Batman - Dynamic Doses

By Ebon Artist

Published on Aug 10, 2023



Batman and Robin in Dynamic Doses

*Batman and Robin are property of DC comics. Robin is a creation of Bill Finger. Catwoman created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger.

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The Dynamic Duo nodded to each other and parted at the lair entrance. Following her usual tactics, Catwoman's lair was a maze. Specifically, a CAT-a-comb. Reassuringly, Batman put his hand on Robin's shoulder and shook it gently; the Boy Wonder responded with a quiet smile and nod before clicking on his bat-light and taking the left corridor. Batman watched the caped boy disappear before moving down the rightmost corridor.

Robin swept his light before him as he trotted through the dark maze. He kept alert for ambushes, but so far none of her gang had jumped him. He slowed; that was highly unusual. She liked to command from the rear, throwing a group of gunmen or bully-boys to cover her escape. The boy stopped, flashed his light behind him, then continued forward.

Around the next turn, Robin stopped. The maze simply ended, and there was a cat statue on a pedestal in front of him. It was slender and beautiful, carved from jade. One of the two statues to disappear from the Gotham Museum of Natural History last night. Well, at least he'd recovered this. The caped teen made to remove the statue, and as he stepped in front of the pedestal, gas jets filled the end of the corridor with a bright yellow vapor.

Robin stumbled back, cape over his mouth, coughing. He blinked, but the gas didn't seem to be knockout gas or anything else. He shook his head. He was a little dizzy, so he put his back to the wall in case he blacked out. Seconds passed, though, and nothing happened. Weird. He must have not gotten much in his lungs, and the gas was already gone. Now, however, there was a door behind the pedestal.

Robin eased his way around the precious statue and continued at a trot. He was ready for a fight, and disappointed Catwoman's idiots were apparently no-shows.

The caped teen turned a corner, and the corridor opened up into a room. He tensed as he walked forward cautiously. This was where Catwoman was at her most dangerous - the heart of her lair. He saw Batman emerge from an opening opposite him. He walked forward and met the Dark Knight in front of a large padded bench that stood between them.

"Nothing?" Batman said as he stored his bat-light.

Robin nodded. "Nothing except a gas trap; avoided that," he added.

Batman frowned. "Same," he said.

"Hello, Dynamic Duo," came the rich voice of Catwoman. Robin turned, looking for the svelte criminal. Despite her thieving ways, she certainly was not bad to look at.

"Catwoman," Batman said flatly as he looked around. "What is this?"

"I've been gone for hours, Batman, but I've left my sweet loot behind as a token of peace. I'm tired of the chase, and find my mind turning to one thing..."

Robin rolled his eyes. Catwoman had such a crush on Batman that it wasn't funny. Half the time he thought she committed crimes only so he'd be the one to stop her.

"Catwoman, if you want to give yourself up--" Batman started.

"Oh, no, Batman! I find my mind turning to one thing: a way to keep you from ruining my next heist. Which is going on right now. But you won't be stopping me."

Robin turned in a slow circle, looking for trouble. Any moment and doors could open, traps could be sprung, but so far... nothing. He stood, back to Batman, and felt only a slight fatigue. It grew rapidly, and then he felt hot, and weak for a moment.

"Batman?" he said, as he staggered.

"Robin. The gas...." Batman said, and he shifted to put a supportive hand on Robin's shoulder.

"Why the delay, I hear yourself asking, Batman? Because you two needed to be together for my delightful new toy to have an effect," Catwoman said, and then the connection cut with a squawk.

"Robin, here's a broad antidote," Batman said as he fumbled with his utility belt. Robin turned and instead of handing him the capsule, Batman fed him the pill.

Robin stopped at the gesture, even as he swallowed the pill. It was... surprisingly intimate, and the gesture, the touch, made the boy's heart race. The touch of Batman's leather glove on his mouth. The gentle push against his lips. He wanted more. A lot more.

Batman didn't remove his gloved hand from the boy's mouth. Instead, he let a finger drift over Robin's soft lips. Another finger joined it, and Batman caressed his ward and partner's mouth. So soft and fresh-looking. Why had he never looked at Robin's soft lips before? He stepped closer.

Robin let his hands drop to his sides. He trusted Batman above everything else, and now as the man caressed his mouth, he trusted again. He bowed his head slightly, shifted his stance so his legs were spread just slightly. He could feel it, and he blushed: he was getting an erection, something very visible in his skintight thin little green trunks.

"You're getting to be a big boy, Robin," Batman said, hand dropping to cup the sixteen-year-old's bulge. His gloved fingers traced the boy's tented bulge and stroked it, feeling the boy's reaction. Robin pushed his hips forward, and the youth's cock flexed against his hand. He smiled as he heard a sharp intake of breath from Robin as he let his fingers run over the outline of the boy's cock. Robin's trunks were so thin and tight that he could feel the boy's cut crown.

"Batman, what...?" Robin sighed as he pushed his bulge against the man's hand. It felt so good. He moved his hips again and pushed his trapped cock against Batman's questing fingers.

"The gas, Robin, obviously. It's manipulating our feelings and ramping up our normal sexual needs. We were both thinking about Catwoman's amazingly beautiful form, and as men will do, reacting to those thoughts," Batman said as he continued to explore his ward's trapped cock. Feeling Robin's erection under his touch was electrifying.

Robin snapped his fingers. "We were thinking about sex and then when we met..."

"Right, Robin," Batman breathed. "Now we are reacting to each other." He shifted and felt his own erect cock flex inside his trunks. He had to be the strong one, here. He pushed Robin to sit on the leather-padded bench.

"Robin. I think you need to..." Batman started, then he felt Robin's hands on his utility belt.

"Way ahead of you, Batman. Like you say: sometimes the only way out is through," Robin said as he stroked Batman's trunks, his own gloved hands feeling the large bulge there. He felt the strength and heat in it as he stroked over Batman's trunks, and then he pulled the man's erect cock free through the secret seam they had in their trunks.

Robin licked suddenly-dry lips as he pulled Batman's thick member into the cool air. Ten inches long and uncut, Batman's cock was heavy and thick in his gloved grasp. Robin bent and kissed the large crown, his pearl-pink tongue teasing the soft crown as his fingers stroked the shaft.

"Good boy, Robin," Batman breathed. He had to smile. He was extremely proud of his partner. The youth had grasped the situation and implemented the only solution. He bit his lips as Robin's sweet mouth kissed and nuzzled against his large penis. Robin's grip on his penis was firm and confident. The boy knew what he was doing.

"Do you think having an orgasm will stop the effect, Batman?" Robin said between slipping his wet lips over the man's cock and sucking it and licking the large helmet.

Batman put his hands behind him as the boy sucked him off. His long indigo cape rustled as he thrust his cock towards the eager and talented boy. "I hope so, Robin. Obviously this is meant to tie us up while she commits another crime," Batman breathed.

"Are you close, Batman?" Robin said as his gloved hand pumped his mentor's thick penis. His own cock was painfully erect and trapped in his trunks. He shifted his ass on the bench, and it triggered a warm pulse of need in him. He sucked at the salty-sweet skin, and his tongue stroked over Batman's cock as the man's precum rolled down the shaft to splash in his face.

Robin pulled back and wiped his mouth, licking the man's precum from his glove. Batman put a hand on the back of Robin's head.

"Robin. Don't stop," Batman breathed roughly.

"Sorry, sir," Robin said and returned his mouth to the man's cock. He closed his eyes and let his mouth slide over the crown, taking the entire large glans in his mouth.

"Good... boy..." Batman gasped. He held Robin's head in place as he started to cum. He clenched his jaw to keep from crying out.

Robin relaxed his throat and let the batcum spurt past his tonsils. Four, five, seven pulses of cum filled him as Batman ejaculated in his mouth. He felt the gloved hand holding him in place relax, and he pulled back. Another softer shot hit him in the mouth as he moved back, and he licked thick creamy cum from his lips.

"That... seems to have done it, Robin," Batman said, his voice shaky.

Robin wiped his mouth with the edge of his cape and stood up. He winced, the feeling of his erect cock tenting his shorts was almost unbearable.

"We need to go after Catwoman, then!" the teen boy yelped.

Batman adjusted his cape. "Aren't you forgetting something, Boy Wonder?" he said. "Can't exactly go out in public like that."

Robin blushed and let a hand drop to cover his erection.

"Take care of it, son, it's okay," Batman said.

Robin almost gasped in gratitude as he slipped his cock free from his trunks through one leg-hole and began to masturbate. He put one foot on the leather padded bench, and quickly worked his slender teenboy penis in hand.

"Catwoman... mmpph... counted on our sexual desires to paralyze us," Robin breathed as he stroked his eager teen manhood. Six inches of hard young cock pulsed in his hand.

"Right, Robin," Batman said, as he adjusted his softening cock back into his trunks. He watched the needy boy play with himself and put a comforting hand on Robin's shoulder. He squeezed the youth's strong shoulder and turned Robin's head. He leaned in and kissed the boy gently. The taste of his cum in Robin's mouth was electrifying.

"I'm close, Batman," Robin breathed.

Batman shifted back as the Boy Wonder let fly with his spurting cum, the young hero grunting softly as he ejaculated onto the lair floor.

A second later Robin stood panting, leaning against Batman's strong form. "Oh... wow," he said with a shiver. Batman smiled and reached, sliding the boy's erect cock between his fingers, and then guiding it back into the teen's green trunks. Satisfied, Robin's cock softened even as he did so.

"We can.... still stop her," Robin panted.

Batman almost chuckled at the boy's deep blush. It had been some time since he'd put Robin through training to deal with sexual needs, and doubtless the boy remembered what it had been like. These days, the Boy Wonder's thoughts were more on Batgirl, or some of Catwoman's kitty minions.

"No need, Robin. I already know where she'll strike next!"


Robin buckled himself into the Batmobile, but then he winced and saw his erection was back, and more insistent. His trunks were already spotted with his precum.


"I see, son," Batman said from the seat next to him. "Apparently my estimate of Catwoman's ingenuity has been off. I think her new concoction must be time-based," the man said as he undid Robin's seatbelt and eased the boy's erect cock out into the open.

Robin sat in the seat, panting slightly as he felt Batman's hand on his penis. He thrust against the fingers and turned his head into the seat with a shuddering moan.

"Give in to it, Robin," Batman said as he pumped the boy's slender young penis. Robin was well-endowed for a boy his age, and the youth's cock felt firm and strong in his hand. He pumped the hard length, his thumb expertly teasing the teen's large cut crown.

"Ughh! UGH!" Robin grunted as he ejaculated, the thick streams of cream hitting him in the face and then making long white streaks on his red leather vest. He moaned in need as Batman continued to milk his cock, and almost a minute later he shot his cum again. Smaller spurts, this time, spattering his stomach.

"Are you okay, Robin?" Batman said as his fingers slowed their smooth jerking on the boy's cock.

Robin sighed and shifted, thrusting his cum-slick cock against the man's gloved fingers. "NnngghH!" he whined, and his cock jerked in Batman's grip. A few small spurts painted the Dark Knight's blue leather gauntlet as Robin ejaculated for a third time in as many minutes.

"This is more serious than I thought; you're more affected by it because your teenage hormones are coming towards their peak," Batman said. He turned to the controls, and the Batmobile shot out into the Gotham night. Beside him, he watched as Robin reached to play with himself again. Two minutes later, the Boy Wonder groaned as his cock jerked in his hand, the youth's lean muscled form twisting in the throes of a powerful orgasm.

Batman tapped the side of his cowl. "Alfred. Prep the medical bay. Robin is... injured," he said.

`Right away, sir', came the reply.

Batman made another call as the Batmobile roared on through the night.


Robin clung to Batman as the man eased him up and out of the Batmobile. The Boy Wonder wished he had a long cape like Batman now, because of the stains and fresh streaks of jizz and precum on his trunks. As they walked away, the Batmobile sank to the garage level for refueling.

Batman carried the boy to the medical bay in his strong arms, then let Robin down; he took the boy's utility belt and stored it as Robin worked off his cum-stained trunks. When Batman turned around, he reached and took Robin's hard cock in his leather-gloved hand. With his other hand, he fondled the teen boy's balls.

"Uh! Batman!" Robin groaned as the lithe youth suddenly shivered, and two jets of fresh cum erupted from his sleek boycock.

"I see. Robin, take your cock in hand; I want to see you play with yourself."

"What, Batman?" Robin said, panting softly from his orgasm. "I just..."

"Do it, Robin."

"Yessir," Robin said and began to slowly stroke his length with his green-leather-gloved hand.

"Good technique, son. I approve," Batman said after a few seconds of watching the teen boy stroke his erect penis.

"B-Batman.." Robin whined, then he suddenly ejaculated again. "Uh! Ahh!" Robin cried as he shot his load, three spurts that fell to the Batcave's concrete floor.

Batman caught the boy's arm before his legs gave way, and pulled the boy against his powerful body. Robin's cock pulsed against Batman's leg, spilling cum down the Dark Knight's tights. He held Robin close and moved his leg against the boy's cock and balls, shivering a bit as he heard the youth's soft moans of need as he ejaculated.

"It's okay, son," Batman said, stroking the youths soft black hair. "I've got you." He patted Robin's back, then let his hand slide lower, over the boy's short cape, until he cupped Robin's ass. He kneaded the firm muscled rear, then pulled down Robin's thin tight trunks.

"Batman? What...?"

As Robin clung to him, Batman pressed his index finger into Robin's tight pucker, feeling the boy's heat and tightness as it closed over his leather-clad digit. "Ohhh! Batman! I...!" Robin gasped, then he felt the teen's taint clench on his finger as Robin ejaculated again, shooting cum against his leg. Batman looked down at the shivering teen, and worked his finger deeper into the boy's anus; gently, slowly, but allowing for no resistance. When he could brush Robin's prostate, he stroked it with a smooth slightly circular motion.

Robin groaned and ejaculated again against Batman's leg, flexing his ass around Batman's thick finger buried in his young body, gently fucking his erect cock against the Dark Knight's muscled leg. He reached and slid his hand over Batman's trunks, feeling the outline of his mentor's thick erection trapped inside.

"You still have a problem as well, Batman," Robin said.

"Batman nodded. "I do, son, and I think I know the solution to both our problems. "

Batman easily hoisted the teen onto the medical table, and Robin spread his legs wide enough to straddle it, leaving his erect cock laid on the cold steel for Batman's finger to gently probe and stroke.

Robin winced at the examination, his balls pressed hard against the steel exam table, and fought the urge to fuck his cock forward.

"Robin, lay back and expose your anus," Batman said in his commanding and clinical voice.

The masked teen nodded and lay back, pushing his cape out to one side so it would not wrinkle. Limber acrobat that he was, his long bare legs spread then went back almost to his head. Now his hole was explosed, and Robin closed his eyes as Batman's finger ran around the edge of his pucker.

Robin turned his head and gasped softly as the leather-clad digit slowly stroked over his little pucker, gently teasing it until Robin whimpered with his need. "Please, Batman... "

"Patience, Boy Wonder..."

Batman stroked the soft little opening firmly, watching Robin's reactions to the teasing touches. His sleek young cock with leaking precum, his limber athletic body twitching as he pressed harder on the little hole. He slipped his finger inside the boy, and watched Robin moan and react. The boy's cock was as hard as a rock, and Batman bent to lick precum from the flaring crown.

"Now, you need to get ready, Robin..."

"The bat-plug?" Robin said.

"Yes, Robin," Batman said and produced a glass dildo from a nearby drawer. He lubed it, then set it aisde. He bent and pressed his lips to Robin's hairless pucker, and let his tongue gently stroke over the young boy's tight little button.

"Ah!" Robin exclaimed.

"Did I hurt you, Dick?" Batman said as he raised up for a second.

"No sir! Keep doing that. If, um, if it'll help of course."

Batman slowly worked the smooth glass bat-plug into the Boy Wonder's tight little hole, until Robin grunted softly when it popped through his tight young ring and sank deep into him. Batman calmly worked the dildo deep into the boy's anus, until Robin's tight hole flexed and relaxed.

Quickly, Batman freed his cock, positioned the young hero, and entered him.

"Batman! Oouughhh!" Robin cried as he felt the large adult bat-cock penetrate him.

"Good boy, Dick... take my cock, son. Take it!" Batman groaned as he slowly fucked the lithe young teen.

"Sir, yes sir!" Robin moaned as he pushed back, eager for the plunging penis to slide deeper into him.

Batman carefully controlled his thrusts, not too deep or too eager until the boy relaxed more. He inched his thick penis into Robin's trembling body, watching the pretty youth gasp and groan in his need. The boy gripped the table, and held himself in place, his masked face flushed red with the strain and the embarrassment of having his tight young fuckhole plundered.

Batman had to smile slightly as he fucked the Boy Wonder; watching Robin's reactions made him intensely horny, and he thrust deeper, and longer into the boy, his bat-cock like a well-lubed piston.

"You like being fucked, son?"

"Yessir, Batman!" Robin whined.

"My bat-cock all the way into your tight little boy-pussy?"

"Yes!" Robin cried, almost sobbing as he gave himself to his mentor. "Harder, Batman! Please!"

"Play with yourself again, Robin! Now!"

Robin raised his gloved hand, took his sleek boycock between two fingers and thumb, and began to stoke his wet slick little penis. "Uugh! Uhh! Uhhhh!" the boy gasped, his soft lips parted and glistening.

Suddenly, Robin cried out, and thin spurts of boy-jism began to shoot over his costumed abs.

Batman thrust his cock deep into the ejaculating boy, and held it, felt his own cum burst forth and flood Robin's tight boycunt.

Batman held it, until he was done, then slid his penis free of the boy. He bent almost immediately, and began to lick at the flood of batcum spurting from Robin's anus. He worked his mouth over the boy's freshly-fucked hole for several minutes as Robin whined, until he was satisfied his boy was cleaned up.

Robin lay on the medical table for several minutes as Batman cleaned him up, and finally worked another pair of tight silk trunks onto him.

"I feel batter, Batman..."

"Good, I had hoped this would burn Catwoman's drug from both our bodies, and it seems to have worked. Sorry if I had to get a little rough with you, son."

"Gosh, I didn't mind it, Batman. I, um, really liked it," the masked boy said, blushing suddenly.

Batman ruffled his partner's hair. "I thought you would, the way you react to being tied up, sometimes."

"Aw, Batman! I don't..."

"Duty calls, Boy Wonder. Catwoman is still out there," Batman said, headed for the long sleek car, now rotating up from the garage again.

"And we'll get her, this time!" Robin said as he sprang off the table and ran for the Batmobile, nimbly vaulting into his seat. Batman gunned the engine, and the caped crusaders sped out of the Batcave.


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