Because Im Charmed

By Kadeem Ricahrds

Published on Sep 9, 2023


Kadeem Richards

Charmed: Because I'm Charmed

All rights to Aaron Spelling and the other creators of Charmed which we all Loved and enjoyed (:

Chapter 9 : Witch camp

After fighting off some of Riix's demons I take a hot shower and get my pj's on and relax I have a long week up ahead but I have to take the trash out before I can sleep so I throw on my hoodie and go out when I hear someone calling me and it sounds like Wyatt and it sounds serious so I orb to the manor and see Alex on the floor and than pass's out. Wyatt picks him up and put's him on the sofa.

"omg Alex what happen to him?" I ask in a panic state

"I don't we were just about to eat dinner when Tommy heard someone banging on the door and opened it and it was Alex and he was a little faked out and I couldn't make much of what he said but the ninja dude saved him or something like that..." Wyatt answered

"is this your mess?" Tommy grills at me "cause if it is clean it up your dam self don't bring trouble here it's bad enough that your showing your self around here we don't need anything else!" He says all smug at me

"look Tommy if your gonna try and start shit with me make sure your welling to pay for your actions, and do it when I'm not worried about my friend okay cause that's more important right now!" I yell

"whatever take him to your house than and deal with it there!" he yells

"Tommy I swear to God if Alex wasn't pasted out there and needed help I would beat the shit out of you and you know I can... so take your little free blows and remarks now cause next time it won't be the same ending!" I shut him up and we just stare at each other.

"okay Tommy why don't you just go into the dinning room and eat okay and Kadeem and I well take care of Alex cause he's my friend to okay." Wyatt says trying to stop a huge fight

"wait Alex... as in Alex Smith that nerds a witch? I see him all the time read those lame plant books and drinking tea like talk about lame" Tommy says

"looks just because your to stupid to pick up a book and learn about the beauty around you doesn't make it lame and in my book he's high than you or have you forgotten where you started off before I saved you poor pathic child hood to now..." I stare at him intense

As I finish that line Tommy walks up to me and we're now face to face "well I'm wait for you to make your move bitch" Tommy says to my face and just as I'm about to punch him Wyatt steps in the middle

"okay Chris help" Wyatt yells

"whoa and I thought Tommy was scary I forgot where he got his mean strike from, Kadeem your no push over" Chris says

"I never was and never will be" I say

and Chris pulls Tommy into the dinning room

"sorry about that... Wyatt" I tell him

he just sighs "it's cool plus Tommy kind of started it"

we both smile and than turn our attention to Alex who's starting to come back, I hold my hand out and call "glass of water" and it orbs in my hand and I hand it to Alex

"hey what that rule you taught my no personal-gain" he smiles weakly

"hey I'm know for somewhat of a rebel what can I say" I smile "what happen?" I ask

"well after I left for the movies I got a call from Ash saying she couldn't come cause something happen with her dad and his car and she grounded, but I was leave the movies when a demon attacked me and I not too sure but I think I used my powers like I controlled it... when that ninja guy came and like saved me..." Alex tells us

"wait he saved you?" Wyatt asks "I mean early he was trying to like kill you or something and now he tries to save you... that doesn't make any sense..." Wyatt says

"yea it's not adding up..." I say "what else happen?"

"well I made a lame weak spell trying to help but the demon just burned through it..." he sighs

"you made your own spell?" I ask excited

"Yea but it wasn't good..." Alex says

"Whoa who says it wasn't good for a first timer mister" I smile

"Well the demon breaking the spell and that ninja guy asking me what kind of a spell that was..." Alex sighs

"don't worry your new and to make your spell stronger you just have to focus and say it with more umfa like just go bang and believe in yourself... okay now I said like I'm selling you to be a witch like here's the newest product on the market" I laugh and Alex laugh

"hey I know why don't you come to magic school this week?" Wyatt asks "I mean like after school or at night to train with using your powers I could show you a thing or too I mean we do have the same powers and it'll be fun" Wyatt smiles

"ummm I don't know..." Alex says unsure

"plus Kadeem well come" Wyatt smile and looks at me

"say what..." I laugh at Wyatt and than I see in Alex's eyes that he'd feel a lot better if I was there so I agree

"okay but how do I get there to magic school..." Alex ask

"magic duhhh ahahah" I laugh

"oh right dumb question" Alex laughs

"so you going to be alright if I take off?" I ask him

"Yea he'll be fine Kadeem if he wants he can crash here for the night my mom and dad are on this little trip to L.A. so the weekend so it's cool if Alex's wants to" Wyatt smiles

"thanks but I don't know if Tommy wants me here" he says looking down

"ugh FUCK TOMMY he doesn't own the place plus Tommy doesn't like anyone who's not a SNOBY BITCH LIKE HIM..." I say "sorry Wyatt..."

"mmmm it's okay just try to be nice" Wyatt sighs

"yea but my bother is coming home to pick some things up and I have to be home so thanks but I'll pass" Alex smiles "mmm Kadeem what are you wearing?"

"oh yea well you see I was just about to go to sleep when mister Halliwell called me and this is the second time today you've seen my in my underwear..." I blush

"it's fine their cute anyways..." Wyatt blushes talking about my boxer brifs with little anime bears on them...

"okay well I better orb you home Alex and put some cystles around your house for protection and we'll meet up for training" I say

"Cystles..." Alex ask

"their for protection so no evil can get in your house" I tell him and orb us off but not before I hug Wyatt bye and he anciently touched my butt making both of us blush again.

Training was hard I mean not so hard for me but Alex was being pushed to the limits but he was getting the hang of all this witch stuff. In the training sessions there where demons like not real ones but like illiuons to fight we practiced some spells and potions my favorite ehehe and after a long hard week we went out for a test drive. "okay so the plan is your going to do all the fighting and we're just going to watch and back up just in case things get mess" I tell him

"ahhh you sure that's a good idea?" Alex asks "I mean I'm still learning here"

"omg don't worry you'll be fine and the worse that can happen is you dying here and hunting me and Wyatt for the rest of your undead life" I joke but Alex just stares at me petrified

"he's joking Alex relax he just joking" Wyatt tries to reassure him "Kadeem we're suppose to make him relax and confident that he can do this" Wyatt whispers

"okay yea I know but I'm always just trying to lighten up the mood here and telling him the truth demon hunting isn't like training there are no do-over's here this is the real thing and plus I bet he knows we won't let anything happen" I whisper back

a demon shimmers in and Alex stands there "Alex this is the part where I like to make an entrees so you should do the same thing" I tell him

"oh right... uhhhh hey you demon what are you doing?" Alex yells

(ummm not exactly like that but if works) I think

"What do you want witch to died here" the demon asks and makes a fireball in his hands

"okay Kadeem what do I do now..." Alex ask worried

"I don't know fight him like try a duck, roll, chart wheel kick" I say the first thing I might do

and he does but mess's up on the chat wheel kick and falls, Wyatt gets ready to jump in but I grab him and shake my head no "let's see what he'll do without us now..." I tell him

Alex stares at the demon and than looks at us and doesn't know what to do, I look at him like get up silly and he quickly does and dust his jeans off and blue shirt. The demon throws another fire ball and Alex duck it and than tries the hole thing over, rolls, and than chart wheel kick and hits his target.

"wow I did it omg I did it!" Alex yells

"hey don't lose focus he's not dead yet!" Wyatt yells

The demons gets up and fire's two fire balls this time Alex close's his eye's and feels the moon light and eye's his eye's and he shield comes up. "YES IT WORK!" he jumps up and one of the fireballs goes flying back at the demon and knocks him down

"Okay now try a spell to finish it" I yell

"oh okay yea right a spell... a spell... mmmmm, I got it Nature is gods gift to earth I ask of you to make him hurt make him burst into leaves as I call autumn cold breeze." Alex says and the demon bursts into leave and dies

"OMG I DID IT I!" Alex yells as we run up to him

"yea see I told you and nice kick ass spell for the finishing touches." I smile


"yea that week and ? paid off mister" Wyatt smiles

"hey do you feel that..." Alex asks

"feel what?" I ask and around to make sure there's no other demons.

"someone is here... watching us" Alex says

"I don't sense anything of see anyone you Wyatt?" I ask

"no I don't" Wyatt answers

"okay Kadeem remember you told me to trust my gut and believe in myself?" Alex asks

"yea..." I answer

"well trust me... okay please" Alex says

"okay I do but maybe you should show us try a spell to take someone out of hiding..." I suggest

"mmm okay I'll try... Moon light shine bright, bring fort who we can't find, shine your light down on them so we may see what shadow lurks within" and the moon shine and revile that ninja dude, had he been watching the hole time and who is he.

"hey you were right someone was watching us... your ninja dude is back" I says but Alex just runs after him "hey Alex rule number 827 never run after ninja or masked man!" I yell and cash after him

"really?" Wyatt asks "I don't remember that one"

"joke I kid but he should now should he" I say


sorry so late I was moving for school but I shall keep writing .

Thank you so much for reading my story please write me for some feedback I'd love to hear what you think just keep in mind that this is the begin of it there's more to come and I hope you all keep up with it. Thank you

Next: Chapter 11

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