Becoming a philosopher gay/college

By Harry Broom

Published on Mar 23, 2024


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Becoming a Philosopher 18

Hi, I'm Nicolas. I am the ginger from Karlstad. Sven has been telling you a lot about me, and I decided that it's time that you heard my side of the story. You're back in Karlstad, Sweden, where I will provide an update on things.

I was lucky that Sven's family took me in when my conservative Christian family threw me out. Sven's mother had been like a mother to me, and his grandmother treated me like her own grandson.

It's been funny watching Sven who has been very protective over me. I had decided to end it all and had stripped down and swam into Lake Vänern to drown myself when Sven and Thomas rescued me. I have been living with Sven's family since that incident and have tried to get in touch with my parents who disowned me.

Sven Karlsson was a doctoral student researching African philosophy. He was blonde, about 6' 2" I would guess, and had blue eyes. He was quite slim and moved with confidence. He was well-schooled in continental philosophy and joked that he chose to go to Cape Town to study because of the sun and the sea.

I enjoyed staying with Sven and liked the fact that we had an interleading bathroom. I was mad about him and got hard whenever I was around him, and to be honest, I would have liked to have sex with him every day. But somehow Sven had this idea of not becoming sexually involved with me, but I knew that he struggled to quell the desires he had for me.

I was good on the volleyball court and my academics were excellent. I got the best results in our school-leaving group. I liked sex. When I started masturbating, I was doing it up to four times a day. This was taboo in my conservative Christian group, and as a result I lived with a lot of guilt at that time.

I enjoyed sex with a lot of people, and this drove Sven mad. His main concern was for my safety and once or twice he called me promiscuous. He also spoke to me and urged me to use a condom a few times and dragged me off for STI testing. Svens' concerns stemmed from his time in South Africa and Lesotho where he saw the devastating impact of HIV in communities. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't crazy, and I did use condoms. I was shit scared of getting HIV, but I was young and like most teens also believed that I was invincible.

Our bedrooms were separated by a shared bathroom. Sven had already put his lights out one Friday night when I went into his room and climbed into bed with him. I had just showered and smelt great. I crept in and snuggled behind him with my erect dick pressed against his arse. I wrapped my arm around his chest, and he was immediately aroused as I kissed the back of his neck. I gently grabbed his dick and slowly wanked him.

He said: "Nicolas, we agreed that we wouldn't do this," but I knew he wouldn't be able to stop himself.

I went down and started sucking his dick and it felt good. I loved sucking dick, and I licked his shaft and played with his balls. He stopped me as he was about to come, and he went down and sucked my eager dick which nestled amongst my red pubic hair. I shot wads of come and I wiped it off his stomach with the tissues from his bedside table. I sucked him off and swallowed his cum and we fell asleep together that night.

One night I told Sven about one of my first encounters with a boy called Lars. It happened on a Church leadership camp. I was leaning against the window on the coach. The curtain hung loosely over my head and the air conditioner struggled to keep the air cool on the bus. I was glad to be sitting next to Lars who had fallen asleep, and his head was on my shoulder. His leg was against mine and I had a hard-on, I wished I dared to put my hand on his leg. I was a randy 13-year-old boy on my way to our Church welcome camp. I was in the middle of a growth spurt and was almost six feet tall.

Lars and I came from the same Primary School and that's probably why he chose to sit next to me on the bus. We weren't good friends at primary school, but we did speak to each other. I always had a crush on Lars, he was taller than me when we were younger. He had pale skin, brown curly hair, and glasses. He was a great sportsman and could out-dribble anyone on the soccer field. Being so close to Lars on the bus with a dream come true and I hoped that we would share a room on camp.

We arrived at the camp hours later I hadn't slept much but Lars slept almost all the way. It was a sweltering day, and the temperatures were around 29°C. We were fortunate enough to share a room and I asked him which bed he preferred and chose the bed closest to the window.

We immediately changed into our swimming costumes, as we had been allowed to cool down in the pool. It was a lot of fun goofing around in the swimming pool and everyone appreciated the camp leader for allowing us to have this time.

The leader called us out of the pool and told us to shower and put some clothes on before going to supper. Camp Nova had an excellent reputation for its meals, and we couldn't wait to get stuck into the fried chicken and chips that had been prepared. We were also treated to dessert afterward and then went off to the hall where we played icebreakers. At around 10 o'clock we were given hot chocolate and told to get to bed as soon as possible because we would have a long day the next day.

We both changed into our underwear climbed into bed and fell asleep quickly. The next morning, I woke up early with my regular hard-on. Lars was still asleep, and I snuck off to the bathroom to have a piss.

After breakfast, we were divided into groups and had to develop our war cry and a logo for our team. Luckily Lars and I were on the same team. There were also two girls from our old primary school in the team. They kept us moving at the camp and were immediately taken to the climbing wall where we scaled up the wooded face. It wasn't an easy climb but with some encouragement, we all managed. The sun beat down relentlessly and we were then taken to the first obstacle course where we were required to work with each other. Some of the obstacles were challenging and a lot of fun.

After lunch, we were allowed to cool down in the pool. I caught a glimpse of Lars's dick when we were changing in our room. He was cut and his dick swung freely as he pulled his swimming shorts on. I felt a tingle in my dick as I pulled my damp swimming shorts on. The pool provided respite from the heat. Lars and I play-wrestled in the pool and I swear that he groped me twice. Lars was muscular and I enjoyed seeing his chest muscles in the water.

After a long afternoon of endless activities, a campfire concert, and communal showers, Lars and I found ourselves alone in our room. I noticed how Lars looked at me, his eyes fixed on my dick. We climbed into our beds wearing our undies and he switched off the lights. Lars asked me if I wanked, and I told him that I did, "twice a day at least" I said.

He told me that he started wanking two years ago and couldn't get enough, and. that he was hard talking about it. I told him that I was hard as well, and I got out my bed and joined him in his. Lars put his arm around me and pulled me close and put his hand around my erect dick and began wanking me. It felt good having someone else's hand on my dick, and I stretched out to touch his dick.

Lars went down and started to suck my dick. I had never experienced this before and the warmth of his mouth on my dick made me even more randy. I had to stop him or I would have shot my load then. I went down and took his dick into my mouth, the precum tasted sweet. Lars asked me to watch out for my teeth as it hurt. I made sure to use my lips and felt his dick throb before he shot into my mouth. I loved the taste of his cum and swallowed it. He came up and gave me a light kiss and then he went down and sucked me until I shot in his mouth.

I got back into my bed and lay mulling over what had just happened and knew that the rest of the trip was going to be fun with Lars. I woke up early the next morning with Lars in my bed sucking my dick, and I couldn't believe that I was so lucky.

After breakfast, we set out on a hike to a farm dam ten kilometres away. I got to apply the sunscreen on Lars's back and found this very sensual. Especially when he did the same to me. It was another hot day and many of the boys had removed their shirts revealing a range of body types. Some were undeveloped and skinny like me, while others, like Lars, were muscular and more developed. Now and again, we would take a water break and catch our breath. It was great to finally reach the farm dam, away from trekking through lush green grass. Ticks were a problem though and we had to sit alongside the dam picking them off our legs. The funny thing is that sitting on the ground gave you a vantage of grass, and with careful observation, you could see ticks riding on the swaying blades of grass.

We rushed into the cool water of the farm dam and goofed around, and Lars almost pulled my shorts off. After about fifteen minutes there were shouts of horror as campers discovered that they had leaches on them. I looked down and found leeches on my chest, legs, and arms. It wasn't easy getting them off as they sucked with all their might. Once we got out, Lars and I plucked them off each other. I even found them between my legs and asked Lars to check behind my ears and neck. Some of the girls were crying while the camp leader tried to console them.

We returned to the camp in time for lunch and many of the campers were very tired. We were allowed to cool down in the pool again after lunch. I was quite horny after all the touching in the morning, and I got to suck Lars off while we were supposed to be changing. His hard dick welcomed my wet mouth, and he moved his hips up and down while I sucked. I enjoyed tasting his cum again.

That evening Lars told me everything about his cousin who was three years older than him. He had introduced Lars to masturbation and had later shown him other things. Lars was keen to show me what else he knew, and I couldn't wait for him to show me. We didn't put our sleep shorts on when we came back from showering. Our door was locked, and we both walked around with bouncing dicks. Lars showed me how to move into a 69 position so that we could both suck each other's dicks at the same time. While I sucked him, he sucked me. The feeling was sensational and smelling, seeing, tasting, and feeling his dick in my mouth was so alluring. I was getting the hang of it and gently glided my tongue over his glans eager to please him. I felt his dick getting harder and readied my mouth to receive his cum. My dick stiffened and my body jerked as I shot cum into his mouth.

Later that night Lars had me on my stomach and started lick my arse, his dick was hard and he said that he was going to try and fuck me. His cousin had done it to him a few times and he wanted to try. I agreed and he lifted my arse slightly as he stuck a pillow under me. He put some sunscreen on his dick and tried to put it into me. It hurt like hell, but I wanted to work. After trying a few times, he pushed in deeper., but it wasn't at all comfortable or nice. It felt like a knife as I groaned with pain. I grit my teeth as Lars got his head in and he tried to move in and out. But his dick kept slipping out and I suggested that I just suck him off and I try again another time. I turned over and I took his dick into my mouth.

We sat on the same seats on the coach on our way back to Church, Lars and I had deepened our friendship.

Sven knew about my encounter with Daryl, the tennis coach. The blond-haired Daryl spent most of his week on the tennis court and was beautifully tanned. He was fit and moved with speed and dexterity and could easily reach most balls coming at him. Daryl had blue eyes and a lean build and would certainly qualify to be in any Men's Health magazine.

I soon found out that Daryl was self-absorbed and mostly spoke about himself, his fitness regime, and his diet plan. He was also worried about his tan. I found him quite boring and would rather be with Sven's grandmother who got me thinking.

I told Sven that Daryl was quite macho and enjoyed being rough, something I didn't like. Once Daryl was hard again, with the help of a little blue pill, he went down on me and sucked and played with my hole using lube.

"Next thing he had me on my stomach and he thrust his hard dick into my arse and started pounding. It was uncomfortable and at one point he had his hands around my neck, and I found it hard to breathe. The whole experience wasn't pleasant, and I left as soon as I got a chance to put my clothes on."

Sven had asked around and Andreas told him that Daryl had a bit of a bad reputation and slept around with a lot of the youngsters he coached. Sven suggested that I stay away from him and that I be tested again.'

I understood where Sven was coming from, even though he irritated me. Once he said, "I don't want anything nasty happening to my beautiful ginger boy." Sven was excited to hear that I had met a new friend at university. Ahmed had come from Syria when he was still at school and had finished his schooling in Sweden. He told me that he was gay, and we kissed at the back of the library one afternoon.

I didn't like the word "promiscuous" it reminded me too much of my family. They called you promiscuous if you just looked at another person. I didn't want to sleep around, but I suppose I was testing the bounds of my freedom. I wondered how things would develop with Ahmed, I certainly found him attractive. He had wavy black hair, and he was just a little taller than me and was muscular. He certainly had no hesitation feeling my stuff when we kissed, and he allowed me to stick my hand down his pants to feel his erection and moaned slightly as I ran my fingers across his glans.

Next: Chapter 19

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