Because Im Charmed

By Kadeem Ricahrds

Published on Jul 15, 2023


Kadeem Richards

Charmed: Because I'm Charmed

All rights to Aaron Spelling and the other creators of Charmed which we all Loved and enjoyed (:

Thanks to Jason Decade for inspiring me, "Charming the Halliwell's" I love this series so much thank you for writing it!!!

Chapter 5: Witch Reminds me.

"Omg Wyatt!" I say in a state of shock

"Kadeem I can't believe it's you like wow" Wyatt says just as shocked as well

We just stare at each other.....

Myisha claps her hands loud to break our gaze "Okay... hi there Wyatt" she smiles

"Oh hi Myisha aha hah" he blushes "Oh and how are you too Phylicia and Kristoff?"

"hey" Phylicia smiles

"yo" Kris says

"so Kadeem.... how are you doing you look so wow different I mean great well different but it's a great look I mean I'm just gonna stop talking..." Wyatt says while turning a shade of red from blushing so hard.

I smile and blush "thanks I've been great really busy..."

"ya I see your a star now... wow" Wyatt states amazed "we have to talk and chacht up!"

"yea we so...." I was cut off short by my hone it's Justin who is calling me. "mmm yea that sounds great I just really have to take this but you can stay long if you so we can talk" I smile

"yea def man ummm... (Wyatt, Wyatt where the hell are you get over here now!! -Tommy calls him) I have to go ummm Tommy is calling me..." he says with a little disappointment

"O" I say looking down

"but you should so come to the manor everyone well be happy to see you!" Wyatt smile's (I know I well be) he thinks

"yea that sounds like a great idea" "mmm bye... I guess" I smile (should I hug him) I think

"yea...mmmm bye I hope to really see you more I mean soon" he blushes into a smile (should I hug him... dam it)

"BYE Wyatt" Myisha, Phylicia, and Kristoff say at the same time while laughing

"eheh bye you guys" Wyatt smiles and orb's back to his house

I just stood there staring at where he was with a dumb smile on my face.....

"so who has a thing for a Halliwell?" Myisha smirks

"what who?!!" I ask franticly

"you duhhh..." Phylicia rolls her eyes and laughs

"what so don't!" I say all panicky

"so mister tall tan and sexy Wyatt comes back into your life one day, and all you two can really do is stare at each other and blush, and your short of words.... lets not forget all the little geggeling..." Phylicia grains

"omg whatever I have to call back Justin..." I say disappointed again

"you do that but make it quick cause demons are running around like it's demon day" Kris just blurts out

"and when did you plan on telling us this ?" I asked annoyed

"later" Kris replays with a shrug as if its not a big deal

"funny, well I guess Justin is going to have to wait?" Myisha asks me

"yup I guess so..." I answer

"so what's the plan?" Phylicia ask

"well for starters you and Kris go have a look see at what info you can find on these demons, while Myisha over here works on a nice spell, and me work on Le potion." I share with everyone

"sounds awesome brb" Kris say and teleports him and Phylicia out

Myisha is still staring and smiling at me.

"what!?" I ask

"you know what!" she just smirks

"whatever go write the dam spell" I shout

(the spot where Kris saw the demons)

"Kris you sure this is the place I mean demons and libraries don't usually mix" Phylicia states

"yea look" he points as they see three demons shimmer in

"lets take out two and leave one for a little Q&A" Phylicia says

"after you than" Kris tells her as he moves out her way

"thanks" she smiles and throw all three demons back telekineticly "I'll old the one you kill the other two"

"got it" Kris teleports be hide the other two demons and throws lightning at them vanquishing them.

"so start talking or you'll be joining your two friends there" Phylicia says

There was one demon they didn't see and it hide from them and went to report to Riix

"Wyatt what the hell do you mean you was at his house?!" Tommy yells

"baby clam down it's not like that" Wyatt sighs

"ya whatever I'm sure he just wanted to talk" Tommy says pissed

"he did but someone called him and you called me so we couldn't" Wyatt says

Tommy just stars at him pissed

"ahhhh...."Chris goes flying down the hallway

"you okay?" Wyatt ask

"yea I mean demons just throw me on my ass all the time... dummy"Chris say sarcastic

"fine that's the last time I ask if your OK."Wyatt throws at him

"guys demons" Tommy reminds them

(back at my house)

"okay so the demons are working for this big boss Riix's and he wants the Charmed ones dead..." Phylicia explains

"shocker" Myisha snaps

"which reminds me are we still the Charmed ones or the Halliwell's are?" Kris asks and everyone than looks at me for the answer...

"what?" I ask

"well?" Myisha ask

"well what how the hell should I know... look lets just focus on this demon boss here I made a pretty strong potion here plus My's spell we should take this baster down!" I reassure everyone

"let's go to the underworld to play Riix a little visit than." Myisha state and we orb to the underworld.


"my lord their coming" a demons tells Riix in a panic state

"Which ones?" Riix asks

"What do you mean which one?" the demon asks

"I attacked both of the Charmed ones" Riix smiles

"my lord are you trying to kill of the whole underworld?"the demon asks

"don't worry they can't stop us or me for that matter, from what the seer told me they don't have the full Charmed powers yet." Riix laughs "gather more demons and get ready to fight"

"yes my lord" the demon does as he is told

"okay so am I the only one who feels like we're walking in a circle?" Phylicia asks

"ya cause they have so many looks for the underworld that's why their designer made the rocks at every corner the same." Myisha answer witty

"yea but they have killer service down here" I say looking at my cell going off yet again

"yea turn your cell off" Myisha yells at me

"sorry Justin's has been blowing my phone up." I explain

"so what now your avoiding him?" Phylicia asks me

"yes... no... idk I don't feel like talking to him at times like these..." trying to remind them that we're in the underworld aka demon central

"okay lets worry about that crap later and worry about this Riix guy like where the hell he is..." Kris says

"well this is hell and I am here" Riix answers smug

"well I guess this is the part where you send your loser lackeys at us?" I ask as if I don't know the answer to my own question

Riix smiles and his demons shimmer in.

"you just had to ask didn't you..." Kris laughs

"lets get on with it than" Myisha states and than levitates into the air throwing a potion at one demon vanquishing him

Phylicia throws three back with her telekinesis but one jumps on her back making her fall

"hey get off my cousin!" Kris yells and kicks the demon off her and than shot's it with lightning

"thanks... look out" Phylicia throws her hand up sending the energy ball back at the demon

I throw my hands up blowing up a few demons, Kris is shorting as many demons with lightning but it seem like the more we kill the more they show up, two grab Kris and two jump on me I look around to see we all have being held by demons.

Riix "did you really think you four could win when neither one of you are the Charmed ones"he laughs

(dam it this isn't good ) I close my eyes and think to myself (help please help what can I do)

"ahhhhhh...." three demons scearm as they die

I look up to see two potions being thrown at two demons killing them it's Wyatt, Chris, and Tommy

"ahaha looks like you three have finally showen up" Riix laughs

"well sorry we're late to the show but we're here to end it now" Chris yells

Wyatt runs over to me and takes out the demons that was holding me "Kadeem are you hurt are you okay I heard you calling for help you alright?" Wyatt asks me worried

"yea just my ego that's hurt" I smile " you heard my call?" I said surprised "yea ehehe" Wyatt smiles back at me

we have another moment of staring at each other smiling

Tommy runs over to Wyatt and me " Wyatt what are you doing hello there's demon's here focus" and sends me a dirty look that I send back at him.

"my sister and cousins need my help thanks" I smile and he smiles back and I run over to my sister and blow up the demons holding her than I blow up the two hold Kris and Myisha takes out the two holding Phylicia

"well that was quit the show there" Riix smiles and claps his hands "but you do realize that not even the seven of you have to power to kill me because it takes the power of three and out of you seven the three choose one's have yet to be chosen." Riix laughs

"we'll see about that"Myisha says and throws the potion and we all say the spell "evils forces is weaker than good the power of four is you seekers discored we chant as one to end your might hear these words to end the fight"

"nothing is happening what gives?" Phylicia ask nervously

"let us the real Charmed one do it" Tommy says directly at me

"evil our sight we strick to end your might the power of three is the end of thee.."

nothing happened yet again...

"yea so much for that" I snap at him

"you fouls I told you already you can't stop me without the true power of three." Riix says and send a wave that send us all flying back and he shimmers out.

"great so I think we should get to the bottom of this hole Charmed one thing" Wyatt says

we all nod in agreement and orb out to our homes...


Thank you so much for reading my story please write me for some feedback I'd love to hear what you think just keep in mind that this is the begin of it there's more to come and I hope you all keep up with it. Thank you

Next: Chapter 7

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