
By Pris G

Published on Jan 28, 2002



Yes, another song-based story by me. This story was based on the song "Beautiful" by Jennifer Paige (from the Autumn In New York Original Soundtrack). I don't claim possession over lyrics and/or music. I'm not making money out of this. It's slash. Lance tells me I should say I don't know any of the guys from *NSYNC, so there. I'm experimenting something new in this story, trying to alternate present and past, so I'd appreciate it if you guys could tell me if I did ok. Hope you like it. E-mail me at with your opinion, k? :)

*** "Beautiful" By Priscy G ***

"... I'm looking for a way to feel you hold me... To feel your heart beat... just one more time... I'm reaching back... trying to touch the moment... Each precious minute... that you were mine..."

They had been best friends right from the start. Justin was the mature kid. Chris was the immature adult. They were total opposites. Justin being the young, tall, blonde, blue-eyed, sculptured, baby-faced, pouty-lipped heartthrob. Chris was the older, dark-haired, dark-eyed, mellower guy who helped Justin shine. But they shared the hyper ness, the jokes, the pranks. And later on, they shared a love that could surpass all barriers.

People had said that their relationship would hurt the group, their careers, their music. They had to hide, they suffered with having to lie publicly about relationships that didn't exist. But it all paid off when they were just the two of them, holding each other, feeling the other's heart beat.

And he couldn't feel that anymore.

"How do you prepare... when you love someone this way... To let them go a little more each day?"



JC and Joey acted just in time to hold Justin before his body hit the ground, his slender body shaking with the force of the sobs that consumed him. Chris was gone. They hadn't been able to save him. His body, once so strong, hadn't been able to hold on anymore. And Justin was alone now. Chris had left him behind.

"... The stars we put in place... The dreams we didn't waste... The sorrows we embraced... The world belonged to you and me... The oceans that we crossed... The innocence we've lost... The hurting at the end... I go there again... 'Cause it was beautiful... It was beautiful..."

"WE'VE WON A FREAKING GRAMMY!!!" Chris shouted as the two of them got back to their hotel suite from the party they had attended to. That night had been magic. They had done it. Won a freaking Grammy. And seeing the happiness in Chris' eyes during the whole thing made Justin's heart melt and he realized he'd do anything to keep that happiness there "J! We did it!" Chris grabbed Justin in a hug, causing Justin to crack up. Over-excited Chris was always something hilarious to watch.

"Yes, we have," Justin replied softly before kissing Chris, immediately getting Chris to surrender to him. It was always like that with them. It was what made their love so beautiful. They gave themselves totally. No walls, no hesitation. "I love you, Christopher," Justin breathed out as he felt Chris' hands running over his body.

"I love you, Justin."

"... Some days missing you is overwhelming... When it hits me... you're not coming back... And in my darkest hours I have wondered... Was it worth it for the time we had?"

Yes, it was worth it. There was no doubt in Justin's mind. A love like the one they shared was worth anything in the whole world. And, in his few hopeful moments, he realized he at least had had time to say "I love you" one last time. He had been able to take care of Chris. Even if it meant he lost Chris little by little, they had had more time.

But then why did it still have to hurt so badly?

"... My thoughts get kinda scattered... But one thing I know is true... I bless the day that I found you..."

"Justin? Do you have a minute?" Chris asked in a small voice and Justin refrained himself from saying he'd have all the time in the world for Chris. He'd surely scare Chris away with that.

"Sure, Chris," Justin replied as he dropped the Playstation controller and sat down on the couch besides Chris "Something wrong?"

"Hmmm... I... I've been thinking... and I know you might hate me but... well, I'm a little too old to be scared of you anyway..."

"Chris! Just say it!" Justin chuckled at the sweating friend sitting beside him, picking on his nails.

"I'm gay," Chris blurted out and when Justin started to say that it was nothing to be sweating over he turned and looked Justin in the eyes "And I love you."

"I love you too, Chris," Justin said but Chris cut him off.

"No, Jus, I love you as in I looooove you!" Chris said in exasperation "And I know maybe I shouldn't have said that but I couldn't hold it in any longer and..."

"Chris, shut up," Justin said before his lips were on Chris'. He had never imagined he'd ever be doing that, kissing Chris, with tongue. "I loooooove you too, dummy."

And Chris looked dizzy. And then he smiled. And Justin kissed him again. If he had only known it could be that easy to have the man he loved...

"... The stars we put in place... The dreams we didn't waste... The sorrows we embraced... The world belonged to you and me... The oceans that we crossed... The innocence we've lost... The hurting at the end... I go there again... 'Cause it was beautiful... It was beautiful..."

"He was one of the most beautiful people God ever put on Earth. He was our brother. And I know he's going to make some angels very happy up there." Joey finished his saying at the service and headed to where JC and Lance were sitting beside Justin, Lance's arm around his shoulder.

Justin was in a daze. That was it. The funeral made it real. Chris wasn't coming back. Ever.

It took Joey, JC and Lance to keep Justin from collapsing as he broke down.

"... The rules we stepped aside... The fear that we defied... The thrill of the ride... The fire in our hearts that burned..."

"I now proclaim you husband and husband," Chris smiled at Justin. They were married. After years of living together, of sharing everything in their lives. The smiles on their faces could light the whole room. "You may kiss... well... each other," the priest smiled and slowly their lips met in a chaste kiss to the sound of clapping.

"You do realize now that you can't get rid of me, right?" Chris said softly as he rubbed Justin's nose with his.

"You mean I'll have to endure spending my whole life with your sorry ass around?"


"Oh well," Justin sighed and smiled before their lips met again "I love you."

"I love you."

"... The oceans that we crossed... The innocence we've lost... The hurting at the end... I go there again... 'Cause it was beautiful..."

Never again would he feel Chris' love, his kisses, his arms, his presence. He wouldn't have Chris around to make him feel all warm and funny inside.

Chris was gone.

He was alone now.

"... So beautiful... It was beautiful..."

*** So, what did you think?

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