Becky and Me

By Addie Q

Published on Mar 25, 2006



Please note, the following story has graphic sexual content. If you are younger than 18, please do not read any further.

Becky and Me

By Addie Q

We were up late again. We sat together on Becky's bed. The house was quiet. Becky's parent's were away and wouldn't be back for a few days.

I sat close to Becky, and it seemed that Becky might be asleep. She wore glasses, and her eyes were closed and she was breathing slowly. I loved looking at Becky, and this was a wonderful chance to look at her. Becky was lying on her stomach wearing a red t-shirt, her arms around her pillow. She had on sweatpants and bare feet. Her short red hair was messy.

The way she was laying, with her eyes were closed - I could just admire her. I stared at her cute butt, it looked so wonderful.

Oh god, how can I even try and explain my fascination with Becky's amazing ass. As long as we've been friends, I've been preoccupied by it. And Becky knows how I feel, and it comes up all the time.

I carefully reached over with a finger toward Becky's bottom; just enough to gently touch it. I whispered, "Oh Becky."

Becky flinched and squealed, "Laura - Stop it!"

"You're so worried about being ticklish," I stated.

"It's not that, you always try and poke at my butt!" Answered Becky.

"How can I help it? It's so cute."

"It makes me nervous," said Becky. I had heard this plenty of times, and I would tease Becky because of it, but on some level, I know that she enjoyed it.

Then I said, "Oh c'mon Becky - you know that I'm completely in love with your butt!"

Becky was surprised that I would be so bold, and she actually smiled a little before saying, "Oh stop it!"

Then I whispered, "I love your beautiful ass..."

"Stop it - I never know when you're kidding."

Finally I said, "Oh Becky, don't listen to me, I'm sorry."

"Jeez Laura - I mean, you just sound so excited about this kind of stuff..." Becky said nervously.

"Oh you're right, I guess I say the same thing all the time."

"Laura, it's so weird - you're totally fixated on my butt."

I smiled and said, "I guess I am..."

It's true, I'm completely smitten by Becky's cute bottom. For some reason I constantly bring it up, but so does she.

Becky has a funny way of announcing that she thinks she's fat, and then I speak up and try and convince her she isn't. It's an ongoing game for both of us. When Becky complains, it always seems to be about her own butt, she can really obsess about it, it's sorta weird. But, for some reason, I loved to hear it. I guess I love it because it's was a way to talk about Becky's body, and I really delight in flattering her, especially when it's about Becky's bottom.

Becky and I constantly try to compare and contrast our bottoms. It's turned into a source of endless amusement for both of us. Becky constantly said she wants an ass like mine and I want Becky's. I'll endlessly describe Becky's super cute ass with words like beautiful and delicious, and Becky loves it.

Maybe it's mean, but I really enjoy teasing Becky, who could get very submissive as a result. Becky is really fit, but she acts awkward around me. Sometimes, Becky would talk in a quiet baby voice, and that's been a total signal for me, and I'll really push hard to get her to act more like a baby. And it usually works, especially when the topic our bodies. I loved it, and so did Becky. We can talk endlessly about our hair, our breasts, our tummies and, especially, our bottoms.

Here's something that happened earlier this same evening. After a lot of prodding from me, we went so far as to pull our pants down and compare butts in the bathroom mirror. How I got Becky to agree to this, I'll never know - but we did it. Wow, it was a thrilling moment for me - probably Becky too, as we looked over our shoulders at each other's behind.

Our pants weren't really pulled down very far; I think we were both pretty nervous.

Mine is little, like a boy's butt. But Becky has such a perfect round ass.

Becky said, "Oh my god, Laura - your butt is so tiny and cute."

And I said, "Yours is perfect..."

I remember aching to reach over and touch Becky's bare ass. But it didn't happen. Becky has read hair and her skin is really pale. Her butt looked so cute and almost pink.

Then, in a nervous voice, Becky said, "I took a shower this afternoon, and I always wash my butt really well."

I wanted to laugh, it sounded so strange - but for some reason I actually found it kind of sexy. I wasn't sure how to respond.

I said, "Well, it sure looks nice and clean."

"Thank you." She replied in that little baby voice.

I'm not sure how long we looked, but it seemed too short.

The sight of our bare butts in the mirror was kind of intense, and it actually left me a little shaky. After we pulled our pants up, and left the bathroom, there was this weird nervousness. I'm sure she felt it too.

Becky was always shy about any kind of nakedness. So was I, but not like Becky. We has known each other a long time, but I don't think we had ever actually seen each other naked, and now we had each seen just a little glimpse of each other's bare bottoms.

Part of me wanted to get Becky to go back in the bathroom and do it again, but I couldn't bring myself to ask her.

We are usually so gabby, but we were both strangely quiet after that.

Right after the bathroom mirror thing, Becky changed her pants. She had been wearing baggy jeans, and she changed into a pair of snug gray sweatpants. She called them her pajamas. She rarely wore those pants, but I definitely remember complimenting them. I said that they made her butt look wonderful. Did she put them on for me?

She called her pants her pajamas, and I hadn't heard her ever say that. Actually, I was wearing her pajamas. They were thin cotton and bright blue. They were men's style, and we were about the same size so they fir me nice. But, I didn't have my bra on, and for some reason I was really self-conscious about my nipples showing through. I usually don't care, but right then it seemed really awkward.

Something was different about tonight. I was even more obsessive than ever about Becky's perfect plump round butt. Just seeing it left me feeling really haunted. Sometimes I can really push the subject with Becky. And now, tonight, I wanted to push it even farther.

Earlier, Becky had turned off the overhead light in her room. Now the bedside lamp lit the room. It had an orange shade, and it created a soft warm light.

We've spent a lot of time close together, and we've even taken naps arm in arm. But right then, on the bed together - something was different. Becky was lying on her stomach, her hands under her pillow. For some reason I felt a little nervous, but she seemed totally relaxed.

Becky broke the silence and said, "Laura, you just love to talk about my butt, don't you." I wasn't sure, but she thought Becky spoke in that baby voice.

I said, "C'mon Becky, you know why I talk about it, because it's so cute!"

"No way, it's just so enormous. I hate my great big butt." She did it. This was her signal. Now I had the go-ahead to tell her that her butt was beautiful.

I poked Becky's ass.

"Oh stop it. Looking at you I feel like I have such a huge butt."

I laughed, and Becky said, "Don't laugh!"

I patted my hand on Becky's pants, right on her butt and said, "Be quiet, your ass is fabulous."

I cautiously left my hand there.

Becky twitched a little, and said, "It just feels so big. I hate it!"

Then I said, "And I love it."

I didn't move. I kept my hand on Becky's ass, this was the first time, besides some playful poking, she had ever really let me touch it. I noticed my heart was beating a little faster. I could easily see the panty line under the fabric of Becky's tight gray sweatpants.

Becky was my best friend- but right then, all I could think about was her amazingly cute round bottom. And now my hand was actually on it.

Becky just lay there, quiet and still.

What should I do? I rubbed it nicely, gave it a little squeeze and said, "This is NOT big."

I kept her hand there, wondering if Becky would tell me to stop. Nothing happened. Then, I rubbed a little more. Becky was silent.

I kept on rubbing, gentle and slow. It went on like this for a long time, maybe ten minutes. It was dreamlike for me, Becky's bottom felt so warm and smooth.

Finally - almost in a whisper, Becky said, "You don't think it's... it's - too soft?"

"Oh Becky - no, it's perfect." I said.

"I think it's too soft."

"Then let me feel you make it hard."

"What?" Becky asked.

"Try and make it hard." I said.

Becky tensed her butt, and I rubbed a little harder. Becky was really fit, and her butt muscles became firm.

"Oh c'mon, you can do better than this." I said, and then I repositioned myself. I got up on my knees and sat directly on Becky's legs and put both hands on Becky's ass.

"All right, lets really make it hard," I commanded.

"Just a second," Becky said as she took her glasses off, and carefully set them on the bedside table. Then she put her head back on her pillow, held her breath and really squeezed.


I grabbed with both hands, and pushed. Becky's ass got really stiff. It was just for a few hard squeezes and pushes, and in a playful way, Becky wiggled and pushed back. She sort of grunted from the effort. This went on for a little while until Becky exhaled and seemed to melt.

Then I said, "Wow, nice going Miss Power Butt!"

Becky said, "Thank you!" She said it in that adorable baby voice.

Now, I had both hands on her butt, one on each cheek.

Becky was quiet, and seemed completely relaxed. With me sitting firmly on Becky's legs, she was trapped. I let my hands caress the fabric of Becky's tight sweatpants.

I kept on rubbing. Slow, soft and round motions, one hand on each cheek. I had always loved the shape of Becky's bottom, and now to finally hold it was really and truly intoxicating. I very carefully rubbed, trying to be as sensual as I could.

I whispered, "Becky, you have a beautiful ass."

Again in that baby voice, Becky said, "Thank you..."

And I kept on rubbing.

Careful round motions, gently squeezing. I slowed down and, very cautiously, ever so slightly spread the cheeks apart.

Becky squirmed a little.

"Oh please, no. Don't tense up, this is... so good." I said.

I continued to calmly push and massage with my hands for a few more minutes. Becky stayed silent.

Then, in a slow steady motion I did it again, I firmly spread the cheeks apart, and then slowly let them come back together.

Now, my heart was racing.

I quietly said, "This is... so wonderful."

I slowly pushed and squeezed, and carefully spread Becky's butt open. I did this in a rhythm, for a few long minutes. Each time grabbing with more intensity, and forcing the cheeks wide apart.

I wondered if Becky was apprehensive about this, but she made no effort to stop. And with each round motion, I was getting shamelessly sexual, pushing my thumbs deep into Becky's crack. The rhythm was slow, and each time my thumbs inched deeper into Becky's bottom and further down between her legs.

I kept rubbing and kept pushing, and then I realized I wanted to be in a more vigorous position, so I got up on my knees. Now I could push a little harder.

As I did this - ever so slightly, Becky started to arch her back, and her butt tilted upward. With that, the rubbing got more sensual and with each motion Becky's full round bottom got a little higher. More rubbing, and more lifting. Becky arched her back more with each push, her butt got higher and higher.

As this went on, I was getting very excited. I was really unrestrained as I massaged and pushed and squeezed, making firm round motions.

Things were getting physical and bold.

Then Becky shifted a little and I stopped. Oh my god, was she going to make me stop? I took my hands off her ass and waited to see what she was going to do.

Slowly and deliberately, Becky squirmed up onto her knees; she arched her back and pressed her face down on the pillow.

I was completely stunned. With this, her full round butt pointed up to the ceiling. I was surprised that Becky would get into a position this dramatic.

I had to catch my breath.

And then I whispered, "Becky, this is so nice."

I put my hands back onto her bottom. Now I was extraordinarily gentle, just barely touching. I massaged as slow and smooth as I could.

Becky's pose, with her butt pointed up at me, made her back arch down to her shoulders on the bed, and her head on the pillow. I carefully moved her red t-shirt a little, so there were a few inches of pale skin exposed.

I tried to visualize that haunting image of Becky's bare ass in the bathroom mirror, I desperately wanted to see it again.

I stopped rubbing, and moved my fingertips to the edge of Becky's pants. Then I carefully began to pull the stretchy fabric down, and Becky started to squirm.

"Laura... no..." protested Becky.

Becky wriggled, but I held on to her pants.

"Becky, I want to, I - I mean, can I take a peek at your panties..." I asked nervously.

"But, I'm not sure if..."

"Becky - please!" I begged.

With that, Becky held still.

I slowly pulled the sweatpants down just enough to see the top of Becky's panties, and their pattern.

"Little flowers - Oh my god, these are so cute..." I said, genuinely happy.

"I - I don't know if..." Becky said.

I asked, "Can I see a little more?"

"But Laura..."

"Oh please, this is so nice - please." I replied.

Becky said, "It's just..."

"Becky, please." I interrupted. "There have been so many times that I have told you how much I liked your bottom. I wasn't kidding."


I went on, "Becky, I love bottom, really - I do. I love your beautiful bottom. So please - please let me do this, I'm begging you, please."


With desperation in my voice I said, "Becky - please, I have to do this."

After a long pause, Becky quietly answered, "Okay."

And then I pulled the tight sweatpants down to Becky's knees. Becky didn't move, she stayed still in that amazing pose, with her back arched and her ass in the air.

I whispered, "Oh god, Becky - thank you."

At first, all I could do was stare. Her panties were thin and snug, and they were so pretty. They were pale yellow with tiny little roses in a pattern.

Then, I put my lips to Becky's underwear and kissed the fabric. Once on each cheek. I was surprised I did this, but it seemed utterly natural.

Becky whispered, "Thank you..." She said it in that adorable little baby voice.

I let my fingertips gently touch her panties. I traced the outline of the waistband, all the way around the front and back, as slow and softly as I could.

Then I traced the edge of the fabric around each leg. My fingertips moved smooth and slow. As my finger touched the tiny silky hairs near her crotch, Becky shivered.

Then I did all again, but slower. And she shivered again.

I said, "Becky, I absolutely love your bottom."

Then, I put both hands on Becky's thin cotton panties and again began to slowly squeeze her bottom. I focused on much more gentle motions, until I almost stopped.

I couldn't believe what I was thinking, but her position was so dramatic, and it made her ass cheeks seem like they were a little more spread apart. And, the fabric of her panties was so thin. I knew what I wanted to do.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves.

Then, I placed my thumb as best as she could guess, directly on Becky's anus.

With that, Becky moved a little. I was scared, but I held still and kept my thumb still.

Becky pushed her pillow aside and onto the floor so her face was even lower, and now her butt seemed even higher. Now Becky's ass was as high as it seemed possible.

Then Becky carefully repositioned her legs, as wide as she could with the sweatpants still around her knees.

"Oh Becky," I whispered, my thumb gently on her anus.

I moved my thumb very slowly; I could easily feel the tiny pucker through the thin fabric of Becky's panties. I was completely focused, my thumb pressing in a little round motion, firm onto that small spot. I did it for a while, and I though I heard Becky moan.

I whispered, "Oh god, so beautiful."

It was joyous that Becky was letting me do this. I couldn't believe it.

I carefully felt the little hole through the thin fabric of Becky's underwear. I probably played with it far more than a few minutes. And - she was letting me do it.

I was pressing in a rhythm, firm and slow against her anus.

I took my other hand and delicately stroked her legs with my fingertips. I carefully touched the few thin pubic hairs along the inside of her groin.

Becky shivered from the sensation.

I was wondering if Becky would be wet. I cupped my hand and let it rest up against her crotch. Now Becky definitely moaned.

Suddenly my heart was racing.

I pressed up a little against Becky's vaginal lips, which they were easy to feel through the fabric, and the area was slightly damp to the touch.

Then, for the first time, Becky carefully moved her groin backward into my thumbs. It was a small motion, but it was so sensual.

Becky's ass started to pump rhythmically and I pushed back to meet each motion.

"Becky - yes..." I whispered.

The sight of Becky's ass up so high and gently moving, her tight flowered panties, my own hands touching and pressing, plus the feel of the tight fabric was almost too much for me, and for a second, I actually thought I might faint. I took a deep breath and for the next few minutes, the motions were almost robotic, unwavering pumping and rubbing.

I thought, that maybe - if I kept this going, maybe she could have an orgasm. I couldn't believe that this might occur, and with my help.

I was overcome with intense emotion; I felt such a desperate love for Becky.

It was all too much - I stopped rubbing, and reached down and started to pull Becky's sweatpants off her legs.

Becky whispered nervously, "Laura?"

"Shhhhh..." I said, and then I pulled the pants off past Becky's bare feet, and let them fall to the floor.

She had to pull her knees together when I pulled the pants off, and now Becky carefully repositioned her knees just a little wider than they were before.

Then, I quickly kissed her wonderful bottom, right on her panties.

There was a long pause; and all I could do was delicately stroke her panties with my fingertips.

Finally I said, "Becky, remember tonight..." My voice was shaky with emotion, and I know Becky could hear it.

"Yes..." Becky answered.

I continued uneasily, "Tonight, when we pulled our pants down together, and looked at our bottoms in the bathroom mirror?"

"Yes, I remember."

"I - I mean, Oh Becky, I - I really enjoyed it" I stammered.

Becky quietly replied, "So did I."

I took a deep breath and said, "Becky, your bottom - is so beautiful."

There was a long pause, and during this time, I was gently stroking her panties.

Finally Becky whispered, "Thank you..."

"I was so happy to see it, to really finally see it."


"Yes - Really, it made me so happy to see it." I said. "You must know how much I love it, and I want you to know how beautiful - I - I ..."

Then I carefully reached under, between her legs, and delicately stroked the few soft pubic hairs sticking out of Becky's underwear.

She shivered, just a little.

"Oh god, Laura..."

I whispered, "Your bottom is so perfect and lovely."

We sat in silence for a long time, with me gently touching her delicate little hairs.

Then I carefully whispered, "Becky, I'm going to pull your panties down."

I paused, waiting for Becky to say something.

Becky didn't move or say anything. Her wonderful ass was positioned high and her face was pressed down firm on the bed.

I leaned in and kissed her on her pale bare skin at the base of her back, just above the waistband of her panties. I kissed her a few times as gently as I could.

Then I put my fingers inside the waistband of her panties, and slowly started to pull them down. I kissed every inch of the newly exposed skin. Earlier, Becky said she washed her bottom, and now I could smell the soap. And it was wonderful.

It probably took me five minutes to slowly pull her panties all the way down to her knees. And I kissed her pale skin the entire way down her legs. My face was so close and I was so focused.

I carefully pulled the panties off her legs and set them on the bed. They were damp when I touched them. At this point, all Becky was wearing was her tight red t-shirt.

Now, I finally looked at Becky's bottom, and I blurted out, "Oh God - Becky..."

Her ass was still pointed high, and she moved her knees back into that strong wide stance. I was electrified, and my heart was pounding.

The way she was positioned, I could clearly see her anus.

"Oh my god." I whispered in a shaky voice...

I carefully put my hands on her bare cheeks. Her skin was pale and pink, but I was utterly transfixed on her tiny little anus.

I desperately wanted to continue with some lovely sensual massage, but all I could do was spread her plump cheeks to get a better view of that tight little hole. I could see her vagina and her pubic hair too, but I was entirely transfixed by her anus.

Then I realized, I was frozen.

I was hypnotized, and all I did was stare. I sat unmoving, holding Becky's butt cheeks wide, staring at her tiny pink hole.

This went on for perhaps a full minute, until finally Becky nervously whispered, "Laura, is everything okay?"

This sort of snapped me out of my trance, and I said, "Oh god yes, Becky!"

"What?" Becky asked.

I whispered, "Oh god, Becky - I had no idea that it could be so - so beautiful."

And Becky replied, in her softest baby voice, "Really?"

"Yes, really - it's, I mean, you..." and then I trailed off.

"What?" Becky asked nervously.

"It's - it's so..." I stammered.

"Tell me - please," Becky quietly asked.

"Your - your anus is so lovely." I whispered.

With that Becky made this tiny whimper noise.

"Becky, it's so delicate and perfect - I had no idea..."

Then Becky carefully arched her back and lifted her ass even more, giving me an unbelievable direct view.

"Oh god, Becky. I love you so much." I don't know why I said it, but it seemed so true.

Becky's hips started to rock, ever so slightly.

And looking close, I could see her tiny pucker was pulsing just a little.

"Becky, oh god - Becky..."

Becky whispered, "I love you Laura ..."

I couldn't help myself, I wet my own lips and I leaned in and carefully kissed Becky's anus.

The reaction from Becky was electric, she shuddered and let out this passionate moan.

I was loosing myself, I kissed it again, letting my lips push firm against her tiny pucker.

"Oh god..." Gasped Becky.

Becky was responding in a way that made me want to explode. She started to tremble and she was breathing short fast breaths.

I kissed and kissed, and she got more and more excited.

Then, with my hands on each but cheek, I slid my tongue against her little anus. I could feel her spasms against my wet tongue.

It was building slowly, I tried to be as delicate as I could - but I was soon licking hard, and everything was getting wet.

Becky panted out, "Oh god - Laura, it feels so good..."

I took one hand and carefully put it on the inside of her thigh, and I realized it was unbelievably wet. Becky had been dripping down the inside of her leg.

I moved that hand up, and for the first time touched her open wet vagina. Becky immediately started to pump her hips. All the while I was licking her anus, and pushing my tongue as fast and hard as I could.

I pressed my palm up against her wet crotch, and I could totally feel her firm round clitoris. And it was soft and moist, there was a squishy sound.

At this point, Becky was pumping with such speed, my hand was just holding itself in place, and she humped against it. She was breathing hard, and I was licking all around her little pink anus.

Suddenly, Becky said, "Stop..."

I pulled my face away, and stayed still. Becky was still in that amazing pose, and my hands were still holding her beautiful bottom. She was breathing really hard, and her body was heaving like she'd just run up a flight of stairs.

I was worried, had I done too much - what was happening?

I carefully asked, "Becky, what's wrong?"

She covered he face with her hands, and mumbled, "Laura, I - I..." and then she drifted off.

"What is it?" I asked. I was really concerned she was upset about all of this.

Then Becky sat up on her knees. I had to take my hands away. Her back was to me and she was still breathing hard.

I whispered in a nervous voice, "Becky?"

There was a awkward pause, and she finally said, "Laura, I feel... I mean - I have to..." and again, she trailed off into silence.

I sat there wondering what to do.

"Becky - what?"

Then, in a smooth and deliberate way, Becky pulled her red t-shirt up and over her head and let it fall to the floor. Without any pause, she then undid her bra and took it off.

Now she was completely naked, with her pale freckled back to me.

She sat that way, for a short moment. Then she slowly leaned forward and put her face to the bed, and as she moved I got the briefest glimpse of her small breasts, and I was stunned at how tiny and hard her pale pink nipples were.

Then Becky moved her ass so it was pointed up to the ceiling. She carefully repositioned her knees wide, until she was in that same amazing position - just as she was a few minutes before.

I was thunderstruck, and I was afraid to touch her. She was naked, and perfect, and her beautiful bottom was pointed up for me to see. I couldn't believe how wet everything was.

I whispered, "Oh god, Becky..." I was awash in love.

Her tiny anus was soaked and glistening, and that was all from me, from my kisses and my wet tongue. I was flooded with such deep emotion. Becky was naked, and beautiful and her pink little anus was all I could focus on.

Becky whispered in that baby voice, "Laura... can you?"

"Do you - do you want me to - to lick some more?" I asked.

"Yes..." She gasped.

I gently put one hand on her hip, and I cupped the other hand against her wet vagina. She shuddered with anticipation.

I leaned in and delicately kissed her tiny anus.

As soon as I did, Becky responded with a dynamic shiver.

She whimpered, "Oh god..."

I kissed and licked again, and let myself drool down in her crack, now things were positively soaking.

She quietly whimpered, "Laura, oh my god - this is so amazing..."

Her ass was positively thrusting back against my wet hand.

Becky's bottom was moving with such force, that it was hard to hold my lips against her pumping hole.

I moved my hand from her hip, under her, and felt her tiny breasts. She was rocking and moving and they felt unimaginably soft, and her nipples were hard and small.

I caressed them as smoothly as I could and Becky gasped aloud. The sound she made was so passionate, it astonished me.

I was licking her anus, and rubbing her breasts with one hand and her wet crotch with my other hand. I couldn't believe how moving this all felt.

Then it sounded like Becky was crying.

I pulled my face away and asked, "Becky, are you all right?"

She whispered to me, in a panting reply, "Oh god... Laura, I love you so much..."

I didn't know what to do. The inside of her butt was soaking and it looked so exquisite.

I moved my hand from her tiny breast, and touched her slippery anus, it was smooth and warm.

As soon I as I touched it Becky gasped, "Oh God!"

I took my index finger and lightly pressed it against her tiny hole.

"Oh God, Laura..."

Then Becky started to wriggle herself, she was slowly trying to back up into my finger. Every thing was so wet, that with almost no effort my finger slid smoothly into Becky's tight anus.

Becky gasped, "Laura, I'm going to come..."

I felt for her slippery clitoris with my other hand, and pushed firm against it.

Becky was about explode.

I pushed my finger deeper into Becky's anus.

"Oh god, I'm going to come..."

I leaned forward and kissed the smooth pale skin of her butt cheek, and I could feel the spasms of ecstasy with my lips.

"Oh god - Oh god," Becky panted.

I pushed my finger just a little deeper into her thrusting anus.


Then it happened, and I could feel all of it, Becky climaxed in an amazing orgasm.

She screamed out, "Oh god - Oh god - Laura!"

Suddenly my hand against her groin was awash in hot liquid.

Becky's hips convulsed, and she let out a series of passionate sobs. I held on, until the waves of her climax slowly subsided.

"Oh my god, Laura - that was incredible."

Becky was breathing hard, and she slowly melted down flat against the bed. She lay on her stomach, and her bottom and legs were shiny from all the wetness.

She was naked and beautiful and perfect. I took my hand, wet from her orgasm, and rubbed her smooth plump bottom.

Becky's eyes were closed, and her back was rising with each of her deep inhalations.

What had just happened?

I was completely bewildered, my emotions were spinning off in some wild way.

Becky's bare ass was as beautiful as it could possibly be - and, that's all I wanted.

I started kissing her bottom again, it was slick and damp, and it was slippery against my lips. I was kneeling on her legs. I kissed her pale soft cheeks, over and over and over. I was in some haunted dream.

Neither of us said anything, the only noise was my wet kisses.

I crawled up and kissed her freckled back. It was smooth and cool against my lips.

I inched myself up and kissed her neck. I could smell her hair, I could hear her breathing.

Becky made a soft "Mmmmm..." noise.

At that moment, I realized I was sitting on her soft plump bottom. I was kind of pressing into it.

I looked down at myself. I was wearing Becky's old blue pajamas, and they were pressing right onto Becky's soft round ass. And I could see I was wet.

I was really surprised, for some reason this was a shock to me. There was a small wet mark in between my legs, and I was pushing myself into Becky's bare butt. I looked down at my self, I was sweaty and didn't realize it, and my nipples stood out hard under the pajama top.

I had never felt anything like this - ever. I had no idea what was happening. I was staring at my own crotch, and the wet spot on those thin pajamas.

Then I realized I was kind of humping Becky's butt. I mean really pushing with my groin. It was totally weird and involuntary.

I was suddenly possessed, and all I could do was pump my hips, and rub my wet crotch against Becky's round firm butt cheek.

What was happening?

I think I was actually staring to grunt, and I was rubbing uncontrollably. Then I felt it, Becky was rocking her hips, so her butt would push up against my groin. The sensation was astounding.

I reached up, and awkwardly grabbed at her - I groped and ran my hands across her bare back.

I leaned in and kind of hugged her, still humping and breathing hard. And Becky was pumping her firm but up against me.

I pushed my face against he short red hair, near her neck - and kissed her.

I put my lips against her ear and sucked her pink earlobe.

Then Becky turned her head, and almost instantly we were kissing each on the mouth. It was wet and passionate, I was worried I might start to cry.

Becky rolled over onto her side, and now I was humping the side of her hip. We were still kissing.

Then I thought I might come, and I sat up a little.

I was still thrusting my groin against her, and she was naked and flawless. And for the first time I clearly saw her tiny breasts, she lay with her arms open, so I could see everything. With her arms outstretched, her breasts seemed impossibly small. And, her nipples were small and pale, and really hard.

Becky looked spectacular, and she had this eager smile on her face. I was about to explode with emotion.

Without saying anything, Becky undid my buttons on my shirt, and took it off. I wasn't wearing a bra and she was seeing my breasts for the first time. My breasts were a little bigger than hers, and they were bouncing with each of my humping pushes.

We stared in disbelief at each other for a long time, and I was rubbing my self with more and more urgency. Then Becky saw the growing wet spot on the thin blue fabric of the pajamas.

"Laura, Oh god, you're so wet." She exclaimed.

All I could say was, "Becky, I - I love you so much..."

With that, Becky reached up and started to pull off my pajama pants. It was slow and a little awkward, I was thrustng and shaking almost uncontrollably. Becky was naked, and now she was undressing me. I thought my hear might burst from joy.

Becky gently pushed me down on my back and then lifted my pants. I could feel the soggy fabric as it was pulled up and off my legs.

Now I was naked, and Becky looked directly at my open legs.

"Laura, I can't believe how wet you are..." Becky whispered.

It was true, I was turned on to the point where I was dripping with warm fluid.

Becky stared at me, and I wasn't sure what she was thinking.

Then she kissed me quickly on the mouth, and then she lay down close to me, on her belly.

I looked at her, and she looked at me. And then she squeezed her exquisite muscular ass and flexed it, and it started to slowly rock.

I knew immediately what she was offering me.

I got on my knees and climbed onto her back, and I pressed my swollen clitoris against her smooth and firm ass cheek.

The sensation was bewildering. I held my self still for a moment, trying to drink in the magnitude of what was happening.

Then Becky started to push her plump butt up and into my crotch.

I held still, and let her rub against me. I was so wet that there was instantly a thin glossy layer of slippery liquid against her silky smooth ass cheek.

Then she rocked with more intensity, and the sensation was sending me into some hidden and passionate place, a place I've never been before.

Then Becky turned her head to look at me over her shoulder.

She meekly asked, "Is this okay?"

I leaned in and kissed her. Wet, on her mouth. She stuck her tongue deep in my mouth and then I thought I might explode.

I started humping furiously, with a force that stocked me. I was grunting and panting, and I broke away from the kiss.

"Oh god - Becky..."

Becky was thrusting her ass hard up against me, and the wetness was getting sloppy and noisy.

I tried to kiss Becky, to touch her short hair - but I was too far-gone. All I could do was pump and rub my slippery clitoris against her smooth rocking butt.

We pushed and thrust, and Becky let her ass raise up, and I got higher on my knees, I tried to reach under and hold her breasts, and I did for a while, but all I could do was let myself fall into the building emotion, and rub harder.

Becky asked, "Do you think you can come?"

"Yes, oh god - Becky, yes..."

Becky pushed her smooth ass up into my sopping vagina with an even faster rhythm.

Then I felt it, and it came on strong and steady. I began to gasp and moan, and then my hips pumped in these fast shivering pulses. There was a slapping noise, And Becky pushed back hard.

I started moaning.

Becky had her ass up high, and my wet lips were pushed deep toward her crack, and I was rubbing - hard, with my firm slippery clit.

Then it happened - I came, shaking with powerful waves and convulsions. I was exploding with passion. I was humping furiously.

"Laura - yes..." gasped Becky.

Then, and it's never happened before, I literally squirted out and into Becky's crack, like I was peeing.

It was hot and powerful.

I screamed as I sprayed against Becky's anus, and it splashed down her legs and across her back.

Becky could feel it, and squealed, "Laura, oh god!"

My hips quavered, and I humped Becky's soaking ass, and everything was getting soaked. Then, it slowly subsided.

I looked down to see Becky perfect ass was wet and shiny. And my pubic hair was soaked.

I tried to understand what had happened, but it was just too much - too intense. And I gently kissed Becky's bottom again. And felt my own wetness on my lips.

Becky whispered, "I love you Laura..."

And I said, "I love you too..."

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