Bankruptcy 101

By M

Published on Nov 10, 2021


INTRODUCTION. It should be obvious that the following is nothing but fiction which has no literary value. The people and situations depicted exist only in the demented imagination of the author. This story is a history of the future. Although the events are yet to happen, they are related in the past tense by someone who will have lived them -- in other xwords, this is complete fantasy.

Don't forget the ancient saying -- there is no such thing as a free lunch. If you have the resources, please be generous.

Chapter 4 an early case

By and by, the country got used to cycle of work being done by slaves, which caused high unemployment, which caused unpaid debts which ended in bankruptcy. First there were debt jails and leased slaves, all steps toward the amendments which authorized the bankruptcy authorities to seize a bankrupt's property which included him and his family. All property was then auctioned to the highest bidder and the proceeds distributed among the creditors. Once a bankrupt had been sold, it belonged to the buyer just like any other piece of property. The buyer could keep the new slave and use it in any way desired. If the new master grew tired of a slave, the slave could be sold just like any other piece of property.

In the early days, the bankrupts were taken to the debt jail where they were held until the day of the property auction. The bankruptcy courts published lists which contained dates of auctions, the address of the property, and an inventory of all goods which would be for sale. A typical notice would read:

On (Date) at (address) the following will be available for inspection and sale at auction: 1 three bedroom house in fair condition appraised at $250 million, with attached garage and one utility shed; household goods including living room furniture and various brick-a-brack, (3) bed room beds, dressers, lamps, desks, other assorted items; kitchen furnishings including stove, refrigerator, dish washer, pots, pans, dishes, other assorted items; livestock including 1 35-year-old boy excellent health, 1 15-year-old boy very cute -- both boys, certified healthy and free of physical defected, very obedient and ready to be trained, will be sold as a pair or separately, two dogs, one cat; one automobile (year, make, model); lawn mower; snow blower; other assorted household items. All items in this lot will be available for inspection two hours before auction time, or by appointment.

Rick and his son Peter lived in a modest home. Rick was 18 when Peter was born. Rick made a living as a delivery driver and was able to provide his son with a comfortable life. Peter attended high school where he was active several sports including baseball and swimming. Peter was a good student and was popular with his classmates. Rick always made just enough to make his payments and have a little extra for the things Peter wanted, Rick had a mortgage on the home, a car loan, and three or four credit cards with reasonable balances. One day Rick discovered that the roof on the house had deteriorated and need to be repaired, shortly there after, his sewer line backed up and need to be replaced. The next thing he knew, a storm blew down a large tree that barely missed the house. The result of those disasters was several tens of thousands of debt to repair the roof, have the property excavated to repair the sewer line, and have the tree hauled away. Still the finances were manageable.

The proverbial sky began to darken when Rick's company began purchasing driverless trucks and drones. One by one the drivers were laid off and fired and finally Rick was called in and told he would no longer be needed. Rich immediately began looking for work, but found it was totally impossible.

Rick began to see the writing on the wall when the past due notices began to flood his mail box. Then one day while he was mowing the yard, a bankruptcy marshal delivered a notice to cure. The notice informed Rick that a bankruptcy petition had been filed against him. A demand for immediate payment of all debts was required within ten days or judgment would be entered and all property seized. His and Peter's fate was sealed. Peter knew that times were tough, but when Rick told him they were on the verge of bankruptcy, he was beside himself with fear. "Can't we just get in the car and drive to another state," he asked. Rick explained that the marshal had installed a device on the car which prevented him from leaving the city. And, any attempt to flee was a felony punished by the worst hard labor. So fleeing was simply out of the question.

Unbeknownst to Peter, one of his classmates had a real crush on him. Jimmy who set next to him in class thought Peter was the hottest boy in the world. Jimmy attended all the sporting events and was Peter's biggest fan. Peter knew Jimmy liked him, and enjoyed the attention. The boys' parents were friends and the two families frequently socialized together.

One day during class, a marshal entered the class room and after talking to the teacher, took Peter by the arm and left the class room. Out the window, the students, including Jimmy, could see Peter being put into the back of a bankruptcy van. At the next break, Jimmy called his father: "Dad, Peter was just taken by a bankruptcy cop." This was news to Jimmy's father. When Dad got home from work, he brought the latest bankruptcy notices which included the announcement about Rick and Peter. "Dad, do you think we could buy them? I would love to have Peter for my slave." Dad replied: "Well, that's not a bad idea. I've been thinking of getting a slave to take care of the house and yard. You're probably old enough to have a slave of your own, especially since you'll be going to college next year. I think I'll make an appointment to have a look at them."

At the same time Peter was taken from school, Rick was arrested by two marshals. Once inside the debt jail, both boys were ordered to strip naked and were immediate sent into a delousing chamber and then a shower. When they were clean to the satisfaction of the jailers, they were evaluated by a team of veterinarians who drew blood, took urine and fecal samples, did EKGs, examined their teeth, etc. When the medical evaluations were completed, Rick and Peter were locked in a small room about the size of a small elevator car, but only about 4 feet in height so that the two boys had to sit on the floor -- it was basically a cage. The small cells allowed about 50 families to be confined until auction day.

The following Saturday, Dad and Jimmy went to the jail and were taken to the cell block. When the cell was opened, Rick and Peter were ordered to come out and stand up straight. Dad first went to Rick and began looking him over. Dad took Rick's head in his hands and carefully looked at the hair, the ears, and nose. Rick was ordered to open his mouth so that dad could feel his tongue, teeth and gums and to put his index finger down Rick's throat until Rick was gaging. Then dad began to feel Rick's neck, letting his hands slide to the shoulders, arms and chest. Rick was told to flex so dad could feel the muscles. Dad ran his hands across Rick's chest and paid special attention to Rick's nipples and belly button. Dad took Rick's cock, pulled the foreskin back and massaged the head until Rick got nice and hard. Dad carefully examined both of Rick's legs and feet. When looking at Rick's back side, dad put his index finger as far into Rick's ass hole as he could, feeling both for tone and to see if Rick had any hemorrhoids.

At the same time dad was looking at Rick, Jimmy was going over Peter in much the same way, but Jimmy was also ordering Peter to raise his arms, turn, squat, kneel, etc. Jimmy would throw something on the floor -- a pencil or a coin -- and order Peter to pick it up and hand it to him. Dad and Jimmy spent about twenty minutes checking out the two boys. Finally dad said: "What do you think Jimmy, should we plan to bid on them?" Jimmy said he thought Peter would make a great slave. Dad agreed and thought Rick would be a really good house boy for both outdoor and indoor duties, as well as just being nice to look at. Dad and Jimmy left the jail and Rick and Peter were locked in their cell again.

On the day of the auction, the marshal handcuffed Rick and Peter and drove them to their former home. All of their furniture and other belongings had been taken outside and arranged on tables which had been set up on the driveway. The larger items were on the ground. At one end of the merchandise, the marshal's van was parked and Rick and Peter were chained to rings attached to the van for that very purpose. For a couple of hours, Rick and Peter watched people browse among their things. From time to time, shoppers would feel free to handle them, sometimes barking an order or asking a question -- "What's your name, boy?" "How old are you, boy?" "Flex your arms boy." Finally, the auctioneer began to sell each of the items -- Peter watched all his clothes, computer games, sport equipment, everything -- being sold to strangers and carried away. Finally the auctioneer got to Rick and Peter and asked if anyone was interested in buying the pair. Jimmy's dad and a couple other men indicated they would by both boys, so the bidding began. Rick and Peter were unchained and made to walk back and forth a few times in front of the interested buyers. The auctioneer announced the minimum bid which someone offered. Jimmy's dad met the next bid. At one point during the bidding, the auctioneer ordered Rick to jump onto a little stand that had been brought over. Rick was ordered to turn and bend over so the men in the audience could have a good look at his ass hole. When he was allowed to stand back up again, he was told to flex his arms and show his biceps. A couple of the attendants played with Rick's cock. All that seemed to make the bidding go higher. But, after about 5 minutes of back and forth, dad had the high bid and the auctioneer announced -- okay, any more bids? Going once, twice, sold to the gentleman. You made an excellent buy sir -- enjoy. Next, gentleman what am I bid for this lawn mower, it's a year old and still runs with no problems...." Rick and Peter were handcuffed, and taken to the cashier where Dad was paying while titles and deeds were being prepared. While that was happening, Jimmy went over to Peter and said: "You belong to me now. I can't wait to show you to the other guys."

On the way home, dad stopped at a new store that advertised high quality slave supplies -- "We sell everything you need to keep your boys in top working order!" -- was the store's motto. Since Rick and Peter were handcuffed in the back seat, Dad decided he could lock the car and leave the boys unattended for a few minutes. "I don't want them talking to each other though. Let me have your handkerchief." Dad forced each of the boys to open their mouths and he inserted one into each of the boys. "That will keep them quiet until we get back, lets go see what we can find." Inside, everything was available. In one section there were clothes made of cheep material that would keep as much or little of the boy covered, depending on the circumstances. In another aisle, dad bought a thin metal collar for each boy. The collars were equipped with a radio controlled device that would deliver a painful shock to the boy. On the box was written: "Specially designed to encourage maximum performance of all duties, and great for entertainment too." While he was looking at the collars, a salesman approached dad and suggested that the boys be brought in to have tracking devices imbedded in their shoulder blades. "They come with software that allows you to track your boy anywhere on the planet. If the boy decides to wander off, you can either pick him up yourself, or better yet, tell the slave police exactly where to find him. It takes us about five minutes to inject the bug into the shoulder blade. It hurts like hell while it's being inserted, but it will never come out, and the boy will never forget that he can always be seen." Dad said he would probably bring the boys in the following week. Next, dad bought a couple types of whips and tasers. The whips he chose came in a package that offered maximum pain with minimal damage to the skin. "Jimmy when you use this on either boy, make sure you don't hold back -- its important that those boys know that you are the boss and you're not going to take any shit from either of them. When you tell them to do something, the sight of this will remind them to hop to it, and do what ever you tell them. Dad also bought a few cases of slave food that claimed to provide nutritious meals with revolting taste and smell. Flavors included rotting road kill, cow manure, dog vomit, and rotting fish. Finally dad said it was time to leave, but they had barely scratched the surface of the supplies they would purchase in the future.

When they got home, Rick and Peter emptied the car and carried the items to where they were told to put them. Dad brought both boys out on to the back yard and told Jimmy he had read that it was important that the boys knew who was in charge right out of the gate. "Let's masterbate each boy. For the fun of it, you take Rick and I'll do Peter. I think a little beating will get them in the mood. Jimmy walked over to Rick, and after a few seconds, reached up and slapped his face several times. "Use that new whip," said dad. Jimmy took the whip, turned Rick around and let him have a half dozen swats across the back of the legs. Then, Jimmy began to play with Rick's dick. Slowly making it get hard, and then after about two minutes Rick shot a load onto the grass. In the mean time, Dad put Peter across his knee and spanked him hard until Peter was crying. Then dad sat peter up and jacked him off until Peter shot a load.

Dad said, "Jimmy, I've got to go back to the office. When I come home, I want the grass mowed and raked. I want all the windows washed both inside and out. The bathroom and kitchen both better be spotless. I want the entire house vacuumed and dusted. That should keep the boys busy. If you see either one slacking off, even a little, make sure they know what this whip is for. If they get everything done on my list and you see something else that you want done, remember you're the boss." "Thanks dad, this is going to be the most fun I've ever had doing chores." "Jimmy started barking orders, and the two slaves did their best to do as they were told, always remembering the whip Jimmy constantly showed them.

We'll end this chapter here. The story is about how the bankruptcy laws worked and the next chapter or two will tell stories of various ways boys were bankrupted and the various ways they were sold to pay their debts.

Next: Chapter 5

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