Becoming a philosopher gay/college

By Harry Broom

Published on May 11, 2024


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Becoming a Philosopher 28

Marisa met with Martin and me on campus after she told us she needed to talk to us urgently.

"Thanks, guys for taking the time to meet. I'm sorry I haven't kept in touch, but I need you now. I'll get straight to the point, I'm three months pregnant and I've left my partner and I need a place to stay. I don't want to go back to my parents, because I want to finish my master's this year. Will you be able to put me up until the end of the year?"

I looked at Martin, read his face, and we agreed to host Marisa. She said that all her stuff was in her car, and we agreed to meet her at the apartment at five. She was excited about having a child and we both hoped that we could be involved in his or her life. The coffee shop owner wasn't interested in the child and wanted her to terminate the pregnancy. That's when she decided to leave him.

Martin and I were excited. We loved the idea of having a baby in our lives, and we spoke about setting up a nursery in the room and making the apartment more child-friendly. I had to stop Martin and tell him that he was behaving like a Yiddish Mama again. He laughed and said that this would be a very different experience for us. Martin had experience with young children and had changed diapers and prepared meals. It was comforting to know that he had some experience.

We carried Marisa's stuff upstairs and set her up in the room that looked towards Stellenbosch. She moved the table under the window, placed the chair there and made that her study space. She told us that she was still having morning sickness and she was worried at times. I suggested that she visit the wellness centre regularly and that she speak to someone, and I told her that I would happily go with her.

After dinner and a shower, Martin and I lay next to Marisa on the bed. Marisa said that she had felt the baby move, and Martin asked if he could listen. Marisa moved his head onto her stomach and listened closely. He was so excited when he felt something. I told Marisa that we were glad that she turned and that she could depend on us.

Marisa was up early and made pancakes for breakfast. She couldn't eat and left the pancakes for us. She needed to rush and meet with her supervisor to discuss the final chapters of her dissertation. Marisa later told us that her supervisor was thrilled with her progress and told her that her work was brilliant. Marisa was pleased, especially because she wasn't a native English speaker. She needed this affirmation at that point in her life.

We went on a picnic at Kirstenbosch Gardens on Saturday. It was spring and a beautiful day, and we carried the picnic stuff. Marisa asked that we set up near a bench, as she didn't think that she would be able to sit on the ground. We sat under a beautiful old oak; the fresh leaves were a translucent green. The spring flowers were out, and the grass was very green after the winter rains. The mountain backdrop was magnificent, and the bird life prolific. Marisa said it was fantastic to be out and about and to be in the fresh air. Martin set out the bread rolls and cheeses and poured the juice. We spent most of the day exploring the different routes and ended up in the large greenhouse under the branches of a baobab.

Marisa was tired after a day out and went to bed early. Martin and I decided to hit the sack and lay speaking. Martin played with my flaccid dick as we spoke. I boned up quickly and wrapped my fingers around his erect dick and wanked him slowly. Martin leaned over and kissed me as I fastened my pace. He wanked me and picked up the pace. We both shot at the same time. I always enjoyed it more when someone else wanked me. I got up to get a towel to clean up, and we settled into each other's arms and fell asleep.

Jan and Joel visited on Sunday morning. I made a Spanish omelette, and we sat around the table enjoying each other's company. Jan and Joel had heard about Marisa and were glad to finally meet her. Jan, Joel, and Marisa hit it off by speaking Afrikaans and asking each other a barrage of questions. Marisa couldn't believe that Joel was Jewish and from Wepener. Marisa was also from the Free State, and this was a common denominator. I asked Marisa if I could share the news and she said I was welcome to.

"Guys I hereby announce that Marisa is pregnant and that she is living with us. Hopefully, until the baby is born. We're very excited, and Martin is helping to set up the apartment."

Jan and Joel stood up and gave Marisa and kiss on her cheek. They offered their support and Joel told Marisa that he was a first-year medical student and that he knew nothing about childbirth, and Marisa said that she wouldn't be going to him for any advice. Joel, the standup comic said that he could offer some humour:

"Did you hear about the pregnant bed? It's where the sheets are expecting! What's a pregnant woman's favourite type of music? Womb-erock! Why did the pregnant lady go to art class? She heard they were teaching how to draw a baby bump! How does a pregnant woman hold up her pants? With maternity `support' hose!"

These weren't Joel's best jokes and Marisa said that he should stick to medicine. There was a knock at the door, and I got up to welcome Eckhardt in his running shorts and a vest. He was passing by and decided to drop in. He greeted everyone, and I introduced Marisa. Eckhardt looked good in his running gear as my eyes migrated across his body. Martin made Eckhardt a cup of coffee and I brought a chair from our room for him to sit on. Jan and Joel wanted to know why he had been scarce, and why he had missed a couple of lectures. Eckhardt said that he had flu, but that he was much better.

I made another announcement inviting everyone to lunch at Mario's. I gave Mario a call and booked a table for six. Mario was glad to welcome us and was to see Marisa after such a long absence. Mario brought two bottles of the house wine and suggested that we choose the pasta as his aunt from Verona was visiting and was in the kitchen. I swear that it was probably the best pasta I had ever eaten. Mario's diminutive aunt was delightful and spoke very little English. Mario introduced us and told his aunt that we were friends of Padre Franco and the Rossi family. She kissed Martin and us and told us that there was no charge for lunch.

Eckhardt returned to our apartment after lunch. Marisa had just met him and felt that he needed more care and wanted him to stay a few days. Martin and I agreed, and we moved the sleeper couch into the corner of the lounge to make it his space. Later in the afternoon, we went back to his residence to collect his clothes and toiletries, while Marisa prepared dinner. Eckhardt had been down since his return from Windhoek and Marisa thought that spending time with friends would be a tonic. We were glad to have him stay; my only worry was that the apartment was a little crowded.

Marisa wasn't wrong, and it wasn't long before Eckhardt was more relaxed and happier, and we watched a football match together. Marisa went to bed early, as she was exhausted after a long day.

Eckhardt wanted to sleep with us, and we agreed. Everyone smelled good after a shower and Eckhardt snuggled behind me as I was in the middle of the bed. He was hard and his dick was pressed against my back. I was hard too, and my dick was against Martin's back. It was a sensual moment and I thought that something must happen.

Marisa had been going in early and practicing for the performance. She had composed the piece herself and her professors were at the recital. Two other master's students performed before her. Martin, Eckhardt, and I were in the front row and were very proud. Her piece was incredible, fusing African and classical elements. I realised again how talented Marisa was, and she got a standing ovation. One of her professors came over to us to tell Marisa that she was awarded a distinction. The four of us walked to Mario's to celebrate. I ordered a bottle of prosecco to celebrate, but Marisa only had a few sips. Eckhardt and Martin drank theirs quickly and went for seconds. Mario had prepared his rendition of a spaghetti bolognaise which we all had (and we weren't sorry to make the choice).

The apartment was freezing when we got home. Marisa was exhausted and went straight to bed. The three of us showered together and headed for bed.

I was between Eckhardt and Martin. We were naked and spent a few moments admiring the qualities of each other's erect dicks in the dim light. Martin's dick was certainly the biggest and he kissed me and Eckhardt and told us how he had looked forward to some fun. He went down and sucked my dick first and then switched to Eckhardt's. He was good at it and knew how to do it well, but I did have to get him to be quieter so as not to wake Marisa.

I couldn't wait to get Martin's fat bulbous head into my mouth. As always, he tasted good and was oozing loads of precum. Eckhardt had my dick in his mouth, and I was so worked up I could have shot then. Eckhardt was a good kisser, and he took turns to kiss Martin and me. I organised us into a daisy chain and we all sucked each other happily `til we came. Martin shot off a huge load and I swallowed it. It tasted slightly different from Eckhardt's maybe just a little sweeter, but most of all I enjoyed feeling his dick against my back as I fell asleep.

The next day I picked up Ariel at the airport. He had missed the midyear registration but managed to get a student job at the Kaplan Centre. He would use the time before studying as a gap period and settle into Cape Town. It was good to see him again and he filled me in on why he and David broke up as we drove to the apartment. David had conflicting emotions since he left the Yeshiva and his family. He enjoyed the freedom, and he embraced his sexual identity, but he longed for his family and the rhythm of his faith and chose to return to his community and seek forgiveness.

I told Ariel that he would have to spend two nights on the couch as we had a full house. Having been a Scout he had no problem roughing it and was glad that we could put him up. I told him that Marisa and Eckhardt were living with us, and that Marisa was expecting. Ariel said he could find somewhere to stay because he didn't want to be a burden. I told him that it was out of the question.

Marisa and Martin had prepared a welcome meal for Ariel, and they were glad to meet him. Eckhardt arrived about half an hour later, just in time to join us for dinner. Ariel and Eckhardt shook hands, and I noticed some kind of connection. Later, while we were washing dishes Eckhardt told me that he thought that Ariel was cute. Ariel was tired after a long journey and went to shower. Marisa went to bed early, and Martin made up the sleeper couch for Ariel. Eckhardt was taken aback by his longish dark brown hair and brown eyes. He was about 5' 8'', and his body was well-developed from years of gymnastics. His flaccid dick was attractive, and Eckhardt was curious to explore his cut head.

That night I fell asleep quickly and dreamt about Ariel after a Scout camp. His flight had been cancelled and my parents had taken us out to dinner at a local wine farm. The food was fantastic, and we enjoyed the wine on offer. After two glasses of wine, I was feeling very relaxed, and Ariel had his hand on my dick under the table. I can swear that the way he was rubbing me I could have ejaculated there, but I pushed his hand away just in time.

I made up the spare bed in my room when we got home, and Ariel showered while I did this. I was blown over again when I saw him enter the room and drop his towel. His flaccid circumcised cock was so well proportioned with his gymnastics-shaped body. My dick grew hard in my shorts, and I couldn't wait to feel his body next to mine.

I switched off the lights and Ariel climbed into bed with me, I made sure that the lube was on the bedside table. We kissed and I rubbed his chest. We were both naked and I could feel his hard dick against mine. He took both our dicks in his hand and wanked them together. I went down and sucked him, and we were soon into a 69 position. Ariel knew how to suck dick and he seemed to know how to play with a foreskin. I played with his balls and teased his dick, next thing we were both eating each other's cum.

We lay naked next to each other whispering. We didn't know much about each other, and we spoke about our plans for the next year. I was off to university, and he was going to do his national service in the Israeli Defence Force. I realised then that we came from two very different worlds. Scouting had brought us together and our shared homosexual activities had deepened our understanding.

Next: Chapter 29

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