Beach Blanket Bingo!

By John Smith

Published on Feb 13, 2004



Beach Blanket Bingo!

by John Smith

Summary:My summer at the beach was an eye-opener.

Note: 1) Please remember that unprotected sex can be very dangerous. Only engage in it without protection if you know and trust your lover or if you like things like Russian Roulette. Remember this is a work of fantasy, not reality.

  1. This story involves graphic sex between 2 men. If this kind of thing offends you, you're in the wrong place to begin with.
God, the pain was excruciating! I thought I was being torn apart. I have never experienced anything like the burning, tearing sensation I felt. Finally the pain ebbed and I fell back, my body limp with relief. But, let me start at the beginning... For my graduation present, my parents had rented a beach house for the summer. And they weren't going to be there after the first week, except for weekends! Party Central as far as I was concerned. In truth, they rented it for the whole family but they would only be there for a few days at a time. I managed to get a part-time job on the boardwalk so I'd be staying there the whole time. Only one small problem. They told me two months before and the last weeks of high school were crawling along so slowly. Even the senior prom went on forever. But that was compounded by the fact that my long-time girlfriend, Brooke, broke up with me. I wasn't too devastated. I was surprised since our sex was great. But she wanted more and I wasn't ready to give that to her. I really didn't want to deal with the whole commitment issue. This from a guy who dated the same girl for over a year and a half... Anyway, the big day finally came. I got up slowly, feeling the effects of the graduation party at my buddy's house the night before. Once I realized what day it was, I managed to get out of bed, showered and dressed without too much trouble. Saying goodbye to the folks and my annoying younger brother, I headed to the shore. I was getting there a few days early to be available at the t-shirt shop and to air the house out. Of course, I was going to have some fun too. In the trunk of my old beater was my tote bad with the clothes I figured I'd need, a case of beer Dad bought, a bottle of Jack Daniels my buddy gave me for graduation (I gave him some killer pot), and, hidden in my clothes, about a quarter ounce of some harsh but good homegrown weed (the same stuff I gave my buddy). The house was a small but comfortable, weathered clapboard affair north of the town center. There were two bedrooms, a single bathroom, a kitchen, and a living/dining room. It was across a two-lane road from the beach and about a mile from the northern end of the boardwalk. There was a vacant lot to the south and behind and an unoccupied house a quarter of a mile north. Plenty of privacy for the most part. It was a bit musty but clean. I opened windows and stood to listen to the surf. That was a wonderful noise to hear as you lay in bed at night. After unpacking and stashing my stuff in one of the bedrooms (that I'd have to share with the brat when the family was there), I took a couple of hits of weed and walked over to the beach. It was a wide strand of sand with a small belt of seaweed showing the high tide mark. There was a lifeguard tower a few hundred yards away. The beach apparently wasn't as isolated as I first thought. There were a dozen people laying out but only one guy foolish enough to try the water. It was still a bit cool and would be for another couple of weeks. I wandered over by the tower and looked up. The man sitting there was something. He had a finely toned, and tanned body with sun-bleached hair. I couldn't see his eyes behind his mirror shades but overall he looked impressive. I said hello and he nodded in acknowledgement. I went on down the beach a bit but my thoughts kept returning to the lifeguard. I don't know why. I never paid much attention to guys before, beyond the usual comparisons in the locker room. But this guy was in sharp focus in the front of my mind. I topped a dune, saw the boardwalk and turned to head back. I ended up going by the tower again but the guy was gone. There was a cute girl there instead. I tried to chat her up but she didn't seem too interested. Her loss, I figured. The balance of the day was spent stocking the kitchen with money Mom gave me and doing the little bits of cleanup the house needed. I did meet some guys my age downtown and already had an invite to a beach party the next night. No, I didn't see the lifeguard. Not that I was looking. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The next day I went to the shop, the Shirt Shack. It was afair-sized place that sold tourist shirts, both pre-printed and specialtydesigns,and beach stuff along the boardwalk near the center of town. It looked likely to be busy enough to make the time pass quickly. Joe and Bill, the owners, were nice enough guys. I'd partied with them the year before and that was kinda how I got the job. The fact that they were gay didn't bother me in the least. And they were devoted to each other and had been since getting together in college ten years before, which I thought was kinda nice. They didn't need me until the following Monday so I had a few days to party and sun myself. I definitely was going to take advantage of that. That night, I went to the site where the party was being held. It was easy enough to find since the bonfire was quite bright. It was just beyond the town limits so the cops wouldn't hassle us and actually walking distance from the house. I saw the guys I met the day before and got a beer. There was a nice crowd there and some pretty girls. I saw my bosses and went over to say hello. We talked for a while and I was introduced to some other kids my age; Lisa, Jen, Phil, Joey, Mandy, and Karl. they became the main group I hung out with that summer. Mandy and Karl were hot and heavy but the others were uninvolvedand we got along great. The girls were pretty hot and I hoped to sample their wares before the end of the season. The guys were the types to attract lots of chicks too. (Not that I needed too much help there but, after a year and a half,I was out of practice.) Later, I came across Joe. Bill was off watering the bushes. Joe nodded past me and whispered, "Better watch out, man. He's been checking you out." I glanced back and saw the lifeguard! His eyes were uncovered and staring right at me. I didn't know what to do so I just nodded and headed back to the group I was with. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The next morning, I woke up when Jen crawled out of bed. She pulled on the bikini she'd been wearing the night before, grabbed her sweatshirt and kissed me on the nose. "See ya 'round stud." I watched her leave, not a bad vision since she looked a bit like Katie Holmes, then Irolled over and fell asleep again, a big grin on my face. When I did get up, around noon,I pulled on some trunks and headed for the water. It was still cold but definitely woke me up. After laying in the sun for a while, I noticed my lifeguard was sitting in the tower. When did I come to think of him as my lifeguard? And why? A little later, I felt rather than saw someone sit next to me on the sand. I opened my eyes to see the lifeguard smiling at me. I returned the smile as I saw myself reflected in his sunglasses. "Hey, I'm Cal," he stated as he held out his hand. "I've seen you around here recently. And at the party last night." "Yeah, I'm just here for the summer. I'm Billy," I replied as I shook his hand. "So the whole summer at the beach? Kinda sweet." "Yeah, I got a job at the Shirt Shack and my parents rented this beach house over that way," I gestured over my shoulder. "The Shack? Cool. Joe and Bill are great guys. I think you'll enjoy working there." "Me too." "Hey, there's another party tonight over there." He nodded towards the north near where we were last night. "The beginning of the summer, there's always lots of parties." Cal laughed, "Hell, all summer." "Cool. I'll be there. Can I bring my friends?" "Jen and Mandy and the rest? Sure. They probably already know about it anyway. Jen is a real party animal. And a sex fiend, if you get my drift." I must've turned red, because he said, "I guess you do. Well, gotta go. I need to head down the beach and check out. See ya tonight." "Yeah. Thanks, Cal." I was amazed when I realized I was staring at his speedo-clad ass as he walked away. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The party that night was much the same at first. Pretty much the same crowd which I'd see most of the summer. Later, there'd be some younger tourists occasionally but the core crowd stayed pretty much the same. I lost track of Jen but that was okay as we had talked earlier at the Burger Hut (where she worked). We were not a couple or anything, just fuck-buddies if the occasion arose. Which was A-okay with me. I liked her and the sex the night before was great but she was not my ideal woman. Later I found her interests were more wide-ranging than I thought. Some people started to pair up. Many of them sat further from the fire as they started to make out. Some guys got to third base there on the beach. (Later in the summer, I would see guys and gals going all the way off in the shadows.) By this time I was nicely buzzed from some excellent pot someone had brought. I wasn't wasted but I was feeling very good. And I was thoroughly enjoying the party and watching some of the people make out. But I had to remind myself not to stare like a horny loon. What really caught my eye was Jen sitting, in full view of everyone, kissing the lifeguard who blew me off the other day. I was a bit surprised, and enthralled,and it must have showed. Cal came up behind me and placed his hand on my shoulder, "Didn't expect that, huh?" "Not really..." "Yeah, Jen is a nice girl but she likes variety. And Cathy likes brunettes... What about you? You prefer blondes, brunettes, redheads?" "I'm not picky. I like 'em all." Cal's hand slid off my shoulder but rested on my back near my waist. I didn't pull away - to be honest, it felt kind of good there. After several long seconds, it fell away, brushing my ass on the way down. "Same-sex couples obviously don't bother you either." "Nah. If that's what it takes to make you happy, go for it." "Wanna take a walk along the beach?" I froze for a second. That was the line I used that brought that cute little nympho to my bed.The weed wasmaking me needlessly paranoid - one of the few drawbacks to pot, that and munchies.I mentally shrugged, what the hell? It wasn't like I couldn't take care of myself. And Cal, even if he was interested, didn't seem like the type to force himself on anyone. Happily I was right. We strolled along not saying much. The surf was rolling in on our right. After a few hundred yards, Cal stopped at the site of an old beach party. He sat on a log that had been used as a bench near the old firepit. I sat next to him. "Billy, I want to be honest with you. I'm gay. I like guys. A lot. And I like you." He glanced at me, I couldjust make outhis features in the dim moonlight. "I think you might like me too." I sat there quietly. I had no idea what to say. I could deny it but I know I had been looking at him an awful lot. And he was quite handsome. But I had never thought about another guy that way. Until this week. Cal leaned close, whispering, "We won't do anything you don't want to..." Then his lips closed with mine. I sat wide-eyed as I felt his warm, soft lips pressing against mine. After a few seconds, I felt his tongue lick my lips. They fell open and Cal's tongue snaked into my mouth. My tongue met it and I felt a shock of pleasure rush through me. And the buzz was telling me this was very much alright. So was my body asmy trunks were suddenly very tight. Cal's hand slid into my hair, holding my head gently as we kissed. My hands were lying idle in my lap, covering my growing erection. The feel of his tongue dancing with mine was incredible. When he retreated, my tongue followed as if by instinct and now I was kissing another guy. It was one of the best kisses of my life. Our tongues moved back and forth, alternately caressing each other and teasing each other. Cal's free hand slid along my chest and under my shirt to play with my nipples. My hands moved up and cupped his face as I enjoyed my first French kiss with another man. One hand slid back into his soft hair to hold his head as he was holding mine. Our kiss seemed to go on forever but when Cal finally pulled away and looked at me, it was far too short. "Listen, I'm guessing this is your first time doing anything with another man. Am I right?" I nodded with an embarrassed smile. "Okay. I hope you enjoyed that. I think you did." Again I nodded. "I want to do more with you but I need to know that you are ready." "I...I'm not sure..." I wasn't lying either. I really enjoyed kissing Cal and I could feel my dick was rock hard and probably drooling sex? That was a big step for a straight guy. "I understand," Cal said in a voice tinged with sadness and disappointment. He started to stand but I touched his arm and said, "I never said no. I just don't know when...or if I'll be ready for...this." I pulled his face to mine and this time I started the kiss. And, again, the feel of his soft yet strong tongue and the taste of him was incredible. We sat there for quite a while kissing and making small talk when we had to catch our breath. And I have to give Cal credit, he didn't try to do anything more than kiss me. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The next morning, I woke up in my bed, alone, and smiled. Kissing was fun. Then realization crashed down on me as I remembered I had been kissing another guy. That day, I skipped the beach. I actually went into work a day early just to avoid seeing Cal. Stupid, I know but I was only 18 and it was all too new. And there was still all the crap in my head thatI'd heard growing up about fags and queers and cocksuckers. Joe sensed something was wrong. And not just because I was there the day before I was supposed to be. He asked me if there was a problem and I said no. He patted my shoulder and told me that if I ever needed to talk, he would be there for me. So I started my first day at the Shirt Shack. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It was unavoidable in a town of that size and so I did see Cal again. But, fortunately for me since I wasn' t ready to deal with it yet, he didn't see me. The next weekend my family came in. They were going to be there for 10 days so my party days were over for a while. I was happy to see them, even the little brat. I actually took them out to dinner their first night and paid for dinner. And I took them to one of the nicer seafood restaurants in town. Mandy was our waitress and Karl was behind the bar in the attached lounge. Later, Mom and Dad met the rest of my 'crew' including Jen. What killed me (but I managed not to laugh) was how Jen was eying my mother. Now, my parents aren't that old, Dad's forty-two and Mom's thirty-eight. Both are in great shape and, if they weren't my parents, I'd have to acknowledge that they are still fairly attractive. But the thought of Mom even kissing another girl, especially one half her age, much less doing anything more...well, it was nuts as far as I was concerned. The brat was eying Jen but she treated him like the kid he was, but in a nice way. The week passed calmly enough. I only wanted to kill my brother twice. And Mom and Dad were both impressed by my work ethic. They even liked the shop and my bosses. Later Mom said, "I think those boys are gay." She always had an eye for the obvious! When they left, I felt lonely for the rest of the day. I headed into the shop and started silk-screening a special order in the back just to take my mind off the suddenly large and empty beach house. Cal came in while I was working. Instead of the day-glo orange lifeguard garb, he was wearing a dago-t and cutoffs. He looked good too. Several girls and some guys were giving him the eye. He waved and I headed up to the front. Figured I had to get this over with sooner or later. What I hadn't expected as the feelings I had when I got near him. My heart sped up, and not from nervousness because I'd been avoiding him, my palms were getting sweaty and my dick started to harden. (Fortunately I was wearing baggy Bermudas and no one could see.) "Hey Billy! How're you doing? Haven't seen you at the beach much this week," he said casually. Maybe too casually? "Well, uh, my family was in town and...I was, well, entertaining them." "Yeah, I saw them on the beach one day. I could tell they were your family. You favor your dad except for the eyes. And your brother looks just like a younger you." "Ah, he's a creep." "Yeah, well they were all nice to me. I like them. You come from good people." "Listen, Cal... I...I have to tell you..." I looked around and saw some girls near one of the racks so I pulled him back towards the imaging equipment we used. Out of earshot for most people, I continued, "I'm a little... I'm a lot nervous about what happened. I was buzzed and...I guess I wanted to then but..." Cal smiled, "Billy, it's okay. I understand. I'll be honest and tell you I am disappointed - not in you -but I understand." "No, it's not okay. I'm confused and I'm scared but...I like you and I think I... Listen, can you come by tonight so we can talk?" Cal's smile grew and he said, "Sure. And trust me, if talking is all you want, that's all you'll get." "Okay. Great. How about 8?" "See you then. Now, where are the boys? I need to see Joe or Bill about a special order..." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Man, I was nervous that evening. I straightened up the living room, which Mom had done before they left, and the kitchen twice. I even thought about the bedroom then caught myself. That way led me to thoughts I wasn't ready to deal with yet. Finally, it was 8. And no Cal. Suddenly I was nervous. An hour before I would've been relieved but now I was concerned. Just as my paranoia began to take hold, there was a knock at the door. Of course it was Cal. With a suppressed sigh of relief, I let him in. "So, Billy, this is your swinging bachelor's pad? It's pretty nice. Much roomier than my studio downtown." We sat on the couch after I got us some beers. (Dad was cool about my drinking beer as long as I didn't get out of hand.) I offered him some pot but he politely declined. "No. Not now. If we're going to really talk, I think we'd better do it with clear heads." I agreed. Most of the talk was about ourselves and our backgrounds. Cal's wasn't too different than mine except he opted to be a lifeguard rather than go to college full time. I was going full-time in the fall. He also told me he was out and his family, after a brief nasty argument with his father, were cool about it. Before much time had passed, I felt a growing friendship with this former stranger. And, looking back, I was feeling something more that I was afraid to acknowledge. Finally, as the evening wore down, Cal said, "Billy, I'll be totally honest with you. I think you are hot. I'd love to explore your body and let you see just how good I can be. But I also understand that you're not ready for that. And that you may never be ready for that. And that's cool too. "I still want to be your friend. If that's okay." Ignoring the feelings I was finding harder and harder to suppress, I nodded, "That's very okay." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Cal and I began to hang out a lot when we weren't working. It became noticeable to just about everyone. Joey was the only one who came out and asked and I told him we were just friends. He seemed cool about it but I think he was a bit disappointed too. Mom and Dad came back for a weekend after sending the brat off to a summer camp. Dad was only staying for a few days but Mom was planning on staying most of the week. That was fine with me. It might put a crimp in my party life but I did miss them. And I definitely missed Mom's cooking. And my friends came over a lot after hearing how good she was in the kitchen. One night, shortly after everyone left, she asked me about Cal. "He seems pretty nice. Are you two...?" "Mom! No! Jeez, what do you think I am?" "Honey, it's okay. I love you. So does your father. Gay or straight or bi - it doesn't matter to us. And I saw how he was glancing at you. Even if you can't see it, I think he has a crush on you." "Mom!" "What? He's nice, friendly, intelligent, and quite good-looking. If you ever did want to try, I think he'd be your best bet." "Jeez, Mom. Drop it okay?" "All I'm saying is that we all have some wild oats we'd like to sow. Some take that chance and go for it and others spend the rest of their lives regretting not taking the chance." "What? You saying you wanna...fool around on Dad?" "No, honey. I love your father. I'll never sleep with another man. And he knows it. Anyway, we were talking about you." The conversation shifted shortly after that to more comfortable ground but I never forgot the love and support Mom was offering. It meant, and still means, a hell of a lot. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ All this time, I was having dreams and some involuntary fantasies involving men - specifically Cal. The turning point came one morningwhen I found myself consciously jacking off while thinking of Cal. His near naked body on the beach, his wonderful kissing, and how warm he made me feel all the time. The kiss memories did it and I exploded all over my chest and stomach. It was the biggest self-climax of my life. And, as I lay there covered in my own jizz, I made a monumental decision. One I hoped I wouldn't regret. I quickly cleaned up and headed to the beach before going to the Shirt Shack. I was worried that Cal wouldn't be there and I was worried that he would be. There atop the lifeguard platform was the man who had become my fascination and fantasy that summer. I walked up and got his attention. He smiled as he looked down at me, "Hey, Billy. How ya doin'?" I looked at the miniature images of me in his shades as I stood there before finally saying, "I think I'm ready." Cal pulled the glasses off and looked directly at me. "You sure?" I hesitated then nodded, "Yeah. I...I've been thinking about it a lot and..." I know I turned red as I talked. I looked around quickly then said, "I want with you." Cal beamed at me and said, "How 'bout I meet you at the shop? You get off at 7?" I nodded eagerly to both questions. "Okay, then we can see what's what..." He climbed down, took my arm and drug me behind the cinderblock restrooms. Away from prying eyes, he caressed my cheek and kissed me. When I felt his tongue slide against mine, I never wanted the kiss to stop. As we broke, he glanced at my shorts and chuckled. I had a small tent growing there! "See ya soon, stud," he called. That afternoon seemed to drag on and on. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It was getting close to 7 which was closing time for Sundays and no Cal. I wasn't worried but I was anxious. Part of me was still hoping for no Cal and, thus, nothing else. Finally, just as I was ringing out the register, he came in with a big smile on his face. He looked hot too. His blonde hair was mussed from the breeze outside and framed his handsome face nicely. A tight t-shirt showed off his torso to admiring eyes and the tight shorts did little to disguise the treasure between his muscled legs. "Ready?" "Just about. Lemme get this locked up in back." Cal came around the counter and hugged me quickly, "I hope you're still ready." "Y-yes. Uh, I am but..." "Take it slow?" "Yeah, can we?" Cal smiled his assent. We went to grab a bite to eat at one of the dockside seafood places then he led me down the boardwalk. By this time, it was dusk and the lights were coming up. The moon would be rising soon too. Cal stopped at one point, told me to wait and dashed towards one of the lifeguard towers. He rooted around the lockbox at the base of the tower and returned with a small tote bag. "C'mon." Reaching the end of the boardwalk, I naturally assumed we'd head for the beach house. Cal had other plans and led me further along the beach to a somewhat secluded area. It was getting pretty dark by this time but I saw the glow on the horizon as the moon prepared for it's appearance. Opening the tote, Cal took out a bottle and handed it to me along with two plastic glasses. "Hold these a minute, okay?" Then he unfurled a large blanket and spread it on the sand. Taking the bottle back, he set it and the glasses to the side and told me, "Kneel here." I knelt on the side of the blanket as he indicated. He knelt on the other side and proceeded to open the bottle. It was a very nice port, not at all what was usually drunk by the kids along the beach. Cal poured me a glass and then himself. "Billy, I want this to be fun and wonderful for you. If, at any time, you don't want to do something, just say so. Okay?" "Uh, yeah, okay." "Then how 'bout a toast?" Cal raised his glass and said, "To your first time with a man. I hope it is one of the most wonderful experiences of your life." We clicked glasses (kinda hard to clink them when they're plastic) and drank. It was sweet but not like the cheap fruity wines I've had. It was full and quite tasty. I knew I could grow to love it. Cal set his glass aside as did I. As the moon was rising above the water, he peeled off his shirt and his well-defined body shone in the reflected light. I gazed at him as he leaned forward and pulled my shirt off, tossing it aside. He ran his hands lightly down my chest and stomach to my shorts before leaning back. He walked on his knees to me and took my face in his hands. The kiss was soft and wet and full of promise for the night to come. I was moaning into his mouth as our lips and tongues fused in passion. Breaking the kiss, Cal instructed me, "Lay down." Obeying without hesitation, I lay on my back on the blanket. Cal leaned over and pulled my old deck shoes off then moved up and kissed me again. My hands moved through his hair as we kissed and then as he began to kiss down my neck and across my chest. When he got to my nipples, he licked and nipped at them hungrily. I had never had anyone touch my nipples and I was loving it. My body shivered as his mouth worked on me. When he finished with one, he moved over to the other. The slight breeze teased the first, wet nipple making it even more erect. Cal's hand slid down, caressing my stomach and then slipping over the tightness of my shorts. He lightly grasped my hardness and squeezed as he continued to love my nipples. I almost shot off then. Opening my shorts, Cal slipped his hand inside and under my jockeys. I felt his fingers brush mycock and shivered again. He spread the precum around as he kissed his way down my torso, pausing to French kiss my belly button. Reaching my shorts, Cal jerked them off me! I lay there in the moonlight, naked as the day I was born. Cal looked me over from head to foot with a pleased smile on his face. "You have a great body, Billy. And your cock looks so tasty..." He leaned over and kissed me again, his tongue thrusting into my mouth passionately. Then he quickly moved down and took me in his mouth. Oh God! It was heaven! Another man was sucking my dick and he was so good! Better than any girl I had ever been with. His lips and tongue danced over my rock-hard shaft as he cupped my balls in his hand. Cal worshipped my cock, licking it like an ice cream cone then sucking on it like, well, a sucker. His tongue traced my veins then swabbed thoroughly around the mushroom head. When I felt his tongue slip into my tiny hole, I began to spasm. My screams of pleasure echoed out over the water and rebounded from the trees behind us. I didn't care who heard us or what they thought of us. I was in ecstasy. Taking me in his mouth, Cal rode my convulsions as I exploded in his mouth. He didn't lose a drop of my cum either. Cal was looking at me as I opened my eyes. He had a small smile on his face. I grabbed his head and pulled him to me. When I pushed my tongue into his mouth, I was delighted to taste myself. I had never liked the taste of my own cum before but in Cal's mouth it was salty nectar. "I guess I don't need to ask if you liked it," he said with a smirk. I shook my head, "No I didn't like it. I loved it! My God, it was the most incredible thing I have ever experienced! Is it always like that? Always that intense?" A bit sadly, Cal shook his head, "No. Not always. But, with the right lover, it can be great." I didn't know what to say. The idea of lovers scared me a bit at that moment. I think I was still figuring this was a one-time only thing between us, or between me and any guy. Little did I suspect what a Pandora's Box of pleasure Cal had opened in me. He lay on top of me and we kissed some more. I was really getting to love the feel of his mouth. And I already loved how his tongue felt and tasted. We shared some more wine. Both from glasses and from each other's mouth. It was funny but erotic at the same time. Finally, I decided I had a debt to fulfill. By this time, we had rolled around and I was above Cal. I looked at Cal, his handsome face lit by the near-full moon. He was one of the most attractive people I had ever seen. And as I looked into his eyes, I was suddenly not as afraid of the idea of gay love as I had been. I kissed him deeply, thrilling to his tongue and the wetness of his mouth. "I think it's my turn," I said simply after breaking the kiss. Still I was more than a bit nervous. It was a big step. Hell, it was a huge step! But I was ready. And very eager. I grasped his hardness and marveled at how it felt: throbbing warmth and a hardness inside the soft skin. I smiled at him and kissed him softly. Then I moved down and stared at his cock. It was the first I ever saw up close. And definitely the first I'd seen hard (except for my own of course). And it was beautiful. It stood tall and proud above his nest of pubic curls. There was a slight curve to it and the head was larger than the shaft, at least another half inchin circumferenceat the ridge. His head glistened in the moonlight. I stuck my tongue out and touched the spongy head, tasting his salty precum. It was a surprise but a very pleasant one. I lightly laved the whole head, licking up as much of his essence as I could. Then I kissed and sucked on his length, running my tongue around the ridge then under it to the harder shaft. My tongue trailed down to his hair then back up to the head. Now was the moment of truth... I swooped down and took as much of Cal in my mouth as I could. I wasn't very good but he groanedloudly and held my head to his crotch. He managed to ask me to be careful with my teeth. Remembering how he felt, I made a conscious effort to try and emulate him. The sensation of a man's cock in my mouth... The soft skin, the hardness, the spongy head, the heat. It was incredible. I realized I loved the feel of a hard cock in my mouth. And the taste of his precum was getting better and better. If his semen tasted this good, I would be very pleased. (I had tasted myself, naturally, and found it okay but salty. His was musky and wonderful.) Once I learned the basics of pleasuring Cal without hurting him, I began a rhythm of sucking and licking. I also held his balls softly in my hands and played with them. The loose skin began to contract and I felt a change in his pulse through the shaft in my mouth. I knew from personal experience that he was about to come. Cal managed to pull my face and said, "I'm going to come. You don't have to take it in your mouth..." Before he could say more, I was back sucking him. I wanted him to come in my mouth. I wanted to taste and swallow his seed. And in seconds, I was given that gift. Cal's back arced and heerupted with a loud groan and white-hot cum filled my mouth as pulsating jets fired out of his cock. It was delicious! Salty, sweet, tangy, warm. It was nectar of the gods and I was going to take all of it. Swallowing rapidly, I managed to keep up with him as Cal blasted off shot after shot of cum. Finally, with a big sigh, he lay back spent. I licked up the droplets that had leaked out of my mouth and heard him whimper as I touched his tender dick. I murmured an apology as I lay alongside of him. Tracing patterns on his chest, I waited until he opened his eyes then smiled at him. He reached up and laced his fingers through my hair, pulling me to him for a soft, wet kiss. We lay like that for some time as we shared our growing love and lust wordlessly. Finally, I pulled back and said, "It's getting a bit chilly out here. Let's go to my place." Cal jumped to his feet, grabbed his clothes and the blanket. I grabbed mine and the half-empty wine bottle. We dashed up the beach and across the road to the house naked as jaybirds. I fumbled for the keys on the porch. I was starting to get nervous in case someone came by to see us standing there nude. The door opened and Cal pushed me inside. Kicking the door closed while he dropped his clothes, he pinned me to the wall and hungrily kissed me. Of course, I returned the passion as I kissed him back. We stumbled into the master bedroom then on into the attached bathroom. Somehow the shower came on and the water was adjusted so it wasn't too hot or too cold. And somehow we managed to get in together. All without breaking the kiss. We spent some time washing and caressing each other, sharing little kisses along the way. The washing became pretty thorough but extremely exciting. Cal knelt at my feet, kissed my slowly recharging penus, and turned me around. He began to lather up my ass and washed deep into my crack. I jumped when I felt a finger enter me. Nothing had been in me since I was three and had an enema (which I do not have fond memories of, by the way). This was much more interesting than a plastic hose. When a second then a third soapy finger entered me, I was feeling the pressure but also the pleasure. Cal helped me rinse off then directed me to wash him the same way. I stared at his little puckered hole. It was the first I'd really looked at. With girls, I had little interest in their assholes but rather the other hole. Now I was fascinated. I could swear it even winked at me! His ass was so tight around my fingers, I thought one good clench could injure me. And he did clench as he moaned to the probing of my digits. After rinsing and drying off (both activities werelots of fun), we returned to the bedroom and fell onto the king-sized bed to make out. Our naked bodies rubbed against each other and I felt his hardness alongside my own. We were practically one writhing creation of lust being fused from our mouths down to our crotches and on to our entwined legs. Cal pulled back and looked at me seriously. "I want you so much but..." "I'm yours," I said, kissing him as if to prove it. "What I want to docould hurt. And I don't want to hurt you." "You want to fuck me, don't you? Take my gay cherry?" Cal nodded. "Well, I want to give it to you. I know you won't hurt me." Cal kissed me deeply once more than rolled me on my stomach. He kissed my asscheeks, wet, licking kisses. Then he parted my cheeks and began to tongue my anus. It was incredible! Soon I was writhing on the bed as his tongue entered my ass. What a sensation! It was only the second time my ass had been invaded for sexual purposes but it was so different than Cal's fingering. It was softer, wetter, and more taboo. That made it hotter. After reaming me with his tongue for several long, exquisite minutes, he slipped his finger into me. After finger-fucking me slowly, he added a second then third finger. I felt the tightness as my sphincter adjusted to the intruder but the pain was negligible. "I'm ready," I said. "I want you in me. I want your cock in my virgin ass!" Cal growled hungrily and moved on top of me. He had grabbed some baby oil from the bathroom earlierand I felt him lube me up. There was a pause and I knew he was oiling himself. I wished I'd thought to offer to help him. But there was always next time. He pushed the bulbous head of his cock against the tightness of my ass. Even loose, I wasn't quite ready for his girth. When he entered, the pain was intense! I was being torn open. And that's where this story started... Cal stopped pushing when I felt like three yards of red-hot steel was inside me. In truth, it was only a couple of inches. "Do you want me to stop?" he asked, his voice full of concern. I shook my head. I wanted this and I wanted him. I just needed to adjust to the size of my new gay lover. He waited while I adjusted to him. He's such a patient and giving lover. The searing pain finally died and I began to feel the fullness of his cock in me. I knew I could get to like this feeling. I looked back at him and nodded, "I...I think I'm ready for more." He slowly eased more of his cock into my virgin ass and the pain returned but not nearly as intense. And it faded more quickly. The feeling of him in my ass was almost indescribable. He felt ten times larger than life, but it created a feeling of fullness that I never knew I missed. When he was all the way in, I could feel his pubic hair tickling my skin and his cockhead brush my prostate. Ooo man that was so nice! Once he was buried in my, Calbegan a slow, rhythmic thrusting. I began to move in time with him as well. When he pulled back, I moved forward until just the head of his cock was in me. When he pushed forward, I pushed back until he was buried in me. As Cal slowly fucked me, I glanced to the side and saw our reflection in the big mirror over the dresser. It was incredible! Here was this beach god slowly fucking my ass. I tried to memorize the sight, engraving it in my mind forever. Cal began to increase the pace of his thrusts and I tried to keep up. He reached around me and held my rock-hard dick in his hand, pumping me in time to his fucking. "Oh god! You have such a tight ass, Billy! I could fuck you forever! I love this! So tight. So warm. So beautiful." His words, matched by his actions, had me ready to come again. Cal seemed to sense this and picked up speed. He was hitting my little gland and sending skyrockets through me. I could feel my ass clenching around his hardness and I wanted this so-full feeling to go on and on. "Here it comes! I'm cummmmiiiiiinnnnngggg!!!!" Cal shouted. To this day, I swear I felt his hotcum blasting into my ass, coating my insides with his seed. Spurt after spurt hit my prostateand finally I let go, firing into the sheets beneath us. I collapsed and Cal came with me, laying on me, a wonderful living blanket. He kissed my neck and ear as we both basked in the post-orgasmic glow. He rolled to his side, his softening dick pulling out of my stretched ass. I felt a sense of loss as he left me but I knew, when I later looked in his eyes, that I would get to feel him in me again and again. I moved slightly to the side and lay against his chest. I moved my hand idly across his torso and waited for him to open his eyes. He finally did and looked at me. Seeing my huge grin, he smiled back. Nothing was said for several, then I asked, "So, who gets to sleep in the wet spot?" Cal grabbed me and kissed me deeply. "I don't care. I want you to fuck me now." "Okay, but you have to give me some time to recover. That was incredible but I'm wiped out now." "Does this help?" Cal asked, pulling me to him for a long, wet, loving kiss. It did help revive my flagging dick and soon I was nestled deep inside Cal'slovely ass. And his ass was so fine, so wonderfully warm and tight. But what could you expect from two horny men. After all the night was young and so were we. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The next morning, the phone rang. I looked around to see Cal laying next to me, smiling. The sheet and blanket were on the floor and we were laying in the sunshine, our bodies glowing in the morning light. I kissed him lightly then hopped up and grabbed the phone which was in the living room. It was Mom. "Hey Sleepyhead! Did I wake you?" I told her that she had but it was okay. By this time, Cal had come up behind me and was playing with my ass. One hand slid around to grasp me as I tried to talk. When he began to kiss my neck, I had to hiss at him to cut it out. That was a mistake. He came around and looked at me with a wicked smile. When he heard Mom's voice through the receiver he kissed me quickly then knelt in front of me. God help me but I was getting hard! And I was talking to my mother! "Yes, Mom, I'm eating well," I said with a giggle and then ayelp when Cal lightly nipped my cockhead. "You alright dear? Did I catch you at a bad time?" "No. Not all.'m fine..." Cal was giving me a tremendous blow job and I was having a hell of a hard time trying to talk. "Well, I just wanted to tell you that I was planning to come up again this weekend. Just me this time." "O-o-okaaa-aay..." I could hear her smiling over the phone as she said something about needing to deal with some of her own needs and something about Dad understanding. To be honest, at the time, I was kind of distracted by the magic Cal was performing on my dick. "Wh-when will yoooo g-get here?" "Oh, sometime Friday afternoon. But don't worry. You and Cal can have the house to yourselves. I've made plans..." I didn't try to figure out what she was saying and barely managed to mutter,"O-o-kaa-ay. Th-that's f-f-finnnnne." "Love you sweetie," Mom said with a laugh. Then she added, "Tell Cal hi for me." After dropping the phone, I grabbed Cal and pulled him up. But instead of anger, I was overwhelmed with lust. Kissing him thoroughly, I took his hard cock in hand and led him back to the bedroom. Fortunately, we were both off work that day... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Karl came into the Shack with a big smile on his face. He looked at Cal who was waiting for me to get off work then blurted out, "Dude! You won't believe what your mom is doing!" Then he laughed in a Beavis and Butthead way, "Maybe I should say you won't believe who your mom is doing!" "What?!?" "Man, I just saw her kissing Jen. And it wasn't any friendly how-are-you kiss. They were swapping spit and everything! It was so hot!" Cal said, "Karl!" "Oh, sorry dude. Forgot she was your mom for a second." I followed Karl out onto the boardwalk and Cal followed me. On the beach, away from the direct glare of the lights, I saw Mom and Jen kissing like there was no tomorrow! Then I noticed Jen's hand was in Mom's pants! What the hell...? And what had she been saying about wild oats? "Looks like you're not the only one in your family who wants to explore a bit..." Cal said with a smirk. Man I wanted to hit him but I wanted to kiss him even worse. Guess which urge won? The End.

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