Because of Drew

By Steven Mulikey

Published on Aug 7, 2008


Legal Stuff: If you are too young to read this, go watch cartoons and be happy with that.

I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned in this story, nor their sexuality. This is purely fiction and is meant for entertainment putposes only.

This story depicts male/male relationships and sexual relations. If you do not want to read things like that, then leave. You are in the wrong place.


Because of Drew - Chapter 16


Okay, so in the past 2 months, my life has been pretty dull. The same old routine was what happened. Drew called constantly, almost every night to be exact. Andy and I kept in touch constantly, and him and Jeff are in love. Look at that, everything is going just perfectly. Brit and Nick are doing just fine too, I have even brought her with me on some of my visits to Drew on tour.

Another Friday morning had arrived, and I was getting ready for work. I had already put in my 2 weeks notice, and this was my last day there. Brit and I left at the same time, because she got a job at a salon, until she opens her own place up. I had not yet gotten a job, because I promised Drew that I would join them on tour, and go figure, it was August 8th. Drew's Birthday, I had just turned 22 a few days ago, and he is turning 32. I know, there is a huge age difference, but my parents are 15 years apart. Lay off me already.

Went to work, and finished everything. I didn't have school anymore, but I had to go to my Martial Arts School and let them know that I wouldn't be in for some time. I lied to them and said that my new job was sending me away for a while. They didn't know any better. They said that when I returned, I would be more than welcomed back.

I had called Drew to tell him that I didn't have to work there anymore. "Hey baby!!" he said when he answered the phone.

"Hey sweetheart, what are you doing right now?" I asked him.

"Getting ready for the show tonight. Why?" he asked.

"Are you alone??" I asked.

"No, the guys are here with me. That's it though." he said.

"Good," I replied as I teleported in. "Turn around."

"Okay, but I don't quite know why...Why are you here??" he asked.

"Happy Birthday!!" I said as I kissed him, hard.

"This has got to be the best birthday surprise of my life. What are you doing here??" he asked.

"Well, I finished school, quit my job, talked to my martial arts place, and I am officially free, from everything. My cat has enough food for about a week, and that means that I am officially yours for a while." I told him.

"Ahem." I heard from behind. I turned around to see Nick, Jeff and Justin standing there, staring at us. "Where it is nice to see you, you should have let us know before you came here. We have a show to do in a couple of hours." Nick told me.

"I will be there, I have mastered my empathy powers while you guys were away, and I have mastered the power of astral projection. I can be at the concert, and no one will know about it. Of course, I will only be there if it is okay with you guys." I said.

"You will get no problems from me." Jeff said.

"Ditto," I heard from Justin.

"I guess we will see you there. Will anyone be able to see you?" Nick asked.

"I can let anyone see me should I chose to. And if I only want you guys to see me, then that is how it will work. No one else will know that I am there. I just need to stay where no one will bother me, until the end of the concert. Then I can teleport backstage and be with my favorite group again." I said.

"Could you do me a favor?" Jeff asked.

"I can try, what is it??" I asked.

"Can you get Andy here tonight? I haven't seen him in such a long time, and I really want to see him again." he asked.

"Can you do the same for Brit??" Nick asked. "I want to spend some time with her."

"Okay, but you guys need to make sure that they are now around anyone right now. If they are at dinner with family, or busy doing something, then it will look kind of suspicious if they just vanish." I replied.

"Good point. Hang on a sec." Nick said, as they both placed their perspective calls. I looked around to see that Justin was leaving the room. I could tell that he was feeling a little down, probably becasue we all had someone and he didn't. So I decided to see if I could do something about it.

"Hey Justin, whats up??" I asked as I caught up with him.

"Well, you have Drew, Nick and Brittany are attached at the hip, and now Jeff and Andy are basking in the joys of love. I just feel like the one who lost out on love. I actually feel like the ugly one. I always have too. Back when we were a real group, it was always those three who got all of the attention. Now it is just a flashback to our days together. Everyone is happy but me. Sorry, but I am ranting." he went on.

"It's okay, I understand. I used to be the same way. It was like that for everyone in my life for a very long time." I said. "If you will let me, maybe I can help."

"You want to help me??" he asked.

"No one deserves to go without love in their life. I figured that out already, and I believe that everyone in their life has someone out there for them. Even those who don't find themselves very attractive." I said. "Let's go back to your room for a minute, okay?"

"Okay, I need to get something anyways." was his reply. We made our way back to his room, and I asked him to sit down on the bed.

"You will not feel a thing, I just need to get a feeling for your ideal man type." I told him.

"Okay, go for it!!" he said.

I entered his mind, and found his ideal man. Surprisingly enough, he kept on thinking about Jake Gyllenhaal.

"Okay, I can do this. All I need to do is get into Jakes head, and see what he is thinking about. I am kinda thinking that he may be gay, because of the Brokeback Mountain thing, but hey, who knows." I said out loud.

"You can get into Jakes head?? I don't know how you would be able to do that." he retorted.

"Well, now that I am with Drew, maybe he can do something about it. WHo knows. Maybe if I mention it to him, and that it would be helping you out, he would help me with it..." I started.

"Please don't tell Drew. I don't want the guys to know how miserable I feel. I used to be really good at hiding my feelings, but I broke down today. I couldn't help it when you showed up, and they started talking about their loves." he said.

"It's okay. Don't worry, I can plant the idea in his head, and he will not know any better. Remember, it's magic!!" I said.

"Can you help me through the night?" he asked.

"With your emotions? Yeah, hang on." I told him as I zapped in a potion to boost spirits. "I learned a long time ago, keep a healthy supply of potions that do general things, then all you need to do is snap, and you have the perfect solution. Drink this, and you will be fine for the night, but tomorrow, you will feel all the emotions for a couple of hours. Just don't let the guys see you, or you probably will start crying. Just a warning."

"Okay, I just need to get through the night. Then I can worry about everything tomorrow." he said.

"Come and find me, I will be staying with you guys for a while anyways. Then I can work something out with a spell, implant it in one of the Lachey brothers, and then I can get him alone, and see if there is some interest. Even though you may not think there is, I can do wonders with a little spell." I went on.

"You could make him attracted to me??" he asked.

"I could, but I want to see what nature does first. I can do this, just give me some time." I said.

"Okay. Let's get back to the guys. We need to finish getting ready for the concert." he told me.

"Okay, concert time!!!" I screamed.

We walked back to the guys, arm in arm, and everyone gave us a look. "Since when are you two together??" Drew asked.

"We just became closer friends. Nothing more, I am not leaving you, so don't freak out." I told him. Then I kissed him, "And remember, I am your birthday present!!"

"Well, the others are ready for transport, and they are probably a little confused that they are still in their places." Nick retorted.

"Oh shit, hang on," I said. SNAP And the two of them appeared. "Hey guys, long time, no smell!!"

"Loser!" Andy yelled out.

"Freak!" Brit yelled.

"And your point is?? I am just surprised that no one yelled, 'QUEER!'" I retorted, and everyone laughed their asses off.

"I do believe that we were promised a concert??" Andy said to Jeff.

"And that is where we are headed right now!" Nick said.

End of Chapter 16

Hope you guys are enjoying the story, please send in feedback if you think that it is good.

Next: Chapter 17

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