Beach Tales

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jun 2, 2006


BEACH TALES by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written on October 23 rd 1994 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Brian


"BEACH TALES" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


For ten years Stefano has been a lifeguard. That is since he was eighteen. He is now the owner of the bathing establishment, "The Pirate Cove". It consists of twelve private wooden cabins and two communal, one for women and one for men, side by side. On the side of the women's cabin there are the showers and on the other side, which is next to the men's cabin, there is a small square of sand enclosed in a fence and covered with a plastic canopy. It is closed with a padlock and this is where Stefano stores the deckchairs and the beach umbrellas not in use.

Every morning Stefano thoroughly cleans all the cabins and the showers, rakes the expanse of beach, and puts out a certain number of deck chairs and beach umbrellas on the stretch of beach that his family has held in concession for more than fifty years. He is helped to open each day by his father, who then returns home. This early there are not yet many clients, therefore Stefano can manage the establishment by himself.

The storage area usually remains open during the day with the small door simply left ajar. Stefano is usually working around there and the small door is in sight. At night it is wiser to fasten it with a strong padlock.

This morning, while he is cleaning the men's cabin, he notices an odd thing. On the wall towards the canopy, about 20 inches from the floor, perhaps a little more, there is a small hole. It is not big, more or less the size of a pencil. But certainly it was not there, before. He bends to look, curious - it is evident it has been made with a gimlet, and it is fresh made... in the men's cabin... from the side of the storage... He reflects for a while scratching his head, then stands up nodding with an absorbed expression. Oh yeah, it is clear as day - some Peeping Tom, for sure a faggot, it is certain! Some slobbering old man who, is no longer able to fuck so he peeps...

He goes out to the storage side and finds the hole. He puts his eye against it and has a wide view of the interior of the cabin... Well, he will teach that degenerate pig a lesson! He will catch him red-handed and will scare him so much that he will not forget it for a good while! And then he will visit upon him the right punishment. Possibly a good hail of kicks, or rather a good flogging on his ass with his leather belt!

All day long, acting unaware, he doesn't lose sight of the small storage door, but he doesn't see anybody entering or coming out from there. But when in the evening he puts away the deckchairs, he sees that on the side of the storage a hole has been reamed... Therefore the peeping tom went back. And he didn't see him. And yet he didn't lose sight of the storage.

He decides he had to discover who the guy is, catch him red-handed, and give him the deserved punishment. "Well," he thinks, annoyed but determined, "I will do so - tomorrow morning I'll ask Dad to stay on the beach. I'll do the cleaning as usual, put out the deckchairs and the beach umbrellas, I'll place them, but then I'll hide inside the storage room and, if necessary remain there all day long, I'll catch him!"

Thus, on the following morning, early, he first of all goes to check the hole - he has the impression that it is somewhat larger, but he is not certain. He cleans the cabins and the showers, rakes the beach, places deckchairs and beach umbrellas, then, with the remaining deckchairs he prepares a kind of hideout in the storage space. He says good-bye to his father, checks that nobody is watching, slips quickly into the place he prepared and starts his patient await. He certainly doesn't lack patience. Oh, yeah, he will teach that old degenerate a lesson!

Two, three hours elapse. Stefano starts to feel bored, in that narrow space, and his anger towards the peeping tom increases. It is hot in there. He slips out of his T shirt and remains with only his shorts on. He opens the buckle of his belt. "It's possible that today the pig doesn't show up!" he thinks, pissed off. He really hopes he will come, and soon. He wants to make that degenerate pay. Such things are not to be done, and cannot be forgiven!

He hears a slight noise. From his hiding place Stefano peeks out. The small door is still shut. And yet someone has come in. He leans out a little more - bending in front of the wooden wall, his eye glued to the hole, is the peeping tom! He can see his back.... But where did he come from? Then he notices that it is not an old man at all as he had thought; on the contrary, he seems rather young. He is wearing just speedo's of a pea-green color. He has a slender but already well shaped body. He looks to be about seventeen years old... Then he notices that the boy shuffles around for a while - the boy lowered his speedo in front and is masturbating himself. In reality Stefano doesn't see that, but can understand it from the fast, rhythmic movement of the boy's arm. "Good," he tells himself, "now I'll show that little pig what happens doing such things!"

Stefano silently slips out of his hide and in just one step he is on the boy. He tackles him against the wooden wall. The boy starts and gives out a short, surprised yell and tries to escape him. But Stefano has not practiced judo for nothing, so with a firm grasp holds the boy fast. The boy tries to wriggle away, and silently falls to the sand and Stefano falls on top of him. He locks the boy's legs with his and forces the boy's arms to his back and with just one hand he immobilizes both the boy's wrists. The boy bucks trying to pull away but it is useless.

Neither says a word or utters the faintest sound. The boy continues to wriggle. The boy's ass brushes against Stefano's groin who becomes aware that the contact is provoking him into a strong erection. So then, with an almost perverse pleasure, he thinks that he will give the boy something better than a good flogging, something that he will not forget easily. With his free hand he opens the fly of his shorts, pulls down on the back the boy's speedo, the little that suffices, and drives his now completely hard stake between those small buns, soft like those of a girl. Then he gives a mighty thrust, nailing the boy to the sand like an impaled insect pierced by a pin.

The boy emits a choked moan and wriggles more vigorously, but in that way, Stefano notices with a hint of sadistic amusement, he just makes the penetration of his hard big rod in the soft, fresh flesh easier. Stefano feels triumphant - the boy moans lowly like a wounded animal. The young man pushes down vigorously, sinks into the boy... here he is, he penetrated him to the hilt of his powerful cudgel. Then, the muscular lifeguard gets his breath, gathers his energies and starts to fuck the little ass of the young degenerate with all his vigor. "I will teach you!" he thinks triumphantly while the boy wriggles more and more weakly.

Stefano is starting to feel pleasure - "Good," he thinks, "I'll kill two birds with one stone. I get my fun and this debauched boy will have a sore ass for a month!" The small ass is hot, tight, and shudders. It adheres to his member like a glove, Stefano's pleasure rapidly increases. "Oh yeah," the lifeguard thinks exulted, "this is the right punishment for this little faggot. So he will learn not to spy on my customers while they undress. Did you want to see cocks? Now you have one, hard and big, digging inside you!"

The boy doesn't wriggle any more, he just emits faint, short moans at each thrust of the firm virile member in his white hot channel. Stefano accelerates, does it with all his energy, he is certainly not lacking it. On the contrary the intense pleasure he is feeling taking that little ass seems to give him even more energy. All his muscles dart in that unforeseen, vigorous and unrestrained exercise.

Now the boy is still, inert, silent - he does not even try to escape. Stefano rotates his pelvis at each stroke to hurt him more, and becomes aware that so doing he is feeling an even more intense pleasure. The boy starts again to moan. The young man increases his rhythm, feels a strong heat on his body, a trembling shakes him, he pushes with all his means and in a last powerful thrust, he unloads in the depths of his prey, with a set of violent contractions.

He abandons himself, satisfied, on top of the boy who is now silent and inert again. Stefano slows his breathing without moving. He feels that his mace is softening in the deepness of the boy and is slowly withdrawing. He slips away, letting the boy free, rolls to his side and puts his tool back in his shorts. The boy massages his own ass, pulls up his speedo and turns on his side. He looks in silence, seriously, at Stefano. Stefano looks at him and the boy moves his eyes aside.

"Good, now go away, filthy pig! And don't try to come here anymore, or else I'll give you a second ration. Scram now, you disgusting fag!" the lifeguard says with a low, menacing voice. The boy doesn't utter a single word, crawls under the cabin wall on his belly and disappears. "Oh, that's how he entered, the little fag." Stefano tells himself standing up. He brushes the sand away from his knees and goes out. There is no trace of the boy, not even his shadow. Stefano resumes his job and feels fully satisfied.

He gave him the deserved punishment.

The day after Stefano is as usual on the beach. He is welcoming his customers as they arrive, gives them a place, chats a little with the regular clients. Stefano is a likeable guy. The girls especially chat willingly with him, while admiring his strong, muscled body with an indifferent air, and undressing him with their eyes. Stefano likes being admired in that discrete but insistent way. And at times he also manages to "pluck" some of those nice city chicks.

Suddenly, from the corner of his eye, he sees a pea-green colored speedo. He turns - the boy from the day before is wandering along the side of the men's cabin with an indifferent air. Their eyes meet, the big boy turns his eyes away. Stefano continues to talk with his client, but doesn't lose sight of the situation. The boy turns behind the men's cabin... and doesn't come out from the other side.

"Ah, he is slow-witted!" Stefano thinks. He excuses himself with the client and goes determinedly to the storage. "Did he think I was jesting?" he asks himself, "Now I'll show him!" While he is opening the small storage door, he feels that his tool is starting to harden at the idea he will again put the boy under him to give him the second installment as he'd promised. He enters - the boy is there, peeping through the hole, and rapidly masturbating himself, like the day before. Just one thing is different today - his speedo is lowered to his knees.

"So much the better!" Stefano thinks amusedly while he pulls out his tool and silently draws near the unaware boy. He seizes him suddenly girding his waist with his muscled arm and he pushes his tool determinedly between the exposed little buttocks. And starts to push. The boy tries to wriggle away, but as on the day before, this just facilitates Stefano who with a few fast and precise pushes, chucks all his rod inside the boy. The boy jolts and stands up straight with force, and tries to escape the young man. But Stefano blocks him and, standing up, starts to fuck him with vigor again, keeping the boy still between his own body and the cabin wall.

He hammers inside the boy for a long while, trying to hold back his own pleasure to make the boy suffer longer. He tosses and rocks against the boy and inside him like a possessed, keeping the boy still with his powerful oarsman's arms. Until he can no longer control himself and hold back, so then he unloads inside the boy with a set of strong loin thrusts, with fury. For some instants both remain still, panting heavily. Then Stefano slips out of the tight channel.

With a low and menacing voice he says to the boy: "And if you still didn't understand it, little piece of shit, just try to come here again tomorrow for a supplement..." Stefano puts his softening member back, closes his fly and goes out.

As soon as he is alone, the boy smiles slyly while pulling up his speedo, and murmurs to himself: "You can count on it, stallion!"


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back (really appreciated, be it positive or negative), please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 4

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