Be Careful What You Ask For

By Rodney Hartfield

Published on Apr 22, 2023


Disclaimer: This is a story of fiction and contains explicit sexual acts between men. If it is illegal to read such material where you live, if you are under age, or if such topics offend you, please leave this site. This is fiction. In real life, don't have unprotected sex.

Copyright 2017, J Rodney Hartfield, all rights reserved. Please do not copy without permission of the author. If you enjoy reading stories on Nifty, please consider making a donation to Nifty Archives.

As with all fiction, there are elements of truth. However, any resemblance to actual people or places are unintentional. This is a seven-chapter story. By the end, I will have fucked, and been fucked, double- fucked, fisted, and dominated. All I can say is...

Be Careful What You Ask For.6.1

The bubbling water of the hot tub carried the aches and tension away as it swirled around me. I leaned back against the side of the tub, resting my head on the padded edge. Three hours of sleep in my hammock, a thick rib-eye steak off the grill, and now the hot tub was doing wonders to rejuvenate my body and my spirits.

My mind raced through the events of the day, starting with a fantastic early morning blow-job followed by a very public fisting. I had aggressively fucked Robby, only to turn submissive to the Lewis twins. Shit, surely nothing more could happen to me in one day.

More than water worked its way up my thighs. I looked down over my chest into Robby's gorgeous brown eyes. Those dimples dug into the corners of his smile. His black hair was slicked back from the water. He truly was my vision of a Greek god. If he wasn't a guy, I'd say he was beautiful.

His aroused dick crushed into mine. His fingers traveled over my abs, followed the crease between my pecs, then around my neck. He pulled my face to his, burying his tongue between my lips. I sucked it like I wanted to suck his dick.

He pulled his lips away. "You feeling better?" he asked.

I humped my crotch into his. "I am now," I answered with a smile. "I have to say, this has been one hell- of-a-weekend."

"Yeah, this has been one of the better leather weekends I've been a part of." He kissed me again. "A big part of that is you being here."

I shrugged and grinned. "Just trying to do my part."

I gazed around the pool and surrounding decks. Guys were pairing up. Even though there were rules against public sex here at the camp, there was plenty of kissing and sucking going on. I had to ask the question that had been on my mind all weekend. "What about you and Tim? Are you...?"

Robby laughed. "Tim and I are friends. Good friends, but just friends. We roomed together in college after we realized our..." he hesitated, "sexual preferences." He shrugged. "He likes to give. I like to receive."

"Then you're"

"Oh, hell no! I like to have him whip me or flog me or spank me now and then, and he knows how to throw one hell-of-a fuck, but there's no way I could live with him. Two years of college was enough of that."

I bit my lip. I was relieved. At the same time, the thought of anyone whipping this gorgeous hunk of man standing before me was almost more than I could imagine. Instinctively, my hands clenched into fists. I took a deep breath to gain some control over my emotions. I quickly changed the subject. "So, tell me about the 'party' everyone keeps talking about."

His eyes darted to the side. He bit his lip before he answered. "Oh, it's just a little party we throw on the last night of leather weekend. A little informal get-together for the guys who paid to be a part of the weekend. You, know, a little booze, some cigars, and friendly camaraderie." He glanced up at the clock on one of the posts. "Which reminds me, we probably need to head in that direction."

We got out of the water. I dried off, squeezing my inflated member into my leather shorts. Robby had already pulled on a leather jock and was texting. He looked up apologetically. "It's just Tim. He wants me to stop by the cabin to get a different leather collar. He doesn't like the one he has on."

I shook my head. "Yeah, whatever. No problem."

Darkness enveloped us as we left the lights of the whirlpool decks. Our shadows danced in the glow of the bonfire that blazed at the entrance to the parking area. We picked our way carefully along the star- lit road leading to the cabins. From behind us, bouncing lights brightened the shadows. The rumble of a jeep warned us to step to the side of the road.

The vehicle slid to a stop beside us. Robby diverted my attention with a surprise kiss. Then, suddenly, rough hands grabbed my arms. Handcuffs clicked my wrists together behind me. A rag covered my eyes, knotted tightly behind my head. Robby whispered, "I'm sorry, man," before I was hoist into the backseat of the jeep.

"What the fuck," I yelled.

A hand clamped over my mouth. "Shut the fuck up," a voice growled, "or we'll slap a gag in your mouth." Raucous laughter joined Garth Brookes as he bellowed "We Shall Be Free" from the stereo. The edge of a glass was forced to my lips. "Drink," was the demand.

I turned my head. Fingers held my nose. I was forced to swallow the liquid; mostly whiskey with a dash of Coke. It burned its way to my gut. I had to wonder what else was in the mixture.

Roughly, my shorts were stripped off me, leaving me naked to the night breeze. "You won't be needing these." the voice growled. The hard cock of the guy upon whose lap I was sitting slid past my ass hole, jabbing into my ball sack.

The glass was again pressed to my lips. Another shot of whiskey and whatever.

A stubble beard raked across my abs. A tongue circled my corona. Lips engulfed my engorged dick head. A talented mouth sucked my tube down a waiting throat. The effects of the drink mixture hit my dick. Blood rushed to it, filling it to the max.

My head was forced into the lap of the guy beside me. A cock was forced between my lips and thrust down my throat. Callused fingers ground my tits between them. A finger caressed my taut pucker.

So much was happening all at once, my mind didn't have time to think. My head was screaming, but my mouth was too busy to utter the sound. Kidnapped? Raped? Enslaved? Tortured into submission? All those stories on Nifty flashed before my blinded eyes.

The jeep ground to a halt. My naked body was dragged across the ground. A tarp crinkled under me as I was forced to my knees. All was silence.

The handcuffs were unlocked and my wrists freed. The rag was pulled from my eyes. I was momentarily blinded by the lights surrounding me.

Bruno stepped into the light holding out his hand to help me stand. "Welcome to your orgy," he said as he bellowed out a laugh.

I looked around me. I shook my head in disbelief. "Holy shit!" I exclaimed.

A shout and applause greeted me from the two dozen or so naked men that encircled me.

Portable lights flooded the interior of Zack's barn. Colored Christmas lights draped one wall behind a make-shift bar lined with bottles of whiskey and cans of beer. A water cooler graced the center of the table surrounded by plastic cups...undoubtedly the source of the potent mystery drink. Baskets heaped with condoms anchored each end of the board.

A leather swing hung from the rafters in the center of the room. A St. Andrew's cross graced one corner under a spotlight. The padded fuck bench held down one corner of the tar. A picnic table strewn with various butt plugs, dildos of various sizes and miscellaneous sex toys anchored the opposite corner. The barn had been transformed into a makeshift dungeon.

Robby sheepishly walked over to me. "Will you forgive know...for leading you into a trap." I put my arm around him. "Hell yes, I forgive you. I have to admit, though, I was beginning to wonder just how far things were going to go."

Zack handed me a glass of "punch". "Here. Have another drink."

I recognized the growling voice I'd heard earlier in the jeep. "You mother-fucker. You were in on this?" I indicated the barn interior. "And I thought public sex was prohibited here at the Hideout. Somehow, I don't think all this was set up just for show."

He laughed. "Hey, it's a private party." He added, "And well paid for, I might add." He rubbed his half- hard dick and nodded toward a young stud in a corner of light. "And now, if you'll excuse me, I need to reintroduce myself to a young friend."

I looked at Bruno for an explanation. He shrugged. "I think Zack had the young man down in his dungeon last night. I hear they got along pretty well."

"So, is this the kind of party you usually have at the end of the weekend?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Nah. It's usually a lot tamer than this. But you said your fantasy was being part of an orgy. And you were a big help to us, so we thought we'd try to give you what you asked." He hesitated. "And me and the guys thought we might give you a little initiation...a little late and purely off the record, of course."


"Just enjoy the night. Suck a little. Get sucked. Fuck a little. Get fucked. Enjoy yourself." Shit. Fucking unbelievable.

An older guy with a trimmed graying beard walked over. He nodded down at my hard dick. "Can I take care of that for you.?" I nodded an affirmative.

I looked around at the gathered crowd as he licked up over my balls and around my dick head. I recognized most of the "guests" from the morning's exhibition. Several stood out to me. A nice looking black guy...William, if I remembered right... with a very nice piece of meat between his legs leaned against the wall. He was talking with a couple of shorter white guys who could easily be college wrestlers.

Another older guy with graying temples and flashing blue eyes joined the first guy at my feet. He nibbled each my tits, down over my abs, then joined the first guy on his knees. They took turns licking my balls and sucking my cock.

Max caught my eye from across the room. He smiled and winked. James stood next to him. His slender, taut body only served to emphasize the ample tool hanging between his legs.

A half dozen guys had formed a circle around a young stud. I interrupted the guys at my feet, thanked them for the attention, and joined the circle. A young Latin, his jet black hair pulled back into a sexy man-bun, was making the rounds, sucking each cock in turn. As he went down on mine, our eyes met. "Name's Alex," he whispered. "I'll finish this later, if you'd like."

"I'd like," I answered.

The sound of leather on skin drew my attention to the cross. Robby was spread-eagle on the wooden beams. His firm bums were turning red under the lashes Tim was wielding. I fought my feelings to protect this beautiful young god of mine.

Mine? Shit. Where did that come from?

I fought the urge to grab Tim's arm. I went around to ensure Robby was OK. He smiled at me, his eyes wide with excitement. He grimaced as the lash struck his back, then smiled again. His cock was rigid. He nodded downward. "Don't just stand there. Take care of business."

I dropped to my knees, taking his shaft down my throat in one slurp. He lunged into my throat with each strike.

Leather strips tickled up my spine. "How about a turn for yourself?" I looked up into the Tim's glowing eyes.

I bit my lip. "Sure. What the hell."

Shit. What am I thinking?

I helped Robby climb down off the cross. He then helped me secure my ankles and wrists in the leather restraints. I was stretched wide open. The night air cooled the sweat of my body. I tensed in fear and excitement and anticipation.

Tim leaned into me. "Relax. Let me do the work. Let your body enjoy the pleasure and pain. Trust me. You'll love it," he whispered.

Yeah. Easy for you to say, I thought.

He tickled the ends of the leather strips over my butt crack, then up my spine. Down the same path. Up, then down. A pause. Snap...The leather brushed my ass cheeks. Snap...A sting. Snap...The strips dug into my tender buns.

Again and again the lashes struck. My ass was on fire. I wanted to cry - to scream for him to stop. Yet with each strike, the pain pulsed with pleasure to my throbbing cock.

He stopped. He rubbed my tortured ass with smooth hands. He leaned in. "Congratulations. You took it like a man. I'm proud of you," he whispered. He ran a wet finger between my burning cheeks. "We'll finish this later."


Tim helped me down off the cross. Robby handed me a beer. "Take a minute to recover. Trust me. The burning will stop shortly. But, oh, that tender ass will feel so good when you get fucked."

I rubbed my buns. "Sure. Whatever."

I took the time to relax as a twenty-something skinny kid took my place on the cross. In the sling, a middle-aged guy was getting slammed hard by a bear of a guy that could easily pass as a Hell's Angel. The Lewis twins had two big Marine types bent over holding their ankles. The twins were fucking them hard, in unison. The sight of the two smaller guys completely dominating the big bruisers delighted my warped mind.

It was as if the two wrestlers that had been talking with the black dude took notice. They came over to me and dropped to their knees without a word. What a turn on, watching two hunky men fight over my cock. I wasn't quite sure why they craved my cock, but I certainly wasn't going to interrupt them. The shorter, stockier one stood up. "Fuck me?" he asked.

"Sure," I answered.

The guy still on his knees rolled a condom on my spit-slimed dick. He then did the same for his friend. It took me a moment to realize what was about to happen. The stocky guy entered the upturned ass of his friend with ease. He spat into his hand, lubed his own ass, then spread his cheeks for me.

I teased his hole with my dick head. Gently, I pushed past his outer muscles. I was going to wait for him to adjust, but he bucked back against me, burying my tool deep into his hot hole. Together, we set up a rhythm, me fucking him, him fucking his friend.

Then I felt a large, fat object at my own ass. William, the black dude, circled my torso with his arms, working my tits gently in his fingertips. His dick slipped between my ass cheeks. "Mind if I join the party?" he asked.

I turned my head over my shoulder. We kissed. "Go for it," I said.

He dove into my ass, circling my pucker with his tongue. He thrust the tip in my hole, kissing and biting my ass. His dick head took the place of his tongue as it pressed against my opening. I gasped as his large mushroom head slipped past my sphincter. He began to enter me, inch by inch until I felt his coarse pubic hair against my tender butt. We set up a rhythm, fucking the guy in front of us as if in a choreographed dance.

I felt him expand inside me. He gave a final thrust, groaned, and pulled me tight against his groin. As he pulled out, I did the same. I was not ready to cum. There was still more to my night. The two wrestlers kept at it like we were never there.

I joined Pete and Tommy at the bar. Tommy handed me another glass of "punch". He shook his head. "That was the hottest sight I've seen all night. Talk about a 'daisy chain'."

Pete leaned in. "So, are you enjoying your orgy?"

I smiled as I looked around the barn at all the action. "Hey, what's there not to like." They nodded their agreement.

Across the room, Zack was huddled up with Bruno, Kyle and another big bear of a guy with a horse's dick hanging between his legs. Zack returned my gaze. For the first time, I really saw him. His reddish-brown hair was trimmed into a burr cut. His red beard framed a Roman nose and strong chin. Ample curly chest hair emphasized his bulging pecs and broad shoulders. All that drew my gaze down to his trimmed pubes, shaved balls and bull-sized circumcised cock. If I was ever going to describe the lumberjack Paul Bunyan, it would be Zack.

He smiled (or rather, smirked) at me, then gave that massive tool of his a couple of stokes. He gave a shrill whistle that got everyone's attention.

He glanced my way again, then cleared his throat. He nodded to his three partners. "We, here, decided it wouldn't really be an orgy unless we voted on the best bubble butts of the evening." He grabbed his own dick, then gave both Bruno and Kyle's a jerk. "As for biggest cocks, I'm thinkin' the four biggest are right here, unless anyone wants to dispute it."

There were no takers from the rest of the group.

He continued. "Now, we need for y-all to give us the four best bubble butts to go with these cocks."

A thirty-something guy with spiked blond hair pulled his face out of the crack of the kid in the swing whose ass he was eating. "This here kid has an ass to die for. He's my nominee." There was a round of applause as two guys helped the kid to his feet.

The Lewis twins gave a holler. They slapped the two Marines on the butts. Jake gave a nod. "These two are prime USDA steaks compliments of Uncle Sam." Reluctantly, the Marines stepped forward.

From beside me, Tommy spoke up. "Hell, we've got one of the best right here." He and Pete gave me a shove.

"Come on, guys," I said pleadingly. "Haven't I been on display enough for one weekend?"

Zack snarled. "Shit. I've not had a piece of that ass yet." He grabbed his tool and waved it like a baton. "Get on over here."

I shook my head as I walked over to him. "Shit."

He grabbed me and pulled me to him. He whispered, "You'll love this pole up your ass. Hell, I've wanted to fuck that ass of yours from the first time you rode in here." He kissed me hard, driving his tongue down my throat to the hoots and hollers and applause of the rest of the guys.

We four "butt boys" were led to the table that had been cleared of toys. I looked over at the Marines beside me and the kid on the end. "I don't know about you, but if I'm going to get fucked, I want to get fucked with a good, hard cock." Together, we turned, went to our knees and each took the cock in hand that hung before us.

I felt sorry for the kid. Bruno was already working his rod between the kid's lips. The first Marine was giving Kyle a vigorous hand job. The big bear was slapping the face of the Marine next to me with his horse cock.

I looked up at Zack. An evil grin spread across his face. I grabbed his rod. Even half hard, my fingers didn't quite touch. I nibbled at the tip of his head, flicked his piss slit with the tip of my tongue, then licked the length from the corona to his balls. I sucked each nut, then licked back up to his head. I sucked his head between my lips and began to work the length down my throat. He grabbed the back of my head and began to fuck my throat with his now engorged rod.

I forced my throat open. I willed myself not to gag.

He long-dicked my throat. "Shit, that's nice," he exclaimed. Then he leaned down and whispered, "If you stick around a few extra days, we'll explore my dungeon for real." He then forced his dick deep into my throat until I thought sure I was going to faint from lack of oxygen.

Suddenly he pulled out. "Enough of this shit," he bellowed. "Let's fuck some ass."

He helped me to my feet, then spun me around. To my amazement, William, along with three other young, well-endowed men, were sitting on the edge of the table, hard dicks pointing at the sky. Alex, the cute Latin, and three partners were kneeling under the table waiting for us. This was going to be one hell-of-a scene.

I bent over, grabbed the edge of the table on either side of William's hips, raised my ass into the air, and swallowed that nice, thick black dick. Alex nibbled at my swollen cock head. "Is now a good time to finish what I started?" he asked. I mumbled my approval through a mouthful of cock.

Alex sucked my head into his hot mouth as Zack's tongue pierced my pucker. I gasped. Soon, it was a complete overdose of sensations. Alex was milking my throbbing cock with his talented mouth and throat from head to balls. William's monster was raping my throat. Zack traded his tongue for one, two, then three fingers. Then, in one smooth move, his fingers were replaced by his massive rod, buried in one hard thrust from head to wiry pubes deep inside my fuck hole.

I was pounded and fucked and sucked unmercifully. I wasn't sure by whom, but even my tits were being abused. The pain and pleasure coursing through my body had taken me far beyond the realm of consciousness. After what seemed like an eternity of over stimulation, my nuts pulled up, then exploded down Alex's throat. Two beats later, William filled my mouth and throat with what seemed like a gallon of his sperm. Zack groaned, then yelled. He tore his rod from my battered hole, stripped it of its sheath, and covered my back with stream after stream of his hot jism.

I went to my knees. Zack grabbed me, turned me around and hugged me to him. He kissed me long and deep. He bit my ear and whispered, "That was incredible!"

The crowd of men circling us erupted in applause as the four "fuckers" raised each "bubble butt boy's" right arm in a victory salute. We collapsed, exhausted, on the table as shots of whiskey were passed around.

I looked over to see Max and James smiling at me. I limped over to join them, rubbing my sore, abused ass. Max nodded. "Shit, that was one hot scene. That puts the orgy in orgy."

I laughed, then nodded to the doorway. "I need some air." They followed me outside.

Max had grabbed a horse blanket. He spread it out on the grass and I stretched out between them. For a time, we lay there looking up into the night sky. A falling star shot its streak of fire across the western sky.

That seemed to be the sign Max needed. He immediately went down on me. The suction on my cock sent shivers up and down my spine. I pulled James around so I could measure his cock with my tongue. Max had not lied. It was not terribly thick, but it had to be at least nine inches. I sucked it in until the head hit the entrance to my throat. I pulled back, then sucked it back in. I pride myself on never meeting a cock I couldn't swallow. I opened my throat, swallowing as much of the long tube as I could. I gagged. James moaned.

I tried again and failed. Max pulled off, sucking my balls, crushing them with his mouth's powerful suction. I took a deep breath. James cock snaked down my throat. He grabbed the back of my head. My nose ground into his pubs. I swallowed. I thought sure his cock head was in my stomach.

He groaned, pulling his long tool into the night air. "Fuck," he said. "I've never had anyone swallow the whole thing."

I gasped for breath. "That's one nice cock."

"Would you like to see how it feels in the other end?" he asked.

I ran my fist over his slimy length. My sore, ravaged ass quivered in anticipation. My gut yearned to have this rod deep inside it. I nodded to the interior of the barn. "The fuck bench is not being used. Go get it."

They hurried to comply.

The cool leather of the padding massaged my back. I looked up. Twinkling stars formed a canopy over us. My butt hung off one end of the bench, my head the other. I grasped the sides for support. James lifted my legs to his shoulders as Max parted my lips with his cock.

The rip of the condom package sent a ripple of excitement through my frame. Max easily slid down my throat as James entered me from behind. Max fucked my throat as James thrust deeper and deeper inside my ass. I knew he had inches to go. His dick knocked at the entrance to my colon. I took a breath, relaxed and pushed against him. I felt him snake past the second set of muscles into my gut.

Their slow fuck gained speed and intensity. My body ached, but the whiskey shots and the magic "punch" had taken control of my mind. All I wanted was to be fucked...fucked from both ends. Max moaned. I felt his cock expand. He cried out. Spurt after spurt of his spunk shot into the back of my mouth. I savored the salty, bitter-sweet taste of his man juice.

James had me doubled over. He was driving into me harder and harder, deeper and deeper. He thrust extra hard, buried deep inside me. I felt the condom fill deep inside my gut. I wasn't sure how, but my aching balls shot a stream of my spunk over my chest. James collapsed on top of me, then kissed me hard. He got up and Max helped me sit up. He straddled me as we French kissed.

He sighed, then whispered, "It's after midnight. We've gotta go." He helped me stand. James hugged and kissed me. "Thanks man...for a great weekend and a great night."

I wasn't sure what was going on, but my bladder was about to burst. I went around the corner of the barn to take a piss. I managed to drain my bladder, even though my dick never stopped pointing to the sky. Damn. What the fuck is in that punch?

As I walked into the barn, the last of the vehicles were pulling away. Everyone was gone except for the leather eight.

Bruno met me. He put his arm around me, leading me to the center of the tarp. "So how was your orgy?" he asked.

I smiled and shook my head. "Fucking awesome."

He continued. "You know, there was one more piece to your wish."

I put my fingers to my temples.

"You, know, you do need to be careful what you ask for."

I struggled to remember what I had said that first night. I looked around the circle of eight men. Then it hit me.

He grinned. "Something about a gang-bang?"

I gasped. Oh,Shit! Oh, fucking shit!

...To be continued...

If you have enjoyed my story and would like to read more...or would like to comment, contact me at . We writers always love to hear from our readers.

Next: Chapter 7

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