Becoming Dads Kink Buddy

By Butt Sniffer

Published on Jun 23, 2017


This fictional story depicts acts of a homosexual nature and includes frank descriptions of piss, raunch and scat. If you are under age or offended by this type of behavior, please do not read any further. If you like the story or have ideas for new chapters, please send me an email:

Becoming Dad's Kink Buddy

By Butt Sniffer777

Chapter 3.

After discovering how hot pig sex could be with his own father, Jeff was obsessed. He could think of nothing else besides the amazing feel of having his face planted in the depths of his dad's filthy trench. He wanted nothing more than to get back in there again, but the next week offered little opportunity. Jeff was frustrated and craving more. It would have been even worse save for the fact that his father did his best to let Jeff know he was thinking the same thing. Each evening at the dinner table as his wife was talking about something or other, Rob would catch his boy's eye and give him a big wink as he took a bite of food, holding eye contact with his son as he chewed and swallowed his meal. Jeff was transfixed, knowing that the food his dad was eating was going to end up as a thick stain of shit in Rob's underwear.

That night, Jeff finished his small amount of homework and was getting ready for bed when his eye caught sight of something sticking out from under his pillow. It looked to be the corner of a piece of paper. Thinking he'd left part of his homework on the bed, Jeff grabbed the paper and pulled it out. It had his dad's writing on it. Jeff's heart skipped a beat as he started to read.

"My good Son - I know you've been wanting to have more fun with your old man, and I've been wanting that too. School's out in a week. How about you and I plan a little trip away for a long weekend to celebrate? I think I can talk your mom into that. In the meantime, here's a little present for you to tide you over. I've been working on them for a couple of days. Enjoy!

Love, Dad

P.S. Shred this note!"

Jeff was grinning from ear to ear at the thought of a weekend away with his father, and his mouth was watering like one of Pavlov's dogs as he conjured up the taste of his father's shit on his tongue. He couldn't wait to have more of it. He re-read the note a couple of times but he didn't understand what his dad had said about the present. He lifted up his pillow again, and sure enough there it was. Rob had left his son a pair of his underwear, neatly folded under the pillow.

Jeff's heart started to race. He jumped off the bed and closed his bedroom door, turning off the lights save for a lamp next to his bed. He tore off all of his clothes and got back in bed, lifting up his dad's briefs up to look at them. They were filthy - Jeff could see the piss stains on the front of the white bikini briefs, and a quick examination showed that there were some fresh wet spots - these were underwear that his dad had just been wearing! The boy's tongue came out to explore the piss stains, and he found them to be flavorful and intense. He worked on the piss, sucking his father's urine from the fabric, all the while knowing that there was something much better awaiting him. When he got to where he couldn't wait any longer, Jeff pulled Rob's underwear from his mouth and looked inside.

His father had done an amazing job on the skivvies. The seat of his dad's drawers looked like slab after slab of fresh shit had been applied with a trowel. It lay thick on the fabric of the briefs, almost like a work of art. The shit was in several different colors and textures, evidence of multiple recycled meals being crapped out of his dad's ass. It was clear that Jeff's dad had dug his fingers deep into his tight crack, forcing as much of his underwear into his hole as he could and then had drawn it back out like he was using toilet paper on his hairy shit tunnel. The result was broad swipes of turd, piled one on top of the other, with many long, curled ass hairs entrapped in his father's fecal material. It looked incredible. Jeff's mouth watered in anticipation as he stared at the filthy underwear. Thankful he was alone, he took a huge, heady whiff of the underwear, breathing in the overwhelming stench. The boy felt light-headed taking in the thick, foul fumes. The smell was indescribable, an amalgam of all of the digested food Rob had ingested in more than 48 hours with an overlay of crotch sweat and a big heap of male pheromones mixed in. Jeff leaned his face into his dad's crap deposits, huffing the gas again and again until he thought he would pass out.

The boy was out of breath and dizzy when he finally pulled his face out of the turd swipes. He kept examining his father's large briefs as he caught his breath, taking note of how the fabric covering his dad's basket was obscenely stretched and misshapen, showing signs that his father had jacked his fat dick while he was dragging shit particles out of his mancunt and rubbing them into the seat of his skivvies with the fingers of his other hand. Jeff pictured in his mind how beautiful and forbidden his dad's fat, filthy ass had looked, and he wished his father was with him right then so that he could stick his face into his dad's shitty ass trench, the copious ass hairs all greasy and matted, and lick it all clean. He didn't have his father with him, but he did have his father's feces in his hand. Jeff put his face back into the undies and forced the shitty mess right into his mouth in one greedy motion.

The young pig was assaulted by the foul taste that flooded his mouth as the layers of turd started to dissolve on his tongue. The flavor of this muddy banquet was intense and not particularly sweet, with a dark, concentrated metallic aftertaste. He savored rolling the briefs around in his mouth, all the time trying to identify the different flavor components. He could tell that a shitty gravy was forming in his mouth as his saliva worked to melt the crap, turning the mixture into a watery stew with little bits and pieces of partially digested meat, vegetables and fiber floating suspended in the soupy mess. Jeff swallowed the shitty drink down and continued to work the crack of his father's underwear in his mouth, releasing more of his dad's man mud, chunks and ass hairs into his mouth. The boy went into something of a trance, lying on his bed and jacking his young cock off while he focused on the flavors and textures of his father's raunchy fecal material that lay wedged in the cracks of his teeth.

Jeff had been in his reverie for close to an hour when the door knob turned quietly and his father slipped into the room, naked. The boy was so lost in his shit play that he didn't take notice of his dad until the handsome man sat down gently on the edge of the bed, fat cock and heavy ripe balls hanging down the side. Jeff's eyes focused in his dad's direction, and Rob said softly, "Hey, baby boy. How's Daddy's little shit pig? Did you like your present?". "Hi, Daddy - I love my present! It tastes so delicious!" The man leaned toward his son, reaching out to gently take his own shitty briefs out of his boy's mouth. He held them under the light and examined the crack of his skivvies. "These look almost totally clean, Jeff. You've done a wonderful job, baby! Papa's so proud of you." He leaned down and gently worked his tongue into his son's slack mouth, tasting the boy's tongue and picking up the complex, dark flavors from the shit scum that remained in Jeff's mouth.

Rob pulled back from his boy and sat up, gazing down at the little shit eater. "That was so delicious, Sport. Thanks for letting me share!", Rob grinned at his piggy son. "Would you like to go away with Dad, baby? We can leave on Saturday after your last day of school.", Rob murmured.

"I'd love that, Dad. That would be awesome!", said Jeff.

"Maybe I can talk your mom into making a special end-of-the-school-year dinner Friday night, huh? What is your favorite food? We can have that for dinner."

"Can we have hamburgers, Dad? That would be so awesome!" Jeff replied, excited at the prospect of getting to be alone with his father.

"OK, son - it's time to go to bed. Have sweet dreams, and we'll get to work on planning dinner and our trip tomorrow." Rob whispered into his son's ear. "Here's something special for you so that you can have good dreams, sport."

With that, Rob grabbed Jeff's pillow, turned around and held it to his large ass as he released a massive fart. The sound was muffled by the pillow, but both man and boy could feel the impressive power of the fart as Rob forced clouds of ass gas and tiny particles of shit into the fabric of his butt-sniffing son's pillow. Jeff let out a soft squeal as he realized that he would get to fall asleep enveloped in the filthy stink of his handsome father's gut gases.

"Wow! Thanks, Dad - you're the best!!"

"Sleep well, baby - sweet dreams." Rob leaned down to kiss his son's forehead as his boy nestled into the freshly fartified pillow, then he quietly left his son to have dreams of nasty butt play.

True to his word, Rob got the OK to take Jeff on a vacation in the mountains for a few days. They were to leave first thing Saturday morning after Jeff's last day of school on Friday. Fortunately there wasn't much work to do in classes as the boy could barely concentrate on anything at all. He was fixated on the road trip with his sexy, foul-assed father, and he wondered what kind of fun they'd be having. He knew he'd love it no matter what. It was worse than waiting for Christmas morning to arrive.

Finally Jeff made it through the week to Friday. The school day was easy, as kids and teachers alike were more than ready for summer break to begin. Jeff flew out of his last class and onto the school bus for the ride home. The happy little buttsniffer ran down the block and into his house, yelling "Summer is here!"

Jeff was greeted with a huge hug from his father who had arrived home just minutes before. He let himself be enveloped in his father's arms, and he sucked in a deep draught of air, taking in his father's odor after a long day at work. The boy was so happy that he could take a big smell without having to hide it anymore. He nuzzled his nose into Rob's armpit, and the sexy man put light pressure on the back of the boy's head to pull him deep into the ripe cleft of his sweaty underarm. Rob heard his son give a small sigh of pleasure as he exhaled, only to have his dad guide his head back into his greasy armpit, this time rubbing his son's face into his pit like he was applying deodorant. Jeff was in ecstasy as his pop rubbed his scent onto the boy's face, marking him with his man smell. The little pig had a boner in his underwear in no time at all.

Father and son watched TV together while Jeff's mom cooked hamburgers. In a short time they were called in to dinner. As they sat down to the meal, Jeff exclaimed, "Hamburgers - thanks, Mom!!"

"You're welcome, dear. You made it through the year! Your dad and I are very proud of you for the work you've done this year."

"I'll have to think of a special present to give you, Son. Good job this year!" Rob said as he gave his son a sly wink. The man reached out and placed three hamburgers on his own plate.

"Rob! Aren't you going to eat anything else except hamburgers tonight?", Rob's wife questioned?

"No, dear - I'm really in the mood for hamburgers so I'm going to stock up." Not noticing his wife's quizzical look, he dug into his first hamburger, looking straight into his son's eyes as he chewed each bite.

Jeff's mom chatted on throughout the meal, not even noticing that Rob kept his eyes locked on the boy as he ate each burger. Rob occasionally answered in agreement to whatever his wife was talking about, all the time eating slowly and deliberately. Before long his plate was empty of hamburgers. Jeff watched with great interest, but he wasn't exactly sure where this was all heading. After a slight pause, the sexy man reached over and grabbed the last burger.

"Rob! Are you really going to have a fourth hamburger and nothing else? It's a good thing I made enough to feed you two hungry men."

"Yes, honey - that's all I want to eat tonight. The burgers are delicious! Rob chewed and swallowed down the final burger, finishing the meal off with a big grin and a loud belch.

"Robert! Really!", Jeff's mom said as the boy giggled with delight. His mother flashed his father a stern look, but Rob was grinning from ear to ear. The man was absolutely stuffed, and his gut bulged out from the pressure of four hamburgers.

That night man and boy got to bed early in order to be ready to hit the road early in the morning. Jeff's mom retired to the other end of the house to read one of her paperbacks and smoke a cigarette while Rob tucked his boy in.

Once the boy was in bed, Rob leaned down and kissed his son. He had trouble bending over, he was so full from dinner. The little pig reached out and rubbed his dad's sexy gut. "Gee, Dad, you really ate a lot tonight." Jeff said.

"I sure did, baby - those burgers tasted great going down. Now get some sleep. Do you need something to help you get to bed, son?"

"I do, Dad!", Jeff exclaimed, hoping that his father would know the exact gift to give him. Sure enough, Rob stood up, looked intently at his son and undid his belt. He dropped his trousers and turned around, leaving his briefs on.

"You don't get to see my underwear come off tonight, Sport. I'm saving that for when we're in the mountains.", Rob said as he flashed his son a grin over his shoulder. "But you get this, baby - open your mouth."

Jeff immediately did as he was told, opening wide and fixing his gaze on his dad's incredibly big, shapely ass as it descended toward his face. Rob halted his descent as soon as he could feel his son's face making contact with his fat ass. Jeff kept his mouth wide open even as he breathed deeply, taking in the filthy stench of his old man's crap factory. He huffed several times until he could feel the shit fumes coursing through his veins.

Finally, his dad said softly, "OK, Sport here's a special one for you to take to bed. Keep your mouth on my hole, boy". And he let loose with a deep, rumbling gut fart, releasing the noxious gas into his boy's mouth no faster than Jeff could swallow the putrid air down into his belly. They kept up at this languid pace for several minutes, taking brief pauses so that the young piglet could swallow and get his mouth ready for the next deposit. Finally, he had the whole filthy fart ingested and his dad gas was a part of him.

Rob told his son, "Baby, keep your mouth open - feel this!" whereupon the boy felt his dad grunt and strain, and a small lump started to push out the seat of the man's skivvies, making a modest mound in the boy's mouth - still contained by the fabric of Rob's briefs. "Aaaahh, boy - just a little preview for Daddy's piglet!", Rob said as he raised up and reached around with his hand to push the small mound up and into the crack of his ass right above the boy's head. Jeff's eyes were wide as saucers as he watched his dad. "We'll see to that tomorrow, baby.", Rob grinned. "Go to sleep - sweet dreams, Son."

Next: Chapter 4

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