Because of Drew

By Steven Mulikey

Published on Jul 15, 2008


Because of Drew

Legal Stuff: If you are too young to read this, go watch cartoons and be happy with that.

I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned in this story, nor their sexuality. This is purely fiction and is meant for entertainment putposes only.

This story depicts male/male relationships and sexual relations. If you do not want to read things like that, then leave. You are in the wrong place.


Because of Drew - Chapter 11

Enter sunlight. 6:30 is not the best time to be awake, but I had to piss like no other. I made my way to the bathroom, and was surprised to see that I was walking normally. Confusing major? Drew and I had sex less than 7 hours ago, and I could actually walk after being penetrated by that monster.

Went to the bathroom, and took the piss from hell. Almost three continuous minutes of yellow flowing from my penis. I was so tired of standing there. After I finished up, I went back to the bedroom, and noticed Drew missing. Then I smelled something heavenly coming from the kitchen.

"I didn't know that Drew could cook?!?!" I thought out loud.

"You bet I can cook. How do you think my brother stays full all the time?" he yelled from the kitchen.

"I didn't know you could hear me!!" I yelled back.

"Well, you thought it, and spoke it. I heard it. I think we are connected or something." he told me as I walked in to the kitchen.

"Maybe. Magic has never messed with my life like this before. I have even tried to connect myself to someone, and it didn't work properly." I told him as I turned him around and kissed him full on the lips. "Thanks for last night. It was truly..."

"Magical?" he said.

"Ha ha, but kind of. I was able to control things that other people probably couldn't." I told him

"I know. I could feel it too. Like I said, I think that we are connected on some level." he told me.

"And I think I know when the connection will be a full connection. When we will be able to communicate with each other, at any time, from any where." I told him

"When will that be?" he asked.

"That will probably happen when what happened to me last night, happens to you." I stated.

"You are right. I thought I wasn't anywhere near ready, but if it makes me closer to you, then I will let you have me tonight." he said.

"I can wait until you are ready. After last night, I probably won't even need to think about sex for a couple of days." I stated very matter-of-factly.

"That's too bad, because I have gotten nowhere near enough." he said.

"Well, let's see. You have another sound check today..." I started.

"How did you know...never mind." he almost asked.

"Going on, I have to work, and I cannot miss class anymore. So maybe we should just see each other tomorrow night. After not going to class then going back, it will hurt too much for me to go anywhere tonight." I told him.

"Where I hate that idea, I understand. And would you mind if I just came here to be with you tonight? Besides, after all of that singing at sound check, I usually have to keep my mouth shut and I think that you will be able to help me more than anything." he told me.

"I would love it if you came by tonight. Why do you have to rest your voice?" I asked.

"I had an accident during DWTS when I was on there, and my voice was knocked out. I was told that if I sing again, I would have to have a rest period on my voice. No talking, singing, or whatever until the concert was over." he said.

"No shit! I am sorry about that. I am sure that I could do something about that, but it will have to wait until tonight. Potions are harder to do than anything. Everything has to be right." I replied.

"Cool, when do you think I will be able to use it?" he asked.

"Gimme some time to find out if I can do it. Then I will let you know tonight. Thanks to the internet on my phone, I can look it up while I am at work." I told him.

"Right on!" was his reply. We sat down and ate breakfast, made a little small talk, then it was almost 7:30, so I had to start to get ready for work. I had to be in at 10 that day, for some reason. Oh well, extra money in my pocket!!

"I wish I could just take you away. No work, no school. Just the two of us. No one else." he told me as I was getting up.

"What do you mean Drew? I am a little confused, although I think I know what you mean at the same time." I replied.

"Quit your job. Come with me and the guys on tour." he said.

"I would be none happier to do exactly that. However, my job is pointless, I still have school, and my martial arts that I have to attend." I said to him.

"I know. When are you done with school?" he asked me, somewhat dissapointed.

"This summer is my last semester. Then I get my BA in Accounting, and I will be able to go anywhere." I told him.

"You're serious?" he asked.

"No, I am yanking your chain...Of course I am serious!" I told him.

"Good. Then you can move out with me, and we can be together forever." he said, his eyes not leaving mine.

"You want me forever?" I asked.

"Forever." he said. Then came the kiss. Then the making out. Then we ended up in the bedroom doing the same thing that we did the night before!!


"WOW" was all I could say, after we had finished up. Then I looked up at the clock, and it was almost 9:30. "SHIT SHIT SHIT!! I am going to be late for work!" I yelled. I teleported around getting my stuff ready, then finally got to the door. Drew had fallen asleep afterwards. so I left him a quick note.

'Drew, I had to be at work early, sorry I couldn't have stayed here. Have fun at sound check. See you tonight.'

Then I magically set the alarm and left. I flew down the stairs to the apartment complex and got to my car.

On the road, I got a phone call from Drew. "Yeah baby, what's up?"

"You left kind of suddenly this morning. Is something wrong?" he asked.

"I left you a note! I should have just called when you were awake. Oh well. I have to be at work early, so I had to go. Sorry!" I told him.

"Its cool. I just wanted to say that I love you before you left, but this is just as good." he said.

"I love you too. Have a good day sweetheart!" I said.

"You too baby." he said.

We ended the call, and I was almost at work. Now there was a little funk in my walk. So, I strapped up and walked around as thought no one could tell. Upon my entrance, my co-workers started to look and stare at me.

"You finally get some?" one of them called out.

"That is absolutely none of your business!" I yelled back.

Brit looked up at me. "Nick and I had sex last night." she told me.

"Wow, shocking, I wouldn't have thought you would have given it up this early." I said.

"Me either. I am a little confused at this. I love him. I know that I do. But does he love me?" she asked.

"Yes" I stated simply. "I can tell when people are in love. You two will be very happy together." I told her.

"I believe you. Now, how are things on the Drew front?" she asked.

"We made love last night. And this morning." I stated simply.

"SERIOUSLY? Talk about me giving it up early. You have barely known him a week!" she yelled.

"Keep it down. I don't want China to know!" I told her.

"Sorry, I am just glad that you won't be complaining that you are still a virgin anymore!!" she said.

"What do you mean? I didn't complain...much." I said.

She shot a look at me. "Okay, whatever."

"Not to mention, this morning, he told me that he doesn't ever want to leave. He wants to be with me, forever." I replied.

"No freakin' way, you actually think that you are ready for this? Not to mention that he is almost exactly 10 years older than you." she said.

"Talk about age? You are only 21 and Nick is older than Drew!!" I spat out.

"Okay, you got me there. But still, you think that you are actually ready for this?" she asked.

"I'm not sure actually. I love Drew, and a part of me wants to be with him. But, the other part is kind of scared that he will probably never be able to come out. I just wonder why. Lance did, and everything is going fine for him. Then there is the media. What if they actually find out about us? I just don't know about it." I went on and on about it.

"Maybe you should see someone about it?" she suggested.

"Like who? A relationship therapist? If I were even to suggest that I need to do this when we have only been together for a week, then Drew would probably leave me because he would think that I am insecure about something." I said to her.

"You bring up a valid point. I guess you will never know about it until your relationship is put to the test." she told me.

"Very true. All right, lets get to work." I told her.

The day went on, and on, and on. I never thought that it was going to end, and it was only 6 hours. Then again, I was only used to working 5 hour shifts. This one seemed to last forever.

Finally, about 3:45 came around and my boss called out, "Sam, go home!!" FREEDOM!!!!

I clocked off, and went to my car, to see none other than Jeff standing there. 'Oh shit, trouble.' I thought.

"Sam, I am here to apologize for what happened between Drew and I. I never would have done that, at all. I just realized my feelings over these past years were more than a friendship with him. I have never tried anything like this before." he speeched.

"I know, Drew told me that he only thinks of you as a brother. I doubt anything would have happened between the two of you. Anyways, I have decided to be of some help to you about this." I told him.

"Really? You want to help me, even though I tried to steal your man?" he asked.

"Yeah, I believe that everyone should be happy with love. And I am just surprised that you haven't found anyone yet because, let's face it, you are hot!" I said.

"Thanks, now, did you have anyone in mind?" he asked.

"Actually, I did. His name is Andy, and he actually lives in LA. We were friends growing up here and his family moved out there when he was 16. We kept in touch this whole time, thanks to the modern technology of BlackBerry." I replied.

"Well, how old is he?" he asked.

"22, and he is really nice, and hot at that. He sent me a picture of himself recently, here it is." I showed him.

"Wow, when you're right, you are right." he said.

End of Chapter 11

Okay guys, send me feedback on this. Intro to another charachter, although we probably wont see his appearance until after the tour, which I intend on moving faster than what I have been.

Next: Chapter 12

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