Becoming Whole

By moc.liamtoh@MDJeM

Published on Jul 3, 2000


Hey ya'll. This is my second story and I hope to make this one much better than the first. Right now I am planning to have BSB and NSYNC in this. Send all suggestions, comments, critiques, and flames to Nothing is set in stone until written so please send your ideas. BTW, this is fiction all people mentioned may or may not be gay. I don't know. I might change some stuff that has happened, is happening, or is going to happen to fit my story.


Side Note: Please feel free to e-mail me if I did something wrong in a situation. I don't know everything and would like to learn from my mistakes. Thanks.



Events seemed to happen at random, yet they fall into place as if they were meant to be like that all along. So very peculiar how every little detail comes together to form a single moment, even though the details were never put there on purpose, or were they? I believe that every event leading up to that one moment to which you know who you want to be with truly are never big huge events but rather little details that paint a picture. Once complete, the whole moment is made, along with a choice. My picture began to truly paint itself the night of the accident...

I looked into the dark sky; its vast presence embraced me with a serene blanket. The calmness surrounded me, washing away my problems. My boots crunched the powdery snow that had stopped falling just moments ago. I ran my hand through my short brown hair and sighed. I softy sung without a care what it was, just gone away in my own world. Lost in my reverie, I seemed to have forgotten the real world, including the street. I stepped out on the street smiling but then a sudden force knocked me over. I felt the wind flow around me, as I seemed to fly for a moment. The fall seemed timeless, as motion did not follow physics. Then everything went black.

I heard someone yelling but they seemed so far away. Then the blackness faded slowly as a face emerged. A pair of beautiful green eyes worriedly looked at me. I would have stared longer into them if reality didn't strike me with something. Pain ran through every bone in my body. I tried to stand but my balance was unglued so I tipped over. The guy caught me mid-tip as I put my hand to my head from the pain. The initial shock started to wear off as a voice emerged from the silence.

"...right? Are you all right?" His deep voice cracked each time he asked.

"Yeah, I think I..." my legs seemed to feel different and collapsed under me. His strong arms supported me before I fell. The world felt like it was fading in and out like it was trying to go but someone wouldn't let it.

"I'" He halfway dragged me to his car while I continuously tried to walk and put me in the passenger side. I wanted to sleep so badly now but he kept waking me up, screaming at me. Confusion spiraled around my head, as I knew not what was happening. 'Hospital. No I hate hospitals.'

"I don't need a doctorrr." My voice slurred as I tried to sleep again but yet to no avail as he awakened me once more. Time just seemed to slip away as I was constant dragged between dreams and reality. Soon all just seem to fade away.

I woke up to see white, a bright white. It wasn't a light though but so unnatural. A smell permeated my lungs as I enveloped the world. It smelled of cleaning agents. A hospital. My body ached slightly yet I felt little pain. My muscles wanted nothing more than to stay still but I did not.

A groan was all I could muster as I tried to sit up.

"Hey hey hey, hold on there." A guy around his mid twenties came to my bed and lightly pushed my shoulders down. "You should rest. I'll get the nurse." The guy started to turn around to leave, his black trench coat swayed a bit.

"No wait! Ahh," I, against his asking, sat up anyhow. Pain shot throughout my body. "Don't get the nurse."

"Why?" He turned and looked at me with sheer surprise. "You are in pain. I should get the nurse."

"No. I'll be fine." I pleaded with him. I hated hospitals and the less of the staff I see, the better.

"Um...all right. The doctor is suppose to be here in like 10 minutes anyhow." His tone calmed from worried. He put is hand through his black hair. I could tell he was thinking of something but not of what. He stared at me a second and then shook his head. "Sorry, how rude of me. You have no clue who I am. My name is Kevin. Kevin Richardson. You are?"

"Joseph Meredith." I stretched out my hand to shake his. My arm hurt like hell my I tried to hide it with my overly obvious, fake smile.

"Why does you name sound familiar?" Kevin interest showed in his eyes. He was hiding something, though, I could tell.

"Ummm...I've done some local stuff with music." He was trying to make a conversation until the doctor came. I decided to humor him. I mean, he was cute. "I am a singer, well trying to be one. I have a song playing on the local radio." I tried to guess where I have seen him before but with no avail. My mind was too outside my head for it to work right. "So what do you do Kevin?" I gave him a genuine smile as I looked into his eyes. He seemed so familiar but my memory was doing flips at the moment.

"I'm a singer. Actually I am in a group. We have some stuff on the radio." Kevin smiled but he seemed like he only spoke half of what was there.

"Cool. Um may I ask how I got here? I seemed to remember walking in the snow but that's about it." My mind seemed to dig up nothing from my memory no matter how hard I tried.

" first it was totally my fault and not yours. I was driving down the road, probably too fast since it was snowing, and then I didn't see you come out onto the street. I tried stopping but, because of the snow, I still slid and hit you." He spoke so fast that I almost didn't understand him.

Then it started coming back. Bits and pieces actually. The feeling of flying. Him yelling at me to stay awake. I shook my head to ignore them. "Oh yeah. Now I remember. No that was totally my fault. I was walking, not looking where I was going. I probably wasn't even near a crosswalk. And with the snow, I'm surprised you saw me at all." I tried to get him to see things my way but he seemed to want argue that point. He opened his mouth to say something more when the doctor knocked on the door and came in. The first thing I noticed was his white coat seemed to be a bit long for him. Judging by his face, he had probably been here quite a while, keeping the same coat since the beginning. I guess the body really does shrink with age.

"Well Mister Meredith, I see you are up already." The doctor had the medical chart out and was scanning it as he talked. "How are you feeling?"

"I am fine, I guess. When do I get out of here?" My question was as blunt as I could be. I did not want to be here.

"Well Mister Meredith, you are lucky. You have a bruised rib and a mild concussion but you should be fine. We had to give a few stitches on your right arm but nothing much. Mostly you were in shock, which is why you worried this young man here to death. Depending on how you feel you could be released later today but I would rather keep you overnight to be safe."

"What time is it?" The doctor looked at his wrist to check the time. I looked over slightly and saw Kevin in the background waiting for the doctor to be done. He looked so guilty.

"It is about 10am."

"Then I want out today." I was so relieved that I could leave.

"All right then. I'll go ahead and get the necessary papers for this. I'll be back." The doctor left the room, leaving me with Kevin again.

"Joseph I..." Kevin spoke again, I assumed to try to say it was his fault so I cut him off.

"No Kevin, fault is not a matter anyhow. Don't worry. I'll just pay for the visit, which by the way will be in cash so don't worry about people finding out you hit someone who should have looked where they were going." I explained the situation to him so he wouldn't have to worry.

"I don't care about that. Are you all right? Are you sure you should be leaving here so soon?" He was so caring and kind. I smiled at that.

"I'll be fine. I just don't like hospitals."

"I got that hint when you were saying you didn't need a doctor after I hit you."

"That would be me. Fighting not to go even then." I chuckled a bit, lightening the mood.

"Well I still feel I should do something. I should pay for the bills, I mean I did hit you." Guilty filled his face with every word.

"No, I have plenty of money. It is no problem."

"Well then," he patted his pockets for something and then pulled something out, "how about these. I'm not sure if you like my group's music but it is the least I can do." He handed me two laminated, backstage passes to his group's concert. The passes let off little sparkles from the light. My vision was still a bit blurry but I tried to let on I was fine.

"You don't have to do that."

"Oh just accept something from me please." His eyes begged me and I caved.

"All right," I took the tickets so I could get that look off his face, "I guess I wouldn't mind seeing Blackstreet. Wait, you don't seem like you would be in BLACKstreet?" I looked at him like he belonged at an asylum. Psychotic came to mind.

He chuckled to himself and then corrected me. "Um, that says Backstreet Boys. The concert is in two days."

"Oh right, the Backst..." it finally dawned on me who I was talking to but then quickly recovered, "reet boys. My, I can't believe I didn't recognize you."

"I think under the circumstances, it's all right." He smiled. God he possessed such a beautiful smile. "Well I am not trying to be rude but I have to show up for practice. So you'll come right?"

"Right. And I know the perfect person to bring along with me."


"Ex-boyfriend actually. I hope that don't bother you."

"No, not at all. See you there then."

"All right, have a good practice."

He turned and smiled at me. "Get well. Good day Joseph."

"You too Kevin." I lay back in the bed and waited for the doctor to come so I could check out of this god-forsaken place. I inhaled deeply thinking I was going to meet all of the Backstreet Boys. Then I realized I just inhaled hospital air. I hate that smell. They seriously need something better in this place. After a few minutes of me lying back, the doctor emerged with some papers.

"Mister Meredith there is..."

"Please, call me Joseph."

"All right Joseph. There is a slight problem with your release. I'm going to need to someone to be with you because you are in no condition to drive. You can go home but not drive, but you have to get some rest. Your ribs will hurt for a while but in a week or two it should heal. I would like for you to have a check-up in a few weeks just to be safe, especially if your head continuously hurts after a few days or if you start fainting. Now, is there someone we can call?" The doctor waited for my response. "Umm...yeah can I have a phone?" I then turned my head and saw a phone next to my bed. "Nevermind." I picked it up and dialed Mark's number. After a few rings, he picked up.

"If this is not an emergency, hang up or die." I chuckled at Mark's apparent break in his sleep.

"Hey I was already hit by a car, don't need you doing more damage." "Oh my god are you okay? What happened? Can I kicked the person's ass who hit you?"

"Yes, hit by car, and trust me no. Just picked me up. They are releasing me here at the hospital but I can't drive, by doctors orders and lack of a car."

"All right. I'll also bring your checkbook." He knew me too well. "So what happened to the guy who hit you."

"How about we discuss that when you get here." I started to laugh knowing he was going to freak.

"What is it? Why ya laughing? Come on, you're hiding something." He whined through the phone. He'd be giving me puppy dog eyes if was here right now. They almost always work. But he wasn't here.

"Sorry, just come and pick me up and you'll find out. Bye bye." I hung of the phone quickly. The doctor looked at me kind of confused.

"So will you being having transportation?"

"Yes. Also he is bringing my checkbook so I can pay for this."

"You don't have insurance?"

"Not really. I have them on my car, my house, and my life. As for regular injuries, no. I can afford to pay for my own injuries since they so rarely happen. That and insurance companies are a bitch to deal with."

"All right then, I'll let you rest until your friend arrives to do this. Is his name Mark?"


"Okay, just checking. He can fill out this paper work while you rest since he is on the sheet."

"Yeah okay." I sulked a bit and turned onto my side. I closed my eyes and waiting for marks arrival. Sleep never came so I just rolled onto my back and jumped OUT OF MY SKIN. There was Mark hovering over me. "Jesus Mark. Trying to scare me."

"He he. So how you doing?" He smiled a bit but fear lay deep in his eyes.

"Actually I'm fine. I just have a bruised rib and a small concussion. Just get me out of here." I was already getting out of bed, ignoring the pops in my joints.

"Do I get to watch you dress?" I turned my head to see him looking lower then my head. I looked down and saw the back of the hospital gown was open. I quickly closed it can faced him. Blood started flowing to my face.

"No you do not." I could help but smile. "Now leave for a second while I dress." I was pushing him out so I could. All though he had seen me naked before, it was different now that we were not together.

"All right, I'm going. Nice ass though." He quickly jumped out the door and closed it before my hand could meet the back of his head. I changed quickly, wanting to leave this place as fast as possible. Then I also remember the tickets that I stuffed under the pillow. I slipped them into the pockets of my jeans and smoothed out the wrinkles in my white button up shirt. The shirt was so dirty and had a big tear in it on my right arm and small ones here and there. The stitches stuck out like a sore thumb. I smiled knowing Mark was going to freak out when I showed him the tickets.

When I opened the door I saw him staring at me. He wasn't peeping through the window but rather just waiting for me to be done. I gave him my best innocent smile. Apparently, he knew better.

"Okay, whatcha hiding?" He arched his eyebrow waiting for my response.

"You know me too well." I pulled out the tickets and put it in his face.

Within two seconds, he already had his hand over his mouth to prevent himself from screaming. I already knew his next question.

"How did you get these?" He tried to snatch one out of my hand but I put them behind my back. My muscles were still sore and my ribs hurt but I ignored them.

"Guess who hit me?"

"You've got to be kidding me."


"Nick." He, of coarse would guess his favorite. I shook my head.

"AJ." His other favorite.

"Sorry, please try again."


I nodded my head with joy and smiled.

"Wow. You finally got a Backstreet Boy to hit on you."

"Hey." My arm swung around to hit him. He quickly grabbed my arm and pulled a ticket out.


"Err...well I was going to bring you anyhow."

"I know. I am just too good looking not to take."

"Yeah, that must be it." I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Anywho, come along. I already filled out the paper work. You just got to write the check and we can leave."

"Finally." We walked over to the reception desk and I wrote them the check. We left as quickly as possible and we were soon on our way to his house.

The morning after is an expression usually used to mean something bad. This was no exception. Pain shot through my body as my eyes opened. My joints started popping as I was standing up to stretch and my ribs were killing me. I looked around real quick to get my bearings. Mark's place. From his fold out couch to his china cabinet by the bathroom, this place was always so cozy. Not too big but yet not too small. Just perfect. I yawned and took in the air. Food. I walked my way towards the kitchen.

There was Mark in just his boxers cooking breakfast. I admired him for a second remembering how he used to make me breakfast in bed. He noticed I was there and smiled.

"Hey there. You feeling all right?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I walked into the kitchen, feeling a breeze and realized, I too, only in my boxers. Little cuts and scrapes covered my right side. War scars. I tried to pick up a piece of bacon but he slapped my hand.

"You know better. Not until I'm done." I gave him a fake hurt look then sat down in the dining room waiting for food. The pancakes and bacon smells were making my stomach rumble. I decided to pass the time by checking over my song. I reached over to my left and grabbed the laptop. I opened it to find I had left it on. Luckily it was plugged in and not using the battery. Quickly I read over on what I had written.

Something was missing but I couldn't figure it out. Everything wiped clean from my mind as Mark came into the room with food. I closed the laptop and pushed it aside while Mark put my plate of food in front of me. Pancakes and bacon, my favorite breakfast. I think Mark thought I had not eaten in days because I was done before he ate his second piece of bacon.


"Well I'd have to be to eat this." I gave his a smug grin.

"Bitch, I slaved over a hot stove." He feigned a hurt look.

"Oh dear, it was good. Now what do we do today?" I asked before thinking of its connotations.

"Oh you KNOW what I think we should do." He now gave me a smug grin.

"That might not be good. The neighbors dog still limps from you." His hand immediately smacked the side of my head.

"Jack ass."


"Thank you." For some reason, he never minded being called that. I would be appalled but it does kind of fit him.

"Really, what is on the agenda today?"

"Rest for you. You were hit by a car on Monday."

"I feel fine." He took his left hand and point to the stitches on my right.

"You are not fine. You are probably aching all over." Of coarse I was, but I hate being bed ridden.

"I'm not tired."

"Fine then, you can watch cartoons on the couch all day." I looked at him and saw he stood firm on his ground. He was always so stubborn. At least he had a good heart.

"Very well, I will go ahead and watch cartoons." I stood up and walked out of the dining room. I sat down on the couch and sighed. My muscles felt so much better now that I was laying back. I grabbed the remote and turned on Loony Tunes; THE best show ever made. After a few minutes Mark was standing there in front of the TV, fully dressed in T-shirt and jeans.

"Going somewhere?"

"Yes work. Unlike some of us, we still have to EARN money." He was always slightly annoyed by the fact I had more than enough money to last me quite a few years.

"I do work."

"Right, you have a song on the LOCAL radio. When you get national, then I will be impressed, Jodie." I gave him the most evil stare I could. He knows I hate that name.

"Sure Sparky."

"Yep, I am electric to the touch. See you later. Don't think I won't know if you leave this house." He walked out the door before I could answer. Darn it. I could never come up with good nickname AND now I am stuck here. His neighbor was the biggest rat in the world and would tell on me in two second only because it took her that long to dial Mark's number.

About noon, I had gotten tired of just doing nothing so I went into the dining room and brought my laptop back with me to the couch. I opened up the screen and my song was still there waiting for me. Man I have got to learn to shut this thing down. I read the song over and over in my head but couldn't think of anything. So I clicked on the radio next to the couch hoping for some inspiration. My voice came out singing Fallen. I laughed and shut it off. After staring at the screen forever I gave up and shut it off. I put the laptop next to the radio and curled up on the couch to watch more cartoons.

I woke to the sound of plastic bags rubbing against each other. I lifted my head to see mark coming in with some groceries and a bag from JCPenny's. Curiosity got to me before he even got to put the bag down. "What did you get me?" I was practically bouncing up and down like a little kid. He giggled at my actions.

"Just some stuff to replace your ruined clothing." I opened one of the bags and peeked inside. There were a white button up shirt and a pair of jeans. I smiled.

"Thanks." I stood up and gave Mark a hug. He patted my back and I released.

"No prob bob."

"So what am I suppose to do until tomorrow? According to you, I can't leave the house." I pouted at my boredom. He laughed at it. Damn him.

"Your prob. I could of think of stuff, but I don't think you'd be up for it." He raised his eyebrow and I had to chuckle.

"You wish."

"Your miss."

"With anything that small, it is hard to hit, isn't it."

"Oh you are so dead." He started walking towards me and I immediately darted for the living room. Unfortunately he was faster than me and grabbed me. We fell onto the couch. He started tickling me. My ribs hurt with is every touch. I decided against saying anything so he would not feel guilty.

"Stop stop...he he stop!" I kept trying to get his hand but he was too fast. Thank god no one could walk in on us because it definitely did not look right.

"Do you take it back?" He stopped for a moment to look on me for an answer.

"NEVER!" I threw him to the side off the couch and landed on him. I started tickling him. He rolled us over and got me into a headlock.

"Noogies." He started giving me noogies.

"Ahhh, stop stop." I kept trying to get his hand from my neck, but alas, he was stronger.

"Give up?"

"Fine." He let go. We both stood up and I saw the bathroom was still open. "I'll let you and tiny have alone time." I quickly went into the bathroom and locked the door before he could get me. "Ha ha!"

"You'll have to sleep sometime."

"Oh, can't get me awake tiny."

"Oh, you are SO going to sorry. But right now, I am hungry." He left the living room to make dinner. I turned on the shower and got the temperature right. Steam started to fill the shower, as the water cascaded down my body when I stepped in. The hot water immediately started working its magic on my muscles. I stretched my arms behind my head, taking in a breath of warm air. I closed my eyes, letting my pain wash away.

His arms reached around my side, pulling me close to him. My back pressed against his chest, our every movement building heat. His other hand started rub up and down my chest. The hot water mixed made his hand movements even more sensuous. His touch sent shivers of pleasure throughout my body. His lip grazed the back of my neck, and he slowly...

I jerked my head up quickly from my reverie, realizing I was falling asleep in the shower. I shut off the water and grabbed a towel. After drying my self and putting up a pair of sweat pants, I graced Mark with my presence in the kitchen. The smell of fried chicken made my mouth water in an instant. I decided to put on my best couple voice. "Oh honey, it smells wonderful."

"Oh pookie, it's nothing. Just something I whipped up."

"Whipped? Really now. Well I think I could think of some other things you could whip." I was having way too much fun with this.

"Really now?" I notice something in his eyes and he scooted a little closer to the oven. Oh, I'm guessing he had not gotten laid in a while.

"Yeah, I think..." I quickly poked his stomach. "You should whip your self into shape you tub of lard. He he." I had already jumped back when he tried to swap me with the oily deep-fry scooper. "See you're SO slow."

"I will get you back." He gave his most evil grin, which to me could be compared to a puppy dog whining.

"Oh you always want me."

"Been there. Done that."

"Yeah, so how is tiny." Again the scooper went flying. This time I was not fast enough and it hit my arm, barely missing my stitches. "All right, all right, I'll stop." I walked out of the room laughing. Suddenly my head started to hurt and the world got fuzzy. "Mark!" I yelled for him as I started to fall forward. I don't remember finishing the fall. It was as if I fell but stopped without hitting anything.

"Is someone there?" I ran down a dark hallway. The deep-red carpet was soaked with something and squished with every step. Fear entangled my mind like a snake devouring its prey. Small creaks began to come from behind me. I stopped and turned halfway to look at what was behind me.

My head shot up while my voice cracked out a silent yell. Sweat poured out of me as I stood up, panting heavily, and looked around for the thing. A moment later I remember WHERE I was but the time eluded me. I looked back down and saw that I was standing on the couch. I tried to catch my breath and I hopped silently onto the floor and looked at the clock on top the china cabinet. 5:45 am. Damn, how long was I out. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the cold water. After letting it flow for a second, I splashed some in my face, turned off the faucet, and looked in the mirror. My eyes looked like they were carrying my mom's luggage from going on a week vacation after being tossed around in the airplane. Suffice to say I was nervous. It was not about the fact I was meeting the rest of the Backstreet Boys but the fact that I would probably make Kevin feel guilty. I thought about what I could do to make him not feel that way. Then it hit me. One of my singing cards would do that trick. I went over to my briefcase that was leaning against the side of the couch. Opening it, I pulled out a card with nothing on it. Now what would I sing? Something funny, yet, meaningful. Hmmm.

"Hey JoJo, whatcha doing?" My skin was no where near the rest of me for a moment. I acted like he didn't scare me.

"I am making a card for Kevin so he will not feel guilty when I see him again."

"That's sweet. What song?"

"I do not know. I am trying to figure that out." My mind was still churning but was coming back with nothing but cream.

"How bout Stop in the name of love but with different lyrics of coarse." Mark almost laughed while even suggesting it.

"That is a good idea. Hmm." I thought for a moment. "I've got it." I turned on the recorder and started to singing into it.

"Stop, in the name of life

Before you hitmewithyourcar"

I stopped singing and said quickly, "PS don't feel guilty."

Mark was cracking up. I did not think it was that funny but Mark is strange so I let it slide.

"Man, that's perfect. You really are kind you know that." Mark smiled as I predictably blushed.

"I warned you about complimenting me." I smiled and raised my eyebrow.

"Oh I think I can take the punishment." He smirked probably thinking I was going to spank him like I had threatened. Instead I tackled him, sending us both onto the couch. I began a furious barrage of tickling, making sure that he could not get a hold of my hands, constantly going for his weak points. Well all except his inner thighs, I did not want to start something I was not ready to finish. "Oh...okay...I give up...I give up." He barely got out those words between laughs.

"Oh all right." I stopped tickling him and just lay there on top of him.

After a moment he disturbed the silent. "What do you want to do now?" He chuckled a little with his eyebrows raised.

"Hmmm. Good question." I grinding my hips into his a bit. "I was thinking..."

"Yes?" He looked surprised because usually parry his remarks with comebacks. I think he REALLY wanted to do something, judging by the pressure from below his waist onto me.

"A nice round of," my face was now a few inches from his face, "SORRY." I gave him a quick kiss and jumped from the couch and ran into the dining room. I snickered as I actually went and got the sorry game and brought it back with me into the living room. Mark was still stunned. I brought the game over and put it in his lap. "You going to play?"

"You were serious?" Mark was now more perplexed than before.

"Would I not be?" I gave him my best innocent look I possessed.

"You are psycho."

"Just copying you."

Well that was the first chapter. What did you think? The next chapter is going to have the concert and the meeting. Please tell me, good or bad so far. Sent comments and ideas to

Next: Chapter 2

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