Beach Tales

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jun 16, 2006


BEACH TALES by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written on October 23 rd 1994 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Brian


"BEACH TALES" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


The town council, on each summer for three years, held the "Miss Undine" contest for all the vacationer girls of age between sixteen and twenty-two. The prizes are quite enticing and this year there will also be the national TV. Therefore competitors are numerous. And several are also markedly beautiful.

Preparations are at their height. At the Excelsior Hotel Bar, the most luxurious of the town, there is a young couple - he is elegant, wears designer clothing, he evidently cares for his appearance, and is a really handsome twenty-five-year- old youth, oozing health and wealth. She is eighteen, is quite nicely shaped, has a sensual body, an angel's face. He is caressing her arm, looks at her with a possessive but tender smile, she lightly caresses his hand, but has a slightly sulky expression. They are talking in a low voice, but not low enough.

"I want to win, do you understand?"

"Darling, tomorrow you'll be the winner, I'm certain about that, but if you don't... You know I can give you the same things, don't you?"

"But it's not the same, can't you understand? If I win... this year there is also the national TV. I told you, if I made love with you only to get all those things, it would be like selling my body... If on the contrary I win..."

"If you win... will you at last really make love with me?"

"Certainly yes. I told you, didn't I? You know I like you a lot, don't you? But this is a matter of principles."

"You'll win, darling, I'm sure. You are so beautiful!"

"You say so only because I'm your girlfriend. But the Jury... And mainly the Contest Judge..."

Yes, because this year the Jury will choose the ten most beautiful girls, but the winner will be decided by one only Judge - a personality, still unknown, from the show world. Then the jury will award the lesser prizes.

The two youths continue to discuss, unawares of being carefully overheard by a refined and elegant gentleman in his forties, wearing a dark grey suit lightly striped in light grey, who is sitting at their back, and is pretending he's reading a newspaper.

The girl checks her wristwatch, "Oh my god, love! The appointment with the hotel hairdresser, I have to run! Where can I find you, later?"

"What time will you be done?"

"Oh... possibly at one o'clock."

"Good. I'll wait for you in front of the restaurant, then. Is it ok, darling?"

"Yes. Ciao." She says, gives him a quick kiss on his lips and runs away.

The gentleman folds his newspaper.

While the boy is standing up, also the man stands up and approaches him. "Excuse me, but unwillingly I overheard your conversation. Your fiancée is contesting in the Miss Undine Contest, isn't she?"

"Yes..." the boy says, studying the man, dubiously.

"I guessed so even before hearing you. She is really beautiful."


"And... she is very keen in wanting to win, obviously, am I right?"

"Of course..."

"Yes," the elegant man says with a smile, "Let's go out for a walk, shall we?"

"Actually... we don't know each other..."

"You are right... I would like to introduce myself but, you see, I promised I would remain incognito until contest day." the man says with a smile.

The young man widens his eyes, "You are, by chance..."

"Shush! Please..." the man hastily interrupts him, knitting his brows and shaking his head.

"Yes, of course..." the boy says, now looking at the man with interest and attention.

They go out. The boy, hesitant, asks, "In your opinion... my girlfriend..."

"She is really beautiful."

"Yes, she is... But... do you think... she could be the winner?"

"I would be amazed if she was not amongst the ten..."

"I saw the other contestants, I'm sure that..."

"I too am."

"But this is not enough. Two or three of the girls could also be chosen. I mean... To me, of course, she is the most beautiful, but... What do you think?"

"You both really want it, right?"

"Well, sure... she would be so happy, and..."

"And make you happy as a consequence, right? I've heard the promise she made you, I can understand your interest..."

The boy blushes but nods in assent with a certain pride.

"Bah, you can only wait for the end of the contest and cross your fingers..."

"Yes, but... it is really important to me. If only I could do something. What can I do for you, to grant her the victory?" the boy asks with a casual tone, but looking intensely in the man's eyes.

"Bah, are you asking me?" the man says with a smile and shakes his head.

"Well... you are a worldly man, I think you can give me a good advice. I don't lack means, for sure, so if I could do something..."

"And, for instance, what would you be ready to do?" the man asks, studying him, but with an encouraging smile.

The boy understands that the man has understood, "I don't know, at once, but... all that is in my power, certainly..."

"For instance? You can freely talk, we are worldly people, aren't we? For instance? Just for a talk between men, of course..." the man encourages him with a smile full of complicity.

"We could go doing some shopping, you and I..." the boy tries.

"Bah. You know, this is a small town, there are not so interesting shops..." the man says.

"Well, the jeweler near the town hall... they have nice Rolex, and also other valuable items, believe me..."

"No, I don't think it's a good idea..."

"I don't know... in my place, what would you do, then? Give me some ideas, then, please."

"You possess something that could entice many men..."

"Yes? What? My custom-built car, perhaps?" the boy asks with some apprehension.


"So then? Ah, a cheque?" the boy now proposes clearly, looking in the man's eyes with an artful look.

"No... come on!" the man says, with an almost offended expression.

The boy bites his tongue, but he collects himself, "Please, tell me, I really don't know... Tell me, anything..."

"Anything! You speak without thinking, you youths. Anything!"

"You said I have something that could... What is it?"

"It is your beauty." the man says, looking straight in the boy's eyes, with a serious expression.

"My... I don't understand, it's she the one to contest, not I..."

"But you are a real beautiful boy, fascinating, sexy. I like you..." the man says in a low, but clear voice.

The boy blushes, he understood, "I... really..."

"Don't you care she wins and therefore... gives you what she promised?"

"Yes, of course... but..." the boy says, nervously.

"So, then... Just once with me, versus who knows how many times with her... I think it's a reasonable price to pay, don't you think?"

"But I..." the boy fends off, embarrassed.

"Well, let's forget it. We never met. We never talked. There are other girls really beautiful, and with boyfriends less irresolute and more available than you..." the man says with lack of concern.

"No, wait. It's just that I... I didn't think about such a possibility and... but just once, perhaps..." the boy says, visibly torn.

"At one o'clock you will be with her, and inside yourself you will know that you are at the side of Miss Undine..." the man says, tempting.

"Well... sure... it would be great... Just once, you said..."

"Yes, sure, just once, a couple of hours, what can that be for you? A small sacrifice for a great prize." the man says, always looking straight in the boy's eyes.

The boy hesitates a long while. "Where?" he then asks at the end, with a soft voice.

The man takes him back to the hotel - they both have a room there. They go upstairs without problems, at the boy's room - a small, elegant double bed room at the seventh floor. The boy closes the door with the key. They go near the bed. The man starts to undress the young man and himself. The boy lets him do so, terribly embarrassed. The man smiles and while undressing him, caresses his beautiful body, then pushes him on the bed and climbs on top of him.

He knells between the boy's legs and tries to spread them.

The boy resists him, "Hey, aren't you..." he says startled.

"Sure, why not? What you will later do with your girl, I want to do now with you."


"Come on! Just once we said."

"No... listen... I can give you a blow-job..." the boy murmurs, blushing like a tomato.

"That also, why not." the man says with a smile, "But after I want also fuck your nice ass."

"No... not that..." the boy moans shaking his head.

"Listen, it's you who said you were ready to do anything. If it's not so, I'll leave and you can forget it." the man says impatiently making as if to leave the bed.

"No, wait..." the boy says, stopping him, "if... if this is the price... at this point... you can... do as you please..."

"Good boy. What's your name?"

"Filiberto... Fil..."

"Good, Fil. Start with a nice blow job, then." he says guiding the boy's head to his groin.

The boy busies himself. He's not bad. The man seizes the boy's member and starts to wank him. Meanwhile, wetting his finger with his spittle, he starts to tease the boy's anus. Fil stiffens, but he continues to suck. After a while the man makes Fil get on all fours and kneels behind him.

"It will hurt..." the boy says, trembling.

"It could. It's your first time, isn't it?"

"Yes, of course."

"I'll lube it abundantly with my spittle, but you have to... endure and... you must relax, so you'll feel less pain." the man says.

He wears a condom, then with his spittle prepares the boy for the final act. He feels the boy trembling under the double ministration of his hands on his genitals and on his anus. He goes toward him, puts his hard tool between the small, firm and inviolate cheeks, and pushes.

"Ouuuuchh..." the boy says, stiffening all his muscles.

"Relax!" the man says curtly, pushing with more energy.

"No, no... it hurts!"

"You love her, Fil? You want to fuck her?" the man says taking his hips with force and pulling the boy to himself while he pushes with increased strength.

"Yes, but... ouuuch!"

"Relax... and don't shout or you will be heard..." the man says giving him another strong stroke.

"Ouuuuuuuch!" the youth yells.

The man puts his hand on the boy's mouth and gives him a stronger push.

"Mmmh! Mmh! Mmmmh..." Filiberto groans, wriggling.

But at this point the man has stormed him, is conquering him centimeter after centimeter and when he is inside to the hilt, he starts to hammer into the young man's channel methodically, vigorously. The youth's whole body is covered by small sweat droplets. The man sees reflected on the wardrobe mirror the beautiful manly face of the youth, contracted in a grimace, but he perceives also waves of pleasure surfacing in Fil's expression.

Filiberto hopes it will not take too long, he feels his anus aflame and his brain empty. But the man, even though he is fucking him with real gusto, seems to be tireless. The youth trembles, he clutches the sheets with his hands and does his best to relax, uselessly. The man has a triumphant, pleased expression, his strong sinewy body darts at each stroke... and finally, after a ride that seemed endless, he unloads in the very tight channel of the boy with a long moan of intense pleasure, holding the boy's body tightly against himself. Then he relaxes, panting, and, sated, he leaves the youth and gets out of the bed.

They dress again, in silence, The youth has the expression of a beaten dog.

The man ruffles the boy's hair and says, "Good. Now write down the name of your girlfriend for me, Fil."

The boy tidies his hair, then writes his girlfriends name on the paper the man gave him.

"You assure me that..."

"Of course, don't worry, Filiberto. I will not forget what you did for your Stefania. I'll decide she's the best, my word."

"Thank you." the youth mumbles.

"Don't tell her, obviously."

"No, obviously not."

"And pretend you don't know me, if we meet before the contest."

"Of course. Thank you..."

"Thank you to you, Filiberto. It has been a real... pleasure, meeting you."

The day after, all the girls are in a row on the stage - they are all glowing with beauty and very excited. Stefania searches with her eyes for her boyfriend. Yes, if she wins, she will surrender to him. But, of course only if she wins. He seems so certain... possibly, she thinks, that assurance comes from the fact that he slipped some envelopes under the counter to ensure her win - after all he is loaded with money, isn't he? Money has to be used for one's goals, right?

Filiberto, sitting in the first row, looks at his Stefania with adoring eyes - today he will have her, at last. She will win and so she will accept to go to his bedroom - yes, he was right to have booked a double bed room! And even though his ass is still somewhat painful, he will totally forget that pain when he will be in her arms, this same day, after the parties, in bed...

The announcer is calling the names of the members of the Jury who march past the stage amongst the applauses and take their seats. Then after drum rolls and trumpet blaring enters the stage, framed by floodlights, the Only Judge - he is the idol of all the youths, the announcer says, he his the actor Massimo Vertmüller! He takes the mike and greets the audience, which is in frenzy.

Filberto feels he is fainting, he turns pale, he trembles. "Ohmygod! That's not possible! Who then... who was that man that I... that did... that I let do..."

All for nothing! It's the phrase to say he had been fucked, really and metaphorically. And he, like a real idiot, even thanked him twice. Now he can only hope she wins all the same, so at least he can forget that misadventure. He let himself be tricked like a greenhorn; he fell in the man's web like a dumbass. His ass now seems to be hurting even more, it seems to burn not only for that solid fuck, but even more for the swindle he had been subjected to.

On the express train running towards the south, a roughly forty-year-old traveling salesman, in his elegant dark grey suit lightly striped in light grey, looks at some notes about his next stop. A piece of paper slips out and falls on the floor. He takes it. Looks, reads it, sees the name written on it and smiles. He looks at his watch - it's almost time...

"Bah, yes, I'll choose your Stefania, Filiberto..." he murmurs putting the paper with the girls name in his pocket. He closes his eyes and recalls the beautiful, manly body he subdued to his yen, the intense orgasm he had in it and thinks that a similar chance will never happen again.

"Ah, Filiberto, beautiful, rich and naive boy. I really hope, with all my heart, your Stefania will be elected Miss Undine - after all you deserve that..." and he thinks that the day after he has to buy the newspaper to check who is the new Miss Undine...


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back (really appreciated, be it positive or negative), please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 11

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