Beach Boys

Published on Aug 11, 1999



Boys At The Beach A Martin M Story Based on actual events

Summer was starting to fade as Randy gave up his job so he could join his best friend, Blake, at the beach. Blake's parents gave him permission to stay with their only child at the vacation house just off the boardwalk, but Randy had to work to make money for his college tuition. After talking to his parents, Randy had decided to join Blake at the beginning of August. It would give them a month before they started their senior year of high school.

Randy dreamed all summer about getting to the beach to see his best friend. They'd been best friends since they met at Cub Scouts when they were seven, and they were hardly separable since, until Blake became heavily involved in Boy Scouts and high school athletics. Randy couldn't afford to be as involved as Blake became in scouting, so rather than tell him it was a matter of money, he dropped out. He hated competing against Blake in anything, so he avoided football opting for soccer instead, and he played baseball instead of running track, but they did everything else together.

Blake had become a popular athlete in school, and he was all the things Randy knew he wasn't and never would be. He enjoyed being with Blake because he never treated him like he was inferior, though Randy thought he was. Blake had it all, looks, a body, class, and money, but Randy remained his best friend.

Randy was thrilled by the phone call when Blake's parents asked his parents if he could spend the summer at the beach house with them. Over the years he would often spent weekends at Blake's house, and several times he even went with them on vacations all over the country. They still talked about their thirteenth birthday when they were at Disney World and allowed to go off by themselves every day because they were teenagers.

By the time Randy finally arrived Blake's parents were off to Europe but happy Blake wouldn't be at the beach house alone. It was a pretty big deal for him to be spending the month alone with Blake. Neither of them had any experience with being on their own. Randy neglected to mention to his parents that Blake's parents were in France. It was to be the first time Blake and him would spend a prolonged time alone without curfews or supervision. Randy liked the idea because Blake was so sure of himself and likely to have a lot of mischief they could get themselves into.

Randy often found himself fantasizing about being just like Blake, but it had become more than that after being separated over the summer. It was the first time since they met that they had spent any length of time away from each other. For the first few days it was business as usual, but then Randy found out just how much time they spent together. He couldn't help but notice the large voids in his life that no one else fit into.

Since he gained weight after starting to lift weights for football, Blake looked awesome. Randy felt scrawny when he looked at Blake and how he was growing into a man without him. He would always look for the changes when they went skinny dipping or showered together in school. Randy wrote it off as admiration for a life long friend. All summer he wondered how Blake's muscles would look after two months in the sun.

He often found himself envisioning Blake's body once he started to masturbate. When he was very young, this distressed Randy a great deal. Then he rationalized it was because Blake was always talking about sex, so, when it was time to satisfy his own desire, it was only natural that the images of Blake came to mind, since Randy had no sexual experiences of his own to draw on. He figured he was simply using his friend's bold talk to get him in the right frame of mind to achieve the optimal results.

Randy tried to believe for the longest time that it was only because they were such close friends that Blake's body was the one that he found useful at the time he was working up to his grand finale. It was the dreams that were about more than Blake's body that caused him to ordered Blake to quit talking about the girls he was seeing and especially what they were doing together. Randy was certain this would get his mind off of Blake and sex.

He'd come to embrace the fantasies and dreams during the long separation that year. He knew that's all they were and that's all they could be. Besides, no one else knew what went on inside his head and it had been going on for so long that he accepted it. It would change when he started having experiences of his own. He figured he was a little weird but so what. Life is what it is. He wondered if he would ever have experiences of his own to work with, and those were the thoughts that did trouble him.

It's when he was having these morbid thoughts that one long ago memory always invaded his brain. It was a haunting memory that reinforced all his fantasies about Blake. For the longest time he'd forgotten the incident, but recently the memory became more and more complete. Seven years before, during the summer when he and Blake turned eleven, part of their birthday present was a camping trip to Deep Creek Lake. Blake's father had arranged for a guide to take care of and entertain them for an entire week of camping, fishing, and hiking.

Even though there were only three days that separated the two in age, Randy remembered being bigger and more poised in those days. At the time Randy thought it was because Blake was a pampered only child with no responsibilities and that accounted for his lack of growth. He never mentioned this to Blake because they were best friends and it was okay for him to be any way he wanted to be.

Randy remembered that the trip started with him reminding Blake several times to bring his sleeping bag to the car. His dad made him take his because it got cold in the mountains at night even in July. Randy was always reminding Blake to remember stuff. He was always helping Blake find things he had lost even in his own room. It's the way Blake was. After reminding him three times, Blake still forgot the sleeping bag.

When the temperature plunged to the upper forties the first night, Blake ended up climbing into Randy's sleeping bag in the middle of the night. The difficulty with this action was that Blake slept nude and Randy never did because he lived with his mother and three sisters in the house. He didn't dare get naked except in the bathroom and then he waited until he was in the tub with the curtain closed before tossing out his underwear. After getting wet and starting to lather up, he'd suspected he had forgotten to lock the door, and he would imagine his sisters and mother pulling the curtain back to ask him what he was doing. It made him feel quite uncomfortable to have his best friend naked inside his sleeping bag with him. It also made him feel something else.

"Blake, if you're going to sleep with me put on your underwear," Randy had told him.

"It's too cold," Blake said, sounding too sleepy to cope, "And I don't know where they are. You find them for me."

"We're eleven now and we shouldn't be sleeping naked together," Randy told him.

"We aren't naked together. I'm naked together, and I'm tired so shut up. If it makes you feel better take yours off and we'll be even."

Randy figured that if he did take his off it wouldn't take Blake long to get his back on. Without further thought he slid out of his underwear. He knew Blake had been sleeping naked since he was seven when He started sleeping over at his house on weekends so they could escape his sisters constant scrutiny, but this was the first time they were in the same sleeping bag with him naked.

"See. Isn't that warmer?" Blake said, putting his face against Randy's chest. "I was freezing. You getting any hair down there?"

"What?" Randy said alarmed, since he had notice Blake was sprouting a lot of dark hair around his dick.

"Me and a couple other guys are getting hairy on our peckers. You're always so careful not to get naked, I was just wondering if you were too," Blake said. "Getting hair down there. A guy ought to know if his best friend has hair on his pecker or not."

"Yeah, since last year. You got more than me though," Randy said, having remembered from looking at Blake being naked at night.

"I got darker hair. It's easier to see. Blondes may have more fun but its us dark haired boys got big dicks," Blake said.

"Mine's bigger than yours," Randy said in defense of his manhood.

"Isn't either. How do you know?" he asked. "Mine's biggest of all the guys except Alan. That fuckers big as my old man already. He's a year older though. You think we'll have big ones when we are twelve?"

"How do you know all this stuff?" Randy asked.

"I seen my old man going to take a piss with his pecker hard," Blake assured him.

"No, about Alan. I never saw his," Randy said.

"Alan hangs at the golf club. I go over with my old man. When he's playing golf we skinny dip at the pond. You'd know more if you weren't so damn shy."

"Naked?" Randy said. "You don't wear suits. What if woman come?"

"Sure, more fun naked. No one goes back there, especially girls."

"You are naked a lot."

"You been looking or something?" Blake asked.

"Can't miss what's in front of your nose. How do you know how big Alan's gets."

"He showed me. He shows everyone. I wouldn't show him mine hard because his is so big. You think we'll be that big next year?"

"I don't know. Maybe. Did you touch it?" Randy asked.

"Shut up! What do you think I am?"

"You know everything else about him. I figured you'd want to know what it felt like to have one like that. You know, curious about it."

"Yeah! I was. Put yours next to mine and we'll see who's got the biggest. I know mine's bigger than yours," Blake said. "Alan says mine's pretty big for my age."

Randy could never forget how it felt when Blake touched him. At first he was shocked when he held their dicks together, but he became excited before he could tell Blake they shouldn't be doing that. The longer he went without saying anything, the more excited he became, and the harder it became to say don't. With Blake moving his hand around on him, Randy decided that if it was good enough for his best friend in the entire world, it must be okay for him too. Now, after years of worrying, he was certain the camping trip is where the fantasies and dreams about Blake started.

"It might be slightly bigger," Blake had said to him. "Might not too."

"I know mine is," Randy said, using his hand to compare them fairly. "I see yours enough to know mine is bigger."

Blake had picked that exact instant, when Randy was getting into their new game, to decide it was time to wrestle. Being sure Randy was going to declare his own larger, and not wanting to hear it, wrestling became the answer. Blake was sure, if his wasn't bigger, at least it was better. He didn't seem to remember that Randy always overpowered him at wrestling.

The usual result was Randy holding him down until he said uncle or the equivalent, "get the fuck off me." Blake always complained that Randy was bigger and that gave him a totally unfair advantage. They struggled in the confines of the bag and Randy knew their naked bodies were rubbing together in a way that made this new game even more exciting than the one Blake interrupted. At first he felt somewhat embarrassed about wrestling with Blake while they were naked, but it felt good enough that he didn't want to stop.

Since Blake didn't seem to be in the mood to complain, Randy stayed on top of him, waiting for him to give up. To the victor goes the spoils, Randy reasoned, and it was only fair that Blake be forced to submit to the ritual humiliation of being controlled by a superior force. When he lost, he was always subjected to the Indian hair rub or to a pink belly that Randy would give him for daring to challenge the "champ".

This time it would be the full body rub. Randy was expecting complaining and giggling to start because he was never very convincing about punishing Blake for taking him on. Blake often giggled while being humiliated because Randy tried to sound rough and mean, but it was always the part that was the most fun for Blake, because he knew Randy would never do anything to hurt him. Randy was bigger and stronger but he never made a big deal about it even when Blake forced him to wrestle. It made Blake feel small and weak to get beat all the time, but it made him feel really good that he had a friend that never made fun of him or cut him when he lost.

It was warm and comfortable using his friend to replace his missing mattress. He stayed in place waiting for Blake to realize he could roll him off or even say the words for him to stop. He laid on top of him waiting for the protest that never came, and so they stayed that way much of the night. They both woke up just long enough to rub their bodies together for awhile longer and then falling back asleep.

They woke up confused and concerned about what this would do to their friendship. It seemed really neat at the time but facing each other and talking about what they did together scared both of them. Therefore it wasn't mentioned as they fished, swam, and took the canoe down the lake. They both felt the weight that comes with growing up and discovering the things their bodies could do. They both vowed to themselves to never let anything like that happen between them again.

They went to bed in separate parts of the tent that night, and the one thing Randy did noticed was Blake wearing underwear. He became convinced that their friendship had been damaged by what he did to Blake after they wrestled the night before. If Blake had liked it as much as he did, he wouldn't be wearing underwear and sleeping over there. Randy couldn't sleep and he felt bad and worried that they would go their separate ways when the camping trip ended. He wondered why he let that happen.

After staying awake for what seemed like house, Randy took off his underwear, trying to recreate the feelings he had the night before when he was rubbing himself against Blake. He never slept at all after he started to explore how best to stimulate himself. He looked over at Blake who seemed perfectly still in the near pitch black of the tent. Would he ask to go home tomorrow, Randy worried. He realized how stupid it was to do what he had done to his best friend. Why didn't he just roll over and go to sleep? Why did he keep rubbing against Blake like that? The worst part of all was how good he remembered it felt and how much he wanted to do it again. He kept playing with himself thinking it would take his mind off what he had done with Blake but it only made matters worse. He couldn't stop trying to duplicate that wonderful feeling he'd found with his friend.

It was some time long after they went to bed that he noticed the cold. It was just like the night before, and it was, because that's when Blake climbed into the sleeping bag with him for the second night in a row and without warning. Randy couldn't see him but he did know he came without his underwear and he knew that could only mean one thing. He was shivering and shaking as he wrapped his arms around Randy, placing his face in the middle of his chest while he pushed his underwear down as far as he could. This time it was a silent transaction with both of them understand what they needed to do.

Blake used his hand on Randy, being far more aggressive than he was the night before. He felt him carefully before wrapping his hand around it to pull on it the same way Randy was doing to himself a few minutes before. Blake took his time in using his hands to explore Randy, and Randy duplicated all the moves his friend made. After a complete warm up, Blake decided it was time to wrestle, only he more pulled Randy on top of him so they could take up where they had left off the night before.

They followed a similar routine with Blake becoming more involved this time, rubbing his body against Randy's with the same intensity Randy used on him. They both became more comfortable being equal partners in this new style of wrestling. There was just no loser in this sport.

After both of them fell asleep stacked together, Randy woke up with Blake on his stomach under him. It took no time at all for Randy to discovered there was an advantage in being on top of Blake that way. They created a rhythm that allowed them to work together in a harmony they'd never known before. This time it was Randy that wrapped his arms around Blake. They fell asleep that way after wearing themselves out. The chilly air never bothered either of them that night.

The nights warmed up after that and Blake did not visit Randy's sleeping bag again. They went home at the end of the week and never mentioned Deep Creek Lake, the trip, or the all night wrestling matches again. They both decided it would be best to push those memories out of their minds. It was a discovery that they made together but further explorations would be done elsewhere. Neither wanted to risk damaging a friendship that went back as far as they could remember.

Only infrequent images concerning that weekend came to mind until just recently for Randy, and then he'd found himself thinking through the entire experience during the bus ride. He wondered why, at eighteen these feelings and thoughts were becoming more powerful instead of staying buried in the distant past.

When Randy arrived, Blake spent hours talking about his conquests and how he used his days to bask in the sun and play in the surf while his nights were spent chasing vacationing ladies up and down the boardwalk. Randy listened to his friend enviously, wishing his parents were rich so he didn't need to work all summer and miss out on the fun.

He'd been excited the entire time he was on the bus. It became clear it was more than the thrill of seeing his friend. There was no doubt left in his own mind that he was having sexual feelings about being alone with Blake. It was one of his fantasies and so it didn't surprise him that his feelings became more intense as he got closer to the beach. He was accustomed to the images and the feelings they encouraged deep inside him. They also never failed to give him feelings of guilty while further confusing him about why he felt what he felt.

Life was what it is after all, he often thought, while thinking about Blake. It's just that he never expected that after all this time, he'd be having more and more intense dreams about his one and only sexual experience. At the time it was happening he hadn't even know it was a sexual experience. He thought they had merely been best friends that had just found a new way to make each other feel good.

When Blake hugged him at the bus station, he knew everything would be okay. He didn't lose control and throw him on the ground and rape him, not that he could any longer, but he felt that it was a good sign that he didn't try. After two months Blake had forgotten the agreement not to talk about his sexual exploits. He seemed to have a need to share his experiences with Randy, and Randy knew that hearing about it wasn't the problem.

Times sure had changed from when they were kids. Blake shot up at thirteen, lifting weights and playing football to build his body up by the time he reached high school. Randy was almost fifteen when he finally sprouted to within two inches of his friend, but Blake made him look like a runt now. They had never wrestled together again after the camping trip, and Blake started talking about girls a few months later, and he was still talking about them.

The fact Blake was always talking about doing it couldn't help matters. That had Randy thinking about sex a lot when he was with Blake. He knew that he must have been transferring Blake's preoccupation with sex to his own desires. He was certain it was one of those stages people talk about going through. He sure would be glad when this one was over. As he grew older it had become increasingly more difficult for him to rationalize away the feelings he didn't want to face and didn't understand. This time he was sure it was the separation that triggered the old fantasies, and now that they were back together, things would calm down for him.

After having sandwiches for lunch, they both got their bathing suits on after Blake showed Randy to his bedroom down the hall from his on the upper floor. Randy couldn't wait to meet all the girls he'd been hearing about, but when Blake saw his bathing suit things started going bad. First he screamed as though he'd been stabbed or worse, putting his hands up to his face in mocked horror, he declared,

"You aren't wearing that thing to the beach, are you? I have a reputation, Ran. Come on upstairs. I've got one you can wear. Where did you get those disgusting thing? The fashion police would be on you like stink on shit."

Randy always did what Blake said concerning what he wore, because he was popular with everyone and in the know. Following him to his bedroom for a lesson in bathing suit fashion, he couldn't for the life of him understand what was wrong with his bathing suit. He'd been wearing it for years with no problems.

Blake went to his dresser and was tossing things out of each drawer with things falling on the bed, the floor, and on the nightstand like a sudden summer shower had just struck. Randy watched, amused as the clothes were landing all over the room as Blake emptied each drawer one at a time.

"Fuck, they're all dirty. I can't give you a pair of my dirty trunks. I don't believe it, mom's only been gone a week. I must have twenty sets of swim trunks. I know I have more stuff than that. Here, wear these. I just put them on a minute ago. This is my last clean suit. I'll get the pair I put on yesterday, you can't wear those awful things, that's for sure. Do you know how to do laundry?" he said, dropping his bathing suit to the floor and stepping out of them while looking around the room at all the clothing he'd just distributed.

"Yeah," Randy said, knowing he wasn't listening. "I can do a load."

"Don't be doing nothing with no load until I find my bathing suit."

Blake had a thick black patch and he hung down quite a ways as he wandered around the room kicking piles of clothes as he went. Randy followed him with his eyes admiring the tan that was a lot more obvious when he was naked.

"I guess I'll just have to go like this. Cuts down the time it takes to attract the women," he said.

"Yeah! Cops too," Randy said.

"Ladies'll protect me from the cops to get a piece of this," Blake said, holding himself up in his fist as he kept wandering in the mess. "Now you know why you aren't sleeping in here with me. I'd lose you the second night. You might never find your way out. Haven't changed my sheets since mom left. Besides, I still sleep naked. We're getting a little old to be naked in bed together."

"It's cool. My room is fine. Wouldn't want to cramp your style with the ladies," Randy said. "Doesn't bother me one way or the other."

Randy had memorized the way the hair grew on the insides of his legs by the time he was making his second pass around the room. He took mental notes at how his hairless sac hung, and the way the balls were outlined for his easy viewing. Blake's dick was narrower than his was, but Blake's was longer when he was soft. Randy had always tried to catch a glimpse of his package when he was on a bone, but Blake somehow managed to keep him from seeing it completely erect. It was a dick to be proud of and Randy always admired it when he could. He knew Blake was a stud.

When Blake leaned over to seize his dirty swimming trunks off the floor, it gave Randy a perfect view of the black hair that lined his crack as well as a glimpse of the dark tan hole that seemed to be untouched by the plentiful hair in the region. He fought off the urge to step closer to see more and while he considered that action, Blake was quickly up and turned around, catching Randy looking at him closely. Randy casually took it all in for as long as possible, letting his eyes ease up Blake's torso until they were eyeball to eyeball.

"Come on, dude. I don't let just anyone get into my pants," Blake said, laughing at his joke.

Randy dropped his trunks and it was Blake's turn to check him out. It was when he bent to pick up the bathing suit near Blake's feet that he realized his dick would be right where Blake's had been a minute ago. That's all the imagery it took. Before he stood up he was hard and they took a few seconds to stare at each other because of it. Randy didn't remember ever being hard in front of anyone.

He felt a whole lot more naked than Blake did, not that nudity ever bothered Blake. Randy tried to yank up the bathing suit as quickly as possible to hide his erection from Blake's penetrating eyes. Flustered by his condition, he turned sideways dancing on one foot as he tried to get the suit up, but Blake's thinner waistline assured the trunks would hang up under his balls as they became bogged down on his rounder ass. The obstruction forced his dick to stand straight out of his modest brown patch as his friend's view of his erect package remained unobstructed.

"You might want to untie the string, Ran. My waist is only twenty-nine. Fuck dude, we're going to have to get you laid for sure. I never saw a guy need it more than you," he said, casually while he analyzed the situation. "You can keep those trunks by the way. I don't want them after another guy got all hard up in them. You been laid yet?"

"No. Does it look like I'm getting laid," Randy said, turning red as he fumbled with the string tucked firmly up under his balls as his dick throbbed because he knew Blake was standing there staring at it. "I been on the bus all morning. That always makes me hard up. Sorry about that. God damn string. Why do you put knots in the fuckers?" He yelled as he yanked against the knots.

"Here, Ran, push them down to your knees so I don't get into your equipment there. My fingernails are longer," he said as he kneeled in front of Randy after he pushed the suit back down. "We all get that way. You know it doesn't bother me none. You got to learn to lighten up some. You got to learn to go with the flow, Ran. You're on vacation, okay. Let's just have fun and not get angry with each other."

"Easy for you to say. I'm the one with the fucking hard-on and can't even get the god damn suit up," he said.

"There. Pull 'em up. Sorry I'm so fucking thin. You always did have more ass than me," Blake said. "Look, I got some of the old man's porn collection out so we could watch them while you were here. We can go down and I'll put one on, and I'll leave you alone so you can go ahead and take care of that problem of yours. Then, we'll go out and find you a babe so you don't need to take care of it yourself from now on," Blake said, patting Randy's back as he tied a neat bow in the bathing suit strings.

"It was the bus ride. I don't need to jerk off. We're going to the beach if you ever decide to get your suit on."

"Suit yourself. We'll get you laid. It would be a shame to waste all that dick while your here. Babe's'll be thrilled to get a hold of that hummer. You are a stud, Ran, my man," Blake said as he slipped his own suit up, neatly pressing his dick under the waistband.

"You're full of it, Blake. You got more dick than I do," Randy said, feeling somewhat relieved Blake didn't freak out over his condition.

"You got plenty for getting laid, dude. The ladies all love those fat fuckers. I wish mine wasn't quite so long and was thick like you are. We all get hard up. No big thing. Usually anyway. In this case it was though. A big thing, I mean, you know. It was!"

"You're still full of shit I see," Randy said, being made to feel better by Blake's playfulness.

"God, I was afraid you thought I had grown up and matured on you because we turned eighteen last month. Not in this lifetime. Pussy, brew, and you, Ran, my man. I've waited all summer for you to get here so we could give the ladies hell. They'll be talking about us for a long time after we're back in school. We're men now and it's time we act like men. Lock up your daughters, the dynamic duo is on the prowl, Ye hah!"

Chapter 2 Blake Finds A New Friend

Writers Realm 1999. All Rights Reserved. Martin M.

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