Becoming a Spartan

By Spartaguy

Published on Jun 2, 2013


Becoming a Spartan, Chapter 1

By JLarsen


Hi all, If you read any stories in the Bisexual library, you may have already come upon this story. When I first started it, I thought there would be more bi sex, but it's turned out to be a lot more about the guys in the story. So, I decided to re-write parts eliminating any bi sex and post it in the gay section as well. I hope you stay with it through the first couple of chapters. I've used them to set up things that follow. Let me know if you are appreciating the story. I really do appreciate hearing from you, so please email me at with any comments.

This story is a complete work of fiction. To my knowledge, no school like Sparta College exists.

As the story continues, it may contain descriptions of explicit sexual acts involving an adult and underage boys. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

If it is illegal to read such material where you live or if you find the topic upsetting or offensive, then please leave now.

Author's Note:

This story is the property of the author JLarsen. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but cannot be reposted.

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Chapter 1

"Luke, what do you think it will be like?" Erik asked. "Do you think it will be as bad as our Dads keep saying it is?" He was referring to Sparta College. It was the summer of 2001 and we would both be starting our college years at Sparta in two weeks and this had become the primary topic of conversation between my best friend and me for the last several weeks.

"Well, they keep saying that the first couple of weeks will be the worst of our lives, it will shock us, surprise us, and that at times we will want so badly to quit and come home."

"But that quitting isn't an option, it will make us real men, and that everything that follows is worth it" finished Erik. Both of our fathers were graduates of Sparta and this refrain had been repeated each time we brought up the subject of school and what it would be like.

We knew there would be a lot of physical requirements, so to be better prepared, Erik and I had developed a workout routine for the summer. Working mornings at our fathers' business and then running one afternoon and working on the weights the next day was our schedule. We had both been on the wrestling team for the four years of high school, so we had a good base of muscles to work with. This last winter, I wrestled at 180 pounds and was solid muscle. With medium length blonde curly hair and blue eyes, I got my share of looks from the girls at school and even a few from some of the guys. Erik was an inch shorter and had competed one weight class below me. His wavy dark black hair and vibrant blue eyes got him plenty of interest as well.

We were leisurely lying on a couple of floats in the swimming pool in my backyard. As I knew we were the only ones there and the rest of the family wouldn't be home for a couple of hours, neither of us was wearing a swimsuit. I was on my back while Erik lay on his stomach. He was holding onto my float as we talked, his head at about my waist.

Erik and I had been best friends from the time we were very young. Not only were our dads alums of the same school, they had been business partners for years. Erik and I worked at the company each morning and had been doing this since the summer of our sophomore years in high school. A number of the people who worked at the company, as well as suppliers and customers were also alums of Sparta College. It was this network of alumni that was part of the reason my best friend and I had never questioned where we would go to school. Our fathers spoke of their years at Sparta with nothing but glowing terms. Sean, Erik's dad, was two years older than my dad and had been his mentor while at school. If our dads hadn't attended the school, we likely never would have even heard of Sparta and certainly wouldn't have attended. There was a bit of mystery about the school. It was a very small, all male school and you had to have had a male relative who had attended before you could be considered for admission. It was obviously a small, but very tight knit group of alumni.

It was more or less a foregone conclusion that both Erik and I would attend. From the time we could remember, our fathers would talk about the unique culture, the bonds that were formed, and educational standards of the school. The way they talked it up, we never really considered going anywhere else. They also talked about the first year, especially the first couple of months as being very difficult. It was during this initial time, they said, you were introduced to the unique culture of Sparta. They wouldn't give us details, but said it was during those first months that you truly became a Spartan and adopted the warrior attitude that would help ensure your success in business, formed friendships that would endure any trials to come, and ultimately make your time at Sparta some of the most enjoyable and pleasurable of your life. Parts of these stories made sense, but it was hard for Erik and I to reconcile what sounded like opposites. They vaguely referred to difficult studies, pain, and physical work, but they never failed to mention the pleasure and enjoyable aspects as well. It all served to further enhance both the excitement and anticipation Erik and I were experiencing.

"Well, at least we will be there together," said Erik. "Who knows, maybe we will even be able to sneak in giving each other a quick blow job now and then." As he said this, he started to casually play with my cock.

I spread my legs apart, giving him easier access to my balls as well. It was a warm day and with the sun shining, they were hanging low.

"Yea, I think we would need to be pretty careful about that, but please feel free to partake at this particular moment," I replied, moaning softly. Erik was stroking my hardening cock with one hand and playing with my balls with the other.

He jumped off the float into the water that rose just below his chest and took my dick all the way into his mouth and sucked it in a smooth up and down motion. My hand went under the water and found his hardening cock and I began to stroke it. Eric ran his tongue around the head of my dick several times, then swallowed it whole again. We continued for a couple of minutes, both enjoying the slow pace. He would alternate between licking my balls, slowly taking one at a time into his mouth and rolling it around with his tongue and then going back to my cock. He would focus on the head and move down and swallow the whole thing. Under the water, I was stroking his very hard cock and lightly brushing my fingers on his balls.

"Unless it's okay to cum in your pool, we should get on the deck and finish this off," commented Erik as he took his mouth off my hard on. "Come on, big boy."

He grabbed my dick as I slid off the float and he led me out of the water. I had grabbed the float and put it on the deck. I had no sooner lay down on it, than Erik picked up where he had left off, taking my stiff cock into his mouth, slowly pumping up and down. While his hard dick was right above my face, I knew there was something else that drove Erik mad. I slid up just a bit so that as he straddled me, his ass was right in front of my mouth. I pulled his firm cheeks apart, baring his tight ass cherry. As I reached my mouth up and began tonguing his ass, Erik let out a loud moan and began sucking me faster.

As I reached around and stroked his cock, I stuck my tongue in and out of his ass at the same tempo he was deep throating my dick. It wasn't long before I could feel the cum rising in my dick. We knew each other's bodies so well, I could tell that Erik was about to blow as well. I licked his balls briefly and then put his cock in my mouth and he began to face fuck me with quick strokes. Just as I could feel the first spurts erupt from my cock, I felt Erik's cock depositing his load deep in my throat.

"School will be very disappointing if we don't get the chance to do this now and then," I said as we both lay on the deck and recovered.

The private high school Erik and I had both attended was large enough to have the standard variety of athletic teams and both Erik and I had been above average in each of the sports we participated in. We had both been wide receivers on a football team that finished in the middle of the conference and we ran the distance events in track well enough to qualify for the state meet. But those were secondary sports to us. We were wrestlers.

From the time we were small, it seemed our dads encouraged the wrestling and horseplay that boys often engage in. I was always a bit bigger than Erik, which actually made him the more skilled strategist. What I could do with my size, he countered with a better mastery of the different moves.

I had always had a great relationship with my dad. He was strict, but fair. I felt like I could talk to my dad about anything and get an honest answer. Erik and I were a bit of anomaly in our circle of high school friends. Our parents were still married and seemed to have good relationships. There were minor arguments and disagreements, but they never escalated into the blow outs that other friends reported. While not in quite as good of shape as our dads, Erik's and my mothers had been selected by the other boys we hung around with as the only MILF's in our circle. We weren't sure whether we should be proud or insulted. Linda, Erik's mom was dark haired, with a shoulder length style. I had to agree with the guys. She was still very beautiful. While, I assumed the boys were correct in their assessment of my blonde mother, Joanne, I refused to even entertain the thought of her being sexual.

Both Erik and I were the oldest children. Almost as if it were planned, we each had a brother who was a year younger than we were. Erik's younger brother is Jared and mine is Tim. We all generally got along fine. We were close enough in age that the younger brothers could still keep up with us in any activities on the vacations we took and since there were two of them, when Erik and I wanted to be left alone, they were generally happy enough to go off by themselves as well. The fact that we were all guys, led to numerous trips that were "boy's time" as our mothers referred to them. There were family vacations where my mother travelled with us, but at least once, usually twice a year, it would be the guys heading for the ski slopes or into the woods to camp.

These trips were an odd combination of structure and easygoing casualness and were also some of the best memories I had growing up. Travelling with our fathers ensured that there was a certain protocol in what we did and how we did it. The only variation was whether we skiing or camping. Our destination of choice for the ski trips was always the same. We would fly to Denver, rent a van and drive to Vail. Once there, the order of things was set: unload the car, unpack the luggage and any supplies for meals, and assignment of rooms. Our dads always shared a room and got first pick. Erik and I usually had a room to ourselves and had second pick, leaving Jared and Tim to whatever room was left over. Sometimes, the four of us kids were together. The camp we always went to was actually on the extensive property owned by Sparta College. If we were camping, the tents were assigned the same way; dads in one, Erik and I in another, and the "little boys" in a third.

There was another unique aspect to our trips that didn't seem the same as with the stories shared with friends who took vacations with just their dad's and brothers - we seldom wore clothes. On the ski trips, as soon as the rooms were assigned and things were unpacked and put away, we learned from an early age that you unpacked and put everything neatly in its place, we all took showers. Depending on the number of bathrooms, this would sometimes happen at the same time, but my dad and Sean, Erik's dad, would go first if there was only one shower. When they came out of the shower, they wouldn't bother putting on clothes until we were going to leave to go somewhere. It wasn't ever an instruction that we that we should be naked, it was just the way we did it.

The camping trips were a slight variation. Each campsite had a fire pit and established brick grills. From the time we were quite young, we put up our own tents, and unpacked our gear. Just as on the ski trips, everything should be in its place and the site kept clean at all times. Once we got the camp set up, we walked to the shower building. Usually, we were the only ones at the building. The showers were set up in a room with shower heads on three walls, so we would all shower together. After we dried off, we would put on shoes, but nothing else and walk back to our camp. We would stay naked the duration of the trip. Now and then, we would run into another group of campers, but soon learned that it would also be a group of male members of the families of Sparta alums. If they had been there for more than a few hours, they would be naked as well.

Whenever guys are naked for long periods of time, hard ons will happen. We never felt a need to cover our dicks, hard or soft. Being young boys, ours would spring to life fairly often, often helped by our absentmindedly massaging ourselves. I don't recall seeing either of the dads with a full blown erection, but now and then Erik and I would notice that they definitely weren't completely soft. Being naked with the guys was very comfortable for us. Especially, when we were in the woods, it always felt as natural as could be.

Because we had done it this way since we were young, it never seemed at all odd. We enjoyed the freedom from clothes and the casual atmosphere of just 'hanging with the guys'. Our dad's started to plant the seeds of our future college careers, as they would often refer to the practice of being naked as "going Spartan". As the years went on and Erik and I started to develop young men's bodies as opposed to those of young boys, we took more notice of our fathers and would often talk about their bodies. Both men worked to stay in shape and it showed. They were still in their early 40's and had great muscle tone. They were in much better shape than the fathers of our friends. Both were around 6', my dad a sandy blonde and Erik's with darker curly hair. While we didn't really have a lot to compare them to, they both seemed to have good sized dicks, we often whispered about how we hoped ours would grow as big as theirs.

It was on one of these trips that we had our first openly sexual discussion. Up until then, if one of us boys sprouted a boner, it was either ignored or a slight joke made at the expense of the boy sporting the little hard on. We had been on the slopes during the day and had come back to the condo. There was a whirlpool tub that was in an open part of a great room and Erik, our brothers, and I had all been relaxing in it. Erik had discovered the joys of the jet on the front side of his body and was smiling broadly as he faced the jet and let the turbulent water massage his 12 year old cock. He quickly told the rest of us to do the same thing. After a few minutes of enjoyment, my dad called us for dinner. We jumped out of the hot tub with our boy boners sticking up for all they were worth. Erik and I were just starting to sprout hair above our cocks and they had started to grow. We thought our hard dicks were much more impressive than those of our little brothers.

"Are you guys going to take care of those before you come to dinner?" asked my dad with a slight smile. The blank looks on four boys' faces must have told him we had no clue what he was talking about. "You mean none of you are jacking off yet? I thought maybe you older boys could actually shoot something rather than just have a dry orgasm."

The lack of an answer was all the dads needed to know that their boys had done very little experimenting with their own or each other's bodies. I guess they assumed that because we had been so openly nude that it logically followed that we would have been playing with ourselves and perhaps each other.

"Well, Clint, it sounds like after dinner we need to educate our sons about some of the more pleasurable aspects of life and what their dicks can do other than take a piss. We always talked about sitting them down, but didn't want to force it, but it appears that the subject has 'come up' on its own," Sean chuckled.

Maybe it just seemed like the four of us boys ate dinner more rapidly than we ever had before, but dinner seemed to sail by, with our dad's starting to say something and quickly cutting it off saying "oh, that should wait for after dinner". We didn't have to be told to clean the dishes, cleaning started immediately after the last morsel of food was consumed. We quickly got the kitchen clean and went into the living room where our dads were waiting.

What followed was a very casual discussion of different aspects of sex and pleasure. There were some specifics and some generalities of how to do things and how to enjoy what could be done to us. We covered a number of topics in an open and easy going conversation. They told us what masturbation was and that it was completely natural and something we could start now or wait, but would soon be doing it regularly. The older men spoke casually and didn't just cover the standard birds and bees talk, they described oral and anal sex, as well as sensitive parts of the body. They told us it was completely natural to experiment with people and we should feel free to do that. I remember it being confusing, but they explained that sex could mean a lot of different things. Sometimes there was a lot of emotion involved in doing these things with a partner with whom we loved or cared a great deal about. They said when we were older, we should think long and hard before we entered into sexual relationships with people we cared a lot about and wanted to have an emotional relationship with. On the other hand, sex for pleasure didn't have those emotional aspects and was just for fun. Our dad's explained that it was critical that the people involved in sex purely for pleasure should all agree on that aspect. If one person looked at it as emotional and the other was just enjoying the pleasurable aspects, things would go badly. Above all, they wanted us to know that we should never be ashamed of being sexual. It was the most natural thing that people could do. For four young boys, it was a bit overwhelming. It seemed like our dads were telling us to have sex with who we wanted, when we wanted, as long as everyone was agreeable.

Other than the obvious parts requiring opposite sexes, they never really indicated that these things always involved males and females, just always vaguely referring to "people" and partners throughout the conversation, using phrases like "if your partner does blah blah with their tongue, it will be a great feeling" or describing how to use our tongue or finger to get an asshole to relax and allow a hard dick to enter it. But the way they desribed oral and anal sex, it sounded more like instruction for two men to engage in the act together.

Next: Chapter 2

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