Be Careful What You Ask For

By Rodney Hartfield

Published on Apr 1, 2023


Disclaimer: This is a story of fiction and contains explicit sexual acts between men. If it is illegal to read such material where you live, if you are under age, or if such topics offend you, please leave this site. This is fiction. In real life, don't have unprotected sex.

Copyright 2017, J Rodney Hartfield, all rights reserved. Please do not copy without permission of the author. If you enjoy reading stories on Nifty, please consider making a donation to Nifty Archives.

As with all fiction, there are elements of truth. However, any resemblance to actual people or places are unintentional. This is a six-chapter story. By the end, I will have fucked, and been fucked, fisted, dominated and DPed. All I can say is...

Be Careful What You Ask For.5

The warmth of the afternoon sun worked to relax the tightened muscles of my shoulders, back and butt from the morning's workout. I dipped my hand into the pool, letting the water cool the back of my head. I had chosen a corner of the pool deck away from the crowd. I needed some time to recover - recover a bit of my dignity and confidence after getting fisted by Bruno. Not just fisted, but fisted in front of a couple of dozen horny campers. Shit! My dick began to swell beneath me, pushing into the warm dampness of my beach towel.

A cold rivulet of ice water ran down my spine and over my crack jerking me out of my half-sleep. My bleary eyes came to focus on the smiling face of Jack. His chin was resting on his crossed arms on the edge of the pool, his face just inches from mine.

He laughed. "How's the star of the show doing?"

I gasped as another splash of cold water hit my sunbake back. Instinctively, I turned. I grabbed the hand poised above me. Jake. I might have known. I knocked the glass of ice water out of his hand. The icy liquid cascaded over my chest and abs. My cock and balls divided the flow like the Red Sea, only to come back together between my ass cheeks.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed. "I was doing fine until you two assholes woke me out of a nice dream."

Jack reached over and slapped my half-hard dick. "Yeah, we can see your mind was in the right place."

We all three laughed as I swung my legs around to sit on the edge of the pool.

Jack looked up at me. "Are you doing OK," he asked, this time in earnest.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm doing fine. I have to admit, getting a fist up my ass was quite an experience."

Jack smiled and nodded. He worked his way between my legs rubbing his hands up the insides of my thighs. "You did good. It took balls to do what you did this morning. Gotta say, we're impressed."

My dick was impressed as well, springing into action at his touch.

Jake sat down behind me, wrapping his huge legs around my butt. He began to massage my shoulders. "Ya done damn good. We leather guys appreciate it. Hell, it kept one of us from having to take Bruno's fist."

I laughed. "Yeah, thanks a lot...I guess."

I gasped as Jack's fingers reached my balls. My dick sprang to full sail. I bit my lower lip. I tried to keep my voice from trembling. "I'm sorry I missed your demo this morning. I was looking forward to it."

Jake reached around to roll my tits gently between his fingertips. "We were wondering if you might like a private demonstration."

I looked around at the crowded pool and deck. Only Robby and Tim lounging on the far side seemed to notice us. Tim smiled and nodded. Robby grinned and winked.

"What did you have in mind," I asked.

Jake pinched each tit a bit harder. "Well, first of all, are you a Top or bottom? Do you consider yourself a Dominant or a submissive?"

I looked over at Robby. I considered the way I had fucked him just a couple of hours past. My mind took me back to Kyle last night and Bruno the night before. I shrugged. "Can I go both ways?" I asked.

Jack answered with a grin. "Sure." He looked up at his brother. "We know guys that switch back and forth all the time."

Jake added, "But those terms have different meanings to different people. What do they mean to you?"

I thought for a moment before I answered. "Well, anytime I top, I think of myself as the dominant. I am in control. I decide the positions, the pace, etc. However, I don't usually just control the situation for my own enjoyment, but for the bottom as well. In fact, often I am as much concerned with his pleasure as my own" I looked down at Jack. "Does that make sense?"

"Makes perfect sense to me."

I added, "But it's not just for the power. I would never purposely hurt or endanger the other person. And I do not bully for bully's sake. In fact, I hate bullies. And I may inflict pain, but not for pain's sake but for the pleasure it brings."

Jack's eyes lit up at that last statement.

I continued. "In the same way, when I bottom, I submit control to the top. He controls the positions, the pace and the overall situation."

Jake interrupted me. "But, have you ever been truly submissive?"

"Like a Master/slave thing?" I asked.

Jack shook his head. "No. That's more extreme than we go. Most people would call what we practice as role play." Jake added in, "Like what you said yesterday - consent/non-consent - with rules and parameters and safe words."

I shook my head. "Then, no, I guess not."

Jack looked up at Jake and then back to me. He gave my balls a firm squeeze. "So, would you like to try it?"

I bit my lower lip. "Well, hell. I've had a fist up my ass. This sounds like it could be another experience to put into the record book...or a story."

"Fuck yeah," exclaimed Jake. He used my shoulders to lift himself up, then leap-frogged over my head into the water. He swam back and slapped Jack's hand off my gonads. "Leave the guy alone. He needs to concentrate on this next part."

Oh, shit. I wonder what that means? He must have seen the look of concern cross my face. "Don't worry. It's nothin' bad. We just need to know...what things are off limits?"

I thought for a minute. "OK. Pain and pleasure are closely related. And I realize pain can bring pleasure. However, there are certain things that are out of bounds for me. No blood, no lasting marks or scars, no shit, and I prefer no gagging." I hesitated, then added, "And no feet."

Jack looked puzzled. "No feet?"

I shrugged. "I just don't like feet."

It was his turn to shrug. "OK. We'll think about that one. All the rest go without saying. What about things you like, or think you would like?" His hands started back up my thighs, headed for my balls. Jake prepared to slap him away again.

I caught his hand. I snarled the best snarl I could muster, "Hey, fucker, leave the guy alone. If he wants to play with my balls, let him."

He replied, "Well, well, the boy can be dominant after all."

"Yeah, and be careful who you call a boy...boy," I replied, then gave him a wink.

Jack smiled and nodded. "I think we're gonna like this game. OK, so what do you think you would like?"

I got serious as I considered the question. "Things that are desirable..." I looked at Jake, Well you know I like my tits worked...hard...and moderate ball and cock play. However...I do have a fondness for the family jewels."

They grinned and nodded.

I continued. "I don't mind a good spanking. I've never been flogged, but I think that would be OK. I've wondered what it would be like to be blindfolded, even though I'm a bit claustrophobic. And ass play is great, with dildos and ass plugs, but probably not any more fisting for one day." That brought a laugh from both of them.

"What about tickling?" Jack asked.

"I'm not really ticklish." "Or edging?" added Jake.

I thought about that for a minute. "I don't think anyone has ever taken me to the edge of ejaculation and stopped.

"Oh, really. That's interesting."

Then I concluded, "And of course sucking and deep, aggressive fucking."

"Oh, yeah," they said in unison.

"And there's one last thing," added Jake. "A safe word. A word you can say to stop everything if it goes beyond what you want or think you can take."

"Red," I said. "Green means go for it. Red means stop." Jack gave my balls one last squeeze. "All this sounds great. Zack's got a dungeon down in the basement of his house. Let's go have some fun."

I grabbed my speedos and slipped them on over my erection. I wrapped my towel around my waist as an extra buffer. I looked over at Robby and Tim. They were grinning like the proverbial Cheshire Cat. I wondered what they knew that I didn't.

Jake and Jake had already exited the pool and were headed toward the café and Zack's house. Their broad shoulders and huge bulging biceps glistened in the afternoon sun. Shadows accentuated their firm butt cheeks, beckoning me like iron to a magnet. It dawned on me that they had not waited for me. They just expected me to follow. Already the submissive. I wondered what this new experience held for me.

The stairs down were like any other basement stairway. But the room beyond the door at the bottom was not. I followed the twins into the room. They had not said a word to me since we left the pool.

Jack flipped a switch. The lights illuminated a windowless room - a crude version of Christian Gray's playroom. Spotlights focused on various points in the room, leaving eerie shadows to linger in the corners.

The air was cool like in most underground compartments. A slight musty smell mingled with the lingering scent of sweat and sex. It was eerily quiet.

A short, narrow padded bench anchored the center pool of light. Padded rails ran down each side. It reminded me of a kid's picnic table. Somehow, I could not imagine that was its purpose.

On one end of the room a bed with a metal head and foot lay under a reddish floodlight. Bondage? On the opposite wall stood a St. Andrew's cross. Flogging? Beside it, a leather sling hung from the rafters. Fucking? Straight across the room beyond the bench, ropes dangled from pullies hung from the joists of the floor above. Shit!

Around the walls, various instruments of pain and pleasure hung from hooks or lay on shelves - all manner of whips and floggers, dildoes and butt plugs of all sizes, handcuffs and leather harnesses, and some things of which I could not even guess.

Oh, shit! What have I gotten myself into this time?

Jake turned and snarled, "Drop the towel and strip."

I knew instantly this wasn't just a game. The scene, or role play, if you will, had begun. Battle lines were drawn in my conscience. Part of me wanted to say "fuck this" and run back up the stairs into the afternoon sun. But the dark side of me, including my throbbing cock, begged to stay. The dark side won out. I unwrapped the towel, letting it fall to the floor. I kicked off my flip-flops, pulled my speedos down to my ankles and stepped out of them.

"Good boy," Jack said with a smirk. "Now, on your knees, Boy."

I realized my first mistake. We had not addressed words and names. Now it was too late. I knew I was not only going to have to endure some pain, but would be called names that I hated. Shit!

"Crawl over here, Boy."

I crawled to them over the cold, hard, concrete floor. They stood shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip - mirror images of each other. Even their massive, hard dicks were identical. And bigger than I had thought at that first introduction last evening. What was staring me in the face were cocks that looked to be as big around as a sixteen ounce can of Monster Energy drink in my cooler back at the tent, but a couple of inches longer. They were circumcised. Mushroom heads glistening with precum in the overhead light.

Jake slapped me on the right cheek with his. Jack followed suit on the left. Jake growled, "Worship these, Boy, cause you're gonna have them rammed down your throat and crammed up your ass until you beg for mercy."

Jack sneered down at me. "But first, we're gonna have a little fun. We are gonna take you to the edge of pleasure and the brink of despair. When we're done with you, you'll never be the same."

Shit, shit, shit!

Then, for just a fleeting moment, he broke character. He smiled and winked. Then he growled, "Get over here and get this throbbing cock in that cocksucking mouth of yours."

I crawled over to him. I licked the under side of his cock, circled the base of his corona, and popped his head between my lips. He started fucking my mouth. I spread my jaws, doing the best that I could to accommodate his girth. Inch by inch he filled my mouth until his head hit the entrance to my throat.

He groaned. He pulled back until only the head was at my lips, then slid back on. My saliva and his precum greased the inside of my mouth. "Oh, yeah. Take that cock. Shit, you're nothing but a cocksucker. Boys like you were born to suck the cocks of real men like Jake and me."

Once more he reached my throat. I struggled to open the passage for him. He grabbed the back of my head and pushed. He slipped past my larynx. I struggled against my gag reflex. He held it there.

"Oh, fuck yeah. Swallow that cock. Oh, fuck."

I couldn't breathe. I began to see stars. Then he pulled out of my mouth. I gasped for breath.

He patted the top of my head. "Good job," he whispered, "Boy."

Jack moved over and Jake took his place in front of me. He had put on a leather harness that emphasized his massive pecs. He thrust his crotch in my face as he fastened a leather collar around my neck. A leash hung from a ring centered in front. Each man then fastened leather cuffs to my wrists and ankles.

Jake took a medium sized butt plug from a shelf. He made a production of lubing it in front of me. Then he nodded to Jack. "Spread your ass in front of him." To me he instructed, "And you, get in there and eat it good...while I use this to open you up at bit."

Jack's bubble butt stared me in the face. Shit, I would have dove into that beautiful ass gladly without being told. I spread his cheeks revealing his pink pucker. I flicked my tongue along his taint, just touching his hole with the tip of my tongue. He groaned, pushing back against my face. His man scent mixed with his musk and sweat were overpowering, sending my own senses into overdrive.

As my tongue breached his outer muscles, I felt the tip of the plug do the same to mine. I worked my tongue in further, past his sphincter. The plug continued to spread me open further. I forced my way into his anal cavity until my nose was buried in his crack. The plug stretched me until I was sure I could take no more. I groaned, then gave a sigh of relief as my ass swallowed the intruder. My ass lips closed over the bulb, holding it in place. Jake slapped it to set the outer ring firmly in my ass cheeks.

Jack stood up. Jake took his place in front of me. Without doubt, he was the one in charge. I had to wonder if he was always the more dominant of the two, or just in this scenario.

He bent down and kissed me on the lips. He gently caressed my cheek with the back of his fingers. He kissed me again, then whispered, "You have so much to learn." He kissed me again, this time forcing his tongue between my teeth. Our tongues dueled in a passionate kiss. He pulled back. He smiled down at me, then hissed, "Now kiss my feet."

Shit, this fucker's good. He is so playing with my mind.

"Kiss your feet?" I glared up at him. "No, man. Feet were off limits."

He shook his head. "More like on the negotiation list. You know, the 'we'll see' list. Besides, you just had your face in Jack's butt and your tongue in his ass. Get your fucking lips down there and kiss my feet."

Shit, I hate feet. I don't know why, but I do. I hesitated. Was I going to let this screw up the whole scene? I glared at him once more. Slowly, I lowered my lips, kissing the tops of both his feet.

"Now lick between each toe."

Gross! I started to raise my head.

He pushed my head back down. "Do it!" He demanded

I worked my tongue between each toe, trying not to gag. His toes were long like his dick. As I got to his big toe, he raised his foot, forcing the toe against my lips.

"Suck it," he said. "Suck it like you would my cock."

I gritted my teeth. I couldn't believe I was allowing him to do this to me. Yet, to my amazement, as much as I was disgusted with myself, I was excited. And my cock was throbbing at full mast. I slobbered over his toe, sucking it into my mouth like I would a lollipop. Hell, I'd sucked men's dicks that weren't much larger.

He pulled his foot away and patted my cheek. "Good boy. You've passed the first test."

First test. Shit, what kind of humiliation is to come?

He grabbed the leash, leading me like a dog to the ropes and pulleys. My hands and knees scraped the cold concrete. The plug in my ass caressed my prostate. The point massaged the opening to my colon. My dick responded to each step. Jack was there waiting for us. He had put on the leather harness like his brother so they were again identical.

They proceeded to buckle the cuffs on my wrists to a bar above my head so that my arms were outstretched. Jack pulled up the rope until I was hanging upright by my wrists, my weight only barely on the soles of my feet. It was not uncomfortable, but I definitely felt stretched open and vulnerable. They then buckled the cuffs on my ankles to a similar bar attached to the floor, stretching my legs apart, completely opening my ass.

I fully expected to be flogged or whipped. Instead, Jack began to run his fingertips gently down my spine, over my buttocks and down my legs. At the same time, Jake rolled the tip of a feather in his fingers. The silky plumage danced in the light. I started to remind him that I wasn't ticklish. Then he touched it to my extended armpit, letting it travel down my side. The sensation sent a shudder through my body.

He then started at my forehead, brushing my eyes and tickling my nose. He gently kissed the feathers to my lips. He traced the cleavage between my pecs down to my belly button and back up. Over and over he circled my tits, tickling and tantalizing the nubs until they were fully engorged. I moaned. My tits have always had a direct beam to my dick.

He brushed my taint, then circled my balls. Around and around he brushed my shaft. Precum oozed from my piss slit. My cock was as hard as steel. I realized that this wasn't for tickling's sake. All of my senses had surged to the surface. It was as if my whole body yearned to orgasm.

Jake knelt in front of me. He licked up the inside of each thigh. He licked each of my balls, pulling each into his mouth, washing them with his saliva. When they were fully drenched, he blew gently on them. Shivers coursed through my body.

Jack pulled himself into my back. He crushed his groin into my butt, driving the plug deep into my ass. He hugged me to him, encircling my torso with his meaty arms. Gently he toyed with my nipples, working them with the tips of his fingers.

Jake licked up my shaft, then circled my corona. He fucked my piss slit with the tip of his talented tongue, spreading my oozing precum over the head of my cock. He easily engulfed my throbbing cock, swallowing it to the base in one gulp. Slowly he began to fuck my cock with his mouth as Jack worked my tits. It was as if they were completely in sync.

I was in heaven. The sexual tension was building inside my groin like a volcano about to erupt. My balls drew up inside of me, ready to spew my load.

Then, nothing. Nothing!

I looked down. Jake was looking up at me with an evil smile his face. Jack was at his side, a black box in his hand.

"I've got to cum," I exclaimed.


I pulled against my bindings. I thrust outward, humping the air. "Fuck, I need to cum. Make me cum!"

Jake pumped me one time. I thrust into his fist. He pulled away. "You'll cum when we say you can cum."

Suddenly the point of tension just before ejaculation screamed inside of me.

Shit, shit, shit! So this is what edging is all about. Fuck, I hate it!

Beads of perspiration formed on my brow. Sweat trailed down my sides from my pits and traveled the length of my spine, chilled by the cool air of the room. What did they want from me? What did they expect from me? My balls and dick felt as though they would explode. This was pure torture.

Jack set the box aside. He rolled my tits between his fingers until they were plump and hard. He then snapped a clip on each one. Pain shot through my pecs. My cock jerked.

He replaced the leash with a light chain through the center ring in the collar around my neck. He fastened each end to a clip, then gave the chain a tug for good measure. He averted his eyes from mine, never looking at me as he picked back up the black box.

Jake returned from a shelf with a leather contraption. I groaned as he pulled my aching balls down, wrapping one band around them, then cinching it tight. He wrapped another strap around my dick and balls, and tightened a third around the base of my throbbing cock. I didn't think it could get any harder, yet the constriction seemed to force even more blood through my veins to the screaming head of my cock.

He smirked. "Look, Bro. This guy thinks he's such a stud. Look at that little prick he calls a cock. Pathetic."

I bit my lip. I knew Jake was doing everything he could to break me. I looked at Jack. Rather than support, he had the same evil grin on his face as his twin.

He flipped a switch on the black box and began turning dials. The plug inside my ass began to vibrate, setting my prostate into overdrive. He turned another dial. An electrical shock pulsed through my body and balls into my cock. My pelvis involuntarily thrust into Jake's lubed fist. The spasm made me jerk my head, pulling the chain tight on the tit clips. Pain and pleasure coursed through my body.

"Fuck!" I screamed.

Again and again Jack turned the dials.

His words came back to haunt me. I truly was on the edge of pleasure and the brink of despair. My body writhed in waves of pain and pleasure. I was sure my balls would explode any minute. Between pulses, I whimpered, "Please stop. Please let me cum. Please, I beg you."

Jake held up his hand to stop Jack. "Please what?"

I took a deep breath. "Please, sir. Please, sir, let me cum."

Jack switched off the box and laid it on a shelf. He removed the clamps. I cringed as he flicked my tortured tits with the tip of his tongue. I gasped as he slapped each one with the palm of his hand, then ground them into my chest with his thumb.

Jake loosened and removed the leather bindings from my balls and cock. My body relaxed, even though my balls and cock still begged for attention. He massaged my balls, squeezing them gently. He licked the precum from my piss slit. In one gulp, he devoured my cock. At last I was going to get relief.

He pulled off. He spit into his hand and jerked me twice. Then he stood. He got right up in my face. "Tell me once more what you want."

"Please, sir," I answered. "Please let me cum."

I thought he was going to kiss me. Instead, he spat in my face! I clenched my fists in their restraints. I glared at him, gritting my teeth.

He slapped me. "You piece of shit," he screamed. "You say the words, but you still think you're in control. You're not worth the trouble."

He grabbed the ropes holding up my arms. With a curse, he untied them. I slumped to my knees. Without saying a word, he unclipped the bar from my wrist cuffs. At the same time, Jack did the same at my ankles.

I was free, yet my mind was in chaos. I was relieved, yet disappointed. Had I failed? I didn't know whether to cry or laugh, run up the stairs or apologize. I started to grab my cock to give it relief.

Without warning, they each grabbed an arm. They dragged me to the center of the room. They threw me face down on the padded bench. My tortured cock and balls and tits ground into the padding. Before I could resist, they locked my wrists and ankles to the side bars. My ass was sticking up into the air. My head hung off the end.

Shit, no! No more! The words screamed inside my head. Yet no sound came from my mouth.

Jake snarled. "Brother, you know what to do. Cram that dick of yours down this ungrateful cocksuckers throat." Jack did as he was told.

Jake slapped each of my butt cheeks hard with his open hand. Without ceremony or warning, he jerked the plug from my ass. My scream was nothing but a muffled sound around the massive man tool down my throat. Slap! Jake's open palm met my right butt cheek. Slap! Then the left. Jack timed his thrusts down my throat with each ensuing strike. I fought back the tears. I would not give them the satisfaction to see me cry. I lost count at twelve. I tried to concentrate on swallowing Jack's rod rather than the excruciating pain to my butt.

They stopped just as suddenly as they had started. My ass was on fire. I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. Yet, a heat coursed through my body I couldn't explain. My tortured tits, my aching balls, my swollen cock, my glowing ass were all begging for more. What the fuck?

"Alright, Bro. Trade me places."

Fuck no. Not more. Shit!

Jake stood in front of me. Precum glistened at the tip of his cock. He wiped it over my lips. I licked my lips. Surprisingly, his tasted different than his brother's. It was sweeter; not as salty.

He slapped me on each cheek with his cock, then pressed it to my lips. "Open up, cocksucker." I did as I was told. He worked the head past my lips, then began to fuck my mouth deeper with each thrust. By this time, my throat was open. He drove into me, his balls slapping my chin with each thrust.

I heard the rip of a condom. Cool lube dribbled down my ass crack. Jack smeared it into my hole with his thumb. The tip of a finger entered me. Then the entire finger. A second finger, then a third joined.

He fucked me with them, then pulled out, leaving me empty. The head of his cock slipped past my sphincter. He paused to let me adjust, then pushed in slowly. He pulled out until just the head remained. Then suddenly he plunged in, his balls slapping mine, his pubs grinding into my burning ass cheeks.

They set up a rhythm, over and over, each thrusting into me to the hilt. Suddenly, they both pulled out, leaving me with a completely empty feeling. Both my mouth and my ass begged to be filled.

Jake knelt in front of me. He whispered, "Are you ready to call 'red'?" I knew I could end it there. Enough was enough. My weary body called for mercy. Yet that heat inside me would not die. My swollen cock begged for release. I pondered my fate.

I slowly lifted my head. With what strength I had left within me, I spit in his face. "Go for the 'green', Mother Fucker." I snarled.

As if in slow motion, he wiped my spit from his cheek. He looked at his brother. "You heard him," he growled.

They unclamped my ankles, then threw the ankle cuffs to one side. They unclamped my wrists, then dragged me to the bed. Rings dangled from each of the corner metal posts. They threw me on my back. A wrist was attached to each of the head posts.

For the first time, I realized the ceiling above the bed was mirrored. Jake nodded upward. "Yeah. You're gonna be able to watch what happens next, you little Prick. You're gonna get fucked like you've never been fucked before. You're gonna get Lewis cock crammed down your throat and rammed up your ass. By the time we're through with you, you won't be able to walk or talk for a week."

He grabbed my ankles, lifting and spreading my legs into the air. He glared down at me. Get ready, boy, 'cause you're about to get bred by a real man. He nodded to Jack. "Assume the position."

Jack straddled my chest. He pushed his nob to my lips. I didn't resist as he shoved it into my mouth. By this time, it felt like it belonged there. I felt Jake's tool pressing at my puckered hole. I pushed against him. He slid past the outer muscles. With one thrust, his balls slapped my tender ass cheeks.

I watched in the mirror above me as they set up a rhythm, thrusting into me from both ends. It seemed surreal, as if this was the culmination of all that had come before. I met each thrust with my throat and ass, savoring each one. Again and again they plowed me from both ends.

There was a pause. Jack swung off my chest. He unclamped my wrists. I grabbed my legs, pulling them back even farther. Jake drove into me deeper than anyone had ever been. Jack straddled my face, fucking my throat with his own deep thrusts.

Jake climbed up even further. He trapped one leg under his, then stretched the other over his shoulder. I felt as if I would split in two. He began to drive into me relentlessly, pounding my prostate and ass like a pile driver. Jack continued to ram his cock farther and farther down my throat.

My throat was raw. My ass was devastated. My dick was in agony. I was in heaven. I sucked and fucked, meeting each of their thrusts with vengeance.

I felt my balls tighten. At the same time, I could feel both twin's dicks expand inside me. As if it were choreographed, we blew at the same time. I shot rope after pent up rope of my spunk over my chest and chin. I swallowed what seemed like a gallon of Jack's cum, while Jake filled my gut with his sperm.

We collapsed, a sweaty, slimy, panting mass. Jake crawled up beside me on the left, with Jack on the right. They both kissed me, then kissed each other. Jake brushed his fingers over my cheek. "You OK?" he whispered. I put my arms around their necks and brought them in close. I kissed each one, then replied, "When are we going for the 'green'."

Our laughter filled the room.

We lay there, making out like teenagers in heat. It was incredible to watch them - two beautiful, identical men making out above me, then with me. As tired as I was, my dick again struggled to attention.

Finally, Jack pushed away. "We need to get cleaned up, get something to eat, and get ready for the party tonight."

"Shit," I said, shaking my head. "I'm exhausted. There's no way I can party tonight."

Jack kissed me. "Man, you don't want to miss this one. Go take a nap." He added, "Oh, and Robby and Tim said to tell you they'll have a steak on the grill for you later."

I started to get up. Jake pulled me to him. "You know, you're one fucking stud. You make one hell-of-a bottom." He laughed. "But you'll never make a decent sub."

I smiled and kissed him. "Good to know. Not that I didn't try."

Jack winked at me. "We'll have to see what we can work out at the party tonight."


...To be continued.

If you have enjoyed my story and would like to read more...or would like to comment, contact me at .

Next: Chapter 6

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