Basketball and Tutors

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Mar 3, 2012



Basketball and Tutors Book One Part One Joanna

Peter dated Joanna all through their junior and senior high school years. Everyone they knew could only wonder why. Peter was tall, blond, blue-eyed, and drop dead gorgeous. He was the center for his high school basketball team. Basketball was his passion, and he hoped it would get him a college scholarship one day.

Joanna was short, slightly plump, and just average looking. She was not ugly by any means, but she would not stand out in a crowd. Peter's friends concluded that she most likely put out, and that she must be terrific in bed. They were absolutely right about the sex, but the truth was that Joanna was fun to be with, and even if Peter didn't love her madly, he liked her a lot.

He got the scholarship he so dearly wanted, and was enrolled in Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ. Joanna applied there also, and was accepted. For the sake of appearances, they lived in dorms on campus, but they had sex as often as possible. Unfortunately they got careless one night and Joanna got pregnant in their sophomore year.

When her condition was revealed, the couple had a quickie wedding, and they told their parents that they had eloped. They began to look for their own off-campus apartment for the following semester. A month after the wedding, Joanna began to stain and was ordered to bed, but she lost the baby anyway. She wasn't very happy over the fact that Peter was away when she miscarried. The basketball team was playing an out of state team, and his frequent absences were bound to happen.

Joanna was a good student, but Peter just wasn't the academic type. His scholarship required that he maintain a 2.5 grade average, and he was having great difficulty doing that. He just eked his way through his first two years, but finally in his junior year, he sought the services of a tutor.

There was a bulletin board in the lobby of the apartment building where Joanna and Peter had rented an apartment after they got married. One day Peter saw an ad posted by a fellow student. The ad was simply signed, Mario, and gave a telephone number. Mario was seeking students to tutor at "nominal fees."

Part Two Mario

Mario was short and stocky, but far from fat. The top of his head barely reached Peter's shoulders. He had dark brown hair which curled slightly. His eyes were hazel with a tinge of green. His nose was short but very high bridged. In fact, he was quite good looking in a Mediterranean sort of way. His dark Italian looks were a deep contrast to Peter's tall Nordic features. Nonetheless, there was instant chemistry between them. More importantly, Mario was an excellent teacher. After the first few exams that Peter took under Mario's tutelage, the improvement was obvious. Peter's grades were increasing to at least a few B's.

Since Peter shared an apartment with his wife, he always took his lessons in Mario's studio apartment. They had agreed on subjects and prices on the initial telephone call, so when Peter entered Mario's apartment for the first time, he was a bit taken aback. Mario was practically naked. All he was wearing were his gym shorts. From the prominent bulge displayed in his crotch area, it was obvious that Mario wore no underwear. His chest was hairless and ripped with muscles. The guy obviously worked out a lot. Peter had seen dozens of cocks in locker rooms, but never had he seen one being flaunted at him so obviously in a one on one situation. He did his best to pretend not to notice and to be nonchalant. The last thing he wanted was for Mario to think he was queer.

That was laughable because Mario had a different agenda. Shortly after Peter and Joanna moved in, Mario was taking his mail out of the bank of letter boxes in the lobby. As he was closing his box, Peter came up behind him. Mario almost creamed in his pants. There stood the man of his dreams. Mario recognized Peter immediately. He was a member of Rutgers's basketball team, and Mario had no idea that he lived in this building. Mario had drooled over Peter at games and he knew his name. Their eyes met and they nodded at each other. Mario went to his apartment and whacked off. The next morning, on his way out of the building, he took a look at the mail box, from which Peter had taken his mail. He wanted to see what Peter's apartment number was. Peter lived on the fourth floor, and Mario was on the second. Mario was dismayed when he read the name on the mail box, M/M Peter Linden. Bummer!! Peter was a married man. That couldn't stop Mario from lusting after him, and wondering how they could get to know each other better.

When Mario got the call from Peter about tutoring services, he had to control himself in order to keep his voice steady. After the arrangements were made, Mario had to relieve himself again. While he was jacking off, he fantasized all kinds of lurid scenarios which might occur when he and Peter would be alone.

He purposely did not wear underwear for their initial meeting, and he put on as little clothing as possible. He wanted Peter to see what a hunk he could be getting. Wisely he knew he would have to play it cool until they became friends, maybe good friends, before he could make a move. He decided on doing only one thing quickly. He determined to tell Peter up-front that he was gay. If Peter rejected him immediately, well he wouldn't have wasted his time, and Peter could find another tutor. He prayed long and hard that Peter was at least gay friendly.

Mario saw the look Peter gave to his crotch and he couldn't have been more pleased. He took plenty of time before he bade Peter to sit down at the table, and he sat down too.

"One thing before we get started," Mario said. "I'm gay, and if that's an issue for you, we can end it before it starts."

"Well," Peter answered, "I have never really known any gay men, at least none that were out. Just don't expect anything more from me than my attention and my money, and I'm just fine with it." Then to show Mario he meant it, Peter held out his hand for Mario to shake. When Mario took Peter's hand, Peter felt like his whole body was being embraced. He wanted to pull his hand away, but he didn't want Mario to know how he felt, so he held on as long as Mario did.

When Mario sat down, Peter could clearly see the tip of Mario's uncut cock and a touch of balls. He looked away quickly.

Part Three Peter

Peter's folks were observant Lutherans. Their minister was a kind and jolly man. To his credit, his sermons were always about love, kindness and forgiveness. Never once did he ever say anything bad about another religion, race or anyone's sexual orientation. He was a true disciple of Jesus Christ. What a concept! His parents were like their minister. Consequently, Peter was no youngster when he first realized that there were people in the world who practiced other religions, or who loved members of their own sex. Of course, he knew early-on that there were people of different color, but since nobody he knew made a fuss about it, he accepted it as part of God's plan.

When Peter began to play sports, he first saw naked boys' bodies in the locker room. He would wonder what it would feel like to hold another boy's cock in his hand and to jerk him off, like he jerked himself off. That's as far as it went. In his puberty, his fantasies were always about fucking girls. Joanna gave herself to him and lost her virginity on the night of the junior prom. She didn't want to wait until the senior prom, and risk losing this handsome hunk by waiting until the customary night. Not once did Peter ever act upon, or have homosexual thoughts beyond wondering what someone else's cock would feel like, if he should hold one.

His belief system, or rather his lack of a belief system, was slightly shaken when he entered Mario's apartment for his first tutoring session. Mario was practically sticking his cock in his face, and he was disturbed by it in spite of the fact that he had never so much as given it a second thought in a locker room. Then when the men shook hands, a tingle went through Peter's body that was undeniable. As the two men held their hands together, an old enigma entered Peter's brain. He wondered what it would feel like to hold someone else's cock in his hand. Correction, he wondered what it would feel like to hold Mario's cock in his hand. Whatever carnal feelings the men had, they put them aside and Mario began to tutor Peter.

During the early lessons, Mario made sure that he sat a bit away from Peter at the table. After each lesson, Mario made them a cup of coffee and he sometimes served something sweet to go with it. Peter usually turned down the sweet treat because he was always in training. They usually spent close to an hour over the coffee. They chatted easily and learned everything about each other. Their main topic of conversation was their hopes and dreams for the future.

"I envy you," Mario said one evening. "You have Joanna, but I still haven't met anyone I want to commit my life to. You'll have kids someday too. I'd like that." Mario's confession stunned Peter. He had never thought of gays wanting to have the same loving home lives as straight people. His heart suddenly went out to his tutor, and he patted him on his shoulder. Mario kept a stoic face, but inside he was crying.

In time they became really good friends, and Mario sometimes went out with Joanna and Peter. Once he asked Peter if Joanna would mind a double date. When she said she didn't mind, Mario brought a friend, but the friend was distinctly uncomfortable with a straight couple, and it never happened again.

By their fourth lesson, Mario positioned their chairs so that they touched. That meant that occasionally their bare thighs and knees touched. Neither made a move to correct the situation. Often when Peter mastered a particularly difficult concept, Mario would show how pleased he was with him, by patting his knee. At first, Peter thought nothing of it, but one day he wished that it was his cock that Mario was patting. He was shocked and disturbed by his own thoughts. He consoled himself by reminding himself that these were only thoughts.

Early in the final semester of their senior year, Joanna announced that she was pregnant again. Their happiness was short lived when she began to stain just as she had at the beginning of the first pregnancy. The doctor said that she needed to stay in bed for her entire pregnancy. The next Saturday, Peter bundled her up and laid her down in the back seat of their car. Cautiously, he drove her one hundred miles south to their small town at the lower tip of New Jersey, and delivered her safely to her parents. They immediately called the doctor who had delivered her, and they arranged for an examination. Peter left early Sunday morning. They both cried a lot, and Joanna lamented that she only needed fifteen more credits to get her degree. Peter assured her that they would work it out so that she would complete her education after the baby was born.

Mario could now teach in Peter's apartment, but out of habit, Peter went to Mario's place on the Monday after his return.

"How are you managing buddy?" Mario asked.

"It hasn't sunk in yet."

Mario wanted to devour Peter with kisses, but he held himself under control. They didn't have a lesson on Friday, but Peter had basketball practice until 6 PM. They went to school together on Friday morning, and Mario asked Peter if he'd like to have dinner with him after practice, and then go out to one of the bars where the students hung out. "You can drink coke," he promised Peter.

Imagine his shock when Peter said, "That's a great idea. If I don't shower in school, but wait until I get home, I should get home about 6:30. Will 7:30 be Ok with you?"


Part Four Peter and Mario

For Mario it was the best meal he ever ate in his life. He knew that Peter had been without Joanna almost a week, and he reckoned that Peter would be particularly horny. How right he was! During the course of the meal, he steered the conversation around to sex.

"I'm sorry for you," Mario said suddenly. "You are without your lover for the first time since high school. I'll bet your fist is working overtime." Mario was afraid that Peter would take offense at his being so candid, but he just had to take the chance. He was relieved when Peter laughed.

"You got that right, buddy. At least two times a day."

"Did you ever jerk off with your school buddies when you were a kid?" Mario smiled winningly at Peter.

"Of course not. I never heard of such a thing. Did you?"

"Sure all the time. You must have led one hell of a sheltered life. We used to make a game out of seeing who could shoot off first, and who could shoot the furthest."

"I guess I missed all that fun," Peter lamented. He actually sounded like he had been deprived of this fun game in his youth.

"Well, buddy," Mario smiled. "You're going to be alone for several months, so if you want to play, I'm here for you. I may be smaller than you, but I'll bet my Italian cock can shoot further than your Norwegian cock."

"Danish," Peter corrected him. "Is that a challenge?"

"You bet."

"Maybe. We'll see." Mario's heart skipped a beat.

As they were paying the check, Mario asked. I know a really swell place to hang out, but it's a gay bar. It's a very friendly place and nobody will bother you, especially if they think you're with me. If you'd rather not, we'll go elsewhere. I thought you might like to know how the other team plays."

"I'd really like to go, but I'm afraid someone from school might see me there."

"If so, that someone is either slumming like you, or he's gay. Either way, you can say hello and clear the air."

"You are so right. OK. Let's go."

The bar was nothing like Peter expected. It was quiet and seemed very respectable. In fact, Peter thought it looked like any cocktail lounge he had seen along Madison Avenue in New York. Mario could sense his surprise and said, "I told you it was a nice place to hang out and talk. Unfortunately I don't see any empty tables at the moment. We'll have to hang out at the bar. There are a couple of seats at the end there."

Peter always attracted attention wherever he went because of his height. But this time, when the guys stared at him, he felt completely exposed and uncomfortable. Then the worst happened. The two guys sitting next to him and Mario began to discuss the Rutgers basketball team and their chances for a winning season. Peter panicked. He was afraid they might recognize him, and he turned his back to them. It took Peter a little while, but when nothing out of the ordinary happened, he finally settled down.

He turned to Mario and said, "You know Teach, I don't have any practice until Monday after classes. Maybe one little drink wouldn't hurt." Mario was elated. Peter rarely drank. Mario hoped that even one little drink might weaken Peter's reserves. He even planned on talking Peter into having that "shooting match" when they got home.

Peter ordered a vodka tonic, and as he was being served, a table opened up. Mario made a bee line for it. It was a table for four and after a few short minutes, two men asked if they would mind sharing the table with them.

"Not at all," Mario said. Peter got a little nervous again.

The men introduced themselves. "I'm John," one of them said.

"And I'm his partner Brody," the other said.

As the four men shook hands, Mario said, "I'm Mario and this is my friend Peter."

The four men engaged in small talk on several issues, and once again Peter was amazed that he could be comfortable with all these gay men. Peter nursed his drink forever, but eventually he ordered a second. After the second drink was half gone, John and Brody got up to leave. "We old farts aren't used to staying out so late. Excuse us gents, and enjoy your evening."

Mario waited until Peter was nearly finished with his drink and he suggested that they leave too. "You've had enough gay life for one evening," he said. "Did you enjoy yourself?"

"Actually, I did," Peter slurred his words slightly. Mario was glad that he had driven.

Peter was totally several sheets to the wind when Mario got him home, so he took him right up to his own apartment to put him to bed. He was too honorable to take advantage of this obviously drunk man. Mario glanced at Peter sleeping peacefully on the bed he formerly shared with Joanna, and his heart melted. Peter was so beautiful, but fully dressed he looked so damned uncomfortable.

What the hell!! Mario thought, and he decided to undress Peter, make him comfortable, and cover him up before he went downstairs. He removed Peter's shoes first. Damn. They were the biggest shoes he'd ever seen. With difficulty he removed Peter's tee shirt. He unbuckled the sleeping beauty's belt and hesitated while he made a decision. Should he, or should he not, remove Peter's underwear with his jeans? The decision was made for him. As he started to pull down the jeans, Peter's boxer shorts started to go along for the ride. In seconds, Peter was naked except for his socks, which Mario quickly removed.

Everything was just as expected. Peter's uncut cock was proportionate to the rest of him. He was better than six inches flaccid and so wide around that Mario knew instinctively that he couldn't wrap his palm all the way around it. He wasn't rational at this point. Never in a million years did he ever think he would be in such an intimate setting with the man of his dreams. He threw caution to the wind and started to caress Peter's magnificent rod. Peter stirred in his sleep, but Mario couldn't stop himself. Peter's cock was hardening and rising from his body. He was purring like a kitten. In no time at all, Peter had reached the eleven inch mark and it finally seemed to have found infinity at the twelve inch mark. The cock began to slide easily in Mario's hand as Peter's pre-cum coated the burgeoning shaft.

Now Mario was obsessed. He leaned over and took the throbbing cock into his mouth. He could barely get the head in, but he persevered and finally got about half of Peter's rod into him. He was now able to lick the underside of the shaft like a lollipop. Peter's buttocks rose and fell to the rhythm of Mario's strokes. Guttural sounds came from deep within his throat. Mario was holding Peter's balls in his hand. He felt the balls shrinking and constricting, and he readied himself for what was to come. It felt like a fire hose was directed into his mouth and down his throat. Mario swallowed what he could but he began to choke.

When he calmed down and Peter's cock began to shrink, Mario began to cry. He wet a wash cloth and started to clean Peter's pubic hair. Suddenly he heard Peter say, "That was really very nice. Why are you crying?"

"Oh Peter, forgive me," Mario wailed. "I couldn't resist. I've wanted to do that since I first saw you on the courts."

Peter sat up and grabbed a tissue from the box on his bedside table. He wiped Mario's eyes dry and said to his tutor, "Why don't you get undressed, lie down beside me, and we'll both try to get some sleep. We can talk about this in the morning."

"Yes, in the morning," Mario whispered back. He got undressed, climbed into bed and adjusted the covers over both of them. He hunkered up to Peter and pushed his erect, throbbing cock hard up against Peter's thigh.

"That feels really nice," he heard Peter say. Mario fell asleep in disbelief.

Mario's longings were epic, but Peter never reciprocated. When Mario begged Peter to fuck him and eventually he did, Mario was surprised and delighted. After that Peter fucked Mario whenever he could. Peter always felt guilty about not pleasing Mario like Mario was pleasing him. The most he could bring himself to do was to whack Mario off, and Mario was happy that he did even that.

Before graduation, Peter was interviewed on campus by several major corporations. He accepted a job in California. The job was to begin right after July 4th. After graduation, Peter packed the contents of his apartment and arranged for the furniture to be shipped and stored in Los Angeles until he had a place to deliver it.

When he told Joanna that he was coming home for three weeks before going to California, she urged him to do something nice for Mario before he left, because without him, he might never have graduated with such good grades. Peter thought long and hard about what he could do for Mario.

He spent his last night in New Brunswick in Mario's apartment. His own apartment had been emptied out that morning. When they were naked and cuddling in bed, Peter said, "I want you to fuck me, Mario. I owe you everything."

"Do you think you could first heat me up with your tongue?" Mario asked.

"I'm sorry, buddy, but I just don't think I could do that."

Mario was satisfied with the bone he was offered. He greased Peter's asshole generously, and reamed his fingers inside, stretching Peter as much as he could. In the end he realized that even Peter's ass hole was extra large and he entered him relatively easy. Mario came in the condom, and Peter was surprised at what he was thinking. Aside from having his prostate massaged, and enjoying it immensely, he couldn't help wondering what it would feel like if Mario had emptied into his innards, instead of the condom.

When they said goodbye the next day, it was the last time they ever saw each other.

Peter spent the next three weeks with Joanna. The baby wasn't due for another two months, and the doctor desperately wanted her to carry to term. They couldn't have sex, and Peter waited on her hand and foot. The baby boy, whom they named Nathan, was six months old before Joanna and he were well enough to join Peter in Los Angeles. By then, he had set up a lovely two bedroom apartment for them, and he was deeply entrenched in his job.

Part Five Raul

Peter met Raul the same way he met Mario. Early on the Sunday morning before he was officially due to move into his new apartment, he was putting his name on the mailbox which had been assigned to him in the lobby of his apartment building. He was surprised to find some junk mail already in it.

Suddenly a voice said to him, "Hi, you're new here aren't you?" Peter turned to see a dark haired man whom he guessed to be in his late twenties. The man held out his hand. "I'm Raul Daley," he said.

Peter shook his hand and said, "I'm Peter Linden. I'm fresh from the YMCA, and before that, New Brunswick, NJ."

"Good luck to you then, Pete."

Peter hated being called Pete, but he wasn't about to tell that to this stranger. He was attracted to this man immediately. Raul was six feet tall. His body was that of an athlete. His hair was straight and dark. His light and clear blue eyes accentuated his black hair and swarthy complexion. Peter realized that he was attracted to dark men. It was not something he was conscious of before. Mario was dark also. Raul's chin was square and had a small cleft. It gave him a very masculine look.

"LA's a tough town to get used to, and to learn your way about. Have you got any plans for today? This being Sunday, I'm free all day with nothing to do. I'd be happy to give you an abbreviated orientation. My partner owns a flower shop. He's open on weekends and takes Monday off."

So Raul's gay. I thought so, Peter thought.

"Actually, I am free," Peter smiled at Raul. "My furniture is being delivered out of storage tomorrow. I don't begin my job until July 5th. You said you had a partner. Won't he mind?"

"Hardly, we have an open relationship. Peter wasn't sure what that meant. But I see from the name on your mailbox that you're married. Would your wife want to go with us?"

"My wife is still back east. She's having a tough pregnancy and she's confined to bed. The baby isn't due for another few weeks, and then I don't know how long it will be before the doctor gives her the go ahead to travel. I intend to get home for at least a long weekend when the baby comes. I've cleared it with my new bosses."

This was excellent news to Raul, whose immediate plans included the seduction of Peter Linden. He had no idea how easy it would be. From the moment Peter left Mario, his horniness grew exponentially. It wasn't sex with Joanna that invaded his fantasies, or any other woman for that matter, as it should have been. All he thought about was Mario, and getting an expert blow job, and fucking Mario, and yes, he even yearned to be fucked. The one time with Mario had left him wanting more. He stood there looking at Raul, and wondering if he could seduce him. He didn't yet realize that an open relationship meant that Raul was available without guilt or strings attached.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" Raul asked. Peter shook his head. "Come up to my apartment, I'll whip us up some eggs and then we can have some fun."

Was that a double entendre? Peter wondered. He sure hoped so.

While they were eating breakfast, Raul asked bluntly. "What's your marriage like? Do you have an open relationship or is it monogamous?" Now Peter realized what an open relationship meant. Raul had let him know that he was free to have sex with anyone. Peter was somehow pleased.

"We've never discussed it, but what she doesn't know won't hurt her," Peter said, thinking of Mario, and hoping Raul would take the hint.

Raul had been with enough men to sense the sexual tension that was growing between them. He was also convinced that Peter was coming on to him, and that Peter sensed that he was coming on to Peter. He grew bold, bolder than his usual self. Lust will do that to a guy.

"Have you ever had sex with men?" Raul wanted to know. There it was; out in the open. Peter was a happy man.

"No," he said, "not men, one man. He seduced me when I was drunk, but we had plenty of sober sex after that."

The two men smiled at each other. They stood up and embraced. Their tongues began to play together.

"Would you like to play with me this morning?" Raul asked. "We can go sightseeing this afternoon."

"Thanks for asking. I was afraid to ask myself, and yes, I'd love to play."

Raul took Peter into the master bedroom. His king sized bed was unmade. He had intended on doing that after breakfast. He began to undress quickly and Peter followed suit. When they were naked they checked each other out. Raul gasped. "I'm sorry I can't match that," he said. "I barely make seven inches."

"That's more than enough for me," Peter reassured him. Raul was already hard, and he was cut. Peter liked that too. He had enjoyed Mario's uncut love handle, and now he could experience one that was circumcised.

"I can't resist that monster," Raul said. "Get on the bed and lie on your back please." Peter did as he was asked, and after exploring various places on Peter's body, Raul went to his target. He was somehow able to get more of Peter's cock in his mouth than Mario ever had. It didn't take long for Peter to cum and for Raul to swallow everything that he could capture.

"I'll have to prepare myself to receive that monster cock of yours," Raul said, but for now can I fuck you?"


Raul's cock in his ass felt even better to Peter than the last time, the only time. This time, Raul's cock rubbing against his prostate, brought him to an unexpected and glorious orgasm. Seconds later Raul exploded into his condom. Once again Peter wished they could go bareback.

Afterwards they lay in bed and cuddled while they regained some of their steam. Raul got hard again before Peter. Unfortunately Peter had entered his apartment earlier that morning, and used the bathroom. At the last moment he decided to whack off and initiate his new home. On the other hand Raul had not had sex since two days previously.

"Suck my cock now, would you?" Raul cooed.

"No, I wouldn't. I've done everything with my former male lover except that. I just can't bring myself to take a cock in my mouth."

Raul sat up and looked at Peter incredulously. "Gee Pete. We don't have much future together if that's your attitude. In fact, you won't get far with most men. I love the taste of cock better than a filet mignon steak. You really should try it. You're missing one of life's greatest pleasures."

Raul got out of bed slowly, reluctantly, and grabbed his pants.

"Wait," Peter pleaded. I'll do it under one condition."

"What's that?"

"Never, never, never, call me Pete. I can't stand it."

Raul laughed and jumped back into bed. He laid on his back and spread his legs. His renewed cock was throbbing with expectation. Peter recalled all he had learned from Mario and more recently from Raul. It was time for him to put all that tutoring to good use.

His tongue came within centimeters of Raul's cock and he hesitated. Then his resolve was renewed. He saw a bead of pre-cum on Raul's cock and he took a swipe of it with his tongue. Again he hesitated and tried to decide what it tasted like. It was sweet and it was salty at the same time. He couldn't decide which, so he took a swipe from Raul's balls up the underside of his shaft and up the head. Raul sighed and Peter was obliged to say to Raul, "That didn't taste bad at all. I like the smell of you. No matter how clean Joanna is, there is still a faint fishy odor."

The worst was over and now he threw himself into the task at hand. He did his best to keep his teeth tucked in under his lips as he devoured all of Raul's average size cock in his mouth. His tongue licked up and down Raul's cock, and his lips pumped sensuously on the shaft wherever it happened to be. Raul was wiggling his ass and moaning and purring at the same time. But soon his breathing became shallow. Peter was playing with his balls when he felt them start to shrink and grow hard.

"I'm cumming," Raul wailed. Peter had a moment of panic. Should he withdraw or let Raul cum in his mouth? In the end he thought that he had finally gone all the way and he wasn't going to chicken out now. He decided to do what Raul expected of him. A nano-second later, his mouth was being filled with Raul's cum. Raul was thrusting so hard and spasming so many times, that Peter had difficulty keeping Raul's cock in his mouth as he came.

The two men lay silently side by side thoroughly exhausted. Finally Peter asked, "How'd I do for my first time?"

"Bullshit! No way was that your first time."

"That deserves a kiss," Peter said. He rolled over and kissed Raul much too passionately.

"Would you consider doing a threesome with my partner Jack?" Raul asked when they came up for air. "He's off on Monday's, and if he isn't seeing anyone, and I am, we always try to have a threesome on Sunday evenings," Raul explained.

"Sure. Why not? If he's as hot as you, I'd like to go for it."

"Would you like to stay here tonight?"

"Yes, but I have to move my stuff out of the Y. It won't take long. If we go down there in two cars and bring everything back to my apartment, I should be all set for dinner with you and Jack."

"That's a great plan, and I know Jack will love it."

Part Six Jack

When Jack came home that night, he found Peter and Raul in his bed waiting for him. They were naked and hard, and as he came into the room they yelled, "Surprise."

Jack was surprised, but not very happy. He adored Raul with all his heart and soul. He had never been in favor of an open relationship, but he knew that if he didn't consent to it, he could lose Raul. They had an agreement that they had to tell each other when they slept with someone else. At those times, Jack was not a happy camper, but he gritted his teeth and listened to Raul's stories with a big smile on his face. If Raul had paid attention, he would have realized that the only time Jack slept with someone else was when Raul arranged a threesome, generally on a Sunday evening when Jack did not have to go to work the next day.

His heart sank when he saw Peter in his bed, but it was a tribute to his manhood, and to his gay soul, that when he saw the size of Peter's uncut cock, his lust outranked his desire to be monogamous with Raul. He did indeed enjoy the sex that night. It was made even easier because he genuinely liked Peter, and was pleased to hear that Peter had moved into the building. He was shocked, however, to learn that Peter was married and about to become a new father. For reasons he could not explain, he was just as disturbed at Peter's infidelity as he was at his own and Raul's. All Peter could think about was that Jack was hotter than Raul.

Over the next several months, Raul and Peter spent the better part of each Saturday and Sunday in bed together. Jack would join them on Sunday nights. Much to Jack's surprise, one Sunday evening, Raul had to go out of town on business for a few days, and Jack and Peter slept together alone. For whatever reason, discretion perhaps, neither of the two men told Raul.

On little Nathan's sixth month birthday, Joanna called Peter at his office, and announced that the doctor had given her the go ahead to fly to LA, provided it was a non-stop flight. She arranged to pack her belongings and Nathan's furniture and ship it out. She timed it so that her belongings would arrive the day before her flight.

Peter was delighted, but at the same time he was a little sad that his sessions with Raul and Jack were over, unless he could squeeze something in now and then. Raul was even sadder. He was always fond of Jack, but he had fallen madly in love with Peter. Suddenly it was as if Peter had up and died on him, leaving him abandoned.

Jack and Raul were the first people Peter introduced Joanna to. In spite of all the trauma she had been through, Joanna remained the bubbly, upbeat, likeable person Peter had first been attracted to. Jack adored her immediately, and Raul despised her. Everybody loved little Nathan. When Jack played with him, he would say things like, "Come to Uncle Jack, little one." On the other hand, Raul was not much for playing with babies.

The Lindens put Nathan in Day Care when he was about a year old, and Joanna set out looking for a job, and completing the fifteen credits she needed for graduation. Jack's business was growing and he desperately needed help. He was even considering opening a second location. He, Raul, Peter and Joanna were having dinner together one night and he brought up the subject. "Would you consider hiring me?" Joanna asked.

"In a heartbeat," Jack said. Then as if to emphasize his decision, he said, "In a New York minute also."

Nathan was in Day Care five hours a day, Monday to Friday. Joanna worked those hours, and now the shop was open seven days a week. She completed her education at night, with Peter as a baby sitter. This gave Raul and Peter more opportunities to fuck each other while she was in school.

After about a year, Jack opened another shop in Beverly Hills. The rent was high, but the shop prospered. He worked the new shop six days a week as he had in the past, and they hired a weekend person to work the original shop on Saturday and Sunday.

On Nathan's fifth birthday, they opened a third shop. Joanna invested in this shop and Jack made her a partner in all three shops. She owned 49% and he owned 51%. Now they began to have a substantial payroll and needed to hire a bookkeeper as well as more sales staff. It was Joanna who first got the idea of providing flowers for weddings, funerals, bar mitzvahs and the like. In time their vans could be seen all over town, especially West Hollywood where they had a big gay following.

Jack and Joanna never fought or had a serious difference of opinion. They got along better with each other than with their spouses. They were so wrapped up in their joint venture that they failed to see the handwriting on the wall. Their marriages were falling apart. Each of them had less and less intimate time with their partners, and their partners were having more and more intimate time with each other.

They should not have been shocked when Peter and Raul sat them down one day, after the shops were closed, and announced that they were moving in together. Jack and Joanna were devastated. They never meant for it to happen, but the next day when they woke up, they were forced to face the reality of the situation.

Shortly thereafter Jack and Joanna bought a house together. They chose this particular house because it had two distinctly separate and very private wings, and they could have private lives without disturbing each other. Jack took on the role of a surrogate father to Nathan, who spent every other weekend with his father. When it became obvious that Raul did not much care for his presence, Nathan told his father he'd rather stay with his mother. Peter had to visit with Nathan outside of his house, and those occasions were rare indeed.

Basketball and Tutors Book Two Part One Jan

When Jack was a boy scout, he had his first sexual experience with his collegiate scout master. It happened at a jamboree in Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia. He was only fourteen at the time, and Jan was nineteen. It did not leave him traumatized, as legislators would have you believe. He looks back on it with only the fondest memories.

The scout master's name was Jan, and so of course the boys were merciless and called him Jenny. He was good natured about it. Jack was often called Jacqueline and it pissed him off no end, so kudos to Jan. Jack was entered in a knot tying contest, and he had made the cut to the finals. On the evening before the final contest, Jan took him into his tent for a crash review and tutoring. He occupied his tent all by himself, and as soon as he was alone with him, Jack had carnal thoughts. He had been whacking off for over a year now, and Jan was the object of his masturbation fantasies. Jack was sure that he was the one who seduced Jan that night. Worst case scenario; they seduced each other.

Jack tied knots for quite a while, and then he said, "Jan, I'm really tired. If I tie one more sheepshank, I'll go nuts. Let me bunk in with you tonight, and we can go through the knots one more time in the morning before the contest."

"Good idea," Jan said. "Let's go pee and wash up." They went to the port-o-potties together and did their thing. They peed side by side and checked each other out without shame. As they did that, they also managed to smile at each other. They both honestly believed that they knew what was going to happen that night. The reason Jack thought that he seduced Jan is that he was the one who steered the conversation to sex, and that got Jan really horny.

Back in the tent, Jan secured the flaps and pulled out his sleeping bag. "I only have one bag," he said, "but it's big enough for both of us. Scoot in." Jack did just that, and Jan brought the zipper half way up. Jack found himself lying right up against the object of his affections.

"This is so nice," he said.

"It sure is."

"Jan, can I ask you something?"

"Is it something you should be asking your father?"

"Yes, but I'm too embarrassed to talk to him about sex."

"I understand. Ask away!"

"I find myself whacking off two or three times a day. Is it normal at my age? Do you do it? If you do, when did you start?" "Wow, that's a lot of questions. First off, let me assure you that it is perfectly normal. Men jerk off all their lives, even after they get married. I myself started at about eleven or twelve."

"Do you have sex with girls as well as jerking off?" Jack asked more boldly.

Jan hesitated a long time before answering. "No, I don't have sex with girls. If I tell you something very confidential, can I count on you to keep it a secret just between us?"

"I'd die before I'd betray your trust," Jack answered him rather dramatically.

"I only have sex with guys. Do you know what being a homosexual is?" he asked. "Do you know what being gay is?"

"Yes, Jan. I certainly do. That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I think I'm gay. I'm pretty sure of it."

"How do you know? Have you ever...?"


"Then how do you know?"

"When I jerk off, all I ever think about is having sex with a boy."

"It was the same with me when I was your age. Is there anyone in particular you fantasize you are having sex with?"

"Yes Jan. It's almost always you."

Jan pulled Jack to him. Jack could feel his stiff cock pushing hard against him. "I sensed you were gay," Jan said. "I've had the same thoughts about you." He started to kiss his young charge. Jack was a little startled but he responded. He felt Jan's tongue parting his lips and his tongue began to tickle Jack's. It was his first tongue experience, and his cock was bursting through his underwear. He reached down to remove his jockeys and accidently brushed his hand against Jan's throbbing dick. Jack didn't know when Jan had done it, but his underwear was also removed.

They were up half the night and Jan taught Jack everything he knew about fellatio. Jack looks back on that night with pride, because he got Jan off three times and he got off twice. He even swallowed Jan's cum and he loved it. Needless to say, he came in last in the knot tying contest. He could care less. The tutoring he received in sex far surpassed the tutoring he got in knot tying.

After that night, Jack would tell his parents that his troop was going on a hike, but Jan and he would go off into the woods alone. The first time they did that, Jan brought lubricant and condoms and he taught Jack how to fuck him, and then at last Jan fucked Jack. They disappeared in the woods like that as much as they possibly could. Jack was anxious to get all the tutoring Jan could give him.

Eventually Jan graduated college and took a job clear across the country. Jack then did what every boy is supposed to do. He started dating girls. He was a BMOC in high school and college where he played varsity football. It was two years after college graduation that he made the awful mistake that many gay men make. He met a girl with whom he could function sexually, and he got married. The sex never measured up to his encounters with Jan, and he began to seek clandestine meetings with other gay men, most of whom were married. These male sex sessions kept all of those frustrated guys from going bananas. Unfortunately, most of them cut Jack off after one or two times, fearing discovery and exposure.

Jack divorced shortly after meeting Raul. Their relationship was far from idyllic. Jack loved Raul too much, and would have preferred to be monogamous, but Raul insisted on an open marriage. It was no surprise when Raul left him to be with Peter. Neither Raul nor Peter believed in monogamy.

They say that often good things come out of bad things, like a Phoenix rising from the ashes. When Jack bought a house with Joanna, his friend and business partner, he became a surrogate father to her son Nathan. Peter saw a lot of the boy after he and Joanna split, but little by little he saw less and less of him.

Because of his early experience with the scouts, when Nathan turned twelve, Jack encouraged him to join the scouts. It's not that he thought that Nathan was gay or anything, but he thought it would be a great learning experience, and if some older man wanted to "break him in," Nathan could decide on the course his life would take by whoever or whatever turned him on. Jack would prefer that Nathan was straight, but if he was gay that would be all right too.

Part Two Morrie

Nathan's troop number was 69, which Jack thought was kind of ironic. Just before his fifteenth birthday, Nathan told Jack that he was going on a jamboree. It was going to be a huge one, and his scout master was looking for three fathers to assist him in keeping order. Of course, Jack volunteered immediately. He had met the scout master once, and he was definitely Jack's type. He was married and had a couple of kids, but so what. He got lucky on his own jamboree. Maybe he'd get lucky on Nathan's. He could only wonder if this jamboree would change Nathan's life as much as his life was changed so many years ago.

The scouts pitched tents on the camp grounds, but the "chaperones" were assigned two-man prefab cabins. The cabins had no facilities and the adults needed to use the same port-o-potties as the boys. Only time would tell if he would get lucky, but Jack ended up bunking with the scout master, Dave Owens.

Jack's role as Nathan's surrogate father was an open item of discussion among his neighbors, the scouts and their parents. The fact that he was gay kept the gossip mongers in business. When Jack was introduced to the other two dads who would be going on the trip, he got some very definite vibes from one of them. Brendan Scott was cordial, but Morrie Schwartz held his hand way too long, and displayed an indescribable something when talking to him. Also on the bus to the jamboree, Morrie managed to sit next to Jack. He practically slipped into the seat as Brendan was about to sit down. Jack was certain that Morrie was his fall back person of interest. Morrie was about 6'2". He was muscular and bulky, but not fat. His hair was black and his eyes were blue. Jack thought that was a beautiful combination. Jack undressed Morrie in his mind's eye, and he liked what he saw. He was a hell of an attractive guy.

After the boys were settled in their tents the first night, the four adults did an attendance check. Jack sort of stood next to Dave, hoping, but Morrie put his hand on Jack's shoulder and said, "Come on Jack. Let's do the tent check together." Jack was kind of corralled into going with Morrie.

"You guys start on the far right, and Brendan and I will start on the far left. We'll meet in the middle," Dave said.

Morrie and Jack walked slowly to the far end of Troop 69's assigned encampment. Jack was quiet, but Morrie seemed to want to talk. "This is a welcome change from our normal routines. I'm just happy to get away from the old ball and chain for a few days. You're lucky to be single, Jack. You have no one to nag you day in and day out."

This was definitely leading to something, and Jack liked the direction they were headed to. He felt he had to say something. "I was married once briefly, so I know where you are coming from. After that I had a partner who cheated on me constantly. Being alone is not always the best way to live, but it does have a lot of advantages."

"I wish I had the balls to change my life. I'd get me a bachelor pad, and have lots of sex, and do whatever I wanted to do without having to apologize, or make excuses, or explain anything to anyone."

Jack snickered. "Yeah, you and a million other husbands."

"Well, I can dream, can't I?"

They met the other two men about half way, and Dave said, "I guess we're secure for the night. I'm turning in gents. I've got a big day with the kids tomorrow. Don't worry about waking me when you get in Jack. I sleep like a log."

"I'm going to turn in also," Brendan announced.

"I've got some beers in a cooler," Morrie said. "Now that the kids are asleep, would you like to join me in a cool one, Jack?"

Jack didn't feel like a beer, but he was anxious to see how far Morrie would take this so he said, "Sure."

"See those benches over there?"

Morrie pointed to a couple of benches facing a lake. "I'll meet you there in a sec."

When they were comfortably seated and sipping their beers, "Morrie said. "This is great. I'm having a night out with the boys so to speak, and the old witch isn't giving me flak about it."

"I'm glad to be a part of your flight to freedom," Jack said with a grin.

Morrie wasn't about to give up his complaining. "When's the last time you had sex?" he asked. "It's been so long for me, I can hardly remember the last time. She always has an excuse. Anyway, little by little I am losing interest in sex with her, so she's getting her wish."

Jack decided to help Morrie get closer to what he was hinting at. "I'm sure you've thought about some outside activity? Do you think you would ever act on it?"

"In a heartbeat. I haven't gone out prowling, but if an opportunity doesn't present itself soon, I will definitely start to be proactive. You haven't answered my question. When did you have sex last?"

"Let's just say, I'm just as horny as you are?"

They sat in silence for awhile, and then Morrie got really bold. Desperation will do that to a fellow. "You said you had been married once, and I know that you are gay. Comparing sex with a man to sex with a woman, which is more satisfying physically? I figure that emotionally you'll opt for a man, but I mean the physical act."

Hands down, I get more satisfaction with a man."


"A man wants to give you a blow job. He enjoys it. A woman does it out of a sense of duty. I'll bet very few enjoy it. Anyway a cock smells sweeter than a pussy. Then there's the matter of tightness. An asshole is ten times tighter than a vagina. How many women do you know that will let you fuck them in the ass? Then when a man fucks you, he massages your prostate and you can have an exciting orgasm from that alone."

"You're making a good case for gay sex."

"Have you ever had sex with a man?"

Morrie sighed. "Yes," he said finally, "a couple of times in college. I felt guilty and sick afterwards, and now I regret how I felt. It was what I really wanted, and I suppressed it. Now I know you, and a gay co-worker, and I see how comfortable you are in your skins. I have come to regret my reticence. I'm an unhappy frustrated man." As he said this, he put his hand on Jack's knee. When he realized what he had done, he grew frightened, but he didn't pull away.

Jack put his hand on top of Morrie's and pushed it way up to his crotch. Morrie sighed again and started to rub Jack's package. Jack whispered to Morrie. "If we sit here facing the lake, and we take our cocks out, nobody will notice if we go down on each other. It's pitch black, and it seems like everyone has turned in for the night."

"Thank you," Morrie said as he started to remove his cock from his cargo shorts. Jack bent down first. Morrie's cut cock was just as large and round as Jack had envisioned it. Morrie was so turned on that he came after only a few sensual strokes. Jack managed to swallow every last drop and there was no mess. Jack's cock was out while he was sucking Morrie. Morrie stroked it for a few seconds and then he too went to work. Jack could not help noting how good Morrie was at what he was doing. Morrie too swallowed everything.

"I have my own private quarters in the house I share with Nathan and his mother. It comes with a private entrance as well. You are welcome to visit anytime," Jack said.

"Thanks again."

"I think we should turn in now, but before we do, let's walk by the boys' tents. I'll bet you a buck that we'll hear at least the boys in one of the tents going at it."

Morrie giggled. "I'm not taking that bet."

They started with the first tent they had taken attendance at and walked down the line, listening intently. The sixth tent on Dave's side was the one. The sounds of love making were hard to miss. The two boys were pretty loud.

"Tent number six," Morrie noted. "In the morning I'm going to find out what two boys are the only ones having any fun this miraculous night."

Part Three Nathan and Gary

Dave was up before Jack. Small wonder! But he disturbed Jack just enough that he woke up too. The two men used the portable facilities and as they were vacating, the other two fathers came in.

"Let's make sure the boys are up and ready for a trip to the mess hall," Dave suggested.

"Do you have a roster of which boys are in what tent?" Jack asked innocently.

Dave referred to his clipboard. "Yeah, I have it right here"

"May I see it please." Jack made a show of going through the whole roster, but he zeroed in on Tent Six. He remained stoic, and did not reveal the turmoil and emotions which went through him when he saw the names: Nathan Linden and Gary Schwartz. His boy and Morrie's!!! He didn't know if he should tell Morrie or keep it to himself. Morrie said he would find out who was in Tent Six, so he might as well tell him.

Their busy schedules did not permit Morrie and Jack to have any more sex at the jamboree, but they didn't mind. Just being together and working together was bonding them, and they knew that they had something great waiting for them when they got home. When Jack got Morrie alone for a second, later that day, he had already found out about his son.

"Are you very upset?" Jack asked.

"Fuck no! When I can get him alone, I want to have a long talk with him, and urge him to be honest with himself, and live a life that makes him happy. That's my wish for him."

"I'll have to tell Nathan's father. I don't think he's up for the job of mentoring his son. I hope he'll let me talk to the boy, but it will have to be his decision."

As much fun as the jamboree was, Morrie and Jack could not wait to get home. The first thing Jack did was to call Peter and lay it out to him that his son was gay.

"Did he come out to you?" Peter asked.

"No, I caught him going at it with another boy. I know the other boy's father well, and we discovered them together. We didn't confront them and they don't know we know. I'd like to ask your permission for me to speak to him, and let him know I'm there to help him through."

"You've got it. You've always been more of a father to him than I have been. I love the boy, but being a parent is not in my genes."

Jack didn't speak to Nathan immediately. He wanted to wait for just the right moment. In the meantime, Jack had given Morrie a key to the private entrance of his wing of the house, and he was visiting him several evenings a week. Morrie was one hair length away from making the decision to leave his wife. He and Jack were talking seriously about making a life together. It was during one of Morrie's visits that the two men decided to speak to their boys together. They were sure that the two boys were somehow agonizing about their secret lives, and they wanted to reassure them that they had their backs.

One Saturday night, Morrie drove Gary over to Nathan's house for a sleepover. Joanna greeted them cordially at the door, just as she was going out on a date for the evening. She introduced Morrie to her date, and they left quickly. This is the perfect opportunity, Morrie thought to himself.

"Nathan, would you go see if Jack is home and ask him to come over. There's something we'd both like to discuss with you."

Nathan looked surprised and Gary turned white. He had a premonition. Nathan returned in no time at all. "Jack said he wants us to come over to his place."

Jack and Joanna shared a living room and a kitchen. Only the bedrooms and private bathrooms were separated. There were two bedrooms and a bathroom in each wing. Jack had set up the second bedroom on his side as a library den. It held two wing back chair and a sleep sofa. He took the four of them in there. He took one chair and Morrie took the other. The boys sat on the sofa facing the older men.

"Take a deep breath, boys," Jack said. "Morrie and I have something to tell you."

Nathan started to giggle.

"It's not funny," Morrie interjected.

"But we already know about you two, Dad," Gary uttered sheepishly. Morrie and Jack turned red and then ashen.

Morrie sputtered. "But that's not what we wanted to talk about. What do you mean you know about us?"

The boys looked at each other, and Nathan nodded at Gary as if to say, "You tell."

"You're not very discreet Dad. Whenever you come over here, you park your car right in front of the house. There's a clear view of the street from Nathan's bed room. We began to notice it every time I slept over. It was always there when we finally fell asleep and it was always gone in the morning. We couldn't figure out where you were at first, and then came the dawn." Gary stopped speaking and Nathan picked up the narrative.

"One evening, we decided to spy on you. I know your wing is very isolated from my mom's, Uncle Jack, and I guess you don't feel the need to close the door. We crept up one night and stood in the hallway out side your bedroom door. We know what we heard, and since your door was open, we peeked in and saw clearly what was going on. We've just been waiting for you guys to say something. You can't keep love like this a secret very long."

Morrie started to cry. "Dad," Gary said, "I know you don't have much of a marriage anymore, and I know why Mom is being such a shrew to you. She has had a boy friend for a long time. I've caught them too."


"The husband is always the last to know." Gary stood up and put his arms around his father. Morrie pulled Gary to him, and Gary ended up on his father's lap hugging his father.

"Now what did you want to talk to us about, Uncle Jack?" Nathan asked. "You told us that you wanted to talk to us about something else."

"I'm almost too speechless to talk, but here goes. We know about you two guys also. We caught you at the jamboree, and yes we were spying, but not on you. We just made a bet that if we listened in at every tent, we'd hear some of the guys going at it. FYI, you were the only two. We wanted to tell you that we knew, and you needn't be ashamed to tell us anything that was on your mind, and especially to seek our advice."

"Yes, boys," Morrie piped in. "I knew I was gay when I was younger than you, but I ruined my life trying to be straight, something I clearly wasn't. Except for you Gary, my life was empty until I met Jack.

"So when are you leaving Mom and moving in here?" Gary asked.

"As soon as possible."

"Do you think I could live here with you? I think Mom wouldn't mind. Her boy friend isn't keen on having me around. I think that if I promised that I'd see her as often as possible she would be in favor of it."

"What about Joanna?" Jack asked.

"I know she wouldn't mind," Nathan said, "but if worse came to worst, Gary could occupy your second bedroom, Uncle Jack. In fact, maybe both of us could occupy that room and be nearer to you two. Mom has been hinting to me that her boyfriend might be moving in. She wanted to know how I would feel about that, and I said that I thought it would be great. I figure she and Tom wouldn't mind having a private wing of their own."

"Sure, but my side of the house is getting awfully crowded," Jack said with a smile. "I love it. I love it a lot." He threw his arms around Morrie and Gary, who was still sitting on his father's lap.

Uncle Jack," Nathan said. "Could I ask a favor of you?"


"I don't have enough lube for tonight. You wouldn't happen to have an extra tube lying around would you?"

"I might," Jack laughed. He ran over to Nathan and gave him a big hug as well.

The transition went as smoothly as the boys had predicted. Joanna suspected that Nathan was gay, and that he and Gary were an item. She was actually being selfish when she allowed the boys to live together in Jack's wing. Her future husband, Tom, appreciated his new found privacy. Morrie's ex-wife and her boyfriend were equally as happy to have complete privacy also.

As for Nathan and Gary, Jack and Morrie, they couldn't care who heard then making love in their private end of the house. Their wing was their own private love nest. Jack had not seen much of Raul and Peter after the break-up, but suddenly the four adults began to go out together, and Peter and Raul were frequent visitors to the love nest. Peter began to bond with his son at last, and Raul didn't seem to mind at all. He finally realized that he had nothing to be jealous of. Nathan was Peter's son, not a rival in love.

Like his father, Nathan was not much of a scholar. In high school, he easily made the basketball team. He had grown nearly to the height of his father, but he had to struggle to maintain a high enough academic average to remain on the team. In order to keep his grades up, Gary began to tutor him, and Nathan's grades began to get better. The tutoring sessions usually ended with some really wild and kinky sex. Apples don't fall far from the trees, as we have heard often enough.

If this was a fairy tale (and I guess it is in a way) I would end by saying that they all lived happily ever after, because they did.

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