Be Sure Your Sins Will Find You Out

By Sharon Pinder

Published on Aug 1, 2009


Warning: This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between women. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

Author's Note: This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re-post them at your own site, please contact the author for permission.

Copyright 2008 Aug, All Rights Reserved.

Be Sure Your Sins Will Find You Out!

Chapter 1

OK it was wrong to have done what I had. Hell of course it was, after all I was the vicar, a pillar of the community, and example to the world at large! But haven't you ever been tempted to do something so out of character? Just once to, forget the consequences, to break out of the mould? Even if for just five minutes? It gets so damned boring being Ms Respectable, being the pillar of the community, the person people turn to 24/7 and plus it was a nice skirt, but way beyond that months mean. I suppose that's where the thought first came from, and that gave me a buzz, a touch of excitement. A dare, kicking the ruts damned walls! Yes I know that's a feeble excuse, and yes I know vicars don't do such things, but I had butterflies and felt alive, for once!

The shop, The Web, an odd name, had been easy to find, and was empty but for me and one assistant. Julie must be have been a day of something. The sales woman was polite, and then left me to my own devices It was so easy and the dress was secreted in the bottom of my bag as I smiled and gave a friendly "bye". I had felt a buzz, felt alive, even almost sexual. I could imagine the head lines. 'Local Vicar shop lifts!

That was yesterday and the dress still looked as good on me in my own bedroom, as it had in the changing rooms. I felt tinges of guilt, of shame, and yes I knew I should go back and apologise, but it made me feel so alive, so unvicary.

My life was the sheer essence of boredom at times. Simon, my hubby of 20 years, was a decent man, but so absorbed in his pupils. If he wasn't at the college then he was ensconced deep in his study, preparing lessons for his classes. We had two children Kylie and David, both in their teens and both good kids. But god life could be so dull, so repetitive. One massive rut, and at least yesterday I had kicked the damned ruts walls. Sharon had been a bad girl, Now that was a turn on!

I made my way downstairs, admiring the fall of the skirts material, as I walked. It looked and felt good. I scooped the the mail of the door mat and walked into the kitchen. As the kettle boiled I sifted through the letters, Bills, bills, circulars, bills and one unstamped letter. It was hand written brown envelope addressed to The Reverend Mrs Denise Cawthorne, urgent and confidential and was A3 in size. The hand writing and lack of stamp threw me, and as the kettle clicked itself off, I slit the envelope flap open. My had reached in and with drew a series of photos. Crude, a bit blurred but they showed the content clearly enough. It was a series of snaps that showed Mrs Denise Cawthorne, local Vicar, mother of two, respectable pillar of the community,secreting a dress skirt her shopping bag. Four photos that turned my buzz, my thrill into nausea.

How? Who? Why? Three questions that ran through my mind. Why had I been so stupid? I could feel my stomach turning as I realised what I had been sent. That my little rebellion against life's rut, was known to someone else. I looked into the envelope to see if there was an explanation and caught in their was a small bottom was a typed note. My hands shock as I with drew it and read the words typed on it.

My dearest Vicar, you have been a such a naughty girl. These are stills are from a cam recording we have and thought it only fair to share them with you. We hope you like them as much as we do, but naughty girls must always pay a price. Imagine if the recording was on You Tube! A catchy title maybe 'Vicar, Denise Cawthorne shop lifts'. Do you think that would help your husbands headmaster or your flock find it? What would your Bishop say? Maybe a series of stills on the church notice board? What do you think? Don't worry, be a good girl and I think we can come to a deal. Return the dress to the shop at 9.00 a.m tomorrow and we will have a chat.

Miss Sharon and Julie.

In that short paragraph my entire world fell apart. I could suddenly see how foolish I had become. How boredom had driven me to seek an adrenaline rush. A short term fix! Some people bungee jumped. Me? I shop lifted. God what had I done and why? The shame seemed to fill me and I felt the tears welling in my eyes. If Simon found out, I would die of humiliation! What if the kids were told, or it became open knowledge what I had done? The tears now broke free of my eyes lids and began to run down my cheeks. As they ran, my humiliation became unbearable, and I slid down to the floor, tears turning to crying and then sobbing as I saw my entire safe, respectable life fall to shreds for a cheap thrill. I lay in a head on the floor, my beautiful stolen dress now crumpled underneath me, forgotten as I succumbed to the humiliation and cried as I hadn't since I was a little girl.

I had bundled Kylie and David off to school the next morning, both grumbling at 'mum's foul' mood. I tried to act normal, but those four images kept coming back to the forefront of my mind. Those pictures just would not go away. The pieces of paper were torn to shreds and flushed away down the toliet, but forgetting them and the loosing the fear was a luxury my mind would not permit me. It knew that somewhere the master copies existed and how easy digital was to copy in these hi-tech days.

Simon had been adsorbed in his work last night, and after dinner had vanished of to his study. I had felt him later climb into bed as I had laid there feigning sleep. I was safe from any 'demands', that was all but a monthly event. This months 'seeing to' had come and gone. As I ushered the kids out of the door, he vanished once more into his den, coffee and a plate of toast in his hands. He would be gone for the morning.

The high street was only a ten minute walk as I set off at 8.45 a.m, still unable to accept that this was happening to me. Would the police be there waiting, or could I just pay for the damned dress? The cause of my woes lay buried once more at the bottom of my carrier bag, hidden away as I no desire to ever see the thing again.

My mind was refusing to behave and despite my efforts, was treating me to a replay of yesterdays stupidity. I passed the library and my attention was miles away as I passed my church. The notice board stood next to the church yards gate and housed sermon times or parish notices. I am not sure why my eyes scanned it in passing but what I saw brought me to a halt. Four images of the parishes vicar, showing a scenario of shop lifting. God how long had been there? In seconds the images were ripped off the board, stuffed into my bag and my eyes gave the board one more check before I moved on. This time my feet moved faster, and my make up smeared from fresh tears now running down my cheeks.

The shop was half way down the high street, and the door bore a closed sign on it. I stood in the door way unsure what to do next? A light was visible through the doors roller blind, so I tried to door. It was of course, unlocked. Stepping in, I shut the door behind me and looked round at the empty shop. The two exterior display windows were backed so it was not possible to see into the shop from the outside and with the door blind, I was safe inside. I was hidden from the outside and this would nightmare, if my own making must surely soon be over.

"Hello" my voiced croaked out, but only silence answered my enquiry. I stepped further into the store, but found only more silence. "Hello" I called once more. This time, my voice managed to sound a little more sure of itself. The curtain to the rear half of the shop opened and the tall blonde assistant from yesterday stepped into the sales area. She smiled and looked me up and down. I felt as if I had been weighed and found wanting in those eyes, and as if I had been mentally undressed.

Her eyes scanned me once more, but this time slower and they lingered longer. Their stare had me looking at the ground in shame. Salty tears tricked down my stained cheeks as the feeling of humiliation became overwhelming. The blonde stepped closer, "Your quite a treat on the eyes and I couldn't believe my luck when you became a common thief." Her hand cupped my chin and gently lifted it"and now finally your ours" The word "ours" confused me, what did she mean by it and who was the other half of "ours"? Was this black mail, would I be paying this stunning blonde girl off? How would I do it without Simon knowing? The questions ran through my mind, but no answers came to the fore.

She smiled as she continued. "In a way your right, this is black mail, but no money will be paid by you my pet" Pet? The word filled my mind as I analysed what she had said. Pet? What did she mean? But I could draw no conclusions from the word. No money? That had to be good, yes? She walked past me and I heard the latch slide down on the door. "Now my pet, strip for me." her soft spoken voice spoken directly into my ear, as she stood behind me. She walked round me and once again looked my up and down. I was confused, strip?

"You can either undress for me, or I can post a recording on You Tube. Plus maybe send a copy to one of our local news desks, The choice is yours, and when you have decided the sensible course of action, come through to the back, but come naked, or don't, fucking, bother". With that she walked back past the curtain and I was once again alone in the shop.

Undress? Strip? Naked? Those three words passed through my mind. Realisation was dawning on me. This really wasn't about money and the police weren't to be involved, This was about far worse. I turned to walk away from this nightmare, to run through the door and flee. Maybe Simon would understand? But even as these thoughts ran through my mind I knew that was never going to happen.

I stood in that deserted sales area, my make up tear stained as my shaking fingers slowly fumbled with the buttons to my blouse. I folded it and placed it onto a chair by the counter. Was I killing time? Stalling? My shoes and jeans were next as I placed them forming a neat pile. I was no great shakes in the lingerie department and my hands reached behind me to release the clasp to my plain white no frills bra. I was not well endowed, but what I had were one of Simon s favourite parts of me. He didn't fucks me often, but when he did, he would work on my erect nipples leaving them red and sore.

I dropped the bra onto the pile and slid the panties down my legs. The blue panties were wet, and for the first time I realised fear had made my bladder leak a small stream. The thin cotton was damp from my piss, but that barely registered, as I folded and placed them on top of the pile. I stood there, naked, in the middle of the stores sales area!

(I wasn't in bad shape for my 45 years.) I felt my self shaking as I stood there, from cold or fear, I couldn't tell.

"Are you coming?" a voice beckoned me from beyond the curtain? My feet took stumbling steps forwards as Mrs Denise Cawthorne, Vicar, pillar of community passed through the curtain and into a way of life she never dreamt of or was capable of imagining.

The blonde was sat on the dining chair, her skirt pulled up, her panties removed and her legs parted to reveal a smooth mound. Her right hand was gently stoking her inflamed lips, her arousal evident by the wet sheen the soft skin showed. My eyes were transfixed by the image of her playing with herself. I stood as if a deer in head lights, my own nudity causing me to redden, I could see her eyes look me over, and this caused me redness to deepen and my humiliation to bring further tears back. My make up was ruined beyond repair, but that was of no account as I willed my feet to take me out of here. One hand was cupped over my mound, and the other rested across my breasts, but that did nothing to make me feel less exposed to those eyes.

She removed one finger from her wet pussy and sucked it, as if it was the most delicious of lollies. As she sucked her own juices, she smiled at me. Her other hand beckoned me over, and I obeyed with no notion of disobedience. Dipping her finger once more into that swamp of her juices, she stood and proffered the glistening finger to me. "Taste me" she commanded. Her voice gentle, yet brooking no denial.

I stood transfixed, not moving, as her finger came closer to my mouth, I breathed in her scent, her perfume of arousal filling my world from that one finger. An odour that despite what I would have believed before this moment, did not repulse me. Instead it seemed to stimulate me, and a reflex action had me inhaling her scent deeper into me.

Her finger traced a line along my lips, before it pushed them apart and slid into my mouth. My teeth parted to the tip of her finger and it entered my deep into mouth. Now I could I could taste her from it. My body reacted to the scent and I felt my tears cease, as new feelings filled me. Butterflies filled my stomach, as I sucked the wet finger, taking her odour deeper into my being. Simon had asked me to suck his cock, and I had always refused his perverted requests. Yet here I was, naked as the day I was born,sucking a total strangers fingers, and becoming aroused. I wasn't so frigid that I couldn't recognise my own bodies betrayal, my arousal. I tried to deny it, to scream the thought down in my mind, but I could feel the first stirrings of my own wetness, my own desire coming to the fore.

Her finger was withdrawn, as it slowly slid out from my pussy mouth, and I felt a sad loss as the blonde returned to her chair. She hitched her skirt back up and her fingers once more stroked those swollen lips that glistened with her pure honey juices. " You know if you refuse me anything, well you know what will happen don't you?" she asked in a sweet soft voice. Her words were accompanied by the sound of the sheer wetness of her pussy being stirred by her finger.

I nodded, my feelings of humiliation coming to the fore once again, but my eyes also transfixed by the wet flesh before me. "Good" She smiled. "You have tasted my nectar from my finger, now I want you to kneel and drink from the source". Had she really said that, and was I really lowing myself to my knees? Was I really closer to her that wet pool of juices, and was my senses swamped by the scent of her arousal.

Her finger withdrew, so I could see her for the first time close up. Her mound was shaven, but I could see the smallest traces of blonde stubble. But it was those wet, glistening lips that mesmerised me. I felt her hand gently cup the back of my head and guide it towards it. The scent grew even stronger and my vision was filled by that wet flesh.

My tongue snaked out, almost eager to taste her. I had never sucked Simon's cock, and the light on was as kinky as I had ever got. Yet here I was, a wet haven before me, my tongue reaching out to touch it, to dine on it. Almost eager? The tip touched her soft flesh and I drew her odour deep into my lungs. My own body had become aroused by the situation I was in, and I no longer baulked at the wetness my tongue tasted.

Chapter 2

She was taking to this as a duck to water. Water, that was funny considering how wet she was making me. This had been such a beautiful set up from day one. Plus it was going to get so much sweeter, my partner, Julie, was making some rather nice recordings of these events with her trusted camcorder.

We had both spotted the vicars wife a few weeks back when she was in the local library. We find that library's make a good place to trawl for respectable straight frustrated married women. Such wonderful creatures, you can take them, entrap them and then totally corrupt them. You tend to get all of life's respectable folk passing through those doors at some stage during the week, and we would take turns to sit there, and watch the fish swim into our net. The majority were not worth keeping and they just swam on with their mundane life's. But ever now and then, one worthy of becoming a trophy would come into the area we had cast our net.

Denise was such a vision. She would turn any head, and as she walked through the library, male heads would turn and study her figure. She was stunning, something she had no notion of, and so so respectable. That made her all the more desirable to us.

It was me who spotted her and brought the lovely vicar to Julie's attention. But it was to Julie the task of drawing her further in would fall. My darling Julie attended church the next week, and no the walls didn't come tumbling in! The Vicar welcomed her to the flock and to her husband. Julie looked so respectable, a nice two piece suit, perfect make up, not to much, not to plain.

She had prepared for church while I watched from bed, and as she turned from my lover into the image for pure respectability, well lets say she was almost late for church and had a grin on her face as she left our flat above the shop.

Julie had chatted away to Denise and Simon sensing a bout of 'girlie chat' had made his excuses. Denise had whittled away about the usual banal girlie stuff, things that comprised her universe, and we so dull to Julie. But my lover had feigned interest, as a huntress should and explained that her husband ( as if, its been many a year since my darling had ever let a cock near her sweetness!) was away on business overseas. She had brought a business in the local area and he would be joining her soon. The mention of the clothes shop Julie owned brought the chat round to clothes. A feigned shared interest, and a promise by Denise to pay a visit soon.

Julie made sure they 'clicked' and she knew that her web would soon seen the delicious morsel of Denise enticed into it. Julie also gathered an out line as to Denise's family, her husband, his tastes, as well as her two teenagers. All of which she knew would be of great service as the vicar became ensnared.

The first step was always hard to foresee, and 9 out of 10 times was unexpected. Denise had not let them down, the shop lifting had been a delightful early treat. We had sometimes to wait a few months for a nice juicy blackmail tit bit, but she had treated us to a bonus on her first visit. Shopping lifting from a member of her own congregation. The naughty girl! Catching her had not been luck. After all why would we not have cams in our changing room. That way when things were quiet, we could watch our clientèle undress and reveal their tastes in lingerie and admire them. We even contemplated a web site sharing the best images, how delicious would that be?

As my mind drifted over past events, I could feel the vicars tongue running its tip along my wet inflamed lips, and could feel her breath on my skin. God she was turning me to jelly, but then a straight girl tasting her first pussy was my big thing. I looked down at the head between my thighs and placed my hands on her the crown, forcing her deeper face deeper into my wetness. I wanted all her senses to be of my scent and taste, I wanted her to drown in it, to have it fill her universe.

I looked towards the curtains at the rear and even thought I could not see its lens I knew Julie had been there since the start. Since the naked victim had stepped into our lair.

The curtains parted and Julie stepped into the room, camcorder pressed to her right eye, and still recording the scene before it

We had been together since our days at college, when we had discovered the pleasures to be had in both our own bodies, as well as having others serve us. We had shared both willing and the even sweeter nectar of the unwilling. There was such a special joy to be had in a straight girl, to see the tears course down her cheeks, to see her obey and watch as she drank for the first time from the wetness of our pussies.

Julie's body had never lost its appeal for me, and the sight of her matching black panties and bra, as well as hold ups and high heals, made me want more and to press my vicar harder into my flesh. I could hear muffled protests from her, but I just wanted to please my girl friend. But even better parts lay ahead, I smiled at Julie and she returned the smile, both knowing what now was possible.

Chapter 3

I had some lovely recordings of our much beloved vicar, her head deep between my Sharon's thighs. I could only imagine what her parishioners would say if they could see her now. Sharon smiled at me, as her light hold on Denise's hair became harder ,twisting the long strands between her finger to gain a firmer grip. There was a muffled yelp, as the vicars head was pulled clear of that sodden pussy. I could see the gleam of my lover juices smeared all over that innocent, yet ruined face. Her eye make up ran in river-lets down her checks, her mouth and nostrils were stained in their first sampling of her own sexes juices.

Recognition crossed Denise's face as her eyes registered my presence, then horror as she focused in on the camcorder. I looked from the stained face, down towards those magnificent tittes. Maybe not pert any longer but still things of joy to behold. Then down further, to where her thighs met. I could just see the long strands of her unkempt pubic hair peeked out from between those pressed thighs. We had some work to do, but a start had been made!

"Hello vicar" I smiled, revealing in the recognition and humiliation that filled that stained face. She said nothing, seeming stunned into a dumb state. "Enjoying your brunch" I added, laughter forming the back ground to my words. I adjusted the camcorder and set it onto a small tripod that had sat unobserved on the desk. As I checked that its lens captured the scene before it, Sharon twisted our new pets hair again, turning the look of shock into a scream as I could imagine the strands straining not to be pulled from from her scalp.

I walked towards our new pet, her eyes on having dropped from my face to the black panties that drew closer. She tried to look away, but Sharon held her firmly in place. Leaning closer she whispered into the vicars ears, "we have such lovely pictures of you, my sweet pussy eating vicar, now be a good pet and do as we require." Sharon smiled at me then added "I am sure you have worked out the price of disobedience you would have to pay". No matter how many times we reached this stage in our games, it never failed to turn me on, to a level that only my darling Sharon could raise me beyond.

"Now show Mistress Julie what a good pussy eater you have become" Sharon commanded our new pet and she stood, relinquishing her seat for me to use. I parted my legs and Sharon lent down to kiss me, knowing how turned on I would be. Her tongue slid into my mouth and for a long minute we kissed, knowing Vicars eyes would be on us. As we melted into our kiss, I parted my legs so the wet crutch of my panties was visible to the vicar. "Now show me" I repeated the command as Sharon broke free of my kiss, and make it good, your on candid camera" I laughed as I knew the surprise and further humiliation that awaited her. Mistress Sharon's pussy had been succulent and wet, mine was just as wet to, but not with the honeyed juices she would expect. The curse was on me, and I could not wait to see her face freshly smeared. To know it was captured on digital, and that the next few hours would be the portal to a families degradation. What was the Cawthorne family comprised of ? Teenage daughter, son and a husband. The humiliation I knew had only begun and breaking mummy was only the beginning.

A new series maybe? Feed back, as ever welcome.

Sharon x

Next: Chapter 2

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