Because of Drew

By Steven Mulikey

Published on Jun 28, 2008


Legal Stuff: If you are too young to read this, go watch cartoons and be happy with that.

I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned in this story, nor their sexuality. This is purely fiction and is meant for entertainment putposes only.

This story depicts male/male relationships and sexual relations. If you do not want to read things like that, then leave. You are in the wrong place.


Because of Drew - Chapter 6

I didn't really feel like going to class that night. But since I had already missed one day because of Drew, I had to grin and bear the fact that school was important too.

School ended at 5:45 and I flew up to Karate by 6 and got the workout of my life with Kick Boxing enidng at 7:50. 'Shit, shit, shit!' I thought. 'I'm running late!'

I didn't even bother to go to my car, I just left the building and teleported out of there, and back to my apartment. 7:51. Gotta love that!

I took a 5 minute shower, much shorter than my usual 20. Just enough to get clean and ready for my first date with Drew. Oh no, what to wear?? I had a great wardrobe already, but I don't really know what is appropriate for the place that we were going. 7:57. Uh oh. Then I heard Drew's ringtone on my phone. One that I created myself, I might add. His solo part of my favorite song, My Everything. "Yeah?" I asked as I answered.

"You about ready?" he asked me.

"Yeah, just deciding what to wear. What kind of dress code is in effect for the evening?" I asked.

"You can wear anything and look good. But, the dress should be semi-formal." he stated.

"Thanks, see you in a couple of minutes." I said.

"I'm outside now." he said. "Do you need more time?"

"NO! Gimme just a minute. YOU are a minute early." I retorted as I hung up the phone.

No time to put anything on, so I concentrated on a maroon button down, long sleeve shirt, with khaki pants and a silver tie. The clothes appeared. Gotta love the magic effect.


'Just in time' I thought. "Hi there," I said as I opened the door and stared into the face of true perfection. He was wearing black pants and an emerald green long sleeve button down, no tie. I removed mine, but pocketed it for later, just in case.

"Wow," was all he said. "Like I said, you look amazing in anything."

"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself sexy." I said.

"Shall we go?" he asked.

"Yes, indeed." I replied. "Please tell me that we are not in the SUV. I cannot stand big cars."

"Nope, we are in this right here." he stated as he walked up to a red topless Ferrari.

"Please tell me that you just rented this thing to woo me. This can't actually be yours." I said.

"Actually, its yours." he said. "I bought it this afternoon, and I was hoping that you would take it as a gift from me."

"Drew, this is way too nice of you. I want to say that I can't take it, but I know in my mind that it is better than the POS that I drive now. Thank you." I didn't know what else to say.

"Well this is not all of it. If it is okay, I asked Nick and Brit to go with us, as a double date. I hope that is okay." he said to me.

"That is great. Now if I get bored talking with you I can talk with someone more interesting." I said, then I just laughed.

He started laughing too then commented, "I don't think that you will find anyone more interesting than me tonight."

He started the car, since I did not know where we were going, and drove off. Surprisingly enough, we ended up at the Millennium Tower Restaurant. Our reservations were for 8:30 and it was only 8:20, so we waited for a little while Nick and Brittany decided to show up. And they did arrive with only 2 minutes to spare. They also looked pretty good. No one looks better than Drew though.

"Cutting it a little close there?" I asked.

"This one takes forever to get ready for anything. I waited for her at her apartment for almost 30 minutes before she was ready." Nick stated.

"Right this way, please" the host told us when they arrived.

We were lead to a table in the back, away from prying eyes. This was way too nice from what I was used to. I grew up on McDonalds and Hardees, and this was just not what I expected. We ordered out dinners and drinks, with me getting a grilled chicken salad, and I didn't even hear what everyone else ordered. I was too shocked by my surroundings and the fact that I was here, with the man that I love. Still gives me goosebumps. Love. I had finally found it.

There was idle chit-chat before dinner had arrived and during dinner. Drew and Nick wanted to know all about me and Brit, I started. "When I start this it is kind of hard for me to stop. I was born and raised in South St. Louis, went to catholic school, where I had to wear the crazy uniforms. Ended up moving out to Jefferson County due to the fact that the crime rate was going up, and after my mom got robbed at gunpoint right outside our house. I was bounced around a lot finally settling in Hillsboro MO, and hating every minute of it. Too country for me. I needed civilization. So after my little revelation about the gay thing in high school then the magic thing shortly thereafter, I left the house. I was only 17 when I graduated. I had to live with my grandma for a couple of months, then I got my apartment. I have been living there ever since. I have had no desire to contact my family since they threw me out on my own with my car and my cat."

"Wow, I thought I had it bad." Brit said. "Growing up was nowhere near as bad for me as it was for you. I come from the city of Dupo IL, and trust me, there ain't that much there. Not really much to do in that town. When I graduated from high school, I was in about the same boat at Sam was. I was realy overweight, and I looked like a dork. So, I dropped the weight, got contact lenses, and enrolled in cosmotology school. The rest is pretty much history. Except for the fact that I was engaged once, to the man who took my virginity. Then I ended it when I found him with my sister 2 weeks before the wedding. Otherwise, lets see, my dad is gay. He came out in Sept of 01, even though I was too young to understand to what was going on. Also, I was never really wanted by his side of the family. They always preffered my sister. On top of that, I tried to date guys in high school and half of them came out to me after a couple of months of dating. So, naturally, gay guys are EVERYWHERE in my life and I really don't mind it all that much. I think that's bout it."

After she finished her story, the glossy eyed effect took over on the guys eyes. I thought they were going to start crying for some reason. Drew got up and started walking away. Nick said, "I wonder whats wrong with him? I will be right back."

"No, let me go, I think that this has something to do with me anyways." I told him. I got up and went to where I thought Drew was. I found him in the bathroom crying. "What's up man? My life wasn't that bad. Was it?"

"I think that it was." he stifled out between sobs. "I just wish that I was there to help at some point in time. The fact that you have been through this much without someone there to support you is well beyond me."

"Drew, there was nothing that anyone could have done about it. Yes, I was mad about what happened, but I am not going to let it get to me. Whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. If my family doesn't want to know about the amazing person that I have become or the most perfect bofriend that I have found, then they don't need to. They don't deserve to know." I said to him.

He stopped crying, rather slowly, then turned to me and kissed me. "You are so right." he said. "If they cut you out, then they do not deserve to know anyhting about the man that you have become and the one that loves you."

"Come on, lets get back to them before they start to suspect something about what we are doing in here." I said. All he did was giggle a little then we started to make our way out of the restroom.

Ringing phone. "Shit, hang on a sec." I said to Drew. "Hello?"

"Steven? This is Sarah." the voice on the other end had said.

I didn't say anything at first. How could this person know my real name. "Sarah...have a last name?" I said.

"Your cousin." I stood there and said nothing.

End of chapter 6

Again guys, please let me know how I am doing. I will continue anyways becasue I like to do this. and all feedback is welcome.

Next: Chapter 7

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