Bases Loaded

By Stimle

Published on Jan 19, 2010


BASES LOADED by stimle

This story is fiction. Any resemblance to real persons is coincidental. This story will contain sex between males, both consensual and not, some alcohol and drug use, blackmail, betrayal and forgiveness. Don't read it if you're under age where you live or if you are offended by this type of material. Don't post this anywhere without asking my permission.

BASES LOADED Part 1 (Chapters One - Five)

Chapter One - March 13

Finally! Robby Caldwell could hardly believe it. The letter confirming his full baseball scholarship to St. Bartholomew College had finally arrived. He'd known it was coming - for weeks now - but had refused to let himself get too excited until he was holding the actual letter in his hand. And now here it was...

His mom had left a voice mail message on his cell phone that a letter from the Athletic Department at St. Bartholomew had come in the mail that afternoon. Robby had been at baseball practice and saw the flashing message indicator when he got to his locker. He barely heard the rest of the message as he slipped on his running shoes, grabbed his gym bag and, without waiting to shower or change, practically sprinted the two miles home.

He hugged his parents and younger sister, drenching them with sweat, and ran to his room to call his older brother. Reese was at college and, as usual, Robby got his voice mail. After blurting out a rushed, spastic message, he grabbed the letter, kissed it and slid it back into the envelope. He'd read and re-read it a hundred times by now and had memorized the contents, replaying them now in his head as he stripped out of his baseball uniform to his compression shorts. As he lowered them, leaving him in just his white athletic briefs and cup, he grabbed the letter again, still in disbelief. He looked at his refection in the mirror, his face glowing and his green eyes sparkling.

He ran his hands through his thick brown hair. It was a far cry from what it had been at the start of the school year, when his summer crew cut was just starting to grow out. He'd previously worn his hair shorter but now he liked it longer and shaggy, an unkempt, disheveled style that looked like he'd just rolled out of bed. In reality it took him a good amount of time to make it look so carefree, and if some of his friends at school knew just how long they'd have a good laugh. He wished he was like Reese: Reese was one of those impossibly good looking guys who actually could just roll out of bed, throw on some jeans and a tee, and look like a runway model. Not that Robby was bad looking - far from it. A few months ago while at dinner with his family, a waitress told him he looked just like Zac Efron except (she pointed out breathlessly) Robby's eyes were green and Zac's were a 'really intense blue.' Robby had smiled sheepishly and sank low in his seat as the woman babbled on. Meanwhile his younger sister had squealed and giggled because she was obsessed with all things Zac Efron and 'High School Musical.' He was her big celebrity crush and the mere mention of his name catapulted her into a state of euphoria. A few days later Robby casually mentioned it to his friends and they all had a good laugh. But when it came down to it, it was actually a good comparison.

There were several photographs pinned on the bulletin board over his desk and his eyes focused on one of him and his girlfriend that had been taken Thanksgiving Day. Sara. They had started dating the previous month and that was their first holiday together. Cheek to cheek, twinkle in his eyes, his lips upturned in a slight smile. He loved that picture because that was the day - the very moment in fact - when he realized Sara was the person he was going to marry and spend the rest of his life with. He was still just seventeen at the time (he'd turned eighteen shortly before Christmas) but he knew she was the one.

The thought of Sara gave him an instant hard on and he reached into his athletic briefs to adjust his erect six-inch dick. He closed his eyes and moaned lowly as his cock began to throb at the touch. He thumbed the sensitive tip and let out a grunt as his knees buckled and he collapsed backward onto his bed. He resisted the urge to masturbate as he lowered the briefs, feeling increasing guilty as he slowly gave into the urge, the temptation... knowing he was going against the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Desperate to find a distraction, he turned his attention back to the bulletin board, his eyes coming to rest on a picture of him with his two best friends: Matt Crandall and Alex Fields. For as long as he could remember they had been referred to as The Three Musketeers. The picture had been taken the night of Homecoming when Robby had been voted Homecoming King. Him... Homecoming King!!? That had been a big surprise. Everybody thought Matt had it sewn up. After all, Matt was easily the most popular guy in school and it seemed only natural that he'd be crowned. But it was an epic upset, and nobody was more happy for him than Matt. The picture next to it was of the three of them along with Nate Marshall and Brice Cooper - the rest of the Homecoming Court - arm in arm and smiling.

Robby grabbed his BlackBerry, a surprise Christmas present from his parents last year, and pressed the key for Matt's number. "Hey!" he yelled into the phone, excited and out of breath. "It came! It's here!"

He was unusually animated as he spoke, practically dancing around his room, a smile plastered across his face, blissfully unaware that his drapes were wide open, providing a clear view to anybody who happened to walk by.

They made plans to meet at Applebee's at 7:00 p.m., and then, realizing his curtains were open, he yanked them closed. He stripped off his underwear and jumped into the shower.

As he soaped himself up, he felt a twinge of guilt for not calling Alex. For the past two and a half months, ever since he made the decision to go to St. Bartholomew, his friendship with Alex had become strained. And for the stupidest reason: apparently Alex felt Robby was settling by choosing a 'second rate' school like St. Bartholomew. He told Robby, and everybody else who would listen for that matter, that he was pissing away his talent by not going to one of the big powerhouse schools that had been sniffing around him the past couple of years. At first Robby didn't think too much about it, but over the last few weeks he was taken aback at how increasingly vocal - and even hostile - Alex had become.

Sure, Robby had been scouted by some big schools - Arizona and Texas, to name a couple - but he never sought them out. He never invited the recognition and the resulting scrutiny. Instead, he opted for St. Bart's because for as long as he could remember he wanted to be a teacher, and he felt St. Bart's was the best place to make that dream come true. It had the reputation, the curriculum, and it was the right size. Sure it was more expensive than a lot of other schools, but getting the full ride... well, that both sweetened and sealed the deal.

He turned off the shower and reached for a towel, drying off a bit and wrapping it around his waist as he stepped out of the shower. He caught his reflection in the steamy mirror as he grabbed a hand towel and wiped it down. He sighed. If he thought about it - really thought about it - he knew he wasn't being completely honest with himself. Deep down he didn't think he was as good as his coaches and everybody else thought he was. He simply didn't believe it, and he didn't want to take the chance of failing on that big of a stage. And to be honest, as much as he loved baseball, it wasn't his whole world. He didn't crave the spotlight like Alex, and even Matt.

He shook his head, shuddering slightly. Maybe Alex was right. Not about everything, but certainly more than Robby would, or could, let on.

But he buried those thoughts as he finished toweling off, telling himself it was his life and his dreams and if people like Alex didn't understand... well... that was too bad.

Determined to put the sudden flood of depressing thoughts out of his mind, he re-knotted the towel around his waist, slinging it low on his slim hips and hunted for something to wear. He should be celebrating, not getting down in the dumps! One of the sliding doors on his closet was mirrored and he paused in front of it and stared at himself. He was 5'11 and weighed 155 pounds, his body slender and toned thanks to a workout routine he'd started a few years earlier. He had a fairly decent six-pack, as good as Alex's, but nowhere near as defined as Matt's... or Reese's. His smooth pecs were also developing nicely, with brown dime-sized nipples. He thought about the shirtless pictures of Zac Efron adorning the walls of his sister's room and figured he had a better body. Ha! Take that, Zac!

He dropped the towel, looking back over his shoulder to double-check that the drapes were shut, and pulled on a pair of white Hollister boxer briefs. He flipped through his closet and rummaged through his drawers, finally settling on his favorite Aeropostale jeans, the St. Bart's t-shirt he'd been given during his first campus visit, a faded green Abercrombie hoodie and black Skechers.

Chapter Two

Robby called Sara on the drive over to Applebee's. She was in Chicago for the weekend with her parents visiting her sister who was a junior at the University of Chicago. They were headed out to dinner so she could only talk for a few seconds but promised to call him the next afternoon.

He arrived at the restaurant a few minutes after seven. He saw Matt's blue Ford Escape and parked next to it. As he jumped out and checked his hair in the side mirror he spied Alex's brand new Ford Mustang in the reflection and grimaced. Matt must've called him. Good old Matt; always trying to keep the peace. He had purposely not called Alex because he wasn't in the mood for his crap. He wanted to celebrate and feel good and now he was going to have to come up with an excuse for not calling him.

Robby lingered outside the door of the restaurant for a couple minutes, wondering how this was going to play this out. How was he going to explain to Alex why he hadn't called him? He could see the guys, seated in their usual booth, sipping Cokes and laughing about something. Alex was talking animatedly about something, his blue eyes bright and wide, slouched back in the booth, casually playing with a coaster. His other hand absently raked through his short blond hair and then grabbed his Coke. He laughed again as he reached into his drink and flicked a piece of ice at Matt. Matt ducked and looked at his wristwatch and then turned in his seat to get a better view of the room, his warm brown eyes scanning the area around him. As he brushed an unruly lock of wavy brown hair from his eyes he caught site of Robby and enthusiastically waved to him.

Robby smiled tightly and Matt shrugged his shoulders slightly in a 'what's up' gesture that wasn't lost on Alex. Robby took a deep breath and walked into the restaurant, slid into the booth next to Matt, and put his best friend into a mock choke-hold. He nodded to Alex as he proudly put the scholarship letter on the table.

Matt picked it up and read it. "Dude, that's so awesome," he said, slipping out from under Robby's arm. "Wow."

Robby looked at Alex and chewed his lower lip. "Sorry I didn't call you..."

"Sokay," Alex shrugged, grabbing an onion ring off the plate the waitress set down. He looked Robby in the eyes and for a brief moment Robby saw a glimpse of the old Alex. He was about to smile when Alex's eyes turned hard and steely.

"I don't get it," Alex said, shoving the onion ring into his mouth. "You coulda gone anywhere, dude... coulda been Big Man on Campus... So why St. Bart's? Heck, all the scouts say you're good enough to go to the big leagues. I don't get it."

Alex's comment had the exact effect Robby had expected. His good spirits dashed, he took the letter from Matt, folded it carefully, and slid it back into its envelope.

"You're right, Alex," he said softly, slowly shaking his head as he launched into his now all too familiar defense of his choice. "You don't get it. I'm not like you. Or Matt," he explained. "How many times do I have to say it? I wanna go to St. Bart's because I don't care about the big leagues or going pro. That's not why I play ball and you know me better than that. Or at least you should. Don't get me wrong, though, 'cuz I love baseball and all, and I love playing with you guys, but ..."

His voice trailed off and he was silent for a moment. He closed his eyes and exhaled softly, slowly shaking his head from side to side. When he finally opened them he looked around - at nothing in particular - and shrugged his shoulders. He leaned forward, his eyes going back and forth between Alex and Matt, and in a voice that was small and determined spoke, "but at the end of the day... it's just a game for me."

Alex turned his head away and Robby reached out and grabbed his arm. "And I'm not saying that to criticize 'cause I'm gonna miss you guys like hell next year."

Alex looked back at him and his eyes seemed to soften for a second. Then he pulled away, jerking back as if burned. Tired of explaining, Robby shook his head and slumped in his seat.

They were quiet for the next several seconds until Alex spoke again. "You're crazy," he said, his voice tinged with a contempt that hadn't been present a moment before. "I'd kill for a full ride, man!"

"Come on guys," Matt said, trying to broker a truce. "This is supposed to be a good time."

"No," Robby muttered, shaking his head, his hands clenched. "This wasn't a good idea, Matt. I should go."

"No, don't," Matt pleaded as he reached out and grabbed them both by their forearms. "Come on, guys."

"Fuck him," Alex said to Matt, roughly pulling his arm back as he sneered at Robby. "Let him go if he wants." He glared at Robby. "Why don't you go see your boyfriend, Brice."

"Screw you," Robby shot back, trying to keep his temper in check.

"You guys deserve each other," Alex spat back. "Faggots."

"That's enough," Matt hissed in a low, yet forceful voice as he shot a searing look at Alex. He looked back at Robby. "Both of you."

"Sorry," Alex muttered half-heartedly, his eyes averted.

"Forget it," Robby shook his head. He grabbed the letter and stood up. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a few bills. "You know, I forgot to called Nash," he said as he tossed them on the table and walked away. "At least he'll be happy for me."

Chapter Three

Robby's call went straight to Nash's voice mail and he hung up instead of leaving a message. He tossed his BlackBerry dejectedly onto the passenger seat of his car and looked at his watch. It was still early and he didn't want to go home and explain to his parents why he'd been gone for less than a half hour. Maybe he'd catch a movie.

Just as he turned the key his phone rang. It was Nash. Nash Baird was a student teacher at Robby's school who taught English and physical education. He also assisted Coach Atwood on the baseball team. Growing up he had been best friends with Reese and had known Robby nearly his whole life.

"Hey," Nash said. Wherever he was calling from it was loud. "Did you just call?"

"Yeah," Robby said, still depressed.

"Something wrong?" Nash asked. Robby didn't respond. "Come on, Robby... I know you better than that. What's up?"

"Nothing," Robby said slowly, slumping into his seat and switching off the ignition. "I just wanted to tell you I got the letter from St. Bart's today."

"That's great!" Nash exclaimed. "But you sound bummed."

"Ah..." he started. He was about to launch into the whole ordeal but stopped himself. "It's nothing. Nevermind."

"It doesn't sound like nothing," Nash said. He must have stepped outside because the noise level had decreased noticeably. "You wanna talk about it?"

"Um... no. That's okay. I don't wanna bother you."

"It's not a bother, kiddo," Nash insisted. "Plus you called me." He paused a moment. "Tell you what... I'm over at Jake's Grill watching the game. Why don't you come on over and we can talk?"

That actually sounded good to Robby. Nash had always been somebody he looked up to. In fact, he believed it was his work with Nash on and off the field the past few months that helped clinch the scholarship for him. He smiled and said, "Yeah, cool. I'll be there in ten minutes, okay?"

"I'll look for you," Nash said. "Later."

Robby set his phone down, still smiling. Maybe tonight wouldn't be a total wash after all. He started his car and put it into gear. As he drove, however, Alex's comments came back and his good mood faded. His phone rang a few minutes later. He didn't bother to look at the screen as he slipped his Bluetooth earpiece on. "Hello?" he murmured, his voice heavy with dejection.

"Boy, for somebody who just got a full scholarship you don't sound too excited."

"Reese!!" Robby exclaimed, his spirits instantly lifted. "Hey!"

"I just got your message, Tiger. Congrats!"


"But why so glum, chum?" Reese asked, sensing something in Robby's tone. "You should be more excited."

"I am. I mean, I was... But..."

"But what?" Reese prodded.


"Is jealous," Reese interrupted, finishing his sentence for him. He knew all about Robby's problems with Alex. "Alex Fields is jealous and insecure. Plain and simple."

"But why would he be jealous?" Robby asked. "I don't understand."

"He's jealous because he's not as good as you and never will be," Reese said. "He's never gonna get a full scholarship anywhere and he's probably feeling like he's stuck here."

"Come on, that's not fair."

"No, hear me out for a sec," Reese explained. "Alex is good at every sport he plays... pretty darn good, in fact... but he's not a standout in any of them. Not like you in baseball. Or Matt in swimming."

"So I guess it doesn't help either that Matt's being recruited?" Robby ventured, conceding the point.

"That's great! By who?"

"Lots of places... UTA, TCU... but I think he's settled on Valparaiso."

"Valpo, huh?" Reese said. "That's great. And it's pretty close to St. Bart's too, isn't it?"

"Yeah," Robby nodded. "Not too far. And Sara's going there too."

Reese chuckled. "Well, it's not going to help Alex any with Matt heading out, too. But that's his problem, not yours. Plus, it's not like he doesn't have options: Purdue's a damn good school."

"Well, he doesn't see it that way," Robby said, pulling up to a stop light. He was a couple of miles from Jake's Grill. "He doesn't get it. It's almost like he doesn't want to get it."

"Exactly," Reese concurred. "You hit the nail on the head. He doesn't want to get it. And if he doesn't want to get it how do you think you're supposed to make him understand?"

"I don't know," Robby muttered as he chewed his inner cheek.

"There isn't," Reese insisted. "Trust me. If he doesn't want to listen - if he doesn't even want to try to see your side - well, then there's nothing you can do. Not until he's ready."

"But what if that doesn't happen?"

"Then it doesn't happen," Reese said matter-of-factly. "And I'm sure it'll be sad, but at least you'll know you did everything you could. Look, I know it doesn't sound like much consolation, but you can't change somebody's heart."

Robby was silent for a moment. "Just when things're starting to fall into place, everything else starts falling apart," he said wistfully. The light turned green and he began driving again.

"What else is going on?" Reese asked. When Robby didn't answer, he persisted. "Something else is bothering you, I can tell. What is it?"

Robby exhaled deeply. "I really screwed things up with Brice," he finally admitted.

"Brice Cooper?" Reese asked. "Isn't he that tall gangly kid with glasses and braces who was at the house a lot last Summer?"


"What happened?"

Robby swallowed hard as he turned into a 7-11 and parked. He hung his head as he related the story to Reese. He and Brice had, until just recently, been pretty good friends. But last month on the night of the Valentine's Formal as the guys - Robby, Matt, Alex and Brice - were on their way to pick up their dates, Brice dropped a bombshell and told them he was gay. Matt had known for a long time, but it was news to the rest of them. Alex freaked. He shouted to the driver to pull over and then ordered Brice out because he wasn't riding in the back of a limo with a faggot. When Matt pointed out that they all had paid for the limo, Alex stormed out. Robby's reaction hadn't been nearly as severe. But he didn't know how to put what he was feeling into words and froze up, which turned out to be worse because his silence that night and over the ensuing days had become increasingly awkward until he and Brice were no longer speaking.

"Come on, so he's gay," Reese chided gently, his voice calm. "When did you turn into a homophobe?"

"I'm not!" Robby yelled, offended at the mere thought.

"Well, he never hit on you, did he?"


"Has he ever perved on you?"

"What? No. No!"

"And he's not a murderer or a child molester, either," Reese continued, "so give him a break. He's just gay."

"I know," Robby said softly. "I mean, I don't care if he's gay... but I was such a jerk that night... I shoulda said something."

"No time like the present."

"I don't know," Robby said thoughtfully. "I think I really hurt him by not saying anything and I think it's too late."

"Come on now," Reese said confidently. "Really... you and Brice have been friends for a while. You can get through this."

"I'm not so sure," Robby said, wiping at his eyes with his sleeve. "You didn't see the look on his face. For days he just looked at me like he was waiting for me to say something and I was such a chickenshit! I mean, I avoided him! I didn't know what to say and so I just avoided him and then he left on vacation and when he got back he caught pneumonia and..."

"Sounds like a lot excuses, if you ask me."

"No, it's just..."

"No nothing, Rob. You gotta talk to him," Reese pressed. At Robby's insistence he had been calling him 'Rob' for the last year. "Don't make excuses. Swallow your pride. Apologize. Have faith that things will work out. And they will."

"How do you know?" Robby sniffed, rolling down his window and taking a deep breath of the crisp night air. "How can you be so sure?"

Now it was Reese's turn to be silent and Robby could hear him take a long breath and exhale before he finally continued. "To be honest, I'm not sure," he conceded. "But I'm hopeful because I'm going through the same thing..."

"With Nash?" Robby ventured, finishing his sentence. Reese sighed and muttered a small "yes" and Robby shifted in his seat to get more comfortable before he continued. "What happened to you guys," he asked. "You were best friends your whole lives and then you headed off to college and everything just... changed. You guys don't even talk to each other anymore... and nobody else ever talks about it either. What happened?"

Reese paused again. "Well, you know his elbow got thrashed in that accident before sophomore season started, right? And since he couldn't pitch anymore he had to give up his scholarship. He finished out the semester and bailed. Heck, I don't even know if he took his finals. I stopped by his room to get him for breakfast one morning and he was gone. I called his parents and they said he went to Oklahoma to live with his grandparents. I tried calling and stuff but he never returned any of my calls. I tried texting and emailing... nothing. He just blew me off so I figured screw him and I stopped trying. I didn't see him again for months and by then things were totally strained and we just avoided each other and... well, now it's been a couple of years and..."

"How's any of that your fault?" Robby interrupted. "Sounds like he's got the problem, if you ask me!"

"Easy now," Reese said. "There's more to it." His voice was even and rational, but began to sound wistful and sad as he began to relive ancient history, spilling out details and secrets Robby had never heard, recounting what felt like so much water under the bridge. Maybe even too much to ever go back.

Nash Baird's skills on the baseball diamond had been the stuff of high school legend: Local Kid Made Good. All the big schools wanted him and scouts fell all over themselves trying to recruit him. He was definitely headed to the pros, but a car accident his sophomore year of college had shattered both his elbow and his dreams. The physical toll the accident took was minimal compared to the emotional scarring he underwent. His future cut short before it ever had a chance to start, Nash slowly sank into an abyss of despair and bitterness as the seriousness of the injury and the gravity of the situation became apparent. No longer able to play at the level he had been at, and uncertain if he'd ever be able to pitch again, the school had no choice but to revoke his scholarship.

He finished out the school year but had become increasingly dejected and demoralized. And then, instead of going home for the summer - unable to face his family and friends - he moved to Tulsa and spent several months living with his grandparents on their 5,000 acre ranch, secluded and safely anonymous. When he finally came home just before Christmas of that year there was an obvious change in him. It was as if the light behind his eyes had dimmed. He was distant and withdrawn and when school started in January he didn't go back with Reese and the rest of his friends, opting instead for the local university, Purdue, and a new life without baseball.

"But you're right," Reese continued, his voice shaking slightly. "It wasn't really logical, but at the time it was a really big deal to him. You have to remember... Nash was good. I mean, you're good Rob, but Nash? Wow... untouchable. With him you didn't have to buy into any hype. He was the real deal and baseball was his ticket to the future. Back then me and him were like you and Alex and Matt... a team. When he got hurt it broke up the team and then it got worse because I stayed at school and I guess he felt betrayed."

"How can he be mad at you for that?!" Robby yelled again, sitting bolt upright in his seat, his knee bashing against the steering wheel. "He's the one who left! Talk about jealous... He sounds worse than Alex! It's just baseball for chrissakes!"

"Hey, hey, down boy," Reese laughed, and then turned serious again. "Maybe he was jealous. Maybe not. I don't know. But what I do know, and what the point of all this is, is that me and Nash never talked about it and now it's too late. I mean, hell Rob, he was my best friend - my best friend - and I fucked it up. Our friendship is destroyed beyond repair because I couldn't... I didn't..."

"You okay," Robby asked gently. "Reese?"

"And I know he hates me for what I did... but... but..." His voice caught and he sniffled and cleared his throat. "Ahhh... there's just a whole lot more to this story that you don't know... and I don't wanna get into right now. I can't."

"Why not?" Robby asked. "You know you can talk to me about anything."

Reese was silent again for a few moments. "I know I can," he said, his voice lighter. "But I don't think you wanna hear me crying like a baby. I'll tell you about it some day."


"Yeah," Reese sighed, his voice back to normal. "Yeah. I really need to have this conversation with him first, though. Hash it all out. But I'm scared, you know? And anyway, how did this get to be about me and Nash? I thought we were talking about you."


"I guess what I'm trying to say is don't let too much time pass. You have to talk to him and have faith that it'll work out. Things'll be good with you guys again. You gotta believe that, Rob. And as far as Alex goes, well maybe he's acting like a dick because deep down he's hurting and it's easier for him to lash out."

"I guess... yeah," Robby relented. "Or else he's just an ass."

"Or else he's just an ass," Reese repeated, laughing. "Meanwhile, you're beating yourself up over something you should be excited about."

"I know..."

"It'll all work out," Reese said reassuringly. "But you gotta help it along. And you can't get all pissed off every time Alex acts like a jerk."

"I guess," Robby agreed.

"Because otherwise you'd be pissed off all the time."

Robby laughed. "You're right."

"And you know what they say..."

"No, what?"

"It's better to be pissed off than pissed on. Unless you're into that kinda stuff."

"Ew... that's gross," Robby shuddered.

"School's gonna be over before you know it and you don't wanna graduate with any regrets."

"You're right," Robby said. "Thanks."

"Any time, bro," Reese said. "By the way, where are you? Sounds like you're in the car. What're you doing tonight?"

"I just left the guys at Applebee's," Robby replied. "Alex and Matt. We had a fight... Well, me and Alex did. I... I... um... called Nash just before you called."

"Nash?" Reese asked, his voice catching again. "Why's that?"

"Well, he's been working out with me a few times a week since January, and he's assisting Coach Atwood this season."

"He's what?" Reese was clearly surprised. "Really?"

Robby cleared his throat before continuing. "Yeah, he's student teaching this semester."

"Wow, that's great. But why didn't you say anything before? Why didn't mom or dad ever say anything?"

"Because," Robby said softly, exasperated. "Like I said, nobody ever talks about what happened. I mean, I asked him about it when he first started and he just said things were fine with you guys."

"He did?"

"Yeah, but I didn't really believe him. I mean, the way he said it made it seem pretty clear he didn't want to talk about it anymore so I just dropped it."

Reese was silent. "Are you mad?" Robby asked. "I was on my way to see him now but I can cancel. Should I call and cancel?"

"No, it's cool," Reese said, his voice distant. "But don't tell him we talked... and don't say anything about what I just told you, okay? Please? Nash's never been one for Monday Morning Quarterbacking, if you know what I mean."

"Yeah, okay," Robby nodded.

"Anyway, dude, I'm gonna be home in a couple of weeks and we'll hang out. Just you and me, I promise. Okay?"

"That'd be awesome," Robby said as he smiled.

"And do me another favor, okay?"


"Don't tell him I'm coming home..."

"Who... Nash? Why, what's up?"

"Nothing," Reese said quickly. "I just wanna surprise him is all. I need to make things right with him again..."

Robby waited a few seconds for Reese to continue. When he didn't, Robby cleared his throat. "Umm... you okay Reese?"

"Yeah," Reese replied, snapping out of it. But there was something in his voice. "I'm good. Just a lot of old memories and stuff. Thanks for listening, though. This was good."

Robby smiled. "I liked it too. But why are you being so great to me, Reese?"

Reese's full-throated chuckle filled the air. "I think I left home just when you were starting to get interesting. I feel bad... and I miss you."

"I miss you too," Robby said softly.

"Anyway... I gotta go. Melany's waiting."

"Okay," Robby said. "I'm glad you called."

"I am too, Rob. See ya."

Robby sighed as he hung up. It felt like a huge burden was just lifted from his shoulders and he could finally breath. But as he started the car and pulled out of the parking lot to drive the short distance to Jake's Grill, the smile slipped from his face as he thought about what it was going to take to make thing right again with his friends. It felt like such an uphill journey.

Chapter Four

There was a constant stream of Friday night traffic as Robby neared Jake's Grill, but Nash was waiting for him out front and flagged him down as soon as he spied him.

"Heya," Nash called out as he jogged up and slid into the passenger seat. Robby returned his greeting with a grim smile but didn't say anything.

"So... what's up?" Nash asked as he buckled his seat belt.

Robby stared straight ahead, still not speaking. A car honked behind them and he shot a glance over his shoulder.

"You gotta move, buddy," Nash urged. "Go ahead and pull around back for a sec." Robby nodded and put the car into gear, effortlessly merging with the traffic. He rounded the corner and parked where Nash indicated.

Robby was still silent so Nash took the lead. "Let's head over to my place," he suggested. "We can talk there."

Robby didn't respond so Nash continued. "Okay... we don't have to talk. We can watch some TV or play video games... Or maybe you just need to get hammered?"

Robby looked over and rolled his eyes, a slight smile on his lips. Nash smiled back. "Alright then, hammered it is," he said, slapping Robby's thigh. "But you can't say anything to anybody or I'll get canned, okay?"

Robby nodded. "And you gotta tell me what's going on," Nash insisted and Robby nodded again. "Okay then," he said as he opened the door and hopped out. "My car's right over there. You can follow me."

Robby watched as Nash ran to his car, a silver Infiniti coupe. He gunned the engine and pulled up next to Robby, rolling down his window and gesturing for him to do the same. "I live a few miles from here. Come on."

Robby followed Nash through town to the Ninth Street Hill historic district. They turned onto a tree lined street and pulled up in front of a one story Craftsman Bungalow.

"Wow, this is a nice place," Robby said as he got out of his car, admiring the house.

"Thanks," Nash said, grabbing his book bag and gym bag from the passenger seat. "It belongs to my grandparents but I'm buying it from them."

"I didn't know they lived here," Robby said, following Nash up the sidewalk.

"They don't," Nash shook his head. "They live in Tulsa. They bought it a long time ago as a place to stay when they visited but they always ended up staying with us. They rented it out for a long time but let me move in this past Christmas."

"Are they rich?" Robby asked clumsily and Nash laughed. "I don't... I mean... well, Reese said something once."

"I guess," he shrugged, his smile fading a bit at the mention of Reese's name. He unlocked the door and they went inside. "My Grandpa made a lot of money in the oil business a long time ago but the ranch has always been in my Grandma's family. They raise cattle and bucking bulls now."

"Bucking bulls? You mean for the PBR?" Robby asked as they stepped into the living room.

"Yeah, among others," Nash replied, looking quizzically at Robby as he gestured for him to take a seat. He walked over to a cabinet, opened a door and pulled out an ice bucket. He then looked through the selection of liquor bottles and chose Belvedere Vodka and Tanqueray Gin. "Do you follow professional bull riding?"

"Yeah. Me and my dad watch it all the time," Robby nodded as he slid onto the couch and watched as Nash took the bucket into the kitchen. He heard the bucket filling with ice and then a few moments later Nash came back, arms laden with the bucket, a carton of orange juice, a bottle of Schweppes Tonic Water, a lime and a small knife.

Nash dropped several ice cubes into a tall glass, poured a measure of vodka into it and topped it off with orange juice. Next he mixed a gin and tonic. Then he expertly cut the lime into several wedges and dropped one into the Screwdriver and two into the gin and tonic. He picked up the glasses and handed the Screwdriver to Robby.

Robby took a quick gulp, wincing slightly at the taste. He noticed Nash eyeing him curiously and took another long drink. "What?"

"I'm not corrupting a minor or anything, am I?" Nash asked skeptically. "I mean, you've drank before, right?"

"Yeah," Robby shrugged, nervously shifting his feet. "Well, just a few beers now and then. And I had some Jack Daniels once." He looked up. "Don't worry, Nash. It's fine."


"What's that you're drinking?" Robby asked, changing the subject.

"Gin and tonic." He held out his glass. "Wanna sip?"

"Sure," Robby shrugged. He took the glass and put it to his lips. "Oh geez," he sputtered, quickly handing it back to Nash. "What the heck is that? It tastes like pine needles!"

Nash laughed as he took a sip. "It's an acquired taste."

"Well where did you 'acquire' it from?" Robby asked as he took a long pull from his drink to wash away the taste of the gin.

"My Grandma turned me onto it," he replied as he took a sip.

"Well it's nasty, if you ask me," Robby shuddered. "It's like licking a pine cone!"

Nash smiled and took another sip. He sat down and looked Robby straight in the eye. "So, what gives?" he asked, prodding gently. "I've known you forever, kid, and this isn't like you, so spill it."

Robby took another big drink and sat. He was quiet for about a minute before sighing deeply. "It's just this whole college thing," he said softly, slowing shaking his head as he set his glass down.

Nash leaned forward and slid a coaster toward Robby. "What about it?"

"Well, Alex has been giving me a hard time because I picked St. Bart's and tonight he practically went apeshit."

"Why's that?" Nash took a sip and set his glass down on a coaster.

Robby took another drink and shook his head angrily. "He's all mad because supposedly I'm pissing away my shot at the big time."

Nash sat back and didn't say anything, listening and taking it all in. Robby took another drink. His glass was almost empty now and he was already feeling a buzz. He hadn't eaten since lunch and the alcohol hit him quickly. It felt good and he relaxed a little, the words coming easier now. "Reese said it's because he's jealous and insecure."

"You talked to Reese?" Nash asked, leaning forward in his seat. "When?"

"He called right after you did and we talked a little. Maybe you can understand what Alex is going through?"

"Why would you think that?" Nash asked, a hint of suspicion in his voice.

"I dunno," Robby shrugged as he continued to sip at his drink. "Maybe because of what happened with you and Reese."

Nash arched his eyebrow. "What do you mean," he asked slowly. "What did Reese say?"

Robby froze, realizing he'd said too much. "Crap... Umm... Okay, okay... Reese told me not to say anything about it, but..."

"But what?" Nash pressed, his eyes riveted on Robby. Robby didn't say anything. "It's okay," Nash shrugged. He tried to act nonchalantly but inside his blood was beginning to boil. "What did he say?"

Robby stared at his feet as he took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Please don't say anything to him about me saying this... but he said the same thing happened to you and him when you got hurt in college. Sorta. I mean, about you being jealous and all."

Nash felt like somebody had punched him in the gut and knocked the wind out of him. He quickly turned away before Robby could see the look of hurt, and then anger, that flashed across his face. He paused to compose himself and catch his breath. "Reese said that," he asked as he looked back, his voice smooth and controlled, no hint of the betrayal he was feeling. "He said I was jealous?"

Robby avoided Nash's eyes as he drained his glass, his mouth filling with ice. "Well, maybe he didn't use the word jealous," he mumbled as he nervously chewed on the ice. "I don't remember exactly... But you were mad I guess..."

"What else did he tell you?" Nash interrupted, his jaw tight.

"Nnn...nothing," Robby stammered, sipping at his empty glass. "I don't know what I'm saying. I'm getting everything confused and stuff and I shouldn't've said anything. I mean, I don't think he meant anything bad by it. Really. He even..." he stopped abruptly. He had to stanch this flow somehow! "Please don't tell him I told you, okay?"

"No problem," Nash winked, his eyes narrowed. "How about another?" he suggested, taking Robby's glass as he quickly finished his own. Robby nodded meekly and handed his glass to Nash.

Nash seethed as he strode to the liquor cabinet, his body vibrating with fury. He couldn't believe what he'd just heard. Jealous?! Damn it! How could Reese say something like that? He knew Reese hated him after everything that happened - and he'd learned to live with that somehow - but to find out that Reese thought he was jealous? How could he ever think that? Especially after everything he'd done for him?

He took a deep breath as he set the glasses down, resisting the urge to smash them. His hands were shaking. He looked at his reflection in the mirror over the bar. His blue eyes were fiery and his cheeks were flushed. "Get a grip," he whispered as he clenched and unclenched his fists.

He struggled to internalize his rage, taking several more deep breaths to calm himself. He dropped fresh ice cubes into the glasses, his mind racing as he poured gin into his glass, replaying what Robby just told him. Why would Reese say that? And how could Robby even believe it? He shook his head, muttering to himself, as he opened the vodka and poured. He was about to cork the bottle but looked over his shoulder to make sure Robby wasn't looking and poured an extra shot into the glass. He topped it off with orange juice.

"I gotta take a leak," he called out as he walked quickly down the hall. Instead of going to the bathroom, though, he went to his bedroom and rummaged through his closet until he found a box deep in the back. He opened it and pulled out a vial filled with small white pills and stared at it for several moments. Finally he nodded and smirked, unscrewed the cap and shook one of the pills into his hand. He walked back to bar, dropped it into Robby's glass and swished it around with his finger. He took one more deep breath as he turned around.

Robby bit at his lower lip as Nash walked over and sat next to him. "I don't know," he said as he looked at the glass. "I'm already buzzing after that first one."

"Don't be such a cupcake," Nash laughed as he pushed the drink into Robby's hand. "You pounded that first one, now you just gotta pace yourself."

Robby nodded as he nervously sipped at his drink. "You're not mad, are you? About what I said. No... you're mad. I can tell."

"Of course not," Nash said mendaciously with a casual wave of his hand. "Why would I be mad?" He picked up the remote and turned on the television and flipped through the channels until Sports Center came on. He looked at Robby and smiled. "Seriously. What happened with Reese and me was a long time ago. Not everybody stays friends forever."

"Sometimes I say too much," Robby said as he took another sip. He noticed a framed picture lying face down on the mantel and stood up. "Who's this?" he asked as he picked up the frame.

"Just a friend," Nash said, quickly taking the picture and setting it down. "It must've fallen over."

"Anyway," Robby said, turning to Nash. "I'm sorry about what I said.

"It's okay," Nash replied, struggling to keep his voice steady. "Like I said... ancient history."

After a few minutes Robby found he was having a hard time concentrating and felt himself zoning out. He touched his nose a few times and then nudged Nash's elbow. "I can't feel my nose," he giggled, his head cocked, unaware that his drink had been dosed with GHB. "Am I drunk? I think I'm drunk!"

"What a light-weight," Nash replied jokingly. "I didn't know you were such a pussy!"

Robby feigned indignation and downed the rest of his drink. "Did you call me a pussy?" he slurred, holding out the empty glass for a refill. "Get me another... bitch!"

"Yessir!" Nash laughed as he stood up. "I think you should probably spend the night here, though, because you're in no condition to drive and your parents'll know something's up if I drop you off. You can crash on the couch. But you better call them while you can still talk clearly."

"Good idea," Robby said, struggling to get to his feet as well. "Where's my phone?"

"It's in your pocket," Nash pointed as he took Robby's glass to mix him another Screwdriver. "Or are you just happy to see me?"

"Oh," Robby giggled as he pulled his phone out and called home. "Hey Mom, it's me," he said, swaying slightly, the effects of the drugged alcohol obviously hitting him. He struggled to keep his voice level. "I'm at Nash's and... yeah, Nash. Okay I will - my mom says hi! We're talking and stuff.... Yeah, Reese called me too... I'm just gonna crash here if you and dad don't mind.... Cool, thanks.... Okay, see you tomorrow... Love ya... Bye!"

Nash handed the drink to Robby and took his BlackBerry. He looked at it for a few seconds, pressed a button, and put it back on the table.

"Whoahhh..." Robby said, shuddering as he took a sip of his drink. His eyes widened and he grimaced as he swallowed.

"It's a good thing you're not driving, huh?" Nash smiled, pretending not to notice Robby's reaction to the drink. He'd made it a lot stronger, knowing Robby wouldn't say anything because it wasn't in his nature to complain. He flopped down on the thick cushions of the sofa and motioned Robby to join him.

Robby made his way slowly, trying not to spill his drink. Finally it dawned on him that if he just took a drink he wouldn't have to worry about spilling. He took a long drink, nearly half the glass, and didn't realize at first that some of it had spilled over the rim and down his chin. A little dazedly he sat down next to Nash.

"Wow... I've never had vodka before," he said, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "I can really feel it. And I gotta pee! Where's the bathroom?"

Nash laughed out loud and pointed to the hallway as Robby struggled to his feet and staggered to the bathroom, not even bothering to close the door all the way behind him. A few moments later he heard the toilet flush.

"Okay, that was about the gayest thing I've ever done," Robby said loudly as he stumbled down the hall, fumbling with his belt.

"What?" Nash laughed as he looked up. He noticed Robby's zipper was open but didn't say anything. "What's the gayest thing you've ever done?"

Robby flopped onto the couch, cheeks ruddy and eyes glassy. He saw his fly was down and blushed as he zipped it. "I had to sit down when I peed... like a girl!"

"See... told you... you're a pussy," Nash chuckled, egging him on.

Robby took another long drink and set it down. "Yeah, well I bet I can kick your ass at this," he giggled, slurring, as he fumbled for the Wii controller sitting on the coffee table. He dropped it several times before he finally gave up and leaned back against the cushions. He giggled again and looked over at Nash.

"Whew, it's HOT in here," he said. His cheeks were flushed. "Is it hot in here?" Without any encouragement from Nash, he stripped off his green hoodie, his t-shirt riding up and exposing his tanned, tight abs. Nash's gaze lingered on the two inches or so of the white Hollister boxer briefs that were sticking up over the waistband of his Aeropostale jeans. Robby finally managed to get the hoodie off and smoothed his hair. He grinned broadly.

"You look so much like Reese, you know that?" Nash said, the bright smile on his face masking the sadness he felt.

"No way... shut up," Robby laughed. He playfully swiped his arm at Nash and missed, nearly falling off the couch.

"Dude, you're toasted," Nash laughed, shaking his head as he reached out to catch Robby. "I'm cutting you off."

"No, I wanna another drink," Robby protested as he stamped his foot and scrunched up his face. He looked at Nash and smirked.

"Okay, but it's gonna be a beer," Nash relented as he mussed his hair. "Gotta wean you off the hard stuff."

He went to the kitchen and came back, handing Robby a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale as well as a bottle of water. He picked up the remote and clicked the on-screen guide. His eyes widened for a moment and he smirked as he switched the channel.

"What's this?" Robby asked as the screen filled with naked flesh and heaving bodies.

"9 1/2 Weeks," Nash replied. "You ever see it?"

Robby shook his head slowly. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "No, what's it about?"

Nash's eyes lit up as he outlined the movie's plot, giving a blow by blow description of some of the movie's more salacious scenes. He watched Robby's reactions closely.

"Wow..." Robby said softly, his hands gripping at his jeans.

Nash's lips curled in a devilish smile. "So, what's gonna happen with you and Sara when you go off to St. Bart's?" he asked.

Robby shrugged, his eyes still glued to the screen. "She's going to Valpo. It's close."

"That's not what I meant," Nash said.

Robby looked at him blankly for a moment. "Whattaya mean then?" he asked, his attention immediately turning back to the movie.

"You know..." Nash said, leaning forward. He looked at Robby. "With the two of you. How are you gonna... Wait a minute... are you a virgin?"

"No," Robby said quickly. Too quickly. Beer to his lips he glanced quickly at Nash and found he was staring right at him. Robby blinked and looked away. "Yes..." he finally said.

"So, she wants to wait?" Nash asked slowly, luring Robby into the conversation, deliberately baiting him.

"Yes... Well, we both do..." Robby's voice trailed off.

"Why would you want to wait?" Nash asked skeptically.

"The church says..." his voice drifted off again as the action on the screen intensified.

"That's right," Nash said softly as he glanced at the screen and then back to Robby. "You're Catholic. Both you and Reese were altar boys, right?" He watched as Robby shifted in his seat, his hand sliding up his thigh to rest on his full crotch. His erection was obvious through the denim and Nash caught his breath as Robby gave it a slight squeeze.

"Boy, I bet you give that thing a pretty constant work out," he marveled, his voice low and seductive as he began to spin his web.

Robby's cheeks reddened and he suddenly pulled his hand away. He shook his head and put the beer back to his lips but he didn't drink. His hand slowly found its way back to his crotch.

"What?" Nash asked. "There's nothing wrong with it. Wait... are you saying you don't even beat off?"

"I didn't say anything," Robby replied quickly, looking away. The room was silent for several seconds, the only noise coming from the television. "Besides, it's a sin," he said finally, his voice barely audible. He took a drink of his beer.

"You're shittin' me," Nash said incredulously. "You don't masturbate... Never?"

"Well, not never," Robby hedged, red-faced and clearly uncomfortable. His head was spinning and he felt horny. His cock was throbbing and he pushed down on it with the heel of his palm as stared at it, silently willing it to behave. "I don't like talking about it."

"Yeah, I bet," Nash said, his voice a lull. "Especially not while you're watching shit like this." He looked down at Robby's crotch and the unruly cock that was still twitching. "Dude, that thing's gonna burst through your pants!" he teased, jabbing him in the ribs.

"Ooooooo!!!" Robby squealed, spitting beer as he nearly jumped off the couch.

"Are you ticklish, Robby?" Nash asked, taking his beer from his hand while scrabbling his fingers over his abs.

"Stop," Robby panted breathlessly as he vainly attempted to bat Nash's prying fingers away. "Stop it!"

"Oh my god, you are!!" Nash laughed. He set the beer down and reached up under Robby's shirt, playfully squeezing his left nipple as he dug a finger into his belly button. "Ha ha!"

"Mmmm..." Robby cooed as he squirmed and twisted.

"Uh oh," Nash said softly, noting how Robby's already full crotch expanded a bit each time he played with his nipples, almost as if they were connected. He grabbed Robby's wrists with one hand while the other continued to pluck his nipples.

"Awww..." Robby moaned, exhaling, as his body slumped a little. Nobody had ever touched him like that before. "What're you doing, Nash? Stop..."

"Shhhh... you'll like this," Nash said softly, his lips just inches from Robby's ear. He blew softly on Robby's neck and into his ear, licking his lips as the dazed teen shivered.

"Mmmm... ohhhh..." Robby grunted. He struggled for a few more moments before he finally relented, sinking deeply into the soft cushions, his head lolling forward. The euphoric effects of the GHB had fully enveloped him now and he put up no resistance as Nash openly groped and fondled him, cupping his crotch and firmly kneading his full balls.

"Ohhhh... mmmhhhh..." Robby moaned as the thick tube of his cock snaked up and to the left. For the first time in his young life, Robby Caldwell's dick was getting hard in the hand of another person... and it was a guy. Nash used his other hand to push Robby's t-shirt up under his armpits and continued to play with his nipples, alternating between soft flicks and playful tugs. Robby sighed and moaned deeply.

"I told you you'd like it," Nash whispered, flicking his tongue over his ear lobe, swirling it around for a brief moment.

Robby giggled at this latest sensation. His legs were opening and closing as Nash fondled his cock and balls, trying to trap the prying hand and stop it, but Nash worked his knee between Robby's legs, forcing them apart and leaving his crotch open for the taking. Instead of moving in, though, Nash slid his hand under Robby's butt and gave a hard tug and twist, sliding Robby lower onto the couch while at the same time moving his body sideways until he was lying down. Nash then got down on the floor beside the couch and eyed Robby's body sprawled out on the couch... t-shirt shoved under his armpits, back arched, nipples perked, a pronounced bulge in his jeans.

"Damnnnn..." he muttered, licking his lips again. He bent down and tongued Robby's belly button.

"Stop..." Robby giggled, freeing one of his hands and weakly slapping at Nash's head. Nash grabbed Robby's hands again and held them as he resumed jabbing at his navel with his tongue. Then he traced his abs with his tongue, continuing up to his chest. He fastened his lips around Robby's left nipple and sucked, playfully nipping at it with his teeth.

"Awww... shiiitttt..." Robby cooed, his taut body weakly bucking. Nash smiled wickedly and moved his head down to Robby's crotch, inhaling deeply as he buried his face in the faded denim, muzzling the full basket. Robby's hard dick was clearly evident through his jeans and Nash put his mouth around it and bit down softly.

"Ohhhh... ohhh... mmmnnngghhh..." Robby grunted and whimpered. Nash released Robby's wrists and immediately felt hands on his head. But instead of pulling him away, they pushed his face down, mashing it closer.

"Yeah, that's it you horny little fucker," he chuckled as he playfully bit his way up and down the length of Robby's dick, breathing his hot breath onto the denim as Robby groaned softly and thrust his hips upward. As he did, Nash slid his hand across Robby's flat stomach, under the waist of his jeans and the elastic waistband of his boxer briefs and let it rest on the tip of his throbbing cock. He slipped his other hand between Robby's legs and pressed his thumb between the crack of his ass.

"Nooo..." Robby hissed softly, slamming his butt back down onto the couch, but Nash didn't relent. He continued to push his thumb upward as the fingers of his other hand softly squeezed the expanding head of Robby's dick.

"Unnnhhh... ooooohhh..." Robby squealed, the sensations taking him completely off guard. Nash wished he had a third hand so he could keep strumming Robby's juicy nipples, but he knew if he kept it up much longer Robby would blow a load and he didn't want that. Not yet, anyway. He had other plans for him. He abruptly pulled away and sat back on his haunches.

"You should hit the sack," he said as he stood up and pulled Robby to his feet. "You can sleep in the guest room."

Robby stood, a bit unsteadily, his t-shirt falling back into place. He was confused. Did what he think just happened really happen? His head was swimming and he wasn't sure. What the heck? He looked at Nash as he swayed, watching as he took the hem of his t-shirt and slowly lifted it.

"I can do that," Robby insisted, voice slurred and eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he pushed Nash's hands away and started to tug at his shirt.

"God, you look just like him," Nash said as he softly, but firmly, urged and prodded Robby toward the hall leading to the guestroom. He gently pinned him against the wall with his left arm and then, with his right hand, resumed his exploration of the promised land before him.

He yanked Robby's belt open and, using his thumb, deftly popped the button of the jeans and worked the fly down. A few tugs here and there and the jeans were down to mid-thigh. Robby was fully hard in his boxer briefs and his cock was pulsing, the apparent result of Nash's continued manipulation of his nipples. A wet spot had formed and Nash brushed his thumb across the tip of Robby's cock like a windshield wiper. Back and forth. Back and forth. Every time he made contact, Robby's dick throbbed and burped another drop of pre-cum, causing the wet spot to spread. He cupped Robby's balls and squeezed gently, glancing up as Robby drew in a sharp breath, his eyes were half-closed and his mouth slightly open.

Nash slowly moved him away from the wall and into the guestroom, pulling his hands away and watching as Robby flopped onto the bed in an easy free fall.

Robby felt like he was moving in slow motion as, warm and contented, he landed on the bed. His arms were splayed out and his chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm as he felt his shoes and socks being removed. His pants were whisked completely off and there was a warm and wet sensation. Was somebody sucking his toes?! He tried to lift his head but it felt like there was a ten pound weight on it. He closed his eyes.

His big toe still in his mouth, Nash looked up at Robby, sprawled out and spinning in a drug and alcohol haze, wearing nothing but his white Hollister underwear. The legs of the boxer briefs were bunched up and it looked like he was wearing briefs. Nash let Robby's toe fall from his mouth and he licked his lips as an idea hit him. He rushed out of the room and came back a few seconds later with a pair of white Calvin Klein briefs.

He grabbed the waistband of Robby's boxer briefs and slowly peeled them down, his eyes widening as Robby's hard dick snapped up, droplets of pre-cum spattering onto his stomach. He touched the tip of it - smooth, velvety, spongy - and put the finger to his lips, licking the small pearl of pre-cum. He reached down again and scooped another drop and smeared it across Robby's lower lip.

"Betchya never tasted your own spunk, huh?" he chuckled and he gave Robby's dick a few more tugs.

He pulled the boxer briefs completely off and held them to his nose, sniffing deeply at the musky crotch before laying them gently over Robby's nose and mouth.

As he slipped the briefs up Robby's legs he couldn't help but wonder if Robby would look as good in briefs as Reese had. His mind flashed back to college and all the times he'd seen Reese... He finished pulling them up and after getting everything into place he took a step back. Holy shit... Damn!

The briefs fit Robby perfectly. Not too tight but not loose either. They highlighted his every bulge, bump and curve, the soft white of the cotton seeming to caress him. Nash ran the palm of his hand slowly and deliberately over every inch and then turned his hand over to let his knuckles graze the still semi-erect cock. His other hand slipped under Robby's balls and he gently kneaded them as he stroked his cock back to full staff. He leaned forward and buried his nose in Robby's crotch, sniffing it like a dog. Fuck!

He left the room again and returned a few minutes later with a camera and tripod. He set up the tripod, picked up the camera and began to snap away. Then he placed the camera onto the tripod and aimed it at the bed. He peered through the viewfinder, made a few adjustments and, satisfied with the angle, switched on the video function.

As Robby lay there semi-conscious, not moving, his eyes half-open but not seeing anything, Nash undid his jeans and stepped out of them. He adjusted his dick in his briefs and sat down next to Robby. He noticed the calendar on the wall above the night stand and quickly flipped the page back a few months. He took everything off the night stand and put them on the floor next to the bed.

He stared intently at Robby for several seconds and then got up and straddled his chest, leaning forward so his crotch was mere inches from Robby's face. Bracing himself with one hand on his headboard, he put his other hand under the back of Robby's head and lifted it up and pressed it into his crotch.

"Unnhhh... yeah..." he moaned, taking a deep breath as he nuzzled Robby's nose and chin against his nuts. He let Robby's head drop back onto the pillow and then lowered briefs and tucked them under balls. He grabbed his hard dick and ran it slowly up and down the side of Robby's face, lazily dragging it across his lips, leaving a shiny trail of pre-cum behind it.

He sat back down next to Robby, his cock still out, and grabbed Robby's shoulders, rolling him until he was on his side. His face was practically in his lap. He placed his cock to Robby's lips and pried the drugged teen's mouth open and slid it in.

"Ouch! Watch the teeth," he coaxed, pulling his dick out of Robby's mouth. He leaned down and kissed Robby on the lips. Softly at first, and then more hungrily, forcing Robby's mouth open and swirling his tongue around. In his dazed condition, Robby returned the kiss.

"Yeah... I'll show you, Reese," he muttered, pulling up for a moment before resuming the kiss. But even as he said it he questioned himself on what he was doing what he was doing. Was he trying to somehow hurt Reese or was he just getting his rocks off on a look-a-like?

He sat up and pursed his lips and looked into the camera. What the hell was he doing?

Chapter Five

Sunlight streaming through the blinds woke Robby. He was on his stomach on the couch, fully dressed. His mouth was dry and his head was pounding. He heard the rustle of newspaper and squinted up to see Nash sitting a few feet away looking at him over the morning paper and drinking a cup of coffee.

"Morning, Sunshine," he smiled, lowering the paper a few inches. "How you feeling?"

"Ugh," Robby groaned as he sat up. It felt like his clothes were twisted all around him. He tugged at the sleeve of his t-shirt. "What time is it?

"Quarter of ten," Nash replied, nodding to the mantle clock as he raised the mug to his lips. "You always sleep this late? I've already gone for a run, showered and did the Times crossword puzzle. In ink."

Robby blinked slowly and swallowed. He squinted at the clock.

"I'm kidding," Nash laughed. "I'm only halfway finished with the crossword puzzle." He took another drink of coffee. "You want some coffee? Or how about some breakfast? Maybe a greasy pork chop and a cup of cold hot dog water?"

"That's gross," Robby moaned as he held his stomach. He licked his dry lips. "What happened last night?"

"What happened last night... Well, let's see," Nash smirked as he folded the newspaper and set it down. "You apparently mistook yourself for a world class drinker but your sorry, light-weight ass passed out cold after number three."

"Oh, sorry," Robby muttered as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He ran a hand through his disheveled hair and pulled at his t-shirt again. "I didn't do or say anything stupid, did I?"

"Nothing worth worrying about," Nash shrugged, sipping at his coffee. "Well, other than going on and on about how much you love Sara."

"Ohhh..." Robby groaned. His face was turning red. "Don't even tell me what I said, okay?"

Nash laughed and reached over to slap Robby's knee. "You got it, pal. Now how about we grab something to eat. I know a great breakfast place a few blocks away. I'll drive."


It's been a couple of years since I've posted a new story, and this story is a little different from what I normally write. Comments are welcome. Please direct them to

Next: Chapter 2

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