When he finished everything, Jon decided to look through the college catalog laying on Williams desk.

When William returned, he decided to give Jon a good spanking, just for the fun of it. Jon first had to stand with his hands against the wall while William used a thin leather belt. After about ten strokes, Jon was told to lay across William's knee for more hand spanking. It's wasn't long before William was ready for a blow job.

After William had Jon serve him a beer, Jon asked for permission to speak to his master. Jon explained that the catalog described some really interesting programs. Jon said that if William would permit it, Jon would make sure that William graduated with an engineering degree that would be really helpful when William assumed the leadership of the conglomerate. "I'll make sure your graduate with the highest honors, master. I would love to study bio engineering which would also be useful to you. If you'll let me, I'll make sure that these next four years are very valuable to you."

When William talked to his father, Mr. Jennings was quite impressed. "Well, I've put a lot of money into that school, I think you should get as much out of it as you can. We leased the smartest boy in your high school class, and we shouldn't waste him. I say, take one semester at a time, and make that little shit works his ass off for you. Any time you get less than a perfect grade, make sure he suffers the consequences."

The next morning, William enrolled in a full load of courses for both himself and Jon. Because of his status as a leased student, Jon was not able to enter the library, but because William was a Jennings, Jon could order any material from the library and it was promptly delivered to the penthouse. William recorded all his lectures and Jon made sure that all papers were impeccable. Jon prepared William for every test. At the end of the semester, William's grades were all A plus and the professors wrote glowing letters to his father. Jon, of course, received grades that were barely above passing, but Jon made sure that his work would have received high grades had he been a free student.

In addition to doing all of William's assignments and research papers, Jon did all the cleaning, cooking and laundry for William. Every morning and every evening, Jon showered William, and at the least hint that William wanted him to, Jon was on his knees to let William shoot a load into his mouth or up his ass. If Jon made the least mistake doing any of his chores, or didn't do something fast enough to please William, Jon received William's full anger, usually in the form of several slaps across his face. Frequently, Jon had to strip naked so that William could swat him with a thin leather whip. If William had friends in, Jon would be told to get naked and show them how hard is dick could get. William never got tired of telling the story of Jon's performance the night of the sales show or the next day standing next to his dad. In other words, no matter how hard Jon worked to help William get his education, Jon was never allowed to forget that he was William's property.

Time flew by, William was number one in his class and was elected class president. On the last week before graduation, Mr. Jennings paid a visit to the penthouse, and over dinner at which Jon was allowed to sit at the table, Mr. Jennings said: "Well, I have to say that I am really happy with how these four yeas have gone. William, I want you to begin to manage our west coast factories. Jon, will you consider remaining here and getting your masters, and eventual doctorate? The President of the University, has all of your files and assures me that your degree will be upgraded and your grades revised, as though you had been a paying student all along.

Well, this chapter didn't end quite the way the author expected it would, but sometimes stories take on a life of their own. So much for William Jennings, III and Jon. The following chapters will relate stories of life after the bankruptcy laws were amended in their final form.

-- To be continued.

Next: Chapter 4

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