BECOMING A MASTER 10" MM+, Anal, Oral, SM, CBT, Raunchy, Bondage

By Homer Rios

Published on Sep 24, 2005



BECOMING A MASTER 10 MM+, Anal, Oral, SM, CBT, Raunchy, Bondage, and more HOMER RIOS Saturday, July 02, 2005

Copyright (c) 2005 to Homer Rios and WRITER BEAR CORPORATION

Please do not post, print, copy, or distribute without the express permission from the author.

Warning: Do not read any further if you are twenty-one (21) (or eighteen (18)) years of age (depending on where you live) and stories of this sort of nature are offensive to you and your community.

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NOTE: I am sorry that I haven't posted it such a long time but things have been extremely busy here in California. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Carlos came with me to the office a few months after the house warming party to help me with a project that I was supposed to be working on with a team, only to have the team taken away from me because of supposed budget issues. I told everyone I hired him and he will be paid out of my wages, which my bossed didn't care as long as it was my money. We worked well together and were able to get the project completed in half the time that I estimated-something my boss enjoyed.

After finishing the project in three months and not the six months that my boss told the client, I decided to take Carlos out for dinner to celebrate a job well done. We had a great meal and great conversation, which I usually don't get to do with him. We were friends, and not Master/Slave, which I liked better. Our conversations went on for hours, especially after we make love. He's in my arms as he strokes my chest and talking about various topics. It truly was heaven.

After dessert we decided to take a walk on the outdoor mall that they replicated to make feel like a coastal mall. We walked slowly talking about almost anything that came to our minds, laughing at stupid little jokes, and generally having a good time. After midnight we finally headed home, it was late and we needed to get our rest.

Driving up to the house I noticed that the front porch light was off, Butch knew better than to turn the lights off, and was ordered to stay in dog-mode while we were gone. Rather than parking in the garage, Carlos and I exited the vehicle and headed to the front porch, and saw that the front door was wide opened. Running inside, I found that everything was in tact and that nothing was missing.

Getting worried, I started to whistle for Butch to come to me. Nothing. I checked the cell and he wasn't there, I checked the doghouse and he wasn't sleeping there. I started to get worried, as I searched all of his favorite places to sleep.

Carlos came back into the great room where I was sitting on the couch; he was worried too, especially since the two started to get along well with each other. He sat on the ground next to my feet, and laid his head on my lap, which I tenderly stroked.

"Where could he be? You don't think he's run away?"

Carlos looked up at me, "Master Chang."

It wasn't a question more of an accusation; if there were other Masters present I would have to discipline him for suggesting such a thing about a Master. He was a slave and did not have the right to question another Master, but in this situation I think it was safe to say he was right.

"I don't think he would break into my house and kidnap the bitch, but you make a valid point." I said stroking his head.

"What do we do?" Carlos asked.

"I think going to the cops is out of the question, I don't think that officer we met last week will be able to help us much either." I said.

"What about Master Frank?"

I pulled out my cell phone but didn't get an answer; I left a message with an unidentified slave. We walked into my bathroom and got prepared for sleep; I had to be at work for some meetings with clients, and a department meeting. None of which I wasn't too eager to attend with this current crises happening.

The next morning I left orders with Carlos to phone me with any news, but I didn't hear anything from him. I basically went through the motions during the rest of the week. I couldn't get my mind off Butch, even though my relationship with him was not like Carlos, I still had feelings for him. Added to that I was worried about him because of the state he was in. I knew that he was still not fully "sane" and didn't want this kidnapping to scar him even more than he was all ready.

Doubt started to run through my mind, regret that I should have let Greg (the bitch) go back to his original life and not keep him as a slave. I kept saying to myself that if I set Greg free he would have had a better life now and wouldn't be in the situation he is in now.

Throughout the week I called Master Frank, but never got a call back, I even tried to call Master Chuck, and some of the other masters, but didn't get an answer. I was getting worried; I didn't like the fact that Butch has been gone for a week now.

Four weeks later, I got a call from Master Frank. He was his usual take charge self, and asked: "What is the problem Enrique you sounded upset?"

"About four weeks ago sir, I came back from a business meeting and found that my front door was forced opened, nothing was missing, but Butch." I said concerned.

"The Man-Dog is missing? You haven't called the cops have you?"

"No sir. I didn't exactly know what I would say to them, but thought about you and maybe you could help me out sir."

"Didn't Master Chang show interest in him?"

"Yes sir. At the house warming party you and Master Chuck attended."

"That's right. Let me get on this and let you know what is going on, okay?"

"Thank you sir I really appreciate it." I said, not knowing what I was going to do to repay him.

Carlos laid me down on the couch after helping me off with my shirt, and began to massage my back. He was getting all of the knots out of my back and making me relax getting my mind off of our man-dog. Normally, I would roll right over and take him in my arms and make love to him, but tonight I fell asleep still upset over the man-dog's disappearance.

Another four weeks go by, our lives was a bit more empty without the man-dog around, but Carlos and I still had our love for each other. The worry, the regrets, the doubt, and other emotions plagued me day after day, until finally on the ninth week I got a call from Master Frank.

"Master Frank! What have you heard?" I said without greeting.

"Hello to you too. Master Chang did indeed have your slave, but give me another week or two and I should be able to get him back to you." He said.

"Thank you so much SIR, I really do appreciate it..." I started, but was interrupted.

"No problem, Master Chang broke a sacred rule amongst us Masters, he stole another slave. I will be in touch with you soon." He hangs up.

I hung up the phone excited for the first time in a long time, I will be getting Butch back and things should return to normal. I informed Carlos, who was equally excited, and made ready to have a welcome home dinner for him with all of Butch's favorite foods. Carlos even suggested that perhaps the man-dog could sleep in the bedroom for a couple of weeks too. Hell I was willing to let him stay in the house for the remaining of the year; I was so relieved to get him back.

About a week and half later, Carlos and I were relaxing in the den watching a movie, when the doorbell rang. I got up and made my way to the front door, I opened the door and to my surprise Master Frank was standing there in his double-breasted suit, looking good-looking as always. He had a strange smile on his face, but figured it was so that he had good news for me.

"Enrique, you lucky son of a bitch!" He said making his way into the house uninvited.

"SIR?" I asked I have been quite out of it over the last couple of week, mostly beating myself up over what could have been.

"Butch get your lucky ass in here boy!" Master Frank yelled out.

Carlos entered bowed to Master Frank, showing him the proper respect, and looked at me. After a few seconds, Greg came walking into the entry hall in a nice pair of khaki's and a white Polo top. When he saw me he ran over to me and hugged me, dropping to his knees laughing and crying all at the same time and kissing my shoes.

Carlos took Greg to the side, as I walked up and shook Master Frank's hand; the words I wanted to express would not or could not come to my lips. I simply reply. "Thank You, Sir."

"You are very welcome boy, you deserve to have your man-dog back." He was smiling that wonderful smile of his.

"How could I ever repay you for this?" I asked.

"You don't! It was my pleasure." He said giving my shoulder a squeeze.

"But I feel like I should..." I started.

"Nonsense, I am glad that you just came to me. I will have to be going I have a few matters to clear up still. (Start to turn to leave) Oh yeah, I had the doctor look over him and he says that he is in perfect health. Master Chang didn't do anything wrong to him and in fact treated him quite well. Tip top shape head to toe and no adverse psychological effects either." He reported before leaving.

"Man!" Greg stood and got into the rest position, "Are you hungry boy?"

"Yes sir." He replied, with a huge smile.

"Good Carlos has been planning the menu for this day. Carlos if you will do the honors?"

Carlos turned to get things ready in the kitchen, while I took Greg into the bathroom. I had him stripe and get into the bathtub where I started to clean him up and examine him to see what sort of condition he was in. All the modifications were still there and it appeared that Master Chang didn't hurt him much. I dried him off, making over him for being gone from home for so long, and I found that he genuinely liked it.

We sat down to dinner, all of Butch's favorites, and had a good dinner with three men talking and enjoying each other company. The two slaves cleaned up the dishes while I changed for bed, I was tired (mentally and physically) and Butch and Carlos were tired too. I allowed them to sleep in bed with me that night.

Before I went to bed, Carlos was busy cleaning something in the kitchen, Butch asked me: "Master? May I please go back to dog mode tomorrow morning?"

"I thought I give you a break from it for a while, but if that is what you want tomorrow you will be in dog mode until I order you to man mode again. (A pause) Is there a reason?" I informed and asked the man-dog.

"No SIR, I am just more comfortable in the dog mode." He explained as he curled up at the foot of the bed.

We fell fast asleep, only to be awakened at four in the morning by a knock at the door. Carlos got out of the bed, putting on a robe, and answered the door. Carlos summoned me to the door, which I walked to in my shorts and nothing else. Standing at the door was one of Master Frank's slaves whose name escaped me at the time. He was dressed in tight jeans, and a white t-shirt, and no shoes. All and all he was one of Master Frank's better-looking slaves.

Seeing me he kneeled in front of me and kissed my foot. I ordered him raise, just in case someone saw him. "What can I do for you boy?" I asked.

"SIR! I have been ordered by Master Frank to present you with this package, I am to apologize for such late delivery, but it was of the utmost importance to get this to you." He said producing a manila envelope from a backpack.

He handed it to me and went into a parade rest. "Thank you boy, you are dismissed."

He turned and left. Leaving Carlos and me with the envelope, which was heavy and packed tight. Carlos closed the front door and followed me into the kitchen. I sat down at the counter, getting myself comfortable on the bar stool, and sat the package down on the countertop.

"Carlos can you make some coffee?"

I pulled the contents out of the envelope: a smaller envelope, a DVD disc, and a typed out letter. I placed the disc into the portable DVD player and pressed the play button. Master Frank's image appeared on the twelve-inch screen, and began to speak:


The screen went blank, as I placed the player to the side of the counter and picked up the small envelope. Inside was an application that wanted specific information, etc. I turned to the typed out letter and read through it several times and found that all I have to do is fill out the application and send it to Master Frank and he'll take care of everything.

I started feeling out the information finishing it a few hours later placing it in the envelope with Master Frank's address and placed it in my mailbox. Carlos and I went back to bed without a word and waited for morning to come wondering what sort of restitution I will be getting, but finally coming the decision to worry about it when the time comes.

Three weeks later I decided to take my two guys on a vacation, I had two weeks of vacation coming to me and instead of cashing it in I decided to take two weeks off and relax. What better place to do it than to the beach?

We made it to a hotel early in the morning, having everything all ready scheduled and paid for on-line. The first day there we settled in and just enjoyed not having to be at work or at another meeting. I could tell from the man-dog and Carlos that they were excited about being out of the house.

That night the three of us went to dinner to a nice little restaurant on the boardwalk and then took a stroll. Greg was enjoying himself, despite the fact that he was uncomfortable in man-mode. I enjoyed how Greg and Carlos interacted with each other too. They were close with no more rivalry anymore; Greg showed Carlos respect and treated him as a second master, while Carlos treated Greg as if he was his own slave (and a brother).

We got back late and woke up even later, but we were on vacation and didn't care. I got into my swim trunks, and tank top packed up my backpack with a few odds and ends, and filled up an ice chest that we brought with us with some staples for an all day camp out on a nude beach that I was told about.

Carlos sat up the tent, with it's little porch overhang, then the three of us striped. There were not that many people on the beach, but from what I saw there were various colors, and various shapes and sizes walking around. Luckily there were nothing but guys around, a few women, but they were off in the shade of a rock or something.

Carlos and Greg were playing fetch, Carlos throwing the ball while Greg went and retrieved the ball. We laughed as the man-dog ran into the waves to retrieve the ball on all fours. Trotting back with the ball between his teeth, and like a real dog refusing to give the ball back to his owners, only to finally drop the ball.

Carlos and I began splashing about the waves of the ocean enjoying the water splashing onto us, as the man-dog ran through the water tossing the ball up and down into the air. We were extremely happy individuals with the only care in the world being the three of us. Carlos lost his balance and feel into me, knocking me onto the ground. Wave after wave swept over us knocking him back onto me.

I just laughed as he and I embraced each other and kissing each other passionately. We didn't even break the embrace as the waves hit us over and over again. It was fantastic almost like something out of a movie.

Breaking the kiss, I ordered Carlos to follow me...We walked back to the tent with hard cocks bobbing back and forth in front of us. We collapsed into the tent kissing each other exploring each other mouths and bodies. A rustling from the flaps of the tent caught our attention.

Looking up at the flap I saw Butch lying there watching us getting intimate. We ignored him and continued with the exploration of our bodies. Carlos slide out from under me and then started to suck my cock. He got me harder than I have ever been before, and then dropped down on my ridged cock. He squatted over me and started to bounce up and down on my cock. I could feel the slave's ass juices sliding out of his ass and dribbling down my cock and balls. Butch came over started to lick up the ass juices from the sleeping bag and my ass and balls. You could hear him slurping and gulping his favorite liquid.

Within minutes I was shooting my load deep inside of my slave's tight ass. Pulse after pulse shot from my ridge cock feeling him with his Master's cum. Carlos started to shoot his load all over my chest with some of his yummy juices hit my face. He started to rub his cum into my body as he continued to bounce up and down on my deflating cock.

I pulled out of him as he collapsed next to me. Butch comes over and engulfed my cock cleaning it of my cum and Carlos's ass juices. After he finished he fell asleep between my legs with his head resting on my groin area.

We got back to the hotel that night around five o'clock and then spent a few hours in the rooms Jacuzzi. We were having fun and didn't want any of this to end, but all good things must come to an end, right? With that said, our two weeks went by fast, leaving us nice and refreshed and happy with our lives. Things were good and it didn't seem like anything could screw things up for us. How little did I know?

Two weeks after we got back from the vacation, I came home late from work. There was an emergency meeting about someone telling a customer that he wouldn't do his web sites because his product was stupid and that the requests that the individual wanted were not good.

After three hours it was determined that we were going to have to fire this individual.

"About time." I thought to myself.

I could not believe that this employee was able to continue when he has done the same shit several times before. At least he was being terminated and that we have several people who could pick up his work that were not that busy. So it was all-good in my eyes.

Needless to say I was dog-tired when I entered the house. I walked into the kitchen and got myself a beer from the refrigerator. I made my way into the den and flopped on to the couch. Looking at the clock I saw that it seven o'clock, Carlos knew that I was going to be late and would be taking both of them out to dinner tonight. I downed the last of my beer and walked into the bedroom wondering why I haven't been greeted by either of my boys.

Looking into Carlos's room I saw that he was talking on the phone. Watching his body language I noticed that he was not too happy. I listened in not wanting to scare him.

"I know mom but I have a life here now and the family doesn't seem too happy with me anyway." Carlos said in a whisper.

I left the door giving him his privacy and went to the bedroom to wait for him to tell me what was going on. It did not take long he bowed at the door of my room and came over to rub my back (I turned over for him).

"Sir I had a call from my mother." He was telling me.

"I over heard some of it a while ago, what is going on?" I asked him.

He went on to explain that his father died of mass heart attack, his brother's and sister's are in chaos and his mother is breaking down. His mother needs him to come home and make the funeral arrangements for his mother who does know what to do and siblings that are completely lost. He stated that the mother also doesn't want to stay in the house by herself and wanted her "mijo" to take care of her.

He lay down on my back placing his head against my back and started to cry. Ordering him to get up, I had him lay down on my chest.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked him stroking his baldhead.

"I don't know what to do."

"You need to go and do it for her, she needs you." I said not really meaning it.

I wanted him to stay with me, but I am a strong believer of family (even though my family isn't that close) and this was definitely something he needed to do to for his mother and family.

"What about you?" He asked.

"I will be fine I have Butch. I will miss you but you need to do this for your family." I said kissing him on his forehead.

We spoke about it for the longest time, but in the end Carlos made the correct decision. He will leave tomorrow and start taking care of the family. That morning, we were up early, made love twice, cleaned up, and had breakfast.

I walked him to the door, hugged and kissed him good-bye. He looked different clothed (even though I have seen him clothed off and on), he had all the ornamentation that he had when he first started on with me, but now leaves with a few more and a necklace with a padlock on it-I will always have the key to it.

He lingered at the door for a while, Butch whimpering at his feet, he looked at me with tears coming out of his eyes. He bent down kissed Butch on the forehead and then told me: "I will be back."

"I know you will be, and my doors will always be opened."

He walked away and got into his car. I watched as he drove off and wondered to myself if I will ever see him again. I will miss waking up with him in my arms, the taste of his body, the smell of his body, and everything about him. Looking down at the man-dog I saw that he was crying.


He stood up as I closed the front door. "I'll miss him too."

I gathered him my arms and allowed him to cry. When he finished crying I took him into my bedroom. I was gathering him up into my arms, when the doorbell rang.

I was excited, thinking it would be Carlos coming back to see me, but when I got there it was one of Master Frank's slaves.

"SIR!" He started bending down and kissing my shoes, "I have been ordered to deliver this to you."

He handed me an envelope and left. Butch came into the entry hall looking somewhat confused, he was back in dog-mode-he prefers it. I walked to the den and sat down to open up the envelope. Inside was a letter from Master Frank.


I looked over at Butch, who was lying at my feet, and told him what happened. He just smiled, but put his head down. I opened up the other items in the envelope and saw that I would have to go on-line and get some things taken care of which I did right away.

Butch fell asleep at the foot of my bed as I stared at the ceiling wondering what my life will be like without Carlos in my life. Will I be able to love Butch (Greg) like I have Carlos? I mean I loved Butch but not as intense as I did Carlos. Will Carlos ever return to me? I surely hope so, but I had a gut feeling that it will never happen.

The future is uncertain for me and I have no idea what will happen next for me. I was afraid, but at the same time excited because I still had Butch to share it with. I would be curious as to when I will see Carlos again.

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