Becoming a philosopher gay/college

By Harry Broom

Published on Jan 31, 2024


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Becoming a Philosopher 10

Sven and I had rescued Nicolas from the icy waters of Lake Vänern. His grateful parents invited us to dinner. Nic was about 5' 8" and had red hair. His skin was pale and freckled and he was very attractive, and the navy-blue tracksuit he wore after the rescue enhanced his beauty. He had come out to his parents the night before and they were very angry.

Nicolas' family invited Sven and I to have supper with them on the day of the rescue. They were welcoming and had set a table on their veranda which overlooked the lake. We soon discovered that they were very religious and had strong views on many things. Both Sven and I, philosophy students, had to bite our lips to maintain the peace. We knew from experience that there was very little purpose in trying to argue with fundamentalists. The sad part was that they were unaware of just how offensive their views were, and we were pleased to leave.

Later that night, Sven and I were lying in bed talking when there was a knock at the door. Sven got up, put on his undies, and found Nicolas at the door in tears. His face was bleeding, and he was leaning against the door frame. Sven brought him in and hearing the voices and distress I jumped out of bed and ran into the lounge. Nicolas was badly beaten. Through the sobbing, we found out that his father had beaten him, and would have continued if his mother hadn't intervened. He had pushed him out of the chalet and shouted:

"Get out! Get out! Go to your fag friends you're not welcome in our family."

Nicolas sat on the couch next to Sven who had his arm around him trying to console him. I ran to the Volvo to get the first aid kit, typical scout. I added some antiseptic to warm water and used gauze and cotton wool to clean Nicolas up. I sent Sven to the fridge to get some ice to make an ice pack to help with the swelling. Seeing this beautiful boy in such pain was distressing. I suggested we get him to a casualty unit, but he refused. I was running on adrenalin and still naked. I grabbed a tent pole and made for the door, I wanted to go sort Nicolas' dad out. Sven grabbed me and told me to put some clothes on, and Nicolas begged me not to confront his father.

We made Nicolas comfortable on the bedsitter and I gave him paracetamol for pain. It took a long for me to fall asleep after being so hyped up. I was up very early to check up on Nicolas who was still fast asleep. I stood studying his long red eyelashes and his pale complexion - he beautiful boy. Outside, I heard a car start up, and when I looked out the window, I saw that it was Nicolas' family leaving the holiday resort. I opened the door and almost fell over the suitcase in the doorway. It had a note on it:

"Nicolas, you have chosen an abominable lifestyle, you are no longer part of our family."

His mobile phone was also left in his suitcase. Once Nicolas woke up, we discussed the situation. He tried to call his parents using the phone, but they had blocked his number. Sven wanted to go to the police and report Nicolas' father, but Nic didn't want this. Sven then suggested that we abandon our trip, and we return to Karlstad and discuss the situation with his mother who worked as a public prosecutor in her youth.

Mrs. Karlsson was shocked to see the swelling and bruising on Nicolas' face. She asked him to remove his shirt and there was bruising on his upper arms and chest. She was furious and wanted to report the case to the police. Nicolas wanted none of it but agreed to see the family doctor and a gay rights organisation. The age of consent in Sweden was 15, and the rights organisation told Nicolas that he could choose to live elsewhere. They also gave him a thousand-krone grocery voucher to help him set up.

Sven was besotted with Nicolas and persuaded his mother to allow him to stay in their guest room, at least for a month. He promised to help Nicolas find a new school and would tutor him. I loved watching Sven come back to life and take charge again. I thought it might be good for Sven and persuaded Mrs. Karlsson to allow Nicolas to stay. My Swedish boy was over the moon and jumped like a child when his mother agreed, on condition that she write to Nicolas' family and inform them of the arrangements.

Nicolas was a delight to have around, and I must confess that I did find him attractive. He had an adventurous spirit and a great sense of humour despite being raised in such a conservative Calvinistic family. I got to know him better one afternoon when we took the bikes into town, and he showed me around. Sven was in an online meeting with his supervisor. I rode behind him and admired his arse. We spent time alongside the river and at one point we drank ice teas together. He wanted to know more about Cape Town, and I shared a lot about the natural beauty and flora and fauna. At one point we were lying facing each other on the grass and I almost kissed him.

When we got home, I suggested to Sven that Nicolas move into the room I had and that I take Nicolas' room. But Sven said no, as it wouldn't be long before I returned to Cape Town.

Nicolas was looking much better; the bruising was clearing up and the cuts were slowly healing. He looked less fragile and asked to take us all out to a restaurant to say thank you. There was no drinking that night because you had to be 18 to purchase alcohol. We opened a bottle of prosecco when we got home, and Nicolas got to taste alcohol. We were all feeling mellow. I watched Sven and he flirted with Nicolas. He touched Nicolas `s shoulder, put his hand on his thigh at one point, and lightly touched his back. Nicolas had never drunk alcohol before and was extremely happy and lost any inhibition, he joked like I hadn't seen him do before. I suggested we all go to bed once Sven's mum went to bed. I pulled Sven towards me and whispered: "Tonight it is you and Nicolas Sven". Sven and Nicolas went to his room, and I closed the door behind them. I went to my room and locked the inter-leading door.

I wish I had been a fly on the wall that night. I would've loved to see how things unfolded between Sven and Nicolas. I don't think that Nicolas had had much sexual exposure in his conservative upbringing. But how would I know? A lot seems to happen in these Christian groups.

I remembered a story that my cousin Tom in Johannesburg had told me. He was friends with a German guy who had grown up as a Jehovah's Witness in Hamburg. Klaus had his first sexual encounter on a church camp when a boy climbed into bed with him once the lights had been switched off. The boy was slightly older and covered his mouth lightly while he stuck his hand into Klaus' underpants and gently played with his dick. Klaus immediately got an erection and the boy continued to wank him. Klaus began to breathe more rapidly and got an incredible sensation in his private parts and ejaculated.

The boy then took Klaus' hand and Klaus felt his erection while he slowly wanked his dick. Klaus had never done anything like this before and was excited to feel the boy's dick. The boy shot his cum onto his hand and Klaus brought his hand to his mouth and licked the cum. The boy told Klaus that this was called masturbation and that he could do it on his own. This was the first of many encounters that Klaus had on church camps, and eventually figured out that he enjoyed having sex with boys.

I never heard any sounds coming from Sven's bedroom and I just used my imagination. The next morning Nicolas had a content glow on his face, and I knew that things had gone well the night before. Sven was incredibly happy and relaxed, and I was happy that he and Nicolas got on so well.

I joined him and Nicolas on a cycle trip to town to visit a school that Nicolas was keen to go to. Sven's mother had written a letter to the principal explaining that Nicolas was staying with them and that he would complete his schooling there. She also included a letter from the LGBTQI Organisation. The principal was very progressive and understood the situation and enrolled Nicolas. Nicolas had an excellent academic record from his previous school which made things easier for the principal. He was also a good swimmer and was a champion volleyball player which helped him gain a place at the school.

The principal was a curious man and wanted to know why Nicolas hadn't acted against his father. Nicolas laughed and said that he understood where his father was coming from and that he just couldn't bring himself to report him. The principal who was a bit of an interfering type, commented that he should really speak to someone and then decide. Nicolas said he would think about it and chat with him once he started school. The principal shook his hand and told him that he was looking forward to him joining the school community. He also mentioned to Nicolas that they had an active LGBTQI group at school and that he should think of joining. The principal then said that he was not in the habit of sharing his sexual identity, but that he would like them to know that he was gay and that he had overcome many challenges in high school.

That afternoon we went to the English pub and sat outside. Sven and I drank a beer while Nicolas sipped a chocolate milkshake. It was a beautiful afternoon and seagulls gathered around an elderly lady feeding them. I thanked Sven for bringing me to Sweden and helping me understand a little bit of the Swedish culture and lifestyle. I also told him that I would like to see him the Cape Town again when he returns to complete his PhD. Nicolas, who had never left Sweden, said that he would also love to visit Cape Town as he had read so much about the place and had watched a couple of YouTube documentaries.

That afternoon we cycled along the cycle track and made our way back to Sven's house, where we had supper with Mrs Karlsson and Sven's grandmother. It was my last meal with them as I would return to Stockholm the next day and spend the day touring the city before going home.

Sven's granny was in top form and subjected Nicolas to a barrage of questions. Sven had to intervene to slow her down. But it wasn't long before she was asking questions about Nicolas`s religion and whether in still believed the same things that he did when he grew up. Nicolas, who I learned could be quite forthright, said:

"Of course not. Your faith changes as you grow older. My life experiences are far richer now and I understand far more about Calvinism as a religious system now, and I'm able to take a bird-eye view. I don't believe the same things I did when I was a child."

Sven's grandmother was a retired theology professor from the famous Uppsala University. She was an expert on atheism and was a popular teacher. She had a thing for young men, and I realised that she was flirting with Nicolas in the same way she had done with me. She leaned against him on the couch and held his thigh. For a moment she reminded me of the great philosopher Hannah Arendt who had an affair with Martin Heidegger.

Next: Chapter 11

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