Bare Market

By Ernie

Published on Nov 12, 1999



The bulls are leading the charge today, but if history is any indicator, a bull market is invariably followed by a -

Bare Market by Ian DeShils

Dan Moore's stomach still churned, the roll of Tums he'd chewed no help at all in quelling the fire in his gut. The Wall Street Journal lay open across his knees. Its three inch high headline stark against the white paper screamed, NIKKI WIPEOUT!

At least they're printing the truth now. Hell! The wipeout was a fact a ten days ago. The only news in that headline was that they were finally admitting the undeniable. There was no more bullshit, just the unvarnished truth that Nikki Bank Corp was as moribund as a rabbit on a freeway and those heavily invested had taken a bath of monumental proportions.

"Bath hell!" he muttered. Like others in at the top, he had drowned. Last month he'd been a paper millionaire; today he couldn't hustle a buck if his life depended on it.

"What a dumb fucking move!" he muttered again, this time slamming his fist down on his knee.

A guy who had just taken a seat at the other end of the bench looked at him strangely. Dan paid no attention. He was lost in the fact that he had brought this on himself. Every last cent he could raise had gone into a deal that was the surest thing he had seen in his eight years at Burrum-Murray.

He made 15 million overnight and was just started to gloat over the enormous profits when Nikki's CEO committed Hara-kiri and set off the panic. There had been no time to divest, no time to recover a thing. The market opened, the stock dropped like a stone and closed, and it did it day after day, a regular bottomless pit.

By the forth day Dan was broke.

Not just broke, but out of a job as well. Burrum-Murray fired him when the SEC started poking around. Murray didn't quite have the guts to accuse him of insider trading, he just called it irregularities. "Phony bastards," Dan muttered. Murray and old man Burrum played the inside all the time. At least Dan's hands were clean. The information about the take over came from a source outside the companies involved, not that it helped much in this case. He still needed lawyers and lawyers cost money.

As The Journal pointed out, this wasn't 1929, no matter how widespread the losses, no depression loomed. Good news to some, but hardly comforting to a man who had just lost his last dime. "Bankrupt." he muttered, the word bitter on his tongue. He had never known a day without money, but now, even his inheritance was gone.

Thank God my parents aren't alive. I couldn't bear to tell them this.

A silver Rolls caught his eye as it whispered past on the far side of the street. Was that Vitto? It certainly looked like his car. Damn! Vitto Martelli was the last person he wanted to see.

Hurriedly folding the paper, he stood and walked with the traffic flow, head down, eyes averted, hoping he wasn't seen. As he neared the middle of the next block, almost in front of the health club where he first met Vitto, the limo pulled alongside and the rear door swung open.

"Get in." Vitto said and Dan understood that it was hardly a request.

Dan sighed. Well, I've got to face him someday; I might as well get it over with. He climbed into the Rolls and found that Vitto wasn't alone. A muscular man dressed in a polo shirt and Bermuda shorts sat in a jump seat facing Martelli, watching a small screen TV mounted on the center console. As Dan settled down next to Vitto, the man turned from the screen and smiled.

"Nice suit!" he said, eyeing Dan up and down. "Oh, by the way, I'm Tony Matson. Vitto probably won't get around to introduce me, so I'll do it myself."

Vitto snorted. "So far I ain't never had a chance - ain't quick enough. Shy devil, ain't he?" Pushing an intercom button, he said, "OK, Lou" and the car eased forward into traffic. Turning to Dan he continued, "So, I heard ya bit the big one. Is that right?" Vitto looked calm and collected for a man who had just dropped half a million himself.

Dan nodded. He wondered what Matson was watching on TV. He couldn't see the screen and that was a slight distraction, yet not nearly the distraction he wished for now that he had to talk to Vitto.

"How bad was it?"

"Everything! I put the house up to pay the lawyers."

"You're shittin' me! Nothing held back, not even a dime?"

"Five-ten, grand maybe. I'm cleaned Vitto. I stuffed every damned cent into it. It was a sure thing. Who knew that Nikki was a paper tiger or that the billions in assets didn't exist? Hell, Nikki suckered the governments of three countries!"

"You didn't see this coming at all?"

"Well, there was a couple of rumors, but nothing concrete. I sure didn't see it coming overnight. That damn take over was worth millions. All I had to do was sell, only I never got the chance."

"Not too swift, Danny boy." He shook his head in commiseration. "What's on the agenda now? The stock market ain't lookin' so healthy at the moment. Think you can squeeze anything out of it?"

"Fat chance," Dan replied, his voice bitter, "Burrum dumped me. Not that it makes much difference. There's going to be plenty of brokers looking for work after this fiasco."

"You mean you got no prospects at all?" Vitto asked, incredulous.

Dan shook his head, slouching deeper into the seat.

"Then how ya gonna pay me back?"

Dan jerked upright. "What do mean, pay you back! This was a business deal, we all got burned!"

Vitto raised his hand. "No, no Danny. I don't lose money and I don't play the stock market - in fact I ain't got a dime tied up. I only invest in people. Remember that little piece of paper you signed? As I recall, you promised me a twenty percent return on that money. Now, considering how things are, I'm not gonna hold you to that but I sure as hell mean to get my investment back, one way or another."

"Jesus Vitto ..."

"Hear me out. Since you ain't in no position to pay, you're gonna work it off. You're a good looking fellow, Dan, and right now I can use somebody like you. Here's the deal. I put up the capital and, anything you're involved in, you get a share. A damn good share too, just ask Tony. 'Course you ain't gonna see any cash for awhile, only credit against what you owe me."

Dan was speechless. All he knew of Vitto's business was that it had something to do with the entertainment industry. In the years he had known the man, Vitto never talked about his work beyond saying it was lucrative. They were just racquetball buddies, friends who saw each other mostly at the health club or, occasionally, at parties.

Before, Vitto had always treated him as an equal. Now his tone told Dan that a sea change had taken place in their relationship. This was not a friendly offer, just a statement of how it was going to be until the debt was paid.

Dan stared at the man. Even in the reduced light coming through the darkly tinted windows, Vitto's eyes seemed to glitter. Dan shivered. There was something powerfully commanding about Vitto that he had never noticed of before. The man sat absolutely still, his rugged features totally at ease, yet he radiated an indefinable something that quelled all protest.

At nearly forty, Vitto was a decade older and far more muscular than Dan, a sharp contrast in every respect to Dan's trim build and patrician features. In Dan's memory, Vitto's battered face was always smiling, always genial, only today that smile was gone. Instead there was an almost a predatory look in his eyes.

A chill ran down his spine. What would - what could - Vitto do if he didn't agree? It occurred to him that Vitto might be more than just a film producer. Didn't the mob have a finger in Hollywood? Or was that just Vegas?

"God Vitto, I don't know anything about movies. The fact is, I'm not sure exactly what you do."

"I'm a video producer. Tony here is one of my biggest stars. He's going over our latest flick right now. Why don't you show him, Tony."

The man swiveled the 12 in color set to face the rear seat and unplugged the earphone.


Tony turned down the volume. On the screen, a slim young man lay on his back, his legs wrapped around the waist of a sweating muscular fellow. The camera dropped and zoomed to a close up of a cock that looked the size of a fence post as it plunged in and out of a tightly stretched ass.

Dan's eyes popped and at the same instant he popped a boner. Holy Shit, the big man on the screen was Tony! "Jesus Christ!" It was all Dan could say.

Vitto smirked. "Like it?" he asked.

"Ah - ah ..." A thousand thoughts raced through Dan's mind, none of which he could articulate. He didn't know how to answer that or even if he should. Tony moved to the rear seat, nudging Dan toward Vitto as he crowded in to watch. The scene changed - now the two men were in a swimming pool. The young man put his arms around Tony's neck and was lifted, carried out and carefully placed on a blanket. They started kissing, tongues battling for supremacy as a hot sun beat down on hard damp naked bodies. Soon, the boy had the upper hand. Pushing Tony back, he laved his nipples, swirling the dark chest hair into little crowns as he worked his way downward.

"Would you believe those two don't even like each other?" Vitto commented.

"What?" Roused from his shock, Dan suddenly felt hot and chilled at the same time. Conflicting emotions gripped him as he realized that Tony's foot, now shoeless was playing at the cuff of his trousers. Dan couldn't breath, his cock so hard it felt like it was about to burst.

"Yep, they fight like cats and dogs. Kid's got a smart mouth and a lousy attitude. Tony's threatened to kill him a couple of times, but they sure can fuck and that's what sells videos. What do ya think Tony, another winner?"

"Looks like it - only, damn it, I need a change. I won't work with that kid again Vitto. I mean it."

"Well, now that's where Danny comes in," Vitto said soothingly. "He's got the looks and I know for a fact that he's got the equipment."

Dan jerked. "Wait a minute!" he cried as realization flooded over him. "You don't expect me to do that - that ... Stuff."

"Oh, so you don't like it huh? What's that in your lap then, a summer sausage? Danny, my boy, I know all about you, so cut the crap. I've been watching you since we met. You hang with women, but watch men. You're always checking out baskets or ogling a tight ass. You ain't got no secrets from me, kiddo."

Dan's face flushed redder than a beet. "I - I don't ..."

"Can it, Dan!" Vitto said sharply. "How many times have you checked me out in the showers after a game? You think I'm blind?"

He wanted to deny it; yet, it was all true. He had watched Vitto shower - and just about every other good looking man at the club. Once, he almost had sex with a stranger in the steam room, only he was too scared, too protective of his reputation and family name, to do anything about it. When the fellow touched him he ran and didn't go back to the club for a month.

"My family ... My friends. I can't ..."

"Oh yeah, all your good friends! Where the hell are they? I've asked around Danny - nobody knows you anymore. Something about an SEC investigation, wasn't it? What about your girlfriend, Sue Anne - what's she doin' nowadays?"

"I ... We broke up." He looked down at his hands, unable to look at Vitto, yet equally unable to move his leg away from Matson's toe massage.

"I'll bet you did! I'll lay odds that you couldn't even get it up for her without a hundred dollar bill wrapped around it. I know you Danny, I know what makes you tick. It was the deals and money that made you horny, not the broads."

He was stunned. For all his denials, he was totally unmasked, even to himself, and it was like being hit by a truck. He felt dizzy, lightheaded, yet his eyes kept drifting back to the TV screen.

"Vitto!" he pleaded. "I - I can't ... I'm not ... I've never done that with a man!"

He sat between Vitto and Tony in utter confusion, so scared, and so tongue-tied that he could hardly speak. The tape of Tony and the kid played on, hard bodies pounding away. Vitto brushed his fingers along Dan's neck and jaw line, gentle turning Dan's face. There was a warmth - a heat in Vitto's eyes, a look that he had never seen before, then Tony began to stroke his leg - his cock more accurately, rubbing the length of it - back and forth.

Dan's world was a mass of confusion, as surreal and twisted as a painting by Dali. He couldn't protest or even move when Tony began fumbling with his fly and freed his rock hard cock to the open air.

"God Vitto, he's got a winner here!" Tony said.

"Told ya so," Vitto replied. Then he pulled Dan close and whispered in his ear. "Relax Danny. For once in your life just be yourself. There's nothing out there for you anymore. With me you'll get a whole new life, a whole new outlook. You'll love it, babe - believe me, you'll love it."

He kissed Dan on the mouth, forcing his tongue deep inside and, in that moment, Dan's secret fantasy of Vitto came to life. The powerful man that he had so often spied on in the shower was forcing him, bending him to his will and Dan's only response was a moan that signaled his defeat.

Tony dropped his warm mouth around Dan's cock, taking it deeper than any girl had ever done. Dan was lost. Tension flowed out of him, his muscles went slack and his body seemed to melt as a burning white hot desire took hold. He had never kissed a man before, never knew what it felt like. No soft perfumed lips, but firm and commanding ones, all consuming in their desire. Vitto's probing tongue became the center of his universe - so intense, so demanding that he felt light headed.

Vitto could have asked anything and he would have done it, yet he didn't demand. He just whispered encouragement into an ear now ready to listen. "Danny, it's OK. You can be yourself with us. No more hiding, no more pretending."

Clothes seemed to disappear without Dan knowing how it was done. The three sprawled on the leather seat in various stages of nudity - Tony completely bare, Vitto still wearing briefs, and Dan down to his socks.

There were more kisses, more encouragement, then Vitto's cock found it's way into Dan's mouth, hard, urgent and demanding. The incredible feel of the smooth silky skin across his tongue - the clean, masculine odor, the unforgettable taste. When Vitto came, it was like receiving a benediction. Warm and alive it danced on his taste buds imprinting that salty/peppery flavor forever in his memory.

Vitto pulled Dan's face to his and kissed him deep. "Better than just thinking about it, huh Danny? You did real good," he whispered. "Now it's Tony's turn. Do him, Danny, I wanna see you do him. Take that big cock in your mouth and make him cum."

Dan felt hot all over. He was about to come himself and somehow, Vitto ordering him to do it made him even hotter. His straining cock started to dribble on the edge of the leather seat as he turned. He dove for Tony's groin trying to swallow him whole. It was impossible of course, yet he impaled himself again and again. It was what Vitto wanted; and, from the moment Vitto kissed him, whatever Vitto wanted was what Dan was going to do.

He felt warm hands caress his ass and began to freeze in fear of what that meant. "You gotta relax, baby. Remember, this is mine - just like the rest of you." He relaxed and began to bob faster and harder on Tony's meat. Vitto's hand touched his thigh. "Get your knees on the seat, Danny. Kneel over Tony."

Dan managed to get first one knee on the seat then shifting his weight, got the other beside it without once losing concentration on Tony's cock. Tony's hands pushed between Dan's closed thighs, spreading them before the man jackknifed under him. Dan gasped as his cock slipped into the other man's mouth.

Dan felt the seat flex as Vitto moved into position himself behind him. He felt fingers find his hole and one of them push into him. He flinched before realizing it didn't really hurt -in fact, Vitto's probing felt good! Dan quivered as the finger hit a certain spot and his ass clenched tight.

"This is mine, Danny. I've had my eye on you for a long time and, now, your mine - anything I want. You got that?" Vitto's free hand splatted across his spread, naked rump.

The slap didn't faze Dan, it wasn't punishment, but rather conveyed a possessiveness that Dan found exhilarating. When a second finger beginning to fuck his butt it almost drove him wild. Lunging forward he finally took Tony's dick to the root.

"You ready, baby?" Vitto's thumb was slowly exploring the valley between Dan's cheeks.

He couldn't answer. Tony's dick was sliding deep in his throat, pulling back so he could catch a breath, then driving deep, deep again. Dan was lost in the sensation. He was sex, the very embodiment of it - giving pleasure - taking pleasure - it was all the same and nothing he had never experienced anything like this before. He clenched his butt in answer to Vitto's question. The fingers in his hole disappeared and Dan felt a sense of loss rush over him. He moaned, then moaned again as the wide head of Vitto's cock found its way to where the fingers had been.

"Press down, baby," Vitto told him, "And relax, it won't hurt if you relax."

He did as he was told, groaning around Tony's thick cock while Vitto's even thicker one began to enter him. Sensations he'd never allowed himself to imagine crashed through his body. He moaned as Vitto pushed in. The man's hands caresses his hips, his sides, slid around and tweaked his nipples. Vitto held him, possessed him while slowly burying himself deep inside. To his amazement it didn't hurt! Instead, the feeling of Vitto's massive cock filling him took him higher and higher. The man began to thrust - deep and slow at first, then faster, putting more power behind each stroke. Vitto's muscular body held him in thrall. At every point their skin touched a tingling arose like cool fire, even the gouging of Vitto's nails along his sides sent him into spasms of ecstasy. He wanted more - more. He wanted Vitto so deep inside there was no Dan left to think about. It was in that moment of rapture, in the moments before his climax that he knew he belonged to Vitto - in every way, Vitto's to command and he never questioned it. It had gone beyond any thought of that.

The three climaxed like a cresting wave. Tony moaned loudly as Dan came in the nearly endless flood of the newly awakened, Tony responded in kind and Dan was enchanted at the difference in taste from Vitto - not better or worse, only different and he realized he needed to taste it again and again. He loved it - he couldn't get enough of that hot cum. He almost had a second climax just realizing that he could now suck Tony and Vitto at any time, feel those cocks, expand, explode filling his mouth with life force! Vitto's pounding reached a crescendo. He came in hard deep strokes, the final one collapsing their shaky pile into a heap of heavy, sweaty bodies. They lay unmoving for a few moments, then Vitto extracted himself and sat up.

"Good God almighty! Now, was that a fuck, or what?" he said as he fished out a couple of bar towels, handing one to Dan. "Try not to leak on the seat, Danny." he added as he started cleaning himself up. "Well, Tony are you satisfied?" Vitto seemed all business once again.

"Yeah, he'll do," Tony replied, grinning broadly as he reached up to stroke Dan. The fingers trailed the length Dan's naked body causing goose bumps to rise in their wake - tiny shivers of excitement that made him twitch. He was still breathing hard, yet his breath caught at Tony's touch, then caught again when Vitto tugged him close and began to nibble on his neck. Never - not even when he'd seen the stocks hit the fifteen million mark - had Dan felt as hot as he did at that moment, nothing in life had prepared him for this.

Dan turned and fastened his mouth on a large brown nipple. He needed to taste Vitto. He licked and laved the broad chest savoring the salty drying sweat as he work his way downward. He found the navel, then the trail of fine dark hair leading to his ultimate goal. He swallowed Vitto's limp cock hoping to bring it to life. His ass clenched at the thought of having it inside him. He pulled off Vitto's cock long enough to moan,

"Fuck me, Vitto - please fuck me again."

"Want more Danny? Show me you need it - suck my balls." With his balls engulfed, Vitto slapped Dan's ass, then rubbed it until he moaned, " You really want it, baby, you wanna get fucked hard? Dan nodded. Vitto winked at Tony and said, "Tell Lou we need him back here." Tony tapped on the glass divider, made a motion and soon the car turned a corner and stopped. A moment later the rear door opened and another man eased in. Without a word the man began to strip. "Turn around, Danny. Lou likes a little suckin' to get primed."

The man was broad and hairy with a big gut, his face ugly as sin, but all Dan saw was a beautiful monster cock that looked as big around as beer can. He went for it, but could hardly get more than the head in his mouth. He nursed it the best he could, making love to it with his tongue, then played with Lou's big balls, sucked them like he had Vitto's while Lou jacked his massive cock to full hardness. Effortlessly, Lou spun Dan, shoving his mouth once more over Vitto's limber cock, then lifted Dan up, he pressed the head of his huge member against Dan's hot twitching sphincter. No gentle entry this time, Dan pressed out like he did before and Lou lunged, driving his cock to the hilt. Dan cried out in pain, his head snapping back, Vitto grabbed a handful of hair forcing him down again. "Suck!" he growled, driving his revived cock past Dan's grimacing lips.

The fuck was hard, rough and half over before Dan's cock stiffened again. The pain finally abated and Dan could feel Lou moving inside him like a huge. clenched fist. Vitto petted, whispering in his ear, "You need to be opened up, Baby - always open, always ready. That's Lou's job. You'll get to like it, Danny, hell, pretty soon you'll be begging Lou for quick one."

Lou sweat as he lay on the new boy's back. His blunt fingered hand snaked around and grabbed guy's cock, pounding it as he edged toward climax, "Come on, you cocksucker, you fuckin' faggot, you scum sucking queer - let me feel you cum in my hand!" He muttered as drove to the balls . . .

Six months later Dan sat with Vitto watching Stud Films latest release, "An Officer and A Gentleman", an epic featuring himself and Tony in Roman garb set against a background of rather fake looking columns.

Vitto nudged Dan with his elbow. "You're right," he said, "those costumes are sexy. Tony looks like he's gonna pop right of that centurion uniform. Good idea, Danny."

The set was forgettable, the dialogue too, but the scenes steamed. As the camera closed in on Dan nursing on Tony's oversized cock, Dan leaned over and started tonguing Vitto's ear. Vitto glanced his way, winked and leered, "After the film, Babe. Now watch." The last scene was particularly hot with Tony doing full thrusts down Dan's throat. Vitto would swear he could see the head of Tony's big cock sliding inside the muscles of Dan's neck. God what a turn on!

"Want to try it?" Dan asked seductively.

Vitto didn't answer, instead he stood and shed his robe. His cock jutted hard and straight. A long thin string of dog water, shinny as a spider's web drooled from the tip . Dan dropped to his knees in worship, lapping at the head and in one hard, quick thrust Vitto drove it home. He put his hand on Dan's throat, squeezing to feel his big Dago cock slid in and out. It turned him on knowing this man would take it all, or die trying. He could jam it in, just hold there until Dan passed out - and Dan would love every minute of it, beg for more. The thought drove Vitto to the edge. He grasped handfuls of hair and began face fuck with wild abandon He came in moments and as if to verify his power, Dan's cum spewed out warm against his legs.

"Damn, we're good." Vitto said as he pulled Danny up beside him on the sofa. "A quick fuck or an all nighter, it just seems to get better, don't it?" He kissed Dan, laid him across his knees and began a sweet torture of little tit pinches interspersed with kisses and fondling. Dan purred under Vitto's ministration. "You know, Danny," he said seriously, " If you can come up with another script half as good as this last one, I'm ready to go for it."

"Well, there is one I'm working on, just haven't figured out the ending yet . . ."

"Oh, yeah? What's it about?

"There's this fellow, a wheeler - dealer type who thinks he's hot shit, only he gets in over his head and looses everything. The problem is, he's in hock to this shady type character who wants his money back, one way or another, so the guy ends up doing porn films to pay off the debt. I call it "Bare Market." What do you think?"

Vitto laughed so hard he couldn't answer. He just nodded.

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