Be Careful What You Ask For

By Rodney Hartfield

Published on Mar 11, 2023


Disclaimer: This is a story of fiction and contains explicit sexual acts between men. If it is illegal to read such material where you live, if you are under age, or if such topics offend you, please leave this site. This is fiction. In real life, don't have unprotected sex.

Copyright 2017, J Rodney Hartfield, all rights reserved. Please do not copy without permission of the author. If you enjoy reading stories on Nifty, please consider making a donation to Nifty Archives.

As with all fiction, there are elements of truth. However, any resemblance to actual people or places are unintentional. This is a six-chapter story. By the end, I will have fucked, and been fucked, fisted, dominated and DPed. All I can say is...


Sweat trickled down my spine into my bare crack. Even though the sun was almost to the western tree line, it was still suffocatingly hot, especially for the Colorado mountains. The climb up the hill had left me winded and I was glad I had brought along a bottle of water.

The beauty of the high plateau was worth the effort. Box Canyon Hideout is such a unique place; eighty acres set into the Collegiate Mountains above Buena Vista, "A campground for men only; clothing optional; a slice of heaven on earth." As far as I was concerned, it lived up to its advertisement. I only wished I had discovered it sooner.

Zack, the owner, had done a great job with the campground. 40 acres down in the valley had been cleared for the campground. His house, mess hall, and convenience store were at the main gate. Around a bend was the pool and snack shack and a shower building. Camper spots lined the road to the creek. A dozen cabins, covered hot tub surrounded by two decks, larger shower building and the tent sites nestled in the trees beyond.

Up the hill an old barn and small lake anchored the plateau, guarded by a half dozen horses. All of this was surrounded by 30 acres of trees and trails. For me, the only problem was the mile and a half of gravel road into the entrance to the camp from the blacktop. My motorcycle was a great road bike, but like a pig on ice when it came to gravel, and completely worthless off-road.

I climbed up into the hay loft of the barn to watch the sun set through the big open window. I took off my boots to air out my feet as well as to use my socks to protect my bare butt against the dusty, dry hay. Memories of jacking off in the hayloft of the barn back home as a youth flooded my mind. I wasn't sure if it was those memories, the thoughts of the previous night with Nate, or the anticipation of the "leather fetish weekend" here at the campground that prompted my woody. At any rate, I used the opportunity to work up a good stream of jism, shooting three good streams out the window. I laughed out loud when they almost hit a couple of young rabbits playing on the ground below me.

A small herd of deer were feeding among the horses beside the lake. An eagle dove into the lake, rising with a bass in its talons. A silver fox raced across the dusty road. I hated to leave this Norman Rockwell sight, but twilight was setting in. I laughed to myself, considering how Rockwell would have depicted my cum-covered fist and dick in one of his Saturday Evening Post's covers.

But I needed to get back down the trail to my campsite before dark. I wiped the last of the cum from my dick with a sock and replaced my boots for the hike back. Somehow, I sensed the tranquility of this scene would soon change. After tonight, the campground would begin to fill up, culminating in a flurry of fucking/sucking activity from Friday night through Sunday morning. My groin again stirred in anticipation, but this time I ignored it. I climbed down the ladder and headed for the campground.

I was surprised at the number of men at the hot tub on a Thursday night. Usually there were few new campers until the weekend.

The hot tub was really a small pool that would accommodate 15 to 20 guys at one time if you really packed them in. Hot tub was really a bit of a fabrication. In my four previous visits, I had never really seen it hot. It was more a place to congregate, pair up and get sucked and/or fucked, despite the signs posted against such.

Two young guys were in the back corner of the upper deck making out like teenage kids. Three older guys that I recognized as full-time residents were off to one side of the lower deck discussing politics. They stopped long enough to nod and thank me for riding earlier through camp naked. I laughed and shrugged.

Two guys were in one corner of the tub making out and playing with each other. Another young guy was sitting on the edge of the tub, a thirty-something with his head buried in the younger guy's crotch sucking for all he was worth.

But it was the last two that was the focus of my attention. Both were big dudes. Neither of them had any extra flesh and both had plenty of muscle. One in particular interested me. He had a shaved head like me. A pleasing amount of reddish blond covered his muscular chest down to a nice six-pack.

The other guy could easily have been a linebacker for the Chicago Bears. His salt and pepper shoulder length hair framed a full beard and mustache, all of which were just beyond the bushy stage. A mass of curly black hair covered his massive chest and abs, disappearing into the water. There was not an ounce of fat anywhere on their bodies. They were perfect examples of my images of men of leather.

As I settled into the corner opposite them, the bald guy acknowledged me with his eyes, even as they talked. The other was oblivious to my existence as their conversation became more heated. It was obvious they were part of the leather fetish weekend, and things weren't going as planned.

During a lull in their conversation, the bald guy looked over at me and winked. I was glad I was neck deep in the water, because my dick sprang to attention. "You're the flasher on the bike this afternoon, aren't you?"

"Guilty as charged," I answered. "And I'm assuming from your conversation, you're part of the Leather Fetish weekend?"

The hairy dude snorted. "Yeah, but I'm not sure if I want to admit it. From the way things are going, the weekend could be a bust."

The bald guy intervened. "Don't mind him. He over exaggerates. I'm Kyle." He nodded toward his friend. "This is Bruno."

I caught myself just before I snickered, but hairy guy caught me. "No comment, you little twerp," he snarled.

I held up my hands in defense. "Hey, if the name fits, use it. I'm Rod."

He leaned back and smirked. "And how well does your name fit?"

I smiled back. "It's been known to fit pretty well." They looked at each other and smiled.

After a moment of silence, I continued, "Not that it's any of my business, but what's the problem?"

Bruno shook his mangy head. "Oh, my pansy-assed pussy of a partner texted me that he thought he was coming down with the flu and wasn't going to make it down for the weekend. Shit, he was the receiving end of my fisting demo on Saturday."

I shrugged. "Isn't there someone else who can fill in?" I looked over at the bald guy with a questioning look.

He threw up his hands as if he was about to stop a speeding train. "Hey, don't look at me. I've never had nobody's dick, fingers, fist or any other part of his anatomy up my ass," and he added emphatically, "and never plan to."

Interesting. This sounds like a challenge, I thought. My dick swelled even more in the warm water of the pool. The saying "I think ye protest too much" came to mind. I wondered if he was really that much of a confirmed top, or in a bit of denial. Besides that, it always irritated me when some big brawny top talked down to those of us who like to bottom as much as we do top. He certainly would not be the first big boy muscular top I had taken down.

Bruno turned to him and sneered, "Big help you are, you pussy."

"Don't call me a pussy, you poor excuse for a real man," Kyle snarled. "Why don't you let me cram my fist up your puny little ass?"

I held up my hands. "Guys, guys. Shit, I didn't mean to start world war three." I hesitated before I continued. "I may have a solution for you."

They both looked puzzled. "Yeah?" Bruno asked.

I toyed with the idea in my mind, wondering if I really wanted to go there. Finally, I decided to go for it. "What about using an amateur, someone who has never, you know, had a fist up his ass? What better way to show what it's all about...for a demonstration and all?"

"And where are we going to find this virgin ass willing and able?" He looked at Kyle. Then they both jerked their heads and exclaimed in unison, "You?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Maybe. Hey, just because I'm not built like a linebacker, am I that disgusting?"

Kyle piped up. "Disgusting. Hell no. Shit, when you walked in flaunting that bubble butt of yours, I nearly creamed my shorts...but I'm not wearing any. It's just...why?"

I stared off into the night before I answered. "I'm a writer. It's one thing to write about an experience. It's another to have been there. Besides, I've been wondering what it would feel like, you know, getting fisted. This may be that opportunity."

Bruno was still hesitant, but his interest was piqued. "So, you got a virgin ass?"

I laughed as scenes of the previous night flashed through my brain. "Well, not exactly virgin. Just never a fist. There've been a couple of guys who've tried, but never got beyond four fingers."

He looked at Kyle. "What ya think? You're the president of the chapter."

Kyle nodded to me. "Stand up and let me see that bubble butt again."

I climbed up on the edge of the pool. I turned and strutted like a runway queen, flexing my glutes even though my dick was fully engorged and pointing to the heavens. By this time, we had the attention of everyone in the area. They applauded as I bowed, blushed and slithered back into the water.

"Shit, that's a nice ass." He looked at Bruno, then back at me. "You'll have to sign a waiver and a release form...and there won't be any pay."

Bruno interrupted with a laugh, "Except that every guy there will want a piece of that ass once we're done."

Kyle nodded. "Oh yeah. You do realize that you will have your ass on exhibition for a couple dozen horny guys. You sure you still want to go through with this?"

My heart was racing like a freight train. The sensible side of my brain was yelling, "Run for the hills," while the other side was screaming like a cheer leader, "Go for it, go for it!"

I bit my lip and took a deep breath. "OK, I make no promises except that I will do the best that I can. Fuck, I love a good challenge and a good show. Let's go for it."

The whole room broke out in a cheer. One guy said, "Hey, I wasn't gonna pay the fee for the weekend, but I wouldn't pass this up for nuthin'." I just covered my face with my hands.

Bruno got serious and motioned me over to him. "One of the things we've got to have between us to pull this off is trust. You've got to trust me that I'm not going to hurt you. In the same way, I've got to be able to trust that you'll say stop if it gets too much."

"So, you're saying I need to audition for the part."

He and Kyle both snickered. "I guess you could call it that."

I shrugged. "Then what are we waiting for?"

He smiled, then snarled, "Ok, then. I've got a cabin down by the creek. Follow me."

When he stood up, I couldn't help but gasp. He not only looked like a bull, but was hung like one too. Six inches of flaccid uncut meat hung like a summer sausage between his legs with a ball sack hanging half way to his knees. I couldn't help but think of those gross silver balls hanging off the hitch of a redneck's truck.

As I went by Kyle, he grabbed my ass and whispered, "Be careful what you ask for."

The door to his cabin had hardly latched before Bruno threw me against the wall. He covered my mouth with his and forced his tongue down my throat. To his surprise, I was prepared. I bit his tongue. While he was off balance, I flipped him around so that his back was against the wall. I grabbed a pec in each hand and kissed him hard.

I nipped each nipple with my teeth, then combed that mass of chest hair with my fingernails as I went to my knees. His manhood was now rigid, sticking straight out from his solid abs. His nob peeked out from its covering. I flicked his piss slit with the tip of my tongue, then circled the whole head inside the shield...a fucking mushroom.

I started at the base, licking the length of it. I figured it was somewhere around eight inches. I peeled back his shield and caressed the underside of his head with the tip of my tongue. From his moans, I knew I had hit a sweet spot.

I licked back down to his gigantic balls. I roughly pulled them down, then squeezed the right one while I swallowed the left, then switched. I licked back up his shaft, played with his piss slit with the tip of my tongue, measuring the girth in my mind.

I have always prided myself that I have never met a dick I couldn't swallow, but this one was going to be a challenge. I could only remember one close to this size...a black dude in the arcade of an adult book store in Denver. I managed that one and I was determined this one would not defeat me.

I licked around the head once more, a nice sized mushroom. I stretched my jaws open and sucked it in. He grunted, "Fuck yeah, suck that dick," as he pushed down on the top of my head.

I slapped his hand away, pulled back, then slapped him hard on his thigh. "Fucker, you're not in control - not yet, at least. Put those grubby hands behind your head and keep them there until I tell you to do otherwise. Shit, now I've got to start over."

I smiled to myself as he did as he was told. It never ceased to amaze me how often a dominant Alpha will become a submissive if someone else takes control.

I went back to his balls, licked each one, then pulled them up. I lightly licked along the tender seam under them. Once, twice, three times, each time getting closer to his pucker. The fourth time, I grazed it with my tongue. He groaned, but instead of pulling away, he spread his legs and pushed out. I knew I had him. I really considered putting him in his place. Jeez, I loved to take down these fuckin' big guys. But I needed him to be the top in the end, at least for tonight.

I circled that sweet pucker, finally driving my tongue into that tight hole. I finally traded a finger for my tongue. By this time, pre-cum was gushing out of his slit like a river. I lapped it up, using it as lube as I worked my mouth down his shaft, inch by inch. When his head reached the back of my throat, I took a deep breath and worked the head past the opening to my throat.

Once the urge to gag had passed, I pulled off, took a deep breath and swallowed until my nose was buried in his pubes. Then I let his primal urges take over as he fucked my throat.

With a slurp, I let him plop out of my mouth and clawed my way up his torso. I kissed him hard, then whispered, "Now fuck me, if you're man enough."

That was the switch he needed. He picked me up like a rag doll and threw me onto the bed. He flipped me over, pulled me to the edge of the bed and pushed my face into the mattress as he pulled my ass into the air.

But then he surprised me. He mumbled, "What a gorgeous ass," spread my cheeks and dove in, licking and sucking my hole like a dog after a bone. His thick tongue lapped my pucker and slipped in. After fucking my hole with his tongue until I was begging for more, he traded his tongue for his fat fuck finger. Hell, it was as big as a lot of dicks that had been up my chute.

He pulled that finger out and fucked me some more with his tongue. Then a second finger joined the first. I moaned as he grazed my love nut. Again, his tongue and then three fingers. I began to wonder if he was working his way up to his fist tonight. I didn't give a shit as he again massaged my prostate.

I heard that familiar sound of a condom package ripping open. I shivered as cold lube drizzled down between my ass cheeks. I tried to relax, expecting him to drive all eight inches home in one plunge.

Instead, he paused with that huge bulbous head at the quivering entrance to my ass. Gently, he massaged that pucker, relaxing it. With a pop, his head slipped past the outer muscles. I screamed into the mattress. My ass spasm and burned like hell. I felt like I had just been split in two. He held still, letting me adjust to his massive tool. He whispered, "You OK?"

Slowly I relaxed and the pain faded to the pleasure of being filled. I nodded. Through gritted teeth, I mumbled, "I'm good. Go for it."

He pulled out, then eased back in. With each thrust he went a little deeper until I felt his thighs against my cheeks. To my amazement, there was no pain, only the wonderful feeling of being filled with pure pleasure and eight thick inches of his manhood.

He asked again, "You OK?"

This time I didn't answer. Instead, I pulled off slightly, then pushed back, fucking myself on his engorged rod. He took the cue and started working my hole, grazing and massaging my prostate, fucking me slowly and deliberately, sending me into a state of euphoria.

Without warning, he pulled out, flipping me into the center of the bed on my back. Instinctively I raised my legs to his shoulders as he climbed on top of me. This time he buried his shaft in one thrust, pulled out and repeated it again and again, deep fucking me, his balls slapping my ass cheeks with each lunge.

Then he pushed my legs up until my knees were on each side of my head and began to power fuck me like the animal that he had become. With each thrust, he drove the air from my lungs. With each one, he grunted, ""

My response was deeply academic. "Fuck...fuck...fuck...fuck...fuck!"

About the time I thought my ass and gut and prostate could take no more, I felt that shaft in me get even bigger. He gave a growl like a grizzly bear and humped one last time. I could feel that rubber fill up like a balloon inside of me. He then collapsed exhausted on top of me.

I let him pull out of me, then rolled him off me so I could breathe. I stripped the condom off and licked his cock clean. I then straddled his chest. With only a couple of jerks on my swollen cock, I shot three healthy streams of my own cum over his chest, neck, face and beard.

He whispered, half as a question, half as a statement, "You can stay the night."

I kissed him, climbed off the bed, wrapped my towel around my waist and prepared to leave. "Thanks, but I need to take a shower. I think I want to sleep under the stars tonight."

"What about tomorrow?"

My ravaged ass screamed, but I wasn't about to let him know. I replied nonchalantly, "I want to get up early, get some breakfast, then ride a couple hundred miles of mountain roads. I should be back by late afternoon."

He nodded. "We'll have a tent set up by the pool for registration for the weekend. There'll be a bar-b-que going. Stop by and get something to eat and I'll introduce you to the rest of our officers. We can talk then about what you need to do to get ready for Saturday."

I smiled. "Does that mean I passed the audition?"

He laughed. "With flying colors."

I winked, then went into the night, leaving him lying there, my cum drying on his face.

...To be continued.

If you have enjoyed my story and would like to read more...or would like to comment, contact me at .

Next: Chapter 3

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