Beach Tales

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jun 22, 2006


BEACH TALES by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written on October 23 rd 1994 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Brian


"BEACH TALES" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Oreste is sitting on the beach with his friends. He is twenty-two-years-old, has a firm, virile body, a face not really beautiful but interesting and, his particular pride, a generous lump in his tight bathing-suit. He is a real "tombeur de femmes", a womanizer, and he often boasts about this skill. In reality, up to now, very few of the girls he had designs on, resisted him. Also because, if they resisted his advances, Oreste put all his skills into effect, until he succeeds in having them surrender to his desires. He is able to be patient and insistent enough, naively sincere or a subtle liar when needed, he is able to show being at times sweet at times aggressive, according the situation...

Oreste sees a girl in a bikini passing nearby. He follows her with his eyes - he finds her really beautiful, or to better say, fascinating.

"She's goooood" a friend says, following the direction Oreste's gaze.

"Goood, yes! I want to have her..." Oreste murmurs, determined.

"Eeeeh! That one will never be game!" another says.

"You know her? What's her name?" Oreste asks.

"Only by sight. Her name is Grazia. She comes every year, but she never gets too familiar with anybody. She's cold like an icicle."

"Is she with somebody?" Oreste asks.

"No, she's always alone. She greets here and there, but... I never saw her elsewhere, not even at the dancing at night. She always reads, or rather, studies..."

Oreste notices where she is sitting.

"Exploratory mission..." he announces to his friends, standing up.

"Hey, what, aren't you playing cards with us?" one of the friends asks, showing the poker cards.

"No... there are more important and amusing games."

"With that one, you'll only waste your time."

"We will see." Oreste says.

He passes in front of her and looks. She is reading and doesn't even notice him. Oreste continues to walk. Two kids are playing with a ball. Oreste knocks together a plan.

He places himself at the right spot and says, "Hey, boy, shoot the ball to me, let's see if I'm able to stop it..."

The boy looks at him, nods, kicks with all his means. Oreste moves aside just a little, the ball goes beyond him and hits the girl's bag.

"Oh, sorry... I'm really sorry..." Oreste says to her while rushing to take the ball. He throws it to the boy, "Be careful when you shoot, boy!" he shouts at him then, addressing the girl, he asks with an apparently embarrassed smile, "Are you studying? Did we interrupt you?"

"Don't mind, I was just reading..."

"A novel?" Oreste asks, crouching near her deck chair.

"No, developmental psychology of middle school children..."

"Goodness gracious! What are you, a teacher?"

"A student... I'm preparing my doctoral thesis."

"I'm then disturbing you..." Oreste says but without making as if to leave. She doesn't answer and starts to read again. "Well, I'll leave you in peace, then... Oh, by the way, my name is Oreste. And you?"

"Grazia. How do you do."

"A fitting name, you are full of grace..." The girl gives a fleeting smile but doesn't give him rope. "Well, ciao, Grazia. Sorry having bothered you."

"Ciao..." she says resuming her reading at once.

A hard nut to crack, thinks Oreste going away. But now the ice is broken, he says to himself, and already thinks how to approach her again. From his beach- umbrella, while playing with his friends, he doesn't stop keeping an eye on her a single moment. She goes to swim. Oreste runs at once to the sea, dives and vigorously swims outflanking her without losing sight of her, and swims so that he can intercept her out at sea. Here she is... Oreste swims under-water and surfaces with a perfect sense of timing right in front of her.

"Oh! Grazia!" he exclaims assuming a surprised expression.

"Ah, ciao." she says.

"You like swimming?" he asks.

"Yes, rather. Well... amuse yourself..." she says and resumes swimming, moving away from him.

Oreste doesn't follow her - things are to be done gradually. He must just connive so that their "casual" meetings increase. He greets her with a smile, they exchange just a few words. He skillfully intercepts her while she is going to the drinks kiosk.

"Oh, Grazia, ciao. May I offer you a drink?"

"No, thank you." she answers with a gentle voice but a cold tone.

"Well... I would be pleased to offer you something..."

"No... I just have to make a phone call..."

"Another time, then..." he says.

He sees her downtown; she is standing in front of a shop window looking at the goods.

"Ciao, Grazia!"

"Oh, Oreste..."

"Are you doing your shopping?"

"I was just snooping."

"They have nice items, here, even though this is a small town."

"Yes, indeed. And good prices..." she says.

"That bathing-suit would be delightful on you - the right color to match your hair and your eyes..." Oreste says, looking at her.

"I don't need a new bathing-suit."

"Right, the one you had at the beach was perfect..." he says gallantly.

"Well... ciao, Oreste." she cut short.

"Ciao, see you..." he says.

She is always kind, but rather cold. For sure Oreste doesn't let her discourage him. The colder they are at first, the hotter they are later in bed... he tells himself. At times, now, he sits near her, at the beach. Just for a few minutes, not to get her irritated, but enough to pay her some compliments, to get her accustomed to him. It is almost like taming an animal... he thinks.

"You are so beautiful..." one day he finally whispers to her.

"Thank you."

"You know that I think of you night and day?" he says putting on a shy tone.

"Come off it..."

"No... it's true. Why don't you come to the disco, tonight?"

"No... I'm not interested." she says.

"Ah... that's a pity. It just wanted to spend some more time together. I feel so good, near you..."

"You're kind, but..."

"I like you so much... but possibly you don't like me..."

"No, you are a handsome... likeable boy..."

"You really think so?"

"Yes, but... don't get big-headed." she says, clearly speaking out.

She does her best to discourage him, but this just makes him more stubborn. Now he pays her explicit compliments, makes her understand he desires her. She doesn't give him rope.

"You know, Grazia... I would like so much if we could become friends... I would like being able to get to know you... deeply..."

"I understood, but..."

"I'm saying this in earnest, I've serious intentions, you know? You can see it, I'm not the guy running after every girl, not I. Did you ever see me around with another girl? Eh, tell me..."

"No, never, it's true, but..."

"Grazia, you are becoming more and more important to me..."

"I'm sorry..." she simply says.

For a few days Oreste doesn't say anything more about that subject, he let his eyes speak for him... He looks at her with clear desire, even though he is talking with her of this and that. But then he charges again.

"Grazia, if you would just put me to the test..."

"No, Oreste. Forget it!"

"You don't like me, right?"

"No, it's not so - you are a handsome boy, really... But I..."

"We would be a beautiful couple, you and I..."

"Let me alone, Oreste. There are so many beautiful girls... One like you wouldn't have problems for sure. Who knows how many girls are dying for you..."

"But I'm falling in love with you."

Grazia is silent. The she says in a low voice, "The fact is that I... I'm married..."

"Married? So young?" he says, amazed.

"Yes... for two years..." she says.

"And he? Why is he never here?"

"His job..."

"You must feel lonely..."

"Well, a little..."

"Happy marriage?"

"Yes..." she says.

But Oreste feels there is no enthusiasm in her tone. Therefore... all is not lost, for him.

"Grazia... if I were your man... I would never leave you alone in this way, I swear..."

"But you know, his work... it's not his fault."

"Well, but I would rather change my job, for you." the boy says, decidedly." I, Grazia... I would do any and every thing for you, believe me..."

"But I'm married to him..." she insists.

"But you are sad... you feel lonely... I would like being able to chase away this sadness from you, seeing you happy, or rather... making you happy..."

"You are gentle, but..."

"I desire you, Grazia..." Oreste murmurs in a passionate tone.

"But I'm married..." she insists.

"But he is not here, he cannot make you happy, now..."

"Never mind."

"I could..." he murmurs.

She keeps silent. He stretches his hand and with the fingertips lightly brushes her ankle.

"Oreste! Behave! Everybody can see..."

"Sorry... but I... I really... desire you so much..." the boy says, but withdraws his hand.

Another day, he says her, "If we just could be together once... you and I, alone."

"It's impossible."

"Why? If you came to my place..."

"Oh, the back biters... what they could think... say..."

"I could come at your place, then. You are at Torrione alley, right?"


"At night time... nobody would see me... Say yes, Grazia... Please?" Oreste beseeches as he feels she is wavering.

"No... I don't know... It's better not, Oreste, really..."

"But why?"

"Because... because... I'm too fond of you..."

Two days later, when he renews his proposal, she lowers her eyes and in a whisper says, "Tonight... at two o'clock... I'll leave my window open... the only one with a flower pot..."

"Yes, I know which one... I passed so often in front of it..." Oreste says excited - at last she yielded, she too wants it. Oreste didn't doubt not even once he would succeed, so now he's happy.

"After you enter, close it. I won't have the light on... I'll wait for you... But now go, I feel too ashamed... I've never cheated on him..."

"Tonight, Grazia..." he whispers and goes away, filled with cheerfulness.

It's done - tonight he will make her die with pleasure. He knows how to give a woman pleasure, and how to obtain the maximum pleasure from her...

Oreste goes dancing. He often looks at his watch. As the time of his date approaches, he is more and more excited - in a while he will have her. And she is married, thus he has not even to fear sentimental complications. He will fuck her a couple of times, then each one has to go back to his own city and that's that! The ideal situation, he thinks, pleased.

The time at last comes, he sets off, happy and at a good pace goes towards Grazia's home. He makes sure nobody can see him and, nimble and fast, he slips inside the open window.

"It's you, Oreste?" her voice murmurs while he athletically lands on the floor.

"Yes..." the boy answers trying to see where the bed is - he can just make it out. He silently closes the window. Then cautiously, groping his way, he approaches the bed. "Can you not switch on a light?"

"No... I'm too ashamed... come... here..." the girl whispers.

Oreste rapidly undresses, leaving all his clothes on the floor, in jumbled confusion. Then, stark naked, he approaches nearer the bed and climbs on it - now he can barely see, but enough, her figure. He is already fully aroused, he lies on top of her and she at once encircles him with her arms and legs, clasping him against her body.

"You still wear your undies..." he says feeling them under his tense member. But her breasts are uncovered. He cups them with his hands and tries to kiss her mouth. She shudders and clasps him even harder; his whole body vibrates, he wants her.

"Let me pull off these..." he murmurs, forcing down the last veil that separates him from her with both his hands.

"No, wait... not yet..." she murmurs.

"I desire you so much, I want you..." Oreste pants, caressing her sides and trying again to slip away her undies from her body. She embraces him even more tightly, as to prevent him from doing what he wants.

"Grazia, love, are you awake?" the voice of a man says merrily from behind the door, "I could free myself, I could come..." he adds and the door opens.

Oreste gives a jolt, tries to dart out of the bed, but her embrace is like a vice. The light is switched on and the terrified eyes of Oreste stare at the dismayed eyes of a hefty young chap wearing the uniform of a private watchman.

"Lello..." the girl moans in a feeble tone.

For a moment the three are like statues.

Then the newcomer slowly slips out his pistol from the holster, "You, little whore, out of there, straight away!" he hisses, brandishing it.

She loosens her embrace and Oreste tries to leave the bed.

"Not you! Stay still, there!" the young man says hard, pointing his pistol at Oreste's temple.

Grazia manages one way or another to slip away from under Oreste's frozen body and leave the bed. The boy violently trembles and remains on the bed, still warm from her body, lying on his tummy.

"Go out, now, you! I'll settle accounts with you later..." the young man tells her with a harsh voice.

"Lello, don't do something desperate, put away that pistol..." Grazia moans.

"Shut your mouth, at least! Go away!" he says, irritated.

Oreste trembles, still on the bed. Grazia goes out, closing the door.

"Now, it's you and I." the young man says with a low, menacing voice.

"I did nothing to her, I swear..."

"I interrupted you at the crucial point?" the other asks with sarcasm.

"I... I really..." Oreste groans terrorized.

"Shut up! Now, tell me, what have I to do with you? Kill you like a swine, right?"

"I beg you..." Oreste whines.

"Shut up, I said!" the other barks.

Oreste looks at him with wide eyes. Lello unfastens his belt and slips it off. Oreste guesses the other will lash him and waits for the hail of strokes, but the young man approaches him, takes his wrists and ties them with the belt, fixing it at the bed head.

"What will you do to me?" Oreste moans, shaking with fear.

Lello puts his pistol on the night table, and then starts to take his uniform off.

"This was the first time, I swear..." Oreste says in despair.

"Shut up!" Lello orders.

Oreste sees him undressing. "But what..." he says, desperate.

"You wanted to fuck my wife? So then I now fuck you. You think to be a womanizer? I'll womanize you!"

"Oh, lord, no... no, please..."

Lello again takes his pistol and with it he rummages between the boy's buttocks, "What do you like better to be shot in your ass, Don Juan, this one or my cock?"

Oreste becomes dumb. He looks in fear at the other weapon that is rising between the young mans legs and it seems enormous, menacing...

"So? I give you the choice." Lello insists, pushing the cold pistol spout on his anus, "You prefer I slip inside you this one and I press the trigger, or you would rather have in it my cock?"

"Your cock... your cock!" Oreste answers with a trembling voice.

Lello puts away the pistol, takes from the night table a jar of skin care cream and spreads it abundantly in the furrow between the boy's cheeks, on the shrunk hole.

"Oh, god..." the boy groans.

Lello gets on the bed, rolls a condom onto his hard member, spreads the boy's legs and kneels between them.

"Now I'll give you exactly what you wanted to give her..." he hisses.

Oreste feels Lello lying on top of him, settling, pointing his member on the hole and giving a strong push. He feels a terrible pain, arches his loins, he would yell but his shout chokes in his throat while that ram forces open the gates of his castle, until now never taken, until he takes it by storms. Oreste desperately tries to shut it but it's useless - Lello sinks inside him with a set of strong blows, until he succeeds in putting all of it inside the boy. He then starts to fuck him with vigour, without haste, and at each blow Oreste emits a groan. He feels like dying for the pain, the shame, the fear... He would cry - he cannot...

Lello fucks him with energy, clasping his shoulders with his strong hands. Oreste moans, Lello pants.

Finally Lello reaches his orgasm, pushing well down inside the boy. He remains still for some moments, panting. Then he pulls out of him and gets off the bed, dresses back without haste, frees Oreste's wrists, opens the window and orders him to disappear. Oreste leaves the bed, looking worriedly at the pistol again in Lello's hand, dresses hurriedly as best he can, jumps out of the window and runs without a word and without a single glance back.

Lello closes the window, opens the door and calls, "Grazia?"

She enters, "Did he go away?"

"Yes, and I bet he will never again bother you."

"Thank you, Lello... But where did you find that uniform?"

"From a friends who has a theatrical wardrobe agency."

"And the pistol?"

"A fake one, of course..." the young man laughs.

"Thank you, I knew I could count on you, big brother..."

"To tell you the truth, I would have liked more to take him in another way, to make love to him - he really was a splendid boy your annoying suitor... But for my little sister..."

"Your Filippo... he really is not jealous?"

"No, on the contrary he was amused for my punitive expedition. I'll be back to him with the first train... And your Lola, how is she? Do you miss her?"

"She's fine, thank you. We call each other every day. As soon as she gets her vacations she will tell me, so I'll join her and we will go to France, this year..."


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back (really appreciated, be it positive or negative), please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 14

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